Milutin Knežević

Serbian Orthodox prelate
Died on Thursday April 2nd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Milutin Knežević:

@MattsVa: RT @_Juicygossips: A 71-year-old prominent bishop in the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), Milutin Knezevic has died from coronavirus less tha… - 5 years ago

@desundial: Bishop Milutin Knezevic, 71, Serbia, 3/30/20 Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Died less than a week after hos… - 5 years ago

@kelliraemills: #RIP Bishop Milutin Knezevic 🙏 - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Milutin Knežević - 5 years ago


@cooljeanius: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Milutin Knezevic, a prominent bishop in the Serbian Orthodox Church, has passed away at the age of 71 due to #coronavir… - 5 years ago

@PetloverHermine: MILUTIN KNEZEVIC, Serbian Orthodox prelate, Bishop of Valjevo (1949 to 2020) CAUSE OF DEATH: COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@_Juicygossips: A 71-year-old prominent bishop in the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), Milutin Knezevic has died from coronavirus les… - 5 years ago

@covid19rip1: RIP Milutin Knezevic - 5 years ago

@KatarinaRist: RT @NemanjaTecaVa: Zbogom Preosvestenstvo! Pocivaj u miru.Amin! R.I.P. Episkop Valjevski Milutin Knezevic ( 1949-2020 ) - 5 years ago

@BhrAbdi: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Milutin Knezevic, a prominent bishop in the Serbian Orthodox Church, has passed away at the age of 71 due to #coronavir… - 5 years ago

@Ediwey: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Milutin Knezevic, a prominent bishop in the Serbian Orthodox Church, has passed away at the age of 71 due to #coronavir… - 5 years ago

@Ethiopialiveupd: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Milutin Knezevic, a prominent bishop in the Serbian Orthodox Church, has passed away at the age of 71 due to #coronavir… - 5 years ago

@jb_r: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Milutin Knezevic, a prominent bishop in the Serbian Orthodox Church, has passed away at the age of 71 due to #coronavir… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Milutin Knežević @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #MilutinKnežević add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@vecer: (SPREMLJAMO) Za koronavirusno boleznijo 19 je umrl srbski pravoslavni škof Milutin Knežević, vodja škofije Valjevo. - 5 years ago

@pollsstar: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Milutin Knezevic, a prominent bishop in the Serbian Orthodox Church, has passed away at the age of 71 due to #coronavir… - 5 years ago

@Sacerdotus: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Milutin Knezevic, a prominent bishop in the Serbian Orthodox Church, has passed away at the age of 71 due to #coronavir… - 5 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Milutin Knezevic, a prominent bishop in the Serbian Orthodox Church, has passed away at the age of 71 due to… - 5 years ago

@izborisrbija_rs: Preminuo episkop valjevski Milutin koji je bio zaražen koronavirusom - - 5 years ago


@NemanjaTecaVa: Zbogom Preosvestenstvo! Pocivaj u miru.Amin! R.I.P. Episkop Valjevski Milutin Knezevic ( 1949-2020 ) - 5 years ago

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