Mort Walker

American comics artist (Beetle Bailey).
Died on Saturday January 27th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Mort Walker:

@SocialJukebox: Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart. - Mort Walker #quote - 7 years ago

@FestivalofIdeas: Mort Walker - cartoonist of Beetle Bailey and more - as historian as well as humorist. - 7 years ago

@Justin_Dart: Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart. - Mort Walker #quote - 7 years ago

@6tw6u60avz_765: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago


@leliyandy: RT @Pirulla25: Um dia triste para o cartunismo: - 7 years ago

@Crash_Dalco: RT @nuiotwo: Mort Walker, Historian - 7 years ago

@nuiotwo: RT @nuiotwo: Mort Walker, Historian - 7 years ago

@nnamirishikena: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@sorerugaretoke: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@Calvin_Rayy: @Jtmcneese_14 @iamburt29 @MattJoslin03 @geno_velasco @kelcicakes @stopyalingatme The Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones Cre… - 7 years ago

@itekairazuka: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@keiramidonse: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@yugamiyokosasa: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@KenDixonCT: RT @MMayko2011: Mort Walker laid to rest in Westport - 7 years ago

@bstarknemon: Poignant piece on Mort Walker and the #history of #cartoons. TY Cullen Murphy @nytimes #arthistory - 7 years ago

@FrankMalfitano: - 7 years ago

@LLRX: Mort Walker, The Man Behind 'Beetle Bailey' Comic Strip, Dies At 94 - 7 years ago

@hwideholm: Mort Walker, Historian - 7 years ago

@AlaskaMaeve: @PatrickZircher I know there’s a big difference between your work and Walker’s but, in some way I see both arts as… - 7 years ago

@Jacksrule1: RT @AP: Comic strip artist Mort Walker, who tickled newspaper readers with the antics of lazy Army private 'Beetle Bailey,' dies at 94, a f… - 7 years ago

@DanielMarangon3: RT @lmegale: Morreu Mort Walker, criador de um dos meus quadrinhos favoritos. 94 anos - 7 years ago

@SacreeBD: RT @Pasamonik: Mort Wallker est décédé à l'âge de 94 ans. Ses cartoons avaient &été publiés dans Charlie Mensuel et dans Spirou. Il avait f… - 7 years ago

@malech_rod: RT @bill_auclair: #RIP and a toast to Mort Walker, creator of "Beetle Bailey" comic strip.#SaturdayNight - 7 years ago

@JCBDOgier: RT @Pasamonik: Mort Wallker est décédé à l'âge de 94 ans. Ses cartoons avaient &été publiés dans Charlie Mensuel et dans Spirou. Il avait f… - 7 years ago

@goseelocal: RT @bill_auclair: #RIP and a toast to Mort Walker, creator of "Beetle Bailey" comic strip.#SaturdayNight - 7 years ago

@DeborahWilk5132: RT @robowski5951: I was on the train in Chicago, probably 10 years ago, with my grandmother. A nice elderly man offered his seat to her. Th… - 7 years ago

@JhwilsH: 'Beetle Bailey' Cartoonist Mort Walker Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@nmclaughlin04: Mort Walker, Historian - 7 years ago

@FLJCC: "Big Picture," Lennie Peterson - says it all - RIP Mort Walker - thanks for the laughs - 7 years ago

@lydiacourtay: RT @Soulcentralmag: Mort Walker, cartoonist who cr - 7 years ago

@_kevinmp: Mort Walker, artist of Beetle Bailey, has passed on. That was a classic comic strip. - 7 years ago

@Tara_ONeill_: Famous cartoonist Mort Walker laid to rest in #Westport - 7 years ago

@Soulcentralmag: Mort Walker, cartoonist who cr - 7 years ago

@PossumHour: RIP Mort Walker - 7 years ago

@TheHourNews: Mort Walker laid to rest in Westport - 7 years ago

@reverendentity: Mort Walker, 1923-2018 - 7 years ago

@WestportNow: Cartoonist Mort Walker’s Final Journey to Westport - 7 years ago

@drmabuse: BEETLE BAILEY cartoonish Mort Walker has passed away. I interviewed him in detail for Bat Segundo in 2008 and we g… - 7 years ago

@___The_Seven___: RT @CBR: Beetle Bailey Creator Mort Walker Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@SpacePootler: RT @HeerJeet: Mort Walker, RIP. He was the last cartoonist personally hired by William Randolph Hearst, so our last link to the great age o… - 7 years ago

@crazyunlikeafox: RT @HeerJeet: Mort Walker, RIP. He was the last cartoonist personally hired by William Randolph Hearst, so our last link to the great age o… - 7 years ago

@mercredibd: Décès de Mort Walker, le dessinateur de « Beetle Bailey » - 7 years ago

@ImgurViral: Mort Walker, RIP - 7 years ago

@Dimbad_1: RT @Pasamonik: Mort Wallker est décédé à l'âge de 94 ans. Ses cartoons avaient &été publiés dans Charlie Mensuel et dans Spirou. Il avait f… - 7 years ago

@annedouh: RT @Pasamonik: Mort Wallker est décédé à l'âge de 94 ans. Ses cartoons avaient &été publiés dans Charlie Mensuel et dans Spirou. Il avait f… - 7 years ago

@hlynj8: RT @AndyPriceArt: Goodbye to Mort Walker, classic cartoonist and creator of Beetle Bailey, one of the longest running staples of the newspa… - 7 years ago

@StripGlossy1: RT @robinvinck: Tijd voor een nieuwe podcast van Stripjournaal! Met een eerbetoon aan Jan Steeman en Mort Walker door Ger Apeldoorn, en een… - 7 years ago

@ArianeRoland: RT @Pasamonik: Mort Wallker est décédé à l'âge de 94 ans. Ses cartoons avaient &été publiés dans Charlie Mensuel et dans Spirou. Il avait f… - 7 years ago

@meybeck_bd: Décès de Mort Walker, le dessinateur de « Beetle Bailey » - 7 years ago

@Pasamonik: Mort Wallker est décédé à l'âge de 94 ans. Ses cartoons avaient &été publiés dans Charlie Mensuel et dans Spirou. I… - 7 years ago

@SanRotuitea: Ilario, Doucet, Angulema,cumpleIbáñez, charla de il-lustradors, Sáez, "más allá dell cómic", Durán y Giner, Operaci… - 7 years ago

@robinvinck: Tijd voor een nieuwe podcast van Stripjournaal! Met een eerbetoon aan Jan Steeman en Mort Walker door Ger Apeldoorn… - 7 years ago

@CraftVenue: RT @VAVetBenefits: This week, we honor the life and service of Army Korean War-era Veteran, Mort Walker, the iconic creator of Beetle Baile… - 7 years ago

@Adrastosno: In which I mock the Chads and pay tribute to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the late Mort Walker. - 7 years ago

@LupoNolberto: GUARDIAMO ANCORA MORT WALKER! - 7 years ago

@Soulcentralmag: Mort Walker, cartoonist who cr - 7 years ago

@DiyarSb: RT @surekhapillai: any beetle bailey fans here? mort walker is no more: - 7 years ago

@SplashDeIdeas: Mort Walker el hombre detrás de "Beetle Bailey" fallece a los 94 año - 7 years ago

@RCIisLeaking: RT @Hamm_Tips: RIP Mort Walker, 94. Because his humor was so conventional, his drawing skills are undervalued by serious cartoonists. Each… - 7 years ago

@ribasanzenga: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@kikoshitetsuket: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@yushirontezaka: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@dzuengoyakuru: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@MurphLio: RT @toonseum: Mort Walker, the creator of Beetle Bailey, the popular American comic strip based on a fictional military base, passed away t… - 7 years ago

@jdbento_san: RT @MrTylerCrook: Oh no! How did I miss this?! - 7 years ago

@gianfrancogoria: Mort Walker passed away E' uno dei Grandi della striscia statunitense, Addison Morton "Mort" Walker, noto in tutto… - 7 years ago

@afnewsinfo: Mort Walker passed away E' uno dei Grandi della striscia statunitense, Addison Morton "Mort" Walker, noto in tutto… - 7 years ago

@PeterVogt10: RT @Hamm_Tips: RIP Mort Walker, 94. Because his humor was so conventional, his drawing skills are undervalued by serious cartoonists. Each… - 7 years ago

@ToonsWorldFan: Mort Walker, Creator of 'Beetle Bailey' Comic Strip, Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@iamjededcel: RT @Quote_Soup: Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart. - Mort Walker - 7 years ago

@JohannyMi: RT @dcagle: From my buddy @BobEnglehart -about our buddy, Mort Walker. I'm honored to have known Mort. - 7 years ago

@COTV: R.I.P. Mort Walker #MentalSorbet - 7 years ago

@syqau: RT @syqau: Mort Walker, Historian - 7 years ago

@PriveyLaPew: RT @Hamm_Tips: RIP Mort Walker, 94. Because his humor was so conventional, his drawing skills are undervalued by serious cartoonists. Each… - 7 years ago

@yceek: RT @yceek: Mort Walker, Historian - 7 years ago

@SCPublicRadio: NPR Remembrances, including IKEA's founder, cartoonist Mort Walker, actress Connie Sawyer, and more...… - 7 years ago

@bleubaer: ☹️Mort Walker, Creator of ‘Beetle Bailey’ Comic Strip, Dies at 94 - The New York Times - 7 years ago

@betseyklark: RT @mlq3: Mort Walker, Creator of ‘Beetle Bailey’ Comic Strip, Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@ElPsyConKEIror: RT @mlq3: Mort Walker, Creator of ‘Beetle Bailey’ Comic Strip, Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@mlq3: Mort Walker, Creator of ‘Beetle Bailey’ Comic Strip, Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@dragun_heart: RT @MrTylerCrook: Oh no! How did I miss this?! - 7 years ago

@DOTs_and_Loops: RT @Hamm_Tips: RIP Mort Walker, 94. Because his humor was so conventional, his drawing skills are undervalued by serious cartoonists. Each… - 7 years ago

@siratori999_Z: RT @Hamm_Tips: RIP Mort Walker, 94. Because his humor was so conventional, his drawing skills are undervalued by serious cartoonists. Each… - 7 years ago

@MrTylerCrook: Oh no! How did I miss this?! - 7 years ago

@patrennie: RT @teaberryblue: I wrote a blog post about Mort Walker, who died last weekend: - 7 years ago

@elsa_ot: RT @JapanToday: 'Beetle Bailey' cartoonist Mort Walker dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@jkfecke: This is a good Mort Walker paean by @jfruh. - 7 years ago

@MULawLibrary: Mort Walker, Historian - 7 years ago

@Dionisius: RT @mikedeodato: The Mort Walker Interview | The Comics Journal - 7 years ago

@Benjones2Jones: RT @edroso: Really good consideration of Mort Walker, General Halftrack and Miss Buxley, and comics by the Comics Curmudgeon himself, @jfru… - 7 years ago

@BilgeEbiri: RT @edroso: Really good consideration of Mort Walker, General Halftrack and Miss Buxley, and comics by the Comics Curmudgeon himself, @jfru… - 7 years ago

@minigabiworld: Mort Walker, whose ‘Beetle Bailey’ was a comic-page staple for decades, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@TontoBasin: RT @VAVetBenefits: This week, we honor the life and service of Army Korean War-era Veteran, Mort Walker, the iconic creator of Beetle Baile… - 7 years ago

@kblood: RT @jahimes: So sorry to lose #Stamford resident and constituent Mort Walker. Drew countless smiles across many generations. - 7 years ago

@JoeTophat86: "In Memory of Mort Walker" by PeKj - 7 years ago

@gorgeous1965: RT @starsandstripes: In contrast with the work-shirking soldier he immortalized, Mort Walker was a man of considerable drive and ambition.… - 7 years ago

@therealaus: RT @VAVetBenefits: This week, we honor the life and service of Army Korean War-era Veteran, Mort Walker, the iconic creator of Beetle Baile… - 7 years ago

@JuanaBreeze: RT @TraveIIersFacts: Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart. - Mort Walker - 7 years ago

@BrianOTheWorld: Ever wonder about "Beetle Bailey" and who created this cartoon character? - 7 years ago

@Irrilia: #VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Addison "Mort" Walker - VAntage Point - 7 years ago

@t_abre_3: RT @j3abre: Mort Walker, Creator of ‘Beetle Bailey,’ Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@j3abre: Mort Walker, Creator of ‘Beetle Bailey,’ Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@salt_and_games: RT @Hamm_Tips: RIP Mort Walker, 94. Because his humor was so conventional, his drawing skills are undervalued by serious cartoonists. Each… - 7 years ago

@andertoons: Mort Walker 1923 - 2018 - 7 years ago

@2hot4uAthena: RT @VAVetBenefits: This week, we honor the life and service of Army Korean War-era Veteran, Mort Walker, the iconic creator of Beetle Baile… - 7 years ago

@Ta2ewdRN: RT @VAVetBenefits: This week, we honor the life and service of Army Korean War-era Veteran, Mort Walker, the iconic creator of Beetle Baile… - 7 years ago

@Afro_Atheist: RT @VAVetBenefits: This week, we honor the life and service of Army Korean War-era Veteran, Mort Walker, the iconic creator of Beetle Baile… - 7 years ago

@BTSmith1184: RT @VAVetBenefits: This week, we honor the life and service of Army Korean War-era Veteran, Mort Walker, the iconic creator of Beetle Baile… - 7 years ago

@VAVetBenefits: This week, we honor the life and service of Army Korean War-era Veteran, Mort Walker, the iconic creator of Beetle… - 7 years ago

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