Myles Burnyeat

British philosopher and scholar.
Died on Tuesday September 24th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Myles Burnyeat:

@judystout1: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@JohnBMin: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@JTasioulas: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@Srta_ALBF: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago


@GvanOnselen: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@PeterQuantrill: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@psymdec: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@smithbarryc: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@philosophybites: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@YTLKings: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@ZuzanaZuzule: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@DavidFAHoinski: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@Phillip_Blond: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@GruenbergAngela: RT @JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent introduc… - 5 years ago

@JTasioulas: A beautiful interview on Plato with Myles Burnyeat, who died earlier this month - not coincidentally, an excellent… - 5 years ago

@NISloyola: RT @DrJSellars: Myles Burnyeat and Bryan Magee discussing Plato. Both have now sadly passed away this summer. I was fortunate enough to mee… - 5 years ago

@19Averil: RT @pschofie79: Myles Burnyeat has died. Read this review of Leo Strauss, if you have not. - 5 years ago

@poetryf: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@fleming77: RT @wmarybeard: For friends of Myles Burnyeat. Myles’s funeral will be on October 3 at 2.00 in All Souls. - 5 years ago

@19Averil: RT @wmarybeard: For friends of Myles Burnyeat. Myles’s funeral will be on October 3 at 2.00 in All Souls. - 5 years ago

@BoomArvie: RT @joshshepperd: RIP Myles Burnyeat - brilliant scholar of ancient philosophy whose scholarship helped me to understand Aristotle. If 19-y… - 5 years ago

@chezaristote: RT @joshshepperd: RIP Myles Burnyeat - brilliant scholar of ancient philosophy whose scholarship helped me to understand Aristotle. If 19-y… - 5 years ago

@Grothendieck86: RT @joshshepperd: RIP Myles Burnyeat - brilliant scholar of ancient philosophy whose scholarship helped me to understand Aristotle. If 19-y… - 5 years ago

@joshshepperd: RIP Myles Burnyeat - brilliant scholar of ancient philosophy whose scholarship helped me to understand Aristotle. I… - 5 years ago

@JeffreyJDean: RT @wmarybeard: For friends of Myles Burnyeat. Myles’s funeral will be on October 3 at 2.00 in All Souls. - 5 years ago

@MargyMayell: RT @wmarybeard: For friends of Myles Burnyeat. Myles’s funeral will be on October 3 at 2.00 in All Souls. - 5 years ago

@philosophybites: RT @wmarybeard: For friends of Myles Burnyeat. Myles’s funeral will be on October 3 at 2.00 in All Souls. - 5 years ago

@SArtinkpenT: RT @wmarybeard: For friends of Myles Burnyeat. Myles’s funeral will be on October 3 at 2.00 in All Souls. - 5 years ago

@susiequinnell: RT @wmarybeard: For friends of Myles Burnyeat. Myles’s funeral will be on October 3 at 2.00 in All Souls. - 5 years ago

@wmarybeard: For friends of Myles Burnyeat. Myles’s funeral will be on October 3 at 2.00 in All Souls. - 5 years ago

@MCSPhilosophy: RT @marksstorm: Aristotle on Happiness — A @philosophybites interview with Myles Burnyeat from 2007. (Painting: Aristotle Contemplating a B… - 5 years ago

@LabourPatty: RT @poshmoth: Rest in peace the great Myles Burnyeat. Sad news and a huge loss to Philosophy. - 5 years ago

@poshmoth: Rest in peace the great Myles Burnyeat. Sad news and a huge loss to Philosophy. - 5 years ago

@HenrikLagerlund: Myles Burnyeat (1939-2019) - Daily Nous - 5 years ago

@LundbergMusica: Myles Burnyeat died the other day (1939-2019), one of the great modern scholars of greek philosophy. Rest in peac… - 5 years ago

@theabhayk: @ruthpadel My deepest condolences to you and @GwenBurnyeat! RIP Myles Burnyeat! - 5 years ago

@MboeriD: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@mirapeerance: RT @bsod_nams: ...and wish that there were more in the study of Indian philosophy and Buddhist philosophy by way of comfort and unembarrass… - 5 years ago

@RobCollAlumni: RT @briandsloan: I’m deeply saddened to learn of the death of my friend & colleague Myles Burnyeat, who was also an Honorary Fellow of ⁦@Ro… - 5 years ago

@UCLPhilosophy: RT @KeelingFor: We are deeply saddened to hear that Prof. Myles Burnyeat has passed away. Prof. Burnyeat was a graduate student (1963-1964… - 5 years ago

@ruthpadel: Myles - 5 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Myles Burnyeat (80) English classicist - 5 years ago

@NikolaosGkogkas: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@KeelingFor: We are deeply saddened to hear that Prof. Myles Burnyeat has passed away. Prof. Burnyeat was a graduate student (1… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Myles Burnyeat has passed away - #MylesBurnyeat #Myles #Burnyeat #rip - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Myles Burnyeat - 5 years ago

@mtscano: Myles Burnyeat (1939-2019) - Daily Nous - 5 years ago

@davidrieff: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@DashwellDavid: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@bsod_nams: ...and wish that there were more in the study of Indian philosophy and Buddhist philosophy by way of comfort and un… - 5 years ago

@YaleClassicsLib: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@ancientphilcal: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@rascality: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@philosophybites: RT @marksstorm: Aristotle on Happiness — A @philosophybites interview with Myles Burnyeat from 2007. (Painting: Aristotle Contemplating a B… - 5 years ago

@marksstorm: Aristotle on Happiness — A @philosophybites interview with Myles Burnyeat from 2007. (Painting: Aristotle Contempla… - 5 years ago

@FilosofiaUah: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@adamlebovitz: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@larvatus: R.I.P. Myles Burnyeat. - 5 years ago

@SumeyyeParildar: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@cipherEquality: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@nicole_kirchler: RT @philosophybites: Listen to Myles Burnyeat (1939 - 2019) on Aristotle on Happiness - a Philosophy Bites interview from 2007 - 5 years ago

@philosophy_psu: RT @DailyNousEditor: Philosopher Myles Burnyeat has died. - 5 years ago

@ThinManBallad: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

@Sakunyaton: RT @greecepodcast: The great Myles Burnyeat, whose deep understanding of Plato & Ancient Greek philosophy influenced generations of scholar… - 5 years ago

@istalbertomagno: RT @Aristotweets: Sad to hear of the death of Myles Burnyeat, a great philosopher and scholar of ancient thought, and President of the Aris… - 5 years ago

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