Mustapha Karkouti

Syrian journalist
Died on Thursday July 16th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Mustapha Karkouti:

@all4syria: RT @all4syria: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom British-Syrian writer who foresaw his native land's desce… - 5 years ago

@Alaakarkouti: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@Alaakarkouti: RT @FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of the inte… - 5 years ago

@marymassih: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago


@all4syria: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom British-Syrian writer who foresaw his native lan… - 5 years ago

@aabnour: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom British-Syrian writer who foresaw his native lan… - 5 years ago

@sgardee: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@lightacandleOTM: #RIPMustaphaKarkouti Very wise contributor to #DatelineLondon enhancing understanding of Middle East - And after r… - 5 years ago

@lightacandleOTM: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@mjspeakingof: A tremendous loss for all of us. - 5 years ago

@catherine_mayer: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@Prowlo_File: @MGEmancipation To lose Mustapha Karkouti so soon after Greg Katz is such a loss. Two of the more measured, reasona… - 5 years ago

@edwardashbee: Very sorry to hear about Mustapha Karkouti’s death. A fine analyst. - 5 years ago

@L_Geekhome: @y_alibhai @BBCNews I was thinking of Mustapha Karkouti earlier on this past week and wondering when he would be ap… - 5 years ago

@MathyosAdvisory: RT @Doylech: An obituary to Mustapha Karkouti by @MGEmancipation - he will be sorely missed. - 5 years ago

@MarcoVarvello: RT @FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of the inte… - 5 years ago

@ChelisMarr: I'd just like to add my condolences to the family and friends of Mustapha Karkouti, a middle eastern correspondent… - 5 years ago

@NadimJBaba: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@dimuthudca: RT @FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of the inte… - 5 years ago

@Vatanoz: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@KhalidSunni: RT @TheNationalUAE: The British-Syrian writer who foresaw his native land's descent into vicious civil war - 5 years ago

@AlexSeale: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom. He was elected president of the ⁦@FPALondon⁩ an… - 5 years ago

@rob_robkay: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@AlexSeale: RT @FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of the inte… - 5 years ago

@y_alibhai: RT @FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of the inte… - 5 years ago

@sabriprovenzani: RT @FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of the inte… - 5 years ago

@BenedictePaviot: RT @FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of the inte… - 5 years ago

@JosephR1201: RT @y_alibhai: My freind,so,so missed, by all who loved and admired him. - 5 years ago

@Doylech: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@Talalaban: RT @Doylech: An obituary to Mustapha Karkouti by @MGEmancipation - he will be sorely missed. - 5 years ago

@Talalaban: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@y_alibhai: My freind,so,so missed, by all who loved and admired him. - 5 years ago

@AlOraibi: RT @FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of the inte… - 5 years ago

@deborah_bonetti: RT @FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of the inte… - 5 years ago

@producerkate: RT @FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of the inte… - 5 years ago

@FPALondon: A sad day for journalism. Mustapha Karkouti was an ex-President of the FPA and a much-loved and respected member of… - 5 years ago

@MarkyB_62: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@Richard10304506: RT @Doylech: An obituary to Mustapha Karkouti by @MGEmancipation - he will be sorely missed. - 5 years ago

@Richard10304506: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@Flashmaggie: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@Ian_Politic: RT @gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived the Ira… - 5 years ago

@gavinesler: Mustapha Karkouti was a dear friend and colleague for so many years - an adviser and counsellor, a man who survived… - 5 years ago

@Doylech: An obituary to Mustapha Karkouti by @MGEmancipation - he will be sorely missed. - 5 years ago

@NazeninA: RT @AlOraibi: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom .. @MGEmancipation write about @mustaphatache .. we will m… - 5 years ago

@alramz_HRHtalal: RT @TheNationalUAE: The British-Syrian writer who foresaw his native land's descent into vicious civil war - 5 years ago

@TheNationalUAE: The British-Syrian writer who foresaw his native land's descent into vicious civil war - 5 years ago

@OnesOnTheFence: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@Alaakarkouti: RT @Caabu: Mustapha Karkouti - In memoriam. Everyone at Caabu was very sad to learn of the passing of Mustapha Karkouti. He was a close… - 5 years ago

@Alaakarkouti: RT @Joyce_Karam: Beautiful tribute to colleague & Syrian intellectual Mustapha Karkouti by @MGEmancipation . Mustapha was a liberal intel… - 5 years ago

@Ibishblog: RT @AlOraibi: In the same night, we lost Syrian journalist Mustapha Karkouti.. ever the gentleman, Mustapha spent decades in London but alw… - 5 years ago

@horgawi: RT @AlOraibi: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom .. @MGEmancipation write about @mustaphatache .. we will m… - 5 years ago

@mwaf1957: RT @AlOraibi: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom .. @MGEmancipation write about @mustaphatache .. we will m… - 5 years ago

@lizl_genealogy: RT @Joyce_Karam: Beautiful tribute to colleague & Syrian intellectual Mustapha Karkouti by @MGEmancipation . Mustapha was a liberal intel… - 5 years ago

@Joyce_Karam: Beautiful tribute to colleague & Syrian intellectual Mustapha Karkouti by @MGEmancipation . Mustapha was a libera… - 5 years ago

@AgnesCPoirier: RT @AlOraibi: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom .. @MGEmancipation write about @mustaphatache .. we will m… - 5 years ago

@MGEmancipation: RT @AlOraibi: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom .. @MGEmancipation write about @mustaphatache .. we will m… - 5 years ago

@ddamned: RT @AlOraibi: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom .. @MGEmancipation write about @mustaphatache .. we will m… - 5 years ago

@AlOraibi: Mustapha Karkouti: An invaluable friend and journalist with wisdom .. @MGEmancipation write about @mustaphatache ..… - 5 years ago

@bbclysedoucet: RT @Caabu: Mustapha Karkouti - In memoriam. Everyone at Caabu was very sad to learn of the passing of Mustapha Karkouti. He was a close… - 5 years ago

@josephwillits: RT @Caabu: Mustapha Karkouti - In memoriam. Everyone at Caabu was very sad to learn of the passing of Mustapha Karkouti. He was a close… - 5 years ago

@mera_alqassim: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@Doylech: RT @Caabu: Mustapha Karkouti - In memoriam. Everyone at Caabu was very sad to learn of the passing of Mustapha Karkouti. He was a close… - 5 years ago

@Caabu: Mustapha Karkouti - In memoriam. Everyone at Caabu was very sad to learn of the passing of Mustapha Karkouti. He… - 5 years ago

@CeciliaBTory: @y_alibhai @BBCNews So sorry to hear that news. I will miss seeing him on tv.#RIP #MustaphaKarkouti - 5 years ago

@ian_black: RT @Doylech: Mustapha Karkouti, who has just passed away, was held captive during the Iranian embassy siege of 1980 - you can read some of… - 5 years ago

@ola_k_alshekh: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@Talalaban: RT @AbdulHamidAhmad: Noted intellectual Mustapha Karkouti dies of cardiac arrest - 5 years ago

@Talalaban: RT @babciapat: @bbcnews Excellent ed of #datelinelondon incl Mustapha Karkouti - 5 years ago

@Talalaban: RT @AlOraibi: In the same night, we lost Syrian journalist Mustapha Karkouti.. ever the gentleman, Mustapha spent decades in London but alw… - 5 years ago

@Talalaban: RT @Doylech: Mustapha Karkouti, who has just passed away, was held captive during the Iranian embassy siege of 1980 - you can read some of… - 5 years ago

@Alaakarkouti: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@Alaakarkouti: RT @Doylech: Mustapha Karkouti, who has just passed away, was held captive during the Iranian embassy siege of 1980 - you can read some of… - 5 years ago

@Alaakarkouti: RT @johnjmontgomery: @y_alibhai @BBCNews So sorry to hear this news..Always enjoyed Mustapha Karkouti contributions to #datelinelondon - 5 years ago

@Alaakarkouti: RT @josephwillits: This is very sad news about Mustapha Karkouti. A wonderful man. He will be sorely missed. His experience during the Ir… - 5 years ago

@Alaakarkouti: RT @AbdulHamidAhmad: Noted intellectual Mustapha Karkouti dies of cardiac arrest - 5 years ago

@Alaakarkouti: RT @AlOraibi: In the same night, we lost Syrian journalist Mustapha Karkouti.. ever the gentleman, Mustapha spent decades in London but alw… - 5 years ago

@SIMPLYSFG: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@Hlrybuck: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@AlOraibi: In the same night, we lost Syrian journalist Mustapha Karkouti.. ever the gentleman, Mustapha spent decades in Lond… - 5 years ago

@AbdulHamidAhmad: Noted intellectual Mustapha Karkouti dies of cardiac arrest - 5 years ago

@Phil_Jones01: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@manatrue: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@BiancaJagger: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@BiancaJagger: 👉🏿May he rested in peace #RIP RT My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart… - 5 years ago

@eisho353: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@bbclysedoucet: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@Jimmibabe: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@VyvyanKinross: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@thumbfive: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@daoudkuttab: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@Scampicus: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@sianlives: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@butwhatifitsall: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@Rubicon23: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Mustapha Karkouti Death – Dead : Mustapha Karkouti Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown. - 5 years ago

@annajam10323800: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@mindful0995: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@PlexNetflix: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@Archipet: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@ahmadmostafa: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@JanF06: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@bbclysedoucet: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@josephwillits: This is very sad news about Mustapha Karkouti. A wonderful man. He will be sorely missed. His experience during t… - 5 years ago

@josephwillits: RT @Doylech: Mustapha Karkouti, who has just passed away, was held captive during the Iranian embassy siege of 1980 - you can read some of… - 5 years ago

@LizzyBain: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@JosephR1201: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@y_alibhai: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@johnjmontgomery: @y_alibhai @BBCNews So sorry to hear this news..Always enjoyed Mustapha Karkouti contributions to #datelinelondon - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Mustapha Karkouti has passed away - #MustaphaKarkouti #Mustapha #Karkouti #rip - 5 years ago

@Caabu: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@micheal_olainn: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@SYLVIASELZER: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@nillie: RT @y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have seen him on… - 5 years ago

@josephwillits: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@y_alibhai: My beloved friend, one of the best of men, Mustapha Karkouti died today of a heart attack. Some of you will have se… - 5 years ago

@Brian_Whit: RT @Doylech: Mustapha Karkouti, who has just passed away, was held captive during the Iranian embassy siege of 1980 - you can read some of… - 5 years ago

@Doylech: Mustapha Karkouti, who has just passed away, was held captive during the Iranian embassy siege of 1980 - you can re… - 5 years ago

@ddamned: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@DomnaOne: RT @Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served for many y… - 5 years ago

@Doylech: So very sad to hear that Mustapha Karkouti has passed away. He was a dear friend, wise and warm-hearted. He served… - 5 years ago

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