Molly Peters

British actress (Thunderball).
Died on Tuesday May 30th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Molly Peters:

@WilfredBLS: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@CPHA_ACSP: What keeps me going? I want to keep people alive. Molly Peters #Publichealth17 - 8 years ago

@Ask_Pemma: RT @EmilyKPaterson: Molly Peters says embrace the discomfort. In those uncomfortable spaces is where you have the most profound learning #P… - 8 years ago

@NCCs_LesCCN: RT @EmilyKPaterson: Molly Peters says embrace the discomfort. In those uncomfortable spaces is where you have the most profound learning #P… - 8 years ago


@hehhehhyohyo: RT @shrutiramesh: Molly Peters at #PublicHealth2017 plenary on racism: "I will not be celebrating Canada 150. I will be celebrating 150 yea… - 8 years ago

@sflkirk: RT @shrutiramesh: Molly Peters at #PublicHealth2017 plenary on racism: "I will not be celebrating Canada 150. I will be celebrating 150 yea… - 8 years ago

@EmilyKPaterson: Molly Peters says embrace the discomfort. In those uncomfortable spaces is where you have the most profound learnin… - 8 years ago

@ASI_HSC: RT @Jen_MacPherson: They may need resources, or experts, but if you really want to know what indigenous people need, ask them! -Molly Pete… - 8 years ago

@jdsimkin04: RT @ncceh: #PublicHealth17 plenary Molly Peters, Band Council member of Paq’tnkek Mi’kmaw Nation: "We are celebrating 150 yrs of #resilienc… - 8 years ago

@jdsimkin04: RT @bridgetirwin95: I will be celebrating 150 years of Indigenous peoples resilience and resistance - Molly Peters #PublicHealth17 - 8 years ago

@sflkirk: RT @CPHA_ACSP: Molly Peters talks acknowledgement of Indigenous peoples: Find out who lives in your territory #PublicHealth17 - 8 years ago

@CPHA_ACSP: Molly Peters talks acknowledgement of Indigenous peoples: Find out who lives in your territory #PublicHealth17 - 8 years ago

@wanda_martin: RT @ncceh: #PublicHealth17 plenary Molly Peters, Band Council member of Paq’tnkek Mi’kmaw Nation: "We are celebrating 150 yrs of #resilienc… - 8 years ago

@YasminKhan5: RT @ncceh: #PublicHealth17 plenary Molly Peters, Band Council member of Paq’tnkek Mi’kmaw Nation: "We are celebrating 150 yrs of #resilienc… - 8 years ago

@NCCs_LesCCN: RT @ncceh: #PublicHealth17 plenary Molly Peters, Band Council member of Paq’tnkek Mi’kmaw Nation: "We are celebrating 150 yrs of #resilienc… - 8 years ago

@Ask_Pemma: RT @ncceh: #PublicHealth17 plenary Molly Peters, Band Council member of Paq’tnkek Mi’kmaw Nation: "We are celebrating 150 yrs of #resilienc… - 8 years ago

@ncceh: RT @Ask_Pemma: Molly Peters brings needed lens to thinking about truth & reconciliation, resisting the rhetoric re: Canada 150 & #racism #p… - 8 years ago

@sflkirk: RT @bridgetirwin95: I will be celebrating 150 years of Indigenous peoples resilience and resistance - Molly Peters #PublicHealth17 - 8 years ago

@bridgetirwin95: I will be celebrating 150 years of Indigenous peoples resilience and resistance - Molly Peters #PublicHealth17 - 8 years ago

@EmilyKPaterson: Molly Peters says as much intention as went into trying to eliminate indigenous people needs to go into reconciliation #Publichealth17 - 8 years ago

@MillarMatthews: Molly Peters, Memorable Bond Girl in Thunderball, Dies at 75 - 8 years ago

@NothingsOn123: Bond Girl Molly Peters Has Passed Away | Taylor Network of Podcasts #mollypeters #bond - 8 years ago

@rullos618: Muere Molly Peters, 'chica Bond' en 'Thunderball' - 8 years ago

@Hera1933: RT @CHANNINGPOSTERS: RIP #BondGirl Molly Peters from the #JamesBond film #Thunderball with Sean Connery, 1965. You will never be forgotten.… - 8 years ago

@Hera1933: RT @CHANNINGPOSTERS: RIP Molly Peters, #BondGirl from #JamesBond #Thunderball, 1965, with Sean Connery. #masseuse - 8 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Molly Peters (1942 - 2017), died at age 75 years: was an English actress best known for her role in the James Bond…… - 8 years ago

@MDRBrown: RT @SamiraAhmedUK: Lovely obit of actress Molly Peters who made a standout cameo in Thunderball out of her Bond girl scenes. Who knew a min… - 8 years ago

@satoricmaylo: Molly Peters, Memorable Bond Girl in Thunderball, Dies at 75 - 8 years ago

@satoricmaylo: Molly Peters, Memorable Bond Girl in Thunderball, Dies at 75 - 8 years ago

@007Colombia: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@cardenas_sofa: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Molly Peters, la enfermera que ponía a punto a Sean 007 Connery en OPERACIÓN TRUENO. Estuvo con Jerry Lewis en ¡… - 8 years ago

@IamMikethePsych: Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@MariusDharmawi: RIP Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@SMERSHPOD: RT @SamiraAhmedUK: Lovely obit of actress Molly Peters who made a standout cameo in Thunderball out of her Bond girl scenes. Who knew a min… - 8 years ago

@wrathofgod: RT @SamiraAhmedUK: Lovely obit of actress Molly Peters who made a standout cameo in Thunderball out of her Bond girl scenes. Who knew a min… - 8 years ago

@marco_coletti: È morta Molly Peters, fu la prima Bond Girl a spogliarsi - 8 years ago

@iandavidjones21: RT @SamiraAhmedUK: Lovely obit of actress Molly Peters who made a standout cameo in Thunderball out of her Bond girl scenes. Who knew a min… - 8 years ago

@SamiraAhmedUK: Lovely obit of actress Molly Peters who made a standout cameo in Thunderball out of her Bond girl scenes. Who knew… - 8 years ago

@tvmoviede: An der Seite von Sean Connery wurde die bezaubernde Schauspielerin Molly Peters weltberühmt. Doch nun ist die... - 8 years ago

@planetapara: Morre a ex-Bond girl Molly Peters, aos 75 anos - 8 years ago

@HotFinland: Bond-tyttö Molly #Peters on kuollut – ensimmäinen alastomana elokuvassa esiintynyt Bond-kaunotar… - 8 years ago

@HotFinland: Bond-tyttö Molly #Peters on kuollut – ensimmäinen alastomana elokuvassa esiintynyt Bond-kaunotar… - 8 years ago

@RalphSkinner10: RT @eric6619655: Molly Peters er død - 8 years ago

@junior_cinema: Molly peters que foi primeira bnd girl a pousar nua parte - 8 years ago

@DJSKYFALL69: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@HotFinland: Bond-tyttö Molly #Peters on kuollut – ensimmäinen alastomana elokuvassa esiintynyt Bond-kaunotar… - 8 years ago

@MillarMatthews: Former Bond Girl Molly Peters dies at age 75 - 8 years ago

@MEstelaFeria: RT @FICM: Falleció la actriz británica Molly Peters, a los 75 años. - 8 years ago

@RaeesTheFilmSRK: Bond girl Molly Peters passes away at 75 - 8 years ago

@Molly_doyle1: RT @Iadybonerss: Evan Peters is so hot - 8 years ago

@MillarMatthews: Former Bond Girl Molly Peters dies at age 75 - 8 years ago

@HotFinland: Bond-tyttö Molly #Peters on kuollut – ensimmäinen alastomana elokuvassa esiintynyt Bond-kaunotar… - 8 years ago

@TheSpyCommand: Molly Peters of Thunderball dies - 8 years ago

@MillarMatthews: Molly Peters, Memorable Bond Girl in Thunderball, Dies at 75 - 8 years ago

@eibenmacmahon: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@MutuaTrapagaran: Muere Molly Peters, la primera "chica Bond" que se desnudó - 8 years ago

@meikahidenori: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@fridayfans17: James Bond 007 actress Molly Peters has passed away. She was 75 #Hollywood #RIPMolly #StarUpdate #HollywoodUpdate… - 8 years ago

@SuperThunderFan: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@billyluphpb: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@JHawk: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@tamarajordan: RT @PopWrapped: ICYMI: Bond Girl Molly Peters Passes Away At The Age Of 75 (STORY) - 8 years ago

@PopWrapped: ICYMI: Bond Girl Molly Peters Passes Away At The Age Of 75 (STORY) - 8 years ago

@Livinglaser7: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@dailypakistangl: James Bond beauty Molly Peters has died at the age of 75 - 8 years ago

@BondandBeyond7: RT @TheSpyCommand: RIP, Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@slapout9: RT @TheSpyCommand: RIP, Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@Crazywoodstudio: Molly Peters (15 March 1942 – 30 May 2017) an English actress/Former James Bond girl/Thunderball: - 8 years ago

@PerryBullock: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@TheSpyCommand: RIP, Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@NickPayne99: Chris Cornell & Molly Peters Tribute: - 8 years ago

@sra_perola: RT @Estrelando: Primeira Bond Girl a tirar a roupa em um filme de 007, Molly Peters morre aos 75 anos de idade - 8 years ago

@mHkzuFy0MOo8IhE: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@PopWrapped: Bond Girl Molly Peters Passes Away At The Age Of 75 (STORY) - 8 years ago

@PatyBanuelos24: Muere Molly Peters, la primera chica 007 que se desnudó @lavanguardia - 8 years ago

@AOLEntertain: Molly Peters, Bond girl in 'Thunderball,' dies at 75 (Report) - 8 years ago

@deia_bizkaia: Muere Molly Peters, primera ‘chica Bond’ en desnudarse - 8 years ago

@AmandaLaRoca: RT @opiniondezamora: #JamesBond Muere Molly Peters, 'chica Bond' en 'Thunderball' - 8 years ago

@opiniondezamora: #JamesBond Muere Molly Peters, 'chica Bond' en 'Thunderball' - 8 years ago

@ParisMazis: Πέθανε το «κορίτσι του James Bond», η ηθοποιός Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@dave_norris: Most stupid headline of the year award so far... (Seen for the first time in 2 years is more accurate) - 8 years ago

@levante_emv: Muere Molly Peters, 'chica Bond' en #Thunderball - 8 years ago

@vaishnavik17: RT @Bond_Lifestyle: EASES THE TENSIONS - Molly Peters obituary, 15 March 1942 – 30 May 2017 - 8 years ago

@Damo_McGregor: RT @Daily_Express: Downcast Sir Sean Connery seen for FIRST time since co-star and Bond Girl Molly Peters’ death - 8 years ago

@Lisetta58147276: RT @007: We are sad to hear that Molly Peters has passed away at the age of 75. Our thoughts are with her family. - 8 years ago

@Livemediagr: Πέθανε το «κορίτσι του James Bond», η ηθοποιός Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@press724a: Πέθανε η Molly Peters, το πιο τολμηρό και "καυτό" κορίτσι του James Bond (φωτο) - - 8 years ago

@indiablooms: - 8 years ago

@indiablooms: 'James Bond' girl Molly Peters passes away at 75 - 8 years ago

@informacion_es: #RIP | Fallece Molly Peters, la actriz encargada de interpretar a la mítica "chica Bond" en la entrega Thunderball - 8 years ago

@kanupremk: RT @FuturePostNews: ‘Bond’ girl Molly Peters passes away at 75 #JamesBondGirl - 8 years ago

@Ppviedo: Muere chica Bond, Molly Peters a los 75 años - 8 years ago

@valenciananoti: Información - Muere Molly Peters, 'chica Bond' en 'Thunderball' - 8 years ago

@newsbombgr: Molly Peters: «Έφυγε» ένα από τα πιο καυτά κορίτσια του James Bond (pics+vid) - 8 years ago

@canariasnoti: La Opinión - Muere Molly Peters, 'chica Bond' en 'Thunderball' - 8 years ago

@TuCiudadEspana: #Vigo Muere Molly Peters, 'chica Bond' en 'Thunderball' #Noticias - 8 years ago

@castillaleonnot: La Opinión Zamora - Muere Molly Peters, 'chica Bond' en 'Thunderball' - 8 years ago

@kingchiru15: RT @behindwoods: RIP: #JamesBond lead actress passes away! #MollyPeters - 8 years ago

@EReportaz: Molly Peters: «Έφυγε» ένα από τα πιο καυτά κορίτσια του James Bond (pics+vid) via… - 8 years ago

@tribunbatamku: BOND GIRL MOLLY PETERS MENINGGAL DUNIA - 8 years ago

@agriniotimes: #AgrinioTimes Πέθανε το «κορίτσι του James Bond», η ηθοποιός Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@Love975: Πέθανε το «κορίτσι του James Bond», η ηθοποιός Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@KontraChannel: Πέθανε το «κορίτσι του James Bond», η ηθοποιός Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@filathlosgr: Πέθανε το «κορίτσι του James Bond», η ηθοποιός Molly Peters - 8 years ago

@15minutes_gr: Πέθανε το κορίτσι του James Bond, η ηθοποιός Molly Peters - - 8 years ago

@vaioskefalas: RT @Apotis4stis5: Molly Peters: Πέθανε το κορίτσι του James Bond στο Thunderball. - 8 years ago

@Puneetvizh: ‘Bond’ girl #MollyPeters passes away at 75 . - 8 years ago

@FuturePostNews: ‘Bond’ girl Molly Peters passes away at 75 #JamesBondGirl - 8 years ago

@CN_CelebNews: Bond Girl Molly Peters, Who Starred Alongside Sean Connery, Dies Aged 75 - SEE MORE: - 8 years ago

@MarilenaMunaro: RT @hola: Muere la ‘chica Bond’ Molly Peters a los 75 años - 8 years ago

@CN_CelebNews: Bond Girl Molly Peters, Who Starred Alongside Sean Connery, Dies Aged 75 - SEE MORE: - 8 years ago

@1900Ayer: Molly Peters, chica Bond en 1965 en Thunderball y la primera que se quitó la ropa en la serie del 007, falleció... - 8 years ago

@Punto7ptomontt: ¡LAMENTABLE! 💔 La actriz murió a los 75 años, por razones que aún se desconocen 😔 - 8 years ago

@punto7osorno: ¡LAMENTABLE! 💔 La actriz murió a los 75 años, por razones que aún se desconocen 😔 - 8 years ago

@punto7angeles: ¡LAMENTABLE! 💔 La actriz murió a los 75 años, por razones que aún se desconocen 😔 - 8 years ago

@punto7valdivia: ¡LAMENTABLE! 💔 La actriz murió a los 75 años, por razones que aún se desconocen 😔 - 8 years ago

@punto7temuco: ¡LAMENTABLE! 💔 La actriz murió a los 75 años, por razones que aún se desconocen 😔 - 8 years ago

@Pagina7Chile: Muere Molly Peters, actriz británica que encarnó a icónica "chica Bond" - 8 years ago

@nohelysta: RT @digital1029: Que descanse en paz Molly Peters <3 #digital1029 - 8 years ago

@testoysiguiendo: Muere Molly Peters, "chica Bond", una semana después que Roger Moore - 8 years ago

@ramanilion: Sad loss. RIP. - - 8 years ago

@GerardoManiF1: RT @jamesbondlive: Molly Peters (1942-2017): MI6 pays tribute to the late actress and co-star of 'Thunderball' who passed away this… https:… - 8 years ago

@Apotis4stis5: Molly Peters: Πέθανε το κορίτσι του James Bond στο Thunderball. - 8 years ago

@warnerthuston: Former Bond girl Molly Peters dead at 75 - 8 years ago

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