Mona Fong

Hong Kong film producer (The 36th Chamber of Shaolin).
Died on Wednesday November 22nd 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Mona Fong:

@li2nd: 陶傑:王國的管理者 - *CUP - 7 years ago

@6t_iCe: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@torpi76: Hong Kong film and television producer Mona Fong dies, aged 83 - 7 years ago

@li2nd: 陶傑:課本沒有的方逸華管理學 - *CUP - 7 years ago


@CaseyCT62: RT @hkfilmnet: RIP Mona Fong. The widow of Run Run Shaw was a powerful figure in classic Hong Kong cinema in her own right. If you've eve… - 7 years ago

@NwoodrowN: RT @ACAnarkeith: Thank you, Mona Fong, for producing countless Shaw Brothers Kung Fu classics. R.I.P. - 7 years ago

@josemrmusic: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@OPTIMUS720: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@Paige_Bostic15: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@tommyjr007: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@reatha_musician: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@aTouchOfFilm: RIP Mona Fong the lady behind the Shaw. #monafong #runrunshaw #shawbrothers #ladyshaw… - 7 years ago

@Maryqueenngo1: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@Greasychicken47: RT @ACAnarkeith: Thank you, Mona Fong, for producing countless Shaw Brothers Kung Fu classics. R.I.P. - 7 years ago

@Rich116ard: 貧苦家庭出身,六嬸方逸華(原名李夢蘭,又名方夢華;祖籍廣東,生於上海,邵逸夫爵士的第二任妻子)病逝於2017年11月22日、享壽83歲。R.I.P Mona Fong 🥀 - 7 years ago

@BSEvegieMetaL: RT @ShawBrothersUni: Official words from Celestial Pictures on the passing of Lady Mona Fong Shaw: - 7 years ago

@HongKongTravels: Mona Fong, widow of Hong Kong movie mogul Sir Run Run Shaw ... - South China Morning Post - 7 years ago

@BSEvegieMetaL: RT @ACAnarkeith: Thank you, Mona Fong, for producing countless Shaw Brothers Kung Fu classics. R.I.P. - 7 years ago

@seblee: Mona Fong - Look For A Star - 7 years ago

@seblee: 三年(1966年)-方逸華MONA FONG - 7 years ago

@seblee: 不了情 方逸華 Love Without End Mona Fong『電影劇場版 Movie Soundtrack Ver 』 - 7 years ago

@seblee: Just how many old-timers remember Mona Fong in the 1950s and 1960s? - 7 years ago

@DeeJayVenus: RT @ShawBrothersUni: We are very sad to announce the passing of Ms. Mona Fong. Our heartfelt condolences go to her family. - 7 years ago

@DeeJayVenus: RT @ShawBrothersUni: Official words from Celestial Pictures on the passing of Lady Mona Fong Shaw: - 7 years ago

@damydimps_88: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@vtreporter: My encounter with Mona Fong, widower of media mongul Sir Run Run Shaw, who passed away on Tuesday. - 7 years ago

@DeepSilverBlues: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@spissp: RT @SCMP_News: Mona Fong: the ‘Shanghai-style’ star of 1950s Singapore and Malaysia - 7 years ago

@beatlesjad: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 - 7 years ago

@HipHopSince79: @ShawBrothersUni Rest in peace Mona Fong - 7 years ago

@XavierQKantz: RT @hkfilmnet: RIP Mona Fong. The widow of Run Run Shaw was a powerful figure in classic Hong Kong cinema in her own right. If you've eve… - 7 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Actors Biju Phukan, Dieter Bellmann; singer and film producer Mona Fong; writer Jean Anglade; s… - 7 years ago

@MSN_Singapore: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 - 7 years ago

@TheEndofCinema: RT @SCMP_News: Mona Fong: the ‘Shanghai-style’ star of 1950s Singapore and Malaysia - 7 years ago

@tigerymous: RT @SCMP_News: Mona Fong: the ‘Shanghai-style’ star of 1950s Singapore and Malaysia - 7 years ago

@SCMP_News: Mona Fong: the ‘Shanghai-style’ star of 1950s Singapore and Malaysia - 7 years ago

@mikehostench: RT @ShawBrothersUni: Official words from Celestial Pictures on the passing of Lady Mona Fong Shaw: - 7 years ago

@LAST_DONSMONEY: RT @ShawBrothersUni: Official words from Celestial Pictures on the passing of Lady Mona Fong Shaw: - 7 years ago

@ihsanamin: RT @ShawBrothersUni: Official words from Celestial Pictures on the passing of Lady Mona Fong Shaw: - 7 years ago

@J_Lachasse: Mona Fong-Shaw, productrice notamment de La 36e chambre de Shaolin, est morte - 7 years ago

@ShawBrothersUni: Official words from Celestial Pictures on the passing of Lady Mona Fong Shaw: - 7 years ago

@ACAnarkeith: Thank you, Mona Fong, for producing countless Shaw Brothers Kung Fu classics. R.I.P. - 7 years ago

@Narrinderjeet: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@PRNAentmt: Celestial Pictures Expresses Deepest Condolences on the Passing of Lady Mona Fong-Shaw - 7 years ago

@RazzleTazzleMag: Celestial Pictures Expresses Deepest Condolences on the Passing of Lady Mona Fong-Shaw - 7 years ago

@AmeliaAllsop: RT @howard5555: Mona Fong: the ‘Shanghai-style’ star of 1950s Singapore and Malaysia - 7 years ago

@a0970652: RT @hkfilmnet: RIP Mona Fong. The widow of Run Run Shaw was a powerful figure in classic Hong Kong cinema in her own right. If you've eve… - 7 years ago

@Rishabh2468: Singer, Star, Leading Asian Film Executive Mona Fong Dies at 83 #singer - 7 years ago

@tqpzm: Mona Fong: the ‘Shanghai-style’ star of 1950s Singapore and Malaysia - 7 years ago

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