Mordechai Ben-Porat

Israeli politician
Died on Monday January 3rd 2022

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Mordechai Ben-Porat:

@SusieBolchover: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@Scholars4Peace: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@plexaleOK: RT @WorldJewishCong: Former MK Mordechai Ben-Porat passed away in #Israel this week, age 98. Originally from Baghdad, he helped lead the… - 3 years ago

@piotrlewart: RT @WorldJewishCong: Former MK Mordechai Ben-Porat passed away in #Israel this week, age 98. Originally from Baghdad, he helped lead the… - 3 years ago


@WorldJewishCong: Former MK Mordechai Ben-Porat passed away in #Israel this week, age 98. Originally from Baghdad, he helped lead t… - 3 years ago

@channingms1: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@boulders2021: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@TzfatBlog: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@RisksAssociated: Mordechai Ben-Porat passes away at 98 - 3 years ago

@Shafaqnews: Mordechai Ben-Porat passes away at 98 - 3 years ago

@MichaelRahbar: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@Darlene75987926: RT @diamondlass99: Frm MK and minister Mordechai Ben-Porat 98, passed away on Monday morning. Born in Baghdad and immigrating to Israel in… - 3 years ago

@jakejakeny: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@cheeseparty: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@BasGazetesi: Mordechai Ben-Porat’ın ölümü, İsrail’de yaşayan Irak kökenli Yahudilerin yaralarını tazeledi - 3 years ago

@BloomMiaHannah: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@aldhirabi: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@pauldgross: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@WillyBehera: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@Bejaelma: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@ARomirowsky: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@AbbiSeattle: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@bold_counsel: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@Astra48163094: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@titus_bruno: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@lisa27839890: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@Petrucc19072582: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@NAMO_SR: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@LibramoonSnoopy: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@joesbooks: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@DanLevi20071833: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@Ronv3V: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@dubib: RT @Jerusalem_Post: 🇮🇱 Former MK and minister Mordechai Ben-Porat passed away on Monday morning at the age of 98. Born in Baghdad and immig… - 3 years ago

@AviMlotek: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@Skye1USMC: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@ShoshanaHantman: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@diamondlass99: Frm MK and minister Mordechai Ben-Porat 98, passed away on Monday morning. Born in Baghdad and immigrating to Israe… - 3 years ago

@ZealouslyQuoted: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@Vendetta20213: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@NYKnowledgeSoc: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@ALSYEDS2: RT @haaretzcom: The Baghdad-born Ben-Porat, who became a Knesset member and cabinet minister, left Iraq in 1945, only to return to organize… - 3 years ago

@DavidbJohansson: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@hopelesshype: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@drdivine: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@Annoula64: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@liss_uma: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@LukasYLehmann: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@rickysamp69: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@john_monka: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@amicidiisraele2: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@SchiffGiulio: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@rachelhalinasor: Former MK Mordechai Ben-Porat passes away at 98 :((( - 3 years ago

@SjoquistJohan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: 🇮🇱 Former MK and minister Mordechai Ben-Porat passed away on Monday morning at the age of 98. Born in Baghdad and immig… - 3 years ago

@ESLTeac16885695: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: 🇮🇱 Former MK and minister Mordechai Ben-Porat passed away on Monday morning at the age of 98. Born in Baghdad and immig… - 3 years ago

@DaisyBorzoi: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@JimmyPlankRoad: RT @Jerusalem_Post: 🇮🇱 Former MK and minister Mordechai Ben-Porat passed away on Monday morning at the age of 98. Born in Baghdad and immig… - 3 years ago

@JewsOfColourCDN: RT @Jerusalem_Post: 🇮🇱 Former MK and minister Mordechai Ben-Porat passed away on Monday morning at the age of 98. Born in Baghdad and immig… - 3 years ago

@Samawal_LLC: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@Tyler_Sam613: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@IzaTabaro: RT @Martin_Kramer: “Described as an Israeli James Bond, Mordechai Ben-Porat was the mastermind and undercover on-site facilitator of Operat… - 3 years ago

@HasbaraCanada: RT @Jerusalem_Post: 🇮🇱 Former MK and minister Mordechai Ben-Porat passed away on Monday morning at the age of 98. Born in Baghdad and immig… - 3 years ago

@TheRealDocG: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@GershomG: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@LAKAlves: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@RisksAssociated: Former MK Mordechai Ben-Porat passes away at 98 - 3 years ago

@Matzly: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@ajithjee: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@TBarLavi: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@1967Anil: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@RitaRosenPoley: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@AvivaKlompas: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@stevelinde: Former MK Mordechai Ben-Porat passes away at 98 - 3 years ago

@Tanja94547780: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@27kislev5719: RT @NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arrested and to… - 3 years ago

@NLIsrael: In 1949, Mordechai Ben-Porat was smuggled into Iraq, the land of his birth. Over the next two years, he was arres… - 3 years ago

@0_x7777: Former MK Mordechai Ben-Porat passes away at 98 - 3 years ago

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