Mr. Two Bits

American football fan.
Died on Thursday July 4th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Mr. Two Bits:

@Irrigator19: @FloridaGators Mr Two Bits was one of a kind. Completely original, beloved by millions of Gator fans and one of the… - 6 years ago

@pjmg8r: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@saved_bythebeat: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@love_My_Gators: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago


@coachdaledavis: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@goldsurff: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@davewfields: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@Year2: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@Gatorgirly1: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@briannolanbarry: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@lrenard13: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@g8orshan: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@GarrettlLeopold: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@CaptainRodg3rs: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@ThomasNassiff: RT @GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@GatorsScott: Another shot of Mr. Two Bits in full glory passed along by a Twitter friend … #Gators - 6 years ago

@KingToneIV: I have goosebumps. RIP Mr. Two Bits. - 6 years ago

@HHSCoachHensel: RT @FloridaGators: We mourn the passing of a legendary Gator - Mr. Two Bits. - 6 years ago

@free2achieve: God I’m gonna be an emotional mess this first home Florida football game. Not only will it be my last ‘first’ game… - 6 years ago

@dewms26: @FloridaGators Watching this made me smile and remember looking around the stadium trying find Mr. Two Bits wheneve… - 6 years ago

@SpaceMonroee: RIP Mr. Two Bits <<3 - 6 years ago

@YummySandwiches: RT @howlieT: Delightful scenes outside as two sparrows feast on the bird feeder and Mr and Mrs Blackbird sit below chomping the bits they’r… - 6 years ago

@howlieT: Delightful scenes outside as two sparrows feast on the bird feeder and Mr and Mrs Blackbird sit below chomping the… - 6 years ago

@jaebumspot: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@YungBawse: RT @FloridaGators: We mourn the passing of a legendary Gator - Mr. Two Bits. - 6 years ago

@BiellingJ: RT @ZMBielling: In Honor of Mr. Two Bits (George Edmondson) and in the spirit of getting ready for @GatorsFB, enjoy! My Boy is ready to ge… - 6 years ago

@UnBEARLeevable: I would like to see the @FloridaGators name something after Mr Two Bits, like maybe the pregame show or Something.… - 6 years ago

@ZMBielling: In Honor of Mr. Two Bits (George Edmondson) and in the spirit of getting ready for @GatorsFB, enjoy! My Boy is rea… - 6 years ago

@MichaelWBratton: RT @MichaelWBratton: Florida's offseason woes continue, FPI update: Tennessee favored in 9 games, South Carolina says no to booze & @BigOra… - 6 years ago

@BobRott1: RT @CoachDanMullen: So sad to hear about Mr. Two Bits passing away. Traditions are what makes college football so special, and George Edmon… - 6 years ago

@BobRott1: RT @GatorsScott: Cool photo of Mr. Two Bits from 1985, courtesy of former @alligatorSports photographer Reed Galin … #Gators - 6 years ago

@BobRott1: RT @GatorsScott: #Gators superfan George Edmondson, aka Mr. Two Bits, was a rarity among us — a true original: - 6 years ago

@m_white14: RT @MichaelWBratton: Florida's offseason woes continue, FPI update: Tennessee favored in 9 games, South Carolina says no to booze & @BigOra… - 6 years ago

@utunisko: RT @DonGreg32797944: “Two bits! Four bits! Six bits! A dollar! All for the Gators, stand up and holler!” RIP Mr. Edmondson ❤️🐊❤️🐊 - 6 years ago

@thatSECpodcast: RT @MichaelWBratton: Florida's offseason woes continue, FPI update: Tennessee favored in 9 games, South Carolina says no to booze & @BigOra… - 6 years ago

@BigOrangeVolz: RT @MichaelWBratton: Florida's offseason woes continue, FPI update: Tennessee favored in 9 games, South Carolina says no to booze & @BigOra… - 6 years ago

@MichaelWBratton: Florida's offseason woes continue, FPI update: Tennessee favored in 9 games, South Carolina says no to booze &… - 6 years ago

@lrpresser: Mr. Two Bits was an icon of my gator football youth! ❤️ #MrTwoBits #flgators - 6 years ago

@jjapjjapproject: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@brentbeaird: RT @Johnny_Radio: Listening to Sportstime with Wolo n Stats @BrettNorsworthy on @Sports56WHBQ You always learn something from them even whe… - 6 years ago

@Johnny_Radio: Listening to Sportstime with Wolo n Stats @BrettNorsworthy on @Sports56WHBQ You always learn something from them ev… - 6 years ago

@MyFocusIsOnGOT7: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@JonathanFarris0: RT @finebaum: Enjoying the stories from callers sharing their memories of Florida football's iconic Mr. Two Bits, who passed last week. Geo… - 6 years ago

@GatorGrump: @AlligatorArmy I understand why the Ring of Honor was done, but the requirements are ill conceived. Lomas Brown sh… - 6 years ago

@ScopiusO: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@StarryIAga: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@PTCBlueAngels: RT @FloridaGators: We mourn the passing of a legendary Gator - Mr. Two Bits. - 6 years ago

@arsdefkyum: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@helloitsmePH: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@BB_XCVII: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@giantyugyeom: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@StadiumClubUF: Rest in Peace to UF's most famous cheerleader, George Edmondson Jr, Mr. Two Bits. You will be greatly missed by… - 6 years ago

@Sam20_igot7: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@Gators1322: @ahmadblack35 for honorary Mr. Two Bits @CoachDanMullen @GatorsFB 🐊 - 6 years ago

@got7get7willge1: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@smofbabe: @DarleneMarshall Sad to see this. This obit contains a short video interview and he seemed like a terrific guy. (H… - 6 years ago

@mr_tiwariji: RT @SGanguly99: Big day beckons ! History is on our side as the team gets ready to take on NZ in the Semi-Final. Here is my two bits to ins… - 6 years ago

@MR_Ashish901: RT @SGanguly99: Big day beckons ! History is on our side as the team gets ready to take on NZ in the Semi-Final. Here is my two bits to ins… - 6 years ago

@IGOT7AHGASEFAN: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@JCheryoung: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@jadejaebee: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@peepeejy: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@ahgaseven: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@Yunki7__: RT @mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered collabing w… - 6 years ago

@mktxciii: good evening mr posty @PostMalone i greatly look up u ur like my favorite american artist. have u ever considered c… - 6 years ago

@JHHunt42: @GatorsFB Pete Alonso has got to be considered for a Mr Two Bits appearance now right? - 6 years ago

@MobCalEsquire: RT @finebaum: Enjoying the stories from callers sharing their memories of Florida football's iconic Mr. Two Bits, who passed last week. Geo… - 6 years ago

@chuckbiscuits65: RIP Mr. Two Bits - 6 years ago

@Bigrigy55: RT @GCoatoam: @finebaum Mr Two Bits was always happy 😃 - 6 years ago

@_jphil73_: RT @FloridaGators: We mourn the passing of a legendary Gator - Mr. Two Bits. - 6 years ago

@DK_Thompson: RT @Year2: My latest for @GatorCountry: a remembrance and tribute to Mr. Two Bits. Untold numbers of Gator fans grew up with him, and I was… - 6 years ago

@NickdelaTorreGC: RT @Year2: My latest for @GatorCountry: a remembrance and tribute to Mr. Two Bits. Untold numbers of Gator fans grew up with him, and I was… - 6 years ago

@GCoatoam: @finebaum Mr Two Bits was always happy 😃 - 6 years ago

@Patriot_Dfender: RT @CoachDanMullen: So sad to hear about Mr. Two Bits passing away. Traditions are what makes college football so special, and George Edmon… - 6 years ago

@keeper2481: @ZachAbolverdi @JeffCardozoUF @TheTailgateWRUF What about putting Mr. Two Bits yellow shirt and tie up on a plaque… - 6 years ago

@jakesrbetter: RT @finebaum: Enjoying the stories from callers sharing their memories of Florida football's iconic Mr. Two Bits, who passed last week. Geo… - 6 years ago

@DanTorretta1: RT @finebaum: Enjoying the stories from callers sharing their memories of Florida football's iconic Mr. Two Bits, who passed last week. Geo… - 6 years ago

@01_elisha: RT @FloridaGators: We mourn the passing of a legendary Gator - Mr. Two Bits. - 6 years ago

@FranFifteen: RT @finebaum: Enjoying the stories from callers sharing their memories of Florida football's iconic Mr. Two Bits, who passed last week. Geo… - 6 years ago

@EllenburNicky: @finebaum hey Finebaum how did mr. Two bits get the name two bits #BamaNickfromAmericusGeorgia - 6 years ago

@DaveWeston14: @finebaum Rip Mr Two Bits! Go Gators! Cheers! - 6 years ago

@finebaum: Enjoying the stories from callers sharing their memories of Florida football's iconic Mr. Two Bits, who passed last… - 6 years ago

@SteelCityGator: RT @Year2: My latest for @GatorCountry: a remembrance and tribute to Mr. Two Bits. Untold numbers of Gator fans grew up with him, and I was… - 6 years ago

@Year2: My latest for @GatorCountry: a remembrance and tribute to Mr. Two Bits. Untold numbers of Gator fans grew up with h… - 6 years ago

@FLORIDAGATORSGO: #Gators #UF - 6 years ago

@cataniac: RIP Mr. 2-bits - 6 years ago

@albertsaysjj: RT @CoachDanMullen: So sad to hear about Mr. Two Bits passing away. Traditions are what makes college football so special, and George Edmon… - 6 years ago

@albertsaysjj: RT @GatorsScott: Cool photo of Mr. Two Bits from 1985, courtesy of former @alligatorSports photographer Reed Galin … #Gators - 6 years ago

@albertsaysjj: RT @GatorsScott: #Gators superfan George Edmondson, aka Mr. Two Bits, was a rarity among us — a true original: - 6 years ago

@albertsaysjj: RT @GatorsFB: Forever missed and always remembered. Story via @GatorsScott: #GoGators 🐊 #MrTwoBits - 6 years ago

@Gatorshop: Watch: Florida releases tribute video to Mr. Two Bits - 6 years ago

@matucker85: @ScottStricklin The first home game of every football season should be dubbed “Mr. Two Bits Day”. All fans should b… - 6 years ago

@oliverbarry: @GatorsFB @Gatorgirl_xo He was there when I was at Florida. He was Mr. Two Bits for 60 years! I kinda hoped he'd stay around forever. - 6 years ago

@UF_BSD: RT @uflib: Will there ever be another Gators fan as iconic as George Edmondson aka Mr. Two Bits? Rest in Peace George. The Gator Nation wi… - 6 years ago

@uflib: Will there ever be another Gators fan as iconic as George Edmondson aka Mr. Two Bits? Rest in Peace George. The Ga… - 6 years ago

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