Nancy Roman

American astronomer.
Died on Friday December 28th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Nancy Roman:

@brazenbitcha: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@cariobana: Another woman who refused to yield to NO, YOU CAN'T: Nancy Grace Roman, astronomer celebrated as ‘mother’ of Hubble… - 6 years ago

@michelle373737: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@ALFONSOVEFA: Obituary: Nancy Grace Roman Helped Win Funding for Hubble Space Telescope - 6 years ago


@debb_wheeler: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@dreamtrydogood: RT @airandspace: Today we celebrate the life of Nancy Grace Roman, NASA's first Chief of Astronomy and the "Mother of the Hubble Space Tele… - 6 years ago

@BaffaVbaffa: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@sbainlucey: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@mrice117: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@yesmen99: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@golfwidow: :'( - 6 years ago

@KGribk2: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@Blankv2point0: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@slimyagent: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@TraceeDOJ: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@louturco: NASA’s first chief of astronomy, Nancy Grace Roman, dies at 93 RIP Nancy - 6 years ago

@wes_wade: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@jastepped: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@MjolnirMK86: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@RobinTu52778823: RT @DanRather: Celebrating the life of a trailblazer who helped us explore the heavens and expand our horizons back on Earth. Science is dr… - 6 years ago

@krazykikivii: RT @ScienceNews: Nancy Roman, a groundbreaking astronomer known as the “Mother of Hubble,” died on December 25 at the age of 93. - 6 years ago

@CelebrityPool: RT @NYTObits: Nancy Roman, ‘Mother of the Hubble’ Telescope, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@DeepwaterPierat: RT @HumanRtsV: #NancyGraceRoman, "Mother of Hubble" pioneer of space astrophysics dies at 93. 1st Woman to hold executive position @NASA… - 6 years ago

@MarieGoPALS: RT @guardianscience: Nancy Roman obituary - 6 years ago

@bunnyhur: @CTVNationalNews U allow Trump to ramble on selling his new STEEL wall bs for at least 1/2 hr. But don't give Nanc… - 6 years ago

@roset01: RT @guardianscience: Nancy Roman obituary - 6 years ago

@robdsitz: RT @NYTObits: Nancy Roman, ‘Mother of the Hubble’ Telescope, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@deescadden: RT @CSHL_WISE: With the holidays, it might have been easy to miss the death of a scientific powerhouse, astronomer Dr. Nancy Grace Roman. R… - 6 years ago

@anaraa_sh: Инженер болон одон оронч нарын дунд "орчуулга" хийж, 30д хүнийг удирдан Хаббл телескопыг бүтээх их ажлыг эхлүүлсэн,… - 6 years ago

@k_wojciechowski: RT @ScienceNews: Nancy Roman made in-space observations possible so other astronomers could make groundbreaking discoveries. And she made s… - 6 years ago

@JoshnaB2: Nancy Roman obituary - 6 years ago

@vargas_alee: Known as the ‘mother of Hubble,’ astronomer Nancy Roman dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@patoo5191: RT @NYTObits: Nancy Roman, ‘Mother of the Hubble’ Telescope, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@vixy: RT @NPR: Nancy Grace Roman, known as the "Mother of Hubble" for her role in making the Hubble Space Telescope, fought to earn her place in… - 6 years ago

@OneDollarHostUS: Nancy Roman obituary - 6 years ago

@preeti_kush33: RT @ScienceNews: Nancy Roman, a groundbreaking astronomer known as the “Mother of Hubble,” died on December 25 at the age of 93. - 6 years ago

@jordi_nito: RT guardianscience "Nancy Roman obituary - 6 years ago

@Roman_FFX: ¡Tenemos una cita de patinaje sobre hielo con Nancy en Cumbre Helada! Comparte y suscribete por Nancy y... - 6 years ago

@ChaplainDM: RT @NYTObits: Nancy Roman, ‘Mother of the Hubble’ Telescope, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@She_Persisted4: RT @NYTObits: Nancy Roman, ‘Mother of the Hubble’ Telescope, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@elleallever: RT @ScienceNews: Nancy Roman made in-space observations possible so other astronomers could make groundbreaking discoveries. And she made s… - 6 years ago

@DenisHinds2: RT @guardianobits: Nancy Roman obituary. Nasa’s first chief of astronomy who oversaw the early development of the Hubble space telescope.… - 6 years ago

@TinyikoHalimani: RT @ScienceNews: Nancy Roman, a groundbreaking astronomer known as the “Mother of Hubble,” died on December 25 at the age of 93. - 6 years ago

@sistawendy: RT @NPR: Nancy Grace Roman, known as the "Mother of Hubble" for her role in making the Hubble Space Telescope, fought to earn her place in… - 6 years ago

@KatherineEmonds: RT @NYTObits: Nancy Roman, ‘Mother of the Hubble’ Telescope, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@AMLeahy: RT @guardianscience: Nancy Roman obituary - 6 years ago

@syamfine2: RT guardianscience "Nancy Roman obituary - 6 years ago

@guardianscience: Nancy Roman obituary - 6 years ago

@EricdeMarylebon: RT @ScienceNews: Nancy Roman, a groundbreaking astronomer known as the “Mother of Hubble,” died on December 25 at the age of 93. - 6 years ago

@elleallever: RT @ScienceNews: Nancy Roman, a groundbreaking astronomer known as the “Mother of Hubble,” died on December 25 at the age of 93. - 6 years ago

@sneezyrat: RT @NPR: Nancy Grace Roman, known as the "Mother of Hubble" for her role in making the Hubble Space Telescope, fought to earn her place in… - 6 years ago

@178x173_fate: RT @wkchoi: 허블 우주망원경의 ‘어머니’ 난시 그레이스 로만 93세 나이로 12월 25일 세상 떠나. NASA의 첫 여성 임원 및 첫 최고천문책임자 역임. RIP. - 6 years ago

@rulemj7: RT @ScienceNews: Nancy Roman, a groundbreaking astronomer known as the “Mother of Hubble,” died on December 25 at the age of 93. - 6 years ago

@GoneDeadRIP: RT @NYTObits: Nancy Roman, ‘Mother of the Hubble’ Telescope, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@CSUFMcLaren: Rest in peace, Nancy Roman. We honor you for your contributions to science and space. - 6 years ago

@cj_spinks: RT @NYTObits: Nancy Roman, ‘Mother of the Hubble’ Telescope, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

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