Nader Talebzadeh

Iranian film director (The Messiah).
Died on Friday April 29th 2022

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Nader Talebzadeh:

@mghk0776: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@HawraaNaqvi: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@Hamid693027514: RT @fr_Khamenei: Avec bcp de regret, j'ai appris le décès du chercheur & artiste révolutionnaire et diligent, M. Nader #Talebzadeh. Je prés… - 3 years ago

@Hamid693027514: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago


@mehdi_shirkhan: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@M_EIRANIAN: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@Ha_jim75: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@zahrakindmother: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@F_Gholizade: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@Maricciiii: RT @Fajr121214: Instagram has removed 5000 post with hashtag on Iranian movie producer, director and researcher #Nader_Talebzadeh . This sh… - 3 years ago

@KoohestaniSima: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@RachmanEma: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@hamed_spring: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@hamed_spring: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@SAMMAT53047820: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@IranWireEnglish: Described by #Iran's government as a "documentary maker", Nader Talebzadeh was chief propagandist to the Islamic Re… - 3 years ago

@Vahidparsi3: RT @factnameh: سعید قاسمی در مراسم «وداع با پیکر #نادر_طالب‌زاده» موضوع ترور بیولوژیک او را مجددا مطرح کرد: «از نظر من آقا نادر شهید است. ا… - 3 years ago

@abbasemahdavi: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@WazirasifAli: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@Soureh_design2: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@darkdon21: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@persian96449211: @Alvandhegmatane - 3 years ago

@DarashanaKumari: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@mahdvi_01: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@ashiqslaimani12: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@SyedehZ: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@fater318_53: RT @JawadAbubakar7: A Short film about who Hajj Nader Talebzadeh was, what was his relationship with Shaheed Morteza Avini, and why was he… - 3 years ago

@IamAbadani: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@sniper0sniper: @factnameh @k_Mostafavi کاترین شکدم گفته از 4 منبع شنیدم مادر نادر طالب زاده یهودی بوده - 3 years ago

@PressTVfanMhmd: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@morshedloo: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@FGhoddoussi: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@mi25896: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@MinionLn: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@mshah1972: @ghasemsabz کسی نگفته این زن شکدم‌اه. گفتن عکس جالب از طالب زاده تو مقاله شکدم. با این لینک. - 3 years ago

@leftatrium2: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@marcy540: RT @factnameh: سعید قاسمی در مراسم «وداع با پیکر #نادر_طالب‌زاده» موضوع ترور بیولوژیک او را مجددا مطرح کرد: «از نظر من آقا نادر شهید است. ا… - 3 years ago

@M_o_RAZAVi: RT @factnameh: سعید قاسمی در مراسم «وداع با پیکر #نادر_طالب‌زاده» موضوع ترور بیولوژیک او را مجددا مطرح کرد: «از نظر من آقا نادر شهید است. ا… - 3 years ago

@Zoey__Z: کاش این واینمیساد آدما بمیرن بعد دهنشو وا کنه. این همه آدم زنده الان هست که آمارشونو داری زن. بنال Who was Nader Ta… - 3 years ago

@aminflah: @MohsenDavoodi91 @HosseinKiani20 این رو خوندی؟ The regime is unlikely to reverse its official stance mourning Nader… - 3 years ago

@JiinJiGh: آخرین مقاله شکدم بصورت خلاصه: پدر نادر طالب‌زاده از افسران رده بالای ارتش شاهنشاهی بود، مادرش یهودی بود که یعنی نا… - 3 years ago

@REZA_ALIPOUR1: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@E_Arian70: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@AtiehHm: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@mohamad6013: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@mimnoon: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@RZMoradi: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@_Azmaan_: RT @HosseinKiani20: @mohsen_haadi - 3 years ago

@Mohammad4073761: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@Abshar_Tasnim2: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@FGhoddoussi: نادر طالب زاده مبلغ برجسته [نظام] ایران که بود؟ نویسنده: کاترین پرز-شکدم منتشر شده در وبلاگ Times of Israel شایع… - 3 years ago

@FGhoddoussi: Who was Nader Talebzadeh, Iran’s chief propagandist? By: Catherine Perez-Shakdam Published in Times of Israel Blog… - 3 years ago

@puriya_4217: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@FGhoddoussi: نادر طالب‌زاده که بود؟ نوشته کاترین پرز-شکدم - 3 years ago

@HosseinKiani20: @mohsen_haadi - 3 years ago

@EhsanRostami_KM: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@Ali65454535: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@sabaazarpeik: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@creat_s24: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@raheazadii: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@h_a_m_e_d_d: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@radin512: RT @factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده نادر طالب‌زا… - 3 years ago

@factnameh: پس از درگذشت #نادرطالب‌زاده شایعاتی درباره یهودی بودن خانواده او مطرح شده. تحقیقات ما نشان می‌دهد اگرچه خانواده ناد… - 3 years ago

@Mandana_Kourosh: @makar_shirazi @chawshin_83 حتما! تاریخ اول می ۲۰۲۲ اگه گوگل کنید بلاک کاترین شکدم و تیتر مقاله Who was Nader Ta… - 3 years ago

@surfeitndearth: RT @ifamericansknew: We are deeply saddened by the terrible loss of Nader Talebzadeh, a brilliant filmmaker and philosopher who sought peac… - 3 years ago

@Rowlandsel: RT @ifamericansknew: We are deeply saddened by the terrible loss of Nader Talebzadeh, a brilliant filmmaker and philosopher who sought peac… - 3 years ago

@omujeer: RT @fr_Khamenei: Avec bcp de regret, j'ai appris le décès du chercheur & artiste révolutionnaire et diligent, M. Nader #Talebzadeh. Je prés… - 3 years ago

@Cassandane6: RT @factnameh: سعید قاسمی در مراسم «وداع با پیکر #نادر_طالب‌زاده» موضوع ترور بیولوژیک او را مجددا مطرح کرد: «از نظر من آقا نادر شهید است. ا… - 3 years ago

@factnameh: سعید قاسمی در مراسم «وداع با پیکر #نادر_طالب‌زاده» موضوع ترور بیولوژیک او را مجددا مطرح کرد: «از نظر من آقا نادر شه… - 3 years ago

@montazeri_f: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@montazeri_f: RT @sepahi_h: @HashemiMarzi When a university professor in the West has such a description of a revolutionary figure! "Nader Talebzadeh'… - 3 years ago

@WICKEDXWAYS1972: RT @ifamericansknew: Alison Weir's interview with the brilliant Iranian humanitarian, media celebrity, filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh who tragi… - 3 years ago

@IranWireEnglish: The journalist Catherine Perez-Shakhdam came to know Nader Talebzadeh, chief propagandist to the Islamic Republic,… - 3 years ago

@Kaktusikaktus41: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@AliMostafavandi: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@Parstoday_Ind: Nader Talebzadeh, Aktivis Pro-Palestina Meninggal di Hari Quds Sedunia #Iran #Palestina #Aktivis - 3 years ago

@HOSSEIN221198: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@marcus_ciceron: @DR50R0U5H Nader Talebzadeh's close like-minded ans associate - 3 years ago

@eyemagistus: RT @IranWireEnglish: Last Friday, Nader Talebzadeh, chief propagandist to the Islamic Republic, died aged 69. Catherine Perez-Shakhdam, po… - 3 years ago

@arash_tehran: RT @IranWireEnglish: Last Friday, Nader Talebzadeh, chief propagandist to the Islamic Republic, died aged 69. Catherine Perez-Shakhdam, po… - 3 years ago

@IranWireEnglish: Last Friday, Nader Talebzadeh, chief propagandist to the Islamic Republic, died aged 69. Catherine Perez-Shakhdam,… - 3 years ago

@KambizTavanaUS: @ShakdamC “I have personally borne witness to Nader Talebzadeh’s influence over even Sepah, aka the Islamic Revolut… - 3 years ago

@Alrahil_Alrahil: RT @HaidarAkarar: Sad news of the death of the Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, after a months-long struggle with illness. Talebzadeh wa… - 3 years ago

@TheNikEsq: Price of trusting any Israelis. They wait until you die & then they claim you=Jewish bc your mom is. That's not how… - 3 years ago

@SHMVouwe: RT @ifamericansknew: Alison Weir's interview with the brilliant Iranian humanitarian, media celebrity, filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh who tragi… - 3 years ago

@SMPHOLMES2021: Renowned Iranian media figure Talebzadeh laid to rest in Tehran - 3 years ago

@ReNaqvi: RT @irmilitaryvlog: Legendary documentary filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passed away. He studied cinema at Columbia and returned to Iran after… - 3 years ago

@freeworldun: RT @ifamericansknew: Alison Weir's interview with the brilliant Iranian humanitarian, media celebrity, filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh who tragi… - 3 years ago

@Judge1400: @majazestan اینجا میگه تمام‌وقت املاک پدری طالب‌زاده رو گرو گرفته‌بودند زیادی نقد نکنه، و… - 3 years ago

@Fajr121214: Instagram has removed 5000 post with hashtag on Iranian movie producer, director and researcher #Nader_Talebzadeh .… - 3 years ago

@AbbassiYawar: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@Flower___Beauty: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@Rebedaz: RT @almayadeen_es: Falleció el director de documentales iraní Nader Talebzadeh - 3 years ago

@Momtahan786: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@guidedheart: RT @ifamericansknew: Alison Weir's interview with the brilliant Iranian humanitarian, media celebrity, filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh who tragi… - 3 years ago

@Mamonqueen1: RT @almayadeen_es: Falleció el director de documentales iraní Nader Talebzadeh - 3 years ago

@socjocrec: RT @almayadeen_es: Falleció el director de documentales iraní Nader Talebzadeh - 3 years ago

@angeldellimbo: RT @almayadeen_es: Falleció el director de documentales iraní Nader Talebzadeh - 3 years ago

@almayadeen_es: Falleció el director de documentales iraní Nader Talebzadeh - 3 years ago

@SMPHOLMES2021: Renowned Iranian media figure Talebzadeh laid to rest in Tehran - 3 years ago

@AlienRebelll: "I recall vividly now how once, as we sat in his living room drinking coffee, meters away from a member of SEPA he… - 3 years ago

@geeam07: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@Ami19221: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@SarahKateyArmst: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@z_mac: RT @philipgiraldi: A great man died in Tehran. Nader Talebzadeh Ordoubadi worked hard for peace & justice in the Middle East & for his pain… - 3 years ago

@khan_asif_xx: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@AbbasKapasi14: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@its_jasimuddin: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@ShipraJ15785852: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@oliveras6413: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@Mfarahat18: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@leilaebrahimi_8: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@ariturabi: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@I_Ba_9: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@Zeinabissa98: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@TheShadowComp: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@QudseFathimah: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@sahbalzman81: خانم شکدوم دیروز یک مقاله با عنوان Who was nader Talebzadeh _ Irans chief propagandist نوشت. در این مقاله میخواد هر… - 3 years ago

@irmilitaryvlog: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@MukhtarTiger_ir: RT @abdolreza_vasei: خانم شکدوم دیروز یک مقاله با عنوان Who was nader Talebzadeh _ Irans chief propagandist نوشت. در این مقاله میخواد هر طو… - 3 years ago

@kazimjr: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@KhezrianQader: Who was Nader Talebzadeh, Iran’s chief propagandist? - 3 years ago

@HawraaNaqvi: RT @Abshar_Tasnim2: The presence of General Ismail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force and Ayatollah Sayyid Hashem al-Heidari, one of th… - 3 years ago

@GematriaGlenn: Jesus died in either AD 30 or 33. Nader Talebzadeh's film The Messiah released 3 years 33 weeks after Mel Gibson's… - 3 years ago

@Sousane69405849: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@ebrahim_jwz: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@GematriaGlenn: The Messiah director Nader Talebzadeh said Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ" was a good film but he got… - 3 years ago

@HarunaNAbdullah: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@Hamrahjavan: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@paradise2012: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@taherehmrd: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@Goy_Master_Flex: RT @TehranTimes79: #BREAKING Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei issued a message of condolences on the d… - 3 years ago

@mosafer132: RT @PressTV: Iranian researcher, filmmaker, TV presenter, and chairman of the International New Horizon Conference Nader Talebzadeh has pas… - 3 years ago

@Goy_Master_Flex: RT @ifamericansknew: Alison Weir's interview with the brilliant Iranian humanitarian, media celebrity, filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh who tragi… - 3 years ago

@thestrongwill86: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@Samjoy95251167: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@Jupiter_mosbat: RT @khamenei_ir: With sorrow I received news of the passing of the revolutionary, diligent researcher & artist Mr. Nader #Talebzadeh. I off… - 3 years ago

@Samjoy95251167: RT @ZainbiMedia: “For my dear friend and brother Nader ; who has seen with his sea eyes how the sun rises from the west.” - Golden Words O… - 3 years ago

@Joseph2709: RT @Iran: Veteran Iranian journalist, filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passes away at 69 - 3 years ago

@Azadeh_Akbar: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@Abou_nour_313: RT @fr_Khamenei: Avec bcp de regret, j'ai appris le décès du chercheur & artiste révolutionnaire et diligent, M. Nader #Talebzadeh. Je prés… - 3 years ago

@Goy_Master_Flex: RT @alisonweir: I'm deeply saddened to learn that Nader Talebzadeh passed away last night. Nader was a brilliant filmmaker, philosopher & h… - 3 years ago

@h_amiri1_ir: RT @fr_Khamenei: Avec bcp de regret, j'ai appris le décès du chercheur & artiste révolutionnaire et diligent, M. Nader #Talebzadeh. Je prés… - 3 years ago

@Goy_Master_Flex: RT @ifamericansknew: We are deeply saddened by the terrible loss of Nader Talebzadeh, a brilliant filmmaker and philosopher who sought peac… - 3 years ago

@Arad2021: RT @alisonweir: I'm deeply saddened to learn that Nader Talebzadeh passed away last night. Nader was a brilliant filmmaker, philosopher & h… - 3 years ago

@GematriaGlenn: Nader Talebzadeh, a documentary filmmaker known for his 2007 film entitled The Messiah, died the day before the ann… - 3 years ago

@muhdiyya313: RT @SZakzakyOffice: 2– We express our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family of this honorable artist, the leader Ayatullah Imam Kham… - 3 years ago

@Iran: Veteran Iranian journalist, filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passes away at 69 - 3 years ago

@MikeSpringmann: - 3 years ago

@bundopone: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@MirzaMuntazir1: RT @HaidarAkarar: Sad news of the death of the Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, after a months-long struggle with illness. Talebzadeh wa… - 3 years ago

@abdollahhazrati: . خداحافظ اى سردار ميدان رسانه . . Farewell Thy General of Media Front . . #نادر_طالب_زاده . #Nader_Talebzadeh… - 3 years ago

@Jj_Tt24: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@MajidEmami61: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@yazahra88259659: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@HaiderAli099: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@sulei1: RT @ifamericansknew: We are deeply saddened by the terrible loss of Nader Talebzadeh, a brilliant filmmaker and philosopher who sought peac… - 3 years ago

@korsmon: RT @ifamericansknew: We are deeply saddened by the terrible loss of Nader Talebzadeh, a brilliant filmmaker and philosopher who sought peac… - 3 years ago

@johnjoechad: RT @ifamericansknew: We are deeply saddened by the terrible loss of Nader Talebzadeh, a brilliant filmmaker and philosopher who sought peac… - 3 years ago

@sjrshamsi: RT @TehranTimes79: #BREAKING Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei issued a message of condolences on the d… - 3 years ago

@ifamericansknew: We are deeply saddened by the terrible loss of Nader Talebzadeh, a brilliant filmmaker and philosopher who sought p… - 3 years ago

@AliZeshanJafry1: RT @TehranTimes79: #BREAKING Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei issued a message of condolences on the d… - 3 years ago

@Battersby1888: RT @PressTV: Paul Larudee says the United States is an enemy of freedom of speech and the likes of Nader Talebzadeh and Julian Assange. Fo… - 3 years ago

@TehranTimes79: #BREAKING Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei issued a message of condolences on… - 3 years ago

@Liorfink: RT @h0d3r_fa: US-raised Nader Talebzadeh was a key figure in pro-Mesbah faction of IRGC. A close ally/advisor to Jalili and Raisi, he was a… - 3 years ago

@pouya52720063: @NebojsaMalic Unfortunately #Nader_Talebzadeh the man who volunteered to kill Radovan Karadzic with a bomb embedded… - 3 years ago

@Liorfink: RT @AlirezaNader: Codepink, another promoter of “Iranian cinema”, has travelled extensively to Tehran & has met with regime officials sanct… - 3 years ago

@Liorfink: RT @JasonMBrodsky: Tabnak reports Nader Talebzadeh, chairman of #Iran's New Horizon Conference, has #coronavirus. He's sanctioned by U.S.,… - 3 years ago

@Maryamonaroll: We lost another legend martyr. Although his scholars will rise stronger than ever to fight the Zionist. #nadertalebzade #Nader_Talebzadeh - 3 years ago

@pouya52720063: @FrankVucak @dewszt Last night the man behind this camera passed away in the hospital. A group of Iranian people he… - 3 years ago

@Anti_CJPoA: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@RizviRuhi: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@HaidarAkarar: The legacy of Haj #Nader_Talebzadeh lives on. May his soul rest In peace.🌹💔 - 3 years ago

@yusuofhsani: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@yusuofhsani: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@globetrotteruno: Dr Nader Talebzadeh was a trusted, truthful and tremendous narrator for the marginalised and the maligned. He was a… - 3 years ago

@zeinab98a: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@qaszih: RT @AryJaey: Nader Talebzadeh passed away… honestly this made me very sad… He’s done so much good in the media in the fight against imperia… - 3 years ago

@KublaiAugustus: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@FatymahEmdy: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@KhadijaSoulmate: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@aneesatAbubakar: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@antizionist2020: RT @NikkhahTourage: Our recently passed away friend Nader Talebzadeh in KOSOVO 1998 ,producing a documentay from serbs & all #European regi… - 3 years ago

@antizionist2020: RT @HaidarAkarar: The first image of the body of the deceased #Nader_Talebzadeh #نادر_طالب‌زاده - 3 years ago

@S_O_G_S: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@S_O_G_S: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@antizionist2020: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@antizionist2020: « و ما تدري نفس ماذا تکسب غدا و ما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت » #نادر_طالب_زاده #Nader_Talebzadeh - 3 years ago

@HarunaNAbdullah: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@PhilDeCarolis: RT @PressTV: Prof. Anthony James Hall, a participant in the New Horizons International Conference tells us about the event and its organize… - 3 years ago

@ShaharyarSyed: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@HaidarAkarar: The first image of the body of the deceased #Nader_Talebzadeh #نادر_طالب‌زاده - 3 years ago

@Azade52685763: RT @PressTV: Prof. Anthony James Hall, a participant in the New Horizons International Conference tells us about the event and its organize… - 3 years ago

@sky98765432: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@AshrafGirgis4: RT @Baseeji_Media: 🏴 إنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ 🥀 🏴 Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un 🏴 With great sorrow & regret we r… - 3 years ago

@MOHAMMA66204964: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@erivan_raposo: RT @IranIntl_En: Nader Talebzadeh, a pro-regime Iranian documentary filmmaker and TV host & a graduate of @RandolphMacon and @Columbia Univ… - 3 years ago

@Ali2musa: RT @SZakzakyOffice: 2– We express our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family of this honorable artist, the leader Ayatullah Imam Kham… - 3 years ago

@erivan_raposo: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@royalhashimi: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@royalhashimi: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@Rosvagary: LEGENDS NEVER DIE welcome to eternity dear nader ❤️🌹 #Nader_Talebzadeh #NaderTalebzadeh #نادر_طالب_زاده - 3 years ago

@Alialialialyiy7: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@Professor_Foote: I was fortunate to have appeared on at least one of the programs of Nader Talebzadeh. - 3 years ago

@royalhashimi: RT @SZakzakyOffice: 2– We express our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family of this honorable artist, the leader Ayatullah Imam Kham… - 3 years ago

@erivan_raposo: RT @Haman_Ten: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher, TV personality, has unfortunately passed away due to heart failure.… - 3 years ago

@Fatemeh_kaf: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@Shahide_Bano: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@Saeideh_Bano: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@Pishbin_Mahdi: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@zahrasasadt95: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@Haj_Alisa: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@sadat110_hosna: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@erivan_raposo: RT @IsfahanMusa: RIP Haj Nader Talebzadeh💔 A huge lose, indeed..💔 - 3 years ago

@erivan_raposo: RT @SomayehFars: Nader Talebzadeh, um proeminente documentarista e ativista anti-sionista e defensor do povo oprimido da Palestina e dos id… - 3 years ago

@Nar_safarPanah: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@Maryam_Rezaei11: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@yusuofhsani: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@shirkhani1400_F: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@vidz120299: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@BasiraPress: One way to honor the late Nader Talebzadeh (ra): end the stigma around careers in arts that exists among Muslims, t… - 3 years ago

@mubarakhenia: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@JawadAbubakar7: RT @JawadAbubakar7: 🏴 Nader Talebzadeh, truly one of those rare good men who walked on this earth, passed away... May His Soul Rest In Pea… - 3 years ago

@AnneBenstead: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@RezaDe12: RT @Dr_Boushehrian: #نادر_طالب_زاده #هنرمند طراز #انقلاب_اسلامی است و فقدانش چون #شهادت #سید_مرتضی_آوینی جانگداز خدانگهدار #آقای_نادر #علمد… - 3 years ago

@MiladJavanmardy: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@RachmanEma: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@aygilima: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@Goy_Master_Flex: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@farshadkhdadadi: RT @HawraaNaqvi: “For my dear friend and brother Nader ; who has seen with his sea eyes how the sun rises from the west.” - Golden Words O… - 3 years ago

@farshadkhdadadi: RT @hmoladoust: #Nader_Talebzadeh is always alive in the hearts of freedmen and will be a model for thousands of justice seekers. #نادر_طا… - 3 years ago

@farshadkhdadadi: RT @HaidarAkarar: Sad news of the death of the Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, after a months-long struggle with illness. Talebzadeh wa… - 3 years ago

@fatemeh90018039: RT @MaryamFIran: Nader Talebzadeh, éminent documentariste et militant antisioniste et défenseur du peuple opprimé de Palestine et des idéau… - 3 years ago

@Soureh_design2: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@Elmainari4: RT @PressTV: Prof. Anthony James Hall, a participant in the New Horizons International Conference tells us about the event and its organize… - 3 years ago

@MNA_Memon: RT @IsfahanMusa: RIP Haj Nader Talebzadeh💔 A huge lose, indeed..💔 - 3 years ago

@PressTV: Prof. Anthony James Hall, a participant in the New Horizons International Conference tells us about the event and i… - 3 years ago

@AflakiM: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@Ana_mahdavi313: RT @irmilitaryvlog: Legendary documentary filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passed away. He studied cinema at Columbia and returned to Iran after… - 3 years ago

@Farah151214: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@Crow13938778: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@NaseemaMall: RT @Safarnejad_IR: Just to showcase what a great loss the passing of Nader Talebzadeh was... Ask yourself: why would US sanction a filmmake… - 3 years ago

@shirinkazemi10: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@zoranium: RT @AryJaey: Nader Talebzadeh passed away… honestly this made me very sad… He’s done so much good in the media in the fight against imperia… - 3 years ago

@Baonte_313: RT @Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقیقت… - 3 years ago

@Alirezamomeni74: نادر یعنی کمیاب. طالب هم به جوینده حقیقت گفته میشود. نادرطالب زاده به دنیا آمده بود تا در این عصری که رسانه‌ها حقی… - 3 years ago

@Saim685274312: RT @Soureh_design2: RIP Nader Talebzadeh - 3 years ago

@_m4h1: RT @factnameh: نادر طالب‌زاده فیلمساز و مجری تلویزیون درگذشت. او یکی از مهم‌ترین و تاثیرگذارترین مُروِجان نظریه‌های توطئه در ایران بود. ما… - 3 years ago

@h0d3r_fa: RT @h0d3r_fa: US-raised Nader Talebzadeh was a key figure in pro-Mesbah faction of IRGC. A close ally/advisor to Jalili and Raisi, he was a… - 3 years ago

@gongsunzan466: RT @factnameh: نادر طالب‌زاده فیلمساز و مجری تلویزیون درگذشت. او یکی از مهم‌ترین و تاثیرگذارترین مُروِجان نظریه‌های توطئه در ایران بود. ما… - 3 years ago

@khan_asif_xx: RT @fa_abv: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher has unfortunately passed away. He was the one who denied the Holocaust… - 3 years ago

@khan_asif_xx: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@NikkhahTourage: Our recently passed away friend Nader Talebzadeh in KOSOVO 1998 ,producing a documentay from serbs & all #European… - 3 years ago

@Zainabiam313: RT @ZainbiMedia: “For my dear friend and brother Nader ; who has seen with his sea eyes how the sun rises from the west.” - Golden Words O… - 3 years ago

@ilyasraza1433: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@Mohamme25496424: RT @irmilitaryvlog: Legendary documentary filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passed away. He studied cinema at Columbia and returned to Iran after… - 3 years ago

@Mohamme25496424: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@JohnKharian: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@RachmanEma: RT @fa_abv: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher has unfortunately passed away. He was the one who denied the Holocaust… - 3 years ago

@MarxistKingdom: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@MarxistKingdom: RT @AryJaey: Nader Talebzadeh passed away… honestly this made me very sad… He’s done so much good in the media in the fight against imperia… - 3 years ago

@MarxistKingdom: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@MarxistKingdom: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@ZainbiMedia: “For my dear friend and brother Nader ; who has seen with his sea eyes how the sun rises from the west.” - Golden… - 3 years ago

@RM15393278: نادر طالب‌زاده و «غربی‌های متقاضی پناهندگی در ایران» از طریق @factnameh - 3 years ago

@fa_abv: RT @fa_abv: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher has unfortunately passed away. He was the one who denied the Holocaust… - 3 years ago

@Peace_10111: RT @AryJaey: Nader Talebzadeh passed away… honestly this made me very sad… He’s done so much good in the media in the fight against imperia… - 3 years ago

@Mohammad_SD28: RT @PressTV: Iranian researcher, filmmaker, TV presenter, and chairman of the International New Horizon Conference Nader Talebzadeh has pas… - 3 years ago

@Aadi_n: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@AmjidHu97253912: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@Qasemebnlhasan: RT @IsfahanMusa: RIP Haj Nader Talebzadeh💔 A huge lose, indeed..💔 - 3 years ago

@noelleschmitt2: Rest In Peace 🕊 #Nader_Talebzadeh - 3 years ago

@Samjoy95251167: RT @rezavafaei313: إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ 🌺Nader Talebzadeh🌺 - 3 years ago

@ReNaqvi: RT @fa_abv: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher has unfortunately passed away. He was the one who denied the Holocaust… - 3 years ago

@Samjoy95251167: RT @bijygijy: #اللهم_عجل_لوليك_الفرج #نادر_طالب_زاده #سردار_تبیین #Nader_Talebzadeh @TalebzadeNader @nadertalebzade2 #nader_talebzade http… - 3 years ago

@Samjoy95251167: RT @Baseeji_Media: 🏴 إنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ 🥀 🏴 Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un 🏴 With great sorrow & regret we r… - 3 years ago

@Samjoy95251167: RT @AryJaey: Nader Talebzadeh passed away… honestly this made me very sad… He’s done so much good in the media in the fight against imperia… - 3 years ago

@Samjoy95251167: RT @HaidarAkarar: Sad news of the death of the Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, after a months-long struggle with illness. Talebzadeh wa… - 3 years ago

@ReNaqvi: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@Samjoy95251167: RT @bintmachgara: RIP to Nader Talebzadeh, a legend, a giant, a visionary. Nader, curator of the New Horizons Conferences, journalist and d… - 3 years ago

@IsfahanMusa: RIP Haj Nader Talebzadeh💔 A huge lose, indeed..💔 - 3 years ago

@Alimartyr: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@mkiaee110: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@Azade52685763: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@So48301512Angel: RT @AryJaey: Nader Talebzadeh passed away… honestly this made me very sad… He’s done so much good in the media in the fight against imperia… - 3 years ago

@BintZainabiyoun: RT @irmilitaryvlog: Legendary documentary filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passed away. He studied cinema at Columbia and returned to Iran after… - 3 years ago

@front598: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@amine7224: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@DoveLoveIran: RT @KarmelMelamed: This is Nader Talebzadeh, one of the Ayatollah regime's major Jew-hating propogandists who recently croaked. This clown… - 3 years ago

@calebmaupin: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@calebmaupin: RT @AryJaey: Nader Talebzadeh passed away… honestly this made me very sad… He’s done so much good in the media in the fight against imperia… - 3 years ago

@calebmaupin: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@RizviInTexas: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@ZaliHossein1: #Nader_Talebzadeh, director and documentary filmmaker, has died. - 3 years ago

@IQ1256653139: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@antiwardoc: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@CPIUSA: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@HypatiaOA: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@AliFallahi_MD: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@HayateMahdavi: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@Samina_Zahra_94: RT @irmilitaryvlog: Legendary documentary filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passed away. He studied cinema at Columbia and returned to Iran after… - 3 years ago

@Samina_Zahra_94: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@Aliylma42554851: 📌İranlı bir araştırmacı, film yönetmeni, film yapımcısı, Uluslararası Yeni Ufuk Konferansı başkanı Nader Talebzade… - 3 years ago

@PhilDeCarolis: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@pouya52720063: @susanvotesblue You may not know, but when all the world was just watching, This man was one of the Iranian group e… - 3 years ago

@Ali51037900: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@Ab40617509: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@_JamesCW: RT @PressTV: Iranian researcher, filmmaker, TV presenter, and chairman of the International New Horizon Conference Nader Talebzadeh has pas… - 3 years ago

@syedkomeil: Using biological weapon to assassinate the opponents of Zions aren’t something new, it always been used for the las… - 3 years ago

@Perrot10V: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@Avina__Asadi: RT @AryJaey: Nader Talebzadeh passed away… honestly this made me very sad… He’s done so much good in the media in the fight against imperia… - 3 years ago

@tates5a: RT @PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@PressTV: Veteran Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, has passed away at the age of 69. - 3 years ago

@PanteaRasouli: RT @FarashgardFdn: Nader Talebzadeh, one of the most important security theorists in the Islamic Republic in the field of media, died after… - 3 years ago

@MostafaAbedini3: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@fa_abv: RT @fa_abv: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher has unfortunately passed away. He was the one who denied the Holocaust… - 3 years ago

@Ali89980395: RT @38divan: 📌İranlı bir araştırmacı, film yönetmeni, film yapımcısı, Uluslararası Yeni Ufuk Konferansı başkanı Nader Talebzadeh vefat ett… - 3 years ago

@zahra_rmz: RT @HawraaNaqvi: “For my dear friend and brother Nader ; who has seen with his sea eyes how the sun rises from the west.” - Golden Words O… - 3 years ago

@Masood6701: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@zahra_rmz: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@zaibx: RT @Haman_Ten: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher, TV personality, has unfortunately passed away due to heart failure.… - 3 years ago

@Resistance_says: RT @irmilitaryvlog: Legendary documentary filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passed away. He studied cinema at Columbia and returned to Iran after… - 3 years ago

@royalhashimi: RT @Haman_Ten: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher, TV personality, has unfortunately passed away due to heart failure.… - 3 years ago

@Resistance_says: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@MahrukhJ1: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@MahrukhJ1: RT @HawraaNaqvi: “For my dear friend and brother Nader ; who has seen with his sea eyes how the sun rises from the west.” - Golden Words O… - 3 years ago

@royalhashimi: RT @irmilitaryvlog: Legendary documentary filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passed away. He studied cinema at Columbia and returned to Iran after… - 3 years ago

@MahrukhJ1: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@Mahdi60124028: RT @factnameh: نادر طالب‌زاده فیلمساز و مجری تلویزیون درگذشت. او یکی از مهم‌ترین و تاثیرگذارترین مُروِجان نظریه‌های توطئه در ایران بود. ما… - 3 years ago

@antideception1: RT @bintmachgara: RIP to Nader Talebzadeh, a legend, a giant, a visionary. Nader, curator of the New Horizons Conferences, journalist and d… - 3 years ago

@Mohamma98716230: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@AryJaey: RT @irmilitaryvlog: Legendary documentary filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passed away. He studied cinema at Columbia and returned to Iran after… - 3 years ago

@APwSJLeMuBjG6B4: RT @HawraaNaqvi: “For my dear friend and brother Nader ; who has seen with his sea eyes how the sun rises from the west.” - Golden Words O… - 3 years ago

@MNA_Memon: RT @ShaykhMuzaffer: My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Nader Talebzadeh, a renowned and visionary director and producer... I had t… - 3 years ago

@khan_asif_xx: RT @HashemiMarzi: According to a hadith, when a man dies, his good deeds come to an end, except for three, one of which is knowledge that c… - 3 years ago

@WaniSA11019: Dr. Nader Talebzadeh, Iranian researcher, film director & producer 🏴 إنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ 🥀… - 3 years ago

@1_Vnzl_Patriot: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@saidmirany: RT @fa_abv: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher has unfortunately passed away. He was the one who denied the Holocaust… - 3 years ago

@Yves08642006: RT @bintmachgara: RIP to Nader Talebzadeh, a legend, a giant, a visionary. Nader, curator of the New Horizons Conferences, journalist and d… - 3 years ago

@bintmachgara: RIP to Nader Talebzadeh, a legend, a giant, a visionary. Nader, curator of the New Horizons Conferences, journalist… - 3 years ago

@david04mu: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@JMiraftabzadeh: RT @factnameh: نادر طالب‌زاده فیلمساز و مجری تلویزیون درگذشت. او یکی از مهم‌ترین و تاثیرگذارترین مُروِجان نظریه‌های توطئه در ایران بود. ما… - 3 years ago

@namzadebayram: RT @Adam_Perski: Nader Talebzadeh was a prominent film maker and famous documentary producer who was supporting resistance axis He was gonn… - 3 years ago

@Dr_Boushehrian: #نادر_طالب_زاده #هنرمند طراز #انقلاب_اسلامی است و فقدانش چون #شهادت #سید_مرتضی_آوینی جانگداز خدانگهدار #آقای_نادر… - 3 years ago

@MKhabazan: Nader #Talebzadeh (Ordubadi) a resistance film and TV personality, has unfortunately passed away. A dear friend of… - 3 years ago

@AmirNoroozyy: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@DASKAVI: RT @fa_abv: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher has unfortunately passed away. He was the one who denied the Holocaust… - 3 years ago

@bijygijy: #اللهم_عجل_لوليك_الفرج #نادر_طالب_زاده #سردار_تبیین #Nader_Talebzadeh @TalebzadeNader @nadertalebzade2… - 3 years ago

@sanabuzhand: RT @PressTV: Iranian researcher, filmmaker, TV presenter, and chairman of the International New Horizon Conference Nader Talebzadeh has pas… - 3 years ago

@KarbalaHai: RT @Haman_Ten: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher, TV personality, has unfortunately passed away due to heart failure.… - 3 years ago

@NikkhahTourage: RT @PressTV: Iranian researcher, filmmaker, TV presenter, and chairman of the International New Horizon Conference Nader Talebzadeh has pas… - 3 years ago

@AvengerHQS: 🏴 Nader Talebzadeh, truly one of those rare good men who walked on this earth, passed away... May His Soul Rest In… - 3 years ago

@LylaGhan: RT @PressTV: Iranian researcher, filmmaker, TV presenter, and chairman of the International New Horizon Conference Nader Talebzadeh has pas… - 3 years ago

@mohamad99217521: RT @factnameh: نادر طالب‌زاده فیلمساز و مجری تلویزیون درگذشت. او یکی از مهم‌ترین و تاثیرگذارترین مُروِجان نظریه‌های توطئه در ایران بود. ما… - 3 years ago

@omid_rahmani12: RT @HaidarAkarar: Sad news of the death of the Iranian director, Nader Talebzadeh, after a months-long struggle with illness. Talebzadeh wa… - 3 years ago

@omid_rahmani12: RT @Baseeji_Media: 🏴 إنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ 🥀 🏴 Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un 🏴 With great sorrow & regret we r… - 3 years ago

@38divan: 📌İranlı bir araştırmacı, film yönetmeni, film yapımcısı, Uluslararası Yeni Ufuk Konferansı başkanı Nader Talebzade… - 3 years ago

@Cheepajaff: RT @JawadAbubakar7: In This Interview Nader Talebzadeh Denies the Holocaust and States: Al-Qaeda and the Mossad Carried out 9/11 Together.… - 3 years ago

@ForSauk: RT @calebmaupin: The world has lost a truly great man. It was a deep honor to meet and engage with Nader Talebzadeh on the several occasio… - 3 years ago

@Samjoy95251167: RT @Haman_Ten: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher, TV personality, has unfortunately passed away due to heart failure.… - 3 years ago

@fa_abv: RT @fa_abv: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher has unfortunately passed away. He was the one who denied the Holocaust… - 3 years ago

@ghadamyari_ir: RT @Adam_Perski: Nader Talebzadeh was a prominent film maker and famous documentary producer who was supporting resistance axis He was gonn… - 3 years ago

@Deldaar__: RT @Qasemebnlhasan: Nader Talebzadeh, an Iranian filmmaker who has made great efforts to fight imperialism. He took part in the Bosnian war… - 3 years ago

@zahra_rmz: RT @fa_abv: Nader Talebzadeh, a resistance filmmaker and researcher has unfortunately passed away. He was the one who denied the Holocaust… - 3 years ago

@Dr_Boushehrian: بی شک #نادر_طالب_زاده مصداق عینی و بارز #هنرمند #طراز #انقلاب_اسلامی است و فقدانش همچون شهادت #سید_مرتضی_آوینی جانگ… - 3 years ago

@mhrezaa2c: RT @Qasemebnlhasan: Nader Talebzadeh, an Iranian filmmaker who has made great efforts to fight imperialism. He took part in the Bosnian war… - 3 years ago

@Alexkennedy30: Nader Talebzadeh, a pro-regime Iranian documentary filmmaker and TV host & a graduate of @RandolphMacon and… - 3 years ago

@AdamSoheil: RT @irmilitaryvlog: Legendary documentary filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh passed away. He studied cinema at Columbia and returned to Iran after… - 3 years ago

@zelahi1996: @hamara_amin بد جوری حالمون گرفته شد.. #نادر_طالب_زاده #nader_talebzadeh - 3 years ago

@HameedPooya: RT @ANoroozee: Visited Haj Nader Talebzadeh yesterday in hospital. I can't believe we lost him tonight. Pray for his soul as he sacrificed… - 3 years ago

@tates5a: RT @PressTV: Iranian researcher, filmmaker, TV presenter, and chairman of the International New Horizon Conference Nader Talebzadeh has pas… - 3 years ago

@aref_doraghi: RT @Baseeji_Media: 🏴 إنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ 🥀 🏴 Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un 🏴 With great sorrow & regret we r… - 3 years ago

@Sophia931003: RT @Adam_Perski: Nader Talebzadeh was a prominent film maker and famous documentary producer who was supporting resistance axis He was gonn… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Nader Talebzadeh is no longer with us - #NaderTalebzadeh #Nader #Talebzadeh #rip - 3 years ago

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