Moray Watson

British actor (The Darling Buds of May).
Died on Wednesday May 3rd 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Moray Watson:

@TheStage: Obituary: Moray Watson - 8 years ago

@comedyfeeduk: Moray Watson obituary - - 8 years ago

@TraceyLinegar: #theatre Obituary: Moray Watson - 8 years ago

@bhupenthakker: he is my cousin. His last one man show became a book launched last year.5 star review - 8 years ago


@VaqpyZV123crntO: RT @star_cops: Sad to hear of the passing of Moray Watson - Star Cops being a tiny part of an incredible career. - 8 years ago

@DimitriDraegon: RT @WhoogleNews: Moray Watson 1928-2017: WHOOGLE shared this story from Doctor Who… - 8 years ago

@DimitriDraegon: RT @TobyHadoke: RIP Moray Watson - a fine actor and a proper old fashioned gentleman. - 8 years ago

@ianpuddick: RT @CI5BDC: RIP Moray Watson seen here with Lewis Collins , Jonathan Newth and Neil McCarthy - 8 years ago

@ianpuddick: RT @CI5BDC: RIP Moray Watson on location at the Rowan Gallery, Berkeley Sq episode "ITS ONLY A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE" - 8 years ago

@comedyfeeduk: Moray Watson obituary - - 8 years ago

@columbobp: RT @TelegraphNews: Darling Buds of May actor Moray Watson dies, aged 88 - 8 years ago

@FirstNightArt: RT @thomhickey55: "Thank you and Farewell" to an old, quintessentially English actor and 'lovely human being' call… - 8 years ago

@MrJamesPayton: RT @robinince: the actor Moray Watson died this week, this obituary was written by someone who predeceased him by 2 years - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Moray Watson, britischer Schauspieler, am 02.05.2017 im Alter von 88 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@vociferer: RT @thomhickey55: "Thank you and Farewell" to an old, quintessentially English actor and 'lovely human being' call… - 8 years ago

@thomhickey55: "Thank you and Farewell" to an old, quintessentially English actor and 'lovely human being' call… - 8 years ago

@Zuperpie: RT @robinince: the actor Moray Watson died this week, this obituary was written by someone who predeceased him by 2 years - 8 years ago

@theheadlinesuk: #Catherine Zeta-Jones leads tributes to Darling Buds star Moray Watson - - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 15 706) #Darling #Buds of #May #actor #Moray #Watson #dies #May 2, 2017 #aged 88 - 8 years ago

@9aDAficIHyP2oQt: RT @Independent: Moray Watson, the character actor who spent 60 years in the business - 8 years ago

@PhilMorandi: RT @robinince: the actor Moray Watson died this week, this obituary was written by someone who predeceased him by 2 years - 8 years ago

@robinince: the actor Moray Watson died this week, this obituary was written by someone who predeceased him by 2 years - 8 years ago

@JackalFusion316: So sad to hear of the passing of Moray Watson - a truly wonderful actor - 8 years ago

@BillieO2: RT @TobyHadoke: By me... Obituary - Moray Watson, actor known for The Quatermass Experiment and The Darling Buds of May - 8 years ago

@bluebox99: RT @TobyHadoke: By me... Obituary - Moray Watson, actor known for The Quatermass Experiment and The Darling Buds of May - 8 years ago

@FirstNightArt: “Thank you and Farewell” to an old, quintessentially English actor and ‘lovely human being’… - 8 years ago

@heraldobits: RT @TobyHadoke: By me... Obituary - Moray Watson, actor known for The Quatermass Experiment and The Darling Buds of May - 8 years ago

@J0hnB0yC: @TobyHadoke Great obit in memory of Moray Watson. You might like my own small tribute : - 8 years ago

@Hurcheonfilms: Moray Watson remembered - 8 years ago

@nmoony: I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Moray Watson: Catherine Zeta-Jones leads tributes to actor - - 8 years ago

@JennyHoldsworth: RT @TobyHadoke: By me... Obituary - Moray Watson, actor known for The Quatermass Experiment and The Darling Buds of May - 8 years ago

@Dene71: RT @TobyHadoke: By me... Obituary - Moray Watson, actor known for The Quatermass Experiment and The Darling Buds of May - 8 years ago

@dimwittedly: RT @TobyHadoke: By me... Obituary - Moray Watson, actor known for The Quatermass Experiment and The Darling Buds of May - 8 years ago

@politewhovians: RT @TobyHadoke: By me... Obituary - Moray Watson, actor known for The Quatermass Experiment and The Darling Buds of May - 8 years ago

@Doctor_Who: BBC News - Moray Watson: Catherine Zeta-Jones leads tributes to actor - 8 years ago

@birdfeeder65: BBC News - Moray Watson: Catherine Zeta-Jones leads tributes to actor - 8 years ago

@stefanbednar: Remembering, fondly, my lovely old friend Moray Watson. RIP, Muzzah.. Flights of angels .. - 8 years ago

@Hbebe18: Moray Watson: Catherine Zeta-Jones leads tributes to actor - 8 years ago

@ramsgatonian: Moray Watson: Catherine Zeta-Jones leads tributes to actor #sad - 8 years ago

@MrDavidEager: RT @equity_events: We are so sorry that we have lost that very fine actor and gentleman, Moray Watson - 8 years ago

@MARIEKELLYT: RT @equity_events: We are so sorry that we have lost that very fine actor and gentleman, Moray Watson - 8 years ago

@RickysFlower: BBC News - Moray Watson: Catherine Zeta-Jones leads tributes to actor #RIPMorayWatson (such a wonderful voice) - 8 years ago

@equity_events: We are so sorry that we have lost that very fine actor and gentleman, Moray Watson - 8 years ago

@GraemeN82: RT @CI5BDC: RIP Moray Watson on location at the Rowan Gallery, Berkeley Sq episode "ITS ONLY A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE" - 8 years ago

@RussAnita: RT @jfmouthonlegs: RIP Moray Watson. - 8 years ago

@Mowat2020Sarah: BBC News - Moray Watson: Catherine Zeta-Jones leads tributes to actor - 8 years ago

@telegraphprem: Moray Watson, actor – obituary - 8 years ago

@TheGuruDrew: Moray Watson: Catherine Zeta-Jones leads tributes to actor - BBC News - 8 years ago

@CI5BDC: @GylesB1 Moray Watson playing "Colonel Sangster" in the Professionals ep "Its Only a Beautiful Picture" - 8 years ago

@huwthomas: Catherine Zeta-Jones leads tributes to actor Moray Watson - 8 years ago

@CI5BDC: RT @GylesB1: Sad news. A fine actor, Moray Watson, has died aged 88. From Compact to the classics, he was a class act. And a lovely human… - 8 years ago

@PhilipJCooper78: RT @CI5BDC: RIP Moray Watson on location at the Rowan Gallery, Berkeley Sq episode "ITS ONLY A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE" - 8 years ago

@CI5BDC: RIP Moray Watson on location at the Rowan Gallery, Berkeley Sq episode "ITS ONLY A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE" - 8 years ago

@OohBluddyEll: RT @PetrocTrelawny: Very sorry to hear of Moray Watson's death. A wonderful man as well as a fine actor. Fond memories of his performances… - 8 years ago

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