Mufti Abdullah

Pakistani politician
Died on Friday May 31st 2013

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Mufti Abdullah:

@joytrichur: @ImMasroor_ @abdullah_omar : high time for centre to dismiss mufti govt and impose president rule.

@joytrichur: @abdullah_omar : mufti is the cm of separatist. people of jk has no voice inspite of electon. my sympathies of jk electrate.

@MMhzaffar: @abdullah_omar mufti is fallowing his doctors advice to speak less ..old age matters

@FarooqA09308403: @abdullah_omar .Mufti watching like a mute spectator.


@abdullah_omar: Mufti Syed 02-05 "I gave the people of J&K cellphones" Mufti Syed 15-?? "I oversaw the demise & removal of cell phone services in Kashmir"

@channelrt: Has Mufti Syed said anything to reassure the people connected.... @abdullah_omar

@SridharNarasimh: “@abdullah_omar: Mufti is following coalition dharma!

@GulrezMushtaq: @abdullah_omar @Junaid_Mattu So you do agree The Mufti of 2002 was an era of peace.

@Homer2bart: @abdullah_omar Some respect please. Mufti Sahab or Mr. Mufti Syed. Like we always say Dr. Farooq Abdullah or Abdullah Sahab.

@ssrissam84: @abdullah_omar @Junaid_Mattu its modization of mufti

@abdullah_omar: Is it any wonder people are searching for the Mufti of 2002 & can't seem to find him anywhere!!!

@imJelaasbhat: @abdullah_omar mufti criminal

@adnantourntrav1: @abdullah_omar we have lost our cm mufti govt done nothing for us long live nc

@abdullah_omar: Has Mufti Syed said anything to reassure the people connected with the Cell Phone industry in Kashmir? A single statement? Probably won't!!

@za_zarka: RT @Drsheikhamina: @Farooqrenzushah @rahil_hassan @abdullah_omar : why delay in providing security ? Where is mufti @jkpdp

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