Moon Landrieu

American politician
Died on Monday September 5th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Soul Jah Love

Tweets related to Moon Landrieu:

@TexasRebelin: RT @GetWoke15: @mayorcantrell @Saints How's Miami looking Trick? FYI: It was not only insulting, but in extremely poor taste for you to m… - 2 years ago

@MrGreenGenez: RT @GetWoke15: Next time you hear the BS Rhetoric about how it's NOT about @mayorcantrell, it's about the City of New Orleans. Remember tod… - 2 years ago

@WRKF: Here’s what’s coming up on @LAConsidered: – How and when to get the latest COVID-19 booster shot – New documentar… - 2 years ago

@WWNO: Here’s what’s coming up on @LAConsidered: – How and when to get the latest COVID-19 booster shot – New documentar… - 2 years ago


@WRKF: Former NOLA Mayor Moon Landrieu, who passed away last week, is remembered for championing integration and winning o… - 2 years ago

@WWNO: Former NOLA Mayor Moon Landrieu, who passed away last week, is remembered for championing integration and winning o… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Moon Landrieu, who championed integration in the 1960s and ’70s as a Louisiana legislator and as the mayor of New O… - 2 years ago

@OswaldSobrino22: La. Gov. John Edwards: “Moon Landrieu was a courageous and defining voice for Louisiana . . . As a newly-elected me… - 2 years ago

@OswaldSobrino22: Former New Orleans Mayor Maurice 'Moon' Landrieu dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@IAMNOLA: Excellent quick article on Moon & my Dad’s experience with the “Showdown in the Desire” the book goes into much mor… - 2 years ago

@jesuitcolleges: RT @Loyola_NOLA: #LOYNO mourns the passing of former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose long life is in so many ways tied to our campus… - 2 years ago

@tonypro65585107: RT @GetWoke15: Next time you hear the BS Rhetoric about how it's NOT about @mayorcantrell, it's about the City of New Orleans. Remember tod… - 2 years ago

@MariaAl02051253: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@kesmcomm: Godspeed, Moon Landrieu 🙏🏻. My prayers are with @MaryLandrieu, @MitchLandrieu @MayorLandrieu and all your family an… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @FOX8NOLA: Moon Landrieu, who died Monday at age 92, served as the city’s 56th mayor from 1970-78. He is credited with leading the deseg… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @RoyceDuplessis: Thank you to @FOX8NOLA for your questions on Mayor Moon Landrieu’s legacy. Moon Landrieu was a force and again, I send… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @WGNOtv: Today we humbly mourn the loss of former New Orleans mayor and civil rights pioneer #MoonLandrieu, who passed away this morning… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @RepTroyCarter: State Representative, City Councilman, Mayor, Cabinet Secretary, Judge, but most importantly a husband and father. Moon… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @donnabrazile: Moon Landrieu, the patriarch of a Louisiana political family who was a lonely voice for civil rights until the tide turne… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @MARCMORIAL: Beautiful funeral service for Moon Landrieu in New Orleans today. He will be remembered by many. - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @the_tmonik: @BillClinton I worked for @MitchLandrieu in his press office when he was Lt. Governor of Louisiana..and the staff actually… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @FOX8NOLA: Hundreds attend the funeral for former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @WWLTV: 'A lot of people talk the talk, but he walked the walk' | Moon Landrieu laid to rest - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @jaketapper: RIP former New Orleans Mayor and HUD Secretary Maurice Edwin “Moon” Landrieu, enemy of segregationists, father of @MitchLan… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @GetWoke15: Next time you hear the BS Rhetoric about how it's NOT about @mayorcantrell, it's about the City of New Orleans. Remember tod… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @NOLAnews: Moon Landrieu, 1930-2022: 'He showed what a true man of faith does' - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @NOLAnews: Photos: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, the patriarch of a political family, laid to rest - 2 years ago

@Will_McGrew: RT @BerasNathalie: Moon Landrieu was a giant. On the day he is being laid to rest, I cannot help but be so grateful to live in a city that… - 2 years ago

@da_fishman: RT @BerasNathalie: Moon Landrieu was a giant. On the day he is being laid to rest, I cannot help but be so grateful to live in a city that… - 2 years ago

@telelouisiane: RT @BerasNathalie: Moon Landrieu was a giant. On the day he is being laid to rest, I cannot help but be so grateful to live in a city that… - 2 years ago

@snarkeecowgirl: RT @LukeMixonLA: Louisiana lost a giant today. Moon Landrieu was a principled leader that fought to integrate New Orleans and move Louisian… - 2 years ago

@GetWoke15: @mayorcantrell @Saints How's Miami looking Trick? FYI: It was not only insulting, but in extremely poor taste for… - 2 years ago

@DCCajun: RT @ThomasReeseSJ: Concern for racial justice came from #Jesuits. "Moon Landrieu remembered as a politician with a certain moral core" http… - 2 years ago

@JimmiePierre: Moon Landrieu doesn’t get the credit he deserves for his role in desegregating New Orleans. In response he was ofte… - 2 years ago

@rattyreese: @JPMorrell Former Mayor Moon Landrieu hired my father the late Andrew P. Sanchez,Sr, as the first black to head a d… - 2 years ago

@PolyPoliLive: RT @wadnerpierre: Family, friends say farewell to former New Orleans mayor (from @AP) - 2 years ago

@wadnerpierre: Family, friends say farewell to former New Orleans mayor (from @AP) - 2 years ago

@f1_william: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@NOLAnews: Photos: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, the patriarch of a political family, laid to rest - 2 years ago

@cajunQueeen: RT @cajunQueeen: Surrounded by family and friends, Moon Landrieu laid to rest in funeral ... - 2 years ago

@cajunQueeen: Surrounded by family and friends, Moon Landrieu laid to rest in funeral ... - 2 years ago

@wdsu: Moon Landrieu, patriarch of Landrieu political family and former mayor, laid to rest - 2 years ago

@DuchessCadbury: RT @eugenejohnson_: Moon Landrieu died??? RIP to New Orleans’ first Black mayor... 🤫 - 2 years ago

@eugenejohnson_: Moon Landrieu died??? RIP to New Orleans’ first Black mayor... 🤫 - 2 years ago

@oregakitaworld: RT @WWLTV: 'A lot of people talk the talk, but he walked the walk' | Moon Landrieu laid to rest - 2 years ago

@MidAgedLunatic: RT @WWLTV: 'A lot of people talk the talk, but he walked the walk' | Moon Landrieu laid to rest - 2 years ago

@srauer20: RT @rcarr57: New Orleans, #Louisiana 'A lot of people talk the talk, but he walked the walk' | Moon Landrieu laid to rest - 2 years ago

@WWLTV: 'A lot of people talk the talk, but he walked the walk' | Moon Landrieu laid to rest - 2 years ago

@rcarr57: New Orleans, #Louisiana 'A lot of people talk the talk, but he walked the walk' | Moon Landrieu laid to rest… - 2 years ago

@FOX8NOLA: Hundreds attend the funeral for former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@JimbauxsJournal: RT @NOLAnews: Photos: Former New Orleans mayor Moon Landrieu, the patriarch of a political family, laid to rest - 2 years ago

@WhosYrHoosier: RT @theGrio: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu passed away at the age of 92 early Monday 🙏🏿🕊️ - 2 years ago

@DarrylMW: RT @robverchick: A lion among Loyola Law alums and a uniter in a nation polarized by race. RIP - 2 years ago

@PDiddie: RT @Adrastosno: This week: Moon Landrieu, Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis, Tom Hanks as Colonel* Parker, the music movie biopic dozen, and Martin Shor… - 2 years ago

@NewsAt20: RT @MonicavanDelden: Moon Landrieu, Human Trafficking, Hollywood South, Gyotaku | Season 45 | Episode 52 | PBS: Moon Landrieu, Human Traffi… - 2 years ago

@MonicavanDelden: Moon Landrieu, Human Trafficking, Hollywood South, Gyotaku | Season 45 | Episode 52 | PBS: Moon Landrieu, Human Tra… - 2 years ago

@politic_talks: Moon Landrieu remembered as a politician with a certain moral core - NPR - 2 years ago

@Adrastosno: This week: Moon Landrieu, Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis, Tom Hanks as Colonel* Parker, the music movie biopic dozen, and Mar… - 2 years ago

@politic_talks: Moon Landrieu remembered as a politician with a certain moral core - WUNC - 2 years ago

@The_Gambit: Clancy DuBos: Moon Landrieu is most often remembered as the mayor who integrated City Hall and helped bring Black p… - 2 years ago

@GanelonSeax: RT @mischling2nd: The word Creole isn't even used here. Both Right and Left would prefer that Creoles didn't exist. - 2 years ago

@TheNewRobPinto1: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@DMassaWYES: Tonight’s Informed Sources lineup: Errol Laborde reflects on Moon Landrieu’s legacy, plus Mike Perlstein on Orleans… - 2 years ago

@Raycerx58: RT @nytimes: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in New Orleans, where he won the mayor’s office in 1970 with a rare coalition of w… - 2 years ago

@PeterLandau: Moon Landrieu (left), New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration #obitpix #moonlandrieu #mayor #neworleans… - 2 years ago

@Raycerx58: RT @kaitlancollins: During his Cabinet meeting, President Biden pays tribute to Moon Landrieu, who died yesterday at 92, calling him a "hel… - 2 years ago

@Raycerx58: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@indicXt: Moon Landrieu ain’t even cold yet and we don’t even care about his death… - 2 years ago

@WRKF: Moon Landrieu came into local politics during a time of racial injustice, with the goal of integrating the New Orle… - 2 years ago

@WWNO: Moon Landrieu came into local politics during a time of racial injustice, with the goal of integrating the New Orle… - 2 years ago

@FleurdelisRN: @JadedBunny77 @JoJoFromJerz @CalltoActivism Maybe he will be my # 3, as in deaths occur in 3s… Former NOLA Mayor Mo… - 2 years ago

@NOLMARJR: Our Mayor, Moon Landrieu, was a gift to New Orleans and the world. He was and will always be because his children c… - 2 years ago

@JANEBELTRAN142: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Esad__Ahmed: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@StunnedVoter: RT @NicholsUprising: Moon Landrieu, who has died at age 92, led a successful fight to remove the Confederate flag from the New Orleans City… - 2 years ago

@GainsRulez: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@DCCajun: RT @The_Gambit: Clancy DuBos: History will remember Moon Landrieu as one of New Orleans’ great mayors. - 2 years ago

@Marine_Frid: Rest in Peace. Maurice "Moon" Landrieu. - 2 years ago

@Marine_Frid: Rest in Peace. Maurice "Moon" Landrieu. - 2 years ago

@NOLABOOKFAIR: RT @NicholsUprising: Moon Landrieu, who has died at age 92, led a successful fight to remove the Confederate flag from the New Orleans City… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @995WRNO: Landrieu's funeral will be at the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church on St. Charles Avenue this Saturday. - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @FOX8NOLA: Moon Landrieu's funeral set for Saturday; Archbishop Gregory Aymond and Xavier's Norman C. Francis reflect on former New Orle… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @skooks: Can't believe the Queen of England would bigfoot Moon Landrieu's moment like this - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @RoyceDuplessis: As elected leaders, we often think about what our legacy will be. I always strive to do the most impactful work, tackli… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @NicholsUprising: Moon Landrieu, who has died at age 92, led a successful fight to remove the Confederate flag from the New Orleans City… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @MitchRabalais: One of my favorite pieces of Louisiana Political Memorabilia — a 1974 Mardi Gras doubloon thrown by Mayor Moon Landrieu’… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @The_Gambit: Clancy DuBos: History will remember Moon Landrieu as one of New Orleans’ great mayors. - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: Rest in Peace. Maurice "Moon" Landrieu. - 2 years ago

@emv52: RT @TetlowTania: The Embodiment of Jesuit education—Loyola Alumnus Moon Landrieu @FordhamNYC - 2 years ago

@kesmcomm: Godspeed to Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu❣️Thank you, sir, for your life of service and for your children… - 2 years ago

@MTMLafayette: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@redbeansista: RT @du1869: Dillard University joins the community in celebrating the life of late mayor Moon Landrieu who passed away at the age of 92.… - 2 years ago

@Robbie_A_Sturg: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@ArbiDegen: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@ItalianinNOLA: RT @kaitlancollins: During his Cabinet meeting, President Biden pays tribute to Moon Landrieu, who died yesterday at 92, calling him a "hel… - 2 years ago

@victory1261: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@lacook427: Moon Landrieu, 92, Dies; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration - 2 years ago

@FBarb50: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@QuinHillyer: Our Views: As mayor, Moon Landrieu had the courage to do what was hard, but right - 2 years ago

@IamCharimere504: RT @NOPDNews: The men and women of #NOPDNews extend our deepest condolences to the Landrieu family on the passing on former Mayor Moon Land… - 2 years ago

@IamCharimere504: RT @brianhaldane: We’re talking about the legacy of Moon Landrieu, NOPD asking NYPD for help, and more w/ @jeffcrouere next on @talk1073 ht… - 2 years ago

@John_Walton_: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Wellness_Land: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@Graffiti_SF: RT @The_Gambit: Clancy DuBos: History will remember Moon Landrieu as one of New Orleans’ great mayors. - 2 years ago

@Juliarmstrong4: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@RileyRuson: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@spirishdancer: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@vinnyeng: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@jsssssssss2020: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Prison_Health: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@TassinCharles: RT @The_Gambit: Clancy DuBos: History will remember Moon Landrieu as one of New Orleans’ great mayors. - 2 years ago

@SusanWabuda: RT @TetlowTania: The Embodiment of Jesuit education—Loyola Alumnus Moon Landrieu @FordhamNYC - 2 years ago

@FordhamNYC: RT @TetlowTania: The Embodiment of Jesuit education—Loyola Alumnus Moon Landrieu @FordhamNYC - 2 years ago

@A793860959A7: RT @WalterIsaacson: The TIME Milestone I wrote about the first politician I covered. - 2 years ago

@TetlowTania: The Embodiment of Jesuit education—Loyola Alumnus Moon Landrieu @FordhamNYC - 2 years ago

@HUDSouthwest: RT @SecFudge: Moon Landrieu stood tall when other white leaders did what was comfortable. He was a trailblazer, a builder, and had the cour… - 2 years ago

@eickelhoft: @skooks He misses the good old days when "the blacks" (to use civil rights icon Moon Landrieu's terminology) would… - 2 years ago

@worldnews_guru: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@DYuribel90: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Millice01112735: RT @WalterIsaacson: On his first week as a young Louisiana legislator, two powerful old politicians cornered Moon Landrieu in an elevator,… - 2 years ago

@blue_riverrrr: RT @WGNOtv: Today we humbly mourn the loss of former New Orleans mayor and civil rights pioneer #MoonLandrieu, who passed away this morning… - 2 years ago

@Millice01112735: RT @WGNOtv: Today we humbly mourn the loss of former New Orleans mayor and civil rights pioneer #MoonLandrieu, who passed away this morning… - 2 years ago

@TubbytobyLanier: I just found out that New Orleans legend Moon Landrieu has died. He was 92. WDSU TV had an excellent piece about h… - 2 years ago

@KeithPandolfi: RT @WalterIsaacson: On his first week as a young Louisiana legislator, two powerful old politicians cornered Moon Landrieu in an elevator,… - 2 years ago

@Cristin05545980: @BillClinton RIP Moon Landrieu. - 2 years ago

@patticook22304: RT @kaitlancollins: During his Cabinet meeting, President Biden pays tribute to Moon Landrieu, who died yesterday at 92, calling him a "hel… - 2 years ago

@ClarisseMiglie1: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@OscarCKWu: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@realDineaux: RT @wordbobby: Moon Landrieu, mayor of New Orleans during the Up Stairs Lounge fire and its aftermath, passed away. This is the only obitua… - 2 years ago

@samanthabeaulie: RIP Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@mauro_amy: I did not know Moon Landrieu was such a bad ass. “I never thought that I would get elected again,” he said, recalli… - 2 years ago

@NOLAHistoryGuy: RT @RoyceDuplessis: Thank you to @FOX8NOLA for your questions on Mayor Moon Landrieu’s legacy. Moon Landrieu was a force and again, I send… - 2 years ago

@RoyceDuplessis: Thank you to @FOX8NOLA for your questions on Mayor Moon Landrieu’s legacy. Moon Landrieu was a force and again, I s… - 2 years ago

@CrimsonGash: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@tomalclay: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@webchyk: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@emily_baker: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@4realmzbrown: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@AcidHeist: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@NoJonestownUSA: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@SeanMGilbow: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@news_dwelling: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@AlWarren18: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@mferrini: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@RedTedFlanagan: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@DougDooganuchi: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@AgingOphelia: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@hanna_hurley: RT @splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the legislature… - 2 years ago

@splcenter: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died. Landrieu was an early and lone champion for civil rights in the le… - 2 years ago

@SerendipitySays: RT @mitchellreports: Condolences to White House infrastructure coordinator @MitchLandrieu his sister former Senator Mary Landrieu and the… - 2 years ago

@SerendipitySays: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@Graffiti_SF: RT @visit_thnoc: From THNOC's holdings, a campaign pin and an undated portrait of Moon Landrieu. And here's a callback to a June 2020 episo… - 2 years ago

@heyjeffdavidson: RT @NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launc… - 2 years ago

@jayaugustine9: RT @onevisionary: “If people are not given the truth, government fails” Moon Landrieu. How profound is that. - 2 years ago

@Sabrinafox8news: Link to my story: - 2 years ago

@DsOchoa: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@visit_thnoc: From THNOC's holdings, a campaign pin and an undated portrait of Moon Landrieu. And here's a callback to a June 202… - 2 years ago

@wordbobby: Moon Landrieu, mayor of New Orleans during the Up Stairs Lounge fire and its aftermath, passed away. This is the on… - 2 years ago

@AmazingChevVolt: RT @NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launc… - 2 years ago

@rakushita: - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Moon Landrieu, who championed integration in the 1960s and ’70s as a Louisiana legislator and as the mayor of New O… - 2 years ago

@ItsAJnifr: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@VeraTriplettPhD: Jesus, MLK and yes Moon Landrieu she would not have ever seen it. Years later I would meet Phyllis Landrieu on a ch… - 2 years ago

@KelseyDavisNews: "A funeral service for former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu will be held Saturday (Sept. 10) at the Holy Name of… - 2 years ago

@mollyinTexas: RT @VeraTriplettPhD: back to my grandmothers mantle. I mentioned that my grandmother had Moon Landrieu, Jesus and Paul Morton on her mantle… - 2 years ago

@VeraTriplettPhD: back to my grandmothers mantle. I mentioned that my grandmother had Moon Landrieu, Jesus and Paul Morton on her man… - 2 years ago

@Sysoon: Moon Landrieu: Page about Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@Sysoon: Moon Landrieu (1930 - 2022), died at age 92 years: was an American lawyer and politician who served as the 56th may… - 2 years ago

@skleger: RT @onevisionary: “If people are not given the truth, government fails” Moon Landrieu. How profound is that. - 2 years ago

@rharenchar: RT @AJCGlobal: AJC mourns the loss of racial justice champion and former Mayor of New Orleans Moon Landrieu and extends our deepest condole… - 2 years ago

@moizesufally: - 2 years ago

@Joseph2709: RT @AJCGlobal: AJC mourns the loss of racial justice champion and former Mayor of New Orleans Moon Landrieu and extends our deepest condole… - 2 years ago

@rocford: Today we flew our @DU1869 US flag at half-staff in remembrance of former mayor Moon Landrieu. - 2 years ago

@JustinNystrom: About a decade ago I recorded with Jack Davis some 8 hours of interview with Moon Landrieu. The man had a conceptio… - 2 years ago

@bergeron_nick: RT @clancygambit: My tribute to Moon Landrieu, who will always rank among New Orleans‘ great mayors. - 2 years ago

@BlackPressUSA: RT @du1869: Dillard University joins the community in celebrating the life of late mayor Moon Landrieu who passed away at the age of 92.… - 2 years ago

@KALBtv5: A funeral service for former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu will be held Saturday (Sept. 10) at the Holy Name of J… - 2 years ago

@bergeron_nick: RT @kaitlancollins: During his Cabinet meeting, President Biden pays tribute to Moon Landrieu, who died yesterday at 92, calling him a "hel… - 2 years ago

@chalie21348810: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@jasonkarlawish: via @NYTimes. Watch the video @ the close of the text. - 2 years ago

@TimWhisenhunt: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@big_bird26: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@East431: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@SeanMGilbow: RT @NicholsUprising: Moon Landrieu, who has died at age 92, led a successful fight to remove the Confederate flag from the New Orleans City… - 2 years ago

@DaveGhanbary: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@manchan_free: RT @hannahkauthor: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@FoxyGrady: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@CharlieBoz: RT @The_Gambit: Clancy DuBos: Moon Landrieu is most often remembered as the mayor who integrated City Hall and helped bring Black people in… - 2 years ago

@jeanwillyy202: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Moon Landrieu rose in politics in the 1960s and ’70s by nurturing crosscultural connections, even as many other Sou… - 2 years ago

@michaelkruse: “We probably would not have had a Black mayor at the time that Dutch became mayor if Moon had not been mayor before… - 2 years ago

@emmmmroy: @TLandshark @jaketapper @MitchLandrieu @SenLandrieu Politics aside, the Landrieu’s are some of the most kind-hearte… - 2 years ago

@TyberZannxxxx: RT @SecFudge: Moon Landrieu stood tall when other white leaders did what was comfortable. He was a trailblazer, a builder, and had the cour… - 2 years ago

@RebelliousMag: RT @NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launc… - 2 years ago

@0d60a48adc63451: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@WWLTV: Clancy: Moon Landrieu's most enduring legacy is his courage - 2 years ago

@Johnwithanh: RT @NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launc… - 2 years ago

@catdomino: RT @NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launc… - 2 years ago

@Politics1com: RT @NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launc… - 2 years ago

@GhostofEA: Idk why ppl expected me to praise Moon Landrieu….. Fuc y’all think I care about him for? Fuc him - 2 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launc… - 2 years ago

@JimFrancis47: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@cllnwlhlm: RT @NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launc… - 2 years ago

@courtjester623: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Frankli69941362: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@rondtjr: RT @NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launc… - 2 years ago

@DKElections: We take a detailed look at Moon Landrieu's long career in politics, including his upset 1970 win for mayor of New O… - 2 years ago

@ron_fournier: RT @NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launc… - 2 years ago

@KimGale26939534: RT @LukeMixonLA: Louisiana lost a giant today. Moon Landrieu was a principled leader that fought to integrate New Orleans and move Louisian… - 2 years ago

@camillejgrant: RT @nytimes: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in New Orleans, where he won the mayor’s office in 1970 with a rare coalition of w… - 2 years ago

@NewsHour: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legisla… - 2 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 2 years ago

@JuanMar97299309: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@RepKyleGreen: I’m saddened to learn of former Mayor Moon Landrieu’s passing. His wife, Mrs. Verna and entire family are in my pra… - 2 years ago

@Solytiera: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@heyjudenyc: Moon Landrieu Dies at 92; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration - 2 years ago

@Die100Princess: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@CarolMaeWY: RT @kaitlancollins: During his Cabinet meeting, President Biden pays tribute to Moon Landrieu, who died yesterday at 92, calling him a "hel… - 2 years ago

@Bertucc80391625: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@a5b923959a9f44a: RT @kaitlancollins: During his Cabinet meeting, President Biden pays tribute to Moon Landrieu, who died yesterday at 92, calling him a "hel… - 2 years ago

@Adrastosno: Clancy DuBos: Moon Landrieu was an exemplar of political courage - 2 years ago

@ellen_spins: RT @kaitlancollins: During his Cabinet meeting, President Biden pays tribute to Moon Landrieu, who died yesterday at 92, calling him a "hel… - 2 years ago

@eckert_mark: RT @jaketapper: RIP former New Orleans Mayor and HUD Secretary Maurice Edwin “Moon” Landrieu, enemy of segregationists, father of @MitchLan… - 2 years ago

@dueblum49: RT @LukeMixonLA: Louisiana lost a giant today. Moon Landrieu was a principled leader that fought to integrate New Orleans and move Louisian… - 2 years ago

@crmawa: RT @LukeMixonLA: Louisiana lost a giant today. Moon Landrieu was a principled leader that fought to integrate New Orleans and move Louisian… - 2 years ago

@AndyRod32781568: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@cactuspete1973: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Gamechanger22: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@Golshri: RT @kaitlancollins: During his Cabinet meeting, President Biden pays tribute to Moon Landrieu, who died yesterday at 92, calling him a "hel… - 2 years ago

@ganmadebbie1: RT @SecFudge: Moon Landrieu stood tall when other white leaders did what was comfortable. He was a trailblazer, a builder, and had the cour… - 2 years ago

@seattlerik: RT @kaitlancollins: During his Cabinet meeting, President Biden pays tribute to Moon Landrieu, who died yesterday at 92, calling him a "hel… - 2 years ago

@Msmariablack: RT @WalterIsaacson: On his first week as a young Louisiana legislator, two powerful old politicians cornered Moon Landrieu in an elevator,… - 2 years ago

@rosh5: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@SpauldingMilton: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@Kristal_Swim: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Kristal_Swim: RT @unumfund: Moon Landrieu didn't take the easy path, but fought for racial and economic justice so that all people could have a better fu… - 2 years ago

@DARKVOX: - 2 years ago

@TiffanyForAlief: RT @SylvesterTurner: Tonight, my thoughts, prayers, and condolences are with former #NewOrleans Mayor @MitchLandrieu’s family after hearing… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @The_Gambit: Clancy DuBos: Moon Landrieu was an exemplar of political courage - 2 years ago

@WickerPerlis: RT @The_Gambit: Clancy DuBos: Moon Landrieu was an exemplar of political courage - 2 years ago

@The_Gambit: Clancy DuBos: Moon Landrieu was an exemplar of political courage - 2 years ago

@unumfund: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Juge47176508: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@hutchnola: RT @unumfund: Moon Landrieu didn't take the easy path, but fought for racial and economic justice so that all people could have a better fu… - 2 years ago

@unumfund: Moon Landrieu didn't take the easy path, but fought for racial and economic justice so that all people could have a… - 2 years ago

@DavidB504: RT @MitchRabalais: One of my favorite pieces of Louisiana Political Memorabilia — a 1974 Mardi Gras doubloon thrown by Mayor Moon Landrieu’… - 2 years ago

@projinterchange: Project Interchange extends our deepest condolences to PI alumnus @MitchLandrieu and his family on the loss of his… - 2 years ago

@_ReportWire: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@Tiffany21970785: RT @RoyceDuplessis: As elected leaders, we often think about what our legacy will be. I always strive to do the most impactful work, tackli… - 2 years ago

@susannsusann57: RT @AJCGlobal: AJC mourns the loss of racial justice champion and former Mayor of New Orleans Moon Landrieu and extends our deepest condole… - 2 years ago

@djibrilballabah: RT @AJCGlobal: AJC mourns the loss of racial justice champion and former Mayor of New Orleans Moon Landrieu and extends our deepest condole… - 2 years ago

@AJCGlobal: AJC mourns the loss of racial justice champion and former Mayor of New Orleans Moon Landrieu and extends our deepes… - 2 years ago

@RobinBarnesNOLA: RT @ryanberni: I never met anyone with a stronger moral compass. Moon Landrieu always fought for what he thought was right and just. I ch… - 2 years ago

@kdecano7: Moon Landrieu Dies at 92; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration - 2 years ago

@RobinBarnesNOLA: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@tysonbrody: rip moon landrieu. had maybe the best plate of red beans and rice in my life at his home one night. true legend and public servant. - 2 years ago

@NHousteau: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@RTMannJr: RT @MitchRabalais: One of my favorite pieces of Louisiana Political Memorabilia — a 1974 Mardi Gras doubloon thrown by Mayor Moon Landrieu’… - 2 years ago

@RTMannJr: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@poeboston: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@adultliteracyh1: RT @SylvesterTurner: Tonight, my thoughts, prayers, and condolences are with former #NewOrleans Mayor @MitchLandrieu’s family after hearing… - 2 years ago

@MARCMORIAL: Moon was a mentor to many, and a giant and a pivotal figure in the 20th century in New Orleans and the history of t… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Washington Post Obituaries - Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92… - 2 years ago

@chi_archno: Today we honor a true civil servant for the people of New Orleans, especially for the vulnerable elderly in our cit… - 2 years ago

@missb62: RT @TimJGraham: RIP Moon Landrieu. A politician whose name could be plugged into the Linda Ronstadt song "Blue Bayou." - 2 years ago

@TimJGraham: RIP Moon Landrieu. A politician whose name could be plugged into the Linda Ronstadt song "Blue Bayou." - 2 years ago

@opcd911: RT @mayorcantrell: The City of New Orleans mourns the passing of our former mayor Moon Landrieu. We are keeping the Landrieu family in our… - 2 years ago

@DemMayors: RT @mayorcantrell: The City of New Orleans mourns the passing of our former mayor Moon Landrieu. We are keeping the Landrieu family in our… - 2 years ago

@a_maggied: RT @NOLAHistoryGuy: I was glad to see Mr. John Pope's obit of Secretary Landrieu on the front page of Da Confederate Advocate (@nolanews) t… - 2 years ago

@Cory_Sparks: RT @du1869: Dillard University joins the community in celebrating the life of late mayor Moon Landrieu who passed away at the age of 92.… - 2 years ago

@TheAyannaShow: RT @du1869: Dillard University joins the community in celebrating the life of late mayor Moon Landrieu who passed away at the age of 92.… - 2 years ago

@Graffiti_SF: RT @FOX8NOLA: Moon Landrieu, who died Monday at age 92, served as the city’s 56th mayor from 1970-78. He is credited with leading the deseg… - 2 years ago

@WWLTV: RT @PMurphyWWL: New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell ordered all flags to fly at half staff in honor and memory of former Mayor Moon Landrieu.… - 2 years ago

@joliverconroy: - 2 years ago

@TheHeathernaut: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@pcooney55: Moon Landrieu Dies at 92; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration - 2 years ago

@Joshuanola: #Nola has lost a champion via @NYTimes - 2 years ago

@zoomer806: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@MacCocktail: RT @JoeLeydon: He was an amazingly progressive mayor in my hometown of New Orleans during his time in office. Former New Orleans Mayor Moo… - 2 years ago

@NOLAHistoryGuy: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@AyameDinkler: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@jbenton: When I was a kid, like maybe 7-9 years old, I distinctly remember my rural south Louisiana family thinking Moon Lan… - 2 years ago

@sagewise69: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@LenBlackwell: RT @jaketapper: RIP former New Orleans Mayor and HUD Secretary Maurice Edwin “Moon” Landrieu, enemy of segregationists, father of @MitchLan… - 2 years ago

@DrRobertCollins: RT @DrRobertCollins: I had some comments about the life of #NOLA #Mayor Moon Landrieu, who just passed away at the age of 92. The full stor… - 2 years ago

@alvarez_nimer: RT @nytimes: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in New Orleans, where he won the mayor’s office in 1970 with a rare coalition of w… - 2 years ago

@MoutonInMotion: Moon Landrieu Dies at 92; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration - 2 years ago

@RobLalka: RT @jaketapper: RIP former New Orleans Mayor and HUD Secretary Maurice Edwin “Moon” Landrieu, enemy of segregationists, father of @MitchLan… - 2 years ago

@DrTimBoone: RT @RoyceDuplessis: As elected leaders, we often think about what our legacy will be. I always strive to do the most impactful work, tackli… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - Moon Landrieu Dies at 92; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration… - 2 years ago

@cosmiquemuffin: RT @mitchellreports: Condolences to White House infrastructure coordinator @MitchLandrieu his sister former Senator Mary Landrieu and the… - 2 years ago

@MeekBob: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died (from @AP) - 2 years ago

@cosmiquemuffin: RT @r_wolfcastle: I grew up kinda near New Orleans, so I vividly remember Moon Landrieu. For those who don’t know about him, just take a lo… - 2 years ago

@PearlGervais1: RT @NicholsUprising: Moon Landrieu, who has died at age 92, led a successful fight to remove the Confederate flag from the New Orleans City… - 2 years ago

@tvsteve: Moon Landrieu Dies at 92; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration - The New York Times - 2 years ago

@Falla225: RT @NewsNation: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu dead at 92 - 2 years ago

@folkensc: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Geedy_P: RT @FOX8NOLA: Moon Landrieu, who died Monday at age 92, served as the city’s 56th mayor from 1970-78. He is credited with leading the deseg… - 2 years ago

@stephgracela: Our Views: As mayor, Moon Landrieu had the courage to do what was hard, but right - 2 years ago

@scouselawyer: So on the day that the worst Prime minister in history has finally gone, I am wondering if maybe, just maybe, there… - 2 years ago

@scouselawyer: This was my introduction to Moon Landrieu. He was fantastic in both oral arguments and the written judgment. He cou… - 2 years ago

@ItalianinNOLA: RT @WalterIsaacson: On his first week as a young Louisiana legislator, two powerful old politicians cornered Moon Landrieu in an elevator,… - 2 years ago

@GoodvibrasCom: ✓ Remembering Moon Landrieu Who Transformed New Orleans #BreakingNews #time #RT ►►► - 2 years ago

@NOLAnews: Moon Landrieu, mayor who bridged Black and White New Orleans, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@4StateNews: New post: Social media remembers Former NOLA Mayor Moon Landrieu’s legacy - 2 years ago

@MaryKatherine70: The Washington Post: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92. via @GoogleNews - 2 years ago

@JAWL98: RT @donnabrazile: Moon Landrieu, the patriarch of a Louisiana political family who was a lonely voice for civil rights until the tide turne… - 2 years ago

@JAWL98: RT @donnabrazile: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@JAWL98: RT @donnabrazile: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@pcta: RT @NicholsUprising: Moon Landrieu, who has died at age 92, led a successful fight to remove the Confederate flag from the New Orleans City… - 2 years ago

@erazoricardo09: RT @nytimes: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in New Orleans, where he won the mayor’s office in 1970 with a rare coalition of w… - 2 years ago

@NFL_UNICORN: RT @Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@balouor: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@wdsu: Moon Landrieu, patriarch of Landrieu political family and former mayor, has died - 2 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 2 years ago

@4StateNews: New post: Social media remembers Former NOLA Mayor Moon Landrieu’s legacy - 2 years ago

@22kadie: RT @NicholsUprising: Moon Landrieu, who has died at age 92, led a successful fight to remove the Confederate flag from the New Orleans City… - 2 years ago

@RonaldGaston: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@MichelleBlount9: RT @donnabrazile: Today, we mourn the passing of a remarkable man who helped to desegregate my hometown of #NewOrleans. Moon Landrieu helpe… - 2 years ago

@KKRoberts3: RT @TIME: During his career as a legislator, councilman, and mayor of New Orleans during the 1960s and 1970s, Moon Landrieu led a historic… - 2 years ago

@RegnatP: RT @SylvesterTurner: Tonight, my thoughts, prayers, and condolences are with former #NewOrleans Mayor @MitchLandrieu’s family after hearing… - 2 years ago

@ATillmanBester: RT @RepJasonHughes: Devoted husband; loving father, grandfather, & great grandfather; courageous and visionary public servant. The world is… - 2 years ago

@Oliviajack47: RT @nytimes: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in New Orleans, where he won the mayor’s office in 1970 with a rare coalition of w… - 2 years ago

@JKRProductions: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@NikolasVision: RT @LukeMixonLA: Louisiana lost a giant today. Moon Landrieu was a principled leader that fought to integrate New Orleans and move Louisian… - 2 years ago

@nopd1217: RT @LouisianaGov: Moon Landrieu was a courageous and defining voice for Louisiana and his beloved hometown of New Orleans. As a newly-elect… - 2 years ago

@vivrykx: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Title9Jen: RT @mcpli: Former New Orleans mayor Moon Landrieu, who pushed integration in the 1960s and 1970s, has passed away at age 92. - 2 years ago

@DebbieJ30571240: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@nopd1217: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@GawlinskiLaura: RT @SylvesterTurner: Tonight, my thoughts, prayers, and condolences are with former #NewOrleans Mayor @MitchLandrieu’s family after hearing… - 2 years ago

@ledjoezep1: RT @NicholsUprising: Moon Landrieu, who has died at age 92, led a successful fight to remove the Confederate flag from the New Orleans City… - 2 years ago

@NitaJoh79572492: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @RTMannJr: Moon Landrieu was a kind and courageous man. A giant of Louisiana politics, who also served on the national stage. And he and… - 2 years ago

@randerdd: - 2 years ago

@CtrlAltDel_user: RT @nytimes: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in New Orleans, where he won the mayor’s office in 1970 with a rare coalition of w… - 2 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @MenendezRand: “In those days there were two types of populists. George Wallace and others hijacked Southern populism and made it racis… - 2 years ago

@schwanderer: Moon Landrieu, mayor who bridged Black and White New Orleans, dies at 92 - Democratic Underground… - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @DashDeCosta: He was credited with bringing transformative change to his city as mayor in the 1970s and was the patriarch of a Democrati… - 2 years ago

@ATPJudge: RT @nytimes: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in New Orleans, where he won the mayor’s office in 1970 with a rare coalition of w… - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @RepJasonHughes: Devoted husband; loving father, grandfather, & great grandfather; courageous and visionary public servant. The world is… - 2 years ago

@kickass2004: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @mayorcantrell: The City of New Orleans mourns the passing of our former mayor Moon Landrieu. We are keeping the Landrieu family in our… - 2 years ago

@THEEJASMINENIC1: RT @nytimes: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in New Orleans, where he won the mayor’s office in 1970 with a rare coalition of w… - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @StevenSenski: Rest in peace, Moon Landrieu. You were an impressive New Orleans mayor, but you did such an outstanding job as Carter's H… - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @DMassaWYES: One of my favorite photos of Mayor Moon Landrieu, in front of the landmark he helped bring to New Orleans, the Superdome. H… - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @JPMorrell: My prayers go out to the Landrieu Family on learning of the passing of their patriarch, Moon Landrieu, a former Mayor of New… - 2 years ago

@FromThisTerrace: RT @BillClinton: I'm saddened by the passing of Moon Landrieu, a towering figure in the history of New Orleans. He knew that we are stronge… - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @LukeMixonLA: Louisiana lost a giant today. Moon Landrieu was a principled leader that fought to integrate New Orleans and move Louisian… - 2 years ago

@BrokeJackjonson: Moon Landrieu was still alive??? - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @RepTroyCarter: State Representative, City Councilman, Mayor, Cabinet Secretary, Judge, but most importantly a husband and father. Moon… - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @MitchRabalais: One of my favorite pieces of Louisiana Political Memorabilia — a 1974 Mardi Gras doubloon thrown by Mayor Moon Landrieu’… - 2 years ago

@Rachael0__0: RT @FOX8NOLA: Moon Landrieu, a Jesuit High School graduate, served two terms as New Orleans' mayor from 1970-78>> - 2 years ago

@kbloomers: RT @RoyceDuplessis: As elected leaders, we often think about what our legacy will be. I always strive to do the most impactful work, tackli… - 2 years ago

@johnstempinNPR: RT @starsandstripes: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislatur… - 2 years ago

@StaarVellocet: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@starsandstripes: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legisla… - 2 years ago

@Kuyper626: RT @RoyceDuplessis: As elected leaders, we often think about what our legacy will be. I always strive to do the most impactful work, tackli… - 2 years ago

@DianneMenard: RT @RoyceDuplessis: As elected leaders, we often think about what our legacy will be. I always strive to do the most impactful work, tackli… - 2 years ago

@JohnAnzo: We lost a giant in the passing of Moon Landrieu. He took on segregationists in Louisiana early in his career at hi… - 2 years ago

@soledadobrien: RT @RoyceDuplessis: As elected leaders, we often think about what our legacy will be. I always strive to do the most impactful work, tackli… - 2 years ago

@OBWax: Remembering Moon Landrieu who transformed New Orleans - 2 years ago

@BeckyakaGaggy: RT @MelindaDeslatte: Moon Landrieu, mayor who bridged Black and White New Orleans, dies at 92 via ⁦@NOLAnews⁩ - 2 years ago

@NOLAHistoryGuy: RT @AmistadResearch: The board of directors and staff of the Amistad Research Center extend our condolences to the Landrieu family on the p… - 2 years ago

@willybfrank: RT @Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@givemepie360: RT @WalterIsaacson: On his first week as a young Louisiana legislator, two powerful old politicians cornered Moon Landrieu in an elevator,… - 2 years ago

@ambulsiva: - 2 years ago

@DanCas2: RT @MelindaDeslatte: Moon Landrieu, mayor who bridged Black and White New Orleans, dies at 92 via ⁦@NOLAnews⁩ - 2 years ago

@mrjordanhirsch: The Washingon Post's Moon Landrieu obit and others quote my dad re: Landrieu's opposition to segregation (left), wh… - 2 years ago

@ryanberni: RT @Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@jOHN_lORIS: RT @Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@GammaReigh: RT @BlkProOrator: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@StephenHandwerk: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@Emolclause: RT @Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@JSODonoghue: RT @MitchRabalais: One of my favorite pieces of Louisiana Political Memorabilia — a 1974 Mardi Gras doubloon thrown by Mayor Moon Landrieu’… - 2 years ago

@Emolclause: RT @MelindaDeslatte: Moon Landrieu, mayor who bridged Black and White New Orleans, dies at 92 via ⁦@NOLAnews⁩ - 2 years ago

@LyndaWoolard: RT @ryanberni: I never met anyone with a stronger moral compass. Moon Landrieu always fought for what he thought was right and just. I ch… - 2 years ago

@Emolclause: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@RodWalkerNola: #Saints statement on the passing of former New Orleans mayor Maurice “Moon” Landrieu…… - 2 years ago

@CharlotteOnder1: RT @jaketapper: RIP former New Orleans Mayor and HUD Secretary Maurice Edwin “Moon” Landrieu, enemy of segregationists, father of @MitchLan… - 2 years ago

@AuroraNolen: RT @mitchellreports: Condolences to White House infrastructure coordinator @MitchLandrieu his sister former Senator Mary Landrieu and the… - 2 years ago

@NOLAHistoryGuy: RT @jaketapper: RIP former New Orleans Mayor and HUD Secretary Maurice Edwin “Moon” Landrieu, enemy of segregationists, father of @MitchLan… - 2 years ago

@greencounterktd: RT @JJohnsonLaw: Moon Landrieu, mayor who bridged Black and White New Orleans, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@LyndaWoolard: I didn’t know Moon Landrieu well, but folks I know told story after story about the tremendous impact he had on the… - 2 years ago

@gilroyyee: Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@DrSportsBra: RT @jaketapper: RIP former New Orleans Mayor and HUD Secretary Maurice Edwin “Moon” Landrieu, enemy of segregationists, father of @MitchLan… - 2 years ago

@AyameDinkler: RT @jaketapper: RIP former New Orleans Mayor and HUD Secretary Maurice Edwin “Moon” Landrieu, enemy of segregationists, father of @MitchLan… - 2 years ago

@Bayouself5: RT @Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@AyameDinkler: RT @WalterIsaacson: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in one of the nation’s most polyglot and irrepressible cities… [great ⁦@nyt… - 2 years ago

@pathwisepress: RT @AmistadResearch: The board of directors and staff of the Amistad Research Center extend our condolences to the Landrieu family on the p… - 2 years ago

@AyameDinkler: RT @carlingiv: Growing up in our house, Moon Landrieu’s legacy loomed large. To my dad, Moon was an important mentor. Conversations about l… - 2 years ago

@heimerlandia: RT @Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@WBRZ: "Mr. Landrieu was always one of the team’s biggest supporters" Read the New Orleans Saints statement on the death… - 2 years ago

@Saints: New Orleans Saints statement on the death of former Mayor Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@musicnews_daily: Remembering Moon Landrieu Who Transformed New Orleans - 2 years ago

@AmistadResearch: The board of directors and staff of the Amistad Research Center extend our condolences to the Landrieu family on th… - 2 years ago

@DiplomaticoNot: Moon Landrieu Dies at 92; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration - 2 years ago

@moxiepassion: RT @Grav1: Moon sets over Louisiana: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Loui… - 2 years ago

@Jonphils: RT @Les_East: R.I.P. former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu. - 2 years ago

@iveyjanette_207: RT @jaketapper: RIP former New Orleans Mayor and HUD Secretary Maurice Edwin “Moon” Landrieu, enemy of segregationists, father of @MitchLan… - 2 years ago

@dwatchnews_nam: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died (from @AP) - 2 years ago

@pattayk: RT @donnabrazile: Today, we mourn the passing of a remarkable man who helped to desegregate my hometown of #NewOrleans. Moon Landrieu helpe… - 2 years ago

@capitolwatch: RT @Grav1: Moon sets over Louisiana: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Loui… - 2 years ago

@electdrsentino: My prayers are with Mayor Moon Landrieu's family & friends. His dedication to the civil rights movement & integrati… - 2 years ago

@nolatechie: RT @JSODonoghue: Moon Landrieu, former mayor of New Orleans and patriarch of the Landrieu political family, has died. Wonderful obit from J… - 2 years ago

@jmisakian: RT @WalterIsaacson: On his first week as a young Louisiana legislator, two powerful old politicians cornered Moon Landrieu in an elevator,… - 2 years ago

@otforus: Sending prayers to the Landrieu family in their time of bereavement. 🙏 Moon Landrieu July 23,1930 -Sept. 5, 2022 - 2 years ago

@NetionalD: Moon Landrieu dies; New Orleans mayor led on civil rights - 2 years ago

@windycityevnts: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@twitbituaries: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 - - 2 years ago

@willsutton: RIP former #NOLA Mayor Moon Landrieu. - 2 years ago

@WGNOsports: RT @WGNOtv: Today we humbly mourn the loss of former New Orleans mayor and civil rights pioneer #MoonLandrieu, who passed away this morning… - 2 years ago

@dashiemama: RT @RepTroyCarter: State Representative, City Councilman, Mayor, Cabinet Secretary, Judge, but most importantly a husband and father. Moon… - 2 years ago

@electkherman: Mayor Moon Landrieu was a champion of progress for the city of New Orleans. In his inauguration speech, he stated,… - 2 years ago

@v2aggie2: RT @RepTroyCarter: State Representative, City Councilman, Mayor, Cabinet Secretary, Judge, but most importantly a husband and father. Moon… - 2 years ago

@3rdCoastChick: RT @MelindaDeslatte: Moon Landrieu, mayor who bridged Black and White New Orleans, dies at 92 via ⁦@NOLAnews⁩ - 2 years ago

@lsuhackysack: RT @RepTroyCarter: State Representative, City Councilman, Mayor, Cabinet Secretary, Judge, but most importantly a husband and father. Moon… - 2 years ago

@misslillynola: RT @JSODonoghue: Moon Landrieu, former mayor of New Orleans and patriarch of the Landrieu political family, has died. Wonderful obit from J… - 2 years ago

@Katie_bg: RT @LamarWhiteJr: Moon Landrieu spent his entire career working to dismantle every vestige of Jim Crow he encountered— from the La. stateho… - 2 years ago

@leighlemoine: RT @WalterIsaacson: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in one of the nation’s most polyglot and irrepressible cities… [great ⁦@nyt… - 2 years ago

@LaLaKristiansen: RT @jilevin: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 via washingtonpost - 2 years ago

@ZacMcCrary: RT @JMilesColeman: RIP Moon Landrieu @SenLandrieu talked a lot about him on her @ProPoliticsPod interview. Before he was mayor of New Orle… - 2 years ago

@ProPoliticsPod: RT @JMilesColeman: RIP Moon Landrieu @SenLandrieu talked a lot about him on her @ProPoliticsPod interview. Before he was mayor of New Orle… - 2 years ago

@skooks: RT @JSODonoghue: Moon Landrieu, former mayor of New Orleans and patriarch of the Landrieu political family, has died. Wonderful obit from J… - 2 years ago

@CityOfNOLA: RT @mayorcantrell: The City of New Orleans mourns the passing of our former mayor Moon Landrieu. We are keeping the Landrieu family in our… - 2 years ago

@RhouseHouse: RT @WalterIsaacson: On his first week as a young Louisiana legislator, two powerful old politicians cornered Moon Landrieu in an elevator,… - 2 years ago

@shayla_delarose: RT @mayorcantrell: The City of New Orleans mourns the passing of our former mayor Moon Landrieu. We are keeping the Landrieu family in our… - 2 years ago

@RadioBlackOn: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@mayorcantrell: The City of New Orleans mourns the passing of our former mayor Moon Landrieu. We are keeping the Landrieu family i… - 2 years ago

@RhouseHouse: RT @LouisianaGov: Moon Landrieu was a courageous and defining voice for Louisiana and his beloved hometown of New Orleans. As a newly-elect… - 2 years ago

@robertfranek: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@markets_mt: #AssociatedPress: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died $MEDIAN_HOME. Via: - 2 years ago

@JamileeD: RT @postpolitics: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@MSzafranski413: RT @brynstole: Moon Landrieu, former New Orleans mayor who championed racial integration, transformed the city & founded a political dynast… - 2 years ago

@ShoreEJV: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@B_rEEzy_B: RT @FOX8NOLA: Moon Landrieu, a Jesuit High School graduate, served two terms as New Orleans' mayor from 1970-78>> - 2 years ago

@Osman1248Quorum: RT @WalterIsaacson: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in one of the nation’s most polyglot and irrepressible cities… [great ⁦@nyt… - 2 years ago

@Johnfrmtha870: RT @postpolitics: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@JeffMccall18: RT @WGNOtv: Today we humbly mourn the loss of former New Orleans mayor and civil rights pioneer #MoonLandrieu, who passed away this morning… - 2 years ago

@WalterIsaacson: Moon Landrieu, who reshaped racial politics in one of the nation’s most polyglot and irrepressible cities… [great ⁦… - 2 years ago

@postpolitics: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@MaestraOogway: RT @dannowicki: "New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died." (via @AP) - 2 years ago

@postobits: Moon Landrieu, New Orleans mayor who led on civil rights, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@RuralChrisLee: RT @DerekRussforUs: During his time as mayor, the percentage of African American employees in city hall increased from 19% to 43%. My praye… - 2 years ago

@LamarWhiteJr: Moon Landrieu spent his entire career working to dismantle every vestige of Jim Crow he encountered— from the La. s… - 2 years ago

@puzzler74: RT @mitchellreports: Condolences to White House infrastructure coordinator @MitchLandrieu his sister former Senator Mary Landrieu and the… - 2 years ago

@FleurdeLindsay: RT @WalterIsaacson: On his first week as a young Louisiana legislator, two powerful old politicians cornered Moon Landrieu in an elevator,… - 2 years ago

@NewsChannel312: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@jahangi34070804: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died => - 2 years ago

@JamesMunozNC25: RT @Jennifer_6247: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@takymurillo: RT @WGNOtv: Former New Orleans mayor, civil rights pioneer Moon Landrieu dead at 92 - 2 years ago

@KALBtv5: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legisla… - 2 years ago

@LouisWPLG: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@WashingtonHisp: #nacionalWH Muere el patriarca político de Nueva Orleans Moon Landrieu - 2 years ago

@JSODonoghue: Moon Landrieu, former mayor of New Orleans and patriarch of the Landrieu political family, has died. Wonderful obit… - 2 years ago

@ABC6: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@Darryl_Forges: RT @JPMorrell: My prayers go out to the Landrieu Family on learning of the passing of their patriarch, Moon Landrieu, a former Mayor of New… - 2 years ago

@DanaGavin1895: RT @DerekRussforUs: Mayor Moon Landrieu's leadership during his two terms was revolutionary. He completely transformed the face of city gov… - 2 years ago

@glyniskazanjian: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@RTMannJr: RT @DerekRussforUs: Mayor Moon Landrieu's leadership during his two terms was revolutionary. He completely transformed the face of city gov… - 2 years ago

@yesiamrlyshort: RT @MelindaDeslatte: Moon Landrieu, mayor who bridged Black and White New Orleans, dies at 92 via ⁦@NOLAnews⁩ - 2 years ago

@NBCScottsbluff: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@BitchR: "Moon Landrieu Dies at 92; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration" by BY WILLIAM YARDLEY via NYT New York Times - 2 years ago

@JoeKanter: Moon Landrieu left a remarkable legacy and set an unparalleled example. Thank you for your many yrs of service. - 2 years ago

@DerekRussforUs: During his time as mayor, the percentage of African American employees in city hall increased from 19% to 43%. My p… - 2 years ago

@DerekRussforUs: Mayor Moon Landrieu's leadership during his two terms was revolutionary. He completely transformed the face of city… - 2 years ago

@CrassPolitical: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu dies at 92 | - 2 years ago

@CoffeePolitico: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@kbwilliams100: RT @clancygambit: Just got a call from the Landrieu family to confirm that our city’s beloved former mayor, Moon Landrieu, passed peacefull… - 2 years ago

@clancygambit: RT @WalterIsaacson: On his first week as a young Louisiana legislator, two powerful old politicians cornered Moon Landrieu in an elevator,… - 2 years ago

@KSLA: “... a courageous and defining voice for Louisiana and his beloved hometown of New Orleans. In addition to his many… - 2 years ago

@goldngater: RT @mitchellreports: Condolences to White House infrastructure coordinator @MitchLandrieu his sister former Senator Mary Landrieu and the… - 2 years ago

@BarbarabeckBeck: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@dcjay_z: Moon Landrieu Cause of death, Wife, Children, Age, Net Worth - 2 years ago

@InFullBloomUS: RT @mitchellreports: Condolences to White House infrastructure coordinator @MitchLandrieu his sister former Senator Mary Landrieu and the… - 2 years ago

@NsemWoKrom: Moon Landrieu Cause of death, Wife, Children, Age, Net Worth - 2 years ago

@MCD_relcop: New post: "Moon Landrieu Dies at 92; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration" - 2 years ago

@dcjay_z: Moon Landrieu Parents: Meet Joseph Geoffrey Landrieu, Loretta Bechtel. - 2 years ago

@NsemWoKrom: Moon Landrieu Parents: Meet Joseph Geoffrey Landrieu, Loretta Bechtel. - 2 years ago

@GiGiCaponePR: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@Acie76: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@KMETRadio: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@JujunluluJudy: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@kfvsnews: JUST IN: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu — whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisian… - 2 years ago

@marypatriciala: RT @clancygambit: Just got a call from the Landrieu family to confirm that our city’s beloved former mayor, Moon Landrieu, passed peacefull… - 2 years ago

@DrHTheGMC: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@MatthewCBS7: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@politic_talks: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - KFOR Oklahoma City - 2 years ago

@NzuchiTimesUSA: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@jm3107: - 2 years ago

@dcjay_z: Moon Landrieu Wife: Who is Verna Satterlee? - 2 years ago

@NsemWoKrom: Moon Landrieu Wife: Who is Verna Satterlee? - 2 years ago

@kefish: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@KMSSTV: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@sadgirlcassi: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@Butterc47949591: RT @mitchellreports: Condolences to White House infrastructure coordinator @MitchLandrieu his sister former Senator Mary Landrieu and the… - 2 years ago

@MaireNiBrun1: RT @MelindaDeslatte: Moon Landrieu, mayor who bridged Black and White New Orleans, dies at 92 via ⁦@NOLAnews⁩ - 2 years ago

@OklahomaTimes: Moon Landrieu Dies at 92; New Orleans Mayor Championed Integration - 2 years ago

@dcjay_z: Moon Landrieu Children: Meet Mitch Landrieu, Mary Landrieu - 2 years ago

@NsemWoKrom: Moon Landrieu Children: Meet Mitch Landrieu, Mary Landrieu - 2 years ago

@MAC_Flight: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@Celtic_Crab: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Moon Landrieu - #MoonLandrieu #Moon #Landrieu #rip - 2 years ago

@theAddledMind: RT @AP: Former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu, whose early, lonely stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launched a p… - 2 years ago

@KKTV11News: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@PatrickDotWeb: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@aar_han3: RT @FOX8NOLA: Moon Landrieu, a Jesuit High School graduate, served two terms as New Orleans' mayor from 1970-78>> - 2 years ago

@blueplanet75: RT @mitchellreports: Condolences to White House infrastructure coordinator @MitchLandrieu his sister former Senator Mary Landrieu and the… - 2 years ago

@amsmadwoman: RT @WLOX: Former New Orleans mayor, political family patriarch Moon Landrieu dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@PolyPoliLive: RT @MrDrew_Taylor: Moon Landrieu, former mayor of New Orleans whose early stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature launch… - 2 years ago

@KPLC7News: “Moon Landrieu was a courageous and defining voice for Louisiana and his beloved hometown of New Orleans,” Gov. Joh… - 2 years ago

@KCRG: New Orleans political patriarch Moon Landrieu has died - 2 years ago

@mjacksonbrister: RT @mitchellreports: Condolences to White House infrastructure coordinator @MitchLandrieu his sister former Senator Mary Landrieu and the… - 2 years ago

@1silveramerican: RT @mitchellreports: Condolences to White House infrastructure coordinator @MitchLandrieu his sister former Senator Mary Landrieu and the… - 2 years ago

@MrDrew_Taylor: Moon Landrieu, former mayor of New Orleans whose early stand against segregationists in the Louisiana legislature l… - 2 years ago

@rzzyx7: RT @NOLAnews: Moon Landrieu, mayor who bridged Black and White New Orleans, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

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