Mustafa Tlass

Syrian military officer and politician.
Died on Thursday June 22nd 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Mustafa Tlass:

@devha__: Musa Özuğurlu'nın Duvar'daki "Mustafa Tlass, Atatürk ve Gina'ya aşıktı" yazısı Kürtlerin "BAAS övgüsü" demesinin ardından kaldırılmış... - 8 years ago

@Mamoudo90829438: RT @WithinSyriaBlog: May your soul rest in peace Colonel General Mustafa Tlass 1932-2017 ,Syria will never have another Defense Minister li… - 8 years ago

@JerryMcBeth2: From The MEMRI Archive: The Damascus Blood Libel (1840) As Told By The Late Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass - 8 years ago

@JerryMcBeth2: The Damascus Blood Libel (1840) As Told By The Late Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass - 8 years ago


@ezekopel: Mustafa Tlass una vez dijo que no ordenó atacar a soldados italianos en el Líbano (si a 🇺🇸) pues no quería hacer ll… - 8 years ago

@Jerichomarch: From The MEMRI Archive: The Damascus Blood Libel (1840) As Told By The Late Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass - 8 years ago

@njslea: Recycle America Radio Show From The MEMRI Archive: The Damascus Blood Libel (1840) As Told By The Late Syrian…… - 8 years ago

@SpiritdeCharlie: Memri: From The MEMRI Archive: The Damascus Blood Libel (1840) As Told By The Late Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass - 8 years ago

@HalilSavda: @musaozugurlu 'dan bir Baas övgüsü... Okurken tiksindim! - 8 years ago

@BGarattini: - 8 years ago

@Helsaabi2: RT @WithinSyriaBlog: May your soul rest in peace Colonel General Mustafa Tlass 1932-2017 ,Syria will never have another Defense Minister li… - 8 years ago

@GerV29: Tribute to Mustafa Tlass, former #Syria defence minister and responsible for the death of thousands in the 80s. - 8 years ago

@Rokayaa_: RT @MEMRIReports: Archival: Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass: Arafat the Son of 60,000 Whores - 8 years ago

@SDrinsinger: RT @WithinSyriaBlog: Firas Tlass tweet from #UAE ,either Gen. Mustafa Tlass will be buried there or he is on his way to #Damascus . https:… - 8 years ago

@WithinSyriaBlog: Firas Tlass tweet from #UAE ,either Gen. Mustafa Tlass will be buried there or he is on his way to #Damascus . - 8 years ago

@jubril_bilal: RT @WithinSyriaBlog: May your soul rest in peace Colonel General Mustafa Tlass 1932-2017 ,Syria will never have another Defense Minister li… - 8 years ago

@LuckyStrikeProd: During the war in Lebanon in 1983 against Israel, the Syria's defense minister Mustafa Tlass had a crush on the... - 8 years ago

@cammack_n: RT @WithinSyriaBlog: May your soul rest in peace Colonel General Mustafa Tlass 1932-2017 ,Syria will never have another Defense Minister li… - 8 years ago

@jokpeme: #Syria's former defense minister Mustafa Tlass passes away in Paris - 8 years ago

@KerihHilson: #Syria's former defense minister Mustafa Tlass passes away in Paris - 8 years ago

@googletrenderer: #Syria's former defense minister Mustafa Tlass passes away in Paris - 8 years ago

@RobertLoveth: #Syria's former defense minister Mustafa Tlass passes away in Paris - 8 years ago

@HistoryOfErrors: RT @talentosprecato: Oggi è morto a Parigi un criminale, un terrorista, Mustafa Tlass, autore di massacri in Syria, ex ministro della Difes… - 8 years ago

@HistoryOfErrors: RT @bdrhmnhrk: Death of Mustafa Tlass, former Syria defence minister and one of the war criminals responsible for the death of 10s of thous… - 8 years ago

@HistoryOfErrors: RT @weddady: Partner in crime to Hafez Al Assad, Mustafa Tlass, died. Remembered for his bizarre impulses, obsession with Lulu Gina Brigida… - 8 years ago

@HistoryOfErrors: RT @semprecontro: Former Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass Dies in Paris #Syria - 8 years ago

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