Miroslav Číž

Slovak politician
Died on Thursday December 29th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Miroslav Číž:

@VdeLeeuw: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@ElvioPrefumo_C: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@WhiteMirror3008: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@Europarl_SK: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago


@LuciaDiMartin18: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@joaki88: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@monika_benova: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@Europarl_CZ: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@KendraLStenberg: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@sergeidroganov: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@Koly68583790: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@bahepa: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@Alex_Papakon: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@TimothyL0W3: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@CGTNEurope: #BREAKING: EU's Metsola: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defende… - 2 years ago

@tom_vert: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@RobertaMetsola: RT @EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a promote… - 2 years ago

@EP_President: Today we bid farewell to MEP Miroslav Číž. A colleague who will be remembered as a defender of social justice, a p… - 2 years ago

@AmazingZoltan: @indx_techs @i_am_Sourav25 @JustinTrudeau @narendramodi Then why he didn't offer his condolences to Miroslav Číž? - 2 years ago

@PES_PoA: RT @TheProgressives: We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague and friend Miroslav Číž. His legacy of fighting for a social Europ… - 2 years ago

@JooSilvaCar5: RT @TheProgressives: We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague and friend Miroslav Číž. His legacy of fighting for a social Europ… - 2 years ago

@LuciaDiMartin18: RT @TheProgressives: We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague and friend Miroslav Číž. His legacy of fighting for a social Europ… - 2 years ago

@YiannisLatoudis: RT @TheProgressives: We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague and friend Miroslav Číž. His legacy of fighting for a social Europ… - 2 years ago

@UTuttlies: RT @TheProgressives: We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague and friend Miroslav Číž. His legacy of fighting for a social Europ… - 2 years ago

@TheProgressives: We are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague and friend Miroslav Číž. His legacy of fighting for a social Eu… - 2 years ago

@monika_benova: Our dear friend and colleague Miroslav Ciz leaves behind a legacy, forged with uncompromised conviction for social… - 2 years ago

@euractivsk: 🇪🇺 Po dlhej chorobe dnes (29. decembra) zomrel politik a europoslanec Miroslav Číž (Smer-SD). Podľa volebných pravi… - 2 years ago

@AndrejDanko6: Vyjadrujem úprimnú sústrasť rodine a blízkym europoslanca Miroslava Číža. Miroslav Číž bol férový politik, vynikajú… - 2 years ago

@StrbaRoman: AKTUÁLNE Zomrel europoslanec a dlhoročný smerák Miroslav Číž - 2 years ago

@SlovakiaElects: MEP Miroslav Číž (Smer-S&D) has died at the age of 68 after battling an undisclosed illness. He was a founding memb… - 2 years ago

@startitup_sk: Strana Smer-SD na svojej Facebookovej stránke informovala, že dnes ráno vo veku 68 rokov zomrel politik Miroslav Čí… - 2 years ago

@24hodin: Zomrel slovenský europoslanec a dlhoročný politik Miroslav Číž - 2 years ago

@denniksme: Zomrel europoslanec za Smer Miroslav Číž - 2 years ago

@tyzdensk: .vo veku 68 rokov zomrel slovenský europoslanec a dlhoročný politik Miroslav Číž. Informovala o tom strana Smer-SD… - 2 years ago

@SR_reporter_sk: Zomrel slovenský europoslanec a dlhoročný politik Miroslav Číž - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Miroslav Číž dies - #MiroslavCiz #Miroslav #Číž #rip - 2 years ago

@Pravdask: Vo veku 68 rokov zomrel Miroslav Číž - 2 years ago

@sk4cz: RT @dennikN: Vo veku 68 rokov zomrel europoslanec za Smer Miroslav Číž. Bol jedným zo zakladateľov Smeru, v rokoch 2002 až 2019 pôsobil v p… - 2 years ago

@joaki88: 🇸🇰🇪🇺Ha fallecido el Eurodiputado Miroslav Číž a los 68 años. Fundador de SMER fue, previamente, diputado nacional de 2002 a 2019 - 2 years ago

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