Naison Ndlovu

Zimbabwean politician
Died on Monday May 29th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Naison Ndlovu:

@mzwazwa: Naison Ndlovu was not a 'hero by declaration' - 8 years ago

@Bulawayo24News: Naison Ndlovu was not a 'hero by declaration' - 8 years ago

@ZimbabweCN: Naison Ndlovu was not a 'hero by declaration' - Bulawayo24 News (press release) (blog), - 8 years ago

@ProfBKSibanda: Kamba Kahle Mzukulu Naison Ndlovu. Great eurology by Vulindlela Ndlovu at the funeral at the National heroes acre - 8 years ago


@glitzNglamourNG: [IN THE NEWS] LIVE: Naison Ndlovu burial at Heroes Acre - 8 years ago

@Gandex: RT @voandebele: Kukhunjulwa iqhawe lesizwe, umuyi uMnu. Naison Khutshwekhaya Ndlovu. - 8 years ago

@Bulawayo24News: LIVE: Naison Ndlovu burial at Heroes Acre - 8 years ago

@mzwazwa: LIVE: Naison Ndlovu burial at Heroes Acre - 8 years ago

@Thwalimbiza: RT @sharontawuya1: #Zimbabwe President Mugabe now addressing mourners at the burial of National Hero Naison Ndlovu - 8 years ago

@sharontawuya1: #Zimbabwe President Mugabe now addressing mourners at the burial of National Hero Naison Ndlovu - 8 years ago

@sharontawuya1: Chilled weekend, watching the burial of National hero Naison Ndlovu on #ZBCTV without expecting to do a story - 8 years ago

@263Chat: Live Updates: Burial of Cde Naison Kutshwekhaya Ndlovu - 8 years ago

@ZBCNewsonline: Cde Naison Kutshwekhaya Ndlovu to be buried at the National Heroes Acre today. Follow our live updates here: - 8 years ago

@voandebele: Kukhunjulwa iqhawe lesizwe, umuyi uMnu. Naison Khutshwekhaya Ndlovu. - 8 years ago

@Studio7VOA: Zimbabweans pay their last respects to the late Deputy Speaker of the Senate, Naison Khutshwekhaya Ndlovu, in... - 8 years ago

@wachenukar: RT @ProfJNMoyo: Naison Kutshwekhaya Ndlovu: 1930 - 2017, a fountain of ubuntu-wisdom, a beacon of revolutionary experience & a key pillar o… - 8 years ago

@africanewsaddic: Insiza bids farewell to national hero Ndlovu Cde Naison Khutshwekhaya NdlovuMashudu Netsianda Bulawayo Burea… - 8 years ago

@diamond1038FM: RT @ManicaPostZim: Insiza bids farewell to national hero Ndlovu - Cde Naison Khutshwekhaya Ndlovu Mashudu Netsianda Bulawayo Burea... https… - 8 years ago

@ManicaPostZim: Insiza bids farewell to national hero Ndlovu - Cde Naison Khutshwekhaya Ndlovu Mashudu Netsianda Bulawayo Burea... - 8 years ago

@africanewsdesks: Insiza bids farewell to national hero Ndlovu Mashudu Netsianda Bulawayo Bureau— NATIONAL hero Cde Naison Khutshwek… - 8 years ago

@eccux: Naison Ndlovu was not a ‘hero by declaration’ - 8 years ago

@NewsDayZimbabwe: ZAPU has branded the late Zanu PF central committee member and former PF-Zapu national chairman, Naison... - 8 years ago

@CNsekela: @GylesB1 Zim flag at half mast because an old freedom fighter, Naison Ndlovu, has just died. - 8 years ago

@ThatZimbabwean_: RT @OpenParlyZw: Cllrs observes a moment of silence 4 the late Naison Khutshwekhaya Ndlovu who was the 1st black mayor for the town of Bula… - 8 years ago

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