Mitchell Feigenbaum

American physicist
Died on Wednesday July 3rd 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Mitchell Feigenbaum:

@petelivingstone: A rough year for some of my physics heroes. Gell-Mann and now Feigenbaum. - 6 years ago

@StuartReid1929: RT @EmanuelDerman: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@iwasid: RT @EmanuelDerman: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@Zicutake: Mitchell Feigenbaum, físico que foi pioneiro na teoria do caos, morreu - 6 years ago


@EmanuelDerman: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@priesteriene: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@emulenews: "Chaos pioneer US mathematical physicist Mitchell Feigenbaum, who introduced seminal ideas underpinning ‘chaos theo… - 6 years ago

@smithsk: RT @FisicosMuertos: On June 30,74 yo mathematical #physicist Mitchell J.Feigenbaum passed away His work on determin… - 6 years ago

@giacintx: RT @FisicosMuertos: Mitchell Feigenbaum's bio "Solving the #mathematical riddle of #CHaoS" by James Geick @JamesGleick published in #TheNe… - 6 years ago

@giacintx: RT @gigazine_en: 【訃】 A pioneering researcher in chaos theory, Dr. Mitchell Feigenbaum dies - 6 years ago

@giacintx: RT @FisicosMuertos: On June 30,74 yo mathematical #physicist Mitchell J.Feigenbaum passed away His work on determin… - 6 years ago

@giacintx: RT @420Cyber: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - 6 years ago

@giacintx: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@mmarland: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@ghibbli: RT @francofontana43: Ci ha lasciato a 74 anni il matematico Mitchell Feigenbaum, studioso dei sistemi dinamici complessi e caotici con appl… - 6 years ago

@francofontana43: Ci ha lasciato a 74 anni il matematico Mitchell Feigenbaum, studioso dei sistemi dinamici complessi e caotici con a… - 6 years ago

@abhijitathavale: RT @cristinagberta: RIP Mitchell Feigenbaum - wrote a math thesis 20 some years ago on the “Feigenbaum Numbers” he discovered, which show t… - 6 years ago

@hyougen: “【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE” - 6 years ago

@cristinagberta: RIP Mitchell Feigenbaum - wrote a math thesis 20 some years ago on the “Feigenbaum Numbers” he discovered, which sh… - 6 years ago

@IgorCarron: RT @sfiscience: "Among all my friends, Mitchell was the most unusual and brilliant." SFI External Prof Fred Cooper remembers Mitchell Feig… - 6 years ago

@_juliocav: Recollecting Mitchell Feigenbaum— a #chaos pioneer by @sfiscience - 6 years ago

@dylangrice: RT @sfiscience: "Among all my friends, Mitchell was the most unusual and brilliant." SFI External Prof Fred Cooper remembers Mitchell Feig… - 6 years ago

@TheAllyWalker: RT @sfiscience: "Among all my friends, Mitchell was the most unusual and brilliant." SFI External Prof Fred Cooper remembers Mitchell Feig… - 6 years ago

@sfiscience: "Among all my friends, Mitchell was the most unusual and brilliant." SFI External Prof Fred Cooper remembers Mitch… - 6 years ago

@nyooshi: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@burakbudanur: RT @chaaosbook: We are putting together a Mitchell Feigenbaum album. Happen to have a great pic, perhaps with you beautiful self? Send it t… - 6 years ago

@DynamicsSIAM: RT @chaaosbook: We are putting together a Mitchell Feigenbaum album. Happen to have a great pic, perhaps with you beautiful self? Send it t… - 6 years ago

@chaaosbook: We are putting together a Mitchell Feigenbaum album. Happen to have a great pic, perhaps with you beautiful self? S… - 6 years ago

@chaaosbook: RT @Kush_Shailendra: New top story on Hacker News: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - 6 years ago

@cristadoro_gp: RT @roberto_fz: RT @chaaosbook: Remembering Mitchell Feigenbaum - A not so short history of Universal Function - 6 years ago

@roberto_fz: RT @chaaosbook: Remembering Mitchell Feigenbaum - A not so short history of Universal Function - 6 years ago

@enrealiza: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@zyoukidou: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE 名前も記事も小説の人物みてぇだぁ…(*´ω`*) - 6 years ago

@to43ki: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@G76whizkidz: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE #society - 6 years ago

@willyOTule: RT @stevenstrogatz: This obituary from ⁦@RockefellerUniv⁩ conveys some of what was remarkable about Mitchell Feigenbaum, a physicist who he… - 6 years ago

@8dcw2m9g9h31: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - 6 years ago

@rtutching: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@Coquietchat: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@_aLFRe_: RT @chaaosbook: Remembering Mitchell Feigenbaum - A not so short history of Universal Function - 6 years ago

@_aLFRe_: RT @_aLFRe_: En carpetas d Dinámica d Sistemas y Cinética Física tengo MIS apuntes sobre sistemas no lineales,articulo de Mitchell Jay Feig… - 6 years ago

@_aLFRe_: En carpetas d Dinámica d Sistemas y Cinética Física tengo MIS apuntes sobre sistemas no lineales,articulo de Mitche… - 6 years ago

@_aLFRe_: RT @_aLFRe_: En🇪🇸#España no he visto q ningún medio haya recogido muerte d Mitchell Jay Feigenbaum Sus aportaciones están(o estaban)en plan… - 6 years ago

@askcyberinfra: We commemorate #MitchellFeigenbaum, honoring his groundbreaking #ChaosTheory research and its impact on #physics an… - 6 years ago

@_aLFRe_: En🇪🇸#España no he visto q ningún medio haya recogido muerte d Mitchell Jay Feigenbaum Sus aportaciones están(o esta… - 6 years ago

@FisicosMuertos: What Frederick M. Cooper,external professor at Santa Fe Institute @sfiscience, wrote about Mitchell J. Feigenbaum i… - 6 years ago

@jse11330088: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@12tamatoy: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - 6 years ago

@nHMsf34: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@kuzuNULL: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@zABv34: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@kojikojiro0520: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - 6 years ago

@chaaosbook: Remembering Mitchell Feigenbaum - A not so short history of Universal Function - 6 years ago

@zeruch: #sketchbook July 2019. I am neither mathematician nor physicist, but because of my interest in #chaostheory years a… - 6 years ago

@hermetictrader: RT @ricard_sole: Farewell to physicist Mitchell Feigenbaum, one of the fathers of Chaos Theory and a huge inspiration for many of us. I rem… - 6 years ago

@0920Evo: RT @natewonder: 分岐点のファイゲンバウムなくなったらしい。RIP. 『【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去』 - 6 years ago

@pieterkeeve: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@danielscarvalho: RT @jalochowski: Fred Cooper of @sfiscience on Mitchell Feigenbaum - #Chaos pioneer and his dear friend. - 6 years ago

@bombinans: obituary for Mitchell Feigenbaum, chaos theorist who discovered period-doubling - - 6 years ago

@purple9dragon: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - 6 years ago

@bosmil: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - 6 years ago

@girlsinscience_: RT @jalochowski: Fred Cooper of @sfiscience on Mitchell Feigenbaum - #Chaos pioneer and his dear friend. - 6 years ago

@DynamicsSIAM: RT @jalochowski: Fred Cooper of @sfiscience on Mitchell Feigenbaum - #Chaos pioneer and his dear friend. - 6 years ago

@Shunfu21: Mitchell Feigenbaum, 74, American physicist, discoverer of Feigenbaum constants. - 6 years ago

@JohnBailes: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@okome_da_don: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@FredHasselman: RT @jalochowski: Fred Cooper of @sfiscience on Mitchell Feigenbaum - #Chaos pioneer and his dear friend. - 6 years ago

@_aLFRe_: RT @FisicosMuertos: Mitchell Feigenbaum's bio "Solving the #mathematical riddle of #CHaoS" by James Geick @JamesGleick published in #TheNe… - 6 years ago

@FisicosMuertos: Mitchell Feigenbaum's bio "Solving the #mathematical riddle of #CHaoS" by James Geick @JamesGleick published in… - 6 years ago

@onelifemax: RT @JamesGleick: Mitchell Feigenbaum has died at the age of 74. I first met him 35 years ago and wrote this. - 6 years ago

@andrewdr14: RT @ricard_sole: Farewell to physicist Mitchell Feigenbaum, one of the fathers of Chaos Theory and a huge inspiration for many of us. I rem… - 6 years ago

@FisicosMuertos: RT @PredragCvitano1: @_aLFRe_ @FisicosMuertos @chaaosbook This brings also @stephen_wolfram into play - following him, I had Nordita purcha… - 6 years ago

@FisicosMuertos: RT @_aLFRe_: @FisicosMuertos In some places this picture included is wrong labeled As far as I think they are #physicist s Mitchell J.Feige… - 6 years ago

@KioskodeSevilla: RT @PredragCvitano1: @_aLFRe_ @FisicosMuertos @chaaosbook This brings also @stephen_wolfram into play - following him, I had Nordita purcha… - 6 years ago

@_aLFRe_: RT @PredragCvitano1: @_aLFRe_ @FisicosMuertos @chaaosbook This brings also @stephen_wolfram into play - following him, I had Nordita purcha… - 6 years ago

@arajin88: “【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE” - 6 years ago

@MixHeneghan: RT @jzellis: RIP, maestro. - 6 years ago

@jzellis: RIP, maestro. - 6 years ago

@hatopseudo: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - 6 years ago

@Nikkou: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - 6 years ago

@SimonZajata: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - 6 years ago

@chaaosbook: Fred Cooper (himself unusual and brilliant): "Among all my friends, Mitchell was the most unusual and brilliant."… - 6 years ago

@JuanBono: RT @jalochowski: Fred Cooper of @sfiscience on Mitchell Feigenbaum - #Chaos pioneer and his dear friend. - 6 years ago

@QUEEN2100: 合掌 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@sfiscience: RT @jalochowski: Fred Cooper of @sfiscience on Mitchell Feigenbaum - #Chaos pioneer and his dear friend. - 6 years ago

@PredragCvitano1: RT @JamesGleick: Mitchell Feigenbaum has died at the age of 74. I first met him 35 years ago and wrote this. - 6 years ago

@PredragCvitano1: @_aLFRe_ @FisicosMuertos @chaaosbook This brings also @stephen_wolfram into play - following him, I had Nordita pur… - 6 years ago

@LawrenceWinkler: - 6 years ago

@maachan0215: RT @FxKotin: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@ChrisHefele: Mitchell Feigenbaum, physicist who pioneered chaos theory, has died - News - 6 years ago

@habitbit3: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@xfmin: 【訃報】カオス理論の先駆的研究者ミッチェル・ファイゲンバウム博士が死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

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