Moishe Postone

Canadian Western Marxist historian
Died on Wednesday March 21st 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Moishe Postone:

@oh_luca: E intanto pochi giorni fa è morto Moishe #Postone, la cui opera principale non è ancora stata tradotta in italiano - 7 years ago

@Oliver_the_tree: Postone consacra de nombreux essais à l'antisémitisme moderne qu'il œuvra à distinguer du racisme en le pensant com… - 7 years ago

@notmobydick: For the sake of it, another critical review, by Brighton-based Aufheben, of Postone's 'Time, Labour and Social Domi… - 7 years ago

@notmobydick: David Adam critiquing Moishe Postone's use of "abstract labour": - 7 years ago


@Wiesenthal161: RT @NokturnalTimes: Stephan Grigat zum Tod von Moishe Postone: - 7 years ago

@hackneyglyn: RT @hackneyglyn: This from Marxist Moishe Postone also nails it "The way in which anti-semitism .. should be distinguished, from racism, ha… - 7 years ago

@lucandrenil: RT @fhpitts: Me and Matt Bolton in the @NewStatesman on what the Labour left can learn from Moishe Postone: - 7 years ago

@adornofthagn: @sz_duras first of all, I wasn't talking about racism (the recently deceased theorist Moishe Postone had some inter… - 7 years ago

@klatt_eva: RT @Report_Antisem: Lesenswert: Über Moishe #Postone als "Revolutionär der Antisemitismuskritik". #Antisemitismus - 7 years ago

@Koko1986L: RT @NokturnalTimes: Stephan Grigat zum Tod von Moishe Postone: - 7 years ago

@NHeidenheimer: Kritische Theorie weitergedacht - haGalil onLine - 7 years ago

@NudderingNudnik: @twlldun @almurray @make_trouble @JohnMannMP Ok - this is a good starter. The basic concept he sets out is that cap… - 7 years ago

@NudderingNudnik: @twlldun @almurray @make_trouble @JohnMannMP Moishe Postone is the go-to guy on this. - 7 years ago

@josch_goe: RT @Jungle_World: Revolutionär der Antisemitismuskritik - Nachruf auf den Theoretiker Moishe Postone von Stephan Grigat - 7 years ago

@multiplataforma: RT @NokturnalTimes: Stephan Grigat zum Tod von Moishe Postone: - 7 years ago

@SharerUssharing: RT @rosswolfe: RIP Moishe Postone, 17 April 1942-19 March 2018 Goodbye, teacher. - 7 years ago

@JohnStrawson: RT @fhpitts: Me and Matt Bolton in the @NewStatesman on what the Labour left can learn from Moishe Postone: - 7 years ago

@_KevinBarry_: RT @fhpitts: Me and Matt Bolton in the @NewStatesman on what the Labour left can learn from Moishe Postone: - 7 years ago

@shmuuul: RT @Jungle_World: Revolutionär der Antisemitismuskritik - Nachruf auf den Theoretiker Moishe Postone von Stephan Grigat - 7 years ago

@arexhalle: RT @Report_Antisem: Lesenswert: Über Moishe #Postone als "Revolutionär der Antisemitismuskritik". #Antisemitismus - 7 years ago

@stampalternativ: Disparition de Moishe Postone, 1942-2018. Repenser une théorie critique du capitalisme - 7 years ago

@howoll: RT @b_mcgeever: "As a fetishized form of oppositional consciousness, antisemitism is particularly dangerous because it appears to be antihe… - 7 years ago

@FarhanSamanani: RT @b_mcgeever: "As a fetishized form of oppositional consciousness, antisemitism is particularly dangerous because it appears to be antihe… - 7 years ago

@nanayasleeps: RT @b_mcgeever: "As a fetishized form of oppositional consciousness, antisemitism is particularly dangerous because it appears to be antihe… - 7 years ago

@mattpdawson: RT @b_mcgeever: "As a fetishized form of oppositional consciousness, antisemitism is particularly dangerous because it appears to be antihe… - 7 years ago

@bengidley: RT @b_mcgeever: "As a fetishized form of oppositional consciousness, antisemitism is particularly dangerous because it appears to be antihe… - 7 years ago

@EmilyLOsborn: RT @UChicagoHistory: We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague Moishe Postone. He will be sorely missed. - 7 years ago

@recriweb: #note Disparition de Moishe Postone, 1942-2018 - 7 years ago

@lulu5944bis: Disparition de Moishe Postone, 1942-2018. Repenser une théorie critique du capitalisme - - 7 years ago

@Rumpelxd: RT @tkonicz: Nationalsozialismus und Antisemitisms von Moishe Postone (1942-2018) - 7 years ago

@KivalLara: RT @tkonicz: Nationalsozialismus und Antisemitisms von Moishe Postone (1942-2018) - 7 years ago

@EdStern: Fascinating (and, as it happens, Marxist) critique of Western Left Wing antisemitism by the late Moishe Postone - 7 years ago

@alexchalkeus: RT @UChicagoHistory: We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague Moishe Postone. He will be sorely missed. - 7 years ago

@KirkDegiorgio: @simon_schama and lazy, uncritical, conspiratorial anti-capitalist formulations. Moishe Postone passed this week. H… - 7 years ago

@KirkDegiorgio: RIP Moishe Postone. His works are more relevant than ever. - 7 years ago

@HaveNoLeader: Zionism, anti-semitism and the left - Moishe Postone - 7 years ago

@GruppeForsterR: Raimund fucking Löw spricht mit Moishe Postone über Marxismus - 7 years ago

@naklabic: @L_S_D_C__ c'est très grave ce que tu me dis, mais je vais plutôt penser à de l'ignorance qu'à du dénis et donc te… - 7 years ago

@Adam_Fishwick: RT @fhpitts: Me and Matt Bolton in the @NewStatesman on what the Labour left can learn from Moishe Postone: - 7 years ago

@corneliagracchi: RT @UChicagoHistory: We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague Moishe Postone. He will be sorely missed. - 7 years ago

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