Mohan Shantanagoudar

Indian jurist
Died on Saturday April 24th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Mohan Shantanagoudar:

@PankajM25772379: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@Praveen99688814: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@JohnCra14144012: Supreme Court judge Justice Shantanagoudar dies; CJI says ‘lost valued colleague’ - 4 years ago

@DrAnjesh2: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago


@SafwanK45760670: RT @vijayanpinarayi: Former Kerala High Court Chief Justice and sitting judge of the Supreme Court, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar had made… - 4 years ago

@pundir_ramesh2: RT @APUPandUK: Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar (Sitting Judge) of Supreme Court Passes Away - 4 years ago

@SantoshRai81: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@hariomtrapathi1: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@bjpnareshkumar: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@soniyagiri18: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@2d24e0bfb25f445: RT @DKShivakumar: Deeply Saddened by the news of passing of Supreme Court Judge, Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar. India and especially Ka… - 4 years ago

@NarendraVicky: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@UdayGup25994249: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@vishalpadhiyar1: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@viralvm69: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@karanBali_: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@Kv3_Singh: - 4 years ago

@sekarreporter1: RT @imranhindu: A full court reference in Madras High Court, touching the demise of Supreme Court judge Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, to begin i… - 4 years ago

@lawyerkart: He was appointed as an additional judge of the Karnataka High Court on May 12, 2003 and became a permanent judge in… - 4 years ago

@RUDRANA43833445: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@GParbhubhai: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@VikashS94207029: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@Vgneswar1: RT @indialegalmedia: Sitting Judge of the #SupremeCourt Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passed away on the late evening hour of Saturday He… - 4 years ago

@LegalTalwar: RT @scobserver: Supreme Court judge, J. Mohan Shantanagoudar passed away on Saturday. He was set to retire in two years, in 2023. In this… - 4 years ago

@Seprabakar: RT @imranhindu: A full court reference in Madras High Court, touching the demise of Supreme Court judge Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, to begin i… - 4 years ago

@imranhindu: A full court reference in Madras High Court, touching the demise of Supreme Court judge Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, to… - 4 years ago

@AribAffan1: RT @LiveLawIndia: #TelanganaHighCourt to hold Full Court reference on Thursday (April 29) through virtual mode to condole the demise of Jus… - 4 years ago

@Panjabraokalya1: RT @drashwathcn: Saddened to know that sitting judge of Supreme Court, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar has passed away. We lost a true patr… - 4 years ago

@KapilMalav9: RT @ombirlakota: Deeply Saddened to learn about the passing away of Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M.Shantanagoudar ji. It is a big los… - 4 years ago

@Ana90486222: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@DwivediMadan: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@mark14907: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at Gurugram hospital – India News - 4 years ago

@9oeWkdDmDgcSwbQ: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@udaybhatt80: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@TheCourtAndLaw: #TelanganaHighCourt: There will be a Full Court Reference on Thursday, the 29th April, 2021, at 3 PM, through virtu… - 4 years ago

@Dharmen06920466: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@babun1515: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@imjayeshvyas: RT @LiveLawIndia: #TelanganaHighCourt to hold Full Court reference on Thursday (April 29) through virtual mode to condole the demise of Jus… - 4 years ago

@rzk_ali: RT @LiveLawIndia: #TelanganaHighCourt to hold Full Court reference on Thursday (April 29) through virtual mode to condole the demise of Jus… - 4 years ago

@LiveLawIndia: #TelanganaHighCourt to hold Full Court reference on Thursday (April 29) through virtual mode to condole the demise… - 4 years ago

@pranaypratap3: ”The most extraordinary thing in life is to be ordinary.” - Mr. Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@Hindust31188741: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@sumedhbgaikwad: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@AIPCMaha: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@ramki001: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@ServantGoI: RT @thewire_in: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon at the age of 62. The sources di… - 4 years ago

@SachinSatpute1: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@Amartya77254936: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@deepak_surya1: RT @LiveLawIndia: The Kerala High Court is holding a reference to mark the demise of Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar, judge of the Supreme C… - 4 years ago

@caedristi: Mohan M Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@SanjayK98523349: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@INCMysoreRural: RT @DrParameshwara: Saddened by the demise of Sitting judge of Supreme Court, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar. His contribution and dedicati… - 4 years ago

@INCMysoreRural: RT @DKShivakumar: Deeply Saddened by the news of passing of Supreme Court Judge, Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar. India and especially Ka… - 4 years ago

@mainhoonchacha: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@niirav_modi: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@PankajM25772379: RT @ombirlakota: Deeply Saddened to learn about the passing away of Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M.Shantanagoudar ji. It is a big los… - 4 years ago

@Sushubh: guess what. Supreme Court judge Justice Shantanagoudar dies; CJI says 'lost valued colleague' - - 4 years ago

@bhogi_ram: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@Shijushiju91: RT @vijayanpinarayi: Former Kerala High Court Chief Justice and sitting judge of the Supreme Court, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar had made… - 4 years ago

@kbjn2021: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@SanilVarghese5: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@AshokKu70525841: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@jagadeesha_kaje: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@SiddiquiArsala6: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@Ramender911: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@raga_warrior: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@basha14317: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@FaiqueNazar: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@imChikku_: RT @DKShivakumar: Deeply Saddened by the news of passing of Supreme Court Judge, Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar. India and especially Ka… - 4 years ago

@drimranpasha: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@RahGuzaar: RT @barandbench: Jammu & Kashmir High Court suspends proceedings for the day to pay tribute to Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantan… - 4 years ago

@amirsajid141: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@renganathanr: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@mojav_ind: RT @DKShivakumar: Deeply Saddened by the news of passing of Supreme Court Judge, Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar. India and especially Ka… - 4 years ago

@imChikku__: RT @DKShivakumar: Deeply Saddened by the news of passing of Supreme Court Judge, Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar. India and especially Ka… - 4 years ago

@navneet_h: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'Remembering Sir' : Law Clerks' Eulogy For Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@Mansoor19302780: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@1995MODASSIR: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@shanmugam_18: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@s_prasant2001: RT @htTweets: Judge Mohan M Shantanagoudar was elevated to the Supreme Court in February 2017 from the Kerala high court, where he served a… - 4 years ago

@rakeshchemistry: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'Remembering Sir' : Law Clerks' Eulogy For Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@tanveerjk1: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@htTweets: Judge Mohan M Shantanagoudar was elevated to the Supreme Court in February 2017 from the Kerala high court, where h… - 4 years ago

@jameelsjam: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@zohairkent: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@HarshiRissaga: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'Remembering Sir' : Law Clerks' Eulogy For Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@ShaheenQais04: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@ManojKu61064984: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@dhrubachoudhur5: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@sosushant: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@arunagg007: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@HarshiRissaga: RT @prajavani: ದೇಶದ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಉನ್ನತ ಹುದ್ದೆಗೇರಿದರೂ ಒಂದಿನಿತು ಗರ್ವ, ದೊಡ್ಡಿಸ್ತಿಕೆ ತಲೆಗೇರಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳದ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಸರಳ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯಾಗಿದ್ದರು ಮೋಹನ್ ಶಾಂತಗೌಡರ ಅವರು… - 4 years ago

@howz_that123: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@LallanPr: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@Madman_00: RT @ShashiTharoor: Condolences to the family of SupremeCourt Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. It was during his time as ChiefJustice of the Ke… - 4 years ago

@DeepSethi01: RT @ombirlakota: Deeply Saddened to learn about the passing away of Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M.Shantanagoudar ji. It is a big los… - 4 years ago

@AryanTh82808744: RT @thewire_in: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon at the age of 62. The sources di… - 4 years ago

@Deepuchjoshi: RT @thewire_in: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon at the age of 62. The sources di… - 4 years ago

@Golden_Seagul: RT @thewire_in: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon at the age of 62. The sources di… - 4 years ago

@rambo239: RT @barandbench: “I was hoping for his speedy and complete recovery and his return to the Bench at the earliest," newly sworn in Chief Just… - 4 years ago

@Danya_the_daan: RT @AabidMagami: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon. #ModiSarkarHiSystemHai - 4 years ago

@INDdotNews: CJI N V Ramana condoles demise of Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@arunkn3: RT @PTI_News: Chief Justice N V Ramana condoles passing away of Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar, terms him "valued colle… - 4 years ago

@SherBah46958042: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@BhandariManik1: RT @LiveLawIndia: Remembering Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar Through His Judgments - 4 years ago

@waseemqadiri: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Bhairav06790634: RT @s_kanth: RIP. Let us hope that the Supreme Court atleast wakes up now. - 4 years ago

@rravi3665: RT @ArvindLBJP: Deeply saddened by the news that Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar, Supreme Court judge from Karnataka is no more. May God gra… - 4 years ago

@marishadolly: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@VIJAYAHIR: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'I Have Lost A Valued Colleague' : CJI Ramana Condoles Passing Away Of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@RAJEEV72820927: RT @thewire_in: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon at the age of 62. The sources di… - 4 years ago

@tayalharsh2408: RT @AabidMagami: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon. #ModiSarkarHiSystemHai - 4 years ago

@Subhash75605792: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@PriaINC: RT @AabidMagami: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon. #ModiSarkarHiSystemHai - 4 years ago

@VIJAYraghavSING: @suhasiniraj The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and calib… - 4 years ago

@shomebasu: RT @thewire_in: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon at the age of 62. The sources di… - 4 years ago

@RaviGautamMonu1: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@HandleWithDare: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'I Have Lost A Valued Colleague' : CJI Ramana Condoles Passing Away Of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@INDdotNews: President Kovind expresses grief on demise of SC Judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@youthfortruth28: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@2020jaani: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'I Have Lost A Valued Colleague' : CJI Ramana Condoles Passing Away Of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@randy2274: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'I Have Lost A Valued Colleague' : CJI Ramana Condoles Passing Away Of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@56perumal: RT @thatsTamil: நுரையீரல் பாதிப்பு.. சிகிச்சை பலனின்றி உச்ச நீதிமன்ற நீதிபதி மோகன் எம் சாந்தனகவுதர் காலமானார் - 4 years ago

@arunkn3: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@SumitSi51432064: RT @LiveLawIndia: Chief Justice of India NV Ramana condoles the death of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. He expresses grief and says "was hop… - 4 years ago

@UThattayil: RT @vijayanpinarayi: Former Kerala High Court Chief Justice and sitting judge of the Supreme Court, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar had made… - 4 years ago

@SagarDu28828693: RT @LiveLawIndia: Chief Justice of India NV Ramana condoles the death of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. He expresses grief and says "was hop… - 4 years ago

@baby555me: RT @LiveLawIndia: Chief Justice of India NV Ramana condoles the death of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar. He expresses grief and says "was hop… - 4 years ago

@sabuthampi: RT @AabidMagami: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon. #ModiSarkarHiSystemHai - 4 years ago

@answeringlaw: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'I Have Lost A Valued Colleague' : CJI Ramana Condoles Passing Away Of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@DhrutiMKapadia: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'I Have Lost A Valued Colleague' : CJI Ramana Condoles Passing Away Of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@kingkeshav: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'I Have Lost A Valued Colleague' : CJI Ramana Condoles Passing Away Of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@IRBMishra: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@VishnuS47793080: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: The demise of Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has caused deep sorrow. His sound contribution and caliber enabled him t… - 4 years ago

@ayyarkartik: RT @LiveLawIndia: 'I Have Lost A Valued Colleague' : CJI Ramana Condoles Passing Away Of Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar - 4 years ago

@barandbench: "Was hoping for his speedy recovery; passing came as a rude shock:" CJI NV Ramana condoles demise of Justice Mohan… - 4 years ago

@arfansait: RT @vijayanpinarayi: Former Kerala High Court Chief Justice and sitting judge of the Supreme Court, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar had made… - 4 years ago

@JyotiVashisht05: RT @NLSIUofficial: We regret to inform the demise of another member of the NLSIU Community - Executive Council member and sitting judge of… - 4 years ago

@Mansi26574524: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@satisHHonnale: RT @eshwar_khandre: Deeply Saddened by the sad demise of Sitting judge of Supreme Court, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar my heartfelt condol… - 4 years ago

@NLSIUofficial: We regret to inform the demise of another member of the NLSIU Community - Executive Council member and sitting judg… - 4 years ago

@mr__jmg: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@GodIsDead____: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@GDhirasariya: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@_ShivaniSD: RT @the_hindu: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon, sources said on Sunday. He was 62… - 4 years ago

@TweetsOfMerlin: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@NPA4595: RT @bsindia: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon. He was 62. #SupremeCourt - 4 years ago

@ShillongTimesIn: SC Judge Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away @ShillongTimesIn - 4 years ago

@sanjaisaini: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@AbdulMannanaik: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Manju32743733: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@sujitsinghadv: RT @BBTheorist: Hon. Mr. Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar left for heavenly abode today in the evening. We lost a fine judge and a gentle hu… - 4 years ago

@me_va22: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@AakashMBfan: RT @eshwar_khandre: Deeply Saddened by the sad demise of Sitting judge of Supreme Court, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar my heartfelt condol… - 4 years ago

@eshwar_khandre: Deeply Saddened by the sad demise of Sitting judge of Supreme Court, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar my heartfelt co… - 4 years ago

@DhanrajBpl: RT @the_hindu: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon, sources said on Sunday. He was 62… - 4 years ago

@surabhimisraa: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@abdulla_naseeh: RT @manuvichar: Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar rooted for preserving the diversity of our country, promoting inclusivity, fighting bigotry an… - 4 years ago

@charuhaasparab: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Asraforokayyil: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Krishnapuravasi: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@SwapneelF: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@lawinsiderin: Sitting Supreme Court Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar Passes away - 4 years ago

@ShashikumarVS5: RT @s_kanth: RIP. Let us hope that the Supreme Court atleast wakes up now. - 4 years ago

@InstafeedOrg: सुप्रीम कोर्ट के जस्टिस मोहन एम शांतनागोदर का गुरुग्राम के अस्पताल में हुआ निधन... #SupremeCourt #Coronavirus… - 4 years ago

@SwarnimBharat_: RT @BansuriSwaraj: Deeply Saddened to hear about the passing away of Hon'ble Justice Mohan M.Shantanagoudar ji. He graced the bench with a… - 4 years ago

@srimaanofficial: RT @s_kanth: RIP. Let us hope that the Supreme Court atleast wakes up now. - 4 years ago

@svsrinivas17: Saddened to hear about the passing away of Hon'ble Justice Mohan M.Shantanagoudar .He graced the bench with absolut… - 4 years ago

@srimaanofficial: RT @manickamtagore: Deeply Saddened to learn about the passing away of SC judge Justice Mohan M.Shantanagoudar avere. May God give strength… - 4 years ago

@DilawarTalkies: RT @manuvichar: Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar rooted for preserving the diversity of our country, promoting inclusivity, fighting bigotry an… - 4 years ago

@imandsom: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@imkarangangal: RT @BansuriSwaraj: Deeply Saddened to hear about the passing away of Hon'ble Justice Mohan M.Shantanagoudar ji. He graced the bench with a… - 4 years ago

@Mahadev_DS: RT @BansuriSwaraj: Deeply Saddened to hear about the passing away of Hon'ble Justice Mohan M.Shantanagoudar ji. He graced the bench with a… - 4 years ago

@AkashYa11177870: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@CPGRainmaker: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@enayatullah26: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@gsharma1987: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@anky1094: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Narayan58470016: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@ajaygupta9094: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@ugosus: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@a_taurus_speaks: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@SSAadarsh: RT @PBNS_India: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away on Saturday. He was being treated for lung inf… - 4 years ago

@SachinINC1: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@APUPandUK: Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar (Sitting Judge) of Supreme Court Passes Away - 4 years ago

@Salman64770111: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@VIGNESHBJP_KTK: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@luvmandate: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@NewsNationTV: सुप्रीम कोर्ट के जज जस्टिस मोहन एम शांतनागोदर का निधन, फेफड़ों में संक्रमण से पीड़ित थे #SupremeCourt - 4 years ago

@vipin2garg: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@MrCMofKA: RT @mechirubhat: Extremely saddened to hear that Hon'ble Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar, Judge, #SupremeCourt of #India is no more. He pass… - 4 years ago

@kamalgbpuat: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@ZeeOdisha: Cancerରେ ସୁପ୍ରିମକୋର୍ଟ ବିଚାରପତିଙ୍କ ଦେହାନ୍ତ। #SupremeCourt #JusticeMohanMShantanagoudar #Lingayat #judgepassesaway - 4 years ago

@ajt_shinde: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@SachinINC1: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@AiadmkFor: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at Gurgaon hospital - 4 years ago

@NavneetKumarB13: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@NiSharma22: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@GreySasquatch: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@JeevanS27656429: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@imvishnudwivedi: RT @AmarUjalaNews: उच्चतम न्यायालय के न्यायाधीश मोहन एम शांतनागोदर का गुरुग्राम के अस्पताल में निधन #SupremeCourt #MohanShantanagoudar h… - 4 years ago

@nalinmehta: RT @ashokbagriya10: Sitting judge of Supreme Court Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar, passes away in Gurgaon due to prolonged illness - 4 years ago

@BRIGBIN: RT @LiveLawIndia: Supreme Court Judge Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar Passed Away - 4 years ago

@mdnooralikhan: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@imvishnudwivedi: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@ashokbagriya10: Sitting judge of Supreme Court Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar, passes away in Gurgaon due to prolonged illness - 4 years ago

@iSanketjariwala: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@aawaaaraDOTexe: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@shbhavin: RT @Prateeksom2: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away - 4 years ago

@jeevaforu: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@nkumar_: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@rajusvin: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Rahul46799562: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@RealManash: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@kpsingh1966: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@shbhavin: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@ATDOY88: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@naishadhvyas: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@naijonam: RT @the_hindu: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon, sources said on Sunday. He was 62… - 4 years ago

@rahulscribe: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Mediarama2: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@AimanKh85009886: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@the_hindu: Supreme Court judge Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar died at a private hospital in Gurgaon, sources said on Sunday.… - 4 years ago

@SarfarazAlamInd: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@BENNY84176804: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@InformdCitizen: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@jayendrasevada: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@Ajinkya_Roars: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@manusm_iari: Saddened to hear the news on passing away of sitting judge of #SupremeCourt Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar.⚖️ #RIP… - 4 years ago

@pressclubchief1: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@luckybodhwad: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@SarfarazAlamInd: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@GbuRaghib: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@bsubramanian48: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@mukeshmenon: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@SanghiSlayer6: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Nadeem0505: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@jhakumarMukund: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@youbee1107: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@tweekrant: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@somu_1988: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@sourabhmaurya7: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Nijanandiakash: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Law_Purush: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@saurabhtop: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Boris92876493: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Azharjameel12: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@AmrtanshArora: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@MansiGupta1997: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@syedasfaralam: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@GodiMediafake: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@AttorneyArya: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@AbbasRi44896054: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@bilalazeem103: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@AnantGoswami4: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@UniversityofHu1: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@rpnavi: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@varung123: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@KabirDixit1: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@bhandarihant31: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@bawa_kavi: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@sainidine: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@pramitheus: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@jgopikrishnan70: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@ZaidKidwai: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@SA214H: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@DumbitPatra56: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@__democratic: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@VishnuY49167371: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@gauwrav: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@juice77906606: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@advocate_tee: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@AnasMallick: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@MumbaiBloke: RT @BBTheorist: Hon. Mr. Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar left for heavenly abode today in the evening. We lost a fine judge and a gentle hu… - 4 years ago

@India_MH12: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@gufrankhanazmi: RT @barandbench: Supreme Court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away #supremecourtofindia #SupremeCourt #JusticeShantanagoudar… - 4 years ago

@KhabarNazar: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@sahmad1982: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@gauravporwal17: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@law_trend: Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar (Sitting Judge) of Supreme Court Passes Away - 4 years ago

@KuldeepSingBais: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Mirzapuriy: RT @oneindiaHindi: सुप्रीम कोर्ट के जज जस्टिस मोहन एम. शांतनगौदर का निधन - 4 years ago

@researchAditya: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@MyNation121004: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@TTeerandaz: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@ndadapawar: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Narshim41351846: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Rajkumaarsingh: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Connect2Tanisha: Sitting Supreme Court Judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away in Gurugram hospital. (Not Because Of… - 4 years ago

@MANGALASSERY: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@WilfredQuadros: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@KingofDeathh: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@VikramMadane: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@hrkhanadvocate: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@drhouse7174: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@hariwar: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@NiSGill: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@JosiJoseM: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@oneindiaHindi: सुप्रीम कोर्ट के जज जस्टिस मोहन एम. शांतनगौदर का निधन - 4 years ago

@binjolaanurag: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@PradeepGupta_PG: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@vrmahajan: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@Shivakant_1811: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@veluri_v: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@IAMPMSM: RT @ProPhasor: @PTI_News Covid ki vajah se nhi hua death ye bhi to likhta .... - 4 years ago

@Beingsajiddarr: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Joshi_Aar: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@BabelePiyush: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@RaisinaSeries: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@Must_Qalandar: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@tweetu098: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@abvphunter: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@How_to22: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@gaganmyne: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@smitharnair: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@nagpurtoday1: Sitting SC Judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away,, - 4 years ago

@Ashokkshekhawat: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@NikhilMirani: RT @PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@PTI_News: SC judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar dies at private hospital in Gurgaon: Sources - 4 years ago

@atir111: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@iswastikp: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@Leopard212: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@chayansarkar87: Getting the shocking news of Hon'ble Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar succumbing to cancer. @LiveLawIndia… - 4 years ago

@mukeshmenon: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@victor_arrp: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@aamirusiddiqui: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@rnlathi: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@KishoreGarg19: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@gauwrav: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@abrahamregisraj: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@anuragkumarlko: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@JusticePritish: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@AnjanaHRao: RT @mechirubhat: Extremely saddened to hear that Hon'ble Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar, Judge, #SupremeCourt of #India is no more. He pass… - 4 years ago

@VikasMaity: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Mohan Shantanagoudar, you will be missed - #Mohan #rip - 4 years ago

@BhimjiyaniDP: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@suchisoundlover: Sitting supreme court judge, Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passed away. - 4 years ago

@BharatSINGH143: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@choudhary0794: RT @Prateeksom2: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away - 4 years ago

@gkb_partners: RT @SanjayBansal13: Sitting SC Judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away | Deccan Herald - - 4 years ago

@Rockkaey: RT @Prateeksom2: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away - 4 years ago

@Namo_Bhakt1008: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@thakuranilk: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@NavroopSingh_: RT @Prateeksom2: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away - 4 years ago

@Aashu051003: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@Hunnain_: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@Keshusharma19: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@SanjayBansal13: Sitting SC Judge Justice Mohan M Shantanagoudar passes away | Deccan Herald - - 4 years ago

@themasses1947: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@Aarti_07021984: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@CollinsJais: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@HarshSinghi9: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@maheshmishra321: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@prayag9393: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

@IVNTalks: RT @___Blondie_____: Hon. Mr. Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar has left for heavenly abode today in the late evening hour. Very sad day fo… - 4 years ago

@TejasRa01412507: RT @ANI: Justice Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, sitting judge of Supreme Court passed away yesterday: Gagan Soni, Assistant Registrar. - 4 years ago

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