Murray Thomson

Canadian peace activist.
Died on Sunday May 5th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Murray Thomson:

@LindaMcQuaig: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@MurraySuzhmurr: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@signsaresaying: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@TadMiffed: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago


@rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@JessicaHol: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@tanzymc: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@canning_billy: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@mjnorrie: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@alphonso1234x: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@FrankFarquar: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@forlin31: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@indyscot64: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@SKAerials: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@caskieisabelle: RT @LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all subjec… - 6 years ago

@LabourOutOfScot: Nicola Sturgeon Alex salmond Joanna Cherry Michelle Thomson Craig Murray All threats to the establishment, all sub… - 6 years ago

@NorthumFA: .@VallumUnited - Proctor, McGhee, Arnot, Hall, Bampton, Anderson, Williamson, Kennedy, Murray, Shanley, Thomson Su… - 6 years ago

@thomson_ben77: @liverpool021 Would be more confident in you if you had Glenn Murray as your profile pick all week - 6 years ago

@PBIcanada: RT @CBrentPatterson: Please read my @rabbleca blog about @PBIcanada founder Murray Thomson at - 6 years ago

@CBrentPatterson: Please read my @rabbleca blog about @PBIcanada founder Murray Thomson at - 6 years ago

@CoachSteveMurph: RT @MSMswim: Good luck to our swimmers racing at the 14/under regional championships this weekend at k2: Bethany Abrams Oliver Hoey Con… - 6 years ago

@MSMswim: Good luck to our swimmers racing at the 14/under regional championships this weekend at k2: Bethany Abrams Olive… - 6 years ago

@WRNonviolence: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@kwpeace: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@MFraczek: RT @MustangGuidance: Congrats to Emily Murray and Surya Adeleye for being recognized tonight by Dr. Thomson at the School Committee Meeting… - 6 years ago

@NorwoodSchools: RT @MustangGuidance: Congrats to Emily Murray and Surya Adeleye for being recognized tonight by Dr. Thomson at the School Committee Meeting… - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Dancers Norma Miller, Katherine Lewis; cartoonist Nurit Karlin; peace activist Murray Thomson;… - 6 years ago

@wealth_for_toil: RT @wealth_for_toil: •Stage 1 – to develop fertile black soil country from Charters Towers to Richmond. •Stage 2 would take surplus water… - 6 years ago

@dwatchnews_nam: RT @PBIcanada: Murray Thomson's lasting legacy includes the founding of Peace Brigades International! To read about his life, please go to… - 6 years ago

@dwatchnews_nam: RT @PBIcanada: We remember and honour the life of Murray Thomson, a long-time advocate of human rights and peace, who co-founded Peace Brig… - 6 years ago

@MustangGuidance: Congrats to Emily Murray and Surya Adeleye for being recognized tonight by Dr. Thomson at the School Committee Meet… - 6 years ago

@wealth_for_toil: •Stage 1 – to develop fertile black soil country from Charters Towers to Richmond. •Stage 2 would take surplus wa… - 6 years ago

@SenMarilou: RT @TheHillTimes: Opinion | Murray Thomson: from RCAF pilot to pacifist #cdnpoli - 6 years ago

@TheHillTimes: Opinion | Murray Thomson: from RCAF pilot to pacifist #cdnpoli - 6 years ago

@fredredekop: RT @GrebelCPA: A tribute to Murray Thomson by Ernie Regehr. - 6 years ago

@AcuddehM: RT @PBIcanada: Murray Thomson's lasting legacy includes the founding of Peace Brigades International! To read about his life, please go to… - 6 years ago

@PBINederland: RT @PBIcanada: Murray Thomson's lasting legacy includes the founding of Peace Brigades International! To read about his life, please go to… - 6 years ago

@PBINederland: RT @pbiDeutschland: Murray Thomson hat 1981 Peace Brigades International mitgegründet. Er starb am 3. Mai im Alter von 96 Jahren in Ottowa.… - 6 years ago

@indriafernida: RT @PBIcanada: We remember and honour the life of Murray Thomson, a long-time advocate of human rights and peace, who co-founded Peace Brig… - 6 years ago

@mlinto: Murray McCheyne Thomson O.C., 1922–2019 - - 6 years ago

@GrebelCPA: A tribute to Murray Thomson by Ernie Regehr. - 6 years ago

@InezdeBoer1: RT @PBIcanada: Murray Thomson's lasting legacy includes the founding of Peace Brigades International! To read about his life, please go to… - 6 years ago

@Viamund: Murray McCheyne Thomson O.C., 1922–2019 - 6 years ago

@PBI_ISEC: RT @PBIcanada: Murray Thomson's lasting legacy includes the founding of Peace Brigades International! To read about his life, please go to… - 6 years ago

@rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@PBI_Mexico: RT @PBIcanada: Murray Thomson's lasting legacy includes the founding of Peace Brigades International! To read about his life, please go to… - 6 years ago

@EcoInternetDrGB: In Memoriam Murray Thomson one of the founders of #Peace Brigades International: Hans Thoolen on Human Rights Defen… - 6 years ago

@thoolen: In Memoriam Murray Thomson one of the founders of Peace Brigades International - 6 years ago

@akwtoday: PERSPECTIVE - Murray Thomson, co-founder of Peace Brigades International. "...PBI's largest presence is now in Lati… - 6 years ago

@PBIUK: RT @PBIcanada: Murray Thomson's lasting legacy includes the founding of Peace Brigades International! To read about his life, please go to… - 6 years ago

@PBIFrance: RT @PBIcanada: Murray Thomson's lasting legacy includes the founding of Peace Brigades International! To read about his life, please go to… - 6 years ago

@CBrentPatterson: RT @PBIcanada: Murray Thomson's lasting legacy includes the founding of Peace Brigades International! To read about his life, please go to… - 6 years ago

@PBIcanada: Murray Thomson's lasting legacy includes the founding of Peace Brigades International! To read about his life, plea… - 6 years ago

@GrebelCPA: RT @dennisgruending: Murray Thomson, revered Canadian anti-nuclear peace activist, has died at age 96. @ploughshares_ca @nuclearban @ridea… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Murray Thomson (96) Canadian activist - 6 years ago

@PBIcanada: RT @pbiDeutschland: Murray Thomson hat 1981 Peace Brigades International mitgegründet. Er starb am 3. Mai im Alter von 96 Jahren in Ottowa.… - 6 years ago

@TorontoQuakers: RT @CFSCQuakers: This blog post is a nice tribute to the memory of Friend, relentless peace advocate, and former coordinator of Canadian Fr… - 6 years ago

@thomson_connor: RT @paddypower: That noise you hear is Liverpool fans frantically changing their Twitter profile picture to Glenn Murray. - 6 years ago

@dwebsterbu: RT @CCC_CCE: The Canadian Council of Churches remembers a giant in Canadian ecumenical history. Murray Thompson co-founded @ploughshares_ca… - 6 years ago

@fmcmurran: RT @AlexNeveAmnesty: A beacon of unwavering principles, true conviction & steadfast determination has dimmed. We will follow the path Murra… - 6 years ago

@ploughshares_ca: RT @CCC_CCE: The Canadian Council of Churches remembers a giant in Canadian ecumenical history. Murray Thompson co-founded @ploughshares_ca… - 6 years ago

@fmcmurran: RT @CFSCQuakers: This blog post is a nice tribute to the memory of Friend, relentless peace advocate, and former coordinator of Canadian Fr… - 6 years ago

@CCC_CCE: The Canadian Council of Churches remembers a giant in Canadian ecumenical history. Murray Thompson co-founded… - 6 years ago

@CFSCQuakers: This blog post is a nice tribute to the memory of Friend, relentless peace advocate, and former coordinator of Cana… - 6 years ago

@WFMCanada: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@HerbWiseman: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@melwatkins75: Mourning his passing. He truly lived a life to celebrate - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Murray Thomson - 6 years ago

@MajorWhyte: RT @AlexNeveAmnesty: A beacon of unwavering principles, true conviction & steadfast determination has dimmed. We will follow the path Murra… - 6 years ago

@Rachel_NWI: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@travellingdoris: RT @AlexNeveAmnesty: A beacon of unwavering principles, true conviction & steadfast determination has dimmed. We will follow the path Murra… - 6 years ago

@trapdinawrpool: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@travellingdoris: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@rabbleca: Peace activist Murray Thomson dies at 96. - 6 years ago

@John68Richmond: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@trapdinawrpool: Peace activist Murray Thomson dies at 96 | - 6 years ago

@jenpeders: RT @AlexNeveAmnesty: A beacon of unwavering principles, true conviction & steadfast determination has dimmed. We will follow the path Murra… - 6 years ago

@CBrentPatterson: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@PBIcanada: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@diazmaurino8: RT @PBIcanada: We remember and honour the life of Murray Thomson, a long-time advocate of human rights and peace, who co-founded Peace Brig… - 6 years ago

@pearleliadis: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@PBIColombia: RT @PBIcanada: We remember and honour the life of Murray Thomson, a long-time advocate of human rights and peace, who co-founded Peace Brig… - 6 years ago

@AlexNeveAmnesty: A beacon of unwavering principles, true conviction & steadfast determination has dimmed. We will follow the path Mu… - 6 years ago

@signsaresaying: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@fmcmurran: RT @travellingdoris: And defending #humanrights he was one of the founders of Peace Brigades International @PBIColombia @PBIUK @Pbinorge @P… - 6 years ago

@PCHannon: RT @mgifford: I received the sad news this afternoon that my friend Murray Thomson died. In his long life he was awarded the Pearson Medal… - 6 years ago

@PCHannon: RT @travellingdoris: And defending #humanrights he was one of the founders of Peace Brigades International @PBIColombia @PBIUK @Pbinorge @P… - 6 years ago

@PCHannon: RT @5Ballin: Age is More: Murray Thomson - 6 years ago

@PCHannon: RT @mgifford: In #Quaker meeting today there were a lot of memories of our Friend Murray Thomson. He asked 2 questions at his last birthday… - 6 years ago

@PCHannon: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@PCHannon: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@mtnbvan: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@CBrentPatterson: RT @travellingdoris: And defending #humanrights he was one of the founders of Peace Brigades International @PBIColombia @PBIUK @Pbinorge @P… - 6 years ago

@PBIcanada: RT @travellingdoris: And defending #humanrights he was one of the founders of Peace Brigades International @PBIColombia @PBIUK @Pbinorge @P… - 6 years ago

@travellingdoris: And defending #humanrights he was one of the founders of Peace Brigades International @PBIColombia @PBIUK @Pbinorge… - 6 years ago

@beyerstein: RT @rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@rabbleca: Revered Canadian peace activist Murray Thomson has died at age 96. - 6 years ago

@cwilliamg: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@jenpeders: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@Eleanor_Fast: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@suestroud: RT @HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I was… - 6 years ago

@HLaverdiereNPD: Canada lost a great man this week. Murray Thomson O.C. spent his life working for peace and nuclear disarmament. I… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Murray Thomson has passed away - #MurrayThomson #Murray #Thomson #rip - 6 years ago

@sboots: RT @mgifford: In #Quaker meeting today there were a lot of memories of our Friend Murray Thomson. He asked 2 questions at his last birthday… - 6 years ago

@mgifford: In #Quaker meeting today there were a lot of memories of our Friend Murray Thomson. He asked 2 questions at his las… - 6 years ago

@yoseyahu: No Ar ! Canal 1 / A seguir : Série HD Pesca Alternativa ( Inédito ) Canal 2 / A seguir : Filme HD A Revelação ( Nic… - 6 years ago

@CaramelCatsby: Murray McCheyne Thomson O.C., 1922–2019, RIP and thank you! - 6 years ago

@PBIcanada: RT @dennisgruending: Murray Thomson, anti-nuclear peace activist, development educator and much more, died in Ottawa on May 2, 2019 at age… - 6 years ago

@ploughshares_ca: RT @dennisgruending: Murray Thomson, revered Canadian anti-nuclear peace activist, has died at age 96. @ploughshares_ca @nuclearban @ridea… - 6 years ago

@UUOttawa: RT @dennisgruending: Murray Thomson, anti-nuclear peace activist, development educator and much more, died in Ottawa on May 2, 2019 at age… - 6 years ago

@nbarrowman: RT @dennisgruending: Murray Thomson, anti-nuclear peace activist, development educator and much more, died in Ottawa on May 2, 2019 at age… - 6 years ago

@deBeauxOs1: RT @dennisgruending: Murray Thomson, anti-nuclear peace activist, development educator and much more, died in Ottawa on May 2, 2019 at age… - 6 years ago

@dennisgruending: Murray Thomson, anti-nuclear peace activist, development educator and much more, died in Ottawa on May 2, 2019 at a… - 6 years ago

@dennisgruending: Murray Thomson, revered Canadian anti-nuclear peace activist, has died at age 96. @ploughshares_ca @nuclearban… - 6 years ago

@ScienceforPeace: Murray McCheyne Thomson O.C., 1922–2019 - 6 years ago

@FWPStirling: @FWPSTIRLING: Ferrie Allan McGregor Banner McGeachie Jardine Smith McLear Hughes Glover Mackin; SUBS: Binnie Thomso… - 6 years ago

@EdwardTJackson: Murray McCheyne Thomson O.C., 1922–2019: Ten decades of extraordinary peace activism - 6 years ago

@PBI_ISEC: RT @PBIcanada: We remember and honour the life of Murray Thomson, a long-time advocate of human rights and peace, who co-founded Peace Brig… - 6 years ago

@DavidHeap: RT @PBIcanada: We remember and honour the life of Murray Thomson, a long-time advocate of human rights and peace, who co-founded Peace Brig… - 6 years ago

@sorgin_uy: RT @PBIcanada: We remember and honour the life of Murray Thomson, a long-time advocate of human rights and peace, who co-founded Peace Brig… - 6 years ago

@5Ballin: Age is More: Murray Thomson - 6 years ago

@CBrentPatterson: RT @PBIcanada: We remember and honour the life of Murray Thomson, a long-time advocate of human rights and peace, who co-founded Peace Brig… - 6 years ago

@PBIcanada: We remember and honour the life of Murray Thomson, a long-time advocate of human rights and peace, who co-founded P… - 6 years ago

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