Momčilo Krajišnik

Bosnian Serb political leader
Died on Tuesday September 15th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Momčilo Krajišnik:

@circuitmouse: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@GMUCRIMglobal: RT @MarkKersten: Former Bosnian Serb politician Momčilo #Krajišnik died of #COVID19 at the age of 75. He had been sentenced to 20 years by… - 4 years ago

@eafinct: RT @Dr_FarrisD: Well here are some positive #Sarscov2 news - War Criminal dead of COVID19. As he was actively continuing his legacy after… - 4 years ago

@denise_dewald: RT @Dr_FarrisD: Well here are some positive #Sarscov2 news - War Criminal dead of COVID19. As he was actively continuing his legacy after… - 4 years ago


@JoshuaDHunter: RT @BIRN_BTJ: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo Krajisnik, who was jailed by the Hague Tribunal for his involvement in crimes against humanit… - 4 years ago

@Dr_FarrisD: Well here are some positive #Sarscov2 news - War Criminal dead of COVID19. As he was actively continuing his legac… - 4 years ago

@MaraM81896835: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@NinnaZivanovic: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@seadnum: Sramotno! Poslanici odali počast ratnom zločincu Momčilo Krajišnik je pred Tribunalom u Hagu 2006. godine osuđen n… - 4 years ago

@IvanDjikanovic2: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@AsimBegg: RT @carin__fischer: - 4 years ago

@JholayLal110: RT @carin__fischer: - 4 years ago

@mushtaqueasayed: RT @carin__fischer: - 4 years ago

@ankasupic: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@IbnMaqbool1: RT @carin__fischer: - 4 years ago

@carin__fischer: - 4 years ago

@siraktuzni: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@kkkkkkkarma: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@jasmina15276610: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@banemiloradovic: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@Mazalo10: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@aurablues: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@Andrej10770208: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@VilaVelebita13: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@skolenda: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@Neshavuc: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@miki_marjanovic: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@NevenaN10872295: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@sparta76042360: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@JamesSm13597732: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@teshke: RT @xhape: "Što se tiče optužbi za ratne zločine, mi smo vrlo jasni da je tako moralo da bude." Momčilo Krajišnik, član Predsedništva BiH ,… - 4 years ago

@duchetina: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@madeinmne: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@montenjak: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@IgoreMoze: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@Johnny81096908: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@veritasverde: RT @TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@xhape: "Što se tiče optužbi za ratne zločine, mi smo vrlo jasni da je tako moralo da bude." Momčilo Krajišnik, član Predse… - 4 years ago

@TitogradjaninM: Najjači su ovi koji Mila Đukanovića nazivaju "diktatorom" a idoli im Ratko Mladić, Radovan Karadžić, Momčilo Krajiš… - 4 years ago

@TGLifesFactBook: RT @Svimasamdavala: Stani bola, Čudite se što je Premijer RS-a ratni zločinac, a ne čudite se što su u Predsjedništvu sjedili Momčilo Kraj… - 4 years ago

@Omer78847666: @kenan_ef Koliko ljepse zvuci Momcilo Krajisnik umrli sarajlija nego rodjeni sarajlija - 4 years ago

@Svimasamdavala: Stani bola, Čudite se što je Premijer RS-a ratni zločinac, a ne čudite se što su u Predsjedništvu sjedili Momčilo… - 4 years ago

@VestiOnLine: Jedan od osnivača Republike Srpske i prvi predsednik Narodne skupštine RS, Momčilo Krajišnik preminuo je 15. septem… - 4 years ago

@kenan_ef: Momčilo Krajišnik, rođeni Sarajlija, likes this. - 4 years ago

@madame_ognjena: @burbonivanila ako ispadnem ko momcilo krajisnik javljam da kukamo zajedno 💞 - 4 years ago

@SharkRadioNet: RT @Sysoon: Momčilo Krajišnik (1945 - 2020), died at age 75 years - 4 years ago

@Sysoon: Momčilo Krajišnik (1945 - 2020), died at age 75 years - 4 years ago

@fradelliq: RT @BalcaniCaucaso: E' morto Momčilo Krajišnik, #criminalediguerra, ma le sue pecore sono lì, a ricordarci che viviamo ancora nell'epoca de… - 4 years ago

@BalcaniCaucaso: E' morto Momčilo Krajišnik, #criminalediguerra, ma le sue pecore sono lì, a ricordarci che viviamo ancora nell'epoc… - 4 years ago

@koerzi: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@PrevGenocide: RT @thijsbouwknegt: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo #Krajisnik, who was convicted by the UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for the forme… - 4 years ago

@PrevGenocide: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@WevoicesofTeta: momcilo krajisnik died couple days ago - 4 years ago

@TomMcGr: Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75 - 4 years ago

@Brda80505564: @mojaShaumaa @djenkaboy2_2 A Momčilo Krajišnik moj brat blizanac po obrvama, pardon, obrvi😜 - 4 years ago

@zrikcicaplunjas: marko djuric je bar bio smeker sa pravnog za razliku od momcila djujica pored koga bi i momcilo krajisnik izgledao kao gospodin - 4 years ago

@indoktrinirani: Prije godinu dana kod brice: Hocemol' malo i obrve? Da, skrati, ne zelim da izgledam kao momcilo krajisnik. Kao ko?… - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75 - 4 years ago

@Beatrice356: RT @CdBalkans: Mafieux et criminel de guerre, Momčilo Krajišnik était l’un des dirigeants serbes de Bosnie-Herzégovine les plus radicaux. I… - 4 years ago

@emina_a2812: RT @ledenik1: Da smo uspjeli završiti rat, Momčilo Krajišnik bi ostao upamćen samo po tome da je jedini zločinac kojem je na Tribunalu doka… - 4 years ago

@Kosaa18: @IVodovoda Pričamo o ženi koja je jučer umrla, nije Momčilo Krajišnik. Tebi gotivno što je Trump na vlasti? - 4 years ago

@santouh: RT @Adhocratius: Kra décède du coronavirus. Souvenir au passage de l’excellent binômage 13 et Hubert pour le capturer en son temps en Bosn… - 4 years ago

@StephanCiejka: RT @Adhocratius: Kra décède du coronavirus. Souvenir au passage de l’excellent binômage 13 et Hubert pour le capturer en son temps en Bosn… - 4 years ago

@Adhocratius: RT @Adhocratius: Kra décède du coronavirus. Souvenir au passage de l’excellent binômage 13 et Hubert pour le capturer en son temps en Bosn… - 4 years ago

@NewsDinno: Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe. '"He will be remembered as one of the signatories… - 4 years ago

@katrinagulliver: @PLSOliveira Momcilo Krajisnik died the other day. In last 12 months, also Robert Mugabe. - 4 years ago

@romi_andrio: RT @BalcaniCaucaso: E' morto Momčilo Krajišnik, #criminalediguerra, ma le sue pecore sono ancora lì, a ricordarci che viviamo ancora nell'e… - 4 years ago

@GlobalEdD2020: RT @kitchen5203: Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75 - 4 years ago

@kitchen5203: Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75 - 4 years ago

@mohaloho: @loouuri Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@Ap8AHqPaQ4ZySjG: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@Aferim_Lik: Cekamo da se baja Dodik dosjeti da preimenuje aerodrom u Trebinju u Aerodrom Momcilo Krajisnik. - 4 years ago

@ParmakBirgul: 1992-1995 yılları arasında Bosna'daki savaşta Bosnalı Müslümanlara karşı etnik temizliğe kalkışan Momcilo Krajisnik… - 4 years ago

@DLutermartin: @cYv1wdA0tZyB6S2 Dabogda u paklu gorio! Osuđen je za ratne zločine protiv čovječnosti! Dragi Bože baci ga u najgori… - 4 years ago

@LTregoures: RT @BalcaniCaucaso: E' morto Momčilo Krajišnik, #criminalediguerra, ma le sue pecore sono ancora lì, a ricordarci che viviamo ancora nell'e… - 4 years ago

@MetinGurbette: RT @anadoluajansi: 'Savaş suçlusu' eski Sırp siyasetçi Momcilo Krajisnik Kovid-19'dan öldü - 4 years ago

@NiallRobinson__: RT @MarkKersten: Former Bosnian Serb politician Momčilo #Krajišnik died of #COVID19 at the age of 75. He had been sentenced to 20 years by… - 4 years ago

@saqib_z: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@familygrowing1: RT @NYTObits: Momcilo Krajisnik was convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in the persecutio… - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Momcilo Krajisnik was convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in the… - 4 years ago

@janethanderson: RT @MarkKersten: Former Bosnian Serb politician Momčilo #Krajišnik died of #COVID19 at the age of 75. He had been sentenced to 20 years by… - 4 years ago

@DrShaunMcDaid: Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of #WarCrimes Crimes, Dies at 75 - 4 years ago

@GiovannaFrene: RT @BalcaniCaucaso: E' morto Momčilo Krajišnik, #criminalediguerra, ma le sue pecore sono ancora lì, a ricordarci che viviamo ancora nell'e… - 4 years ago

@BalcaniCaucaso: E' morto Momčilo Krajišnik, #criminalediguerra, ma le sue pecore sono ancora lì, a ricordarci che viviamo ancora ne… - 4 years ago

@lahoare: Momčilo Krajišnik "was among the leadership that oversaw plans to persecute and forcibly expel non-Serbs from parts… - 4 years ago

@SeadodBosne: - 4 years ago

@ademfer: RT @rber_f: Covidian justice! "Momcilo Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminals in the history of Europe," ..."He will be remembered as o… - 4 years ago

@USCX1954: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@rber_f: Covidian justice! "Momcilo Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminals in the history of Europe," ..."He will be rem… - 4 years ago

@ChandranAakash: RT @MarkKersten: Former Bosnian Serb politician Momčilo #Krajišnik died of #COVID19 at the age of 75. He had been sentenced to 20 years by… - 4 years ago

@osmanmalkoc45: RT @yeniakit: Müslümanlara karşı etnik temizliğe kalkışan Sırp katil koronavirüsten öldü - 4 years ago

@SDJohnson515: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@lekh27: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@tialko: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@Sonof76: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@asadbaig1: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@plexusnexus1: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@PeterDudley: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@apuelhindu: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@ShsEliza: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@Basant50457197: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@CoronaUpdateBot: RT @nytimesworld: Momcilo Krajisnik, a Bosnian Serb former wartime leader, has died of the coronavirus. He had been convicted of crimes aga… - 4 years ago

@DirektnoRS: Bivši visoki funkcioner Republike Srpske Momčilo Krajišnik sahranjen je danas na groblju Pribanj kod Pala. - 4 years ago

@sfeldman0: Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75 - 4 years ago

@twitbituaries: Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75 - - 4 years ago

@ZrileB: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@dcline670: RT @MarkKersten: Former Bosnian Serb politician Momčilo #Krajišnik died of #COVID19 at the age of 75. He had been sentenced to 20 years by… - 4 years ago

@MarkKersten: Former Bosnian Serb politician Momčilo #Krajišnik died of #COVID19 at the age of 75. He had been sentenced to 20 ye… - 4 years ago

@ZrileB: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@TheBellTolling: "Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75" by BY ELIAN PELTIER via NYT - 4 years ago

@Gorigoni: L’extrémiste serbe Momcilo Krajisnik est mort - 4 years ago

@VestiYm: [Njujork Tajms piše o Srbiji] "Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75" by Elian Peltie… - 4 years ago

@EuropeNews_b: Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75 #Europe #news #euro #europnews - 4 years ago

@VestiYm: Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75 - 4 years ago

@berylall: "Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75" by Elian Peltier via NYT - 4 years ago

@SimaStraota_: Iskenjam mu se na raku. RT @N1infoBG: Sahranjen Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@N1infoBG: Sahranjen Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago


@novarsonline: Momčilo Krajišnik sahranjen danas na groblju kod Pala - 4 years ago

@MostarskiBa: Na Palama sahranjen jedan od najvećih ratnih zločinaca u historiji Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@depo_portal: Na Palama sahranjen Momčilo Krajišnik: Evo ko je sve prisustvovao ukopu osuđenog ratnog zločinca… - 4 years ago

@United_Bosnia: RT @United_Bosnia: This cheerleader of genocidaire Momcilo Krajisnik who cleansed Croat civilians in Bosnia’s smaller entity is forging all… - 4 years ago

@Hakan54767913: RT @tarihkursusu: 📰 HABER | Bosna'daki savaşta (1992-1995) işlediği suçlar nedeniyle 20 yıl hapse mahkum edilen ve 2013'ten bu yana serbes… - 4 years ago

@ermatw: BOSNIA: In morte di Momcilo Krajisnik, criminale di guerra - East Journal - 4 years ago

@epimoni_: RT @basilikimetat: Ιστορική φωτογραφία ντοκουμέντο:Οταν αποφασίστηκε η εθνοκάθαρση για το όραμα της Μεγάλης Σερβίας Stojan Zupljanin (RS Po… - 4 years ago

@riadaaa: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@romuald_wesley: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@pauline_kga: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@TheObse05239185: RT @Adhocratius: Kra décède du coronavirus. Souvenir au passage de l’excellent binômage 13 et Hubert pour le capturer en son temps en Bosn… - 4 years ago

@LeSommierRgis: RT @Adhocratius: Kra décède du coronavirus. Souvenir au passage de l’excellent binômage 13 et Hubert pour le capturer en son temps en Bosn… - 4 years ago

@Novossti: Dejan Kožul: Ratni zločini ne zastarijevaju, ali ratni zločinci ipak umiru: Od posljedica korona virusa u Banjaluci… - 4 years ago

@Muza09: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@Adhocratius: Kra décède du coronavirus. Souvenir au passage de l’excellent binômage 13 et Hubert pour le capturer en son temps… - 4 years ago

@ChapelJuliette1: RT @lemondefr: Vu son parcours, « Momo » Krajisnik peut se réjouir d’être mort en liberté, le 15 septembre, du Covid-19, dans un hôpital de… - 4 years ago

@basilikimetat: Ιστορική φωτογραφία ντοκουμέντο:Οταν αποφασίστηκε η εθνοκάθαρση για το όραμα της Μεγάλης Σερβίας Stojan Zupljanin (… - 4 years ago

@MuflizovicArmin: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@m_b_tale: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@KaderJaponais13: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@ErisDea: RT @NedadMemic: The only political goal of the Bosnian Serb officials ist the protection and admiration of the genocide legacy. Photo: Bosn… - 4 years ago

@DenisBegovic4: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@summer7570: Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' Folks there is hope for us yet! ⁦@gregolear⁩ ⁦… - 4 years ago

@BosniakFez: RT @NedadMemic: The only political goal of the Bosnian Serb officials ist the protection and admiration of the genocide legacy. Photo: Bosn… - 4 years ago

@fradelliq: RT @BalcaniCaucaso: Momčilo Krajišnik, criminale di guerra, è morto proprio il giorno in cui il presidente della Serbia Vučić e il leader s… - 4 years ago

@ConversationsEu: Bosnie-Herzégovine : le criminel de guerre serbe Momčilo Krajišnik est décédé de la covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Colitas89533908: RT @NedadMemic: The only political goal of the Bosnian Serb officials ist the protection and admiration of the genocide legacy. Photo: Bosn… - 4 years ago

@banemiloradovic: RT @K_U_P_E_K: Momčilo Krajišnik je bio jedno govno. I takvog ga treba pamtiti. Kraj. - 4 years ago

@AdisEsmaSanela: RT @helemnejsee: jedini ispravan naslov - 4 years ago

@Michana66: @JaOpet1 Momčilo Krajišnik je bio HEROJ koji je čuvao svoju zemlju i svoj narod. ti i tvoje balije imate siledžije… - 4 years ago

@ayan_ci: RT @helemnejsee: jedini ispravan naslov - 4 years ago

@harundjogic: RT @sanjinbuzo: This is a proper title! - 4 years ago

@MC_Tiryaki: RT @Cetres1: Bosna’daki savaş sırasında (1992-1995) Boşnak ve Hırvat sivillere karşı savaş suçu işlemekten Lahey’deki mahkemece 20 yıl hap… - 4 years ago

@KnutOgris: RT @NedadMemic: The only political goal of the Bosnian Serb officials ist the protection and admiration of the genocide legacy. Photo: Bosn… - 4 years ago

@selmuggle: RT @NedadMemic: The only political goal of the Bosnian Serb officials ist the protection and admiration of the genocide legacy. Photo: Bosn… - 4 years ago

@JacZan: RT @sanjinbuzo: This is a proper title! - 4 years ago

@mujagicmina: RT @NedadMemic: The only political goal of the Bosnian Serb officials ist the protection and admiration of the genocide legacy. Photo: Bosn… - 4 years ago

@JensWoelk: RT @NedadMemic: The only political goal of the Bosnian Serb officials ist the protection and admiration of the genocide legacy. Photo: Bosn… - 4 years ago

@NedadMemic: The only political goal of the Bosnian Serb officials ist the protection and admiration of the genocide legacy. Pho… - 4 years ago

@JacZan: RT @BalcaniCaucaso: Momčilo Krajišnik, criminale di guerra, è morto proprio il giorno in cui il presidente della Serbia Vučić e il leader s… - 4 years ago

@MaraM81896835: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@helemnejsee: jedini ispravan naslov - 4 years ago

@MahmudFirzan: RT @IsmailRoyer: Few men are purely evil but Momcilo Krajisnik came close. - 4 years ago

@nofre67: RT @watch_union: Der bosnische Kriegsverbrecher und damaliger Vertrauter von #Karasic, Momcilo #Krajisnik, ist am #Coronavirus gestorben. /… - 4 years ago

@ognicaefimera3: @zli_blizanac A dobro, ipak je Momčilo Krajišnik bacio kašiku, svi smo ostavili obrve kao znak žalosti. - 4 years ago

@sa_shine: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@bislimbislimi2: RT @enver_robelli: - 4 years ago

@anewscomtr: Former wartime Bosnian Serb official, Momcilo Krajisnik, has died at the age of 75 after a battle with coronavirus. - 4 years ago

@blentostamin_: jabuke i vino i reš prepečen tost i čitanje žustre rasprave u komentarima ispod vesti da je umro momčilo krajišnik - 4 years ago

@comradefazlagic: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@MichaelmPrince: - 4 years ago

@news_suisse: #Europe L’extrémiste serbe Momcilo Krajisnik est mort - 4 years ago

@BIRN_BTJ: Momčilo Krajišnik, jedan od političkih kreatora Republike Srpske koji je preminuo od posledica koronavirusa, bio je… - 4 years ago

@MrFudzika: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@MelaMlivo: RT @dw_bhs: Žrtve rata podsjećaju da je Momčilo #Krajisnik počinio zločine nad Bošnjacima i Srbima. Dok u #RS veličaju Krajišnikove ratne „… - 4 years ago

@ddelich: RT @lesignaleurblog: Bosnie-Herzégovine L’extrémiste serbe Momcilo Krajisnik est mort ⁦@lemondefr⁩ [abonnés] - 4 years ago

@Jaderens: RT @CdBalkans: Mafieux et criminel de guerre, Momčilo Krajišnik était l’un des dirigeants serbes de Bosnie-Herzégovine les plus radicaux. I… - 4 years ago

@MimiRoth2: Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@etihaine: RT @lemondefr: Vu son parcours, « Momo » Krajisnik peut se réjouir d’être mort en liberté, le 15 septembre, du Covid-19, dans un hôpital de… - 4 years ago

@LTregoures: RT @CdBalkans: Mafieux et criminel de guerre, Momčilo Krajišnik était l’un des dirigeants serbes de Bosnie-Herzégovine les plus radicaux. I… - 4 years ago

@CdBalkans: Mafieux et criminel de guerre, Momčilo Krajišnik était l’un des dirigeants serbes de Bosnie-Herzégovine les plus ra… - 4 years ago

@Andjelk92739248: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@DW_Srpski: Momčilo Krajišnik počinio je zločine i nad Bošnjacima i nad Srbima, podsećaju žrtve rata u BiH. I dok u RS veličaju… - 4 years ago

@gjesic: RT @sanjinbuzo: This is a proper title! - 4 years ago

@delmialvarez: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@amar_mula: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@lesignaleurblog: Bosnie-Herzégovine L’extrémiste serbe Momcilo Krajisnik est mort ⁦@lemondefr⁩ [abonnés] - 4 years ago

@Andy8chi: RT @sanjinbuzo: This is a proper title! - 4 years ago

@Johnwin99481254: Momcilo Krajisnik was sentenced to 20 years for persecuting and expelling non-Serbs during @AJEnglish… - 4 years ago

@gjesic: RT @MdinoDino: "Momčilo Krajišnik će ostati upisan posebnim slovima u istoriju naše Republike i našeg naroda u Republici Srpskoj, koji su n… - 4 years ago

@MarionVDubray: RT @PhilipGrant40: Un ancien criminel de guerre #serbe #bosnien meurt du coronavirus. Momcilo #Krajisnik, un proche Radovan #Karadzic, avai… - 4 years ago

@AlineCateux: RT @sanjinbuzo: This is a proper title! - 4 years ago

@lotim_: RT @RemyOurdan: L’extrémiste serbe Momcilo Krajisnik est mort, par @RemyOurdan - 4 years ago

@whiskeypapa8: RT @anees115: Coronavirus kills "one of biggest criminals in history of Europe" - 4 years ago

@CelineMotk: RT @watch_union: Der bosnische Kriegsverbrecher und damaliger Vertrauter von #Karasic, Momcilo #Krajisnik, ist am #Coronavirus gestorben. /… - 4 years ago

@posch_walter: RT @NedadMemic: The Bosnian Serb war criminal Momčilo #Krajišnik died. This man was the right hand of Radovan Karadžić. Krajišnik was not o… - 4 years ago

@Evropa_u_srcu: RT @dw_bhs: Žrtve rata podsjećaju da je Momčilo #Krajisnik počinio zločine nad Bošnjacima i Srbima. Dok u #RS veličaju Krajišnikove ratne „… - 4 years ago

@dw_bhs: Žrtve rata podsjećaju da je Momčilo #Krajisnik počinio zločine nad Bošnjacima i Srbima. Dok u #RS veličaju Krajišni… - 4 years ago

@Centralna_Bosna: Momčilo Krajišnik „dvostruki zločinac“ - 4 years ago

@anees115: Coronavirus kills "one of biggest criminals in history of Europe" - 4 years ago

@BosnaPRESS: Preminuo ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@SMH_DH: RT @lemondefr: Vu son parcours, « Momo » Krajisnik peut se réjouir d’être mort en liberté, le 15 septembre, du Covid-19, dans un hôpital de… - 4 years ago

@deset_u_pola: RT @suljagicemir1: Da Momčilo Krajišnik ostane upamćen kao zločinac. Donirajte @SrebrenicaMC danas. - 4 years ago

@PsychicHealerC: Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@FELIBERTY: Muere por coronavirus el criminal de guerra serbobosnio Momcilo Krajisnik - 4 years ago

@BegovicEo: RT @United_Bosnia: Coronavirus Kills One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe, AP reports. “Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminal… - 4 years ago

@RemyOurdan: L’extrémiste serbe Momcilo Krajisnik est mort, par @RemyOurdan - 4 years ago

@Balkanite87: RT @SmajoBeso: Coronavirus kills "one of biggest criminals in history of Europe" - 4 years ago

@ABA_ICLC: #Bosnian #Serb politician Momcilo #Krajisnik, who was jailed by the #Hague Tribunal for his involvement in… - 4 years ago

@Im_Mazzy: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@MadhavanMadras: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@Arisovsic: RT @United_Bosnia: Coronavirus Kills One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe, AP reports. “Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminal… - 4 years ago

@JovanMarkus: Преминуо Момчило Крајишник (1945-2020) - 4 years ago

@dailyummah: Bosna'daki savaşta (1992-1995) işlediği suçlar nedeniyle 20 yıl hapse mahkum edilen ve 2013'ten bu yana serbest ola… - 4 years ago

@m_b_tale: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@KerimLojo: RT @suljagicemir1: Da Momčilo Krajišnik ostane upamćen kao zločinac. Donirajte @SrebrenicaMC danas. - 4 years ago

@zanaruza: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@jugogorcena: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@jugogorcena: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@jugogorcena: momčilo krajišnik died from covid19 so to quote my father, “at least one good thing happened from corona” - 4 years ago

@Internetnovine: Iz arhive Internet novine serbske Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik Prvi predsednik Narodne skupštine Republike Srpske - 4 years ago

@vhfiel: Muere por coronavirus el criminal de guerra serbobosnio Momcilo Krajisnik - 4 years ago

@AnjaliBaral4: RT @9NewsAUS: JUST IN: Momcilo Krajisnik, a former top wartime Bosnian Serb official who was convicted of war crimes by a UN court, has die… - 4 years ago

@kikkavei: RT @Newsweek: Coronavirus kills "one of biggest criminals in history of Europe" - 4 years ago

@msal215: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@Hamdo_Ka: RT @MiralemKapetan2: Jadno je kada ti na kraju života samo ostane da si bio ratni zločinac. Preminuo osuđeni ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišn… - 4 years ago

@Hamdo_Ka: RT @AhmooL: Danas je preminuo osuđeni ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik. Uhapšen po optužnici Haškog tužilaštva 2000. godine. On se teretiro… - 4 years ago

@ahjeffrey: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@Hamdo_Ka: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@Hamdo_Ka: RT @markoah: Bosnian Serb War Criminal Momcilo Krajisnik Dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@ahjeffrey: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@Hamdo_Ka: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@doysamia: RT @Newsweek: Coronavirus kills "one of biggest criminals in history of Europe" - 4 years ago

@AabKeshti: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Momčilo Krajišnik, Serb war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity has passed away from covid complications. ICTY… - 4 years ago

@Hamdo_Ka: RT @suljagicemir1: Da Momčilo Krajišnik ostane upamćen kao zločinac. Donirajte @SrebrenicaMC danas. - 4 years ago

@Hamdo_Ka: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@HarisAlisic: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@niki58bgd: RT @MdinoDino: "Momčilo Krajišnik će ostati upisan posebnim slovima u istoriju naše Republike i našeg naroda u Republici Srpskoj, koji su n… - 4 years ago

@PrinceLucifer95: RT @United_Bosnia: Momcilo Krajisnik dies from the rona - 4 years ago

@SabahHamamou: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@PrinceLucifer95: RT @markoah: Bosnian Serb War Criminal Momcilo Krajisnik Dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@PrinceLucifer95: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@PrinceLucifer95: RT @United_Bosnia: Coronavirus Kills One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe, AP reports. “Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminal… - 4 years ago

@Drug_Mao: RT @JaOpet1: Ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik crko je danas. Uskoro će Bogu na istinu pa da u oči pogleda žrtve svoje! - 4 years ago

@alayb91: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@Balkanite87: RT @United_Bosnia: Momcilo Krajisnik dies from the rona - 4 years ago

@vanguardiamx: #Internacional 🚨 Momcilo Krajisnik, un exalto funcionario serbobosnio condenado por crímenes de guerra por un tribu… - 4 years ago

@Musa_Saracevic: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@Majamaj35957678: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@GregoryHugh7: Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' — The world is now a better place 🖤 - 4 years ago

@unclegalahad: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@KenoLafe: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@TR_Hope: RT @MelinaBorcak: Kriegsverbrecher & Völkermord-Planer momčilo krajišnik, schuldig wegen Ausrottung,Verbrechen gegen Menschlichkeit, Mord,D… - 4 years ago

@b_nofacee: RT @United_Bosnia: Convicted Serb war criminal Momcilo Krajisnik is dead at 75, due to complications caused by SARS-CoV-2. - 4 years ago

@HorozicMirna: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@majaaleks81: Počivaj u miru, veliki čoveče! - 4 years ago

@donner_mizzi: RT @watch_union: Der bosnische Kriegsverbrecher und damaliger Vertrauter von #Karasic, Momcilo #Krajisnik, ist am #Coronavirus gestorben. /… - 4 years ago

@graduzrcalu: RT @MdinoDino: "Momčilo Krajišnik će ostati upisan posebnim slovima u istoriju naše Republike i našeg naroda u Republici Srpskoj, koji su n… - 4 years ago

@HAhmed1982: RT @United_Bosnia: Convicted Serb war criminal Momcilo Krajisnik is dead at 75, due to complications caused by SARS-CoV-2. - 4 years ago

@tichabine88: RT @lemondefr: Vu son parcours, « Momo » Krajisnik peut se réjouir d’être mort en liberté, le 15 septembre, du Covid-19, dans un hôpital de… - 4 years ago

@Divljana2: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@HakijaKarisik: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@ResulResulaj: RT @enver_robelli: - 4 years ago

@Aidazzles: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@RabijahA: RT @United_Bosnia: Coronavirus Kills One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe, AP reports. “Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminal… - 4 years ago

@musab057: RT @Cetres1: Bosna’daki savaş sırasında (1992-1995) Boşnak ve Hırvat sivillere karşı savaş suçu işlemekten Lahey’deki mahkemece 20 yıl hap… - 4 years ago

@gertigalo: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@JaOpet1: RT @Faruk_Saaa: Momčilo Krajišnik: Utemeljitelj genocida - 4 years ago

@elGibbe: RT @rs_sputnik: Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik #SputnikSrbija #Sputnik #SputnikUpdates 👇 - 4 years ago

@MirsadAbazovic: RT @Faruk_Saaa: Momčilo Krajišnik: Utemeljitelj genocida - 4 years ago

@Brhaspatya: RT @lemondefr: Vu son parcours, « Momo » Krajisnik peut se réjouir d’être mort en liberté, le 15 septembre, du Covid-19, dans un hôpital de… - 4 years ago

@enver_robelli: - 4 years ago

@dardalbanian: RT @United_Bosnia: Coronavirus Kills One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe, AP reports. “Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminal… - 4 years ago

@elGibbe: RT @rs_sputnik: Nenad Kecmanović: Doviđenja, Momčilo #Krajisnik #RepublikaSrpska #RS #SputnikSrbija #Sputnik 👇 - 4 years ago

@HarisCatic4: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@Zlata_PRian: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@canis_lupus_: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@pravahercegovka: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@celine_vives: RT @lemondefr: Vu son parcours, « Momo » Krajisnik peut se réjouir d’être mort en liberté, le 15 septembre, du Covid-19, dans un hôpital de… - 4 years ago

@SmajoBeso: RT @BIRN_BTJ: An organisation led by convicted war criminal Momcilo Krajisnik has received over €40,000 in public funding from the governme… - 4 years ago

@Zlata_PRian: RT @SniperAlleyPhot: Let me correct this for you: Preminuo ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@AnthonyOTRT: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@universalgtk: RT @United_Bosnia: Coronavirus Kills One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe, AP reports. “Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminal… - 4 years ago

@Delbish19: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@MartaRazborsek: RT @InfoTVSLO: Umrl je Momčilo Krajišnik, nekdanji predsednik parlamenta Republike srbske, ki je bil v Haagu obsojen na 20 let zapora zarad… - 4 years ago

@SevincTiler: RT @Cetres1: Bosna’daki savaş sırasında (1992-1995) Boşnak ve Hırvat sivillere karşı savaş suçu işlemekten Lahey’deki mahkemece 20 yıl hap… - 4 years ago

@RadioUahid: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@fanglodinglo: RT @United_Bosnia: Coronavirus Kills One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe, AP reports. “Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminal… - 4 years ago

@Selmaaxxoo: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@United_Bosnia: RT @United_Bosnia: Coronavirus Kills One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe, AP reports. “Krajisnik is one of the biggest criminal… - 4 years ago

@batta_59: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@YunEmma: RT @lemondefr: Vu son parcours, « Momo » Krajisnik peut se réjouir d’être mort en liberté, le 15 septembre, du Covid-19, dans un hôpital de… - 4 years ago

@Melanie23337110: RT @lemondefr: Vu son parcours, « Momo » Krajisnik peut se réjouir d’être mort en liberté, le 15 septembre, du Covid-19, dans un hôpital de… - 4 years ago

@marccapelle: RT @lemondefr: Vu son parcours, « Momo » Krajisnik peut se réjouir d’être mort en liberté, le 15 septembre, du Covid-19, dans un hôpital de… - 4 years ago

@richgjohnson: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@_mdautovic: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@iismailyildz: RT @Cetres1: Bosna’daki savaş sırasında (1992-1995) Boşnak ve Hırvat sivillere karşı savaş suçu işlemekten Lahey’deki mahkemece 20 yıl hap… - 4 years ago

@alenramic03: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@rs_sputnik: Nenad Kecmanović: Doviđenja, Momčilo #Krajisnik #RepublikaSrpska #RS #SputnikSrbija #Sputnik 👇 - 4 years ago

@VedadHodzic: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@MaxineSykes: Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@VedadHodzic: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@United_Bosnia: Big commemoration event being planned by Bosnian Serbs in Banja Luka for genocide architect Momcilo Krajisnik. - 4 years ago

@AllaanHrngzo: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@E7R7O7L: RT @suljagicemir1: Da Momčilo Krajišnik ostane upamćen kao zločinac. Donirajte @SrebrenicaMC danas. - 4 years ago

@AlagicAnel21: RT @United_Bosnia: Momcilo Krajisnik dies from the rona - 4 years ago

@LDUniGr: RT @Newsweek: Coronavirus kills "one of biggest criminals in history of Europe" - 4 years ago

@pibez: RT @SmajoBeso: Coronavirus kills "one of biggest criminals in history of Europe" - 4 years ago

@Su2Den: RT @watch_union: Der bosnische Kriegsverbrecher und damaliger Vertrauter von #Karasic, Momcilo #Krajisnik, ist am #Coronavirus gestorben. /… - 4 years ago

@xdoixnoa: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@ErisDea: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@clagherardini: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@imafloristok: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@AroufBabtou: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@franjoninic: Džaba je Momčilo Krajišnik umro, kad ga tviteraši cijeli dan reanimiraju. Oni iz RS-a tako što ga glorificiraju, a… - 4 years ago

@niki58bgd: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@strugainfo: COVIDI-i shuan famëkeqin Momçilo Krajisnik - - 4 years ago

@verche12: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@SamBeharic: .@Newsweek refers to Krajišnik as "one of the biggest criminals in the history of Europe," quoting Željko Komšić, t… - 4 years ago

@Atlgan88712941: RT @anadoluajansi: 'Savaş suçlusu' eski Sırp siyasetçi Momcilo Krajisnik Kovid-19'dan öldü - 4 years ago

@fefewoelk: RT @NedadMemic: The Bosnian Serb war criminal Momčilo #Krajišnik died. This man was the right hand of Radovan Karadžić. Krajišnik was not o… - 4 years ago

@wildanimal_wild: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@Otusscops5: . 🦉- 15.09.2020. -🦉 PREMINUO MOMČILO KRAJIŠNIK Prvi predsednik Narodne skupštine Republi… - 4 years ago

@ATweets_: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@leone1905: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@VladanLausevic: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@MirnesKovac: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@batta_59: RT @suljagicemir1: Da Momčilo Krajišnik ostane upamćen kao zločinac. Donirajte @SrebrenicaMC danas. - 4 years ago

@ruthyvonnestory: RT @Newsweek: Coronavirus kills "one of biggest criminals in history of Europe" - 4 years ago

@touzakulu: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@GojakDenis: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@Teta_Azra: RT @suljagicemir1: Da Momčilo Krajišnik ostane upamćen kao zločinac. Donirajte @SrebrenicaMC danas. - 4 years ago

@KemalBegich: RT @suljagicemir1: That's to way to put it.| Coronavirus Kills 'One of Biggest Criminals in History of Europe' - 4 years ago

@UnalSevilay: RT @hikmet_karcic: Momcilo Krajisnik stated in 1993 that Bosnian Muslims an “artificial and communist creation” and an “infidel sect of Tur… - 4 years ago

@Clem953: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@fatjonakrsn: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@therealMM69: Crkla spojena obrvica - 4 years ago

@BosniaqueBo: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@Alexkeving: RT @Mediavenir: 🇷🇸 FLASH - Momcilo #Krajisnik, ancien criminel de #guerre des Serbes de #Bosnie, est mort du #coronavirus. Il avait été con… - 4 years ago

@Crnooka73726349: RT @AhmooL: Danas je preminuo osuđeni ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik. Uhapšen po optužnici Haškog tužilaštva 2000. godine. On se teretiro… - 4 years ago

@71djt: Bosnian Serb war criminal Momčilo Krajišnik is staring up at the world today. Time for a rare but sincere hat-tip t… - 4 years ago

@delicevaa: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@srklet1: RT @United_Bosnia: Momcilo Krajisnik dies from the rona - 4 years ago

@FaithMattersUK: RT @TellMamaUK: Bosnian Serb War Criminal Momcilo Krajisnik Dies of #Covid_19. He "wanted the Muslim and Croat populations moved out of… - 4 years ago

@Moschovidis: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@RA_Sikdar: RT @TellMamaUK: Bosnian Serb War Criminal Momcilo Krajisnik Dies of #Covid_19. He "wanted the Muslim and Croat populations moved out of… - 4 years ago

@Claudi_Schaefer: RT @TellMamaUK: Bosnian Serb War Criminal Momcilo Krajisnik Dies of #Covid_19. He "wanted the Muslim and Croat populations moved out of… - 4 years ago

@tarihkursusu: RT @tarihkursusu: 📰 HABER | Bosna'daki savaşta (1992-1995) işlediği suçlar nedeniyle 20 yıl hapse mahkum edilen ve 2013'ten bu yana serbes… - 4 years ago

@TellMamaUK: Bosnian Serb War Criminal Momcilo Krajisnik Dies of #Covid_19. He "wanted the Muslim and Croat populations moved… - 4 years ago

@Hamdo_Ka: RT @Faruk_Saaa: Zivot obiljezen zlom... - 4 years ago

@Hamdo_Ka: RT @omar_polo: Za Bosnu i za stotine hiljada ljudi prekasno, teška ti zemlja nesoju - 4 years ago

@teshke: RT @K_U_P_E_K: Momčilo Krajišnik je bio jedno govno. I takvog ga treba pamtiti. Kraj. - 4 years ago

@TheBosniakGOAT: RT @United_Bosnia: Momcilo Krajisnik dies from the rona - 4 years ago

@RuizCalixto: RT @dw_espanol: Momcilo Krajisnik fue un ex líder político de los serbios de #bosnia condenado por crímenes de #Guerra por la Justicia inte… - 4 years ago

@SeadodBosne: RT @MdinoDino: "Momčilo Krajišnik će ostati upisan posebnim slovima u istoriju naše Republike i našeg naroda u Republici Srpskoj, koji su n… - 4 years ago

@AndraCrome: RT @watch_union: Der bosnische Kriegsverbrecher und damaliger Vertrauter von #Karasic, Momcilo #Krajisnik, ist am #Coronavirus gestorben. /… - 4 years ago

@_crimsonpirate: RT @watch_union: Der bosnische Kriegsverbrecher und damaliger Vertrauter von #Karasic, Momcilo #Krajisnik, ist am #Coronavirus gestorben. /… - 4 years ago

@United_Bosnia: RT @United_Bosnia: Convicted Serb war criminal Momcilo Krajisnik is dead at 75, due to complications caused by SARS-CoV-2. - 4 years ago

@United_Bosnia: RT @United_Bosnia: Momcilo Krajisnik dies from the rona - 4 years ago

@GpressMedia: RT @miguelroan1: Ha muerto por infección de coronavirus Momčilo Krajišnik, político serbo-bosnio condenado por crímenes de guerra contra po… - 4 years ago

@UmbertoNetko: @K_U_P_E_K Ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik? - 4 years ago

@pravahercegovka: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@normundsbergs: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@stephenalbert11: RT @markoah: Bosnian Serb War Criminal Momcilo Krajisnik Dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@yesilkirpklikiz: RT @Balkan_Bulteni: #Bosna’daki savaşta (1992-1995) işlediği suçlar nedeniyle 20 yıl hapse mahkum edilen ve 2013’ten bu yana serbest olan e… - 4 years ago

@hahellyer: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@barjanski: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@FairishGodmum: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@AnxoRey: RT @EPinternacional: Muere por #coronavirus el criminal de guerra serbobosnio Momcilo Krajisnik - 4 years ago

@someotherblues: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@sanjinbuzo: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@AshleyMason739: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@mkg_sd: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@HachOliver: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@palihboraca: RT @K_U_P_E_K: Momčilo Krajišnik je bio jedno govno. I takvog ga treba pamtiti. Kraj. - 4 years ago

@edin_mujkic: F... you Momcilo! - 4 years ago

@SenkaFilipovic: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@BalkanInsight: RT @BIRN_BTJ: Momcilo Krajisnik, one of the most prominent Bosnian Serb political wartime leaders, died today at the age of 75 after contra… - 4 years ago

@BIRN_BTJ: Momcilo Krajisnik, one of the most prominent Bosnian Serb political wartime leaders, died today at the age of 75 af… - 4 years ago

@clagherardini: RT @N1info: Top Bosnian Serb officials praise war criminal Momcilo Krajisnik as a patriot - 4 years ago

@abcTimothy: RT @MelinaBorcak: Kriegsverbrecher & Völkermord-Planer momčilo krajišnik, schuldig wegen Ausrottung,Verbrechen gegen Menschlichkeit, Mord,D… - 4 years ago

@marypgkeating: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@tckoronatimi: RT @globalbreaking_: Bosnian Serb official convicted of war crimes dies of COVID-19: Momcilo Krajisnik was sentenced to 20 years for persec… - 4 years ago

@MersihaGadzo: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@K_U_P_E_K: Momčilo Krajišnik je bio jedno govno. I takvog ga treba pamtiti. Kraj. - 4 years ago

@Caroleshoulder1: RT @globalbreaking_: Bosnian Serb official convicted of war crimes dies of COVID-19: Momcilo Krajisnik was sentenced to 20 years for persec… - 4 years ago

@Vsapunov76: - 4 years ago

@KurtBassuener: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@cmsleaps: RT @JasminMuj: Momčilo Krajišnik, one of Radovan Karadžić’s closest associates, a founding member of the SDS, and a key architect of the B… - 4 years ago

@macrogest1: Momcilo Krajisnik je zadnje godine zivota proveo bezbrizno zivjeci na 20 km od Sarajeva. - 4 years ago

@Petrit: RT @markoah: Bosnian Serb War Criminal Momcilo Krajisnik Dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@globalbreaking_: Bosnian Serb official convicted of war crimes dies of COVID-19: Momcilo Krajisnik was sentenced to 20 years for per… - 4 years ago

@almedinaavdicc: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@EmaPopovic3: - 4 years ago

@RainmakerMatic: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@mejraje: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@touba_denrael: RT @DemopJ: "Momcilo Krajisnik, a former top wartime Bosnian Serb official who was convicted of war crimes by a U.N. court, has died after… - 4 years ago

@CatsChocolates: RT @DemopJ: "Momcilo Krajisnik, a former top wartime Bosnian Serb official who was convicted of war crimes by a U.N. court, has died after… - 4 years ago

@Crowebar_67: RT @9NewsSyd: JUST IN: Momcilo Krajisnik, a former top wartime Bosnian Serb official who was convicted of war crimes by a UN court, has die… - 4 years ago

@nejranejranejr1: RT @SniperAlleyPhot: One war criminal gone and many left to go. Thousands are free roaming around. WAR CRIMINAL momcilo krajisnik died to… - 4 years ago

@SmajoBeso: Krajisnik was sentenced to 27 years in prison for his involvement in crimes against humanity against non-Serbs, inc… - 4 years ago

@Keszenman: Momcilo Krajisnik fue considerado uno de los colaboradores más cercanos de Radovan Karadzic, el líder político de l… - 4 years ago

@ostavke: RT @MdinoDino: "Momčilo Krajišnik će ostati upisan posebnim slovima u istoriju naše Republike i našeg naroda u Republici Srpskoj, koji su n… - 4 years ago

@SmajoBeso: RT @suljagicemir1: Da Momčilo Krajišnik ostane upamćen kao zločinac. Donirajte @SrebrenicaMC danas. - 4 years ago

@SmajoBeso: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@littleblucleric: RT @DemopJ: "Momcilo Krajisnik, a former top wartime Bosnian Serb official who was convicted of war crimes by a U.N. court, has died after… - 4 years ago

@DW_Srpski: Momčilo Krajišnik, prvi predsednik Narodne skupštine RS preminuo je u Banjaluci od poslednica Kovida-19. Presudom H… - 4 years ago

@matrix_v9: RT @MajjjjaMajjjja: VELIKA STETA(ZA RATNE PROFITERE I SDS),UMRO OBRVA: Konacno ce kod Srdjana Knezevica,R.Jugovica,Z.Markovica,Lj.Savica Ma… - 4 years ago

@YugosTitoid: @N1infoSA Genocidaš, srpski ratni zločinac momčilo krajišnik krepao! - 4 years ago

@DemopJ: "Momcilo Krajisnik, a former top wartime Bosnian Serb official who was convicted of war crimes by a U.N. court, has… - 4 years ago

@alocurko: krepo momčilo krajišnik - 4 years ago

@DervisevicAdnan: @N1infoSA se prisjeća pressinga u kojem je bio gost osuđeni ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik, fale još samo gusle u… - 4 years ago

@_PaulCezanne: RT @SolzenjicinH: Momčilo Krajišnik je u ratu tvrdio da BiH ne može da opstane, a evo, Bosna ga danas nadživjela. I nadživit će još dosta s… - 4 years ago

@Net2Ayurveda: RT @NedadMemic: The Bosnian Serb war criminal Momčilo #Krajišnik died. This man was the right hand of Radovan Karadžić. Krajišnik was not o… - 4 years ago

@BosniakFez: RT @United_Bosnia: Convicted Serb war criminal Momcilo Krajisnik is dead at 75, due to complications caused by SARS-CoV-2. - 4 years ago

@RomaAJB: RT @ledenik1: Da smo uspjeli završiti rat, Momčilo Krajišnik bi ostao upamćen samo po tome da je jedini zločinac kojem je na Tribunalu doka… - 4 years ago

@RevijaReporter: V Haagu obsojeni srbski vojni zločinec Momčilo Krajišnik umrl zaradi covida-19 - 4 years ago

@JanjicDragan: RT @BetaNewsAgency: Umro Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@gragratraina: RT @AlineCateux: Le criminel de guerre et 1er Président de l'entité serbe de Bosnie-Herzégovine, proche de Karadžić et inculpé à la Haye po… - 4 years ago

@NGOUDIK: Krajišnik je presudom Haškog tribunala 17. marta 2009. bio osuđen na 20 godina zatvora za zločine počinjene tokom r… - 4 years ago

@Atl_BozLeki: RT @faruksehic70: crko Momčilo Krajišnik, osuđeni i odležani ratni zločinac. nadam se da će mu zemlja izbaciti kosti i da će se psi pišati… - 4 years ago

@WertusI: radio Sarajevo pokušalo da amnestira ratnog zločinca i nalijepi mu etiketu humanog čovjeka i pokajnika. - 4 years ago

@AlineCateux: Le criminel de guerre et 1er Président de l'entité serbe de Bosnie-Herzégovine, proche de Karadžić et inculpé à la… - 4 years ago

@34sad_com: Preminuo ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@BegovicEo: RT @AiSaPoRcIc: Umro je ratni zločinac, ali njegova ideologija nije. Stotine je onih koji čekaju svoju priliku da budu novi "heroji" kao Mo… - 4 years ago

@AppleMotorka: RT @faruksehic70: crko Momčilo Krajišnik, osuđeni i odležani ratni zločinac. nadam se da će mu zemlja izbaciti kosti i da će se psi pišati… - 4 years ago

@geenawhiteman: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@vecer: Zaradi covida-19 je danes v bolnišnici v Banjaluki umrl obsojeni vojni zločinec in nekdanji prvi predsednik skupšči… - 4 years ago

@Novimagazin: #update Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@formergrey: Burn in hell. - 4 years ago

@mirela_burgic: RT @faruksehic70: crko Momčilo Krajišnik, osuđeni i odležani ratni zločinac. nadam se da će mu zemlja izbaciti kosti i da će se psi pišati… - 4 years ago

@SlobodnaBosna: MOMČILO KRAJIŠNIK SVIMA ZLOČINAC: Samo je za Milorada Dodika on… - 4 years ago

@KamenjarCom: Od koronavirusa umro osuđeni ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@fefewoelk: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@radiosarajevo: Detalji iz biografije zločinca koji je umro danas. Pogledajte šta je govorio o ratu u BiH, ali i poslušajte presre… - 4 years ago

@IstocneVesti: Korona virus: Stručnjaci u Srbiji o nadzoru nad povratnicima, umro Momčilo Krajišnik, Bil Gejts o vakcini - 4 years ago

@IstocneVesti: Korona virus u Bosni i Hercegovini: Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@IstocneVesti: Korona virus: Stručnjaci u Srbiji o nadzoru nad povratnicima, umro Momčilo Krajišnik, Bil Gejst o vakcini - 4 years ago

@reaktivni: Ckrlo pseto. - 4 years ago

@zo100INO: zlo uvek predugo poživi... - 4 years ago

@grabancijas: Momčilo #Krajišnik, Bosnian Serb official convicted of war crimes, succumbed to #COVID19. - 4 years ago

@Zeljko11860969: Jedan ratni zločinac u BiH manje nije više među živima. Jutros 15.9. u 6 časova u Klinici intenzivne medicine za… - 4 years ago

@blokvesti: NOVO Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik Ob - 4 years ago

@Kjukar: Momčilo Krajišnik umro od koronavirusa. - 4 years ago

@zecermin: RT @AiSaPoRcIc: Umro je ratni zločinac, ali njegova ideologija nije. Stotine je onih koji čekaju svoju priliku da budu novi "heroji" kao Mo… - 4 years ago

@bosnoiche: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Momčilo Krajišnik, Serb war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity has passed away from covid complications. ICTY… - 4 years ago

@tportal: Od koronavirusa #vijesti #Bosnia - 4 years ago

@slobovaskovic: Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik, prvi predsjednik NSRS, prvi postratni član Predsjedništva BiH iz RS i haški osuđenik - 4 years ago

@Borjen: RT @faruksehic70: crko Momčilo Krajišnik, osuđeni i odležani ratni zločinac. nadam se da će mu zemlja izbaciti kosti i da će se psi pišati… - 4 years ago

@roadforbyzant: RT @srbininfo: - 4 years ago

@Borjen: RT @ledenik1: Da smo uspjeli završiti rat, Momčilo Krajišnik bi ostao upamćen samo po tome da je jedini zločinac kojem je na Tribunalu doka… - 4 years ago

@simon_w_helper: Ali slavljenje smrti pa makar to bio i Momčilo Krajišnik 🤮 - 4 years ago

@AStraflosigkeit: RT @thijsbouwknegt: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo #Krajisnik, who was convicted by the UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for the forme… - 4 years ago

@sangi0vese: #Bosnia Serb War Criminal Momcilo Krajisnik Dies of COVID-19 #Balkans - 4 years ago

@66milan66: RT @manemoguceje: Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik, među stranim pregovaračim 90ih poznat (po istoimenom negativcu iz starog filma o Džejms Bondu… - 4 years ago

@Rrrrnessa: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Momčilo Krajišnik, Serb war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity has passed away from covid complications. ICTY… - 4 years ago

@4TFDMZVViiRGT2r: PREMINUO MOMČILO KRAJIŠNIK: Prvi predsednik Skupštine RS izgubio bitku sa koronom! - 4 years ago

@manemoguceje: Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik, među stranim pregovaračim 90ih poznat (po istoimenom negativcu iz starog filma o Džejms… - 4 years ago

@ArslanArn: Umro Momčilo Krajišnik. Dobro je počeo dan, neka. - 4 years ago

@smak777: RT @NSPM: Момчило Крајишник, први председник Народне скупштине Републике Српске, преминуо од последица коронавируса - 4 years ago

@DrPehar: ono kad si papak i amater u svijetu medija i portala @JureGudelj - 4 years ago

@eccesulemme: one down, one to go - 4 years ago

@N_0M4d: RT @ledenik1: Da smo uspjeli završiti rat, Momčilo Krajišnik bi ostao upamćen samo po tome da je jedini zločinac kojem je na Tribunalu doka… - 4 years ago


@NachoAnaya4: RT @SniperAlleyPhot: One war criminal gone and many left to go. Thousands are free roaming around. WAR CRIMINAL momcilo krajisnik died to… - 4 years ago

@panasko81: @CharlieSixTango "Crk'o osuđeni ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik" Popravio sam ti ovo 😀 - 4 years ago

@Danijella_black: RIP Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@SniperAlleyPhot: One war criminal gone and many left to go. Thousands are free roaming around. WAR CRIMINAL momcilo krajisnik died today! - 4 years ago

@MilanSavkovic2: Preminuo haški osuđenik Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@PhilipGrant40: Un ancien criminel de guerre #serbe #bosnien meurt du coronavirus. Momcilo #Krajisnik, un proche Radovan #Karadzic,… - 4 years ago

@PitSmurfette: Počivaj u miru, vjecnaja pamjat. Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@Tvzonaplus: Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik - - 4 years ago

@PhilipGrant40: RT @thijsbouwknegt: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo #Krajisnik, who was convicted by the UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for the forme… - 4 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Momčilo Krajišnik Nominee, Member of Parliament, Politician, died 15.09.2020. - 4 years ago

@duska58hotmail1: RT @srbininfo: - 4 years ago

@souvinis: RT @Snejkicaa: Od posljedica Korona virusa na UKC RS jutros je umro Momčilo Krajišnik. @N1infoSA - 4 years ago

@dwatchnews: RT @BIRN_BTJ: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo Krajisnik, who was jailed by the Hague Tribunal for his involvement in crimes against humanit… - 4 years ago

@Novostionline: Sve o prvom predsedniku Narodne skupštine bratske Republike Srpske 🙏 - 4 years ago

@MiralemKapetan2: Jadno je kada ti na kraju života samo ostane da si bio ratni zločinac. Preminuo osuđeni ratni zločinac Momčilo Kraj… - 4 years ago

@MilanSulovic: Za ime Boga, zar nije ljudski, moralno, hrišćanski napisati samo PREMINUO MOMČILO KRAJIŠNIK. - 4 years ago

@Dozen123: Momčilo Krajišnik samo jedan od vođa naroda u BiH koji se nije snašao, samo jedan u nizu iz SDS koji je trebao str… - 4 years ago

@rustusnyz: Savas suclusu Momčilo Krajišnik, Covid 19'dan dolayi gebermis - 4 years ago

@batabatic: RT @zarkobns: crko Momcilo Krajisnik na novoizmisljeni naprednjacko-dodikovski dan srpskog jedinstva . karma... - 4 years ago

@BegovicEo: RT @United_Bosnia: Momcilo Krajisnik dies from the rona - 4 years ago

@BanTomN: RT @srbininfo: - 4 years ago

@aa_balkans: Tahirović: Momčilo Krajišnik je presuđeni ratni zločinac i to će ostati zapisano u historiji… - 4 years ago

@EdoKanlic: RT @BIRN_BTJ: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo Krajisnik, who was jailed by the Hague Tribunal for his involvement in crimes against humanit… - 4 years ago

@wouden_van: RT @deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Momčilo Krajišnik has passed away - #Momčilo #rip - 4 years ago

@srbininfo: - 4 years ago

@tanjanikolic33: RT @glas_javnosti: „IZGUBIO BITKU” SA KORONOM: Preminuo Momcilo Krajišnik 👉 - 4 years ago

@Atticus900: RT @thijsbouwknegt: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo #Krajisnik, who was convicted by the UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for the forme… - 4 years ago

@nlatinka: Umro Momčilo Krajišnik... Bog da mu dušu prosti! Kome sad da isplate one pare što je tražio? Njegovoj djeci? - 4 years ago

@Centralna_Bosna: Umro ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@REKOM_KOMRA: RT @BIRN_BTJ: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo Krajisnik, who was jailed by the Hague Tribunal for his involvement in crimes against humanit… - 4 years ago

@stefanbosnjak: Prvi predsjednik Narodne skupštine Republike Srpske Momčilo Krajišnik preminuo je jutros u Banjaluci u 75. godini.… - 4 years ago

@sportbilly12: RT @glas_javnosti: „IZGUBIO BITKU” SA KORONOM: Preminuo Momcilo Krajišnik 👉 - 4 years ago

@SamBeharic: Convicted war criminal Momčilo Krajišnik, a former member of the Bosnian Serb leadership, died this morning in Banj… - 4 years ago

@glas_javnosti: „IZGUBIO BITKU” SA KORONOM: Preminuo Momcilo Krajišnik 👉 - 4 years ago

@_PaulCezanne: RT @AiSaPoRcIc: Umro je ratni zločinac, ali njegova ideologija nije. Stotine je onih koji čekaju svoju priliku da budu novi "heroji" kao Mo… - 4 years ago

@thijsbouwknegt: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo #Krajisnik, who was convicted by the UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for the f… - 4 years ago

@NachoAnaya4: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@novarsonline: Momčilo Krajišnik: Ratni zločinac hapšen u pidžami - 4 years ago

@N1infoSA: "Gospodin Ne": Ko je bio Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@dvanaestcetr: Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik + - 4 years ago

@Slana36740644: - 4 years ago

@telegrafrs: Ostaće upamćen kao "Gospodin Ne": Ko je bio Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@lijukic: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@CepoDario: RT @ledenik1: Da smo uspjeli završiti rat, Momčilo Krajišnik bi ostao upamćen samo po tome da je jedini zločinac kojem je na Tribunalu doka… - 4 years ago

@VladanLausevic: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@Insajder_net: Preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@alfredosasso: RT @BIRN_BTJ: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo Krajisnik, who was jailed by the Hague Tribunal for his involvement in crimes against humanit… - 4 years ago

@BalkanInsight: RT @BIRN_BTJ: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo Krajisnik, who was jailed by the Hague Tribunal for his involvement in crimes against humanit… - 4 years ago

@thijsbouwknegt: RT @BIRN_BTJ: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo Krajisnik, who was jailed by the Hague Tribunal for his involvement in crimes against humanit… - 4 years ago

@BIRN_BTJ: Bosnian Serb politician Momcilo Krajisnik, who was jailed by the Hague Tribunal for his involvement in crimes again… - 4 years ago

@ImerM1: RT @ledenik1: Da smo uspjeli završiti rat, Momčilo Krajišnik bi ostao upamćen samo po tome da je jedini zločinac kojem je na Tribunalu doka… - 4 years ago

@oveertlyhonest: RT @Rrrrnessa: Momčilo Krajišnik, war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity, extermination, murder, persecution, deportation, and f… - 4 years ago

@AdisKaradza: Preminuli ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik je prvi predsjednik Asocijacije "Stvaraoci Republike Srpske", nepolitičk… - 4 years ago

@ledenik1: Da smo uspjeli završiti rat, Momčilo Krajišnik bi ostao upamćen samo po tome da je jedini zločinac kojem je na Trib… - 4 years ago

@bytyci: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@BorjaDiazMerry: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@AndrijaRakoevi2: RT @Vijestime: #vijesti #balkan Momčilo Krajišnik preminuo od posljedica koronavirusa - 4 years ago

@Balkanite87: RT @brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented Day o… - 4 years ago

@Balkanite87: RT @United_Bosnia: Convicted Serb war criminal Momcilo Krajisnik is dead at 75, due to complications caused by SARS-CoV-2. - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Momčilo Krajišnik has passed away - #Momčilo #rip - 4 years ago

@brezaleksandar: Today, for the 1st time in history, Serbia and the Serb-majority entity in Bosnia celebrate the recently invented D… - 4 years ago

@dadalinski: RT @United_Bosnia: Momcilo Krajisnik dies from the rona - 4 years ago

@VestiOnLine: - 4 years ago

@kenan_ef: @bahuljam @RomaAJB U ovom sam Zabrđu radio na baušteli. Zove nas neki dobavljač da pita đe je to, kaže majstor: A j… - 4 years ago

@EdenburgJoan: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Momčilo Krajišnik, Serb war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity has passed away from covid complications. ICTY… - 4 years ago

@Vijesti_ba: Preminuo ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@je_faris: RT @faruksehic70: crko Momčilo Krajišnik, osuđeni i odležani ratni zločinac. nadam se da će mu zemlja izbaciti kosti i da će se psi pišati… - 4 years ago

@VladanLausevic: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Momčilo Krajišnik, Serb war criminal convicted of crimes against humanity has passed away from covid complications. ICTY… - 4 years ago

@bancroftian: Momčilo #Krajišnik, who was found guilty of committing crimes against humanity in #Bosnia-#Herzegovina, has died of… - 4 years ago

@hiljaduzato: RT @United_Bosnia: Convicted Serb war criminal Momcilo Krajisnik is dead at 75, due to complications caused by SARS-CoV-2. - 4 years ago

@United_Bosnia: Momcilo Krajisnik dies from the rona - 4 years ago

@hodzic_zlatko: RT @omerhadzi: Sad ga tek ceka pravi sud - 4 years ago

@saliki35: RT @DervisevicAdnan: Kaže novinarka na @N1infoSA da je preminuo Momčilo Krajišnik. Kako tako da je zaboravila kazati osuđeni ratni zločinac… - 4 years ago

@BetaNewsAgency: Umro Momčilo Krajišnik - 4 years ago

@sanelagojak: RT @faruksehic70: kako je napisao Toma Marković u pjesmi 'Sympathy for The Amfilohije' i Momčilo Krajišnik može reći za sebe: "Pamtiće me p… - 4 years ago

@Kermit_the_: RT @zarkobns: crko Momcilo Krajisnik na novoizmisljeni naprednjacko-dodikovski dan srpskog jedinstva . karma... - 4 years ago

@RadioDalmacija: Od koronavirusa preminuo osuđeni ratni zločinac Momčilo Krajišnik. - 4 years ago

@1963Zengin: RT @DnevniAvaz: JEDAN OD OSNIVAČA SDS-A / Rođen u naselju Zabrđe u općini Novo Sarajevo - 4 years ago

@faruksehic70: kako je napisao Toma Marković u pjesmi 'Sympathy for The Amfilohije' i Momčilo Krajišnik može reći za sebe: "Pamtiće me po zlu." - 4 years ago

@HarisTaletovic1: RT @AiSaPoRcIc: Umro je ratni zločinac, ali njegova ideologija nije. Stotine je onih koji čekaju svoju priliku da budu novi "heroji" kao Mo… - 4 years ago

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