Mokhtar Belmokhtar

Algerian terrorist
Died on Sunday June 14th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Mokhtar Belmokhtar:

@Diarrakai: RT @itele: Plusieurs groupes djihadistes, dont #Aqmi, ont démenti la mort de Mokhtar #Belmokhtar>>

@sologne41azur06: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@gov_newsdict: Le chef djihadiste Mokhtar Belmokhtar éliminé en Libye / Sputnik France

@TacticalFM: Chaine TFM! Le chef djihadiste Mokhtar Belmokhtar éliminé en Libye #worldnews #actu


@MikkiL: RT @ruined_uk: He's ALIVE: Brit-killing one-eyed jihadi leader NOT killed in airstrike (via @Daily_Star)

@RamiAl_shaheibi: regarding U.S airstrikes on #Libya it has nothing to do with mokhtar belmokhtar, it was a bad cover up by the Libyan gov & U.S played along.

@MarincaSophie: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@jpolmorin: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@ruined_uk: He's ALIVE: Brit-killing one-eyed jihadi leader NOT killed in airstrike (via @Daily_Star)

@Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@CDKWCD: US airstrike targeted terrorist Mokhtar Belmokhtar inside Libya, officials say - CNN

@WAEvqnts: U.S. Airstrike In Libya Kills Algerian Militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar

@SnapeIsaac: Both U.S. and France have been hunting him for years

@elsureok: Mas info aquí

@noticiasmiled: Al Qaeda negó que su líder Mokhtar Belmokhtar fuera asesinado en un ataque aéreo del ejército estadounidense la semana pasada en Libia.

@revistamiled: Al Qaeda negó que su líder Mokhtar Belmokhtar fuera asesinado en un ataque aéreo del ejército estadounidense la semana pasada en Libia.

@LucasChllt: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@Yann_Aube: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@lesignaleurblog: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts”

@willot28: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@ItaConsulateHK: services de renseignement algériens parlent d’une « réconciliation » entre Abdelmalek Droukdel et Mokhtar Belmokhtar

@06babettec: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@mi2stdefense: "Qui est Mokhtar Belmokhtar, le jihadiste algérien?"

@mi2stdefense: "Terrorisme. La Libye affirme que Mokhtar Belmokhtar a été tué par une frappe américaine"

@Pairedailes: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@carecomarcelle: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@SpectacleduM: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@AnnaMoustik: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@MaxLocRti: Fate Of Algerian Militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar Unclear After US Airstrike - Huffington Post

@JmHugonie: RT @Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@Valeurs: Mokhtar Belmokhtar : Le terroriste “aux mille et une morts” >>

@dikyAzzam: AQIM: Mokhtar Belmokhtar is alive and well, and he wanders and roams in the land of Allah, supporting his allies and vexing his enemies

@Fiona_Kitthe: Al-Qaeda militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar was killed during a U

@prospectia: RT @BarracudaMama: U.S. Airstrikes Kill Al Qaeda Leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar, Others In Libya – BB4SP

@BarracudaMama: U.S. Airstrikes Kill Al Qaeda Leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar, Others In Libya – BB4SP

@joleemagazine: BREAKING NEWS: “The One-Eyed”: Top Terrorist Of Al Qaeda Apparently Dead: The World Post – Mokhtar Belmokhtar ...

@manel_gozalbo: Les services de renseignement algériens parlent d’une réconciliation entre Abdelmalek Droukdel et Mokhtar Belmokhtar

@yasmineryan: AQMI has denied Mokhtar Belmokhtar's death in communique

@Hesamuddin5: Al-Qaida in North Africa denies US strike killed ex-chief Mokhtar Belmokhtar in Libya.

@arabiawa: "Al-Qaeda en el Magreb" desmiente la muerte de su líder, el argelino Mokhtar Belmokhtar en el ataque estadounidense en el este de #Libia

@SabriMuslim13: RT @RomainCaillet: Un communiqué officiel d'#AQMI dément la mort de Mokhtar Belmokhtar (Khalid Abu-l-Abbas)

@OnPointSkillz_: RT @sersan1000: Mokhtar Belmokhtar was not killed in air strikes, says al-Qaeda - Middle East - World - The Independent

@tyrannywatch: RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Top al-Qaeda militant, Mokhtar Belmokhtar, targeted in U.S. strike in Libya.

@luv4islam1: Al Qaeda di Maghreb Islam : Syeikh Mokhtar Belmokhtar Masih “Hidup dan Sehat” _______

@walthuf: U.S. targets terrorist inside Libya

@losgriner: U.S. targets terrorist inside Libya

@jurniscom: Al Qaeda di Maghreb Islam : Syeikh Mokhtar Belmokhtar Masih “Hidup dan Sehat”

@AfricaNews_: Al-Qaida denies reports of Algerian militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar's death: … branch has denied reports that Alg...

@historyscoper: #islamwatch Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb says Mokhtar Belmokhtar is ‘alive and well’

@MartySilk: #alQaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (#AQIM) claims Mokhtar Belmokhtar isn't dead

@AntiLeftistFas1: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb says Mokhtar Belmokhtar is ‘alive and well’

@Les_Barbares: RT @rousseau_logan: RT @lemondefr Plusieurs groupes islamistes démentent la mort de Mokhtar Belmokhtar

@infoblazeme: One-eyed sheikh #MokhtarBelmokhtar alive, says #alQaeda |

@miqdadmalizi: RT @p_vanostaeyen: al-Qaeda officially denies Mokhtar Belmokhtar was killed in the US airstrike

@NewsLibyana: The Death of Mokhtar Belmokhtar Is Not the Boon Everyone Thinks It Is | Foreign Policy Journal

@tinamajones: RT @ThinkAgain_DOS: Top al-Qaeda militant, Mokhtar Belmokhtar, targeted in U.S. strike in Libya.

@PatHensley14: RT @Kostian_V: #AlQaeda in the Islamic Maghreb says Mokhtar #Belmokhtar is ‘alive and well’ | The Long War Journal - #AQIM

@rgenci57: One-eyed sheikh Mokhtar Belmokhtar alive, says al-Qaeda

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