Muhammad Aslam

Pakistani hockey Olympian and international athlete.
Died on Thursday July 25th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Muhammad Aslam:

@PrernaSaxena11: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@Aslam_Virgo: RT @KhanAmerKhan: First we must Thank ALLAH and than Thank Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah for giving us an independent, beautiful & peaceful Pakis… - 6 years ago


@engrbhutto: *Muhammad Aslam Bhutto* sent you a *Paigam* Open This Once 👇👇 ⁦@OfficialDGISPR⁩ - 6 years ago


@engrbhutto: *Muhammad Aslam Bhutto* sent you a *Paigam* Open This Once 👇👇 ⁦@BBhuttoZardari⁩ ⁦@MaryamNSharif⁩ - 6 years ago

@MansukhMer42: RT @iPankajShukla: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKi… - 6 years ago

@SumanGh41523067: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@Buhari_Serif: 🇬🇧 "A chain close [to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ] brings closeness to Allah." Muhammad ibn Aslam al-Tusi Register a… - 6 years ago

@Barbie61397214: @ZaidZamanHamid aslam O Aliakum Sir ager ap ka pass shabbir Ahmed usmani ke wo vedio ha jis ma wo Quaid.e Azam ka… - 6 years ago

@furqanraja1122: With Vice President Jamaat-e-Islami Mia Muhammad Aslam... #opinionwriting #rajafurqanahmed #miamuhammadaslam… - 6 years ago

@hussain_qasmi: FOLLOW @Muhammad Aslam Hussain Qasmi ex: FOLLOW @twitter - 6 years ago

@rajpras88081139: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@onenonlymahakal: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@KalpeshPatel17: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@YaPravin: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@SuPriyoBabul: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@stardustdynamic: What if you wanted to look at hero trending on Twitter, but Muhammad Aslam said - 6 years ago

@DhkShenava: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@hussain_qasmi: Follow@Muhammad Aslam Hussain Qasmi - 6 years ago

@TechRose1: Thanks Aemmy Mlik @Velvet_Cheryyy , Lance Edelman @Lance_Edelman , The Fit Cookie @thefitcookie ,RxDawg… - 6 years ago

@hussain_qasmi: FOLLOW @MUHAMMAD ASLAM HUSSAIN QASMI - 6 years ago

@hussain_qasmi: Your phone is already set up to use Twitter. Reply FOLLOW @MUHAMMAD ASLAM HUSSAIN QASMI - 6 years ago

@TechRose1: Thanks to Julie Kaylin @JulieKaylin , Sunny @sunnysunny004 , DJ LEGION ONE @DJ_LEGION_ONE , Muhammad Jawad Aslam… - 6 years ago

@borah_debojani: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@bjprajkotcity: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@SHIVUDESHAKODI: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@NareshVashish: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@m_aslam_naulpti: RT @MasudAKhan6: Father of shaheed Muhammad Yousuf who embraced shahadat on pak afghan border. Look at his courage who is raising pakistan… - 6 years ago

@NotChisti: RT @abzndat: but I can't be worse than him - can I?" He kept repeating this until sleep overtook him, and on that night he was blessed with… - 6 years ago

@abzndat: RT @abzndat: but I can't be worse than him - can I?" He kept repeating this until sleep overtook him, and on that night he was blessed with… - 6 years ago

@iPrakashthakur: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@shipra1501: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@lohith_nadig: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@GulchandVerma: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@DineshP50062531: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@jan_manoj4747: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

@Anandra75695805: RT @PMOIndia: A comment by Muhammad Aslam on MyGov drew the Prime Minister's attention and he decided to speak about it during #MannKiBaat.… - 6 years ago

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