Milton Viorst

American journalist (The New Yorker).
Died on Thursday December 15th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Milton Viorst:

@les_meowsrebles: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@transhellterror: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@klhoughton: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@aselrod: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago


@kyayigirl: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@HilarieAshton: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@morde18sasson: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@OzzieAraujo: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@DrRubidium: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@Duke_44_: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@mini_mia: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@NetNezva: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@WordsOnIce: RT @Billydub420: 2. Edward Said, a thoroughgoing secularist, was born into a Christian Palestinian family. - 2 years ago

@WordsOnIce: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@wagatwe: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@GaryDaleCearley: Milton Viorst, Writer Who Chronicled the Middle East, Dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Milton Viorst, a writer who chronicled the Middle East, has died at 92. - 2 years ago

@ZivGuy: RT @nytimesworld: For decades, Milton Viorst synthesized shoe-leather reporting with scholarly insights into the Middle East. He has died a… - 2 years ago

@dkrucoff: Long time Cleveland Park resident Milton Viorst was a good man even when we discussed the "trajectory rule" at Sund… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: For decades, Milton Viorst synthesized shoe-leather reporting with scholarly insights into the Middle East. He has… - 2 years ago

@NonFiction1975: RT @nytimesbooks: Milton Viorst, writer who chronicled the Middle East, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@naderalihashemi: "In a debate in The Nation magazine in 1999, Professor Said accused Mr. Viorst of 'Orientalist ignorance' and “raci… - 2 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Journalist Milton Viorst; singer Lalo Rodriguez; music critic and composer Bayan Northcott; dru… - 2 years ago

@JoeFilippone: - 2 years ago

@waseemdawn: RT @nytimesbooks: Milton Viorst, writer who chronicled the Middle East, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@nytimesbooks: Milton Viorst, writer who chronicled the Middle East, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@mustafakamilm: RT @karamnama2: رحيل الكاتب ميلتون فيورست الذي مزج #الصحافة بالتاريخ وطالما أنذر من العواقب الفوضوية للغزو الأمريكي لـ #العراق وحذر من أن ا… - 2 years ago

@nytimesbooks: For decades, Milton Viorst synthesized shoe-leather reporting with scholarly insights into the Middle East. He has… - 2 years ago

@karamnama2: رحيل الكاتب ميلتون فيورست الذي مزج #الصحافة بالتاريخ وطالما أنذر من العواقب الفوضوية للغزو الأمريكي لـ #العراق وحذر… - 2 years ago

@_AllTheNews_: Milton Viorst, Writer Who Chronicled the Middle East, Dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@abu_dajjaj: I'm still giggling over the unknown Milton Viorst, the forgettable Milton, scholar of the Middle East, versus Judit… - 2 years ago

@logmein22: RT @samhaselby: Some NYT editors still can't tell the difference between Arab and Muslim. Hey @nytimes, Edward Said was not a Muslim and I… - 2 years ago

@Fausto_Enrique: Milton Viorst, Writer Who Chronicled the Middle East, Dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@Medienstuebchen: Top story: Milton Viorst, Writer Who Chronicled the Middle East, Dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@JiggaMuffinz: RT @asadabukhalil: Did you know that Edward Said was a Muslim? "Mr. Viorst was also the victim of criticism from Muslim scholars like Edwa… - 2 years ago

@Varun8Vijay: RT @PostWorld: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@verania0610: RT @itgossippol: #GossipBooks El Mundial de Fútbol está por concluir.Qatar, al ser un país con costumbres islámicas muy arraigadas, enfrent… - 2 years ago

@revistaabogacia: RT @itgossippol: #GossipBooks El Mundial de Fútbol está por concluir.Qatar, al ser un país con costumbres islámicas muy arraigadas, enfrent… - 2 years ago

@itgossippol: #GossipBooks El Mundial de Fútbol está por concluir.Qatar, al ser un país con costumbres islámicas muy arraigadas,… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Washington Post Obituaries - Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92… - 2 years ago

@CNKDSSRS4: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@rereadsclosely: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@TeviTroy: “The conservative Jewish-focused magazine @Commentary dismissed #MiltonViorst’s book ‘Sands of Sorrow’ as a ‘fairy… - 2 years ago

@Someordinary_: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@Sabari15061985: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@hatzbymm: RT @QuibellPaul: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@quibell_paul: RT @QuibellPaul: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@QuibellPaul: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@adkbirdseyemaps: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Milton Viorst is no longer with us - #MiltonViorst #Milton #Viorst #rip - 2 years ago

@WholeStory_news: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@holland_j0hn: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@DeborahYearyDDD: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@mureedhammad: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@bernsteinobits: RT @postobits: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

@PKelpe: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@augustoscardoso: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@Becka73266384: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@bigtoes44: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@MartinezFG: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@MitchHorowitz: "His multiple styles expanded his influence and audience but could also blur perceptions of whether Mr. Viorst was… - 2 years ago

@filafresh: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@thack86: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@GamalJones5: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@WilliamLombard9: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@ArialPatrice: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@amor_vuelveTX: RT @washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including asse… - 2 years ago

@washingtonpost: Milton Viorst, a journalist who explored subjects from the 1960s rights struggles to Middle East strife, including… - 2 years ago

@DianeGhedi: RT @jilevin: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 via washingtonpost - 2 years ago

@chaytimenews: Milton Viorst, writer who explored Mideast affairs, dies at 92 - 2 years ago

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