Mitch Podolak

Canadian folk musician.
Died on Monday August 26th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Mitch Podolak:

@PrivacyCDN: Folk Music’s Radical Patron: Remembering Mitch Podolak – Canadian Dimension - 6 years ago

@StumpMGMT: RT @ScottNolan5: “There are hundreds, and I mean literally hundreds of dollars to be made in folk music.” Mitch Podolak - 6 years ago

@CDN_Dimension: The crew that built the @Winnipegfolk site came together like a family. They were inspired by Mitch and made his v… - 6 years ago

@CDN_Dimension: Mitch Podolak will live on in the years to come through the power of his inspiration and his contributions to those… - 6 years ago


@schestowitz: "Before going to bed last night, I learned from a post I was tagged on on #Facebook that Mitch Podolak had died." - 6 years ago

@Africanad_offic: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@LilacFire: Wonderful tribute & things I never knew about Mitch. Happy I have many & especially 1 wonderful memory: - 6 years ago

@bensures: - 6 years ago

@theleftpress: A tribute to Mitch Podolak: 1948 – 2019 - Socialist Action - 6 years ago

@SocialistActUS: A tribute to Mitch Podolak: 1948 – 2019 - 6 years ago

@drovics: Here's my little remembrance of Winnipeg Folk Festival founder, Mitch Podolak, in Counterpunch. - 6 years ago

@jimmykeelo: RT @mariadunnmusic: Listening this am to Tom Coxworth's @FolkRoutes @ckuaradio musical tribute to our friend Mitch Podolak featuring musi… - 6 years ago

@FolkRoutes: We come to a close of this tribute to the legend of Mitch Podolak - Dave Gunning soon with a new song called Circle… - 6 years ago

@FolkRoutes: I have an old photo of them laughing together - there was a shared soul between Mitch and Guy. A song soooo good it… - 6 years ago

@FolkRoutes: The tribute continues to come in - 6 years ago

@mariadunnmusic: Listening this am to Tom Coxworth's @FolkRoutes @ckuaradio musical tribute to our friend Mitch Podolak featuring… - 6 years ago

@FolkRoutes: Pete Seeger was a inspiration for Mitch Podolak - he took up the banjo and the principals that would guide his life… - 6 years ago

@FolkRoutes: The talent of many were first placed on the stage of the Winnipeg Folk Festival Stage - artist like acoustic folk o… - 6 years ago

@FolkRoutes: There are builders who see the need and with passion, stubbornness, and true caring create new spaces in this world… - 6 years ago

@fubarista: RT @drovics: I wrote a few words about my friend Mitch Podolak, who died a few days ago in Winnipeg. - 6 years ago

@drovics: I wrote a few words about my friend Mitch Podolak, who died a few days ago in Winnipeg. - 6 years ago

@TC_c0r204: RT @manitobamusic: Happy Friday! Catch up on the latest local music headlines at - 6 years ago

@jamesgdavid: RT @CBCAlerts: A driving force in Canada's folk music scene has died. Mitch Podolak founded the Winnipeg Folk Music Festival in 1974, and p… - 6 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Mitch PODOLAK (1947-2019), Canadian folk music promoter. In the late 1960s, he began a relationship with CBC… - 6 years ago

@Ano23390260: RT @icimanitoba: Mitch Podolak, fondateur du @Winnipegfolket, @VanFolkFest et du centre culturel West End @TheWECC, est mort @chloeddp a r… - 6 years ago

@manitobamusic: Happy Friday! Catch up on the latest local music headlines at - 6 years ago

@HollyBlomberg: RT @drovics: RIP Winnipeg Folk Festival founder, Mitch Podalak. I'm glad I got to hang with him a little last May at the 100th anniversary… - 6 years ago

@Rakoonin: RT @drovics: RIP Winnipeg Folk Festival founder, Mitch Podalak. I'm glad I got to hang with him a little last May at the 100th anniversary… - 6 years ago

@fubarista: RT @drovics: RIP Winnipeg Folk Festival founder, Mitch Podalak. I'm glad I got to hang with him a little last May at the 100th anniversary… - 6 years ago

@drovics: RIP Winnipeg Folk Festival founder, Mitch Podalak. I'm glad I got to hang with him a little last May at the 100th a… - 6 years ago

@LeaskExpected: RT @mariadunnmusic: "He’s going to be here forever...Everybody has a Mitch story and the community he created around him." Winnipeg Folk Fe… - 6 years ago

@shariulrich: RT @mariadunnmusic: "He’s going to be here forever...Everybody has a Mitch story and the community he created around him." Winnipeg Folk Fe… - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Folk-fest organizer Mitch Podolak; artist Wang Guodong, who painted Mao's iconic portrait; si… - 6 years ago

@dearlxnely: Canadian music scene icon, Winnipeg Folk Fest founder Mitch Podolak dies - Canada Live Feed - 6 years ago

@ragseowaka14: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@TGCTS: For people who were friends/fans/followers of the late Mitch Podolak, here is the video of his funeral service held… - 6 years ago

@KSP_Libs: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@eastcoastmusic: RT @homeroutes: Today on @RadioRoutes we honor our founder, mentor and friend #MitchPodolak with music that he loved, played and nurtured.… - 6 years ago

@ScottNolan5: After spending the day celebrating our friend Mitch Podolak, and this incredible community we’re lucky to be a part… - 6 years ago

@SIR_Winnipeg: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@ScullyLovePromo: RT @mariadunnmusic: "He’s going to be here forever...Everybody has a Mitch story and the community he created around him." Winnipeg Folk Fe… - 6 years ago

@slamminnews: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@granny_mamaj: RT @jimmykeelo: Mitch Podolak has passed over and will now be stirring up shit in the afterlife. What an amazing man. My friend and mentor—… - 6 years ago

@thesonofdave: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@shingledust: RT @NOLARubinchik: “The only thing a Fascist understands is a brick to the head!!” - Mitch Podolak, shouted from the back of my Folk Allian… - 6 years ago

@Glen4Climate: - 6 years ago

@Zach_Fleisher: It felt strange for the occasion, but it felt right to wear black jeans for Mitch Podolak's funeral today. A packe… - 6 years ago

@Glen4Climate: RT @jimmykeelo: Mitch Podolak has passed over and will now be stirring up shit in the afterlife. What an amazing man. My friend and mentor—… - 6 years ago

@Glen4Climate: RT @wpglibrary: In honour of @Winnipegfolk co-founder Mitch Podolak we took a dive into the files in our Local History Room. You can too. T… - 6 years ago

@Glen4Climate: RT @NOLARubinchik: “The only thing a Fascist understands is a brick to the head!!” - Mitch Podolak, shouted from the back of my Folk Allian… - 6 years ago

@homeroutes: Today on @RadioRoutes we honor our founder, mentor and friend #MitchPodolak with music that he loved, played and nu… - 6 years ago

@mermayd: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@CanadaCouncil: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@DrRobbieO: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@BerreFreeTibet: RT @Winnipegfolk: We’re spending today remembering our founder Mitch Podolak and his extraordinary contributions to our community. We als… - 6 years ago

@DariaBilowus: RT @Winnipegfolk: We’re spending today remembering our founder Mitch Podolak and his extraordinary contributions to our community. We als… - 6 years ago

@mighty580AM: RT @mariadunnmusic: "He’s going to be here forever...Everybody has a Mitch story and the community he created around him." Winnipeg Folk Fe… - 6 years ago

@artmeniusconsul: RT @jonathanbyrd: Rest in peace, Mitch Podolak, king of the Canadian folk festival. Read my tribute to this revolutionary man on my website… - 6 years ago

@ArtMenius: RT @jonathanbyrd: Rest in peace, Mitch Podolak, king of the Canadian folk festival. Read my tribute to this revolutionary man on my website… - 6 years ago

@WCOMfm: RT @jonathanbyrd: Rest in peace, Mitch Podolak, king of the Canadian folk festival. Read my tribute to this revolutionary man on my website… - 6 years ago

@ManitobaPost: Folk Festival Founder Mitch Podolak Passes Away. - 6 years ago

@KC_Adams_art: I strive to be like Mitch Podolak; a believer in dreams! RIP Mitch! @Winnipegfolk - 6 years ago

@Canadian_Live: We mourn the loss of Mitch Podolak, founder of #ourmembers @Winnipegfolk and send our deepest condolences to his fr… - 6 years ago

@mariadunnmusic: "He’s going to be here forever...Everybody has a Mitch story and the community he created around him." Winnipeg Fol… - 6 years ago

@TheWECC: RT @icimanitoba: Mitch Podolak, fondateur du @Winnipegfolket, @VanFolkFest et du centre culturel West End @TheWECC, est mort @chloeddp a r… - 6 years ago

@TheWECC: RT @colleen_sklar: Man of the People - Remembering Mitch Podolak @Winnipegfolk @TheWECC @WinnipegNews - 6 years ago

@umanitoba: RT @umarchives: The legendary Mitch Podolak has died. Here is a 1980 photo of Podolak in his office from Morley Walker's Winnipeg Tribune a… - 6 years ago

@gastropod225061: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@colleen_sklar: Man of the People - Remembering Mitch Podolak @Winnipegfolk @TheWECC @WinnipegNews - 6 years ago

@therodeokings: RT @jimmykeelo: Mitch Podolak has passed over and will now be stirring up shit in the afterlife. What an amazing man. My friend and mentor—… - 6 years ago

@therodeokings: RT @ScottNolan5: “There are hundreds, and I mean literally hundreds of dollars to be made in folk music.” Mitch Podolak - 6 years ago

@lefty_angry: RT @WinnipegNews: Mitch Podolak, founder of Winnipeg Folk Festival, dies at 71 - 6 years ago

@analiemariie: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@willandhismusic: RT @Winnipegfolk: We’re spending today remembering our founder Mitch Podolak and his extraordinary contributions to our community. We als… - 6 years ago

@JesseDangrsly: RT @Cupcakes_n_Rap: Canada lost the amazing Mitch Podolak. I treasure my memories with him. Last time I saw him he was telling me how to c… - 6 years ago

@LaSCENA: Official Scott Nolan on Twitter: "“There are hundreds, and I mean literally hundreds of dollars to be made in folk… - 6 years ago

@FallenTreeRecs: RT @CBCAlerts: A driving force in Canada's folk music scene has died. Mitch Podolak founded the Winnipeg Folk Music Festival in 1974, and p… - 6 years ago

@markolfert: Mitch Podolak, founder of Winnipeg Folk Festival and West End Cultural Centre, dies | CBC News - 6 years ago

@The_CDR: RIP Mitch Podolak - 6 years ago

@dnedohinmacek: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@JasonH00per: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension mourns the passing of @Winnipegfolk co-founder & radical activist Mitch Podolak. Mitch was a great f… - 6 years ago

@ReneeRodgersCTV: RT @ctvwinnipeg: Watch: @ReneeRodgersCTV talks with Folk Festival Executive Director Lynne Skromeda about the legacy of Co-Founder Mitch Po… - 6 years ago

@TommyNomad: RT @ScottNolan5: “There are hundreds, and I mean literally hundreds of dollars to be made in folk music.” Mitch Podolak - 6 years ago

@CityNewsYEG: Mitch Podolak was instrumental in helping create music festivals across Canada. Podolak co-founded the Winnipeg Fol… - 6 years ago

@ctvwinnipeg: Watch: @ReneeRodgersCTV talks with Folk Festival Executive Director Lynne Skromeda about the legacy of Co-Founder M… - 6 years ago

@Razarumi: RT @anis_farooqui: A driving force in Canada's folk music scene has died. Mitch Podolak founded the Winnipeg Folk Music Festival in 1974, a… - 6 years ago

@anis_farooqui: A driving force in Canada's folk music scene has died. Mitch Podolak founded the Winnipeg Folk Music Festival in 19… - 6 years ago

@FreepKing: RT @SankoffandHein: Mitch Podolak founded @Winnipegfolk (among many others) where I first heard many of the bands I grew up on. Later he an… - 6 years ago

@joshuashanevis: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

@joshuashanevis: RT @CBCAlerts: A driving force in Canada's folk music scene has died. Mitch Podolak founded the Winnipeg Folk Music Festival in 1974, and p… - 6 years ago

@AvenSarah: RT @SankoffandHein: Mitch Podolak founded @Winnipegfolk (among many others) where I first heard many of the bands I grew up on. Later he an… - 6 years ago

@SankoffandHein: Mitch Podolak founded @Winnipegfolk (among many others) where I first heard many of the bands I grew up on. Later h… - 6 years ago

@AynsleyAnderson: RT @ScottNolan5: “There are hundreds, and I mean literally hundreds of dollars to be made in folk music.” Mitch Podolak - 6 years ago

@HarpMaree: RT @kerilatimer: Sharing the community's sorrow and gratitude. Rest in peace, Mitch Podolak. - 6 years ago

@Folkmusic_promo: RT @AimlessAndru: #Winnipeg has lost a legend. RIP Mitch Podolak. Thank you for all of the time we spent together, and for all that you tau… - 6 years ago

@Folkmusic_promo: RT @judymcook: So saddened to hear about the loss of a great Winnipeg icon...Mitch Podolak....founder of the Winnipeg Folk Festival. The m… - 6 years ago

@WeeDansHoose: RT @BluesRootsRadio: - 6 years ago

@BluesRootsEire: RT @BluesRootsRadio: - 6 years ago

@BluesRootsUK: RT @BluesRootsRadio: - 6 years ago

@_SelenaSantos: RT @Winnipegfolk: We are incredibly saddened to share that our founder Mitch Podolak has passed away. Words cannot express how much he will… - 6 years ago

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