Murray Gell-Mann

American physicist
Died on Friday May 24th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Murray Gell-Mann:

@TheRudiks: RT @CERNtripetas: "Lo que no está prohibido debe suceder" Cita de Murray Gell-Mann, fallecido hace unos días. Sin él, el LHC no tendría n… - 6 years ago

@jm8997: RIP Murray Gell-Mann ⁦@NobelPrize⁩ Laureate #quark #physics ⁦@grahamfarmelo⁩ - 6 years ago

@Linuxendo: RT @CERNtripetas: "Lo que no está prohibido debe suceder" Cita de Murray Gell-Mann, fallecido hace unos días. Sin él, el LHC no tendría n… - 6 years ago

@LovingisEasy1: RT @kyogok: Mathematicaの実質無料化が話題ですが、それ以上にショッキングなウルフラムによるゲルマンの追悼文。いろいろと尋常ではない。 - 6 years ago


@Hamiltonianos: RT @CERNtripetas: "Lo que no está prohibido debe suceder" Cita de Murray Gell-Mann, fallecido hace unos días. Sin él, el LHC no tendría n… - 6 years ago

@CERNtripetas: "Lo que no está prohibido debe suceder" Cita de Murray Gell-Mann, fallecido hace unos días. Sin él, el LHC no tendría ningún sentido. - 6 years ago

@PerisBlas: RT @RSEF_ESP: Ha fallecido Murray Gell-Mann (1929-2019), Premio Nobel de Física en 1969 «por sus contribuciones y descubrimientos sobre la… - 6 years ago

@GuardianAus: Murray Gell-Mann obituary - 6 years ago

@bobbrand_nl: RT @JeanPaulKeulen: Ter nagedachtenis aan de Amerikaanse natuurkundige Murray Gell-Mann, die onlangs 89-jarige leeftijd overleed: een longr… - 6 years ago

@techieappy: Murray Gell-Mann obituary | Science - 6 years ago

@mateusorsini: Gell-Mann era um dos grandes - 6 years ago

@mzubairu: Murray Gell-Mann obituary - 6 years ago

@eonshore: “Three quarks for Muster Mark” - 6 years ago

@aliciaparr: Murray Gell-Mann: Beauty and truth in physics - 6 years ago

@PeljorTenzin: RT @samlfair: The physicist who theorized the quark named his model of subatomic particles "the eightfold way" — an homage to Buddhism's "e… - 6 years ago

@gastonnusimovic: RT @GeorgeShiber: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann — a man who "had one of the more remarkable records of repeated correct intuition in the who… - 6 years ago

@crestonefilms: RT @samlfair: The physicist who theorized the quark named his model of subatomic particles "the eightfold way" — an homage to Buddhism's "e… - 6 years ago

@suzuki__r: Stephen Wolfram on Gell-Mann, also available at Lubos’ blog; What might happen to a graduate student and a professo… - 6 years ago

@mantlecurve: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929–2019), Inventor of Quarks - 6 years ago

@newsyc20: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (19292019), Inventor of Quarks - 6 years ago

@HackerNewsPosts: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929–2019), Inventor of Quarks Link: Cmts: - 6 years ago

@Bobe_bot: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929–2019), Inventor of Quarks (Hacker News) - 6 years ago

@tek_news: HNews: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929–2019), Inventor of Quarks - 6 years ago

@adolfoplasencia: Recordando a Murray Gell-Mann (1929-2019), Inventor de los quarks: en el cuarto piso vacío del Lauritsen Lab, el ho… - 6 years ago

@an_idearium: RT @GeorgeShiber: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann — a man who "had one of the more remarkable records of repeated correct intuition in the who… - 6 years ago

@TecReview: El pionero en el estudio de los quarks murió la semana pasada a los 89 años de edad - 6 years ago

@stox_fox: - 6 years ago

@MitchellTCarson: RT @GeorgeShiber: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann — a man who "had one of the more remarkable records of repeated correct intuition in the who… - 6 years ago

@Kush_Shailendra: New top story on Hacker News: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929–2019), Inventor of Quarks - 6 years ago

@HNTweets: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929–2019), Inventor of Quarks: - 6 years ago

@PekkaPuhakka: New top story on Hacker News: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929–2019), Inventor of Quarks - 6 years ago

@Cyber_HUMINT: RT @420Cyber: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929–2019), Inventor of Quarks - 6 years ago

@420Cyber: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929–2019), Inventor of Quarks - 6 years ago

@Shunfu21: Mostly I heard good things abt Richard feymann but Murray gell Mann had some comments about him being egoistical at… - 6 years ago

@cescept: RT @pcoffeebreak: Ya puedes escuchar la tertulia de esta semana. Hoy, desde el #MCC, de @MuseosTenerife: -Códice Voynich (minuto 41:20) -El… - 6 years ago

@_Tambari_: RT @askdavidjones: Murray Gell-Mann has died. Nobel prize winner, coiner of the term 'quark', taken from James Joyce's Finnegans Wake ("Thr… - 6 years ago

@hmita_2011: RT @kyogok: Mathematicaの実質無料化が話題ですが、それ以上にショッキングなウルフラムによるゲルマンの追悼文。いろいろと尋常ではない。 - 6 years ago

@marcuschown: RT @marcuschown: "Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929–2019), Inventor of Quarks" - fascinating blog about a complex man by his friend @steph… - 6 years ago

@EntoProf: Friday links: is bad preregistration good, RIP Murray Gell-Mann, the evolution (?) of Godzilla, and more… - 6 years ago

@Annapplbiol: Friday links: is bad preregistration good, RIP Murray Gell-Mann, the evolution (?) of Godzilla, and more… - 6 years ago

@InsectDiversity: Friday links: is bad preregistration good, RIP Murray Gell-Mann, the evolution (?) of Godzilla, and more… - 6 years ago

@alsajano: RT @pcoffeebreak: Ya puedes escuchar la tertulia de esta semana. Hoy, desde el #MCC, de @MuseosTenerife: -Códice Voynich (minuto 41:20) -El… - 6 years ago

@alsajano: RT @Neferchitty: ¡Cosas que pasan en @pcoffeebreak! @cwestend @hsocasnavarro 😁 Ep217: Códice #Voynich; #Artemisa; Eclipse de #Eddington; #S… - 6 years ago

@jaunedesienne: RT @actu_quantique: Décès du physicien Murray Gell-Mann, découvreur des quarks - Sciences et Avenir - 6 years ago

@simonmutambala: RT @actu_quantique: Décès du physicien Murray Gell-Mann, découvreur des quarks - Sciences et Avenir - 6 years ago

@simonmutambala: While many questions about quantum mechanics are still not fully resolved, there is no point in introducing needles… - 6 years ago

@akirahirose: ウルフラムさんによるゲルマンさんの追悼文(やばい)と、ウルフラムリサーチCEOに関するglassdoor上の低評価(やばい)をみると、ちょう頭いい人の系譜があるとおもった - 6 years ago

@actu_quantique: Décès du physicien Murray Gell-Mann, découvreur des quarks - Sciences et Avenir - 6 years ago

@AZTw33t: RT @kyogok: Mathematicaの実質無料化が話題ですが、それ以上にショッキングなウルフラムによるゲルマンの追悼文。いろいろと尋常ではない。 - 6 years ago

@LuisLuisnavarro: RT @Neferchitty: ¡Cosas que pasan en @pcoffeebreak! @cwestend @hsocasnavarro 😁 Ep217: Códice #Voynich; #Artemisa; Eclipse de #Eddington; #S… - 6 years ago

@climatrisk: RT @VariabilityBlog: The Physicist Who Made Sense of the Universe Murray Gell-Mann (1929-2019) - 6 years ago

@nekomamma60: RT @kyogok: Mathematicaの実質無料化が話題ですが、それ以上にショッキングなウルフラムによるゲルマンの追悼文。いろいろと尋常ではない。 - 6 years ago

@wyrwolf: |“Murray Gell-Mann was a seminal figure in the history of physics,”| |awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1969| |… - 6 years ago

@ScienceNews365: #science ScienceNews: Gell-Mann was universally acknowledged as an intellectual titan. - 6 years ago

@KalliatValsaraj: RT @ScienceNews: Gell-Mann was universally acknowledged as an intellectual titan. - 6 years ago

@JOSELUISREYESGS: RT @pcoffeebreak: Ya puedes escuchar la tertulia de esta semana. Hoy, desde el #MCC, de @MuseosTenerife: -Códice Voynich (minuto 41:20) -El… - 6 years ago

@Jamiela_Harris_: RT @ScienceNews: Gell-Mann was universally acknowledged as an intellectual titan. - 6 years ago

@ScienceNews: Gell-Mann was universally acknowledged as an intellectual titan. - 6 years ago

@akirahitoshi: RT @kyogok: Mathematicaの実質無料化が話題ですが、それ以上にショッキングなウルフラムによるゲルマンの追悼文。いろいろと尋常ではない。 - 6 years ago

@kenswien: RT @kyogok: Mathematicaの実質無料化が話題ですが、それ以上にショッキングなウルフラムによるゲルマンの追悼文。いろいろと尋常ではない。 - 6 years ago

@boxeur0211: RT @kyogok: Mathematicaの実質無料化が話題ですが、それ以上にショッキングなウルフラムによるゲルマンの追悼文。いろいろと尋常ではない。 - 6 years ago

@tertuliaglg: RT @Letras_Libres: Carlos Chimal recuerda a Murray Gell-Mann, el recién fallecido premio Nobel de física que se topó, en una de las obras l… - 6 years ago

@Letras_Libres: Carlos Chimal recuerda a Murray Gell-Mann, el recién fallecido premio Nobel de física que se topó, en una de las ob… - 6 years ago

@byantium: 1/2 Message to same: must keep up to date with science gurus, R4 keep coming up with people “ who changed face scie… - 6 years ago

@sakak: RT @kyogok: Mathematicaの実質無料化が話題ですが、それ以上にショッキングなウルフラムによるゲルマンの追悼文。いろいろと尋常ではない。 - 6 years ago

@_etzasr: RT @stephen_wolfram: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929-2019) ... and my old friends the pions, kaons, hyperons, and quarks - 6 years ago

@ID19561029: Murray Gell-Mann, Nobel Prize-winning physicist who named quarks, dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@bamboo4031: RT @kyogok: Mathematicaの実質無料化が話題ですが、それ以上にショッキングなウルフラムによるゲルマンの追悼文。いろいろと尋常ではない。 - 6 years ago

@CharlieMingiedi: RT @mediacongo: Murray Gell-Mann, le physicien qui a théorisé l’existence des quarks en 1961, s’est éteint le 24 mai à 89 ans. Retour sur l… - 6 years ago

@theissuecollect: Murray Gell-Mann, Who Peered at Particles and Saw the Universe, Dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@TheAlethiophile: RT @NobelPrize: "We are driven by the usual insatiable curiosity of the scientist, and our work is a delightful game." Remembering Murray… - 6 years ago

@ej_molina_c: RT @brionesci: El viernes falleció uno de los mayores científicos que he conocido: Murray Gell-Mann, PN de Física en 1969 (buen año) y gran… - 6 years ago

@verwer: RT @WolframResearch: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929 - 2019). @stephen_wolfram reflects on the life of Gell-Mann and his research on pio… - 6 years ago

@nonergodicMark: I would definitely be attracted to 'erotic economics' ;) Wasn't Murray Gell-Mann a master of giving names to scient… - 6 years ago

@osada1967: RT @muegamma: ゲルマンが亡くなったのか "Murray Gell-Mann, father of quarks, dies - 6 years ago

@gizmodo_once: RT @Gizmodo: Murray Gell-Mann, the physicist who came up with quarks, has died - 6 years ago

@muegamma: ゲルマンが亡くなったのか "Murray Gell-Mann, father of quarks, dies - 6 years ago

@psi_bar: RT @stephen_wolfram: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann (1929-2019) ... and my old friends the pions, kaons, hyperons, and quarks - 6 years ago

@renesb: „Murray Gell-Mann, father of quarks, dies“ - 6 years ago

@CobosAby: RT @CienciaAMC: Ha fallecido Murray Gell-Mann, quien introdujo y bautizó a los 'quarks' en el universo de la #física de partículas. Aquí e… - 6 years ago

@TheGreenChook: RT @sfiscience: We're sorry to announce the passing of @NobelPrize Laureate and complexity giant Murray Gell-Mann, one of the 20th Century'… - 6 years ago

@Mars_777: RT @pitiklinov: El Efecto Murray Gell-Mann o por qué creemos a los medios pese a que les pillemos diciendo mentiras - 6 years ago

@TChihMath: RT @seanmcarroll: I'm told (via email) that Murray Gell-Mann has died at age 89. One of the world's great physicists, his contributions inc… - 6 years ago

@Oleskyflorez: RT @sfiscience: "His theory of quarks & gluons was successfully tested in countless, increasingly precise experiments at high-energy partic… - 6 years ago

@V_A_Stefan: Murray Gell-Mann,1929—2019, the father of the quark, considered by many a physicist to be closest to Einstein in in… - 6 years ago

@JeremySyTweet: RT @byGeorgeJohnson: Remembering Murray Gell-Mann - 6 years ago

@bayaslit: @jfcarpio Curiosamente, hace dos días murió Murray Gell-Mann. - 6 years ago

@sengupso: RT @sfiscience: "His theory of quarks & gluons was successfully tested in countless, increasingly precise experiments at high-energy partic… - 6 years ago

@sengupso: RT @sfiscience: "If a child grows up to be a scientist, he finds that he is paid to play all day at the most exciting game ever devised by… - 6 years ago

@CoeurDeHibou: RT @lemondefr: Le physicien américain, Murray Gell-Mann, inventeur des quarks, est mort - 6 years ago

@kz_itakura: Gell-Mann、亡くなったのか。ご冥福をお祈りします。 Murray Gell-Mann, father of quarks, dies - 6 years ago

@galois1724: RT @SALOMgazetesi: Parçacık Fiziğinin babası Murray Gell-Mann 89 yaşında hayatını kaybetti - 6 years ago

@SALOMgazetesi: Parçacık Fiziğinin babası Murray Gell-Mann 89 yaşında hayatını kaybetti - 6 years ago

@JeanPaulKeulen: Overleden: Murray Gell-Mann (89), een van de bedenkers van het quarkmodel én degene die de naam quark uit een boek… - 6 years ago

@thenewmexican: On the latest Radio Café, a tribute to the life of Nobel Prize-winning scientist and co-founder of the Santa Fe Ins… - 6 years ago

@alfcenteno: Ep217: Códice Voynich; Artemisa; Eclipse de Eddington; StarLink; Adiós a Murray Gell-Mann - 6 years ago

@ProfAbelMendez: Murray Gell-Mann, father of quarks, dies - 6 years ago

@ole_b_peters: @Yamanaga2 @Edmond_Burk Popular gateway drugs are this 2016 paper with Murray Gell-Mann and… - 6 years ago

@DunkanDX: Восьмеричный путь Вселенной: - 6 years ago

@GaleEMEA: #Photo of Murray Gell-Mann, Nobel-winning #physicist . In the #book 'The Scientific Life', Gell-Mann said "It's suc… - 6 years ago

@PegasusMission: RT @sfiscience: We're sorry to announce the passing of @NobelPrize Laureate and complexity giant Murray Gell-Mann, one of the 20th Century'… - 6 years ago

@bama_rai: RT @ScienceNews: Murray Gell-Mann recognized that protons and neutrons must be made of constituent parts before those parts were found. h… - 6 years ago

@alsajano: ¡Te recomiendo que escuches este audio de iVoox! Ep217: Códice Voynich; Artemisa; Eclipse de Eddington; StarLink; A… - 6 years ago

@actu_quantique: La découverte des quarks : l'essentiel héritage de Murray Gell-Mann - Sciences et Avenir - 6 years ago

@DLRALLibs: Murray Gell-Mann, Nobel Prize-winning physicist who named quarks, dies at 89 - 6 years ago

@billrand: RT @2019NetSci: "We are driven by the usual insatiable curiosity of the scientist, and our work is a delightful game." --Murray Gell-Mann w… - 6 years ago

@bhagirathl: The Wire: How Murray Gell-Mann Brought Clarity to a New Force of Nature. #physics via @GoogleNews - 6 years ago

@Hanane_88: RT @povnuffel: Minder media-aandacht voor het overlijden van theoretisch fysicus Murray Gell-Mann dan voor Stephen Hawking vorig jaar. Noch… - 6 years ago

@ChrisSmolinski: RT @CharlesCMann: I interviewed Murray Gell-Mann in the '80s over lunch at an Asian eatery. He was robustly scornful of me and my dumb ques… - 6 years ago

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