Muhammad Surur

Died on Monday November 14th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Muhammad Surur:

@SysoonMemorial: Muhammad Surur (unknown - 2016) - 8 years ago

@KatieSartania: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago

@MOTooleBAHons: Godfather of Salafi jihadism peacefully passes Doha. - 8 years ago

@LisseyDe: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago


@bellmarias: RT @HariPrasad91: Here's the article by @hxhassan that started this twitter fight. - 8 years ago

@Ibishblog: RT @KyleWOrton: Muhammad Surur brought political tactics of Islamists in the republics to the Salafists on the Gulf, says @Ibishblog https:… - 8 years ago

@hxhassan: RT @HariPrasad91: Here's the article by @hxhassan that started this twitter fight. - 8 years ago

@hxhassan: RT @ryanmofarrell: "Praise for [Surur's] movement shows normalisation of extremist ideas by opposition [and] watchers of the conflict." htt… - 8 years ago

@KyleWOrton: Muhammad Surur brought political tactics of Islamists in the republics to the Salafists on the Gulf, says @Ibishblog - 8 years ago

@purematrimony: The Muslim Ummah has lost one of its most unique scholars and thinkers.... - 8 years ago

@purematrimony: The Muslim Ummah has lost one of its most unique scholars and thinkers.... - 8 years ago

@saikripa_jpd: RT @DanielPipes: Learn about the little-known but deeply influential Syrian Islamist thinker, Muhammad Surur, who just died in Qatar: https… - 8 years ago

@tltdth_: RT @FatimaBarkatula: On Friday 11th November 2016 the Muslim Ummah lost one of its unique Islamic scholars and thinkers; Sheikh... - 8 years ago

@hanscrebas: RT @YaqoobBalooshi: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago

@nada0075: RT @hxhassan: New: 50 years after Sayyid Qutb's death, a lesser known yet equally transformational figure passed away on Friday - 8 years ago

@FatimaBarkatula: On Friday 11th November 2016 the Muslim Ummah lost one of its unique Islamic scholars and thinkers; Sheikh... - 8 years ago

@cybertosser: RT @KyleWOrton: Mixing revolutionary political Islam and Salafism brought Salafi-jihadism. Muhammad Surur was a key bridge - 8 years ago

@Noria_Research: RT @hxhassan: New: 50 years after Sayyid Qutb's death, a lesser known yet equally transformational figure passed away on Friday - 8 years ago

@hxhassan: RT @HariPrasad91: The legacy of Muhammad Surur and the normalization of extremism. Good article by @hxhassan - 8 years ago

@ChetanBhatt1962: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago

@MrPolyatheist: RT @tobiaschneider: Wonderfully lucid article by @hxhassan on the influence of the deceased Muhammad Surur on modern Salafi-Jihadism. https… - 8 years ago

@YDelair: RT @islam21c: A pioneer, a leader, an author who left behind major preachers, scholars & activists. Read about his life & times - 8 years ago

@Sunnipulse786: RT @EHSANI22: @hxhassan wrote this fine piece on Surur. Emir of Qatar seen below with Surur's son & R. Hijab of #syrian opposition - 8 years ago

@HariPrasad91: Here's the article by @hxhassan that started this twitter fight. - 8 years ago

@TheAbdulKahhar: RT @islam21c: A pioneer, a leader, an author who left behind major preachers, scholars & activists. Read about his life & times - 8 years ago

@ColinPClarke: RT @Anabel_Inge: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago

@dopsdingers: RT @azelin: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - @hxhassan, @TheNationalUAE: - 8 years ago

@jamooon87: RT @PhD_Q8i: محمد سرور مؤسس السلفية الحركية الحالية - 8 years ago

@andr49287906: RT @DanielWickham93: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago

@BRiGHT_Q8: RT @PhD_Q8i: محمد سرور مؤسس السلفية الحركية الحالية - 8 years ago

@AltafalEssa: RT @PhD_Q8i: محمد سرور مؤسس السلفية الحركية الحالية - 8 years ago

@PhD_Q8i: محمد سرور مؤسس السلفية الحركية الحالية - 8 years ago

@telkolaly: RT @Anabel_Inge: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago

@hxhassan: RT @Anabel_Inge: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago

@hxhassan: RT @GonzoPhotogrphr: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago

@SangarPaykhar: RT @hxhassan: 9. #NOTE Muhammad Surur himself used this definition and used the term "haraki" (revolutionary/activist). - 8 years ago

@ibnkafka: RT @azelin: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - @hxhassan, @TheNationalUAE: - 8 years ago

@jakezemp: RT @hxhassan: New: 50 years after Sayyid Qutb's death, a lesser known yet equally transformational figure passed away on Friday - 8 years ago

@arwa__mt: RT @hxhassan: 9. #NOTE Muhammad Surur himself used this definition and used the term "haraki" (revolutionary/activist). - 8 years ago

@hxhassan: 9. #NOTE Muhammad Surur himself used this definition and used the term "haraki" (revolutionary/activist). - 8 years ago

@KeikoSakaiJPN: RT @UticaRisk: Do read @hxhassan on the legacy of Muhammad Surur & the evolution of activist Salafism: - 8 years ago

@ryanmofarrell: "Praise for [Surur's] movement shows normalisation of extremist ideas by opposition [and] watchers of the conflict." - 8 years ago

@Lady_Lbrty: RT @meforum: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago

@rlamsfuss: RT @YaqoobBalooshi: Muhammad Surur and the normalisation of extremism - 8 years ago

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