
British Thoroughbred racehorse.
Died on Friday December 23rd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Milan:

@starrysannie: @hello333myjoy me milan nikkin and sav simultaneously screaming in the car the second we first saw u say this. take me back pls - 2 years ago

@Goku_Slayers: RT @Romino_7: @RetroShirtsFC @classicshirts @WinksFootball @stoppagetimewin @Craig_18_G @TalkingKit @aleksandarjason @BirdyShirts @KitNerdU… - 2 years ago

@babyjayprim: RT @lihanvillegas: It was nice to see Jaehyun in Milan 💓 - 2 years ago

@kozet_milan: @Roya_parvaz0 الان دقیقا این جمله رو لازم داشتم - 2 years ago


@futt_nesta: - City est à 7 pts d’Arsenal - on a toujours pas d’ailier qui percute - Milan à 8 pts du napoli - on a toujours pa… - 2 years ago

@Sollynatey: RT @Mujeeb_Ayo: Beckham travelled too tho: Madrid, Paris, Milan and LA - 2 years ago

@MichelleChaseB: Es MILAN 💕 - 2 years ago

@wee_robo: @FootballManager World cup win with Italy or UCL winner with Milan. - 2 years ago

@AC___Milan: RT @marutvanian: Candlelight vigil is planned this evening in Stepanakert. This is how we will celebrate the new year in #Karabakh/#Artsakh… - 2 years ago

@castaneda_yana: RT @MarinTurrero: Milán. #leoescuchate #infNav #infrec #HearYourselfBook #infhear - 2 years ago

@BethTsyolis: RT @amparocastro61: después de eso, la gente comienza a olvidar lentamente lo que son y lo que fueron. Y el mundo que te rodea se olvida aú… - 2 years ago

@EbruKaragz: Milan yeni yıla ishal olarak girdi umarım bütün bir yıl b.k temzlemem 🤦🏽‍♀️ - 2 years ago

@AC___Milan: @xorotiik Շնորհավոր նոր տարիդ, թող 2023 լինի առողջ, խաղաղ, հաջողակ տարի քո ու ընտանիքիդ համար 😘🎆 - 2 years ago

@banucni: Label 大みそか Zelensky #LIVLEI Fabinho Viren Nunez RESUMEN SEXUAL 2022 Fabrizio Saudi Barca Vardy Ruggero Deodato… - 2 years ago

@defer_taxes: Airlines have made it harder for travelers to maintain or improve their elite status with quick trips late in the y… - 2 years ago

@Chelomaya: @AdictosMx Lejos la final del Mundial, aunque la Champions del Madrid ahí queda para la historia como la más increí… - 2 years ago

@serwaah_koto: milan will help luisa #chosengranddaughter - 2 years ago

@acilkripto: AC Milan Taraftar Tokeni (ACM), #ACM #ACMUSDT #kripto - 2 years ago

@cryptoalerted: AC Milan Fan Token (ACM) went up 8.9 percent in the last 1 minutes on - 2 years ago

@ArrobaMilanista: RT @ACMilanGoleador: Ibrahimovic en declaraciones previas 🗣️: El traspaso de Ronaldo a la Juventus no es un reto nuevo. Pasar a un club que… - 2 years ago

@LindaVa88573153: Milan, for me, is a city of di. - 2 years ago

@NarnianaCooper: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@Ju4ndi: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@Niemich: @LuisCifuentesE Pues sí, de algún modo sí, pero igual hay muchas ciudades en las que el centro no es lo principal (… - 2 years ago

@wasjuve: RT @CalcioFinanza: #Juventus, l'azionista Moggi applaudito in assemblea: «Non abbiamo mai rubato a nessuno, forse han rubato a noi». Parole… - 2 years ago

@SrCarcan: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@simohettR6: @bannedflavie Milan? - 2 years ago

@sbbhdelight: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@kartaktak: RT @Luca_ST8: Ouais mais Milan est champion d’Italie - 2 years ago

@heybabeits: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@mathisbrt95: RT @_BeFootball: La réaction de ce père de famille quand il reçoit un maillot du Milan floqué Giroud 🥹❤️ - 2 years ago

@all4noting: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@KopKadet: @flodthekid okay no cheating. milan inter milan lazio napoli juventus roma bologna (idk there name but they have a… - 2 years ago

@milan_sorayy: @Iyangaprill darwin nunez - 2 years ago

@KOstriches: @AdamovicMilos @radanovic_milan I moje je misljenje da trebas u Priatinu da ides, koj ces nam kurac ovde! - 2 years ago

@joelfer9: RT @DiegoArcos14: Inter de Milan…2006 o 2007…vaya equipo!!!….muchos de esos jugadores hicieron carreras de más de 8 años con el club https:… - 2 years ago

@flavinhosexual: @bestmezzala Gerçekler Enzo-City Ferdi-Milan Bellingham-Real Madrid - 2 years ago

@RoRenggo: RT @IFTVofficial: 2011/12 Kevin-Prince Boateng on AC Milan was *different* 🔴⚫️ - 2 years ago

@anitswe: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@inordinattum: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@milan_italy1899: @Moeno_Shiraki もえのちゃんおはよう😙 - 2 years ago

@gz_milan: RT @heyhoneyrae: Healthy friendships and relationships in 2023 🦋 - 2 years ago

@Oscar40816104: RT @MilanTMN: Aumentan las chances de que Milan pueda renovar a Rafael Leao. El extremo portugués está considerando aceptar la oferta de 6.… - 2 years ago

@Liverpotlian: RT @JacobsBen: Jorge Mendes is taking a pretty similar approach to Ronaldo by pitching Felix to several clubs. Premier League is thought to… - 2 years ago

@milan_roses: @fentytesfayer 8 - 2 years ago

@tell_fella: RT @Emanuel38133305: - 2 years ago

@PINTORAMIREZ: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@massitherock: RT @lucabianchin7: Possibile svolta per il rinnovo di Rafa #Leao col #Milan. Leao sta valutando, più che in passato, di accettare un adegua… - 2 years ago

@BianchiniBrenda: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@CShahbanu: RT @NUFDIran: The #Iranian diaspora’s passion & ingenuity in helping the 2022 #Iranian revolution at display in Milan, #Italy. #IranRevolu… - 2 years ago

@abriiil57: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@stephanssmile: RT @britneyacm: Io e ragazze del Milan Twitter quando Tomori posta su Insta - 2 years ago

@2LeebReetee: RT @NUFDIran: The #Iranian diaspora’s passion & ingenuity in helping the 2022 #Iranian revolution at display in Milan, #Italy. #IranRevolu… - 2 years ago

@DaveGinnole: RT @ArenaRosario: CHICCA CALCIOPOLI Quando Moggi con Bergamo sceglieva gli arbitri di Inter-Milan-Roma sulle sim Svizzere. "Le sim erano… - 2 years ago

@Pablo7_Milan: @Pelloque Amore se refiere a que cuando se suele hablar de TDAH se suele decir que aparece en hombres y que con la… - 2 years ago

@bot106: Used to have it every Saturday in Milan served by the person who invented it, also there were free quail eggs on th… - 2 years ago

@badasschic94: RT @HISH0LINESS: ᅠ ᅠ ⠀⠀⠀ SNS UPDATE ⠀⠀⠀ —————— DANTE ❛ KAI ❜ —— has posted. ⠀⠀⠀ ◷ 1O:29 AM┊dec ╱ 27 ╱ 22 ⠀⠀⠀ ⌕ Milan - 2 years ago

@tearwhispers: Wait I counted wrong... It's 23! Also I want to go to Rome, Milan and Dublin so badly!!! - 2 years ago

@ThembekaPrecio8: @king__milan @unusualphyna 🤣🤣 - 2 years ago

@NMpodol: RT @_BeFootball: La réaction de ce père de famille quand il reçoit un maillot du Milan floqué Giroud 🥹❤️ - 2 years ago

@barcelonistofc: Filippo Inzaghi. Grande artilheiro do Milan. - 2 years ago

@claq1z: @milan_ftn @ZaRRoX_Xx non un hl et une video comment faire sa dropmap arrive ! - 2 years ago

@CarmeloArias_: RT @eltecatito_: 🚨#Milan, continuano i contatti con gli agenti di #Okafor 🇨🇭 per l’estate. L’area tecnica del club 🔴⚫️ è rimasta stregata d… - 2 years ago

@TiKa1899: @nocontextfm1 Kai Havertz. After my AC Milan club was taken over, the new owner forced Rashford and Havertz as marq… - 2 years ago

@DianaSt14401602: Random lucky tag @kryster13 @Makemon96156073 @Lorena62109841 @LolaTaky @narrow_ariel @Kaushik42246428… - 2 years ago

@FarisFromDaHood: Milan Tegeltija became a new Bosnian-Herzegovinian Minister of Safety. Safety from what? I hope he succeeds at keep… - 2 years ago

@landon_milan: My Twitter is acting up honestly - 2 years ago

@HugCharbonneau: @MarjolaineKoch @NassiraELM Chambéry et milan. En tout 7h30 de voyage. - 2 years ago

@mamarrucho10: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@ArobaseLeao17: @fabiiio2002 What are ur favorite teams from : 🇪🇸 No one 🇮🇹 Milan 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Arsenal 🇫🇷 Olympique de Marseille 🇩🇪 Dortmund - 2 years ago

@mmvillasmill: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@ambarg06: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@04Haks: RT @Footballogue: Ce fan franco-italien de l’AC Milan reçoit le maillot de Giroud pour noël de la part de ses enfants 🥰 🇮🇹 (TikTok : chia… - 2 years ago

@jamainegames: @prest4n I got scamm from a guy name Milan Lepinja u should ban him - 2 years ago

@rodrimod: @pacomarhuenda Vd. Sabe que han ido los ministros y los familiares. Eme punto Rajoy iba a Milán , Paris… porque le… - 2 years ago

@jdsffi1209: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@4570478aa419443: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@TecaTV_: RT @eltecatito_: 🚨#Milan, continuano i contatti con gli agenti di #Okafor 🇨🇭 per l’estate. L’area tecnica del club 🔴⚫️ è rimasta stregata d… - 2 years ago

@janet_hornby5: RT @davidkurten: WEF now promoting '15-minute cities' globally. Propaganda video features Paris, Milan, Melbourne, which are all in the 'C… - 2 years ago

@Entretenia: RT @LaGranMamacumba: 🎭 ¡HOY ÚLTIMA FUNCIÓN! El Brujo Tito (@PedroKominik) y Tizoc (#PabloRodriguez) te esperan en #MujeresConPantalones… - 2 years ago

@MikeLab02: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@UhLokii: @cfcmmb @siphillipssport He walked around half of Milan with a fucked up ACL - 2 years ago

@landon_milan: @concreterose009 The truth 😂😂😂 - 2 years ago

@TioJiggly: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@MtnAR47: @Inter Why do they treat you like you're pathetic? Why don't they list you on Binance exchange? Are Juv , Milan , R… - 2 years ago

@jogador_chave99: RT @Iconic_Mourinho: José Mourinho speaking about the time he had to leave Inter Milan aftet winning the treble because of his own higher a… - 2 years ago

@rosana_milan: - 2 years ago

@Grgastariji: @milan_ser *Курварице 🫢 - 2 years ago

@rosana_milan: - 2 years ago

@SmithGenji: @NHLFlames @original16beer #flames1stgoal milan lucic - 2 years ago

@KudIam: RT @_BeFootball: La réaction de ce père de famille quand il reçoit un maillot du Milan floqué Giroud 🥹❤️ - 2 years ago

@MrAndres_22: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@abdiel17o: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@Jeraldinee_: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@bet00salas: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@steve_reed2021: RT @DaveAtherton20: Paris Mayor @Anne_Hidalgo is to introduce the @wef's "15 minute city" where you can walk or cycle for most of your need… - 2 years ago

@Aliosma49695092: @kalbi__duaam__ Daha ziyade iki sevgilinin buluşması gibi acaba gecenin ilerleyen saatlerinde falan filan inter milan. - 2 years ago

@Katibel1919: RT @brunooo0ooo: Encontré esta foto y como olvidar cuando cumplí 6, en esa época me gustaba que jode el Inter de Milán y mis papás se confu… - 2 years ago

@FashionTweets7: Family Behind Italian Fashion House Turns Milan Seminary into Luxury Hotel - The Wall Street Journal - 2 years ago

@Allium_spl: @Goli_Nama_Milan どういう予測変換してるんだよ - 2 years ago

@Momo3869: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@hakanpara: “Korkunun kaynağı gelecekte yatar. Kim gelecekten kurtulmuşsa, korkacak hiçbir şeyi yoktur.” Milan Kundera İyi… - 2 years ago

@commandante13: RT @OM_LeReseau: 🔥Le Vélodrome, 2ème meilleure ambiance au Monde ! 🔹L'OM se classe juste derrière le club Marocain du Wydad Casablanca et d… - 2 years ago

@qaswerty1234: @Traglius @juventinazo1897 @SkySport Quelli sono accordi con l'UEFA per l'accesso alle sue competizioni internazion… - 2 years ago

@squaglianzogna: Se volete Zaniolo al Milan bloccatemi diocaro - 2 years ago

@Giacomobacci2: RT @filoni_diletta: Il #Milan e l'agente di #Giroud si incontreranno per l'inizio di gennaio per parlare del rinnovo. L'idea è di arrivare… - 2 years ago

@Mariano_649: RT @ACMilanGoleador: 🎙 Fábio Capello: "Si pudiera darle (a Leão) un consejo, le diría que se quede. Si se ha convertido en el jugador que e… - 2 years ago

@ScriptCards: Goldblum, Machine Gun Kelly rock Milan - 2 years ago

@DarylDoc22: Goldblum, Machine Gun Kelly rock Milan - 2 years ago

@carih799: A todos se les debería recetar verse un LIVE de Ana Milán como terapia. Como mínimo. - 2 years ago

@ownbusinesses: Goldblum, Machine Gun Kelly rock Milan - 2 years ago

@olanrewajuadig7: RT @Blue_Footy: According to Inter Live, Chelsea are interested in AC Milan's left-back Theo Hernandez. {Sport Witness} - 2 years ago

@LtColFranklin: Goldblum, Machine Gun Kelly rock Milan - 2 years ago

@mathzxx17: RT @Milandepreof: Um aos 41 está no Milan, o outro aos 37 está indo pro Al Nassr. Não é opinião, são fatos! - 2 years ago

@leima92: RT @yunotized: the release of dear.m, milan fashion week, cover of elle august issue, and forever only. thank you 2022 🫶🏼 - 2 years ago

@Gianotti33: Queria o Zaniolo do Milan - 2 years ago

@Altkocoach: RT @davidkurten: WEF now promoting '15-minute cities' globally. Propaganda video features Paris, Milan, Melbourne, which are all in the 'C… - 2 years ago

@Diemi18808701: RT @stats_feed: World’s 10 most beautiful cities (beauty score): 🇮🇹 Venice: 83.3% 🇮🇹 Rome: 82.0% 🇪🇸 Barcelona: 81.9% 🇨🇿 Prague: 78.7% 🇺🇸 N… - 2 years ago

@DimebagVive: @Chiariello_CS Giretete a più 2 sul Milan e più 4 sulla Juventus, ergo, chiuderete terzi, che per voi è ottimo. - 2 years ago

@_Milan_25: @0110WATAAA 魔物おおおおあい - 2 years ago

@PD_Coa: @_Milan_25 はやくペア画届かないかうずうずしてます - 2 years ago

@TheAtomicCat: RT @IuliiaMendel: Putin-glorifying ballet dancer is going to perform in Milan, Jan 29,2023. Dear Italians, do you really think about esthet… - 2 years ago

@WilliamLewis07: RT @RubiRose: I should do Paris or Milan for New Years ? - 2 years ago

@MukulDe20911957: RT @stats_feed: World’s 10 most beautiful cities (beauty score): 🇮🇹 Venice: 83.3% 🇮🇹 Rome: 82.0% 🇪🇸 Barcelona: 81.9% 🇨🇿 Prague: 78.7% 🇺🇸 N… - 2 years ago

@jddjxufjr: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@Saad_HKZ: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@NathanDeneuvil1: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@jasjidelhi: @sahhalrauf Husn Wale Teri Duniya Mein Koyi Aaya Hain Tere Didar Ki Hasrat Bhi Koyi Laya Hain Do Sitaron Ka Zameen… - 2 years ago

@Antsan96: RT @pisto_gol: Nella classifica attuale dell’Uefa Ranking Club la prima italiana è il #Napoli, 3^ dopo #Bayern 1^ #Liverpool 2^ 13^ #Milan - 2 years ago

@ghettofreedom: @MilanPosts I condemned the first day I red it that Milan want to sign Origi, because he lack playing time during his time in Liverpool.. - 2 years ago

@Svvl_Nwr_: RT @_BeFootball: La réaction de ce père de famille quand il reçoit un maillot du Milan floqué Giroud 🥹❤️ - 2 years ago

@PSGRelay: RT @Ekremkonur: 🚨 PSG wants to utilize the delay in Milan Skriniar’s contract extension in Italy, and are looking to raise their offer for… - 2 years ago

@sportli26181512: Il Giornale sul mercato del Milan: "Non solo Sportiello. C’è pure Cragno": Il Giornale in edicola stamattina titola… - 2 years ago

@flamengooool81: RT @centraldanacao: O Flamengo vendeu o Léo Duarte ( zagueiro ) para o Milan em 2019 por 10.6 milhões de euros Os caras estão se desfazend… - 2 years ago

@Khaddaryassine1: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@olamide_black: RT @skworldfootball: Manchester United will welcome Nottingham Forest to Old Trafford on Tuesday (December 27) for their first game after t… - 2 years ago

@_Milan_25: @PD_Coa に - 2 years ago

@Madi_Ilyes03: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@ShangoFoot: FOOT MERCATO 🔵 PSG : l’Inter cherche un remplaçant à Milan Skriniar ! - 2 years ago

@leocoslovich: RT @CalcioFinanza: #Juventus, l'azionista Moggi applaudito in assemblea: «Non abbiamo mai rubato a nessuno, forse han rubato a noi». Parole… - 2 years ago

@Scaroz_: RT @Footballogue: Ce fan franco-italien de l’AC Milan reçoit le maillot de Giroud pour noël de la part de ses enfants 🥰 🇮🇹 (TikTok : chia… - 2 years ago

@ACMilanNewsOnly: Tuttosport: Milan plot extension of Giroud’s deal and are willing to offer a pay rise #ACMilan #Milan #Rossoneri - 2 years ago

@94Luca994: @Troves_3 @NandoPiscopo1 @DanielsH796 Migliore Ad della storia del Milan mi sono strozzato con un oliva 😂 - 2 years ago

@BennaoumS: RT @_BeFootball: La réaction de ce père de famille quand il reçoit un maillot du Milan floqué Giroud 🥹❤️ - 2 years ago

@MilanPress_it: #Zaniolo resta sempre un'idea 🔴⚫️👇 - 2 years ago

@e103bulb: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@guiltyplsteum: RT @stats_feed: World’s 10 most beautiful cities (beauty score): 🇮🇹 Venice: 83.3% 🇮🇹 Rome: 82.0% 🇪🇸 Barcelona: 81.9% 🇨🇿 Prague: 78.7% 🇺🇸 N… - 2 years ago

@MercatoFoot: [MadeInFoot] Mercato PSG : L'Inter Milan pense déjà à l'après Milan Skriniar - 2 years ago

@TDesambrois: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@IlVecchioMilan1: Minkia se ne spara di cazzate @tuttosport ‼️ Secondo loro dobbiamo credere che sappiano persino di patti segreti ne… - 2 years ago

@theMilanZone_: 🤕 Dal 1 luglio il #Milan ha registrato più di 700 giorni di infortuni. via @Gazzetta_it - 2 years ago

@Monsieur14_: RT @Footballogue: Ce fan franco-italien de l’AC Milan reçoit le maillot de Giroud pour noël de la part de ses enfants 🥰 🇮🇹 (TikTok : chia… - 2 years ago

@psgbot__: O nosso técnico Christophe Galtier revelou hoje na coletiva os jogadores que estão sendo sondados pelo Psg. São el… - 2 years ago

@zizouu69: RT @_BeFootball: La réaction de ce père de famille quand il reçoit un maillot du Milan floqué Giroud 🥹❤️ - 2 years ago

@Milan_Revels: RT @nikbonaddio: @michaelmiraflor @HUNNUSSS @Delta this is stunningly callous, the issue is that the decision to cancel was obvious much ea… - 2 years ago

@Shin_CRZ_MILAN: RT @crz_official: \レオ セアラ選手 完全移籍加入/ 🗣「来年また新たな挑戦をしてセレッソ大阪ファミリーみんなでベストを尽くして目標を果たしたいです。早くみなさんに会えることを楽しみにしています🌸🌸🌸」 #レオセアラ 選手、ようこそ #セレッソ大阪 へ👏👏… - 2 years ago

@Milanista__1989: RT @MilanPosts: 📰 #Gazzetta: #Maignan will undergo a check-up after the Epiphany and Milan's only hope at the moment is to have him in Riya… - 2 years ago

@f86d_: RT @EMASOH_AGENOR: Milan meets Manama! 🇮🇹🌊👋🏻🇧🇭 The activities at sea of the ITS Thaon di Revel 🇮🇹 continue with sailing close to Bahrain an… - 2 years ago

@januszch1691: RT @PAPinformacje: Generał Milan Mojsilovic, dowódca armii serbskiej, poinformował, że został wysłany przez prezydenta Serbii Aleksandara V… - 2 years ago

@Rowiretno: RT @BundaMilna: Main kuis berhadiah lagi yuk, Bun! Kali ini Milan mau uji pengetahuan Ibu tentang keunggulan Milna Nature Puffs Organic var… - 2 years ago

@Steopetix: @MarioVerardi1 @CampiMinati La filosofia sbagliata di volere una squadra pronta a vincere subito con giocatori espe… - 2 years ago

@Milan_Rion: @FactoryLuna ソウルメイル - 2 years ago

@Max75190046: RT @Max75190046: Safe and secured deals available got weed SHROOMS DMT MD Val's Xanax meth COKE ETC WICkr ID:frank240q #geneva #zurich #be… - 2 years ago

@KarthiM17834856: RT @LycaProductions: #Thunivu 😎 #ThunivuPongal 💥 #NoGutsNoGlory 💪🏻✨ #ThunivuWithLycaProductions 🤗 #Milan @editorvijay @SupremeSundar_ @kay… - 2 years ago

@DANIELMCAVOY9: RT @MickGreenhough: WEF now promoting '15-minute cities' globally. Propaganda video features Paris, Milan, Melbourne, which are all in the… - 2 years ago

@Lifesuchmystery: RT @stats_feed: World’s 10 most beautiful cities (beauty score): 🇮🇹 Venice: 83.3% 🇮🇹 Rome: 82.0% 🇪🇸 Barcelona: 81.9% 🇨🇿 Prague: 78.7% 🇺🇸 N… - 2 years ago

@AniMo_The_Great: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@Barbara31056548: RT @EMASOH_AGENOR: Milan meets Manama! 🇮🇹🌊👋🏻🇧🇭 The activities at sea of the ITS Thaon di Revel 🇮🇹 continue with sailing close to Bahrain an… - 2 years ago

@mabo_aki_aska: @milan_milan1213 ラムネならいつでも買えるんだけどね🤣 そうそう共感したいの 食べたものの味とか…場所とか - 2 years ago

@RobertoVieira10: RT @Camisa7Glorioso: @AlePraetzel 🇳🇱 Clarence Seedorf, o único jogador campeão da UEFA Champions League por 3 clubes diferentes: Ajax, Real… - 2 years ago

@NandoPiscopo1: @DanielsH796 Quindi il Milan grandissimo visto che ha vinto uno scudetto con il Galliani di Harvard licenziato ⛏️⛏️⛏️ - 2 years ago

@Rossonero__1899: RT @filoni_diletta: Il #Milan, dal primo luglio, ha collezionato oltre 700 giorni di assenza. Quasi 180 sono di #Ibrahimovic, che non è mai… - 2 years ago

@be2njamiin08: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@Serantek_97: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@DabWhoreJunior: RT @MickGreenhough: WEF now promoting '15-minute cities' globally. Propaganda video features Paris, Milan, Melbourne, which are all in the… - 2 years ago

@Mimicheselma: RT @_BeFootball: Top 10 des ambiances au monde en 2022 selon le site spécialisé Ultras World 🌋👇 🇲🇦 Wydad Casablanca 🇫🇷 OM 🇲🇦 Olympic Safi… - 2 years ago

@_Gorkhe: @fabiiio2002 Real Madrid Inter Milan Arsenal Lyon Bayern - 2 years ago

@MilanPress_it: #Benitez sul #Milan 🎙️ - 2 years ago

@MilanWorldForum: Milan: i rinnovi di Bennacer e di Giroud. Le news QUI -) #Milan #Bennacer #Giroud - 2 years ago

@Stephenhawort20: @Vikas_FCB Solo hay que ver el penalti que pitan a favor del Milán en la vuelta. Que un cule hable de los árbitros… - 2 years ago

@milan_roses: @DAZZL1NGLIGHT Goodnight! - 2 years ago

@MilanWorldForum: Milan: i prezzi di Sportiello e Vicario. E la situazione Le news -) #Milan #Acmilan #Calciomercato - 2 years ago

@amitiszohre: @kozet_milan @zedeey نه عزیزم تو دادگاهای جمهوری اسلامی این خبرا هم نیست یا با اینایی یا پات به دادگاه نرسیده زنه چ… - 2 years ago

@AmadouBah7: RT @Arquine: #LoMejordelAño en - 2 years ago

@milan_nikokuma: @Mon_belgiumLove Monさんも行かれていたんですね😃 明太子と高菜をお替りし、ご飯を三杯食べましたよ(笑) 食べ過ぎです😱 今宵は10キロランニングします - 2 years ago

@MilanWorldForum: Bennacer: c'è fiducia. Ecco le richieste. Le news -) #Milan #Bennacer #Calciomercato - 2 years ago

@DiegoRivetti: @GRealta Jon Dahl Tomasson Milan Ajax 3-2 Aprile 03 - 2 years ago

@calciomercatoit: 🔴⚫️ #Milan, Brahim #Diaz può tornare al #RealMadrid: l'alternativa per il futuro è #Szoboszlai #calciomercato - 2 years ago

@TulipNep: @mymilanshrestha @Ozone27773477 @yedajuu Bolna Kati aauni ho k MILAN lai - 2 years ago

@BoxyBate: @piqueunitedszn @Chinex_Jennie @lambertsmarc Exactly this. Do Roma have to compete with teams on a par with Chelsea… - 2 years ago

@Fantasy_MILAN: RT @Abdulaziz_Hmadi: أستغرب أن فيه البعض يستخدم الكمبيوتر لتصفح الإنترنت وما عنده هذه الإضافتين بمتصفح كروم! أكثر من 9 أعوام ما أذكر أني شا… - 2 years ago

@EdurossiEr: LA NACION: Francesco Camarda, el chico de 14 años que juega en Milan y tiene un récord increíble: hizo 485 goles en… - 2 years ago

@joemiccione: @stats_feed How the fuck is calculated the beauty score? Milan doesn’t make it in the Italian top-10, let alone in the world’s one - 2 years ago

@MilanWorldForum: Milan: CDK il più atteso. Saele, Calabria e co... Le news -) #Milan #Acmilan #Deketelaere #Calcio - 2 years ago

@klever727: RT @talkSPORT: "I like Arsenal" AC Milan's Rafael Leao reveals his admiration for the Gunners #AFC - 2 years ago

@drizzyjekky: RT @FabrizioRomano: Rafa Leão: “Experience in new league? Yes, in the future… but now I’m 100% focused on AC Milan — it’s a top club and I’… - 2 years ago

@DanRevived: RT @theMadridZone: 🚨| Milan does NOT have a buy option for Brahim Diaz, contrary to the reports. @diarioas #rmalive - 2 years ago

@Surendr88147847: RT @stats_feed: World’s 10 most beautiful cities (beauty score): 🇮🇹 Venice: 83.3% 🇮🇹 Rome: 82.0% 🇪🇸 Barcelona: 81.9% 🇨🇿 Prague: 78.7% 🇺🇸 N… - 2 years ago

@Ja_Milan_: Adidas Free Metaverse Hoodies 😺 @faridhosseini74 @BroNYC212 @ukumarkhanna @ElCrypto246 @iarAbhijeet… - 2 years ago

@evematringe: RT @Cthulhu4Prez: Allô @LegionEtrangere ? On reconnaît l’insigne du 2e REI et un brevet Milan, l’enquête de commandement va prendre 1h. - 2 years ago

@Lucavad72: RT @pisto_gol: Nella classifica attuale dell’Uefa Ranking Club la prima italiana è il #Napoli, 3^ dopo #Bayern 1^ #Liverpool 2^ 13^ #Milan - 2 years ago

@mahssa18: @kozet_milan @zedeey وقتی باباههه هیچی نداره چجوری مهریه بده بعدش هم نفقه فک کردی چقدره که باهاش زندگی کنن یه سر به… - 2 years ago

@Al_Milan: 🚨Gazzetta | ميلان يريد رفع جودة الناحية الهجومية ويستهدف التعاقد مع نيكولو زانيولو .. - 2 years ago

@NoorB022: RT @Kgpamela56Rk: Yeh Milan hai sanam ka sanam se COLORSTV GIVE PRIYANKIT - 2 years ago

@IanMowat10: RT @RadioGenova: Thousands of people in Milan today who are unable to make ends meet in a silent queue at the soup kitchen. There are many… - 2 years ago

@Slartibart1fast: RT @K_U_P_E_K: Ovo je sve gore i gore. Dok Kurti najavljuje uklanjanje, na silu razume se, ovi postavljaju nove. Kao da jedva čekaju da nek… - 2 years ago

@landon_milan: @Laxix6 @Nagatto___ Lmaoooo - 2 years ago

@neweralight: RT @RadioGenova: Thousands of people in Milan today who are unable to make ends meet in a silent queue at the soup kitchen. There are many… - 2 years ago

@adharsh_antony: After 4 years later,he came back to Milan.become the leader to take the team back to the ucl after and winning the… - 2 years ago

@Tvzonaplus: Batut: Vоdа u vоdоvоdimа u Pirоtu, Nišu i Bеlој Pаlаnci zdrаvstvеnо isprаvna - Institut… - 2 years ago

@ndugputri: RT @BundaMilna: Jangan lupa ikuti semua syarat dan ketentuannya ya: 1. Follow @BundaMilna. 2. Tulis jawaban yang benar pada kolom reply. 3.… - 2 years ago

@ndugputri: RT @BundaMilna: Main kuis berhadiah lagi yuk, Bun! Kali ini Milan mau uji pengetahuan Ibu tentang keunggulan Milna Nature Puffs Organic var… - 2 years ago

@FHansenzjd: Milan Aluminium Single Hole Sharpeners KX4RBO0 - 2 years ago

@ayni_milan: メシアスの冷蔵庫イジりもうええて - 2 years ago

@MAdeOlavarria: @jtangolaheredia El Emperador Constantino se bautizó cuando se percató de que gran número de sus soldados eran cris… - 2 years ago

@mgtrabucco: RT @RadioGenova: Thousands of people in Milan today who are unable to make ends meet in a silent queue at the soup kitchen. There are many… - 2 years ago

@MarcelloVanic: @ToddTPrice24 @kross700 @laura24fan @chevychevelle48 @JLee418 @jonesbrent570 @43324FAN @DGIveyNASCARFan I live in t… - 2 years ago

@kristiancenti: - 2 years ago

@lulaaleman: RT @stats_feed: World’s 10 most beautiful cities (beauty score): 🇮🇹 Venice: 83.3% 🇮🇹 Rome: 82.0% 🇪🇸 Barcelona: 81.9% 🇨🇿 Prague: 78.7% 🇺🇸 N… - 2 years ago

@cekinggita: Anak Inter ga jago mengkapitalisasi kemenangan. Ini kalau aja kemarin yang juara dunia Perancis, yakin banget ana… - 2 years ago

@AshokDa09601003: RT @BabuDas04320282: #GodMorningMonday Manushya Janm durlabh hai Milan barnbar Jaise taruvar se Patta tut gire bahur na Lagta Dar - 2 years ago

@AkashUshir9: RT @ajaydevgn: This picture was forwarded to me by a fan. This was on the sets of Kachche Dhaage (1999). Also in the pic are Saif, Tinu &… - 2 years ago

@HarpalS89986305: check this out @Tanega_ @alimalik_milan @quskinumba9 @NeilKreyton @jamaallane1 @Guilarte68 @IgorMaksimchuk2… - 2 years ago

@domenicogifuni: RT @pisto_gol: Nella classifica attuale dell’Uefa Ranking Club la prima italiana è il #Napoli, 3^ dopo #Bayern 1^ #Liverpool 2^ 13^ #Milan - 2 years ago

@nao_lindor: RT @OHADSEGEV2: Ronaldo UCL dominance: Ronaldo from 2009/10-2017/18: 105 UCL goals Messi from 2009/10-2017/18: 106 UCL goals and assists Ro… - 2 years ago

@Matt94TOZ: RT @Footballogue: Ce fan franco-italien de l’AC Milan reçoit le maillot de Giroud pour noël de la part de ses enfants 🥰 🇮🇹 (TikTok : chia… - 2 years ago

@ryggeri: @naviddiehl @LeonardJN 🇸🇪 - 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - Nottingham Forest 🇪🇦- Bilbao 🇮🇹 - Ac Milan 🇩🇪 -Bayern Munchen 🇨🇵 - Troyes… - 2 years ago

@LuisGuerraEsca3: RT @mariposatuitera: «(...) El erotismo no es solo un deseo del cuerpo, sino también, en la misma medida, un deseo del honor. La pareja que… - 2 years ago

@josephrahul99: RT @stats_feed: World’s 10 most beautiful cities (beauty score): 🇮🇹 Venice: 83.3% 🇮🇹 Rome: 82.0% 🇪🇸 Barcelona: 81.9% 🇨🇿 Prague: 78.7% 🇺🇸 N… - 2 years ago

@marrpacheco: RT @la_patilla: Cuál es el ave que sostiene Shakira en su primera aparición navideña junto a Sasha y Milan - 2 years ago

@F4lRYSEOKJIN: RT @ghostarchived: Ghost in Milan, Italy, may 2019 © Michele Aldeghi - 2 years ago

@littlevixen__: @milan_baroes Dibandingin sm hamil, melahirkan dan menyusui No uterus No opinion soal itu dong kalo laki 💁🏻‍♀️ Di… - 2 years ago

@RiansyahRamdan4: has delighted the fans of Milan with the signing of Jurriën Timber. #FM23Mobile - 2 years ago

@salvatorenunz19: RT @pisto_gol: Nella classifica attuale dell’Uefa Ranking Club la prima italiana è il #Napoli, 3^ dopo #Bayern 1^ #Liverpool 2^ 13^ #Milan - 2 years ago

@Okay___bye: Aatma se parmatma ka milan hoga ab lagta hai :-(<° °>) - 2 years ago

@PRicky35: @FRishmawy Feisal, en H hay unos eruditos del fútbol que criticaron siempre la llamada de este cipote a la H, dice… - 2 years ago

@Austinjaja4: RT @dammydudu: Andre Onana has retired from International Football. It can be recalled that, the Inter Milan goalkeeper was sent home, aw… - 2 years ago

@Rkberry123: @ChampionsLeague The comeback game between Ac Milan and Liverpool in Istanbul.... That is the game I remembered.. - 2 years ago

@MilanReportscom: Yacine Adli is given a new #ACMilan chance! Now is his time to prove his worth to the club 💪 - 2 years ago

@its_Chizzie254: RT @ShaffieWeru: Meet Francesco Camarda. He's 14-year old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promoted to… - 2 years ago

@lantilautaro: Milan Skriniar nomen omen - 2 years ago

@nradovanovic51: @Milan__Nikolic Vidi zavetnicu kako se diskretno smeje kad ovaj lik kaze da je ovo tezga i da nju samo zanimaju pol… - 2 years ago

@monsieur_kotek: RT @tincazzi: Please sign and spread this petition globally. the administration of the arcinboldi theatre in Milan is disgusting. #Polunin,… - 2 years ago

@IjuswannaRelaks: RT @culturaltutor: But nor are these the only two such ossuaries. There's the San Bernardino alle Ossa in Milan, built in 1712, on an even… - 2 years ago

@ACMatty22: @bergomifabio Giustamente il Milan devi nominarlo sempre, Vai a letto che non dormi dal 22 Maggio va - 2 years ago

@lovlyweatherbot: The weather in Milan, Italy is freezing and a few clouds, for best experience listen to "Levels by Avichi" - 2 years ago

@PresenterBarac1: RT @tv47ke: Cameroon 🇨🇲 and Inter Milan goalkeeper André Onana has retired from the national team. The 26-year-old fell out with manager… - 2 years ago

@boozz10man: RT @fodboldword: Él es Francesco Camarda, tiene 14 años y lleva 485 goles en 89 partidos en las juveniles del AC Milan. 🇮🇹⚽ Dejen acá como… - 2 years ago

@Don_Nerazzurri: RT @SempreIntercom: Ex-Inter Defender Antonio Paganin: “Would Be Sad To See Beppe Marotta Leave, Losing Milan Skriniar For Free Would Be A… - 2 years ago

@Milan_reports: RT @IndiaToday: India fully prepared to deal with coronavirus situation, Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia says, India Today's @Milan_rep… - 2 years ago

@MilanPress_it: Il quinto rossonero della formazione ideale di quest'anno 👇🔴⚫️ #milanpress - 2 years ago

@Milan_reports: RT @IndiaToday: Know about the Indian government`s preparation against Covid Variant BF.7. India Today's @Milan_Reports gets us more detail… - 2 years ago

@BFC_Milan: إِنَّ اللَّهَ وملائكتَه يُصلُّون علَى النَّبِي ياأيُّها الَّذينَ آمنُواصلُّواعليْه وَسَلمُواتسْليمًا ﴾ اللهّم ص… - 2 years ago

@Don_Nerazzurri: RT @ItaFootPod: 🚨 FREE INTERVIEW 🚨 Ep.284 🗣️ January #Transfers @jac_talbot - #EnzoFernandez #RealMadrid 🔥 - #GoncaloRamos #ManUtd 🤔 -… - 2 years ago

@AndreaLazzer: @marifcinter Il Milan ha le risorse, Inter no - 2 years ago

@fenottec: 23 décembre 1977 : A Milan, un grand nombre de militant-e-s autonomes participent à une autoréduction dans des gran… - 2 years ago

@RSharmzz: RT @ItaFootPod: 🚨 FREE INTERVIEW 🚨 Ep.284 🗣️ January #Transfers @jac_talbot - #EnzoFernandez #RealMadrid 🔥 - #GoncaloRamos #ManUtd 🤔 -… - 2 years ago

@ncitystaff: RT @nctjaehyunfess: valentines! kita bakal kenyang konten jaehyun nih: medley christmas carol hari ini, gayo daejejun special stage & konte… - 2 years ago

@AnnaL87: Godetevi ste feste e non cagate il caxxo al Milan. Rilassatevi che non siete dei tuttologi. Se così si vuol dire. - 2 years ago

@milaneziiia92: @CHIFKALONG 1. Rio de Janeiro 2. Milan Kalo Indonesia NTT sih - 2 years ago

@Marco04_08: @GOAT80621018 @22jctraveler @DiegoDeLucaTwit ...Mi sembra che siamo nel 2022...sono passati 24 anni..e in 24 anni d… - 2 years ago

@chiaramilanista: @AloBrasil1974 @Henry_FIM Il derby più incredibile della storia. Un massacro continuo. Un dominio assoluto. Mai vis… - 2 years ago

@DavidDBabic: @Milan__Nikolic Čija tezga? Ako ti i NVO imate pravo da pričate, a imate, ima i ona i svako drugi. - 2 years ago

@itali_milan: @mr_shenko @AbdulazizTF والدون يفضل يجينا ويمثلنا في كاس العالم حرام لاعب زي الدون حنا في العالميه وهو في المجمعه ضد الفيحاء وقتها - 2 years ago

@dannymosima: @Buchi_Victor9 @tactiek88 @FabrizioRomano Some people are senseless… Onana refused to change his traditional style… - 2 years ago

@ghismath75: RT @Omerta_officiel: "Je vais me tuer, arrêtez de nous dépouiller, c'est ma production, ce sont mes vignes !" Le jeune Milan explose : Les… - 2 years ago

@__honoch: @_Milan_25 2月全部お願いします🌷 ねむせぶーん! @NemxHo / NemxHo 欲しいところと荒野名、IDお願いします🌷 - 2 years ago

@OluwatuyiAbiola: RT @Blue_Footy: Kalidou Koulibaly is being considered at Inter Milan as a replacement for Milan Skriniar, who is off contract in June. {La… - 2 years ago

@finidi007: AC Milan 🇮🇹 - 2 years ago

@Waweruhatari: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@KevinGzn: RT @lnstantFoot: Auteur de 485 buts en 89 matchs chez les juniors (🤯🤯), Francesco Camarda (14 ans) a été promu avec la Primavera de Milan (… - 2 years ago

@HermanNnyanzi: RT @BryanAheebwa: That marks the end of Andrey Onana's international career. The Inter Milan goalkeeper has hung up his Cameroon gloves 🧤… - 2 years ago

@Aro_mo: @Milan__Nikolic Ova osoba je blago rečeno da radi negdje u podrumu i da je niko niti čuje niti vidi. - 2 years ago

@antvklikdotcom: Begini Pesan Sandro Tonali Kepada Rafael Leao Terkait Masa Depannya di AC Milan - 2 years ago

@SirDarius7: RT @CitiSportsGHA: Cameroon and Inter Milan goalkeeper, André Onana has retired from international football. #CitiSports - 2 years ago

@argote_natanael: RT @fodboldword: Él es Francesco Camarda, tiene 14 años y lleva 485 goles en 89 partidos en las juveniles del AC Milan. 🇮🇹⚽ Dejen acá como… - 2 years ago

@milan_Splatoon: @medamamamayaki え? - 2 years ago

@milan_nik: @garaevruslan02 Ахахаха)) в 5 метрах от границы получат жёсткую пиздюлину и весь их поход на Луцк этим и закончится))) - 2 years ago

@Sebastianbullo: @bergomifabio Hai fatto un'analisi, giusta o sbagliata ma un tuo pensiero, è quando aggiungi distruggi il Milan che… - 2 years ago

@fakesafaa: Her runway debut was as an exclusive for Prada during Milan Fashion Week in February 2010. - 2 years ago

@Milan_Assaf: @SULTAN6395 @SamSam28020210 @mhmwd19573585 @Observermc2 لا تغلط في والده، يمكن والده رجل متدين او شخص واعي وما بيعر… - 2 years ago

@RahulASRudra: RT @ZeeStudios_: @netflixindia #RomeoPictures @gokulammovies @wcf2021 @mynameisraahul @sureshchandraa @nirav_dop @ghibranofficial @manjuwar… - 2 years ago

@milan_prosper: Prosper Group is the renowned #manufacturer , #exporter & #supplier of industrial machines across the globe. Fully… - 2 years ago

@jari_jussila: RT @Emanuel38133305: Fellas around the world please sign this petition to stop the genocide supporter polunin to perform at the theater in… - 2 years ago

@selimovic_7: Milan AC ?? - 2 years ago

@LiveSwfc: Blimey. #SWFC - 2 years ago

@nctjaehyunfess: valentines! kita bakal kenyang konten jaehyun nih: medley christmas carol hari ini, gayo daejejun special stage & k… - 2 years ago

@Eshinito: @RitcherB @RinconcitoFriki Te dije que Milán no era buen sitio para vivir, hijo. Pero como eres el primogénito no t… - 2 years ago

@ciaranmundy: RT @fietsprofessor: 'Every time we closed a street for traffic, children popped up. Immediately!' #Milan shows us how small investments, c… - 2 years ago

@RahulASRudra: RT @LycaProductions: #Thunivu 😎 #ThunivuPongal 💥 #NoGutsNoGlory 💪🏻✨ #ThunivuWithLycaProductions 🤗 @BayViewProjOffl @mynameisraahul #RomeoP… - 2 years ago

@Milan_Rion: ハハ🤣 す〜んごい楽しそう🤣 - 2 years ago

@_infosevillafc_: Según he leido; era buenisimo en el Metz, lo quisieron equipos como el Milán, pero se lo llevó el Tottemham en Ener… - 2 years ago

@babanavi: #nowplaying 48kHz I BELIEVE [EXTENDED (MILAN MIX)] by 華原朋美 on #onkyo #hfplayer 🌨 - 2 years ago

@rajj_h: Dolce & Gabbana to support Japanese designer Tomo Koizumi with Milan Fashion Week show - 2 years ago

@tera_sato24: @Milan_56N 時差での返事になってしまってすみません💦 ぜひ拡散のお手伝いさせていただきます✨ リスイン失礼します🙌🏻 - 2 years ago

@valleerinna: RT @ijoscripts: —222. Milan capek ga ya - 2 years ago

@canzelee: @GioveAngelo @onestidal_1908 Vanno restituiti alle seconde classificate: 11-12 Milan 12-13 Napoli 13-14 Roma 14-15… - 2 years ago

@ajithkumaruyir: RT @BoneyKapoor: #Thunivu #NoGutsNoGlory #AK61FirstLook #AK61 #Ajithkumar #HVinoth @ZeeStudios_ @BayViewProjOffl @SureshChandraa #Nirav… - 2 years ago

@mlatkorad: @Milan__Nikolic Degenerici ne shvataju da im neće biti dozvoljeno da stavljaju svoje bolesne ruke na našu decu. Kas… - 2 years ago

@24stm_: @Milan_56N うわんみらんに応援されたらめっちゃ頑張れるありがとう😙🤍 - 2 years ago

@IndiaTodayFLASH: RT @IndiaToday: India fully prepared to deal with coronavirus situation, Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia says, India Today's @Milan_rep… - 2 years ago

@Radedrugi: RT @DirektnoRS: - Neko iz tužilaštva pravi opstrukciju, na Milovanovića se vrši ogroman pritisak iz samog tužilaštva. - - 2 years ago

@VELOSPORT1960: Ai rossoneri serv… - 2 years ago

@aobrienfansite: RT @ElhallakZuhair: العملاق @coolmorestud أعلنت اليوم نفوق الفحل Milan ابن Sadler's Wells الأم ابنة Darshaan عن عمر 24 سنة فائز بشوط St… - 2 years ago

@09Nuwanda: @SoyCalcio_ @DiMarzio Que se vaya gratis, cualquier equipo le paga la multa y además le da dinero a el. El Milan qu… - 2 years ago

@VenereGallery: GM! Our favorites @XCOPYART and @otherworld_xx artworks from the @CozomoMedici collection live in Milan. What's you… - 2 years ago

@elensparidou9: RT @aroundyuu: Milan, Italy - 2 years ago

@TeofiloSteven: RT @korner_was_here: @notFurge @gabibbiano figlio di troia io e jacobone abbiamo fatto cedere il milan a berlusconi, non fottere con noi, s… - 2 years ago

@Lilygold__: RT @RealSnowlove: Who is Deadlier? Milan Tuco - 2 years ago

@TheePaliePalie: RT @Football__Tweet: Meet Francesco Camarda. He's 14-year old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promote… - 2 years ago

@IndiaToday: India fully prepared to deal with coronavirus situation, Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia says, India Today's… - 2 years ago

@MacL0ve: RT @_dmoser: 🌳🌳 Milan 🇮🇹 transforming 30 piazzas from places for cars to places for people 👇👇 HT @GeertKloppenbu1 - 2 years ago

@maxhoney9: @milan_ser @samstreetwrites @UEFA Thats true bescsuse one day we take back Nish - 2 years ago

@G_Cobianchi: Vi ricordate quando ad ogni sessione di calciomercato c’era il dovere morale di riportare Carlo Cudicini al Milan? - 2 years ago

@Luxgraph: Ricci, musica per il Torino. Investimento da 8,5 milioni che vale - 2 years ago

@Officialmarco_j: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@gazz_rossonera: Milan, ore di attesa per Maignan: esami strumentali in programma, la situazione - 2 years ago

@gazz_rossonera: La Gazzetta dedica la sua apertura a Giroud: “Milan, io ci sono” - 2 years ago

@gazz_rossonera: -10 al mercato: cosa aspettarsi dal Milan a gennaio - 2 years ago

@Hariharan_DM: RT @BoneyKapoor: @ghibranofficial @manjuwarrier4 @anirudhofficial #Milan @supremesundar @editorvijay #Kalyan #AnuVardhan @premkumaractor #M… - 2 years ago

@Itz_BPOfficial: RT @BoneyKapoor: @ghibranofficial @manjuwarrier4 @anirudhofficial #Milan @supremesundar @editorvijay #Kalyan #AnuVardhan @premkumaractor #M… - 2 years ago

@AjimSalem: RT @BoneyKapoor: @ghibranofficial @manjuwarrier4 @anirudhofficial #Milan @supremesundar @editorvijay #Kalyan #AnuVardhan @premkumaractor #M… - 2 years ago

@ArulSel96169458: RT @BoneyKapoor: @ghibranofficial @manjuwarrier4 @anirudhofficial #Milan @supremesundar @editorvijay #Kalyan #AnuVardhan @premkumaractor #M… - 2 years ago

@I_milan__: Badass for a reason 🖤👀 - 2 years ago

@Milan_Rebellion: عملة ميسي التي قد يتم الاعتماد عليها في الارجنتين - 2 years ago

@BosluguAsansor: @KiliseninD @ademaydin_61 @Halimmfb @Trabzonspor O şikeden ceza alanların listesiyle juventus milan İtalya da ki ta… - 2 years ago

@Rajveer70205442: RT @BoneyKapoor: @ghibranofficial @manjuwarrier4 @anirudhofficial #Milan @supremesundar @editorvijay #Kalyan #AnuVardhan @premkumaractor #M… - 2 years ago

@s0ap0peraqueen: RT @Emanuel38133305: Fellas around the world please sign this petition to stop the genocide supporter polunin to perform at the theater in… - 2 years ago

@SuryaKi79226489: RT @BoneyKapoor: @ghibranofficial @manjuwarrier4 @anirudhofficial #Milan @supremesundar @editorvijay #Kalyan #AnuVardhan @premkumaractor #M… - 2 years ago

@BozovicGoga: @EuropeanKosovo @milan_ser @samstreetwrites @UEFA You mean a goat language. Words consisted of 1 or 2 letters. It i… - 2 years ago

@Milan_Rebellion: احتفالات الصين .. روعة يا صينوووو 😂🔥🔥🔥 - 2 years ago

@sportli26181512: La Gazzetta dedica la sua apertura a Giroud: "Milan, io ci sono": La Gazzetta dello Sport questa mattina in edicola… - 2 years ago

@darylosei: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@BombayBevo: RT @Emanuel38133305: Fellas around the world please sign this petition to stop the genocide supporter polunin to perform at the theater in… - 2 years ago

@BoneyKapoor: @ghibranofficial @manjuwarrier4 @anirudhofficial #Milan @supremesundar @editorvijay #Kalyan #AnuVardhan… - 2 years ago

@bucflights: 21/01 Milan: 33€ | 4 nights | Ryanair | 21/01 Milan: 38€ | 2 nights | Ryanair | - 2 years ago

@John30488819: RT @AlteaFerrari: Xmas tree🌲 Milan🌹 Italy - 2 years ago

@bucflights: 20/01 Stockholm: 29€ | 3 nights | Wizz | 20/01 Venice: 35€ | 2 nights | Wizz |… - 2 years ago

@bucflights: 19/01 Vienna: 20€ | 4 nights | Ryanair | 19/01 Milan: 26€ | 4 nights | Ryanair |… - 2 years ago

@SHEVA_7_MILAN: @motipp2525 カーリングの爆風説 - 2 years ago

@Preciousecasti2: RT @dadeuthannie17: 𝑳𝒊𝒆 𝑨𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 ㅡ Jeongcheol AU Jake woke up one day and couldn't remember anything. He became a famous fashion designer in… - 2 years ago

@hon_sifuna: RT @ShaffieWeru: Meet Francesco Camarda. He's 14-year old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promoted to… - 2 years ago

@40Fitish: @FabianiCollect Milan #UnmistakenlyFabiani #ALifeOfStyle - 2 years ago

@TuttoSuMilano: RT @discoradioIT: Milano, San Siro: dal Comune nuove condizioni a Inter e Milan per lo stadio del futuro - 2 years ago

@koeman_milan: RT @BosPurwa: Presiden kok ganjen amat gini sich? Kek ayam mau bertelor, ributnya sekampung! Kalem dikit napa.. - 2 years ago

@milan_wccf: 今日寒すぎて死ぬ マジでヤバイ!! - 2 years ago

@skimask_n_A45: @mecht_mensch Gak begitu njamani mas. Cuman inget dulu SD liat psv lawan ac milan doi masih main sebelahan sama van bommel.😁 - 2 years ago

@baddzies: @lickedc amin, thankyouu milan - 2 years ago

@_Milan_25: @mizukii_ii よし!行こ! てか最近荒野してくれない悲しい - 2 years ago

@AckerHaitan1: @periwinklent Thanks Milan 🙆🏻‍♀️ - 2 years ago

@Chisom1220: RT @lnstantFoot: Auteur de 485 buts en 89 matchs chez les juniors (🤯🤯), Francesco Camarda (14 ans) a été promu avec la Primavera de Milan (… - 2 years ago

@milan_lhadi: RT @RichQuack: $20 🧬 8H ~ RT Like, RT Comment w/ $QUACK on our last 3 tweets (proof) - 2 years ago

@_Milan_25: @mizukii_ii wwwwww いいやん見せてくれたってけち! - 2 years ago

@_Milan_072: 「すみません、ずっと潰してました」空き缶の捨て方、ゴミ清掃員芸人が明かす真実に驚き「理由を聞いて納得」(まいどなニュース) #Yahooニュース - 2 years ago

@UsaJaun: 'Job too much for him... Argued with everyone... So weak...' Milan Mandaric: My eight Portsmouth managers - and why… - 2 years ago

@blanda61jwwm: LUXE Milan: New edition including free mobile app KIO6ENH - 2 years ago

@Divinebest130: RT @LigadeCampeones: 😍 𝑶𝑪𝑻𝑨𝑽𝑶𝑺 𝑫𝑬 𝑭𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑳 😍 🇩🇪 Leipzig 🆚 Man. City 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇧🇪 Brujas 🆚 Benfica 🇵🇹 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Liverpool 🆚 Real Madrid 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 Mil… - 2 years ago

@vickywaqar847: RT @ajaydevgn: This picture was forwarded to me by a fan. This was on the sets of Kachche Dhaage (1999). Also in the pic are Saif, Tinu &… - 2 years ago

@jorgeruizz_: RT @meduzamusic: Forza Milan ❤️🖤 @acmilan - 2 years ago

@faisalKhiladi: RT @ajaydevgn: This picture was forwarded to me by a fan. This was on the sets of Kachche Dhaage (1999). Also in the pic are Saif, Tinu &… - 2 years ago

@eternalronaldo: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@valleerinna: RT @ijoscripts: Hilmy Milan ; both never loved anyone deeply before, but eventually fall in love to each other — a haechan local au https:… - 2 years ago

@Ali42785608: @irhamfaisaldcal @idextratime Karna image Ibra emang gitu selain dia banyak bacot dia juga punya skill buktinya sek… - 2 years ago

@milan_516: @ian_0516 정답 내일이 크리스마스 이브라! - 2 years ago

@milan_umer: RT @thursday_times: گورنر پنجاب نے وزیراعلی پرویز الہی کو عہدے سے ڈی نوٹیفائی کردیا چیف سیکرٹری پنجاب نے گورنر کے احکامات پر عمل درآمد شروع… - 2 years ago

@milan_umer: RT @thursday_times: وزیراعلی پنجاب پرویز الہی کو گورنر پنجاب کی جانب سے ڈی نوٹیفائی کردیا گیا - 2 years ago

@milan_umer: RT @TheDanishsakhi: مان ليتے #آڈیو_لیک بھى فيک ہے، #توشہ_خانہ کى بھى اہميت نہيں تو اس #ٹيريان کيس پر کيا کہينگے خان صاحب؟؟ اميريکن کورٹس مي… - 2 years ago

@VaspostavljeniD: @Milan__Nikolic Želim da upoznam tu ogromnu većinu LGBT osoba sa kojima se Milica druži i koji su oduševljeni odsus… - 2 years ago

@milan_umer: RT @TheDanishsakhi: ہنڑ کى کرنا جے ؟؟ @NadeemAfzalChan #PunjabAssembly - 2 years ago

@PraveenKCapt: @airindiain Guarantee for Milan with your baggage not given - 2 years ago

@milan_516: @sunyu_1010 잌ㅋㅋ모야ㅠㅠ나 왜 이거 이제봤능데!! ㄴ나두 애정해❤️ - 2 years ago

@PeckBot_002: 11:14 3rd - Phillip Danault faceoff won against Nazem Kadri 10:37 3rd - Trevor Moore hit Milan Lucic 10:25 3rd -… - 2 years ago

@m_shevo: RT @AloBrasil1974: Stagione 1987-1988: Juventus-Milan 0-1 rete di Ruud Gullit di testa con il suo consueto strapotere fisico. - 2 years ago

@ccxxert_: agak dag dig dug der mau ngajak milan kesini WKWKWKWK - 2 years ago

@kunle_65: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@zorz_papadubii: @Milan__Nikolic Jadna je država u kojoj vas dvoje gostujete na TV-u 🙏 - 2 years ago

@SanconteTiziano: RT @SomosAnalistas_: Su nombre es Francesco Camarda, tiene 14 años y registra 485 goles en 89 juegos con las inferiores del Milan 🫣 https:/… - 2 years ago

@hai120233: RT @lilac_bambi: Blugirl at Milan Fashion Week Fall 2012 - 2 years ago

@Marocain75015: RT @aroundyuu: Milan, Italy - 2 years ago

@Scorpio79513756: RT @ajaydevgn: This picture was forwarded to me by a fan. This was on the sets of Kachche Dhaage (1999). Also in the pic are Saif, Tinu &… - 2 years ago

@Ngugigeoffreyk: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@benadaniel09: RT @SomosAnalistas_: Su nombre es Francesco Camarda, tiene 14 años y registra 485 goles en 89 juegos con las inferiores del Milan 🫣 https:/… - 2 years ago

@abhimanihoon: RT @Sahilinfra2: #Mumbaimetro l4 1)Milan Infra started work on Anik depot stn concourse level girders. 2)3)4)Parallel to monorail from lodh… - 2 years ago

@hhiisamm: RT @bbosports: 🤯 14 yaşındaki Francesco Camarda, Milan Akademesi'nde çıktığı 89 maçta 485 gol attı. Camarda, Milan U19 takımına alındı ve… - 2 years ago

@AndyPennefather: RT @aroundyuu: Milan, Italy - 2 years ago

@Pouh326548351: RT @DKopse: Prvi dotik nedotakljivih v Sloveniji. Prišel je dan, ko so se Branko Masleša, Branka Zobec Hrastar, Barbara Klanjšek, Milan Štr… - 2 years ago

@Jose_Ortega09: RT @ArabeConChilito: Andamos jugando con el mismo plantel del torneo pasado; el peruANO titular, un chico nuevo llamado Zahid Muñoz y lanch… - 2 years ago

@df6ih: @BoernyA @RoHeinrich @GlatzerElke Warten Sie mal, bis der erste Wespenbussard durch die Scheibe bricht und ein Mila… - 2 years ago

@Thi_wathever: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@adi7anand: RT @IndiaToday: #Breaking | Health Minister Dr #MansukhMandaviya said that #BharatBiotech nasal vaccine has been approved and will be added… - 2 years ago

@miran_akhtar: RT @ajaydevgn: This picture was forwarded to me by a fan. This was on the sets of Kachche Dhaage (1999). Also in the pic are Saif, Tinu &… - 2 years ago

@meolandia: Foto appena pubblicata @ Milan, Italy - 2 years ago

@deenclare: @diploematic siang milan, don't skip your lunch ya! - 2 years ago

@Milan_157: RT @shouldhaveaduck: - 2 years ago

@hintz42qsy: Excellanté Milan Melamine White Collection 3 875-Inch 8-Ounce Bouillon Cup, White, 12-Piece JMY6TDQ… - 2 years ago

@Ona27_Naho: @_Milan_25 こっちも積もらんよ - 2 years ago

@ramosup: RT @Gerashchenko_en: Putin-glorifying ballet dancer is going to perform in Milan, Jan 29,2023. Dear Italians, will he perform so that you c… - 2 years ago

@Bowale_eth: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@SparrowDesmond: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@milan_mokha: @SellyHudgen Yes I'm - 2 years ago

@a2ba_milan: Jumaah Mubarak à tout le monde ! 🤗🤍 Vendredi est enfin là, MashaAllah ! - 2 years ago

@Nyaslia1: 12:00am & Milan and I have yet to get home. Then we both still have to wash, clean her bottles, pack her bags and p… - 2 years ago

@ildiavolo_d: RT @86_longo: L’obiettivo del Milan è quello di chiudere il rinnovo di Bennacer entro la fine dell’anno, presto un nuovo summit con Raiola… - 2 years ago

@joacontiel: @Milan_es4 @RiverPlate Me arruinaron la existencia, total amigo, dijiste la total realidad - 2 years ago

@milan_barot1: RT @Ach_Balkrishna: ईरान का सबसे बड़ा और 125 वर्ष पुराना विश्वविद्यालय Tehran University जो कि कृषि, जड़ी बूटी और प्राकृतिक संसाधनों पर का… - 2 years ago

@pivosok: @Milan__Nikolic @AlekNeumann Kod ljudi koji se ne osecaju dobro u svom polu je slicna situacija kao i kod gejeva. I… - 2 years ago

@ELJEFE_BETO: RT @AloBrasil1974: Stagione 1987-1988: Juventus-Milan 0-1 rete di Ruud Gullit di testa con il suo consueto strapotere fisico. - 2 years ago

@milan_mokha: @Gamerteene Yaa - 2 years ago

@ginover63: RT @roccocarboneOK: 🪡: mafia y pádel 1. La ‘Ndrangheta ha descubierto el deporte del momento: el pádel. La Dirección de investigación anti… - 2 years ago

@ildiavolo_d: RT @MilanNewsit: Ravezzani: "Il Milan è più forte dell'Inter quest'anno" - 2 years ago

@milan_barot1: @PMOIndia @HMOIndia @NIA_India @mieknathshinde @Dev_Fadnavis Justice is the illusion in the Great Democracy,… - 2 years ago

@nazapicolotti1: @farachaso @VarskySports si Ronaldinho jugaba mal , depues los clavo con el milan - 2 years ago

@milan_mokha: @cool_hot_girl_ Okay I'm ready - 2 years ago

@barbaritosedeno: RT @roccocarboneOK: 🪡: mafia y pádel 1. La ‘Ndrangheta ha descubierto el deporte del momento: el pádel. La Dirección de investigación anti… - 2 years ago

@jaylan53i: Discover Milan: A Local Shares What to Do and Where to Eat RXHU6HI - 2 years ago

@Isaias_18cr: RT @CuriosidadesEU: Este é Francesco Camarda. Ele tem 14 anos e marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos na base do Milan. Ele foi promovido ao Milan s… - 2 years ago

@DigitalTheatreX: Meet Francesco Camarda. He's 14-year old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was prom… - 2 years ago

@milan_mokha: @cool_hot_girl_ Are jaan hum he na kiu ugali kar rahe ho - 2 years ago

@RisoTiago: RT @CuriosidadesEU: Este é Francesco Camarda. Ele tem 14 anos e marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos na base do Milan. Ele foi promovido ao Milan s… - 2 years ago

@AntoniosKalyvas: RT @NickWhithorn: Sunday 23 December 1984, an express train packed with people going home or to visit relatives for Christmas, travelling f… - 2 years ago

@EduardoFuza: @BundesInsider @Vorthemos No Milan seria sucesso. - 2 years ago

@iamastaragdiasi: RT @ajaydevgn: This picture was forwarded to me by a fan. This was on the sets of Kachche Dhaage (1999). Also in the pic are Saif, Tinu &… - 2 years ago

@ilcano22: RT @ItaFootPod: 🚨 FREE INTERVIEW 🚨 Ep.284 🗣️ January #Transfers @jac_talbot - #EnzoFernandez #RealMadrid 🔥 - #GoncaloRamos #ManUtd 🤔 -… - 2 years ago

@_mohan_krish_: RT @zeestudiossouth: Proud to announce our distribution parter for kerala @Gokulammovies @boneykapoor @ZeeStudios_ @bayviewprojoffl @kalai… - 2 years ago

@anilshahabadi: RT @ajaydevgn: This picture was forwarded to me by a fan. This was on the sets of Kachche Dhaage (1999). Also in the pic are Saif, Tinu &… - 2 years ago

@apo_socute: RT @Blackmango__: Apolo beat all of the demigod in Olympus. No wonder why Milan being insane for him #BVLGARIxApo - 2 years ago

@maldinistchurch: RT @gazzetadelmilan: 🎙️Scaroni a través de @antonello_gioia: “Cuando veo a los que trabajan en Milan, estoy convencido de que las ambicio… - 2 years ago

@Tian_A1: Bharat #Biotech's nasal Covid vaccine to be rolled out as booster [ - 2 years ago

@israel_chidozie: @iamyourspec AC Milan - 2 years ago

@roydioactive89: RT @ACHabanaMilano: 🦾 The future of AC Milan is guaranteed - 2 years ago

@__Julisst: WTF el milán de menta sabe genial - 2 years ago

@Ebrimab58442481: @landon_milan The problem of this people nowadays they'll hate you for no reason - 2 years ago

@jgpetruna: @emzanotti I hope you are well for the season. In that spirit, here is the Duomo Cathedral in Milan. - 2 years ago

@YOSHITAI4: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@infomilanid: @kskgroup2017 Selamat datang di Jakarta, Indonesia Forza Milan - 2 years ago

@bharanie_18: RT @RedGiantMovies_: @sureshchandraa @manjuwarrier4 @nirav_dop @anirudhofficial #Milan @supremesundar @editorvijay #Kalyan #AnuVardhan @pre… - 2 years ago

@Elleo20: @manubadenes @pepoverdejo @EmmaRincon Te equivocas.. No son como 20 ligas.. Son 30 ligas mínimo derrotó al mejor cl… - 2 years ago

@xx_ronie: RT @BrasilEdition: @FarhanMunaim Pele has played against Inter, Milan, Juve, Roma, Napoli, Madrid, Barca, Atletico, the list goes on, you j… - 2 years ago

@HeyyElvis: RT @FootballReprt: Francesco Camarda 🇮🇹(2008) AC Milan and Italy's future 9 - 2 years ago

@kfj_Milan: @Bolanet Ini yg neror org koplak !!! Idiot !!! Bukan anggap remeh yo, itu cuman Kamboja lo, ngapain pake acara tero… - 2 years ago

@ilbandeiraa: RT @SempreMilanCom: 🇭🇷 #ACMilan have spoken with an agency over the signing of a teenager defender from Croatia... ➡ Full story: - 2 years ago

@iLPazzoLongoACM: @NapoliSansone Ballon d’or and World Cup winner they aren’t wrong. I think Kaka had more goals as a CAM for Milan t… - 2 years ago

@Khia_Finch: the milangenders outcasts/khias have teamed up and started hosting some flop ass spaces to talk about the legendary… - 2 years ago

@AusCheapFlyAM: ✈️ Austin (AUS) to Milan (MXP) for only $626 (USD) roundtrip 💸 353 live dates on Adventure Machine. - get the app o… - 2 years ago

@dantrum17: RT @90sfootball: Milan have had some brilliant teams throughout the years! - 2 years ago

@00elsonn: @BundesInsider Era meu 10 no Fifa 17 no meu Milan 🥲 - 2 years ago

@SpelaSlovenija: RT @DKopse: Prvi dotik nedotakljivih v Sloveniji. Prišel je dan, ko so se Branko Masleša, Branka Zobec Hrastar, Barbara Klanjšek, Milan Štr… - 2 years ago

@Santhos97859608: RT @zeestudiossouth: Proud to announce our distribution parter for kerala @Gokulammovies @boneykapoor @ZeeStudios_ @bayviewprojoffl @kalai… - 2 years ago

@milan_yuusha: RT @denfaminicogame: \毎月23日は電ファミプレゼントの日/ 今月はNintendo Switchを1名様にプレゼント! @denfaminicogame のフォロー&RTで応募完了 聞き流しでもバズったゲームの話題がわかる! YouTubeのニュース… - 2 years ago

@MFebrySet: RT @SempreMilanCom: 🚪 As many as nine players could leave #ACMilan between now and the start of next season... ➡ The latest: - 2 years ago

@Mecia2000: There has been new developments in the studio of Dior and there could be new things coming to the runway. Women's r… - 2 years ago

@hen7o: RT @Football__Tweet: Meet Francesco Camarda. He's 14-year old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promote… - 2 years ago

@xxxFxxx19: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@MilanPortal: 📰@NicoSchira informa que la lesión de Maignan puede durar un tiempo más lesionado. Por ello, Milan podría buscar a… - 2 years ago

@HumberstonA: And we’re off! All safely aboard the bus on the way back from Claviere to Milan. Once again the students have done… - 2 years ago

@Milan_Btyi: RT @superMILK_sw: シール風イラスト プレゼント企画🐻‍❄️ 🧊ご参加方法 このツイートをRT+フォロー (フォロワー様限定企画の為、終了後に外していただいても大丈夫です) 🧊期間 12/22〜12/29迄 🧊ご当選者様 2名 その他概要はツリーにて!… - 2 years ago

@Huljev95: RT @ivanlapanje: Ibra’s longevity is unique. He scored 38 goals in Ligue 1 at 34 years age. 39 y/o he returned to Milan and helped them bac… - 2 years ago

@Umnsec1: RT @_Artilicious: The blue bow Painting 🖼️ by Wassily Kandinsky, 1938 Milan private collection - 2 years ago

@AshokGr_Palghar: RT @Sagar997551: Regular Yog kaksha report & Birthday celebration & Briksha Ripan. Ad,Milan Thakkar ji Ad. Mahendra Pratap Singh Guest Teac… - 2 years ago

@ilbandeiraa: RT @TheSecretScout_: This is 14-year-old Francesco Camarda. Rumoured to have scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. 😳 He’s… - 2 years ago

@Percyalvarezcor: @SC_ESPN En el Milan - 2 years ago

@obatrealmad: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@Genk_Milan: RT @QianzyZ: 9 Parpol jangan mengada ngada atau mau ikut ikutan begal konstitusi? Pecat dan tunjuk komisioner yg lain PEMILU tidak boleh di… - 2 years ago

@rarayrajs: RT @ijoscripts: —177. Milan jadi susah fokus HAHA - 2 years ago

@juanjco824: @guiri8 @A91_targaryen @fiber1994 @mcjpurbion @FutboIXtra Yo sí he pisado el Bernabéu, a ver cuándo podéis pisar vo… - 2 years ago

@gazzetadelmilan: 🚨La reunión de ayer con el agente de Bennacer en Casa Milan redujo aún más la brecha entre la oferta y la demanda.… - 2 years ago

@gazzetadelmilan: 🎙️Scaroni a través de @antonello_gioia: “Cuando veo a los que trabajan en Milan, estoy convencido de que las ambi… - 2 years ago

@Genk_Milan: RT @kulitbumi: Buat yg bertindak RASIS terhadap Anies... terutama Hasto Kristiyanto @PDI_Perjuangan - 2 years ago

@gokhandagawd: @meatloafgrrr Cesar Milan - 2 years ago

@RedShark25: RT @gazzetadelmilan: 🚨El abogado de Leão, Ted Dimvula, volverá en enero para reencontrarse con el club tras la última reunión el pasado oct… - 2 years ago

@vaibhav_milan: RT @lkantbhardwaj: जोधपुर में विवाह समारोह में हुए सलेंडर ब्लास्ट में एक ही परिवार के 35 लोगों की जान चली गई उनको न्याय मिलना तो दूर , नि… - 2 years ago

@HunterW02277834: RT @TwitterMktg: Fashion 👠 @IMG_FashionWeek bringing you exclusive runway shows + behind the scenes from women's New York, Milan, Paris, L… - 2 years ago

@CarlosG_Sanjur: RT @TraficoCPanama: [VIDEO] Desde nuestra unidad aérea vista del tráfico en la vía bicentenario frente a la UTP. En el punto una protesta p… - 2 years ago

@nnaoffiaul: RT @ijoscripts: Hilmy Milan ; both never loved anyone deeply before, but eventually fall in love to each other — a haechan local au https:… - 2 years ago

@Milan_Cakalovic: @MickeySpajic Potrebno je hitno digitalizovati I modernizovati nase propise, pravila i dozvolito uvodjenje novih,… - 2 years ago

@LetterFromMeToM: RT @Blackmango__: Apolo beat all of the demigod in Olympus. No wonder why Milan being insane for him #BVLGARIxApo - 2 years ago

@JustLuboMerkov: Darwin scored from “there” against AC Milan just a few days ago. Simply did not get good contact on his shots today… - 2 years ago

@WesleyPardinho1: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@_nana_smoke: RT @Football__Tweet: Meet Francesco Camarda. He's 14-year old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promote… - 2 years ago

@PAUTONNIERMarc2: @ConferenceTink J’avais vu olacm je croyais que c’était l’ac milan que vous jouiez, mais en fait c’est pas ce que je croyais… - 2 years ago

@NielDanga: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@OstiOut: @lucabianchin7 @Gazzetta_it Mai che fai un articolo sugli infortuni del Milan da quando c’è Pioli. Sarebbe ora - 2 years ago

@Moorje2: @RaulOrvananos Por eso no progresa el fútbol mexicano por comentaristas vendidos como tú, si fuese el mejor se lo h… - 2 years ago

@HF_lucao: RT @CuriosidadesEU: Este é Francesco Camarda. Ele tem 14 anos e marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos na base do Milan. Ele foi promovido ao Milan s… - 2 years ago

@MumeGodo: @milan_to_minsk oh it is NOT do not google lol - 2 years ago

@koki5_3: RT @AC_MilanFR: Out of context AC Milan - 2 years ago

@_Milan_25: @0110WATAAA はにゃ? たしかに?おねむの周り見たらなんかちらほら落ちてたけど?あれは一体なんだろ? - 2 years ago

@Abdulgada_: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@bharath_kt: RT @editorvijay: Lyrics of the song “Gangstaa” read it. Memorise it.. And enhance your hearing on 25th. #Ak #AjithKumar #HVinoth @Ghib… - 2 years ago

@ConsciousParen4: 5 Tips for visiting Milan with kids #parenting. - 2 years ago

@eduardodudu314: @BundesInsider Seria muito bem vindo no Milan,mas esse salário dá pra bancar não pqp - 2 years ago

@BaltimoreBanner: The colder weather months, which she affectionately refers to as “coquito season,” are Elisa Milan’s favorite time… - 2 years ago

@FundaturRD: Los hoteles de lujo de Madrid son más valorados que los de Londres, París y Milán. - 2 years ago

@3kom3ya: RT @gyimie_nkoaaa: Can’t still believe Ronaldo Nazario never won the champions league despite playing for Real Madrid, Inter Milan, Barcelo… - 2 years ago

@ryaanucup: RT @TheSecretScout_: This is 14-year-old Francesco Camarda. Rumoured to have scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. 😳 He’s… - 2 years ago

@nemosyne57: #Música #TeresaCarreño Durante su vida artística se presentó en los mejores teatros de New York, París, Berlín y M… - 2 years ago

@lawxkun: RT @Inter_Xtra: 📊 The most valuable players from each nation in Europe. • 🇮🇹 Nicolò Barella • 🇹🇷 Hakan Calhanoglu • 🇸🇰 Milan Skriniar [@… - 2 years ago

@henryriverar: RT @SoyCalcio_: 🔴 Rafael Leao quiere quedarse en el Milan, sí, pero los 19M€ que tiene que pagarle al Sporting CP son algo a muy tener en c… - 2 years ago

@menhera_mea: @_Milan_25 かわいいすき ねむちいーこいーこっ︎💕︎ - 2 years ago

@BassGuitarWorld: RT @ButcherBabies: Milan, we had so much fun this year that we are coming back for a special performance on June 25 🤘🤘 - 2 years ago

@A_Friedenreich: @EstudeVasco Viu falar de um do SPFC. Kaká. Jogou no Milan, Real. Ele está nessas listas Ou alguns pé de ratos da… - 2 years ago

@stargazing_sky: @milan_hoi @RightWingCope A beard??? Dude? We have this pech fuzz all the time and I haven‘t met ONE woman who both… - 2 years ago

@luisefj10: RT @SomosAnalistas_: Su nombre es Francesco Camarda, tiene 14 años y registra 485 goles en 89 juegos con las inferiores del Milan 🫣 https:/… - 2 years ago

@luisrmendonca: RT @CuriosidadesEU: Este é Francesco Camarda. Ele tem 14 anos e marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos na base do Milan. Ele foi promovido ao Milan s… - 2 years ago

@DuboisCFC: RT @CFCDUBois: 33 G/A in 2022 is actually insane especially considering how important each goal was. Milan Derbys, title winning goals, WC… - 2 years ago

@_Milan_25: @menhera_mea いこいこしてー( *ˊᵕˋ)ノ゙ - 2 years ago

@rypymus: Listened to Milan by Ilan Eshkeri at 02:20 on 22/12/2022 - 2 years ago

@Fener_Milan: kısırganmak sezgici eşitlik derecesi kronoloji karşılama töreni Aslancik Varmis - 2 years ago

@jamestigerrr: RT @AntonioMango4: 🇮🇹Francesco Camarda (14) 🏟Milan 89 Games 485 Goals He’s just been promoted to Milan U19 and scored 2 on his debut. He… - 2 years ago

@koki5_3: RT @MilanEye: 📸 | Milan training 21/12/2022 - 2 years ago

@koki5_3: RT @MilanEye: 📸 | Milan training 21/12/2022 - 2 years ago

@koki5_3: RT @MilanEye: 📸 | Milan training 21/12/2022 - 2 years ago

@menhera_mea: @_Milan_25 それでかぁ🥺 よしよし めあちがおなかあっためる!! 高速よしよし〜 - 2 years ago

@maikon_ramalho: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@_Milan_25: @mizukii_ii 絶対かっこいいやつ - 2 years ago

@copeto5: AC Milan - 2 years ago

@koki5_3: RT @MilanEye: 📸 | Milan training 21/12/2022 - 2 years ago

@0110WATAAA: @_Milan_25 なるほどねw - 2 years ago

@mn_vitin: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@NAdamsqui: PUMA AC Milan Legacy Football Baseball Cap WHE7TPR - 2 years ago

@sebastian_gray: RT @malagosa: automotor de ferrocarriles del Estado, coche primera clase, AMZ Italiano fabricados en Milan para tramo Valparaiso Santiago d… - 2 years ago

@davicito_dc17: RT @deportes_rpc: ¡UNA VERDADERA LOCURA! 😨 Francesco Camarda con 14 años ha marcado 485 goles en 89 partidos en la cantera del AC Milan.… - 2 years ago

@MnatiiM: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@Ynhami_19: @DutchLuffy Meu Milan não - 2 years ago

@penguinsfan32: Inter Milan Lot 6$ #TSSS - 2 years ago

@ArazHajiyev1: RT @TheSecretScout_: This is 14-year-old Francesco Camarda. Rumoured to have scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. 😳 He’s… - 2 years ago

@_Milan_25: @0110WATAAA お仕事お疲れ様(*´ω`*) - 2 years ago

@Platinum_iced: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@bergomifabio: La verità è una sola: #antonioconte e #leleoriali si sono rivelati INSOSTITUIBILI. Io lo sapevo dal 2019. Altri, mi… - 2 years ago

@0110WATAAA: @_Milan_25 今仕事休憩中だから! - 2 years ago

@KouyaRem: @_Milan_25 おはよ。休みでよかったね。 後でPayPay送っとくから、今日出かけるゆーとったからその時に暖かいものとか買ってきな - 2 years ago

@ChemsPrime: @C7suro @EncoreRiyad peut etre pas la bas, y a d’autre club qui le veulent (dortmund, leicester, milan etc…) - 2 years ago

@apaztabora: RT @footballitalia: Friday's Italian #Calcio headlines in English - 2 years ago

@praznalobanja: @gospavic_milan @justaangell Vazi - 2 years ago

@Matheussfc27: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@nils74y: A-Premium CV Axle Shaft Assembly Compatible with Ford Fusion 2006-2012 Lincoln MKZ 2012 Mazda 6 2003-2008 Mercury M… - 2 years ago

@Milan_Train: おはようござんす。昨日寝る前に2chの洒落怖まとめ読んでたらつい夜更かししちまって瞼が重い。 - 2 years ago

@barrera_julian: Entre el mundial, los festejos, las recibidas y las despedidas de año, la cena de Navidad van a ser 150gr de salame milán y 100gr de queso - 2 years ago

@thalaajith5a: RT @editorvijay: Lyrics of the song “Gangstaa” read it. Memorise it.. And enhance your hearing on 25th. #Ak #AjithKumar #HVinoth @Ghib… - 2 years ago

@ZioCorra58: @sportbible @90min_Football Manca anche #Pirlo !! Campione del mondo e vicecampione d’Europa e prurivincitore di C… - 2 years ago

@KreisnardA: RT @Dylan02802633: Esperemos que Haaland siga asi, Julian se aburra de ser suplente y acabe en el Milan 🙏🙏 - 2 years ago

@_Milan_25: @0110WATAAA うみくんおはよ! 反応はっや! - 2 years ago

@KevinWLWT: RT @frograpier: Snowing in Milan Indiana.@KevinWLWT @RandiRicoWLWT - 2 years ago

@Popmundial1: Carmine Coppola & The Milan Philharmonia Orchestra - Marcia Religiosa - 2 years ago

@sandzejzi: Mene sada muči pitanje čime se bavi i gdje je Milan Pokojni Stanković - 2 years ago

@kirAcsgo: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@_ninguem7: RT @CuriosidadesEU: Este é Francesco Camarda. Ele tem 14 anos e marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos na base do Milan. Ele foi promovido ao Milan s… - 2 years ago

@NinjaM4luko: @DoutorCoringao aí tão viajando já, Firmino tem muita lenha pra queimar na europa, duvido q um Borussia, Milan, etc… - 2 years ago

@gb_barreto77: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@watchuduin: RT @beautrae: [227] A stroll in the heart of Milan; - 2 years ago

@stv95140: @datajon2 @SerbianFooty La plus grande déception côté Liverpool pour un serbe c plutôt Milan jovanovic - 2 years ago

@PizziJuanPii: @Messi322759346 @Isaac_10i @AlbicelesteTalk @liricoimagen flaco literalmente el mejor milán de la historia, con los… - 2 years ago

@flazia24: RT @UEFAcom_it: 🔴⚫🎂 Buon compleanno ad Alessandro Nesta, due volte vincitore della #UCL con la maglia del MIlan 🏆🏆 - 2 years ago

@MidCityMaxxx: RT @TheSecretScout_: This is 14-year-old Francesco Camarda. Rumoured to have scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. 😳 He’s… - 2 years ago

@arnel_milan: RT @kowalerts: Jane De Leon looks so sultry as she attends the #Eraserheads2022 concert ✨ #Darna 📷 edssmakeupartist l arthurzachtolentino… - 2 years ago

@RAFAELRCANTILLO: RT @fodboldword: Él es Francesco Camarda, tiene 14 años y lleva 485 goles en 89 partidos en las juveniles del AC Milan. 🇮🇹⚽ Dejen acá como… - 2 years ago

@CFC_Karmy: @lillyyyem @__La_Flame__ @RafaeLeao7 Chelsea is and has been clear of a.c. Milan in recent history - 2 years ago

@HomeOfFtblKits: RT @HomeOfFtblKits: AC Milan - 92/93 Home Kit. Worn by Marcel Desailly🇫🇷 - 2 years ago

@Ss4y_Luis: RT @CuriosidadesEU: Este é Francesco Camarda. Ele tem 14 anos e marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos na base do Milan. Ele foi promovido ao Milan s… - 2 years ago

@denzeel_milan: RT @EllGaroto: Em 2023 não tenho nenhum objectivo. Cansei de me frustrar - 2 years ago

@denzeel_milan: Só queria passar essas festas com a fam❤️. - 2 years ago

@ZMerdzo: @Milan__Nikolic Koja kuja - 2 years ago

@itsme_brahmin: RT @ajaydevgn: This picture was forwarded to me by a fan. This was on the sets of Kachche Dhaage (1999). Also in the pic are Saif, Tinu &… - 2 years ago

@_silvaaa__: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@Bender9112: RT @ivanlapanje: Ibra’s longevity is unique. He scored 38 goals in Ligue 1 at 34 years age. 39 y/o he returned to Milan and helped them bac… - 2 years ago

@denzeel_milan: RT @sph_ora: Ficar longe da minha mãe foi uma dor inexplicável, foram dias de muita saudade em que simplesmente queria esse abraço ❤️❤️ htt… - 2 years ago

@tuffarai: RT @_KastyTP_: Aquí tenéis el equipo que usé en los Invitacionales de @VictoryRoadES y "Elite Eight" en Milán. Darle crédito a @SoyPalo_ q… - 2 years ago

@Monika_AEEs: RT @StoolFootball: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@denzeel_milan: RT @stanceit: Crazy Silvia 🖤 - 2 years ago

@Bintuseze_03: RT @FootballReprt: Francesco Camarda 🇮🇹(2008) AC Milan and Italy's future 9 - 2 years ago

@egtrejos: RT @knbaraldi: Milan Kundera: "Los biógrafos no conocen la vida sexual de su propia esposa, pero creen conocer la de Stendhal o la de Faulk… - 2 years ago

@__AC_MILAN__: - 2 years ago

@demon_prodigy19: ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ❝ 𝑵𝑬𝑾 𝑷𝑶𝑺𝑻 ❞ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ📍Milán, Italia. ㅤ @/𝐎𝘬𝘬𝘰𝘵𝘴𝘶_𝘑𝘰𝘺; Y él dijo que no le gustaban los bebés, míralo ahora. 🤏🏻 - 2 years ago

@Atheryakavi: RT @ItzAthreya: Exclusive :- Director @directorsiva, DOP Vetri, Stunt Master Supreme Sundar, Art Director Milan from the set of #Suriya42 |… - 2 years ago

@bhdog751003: RT @_KastyTP_: Aquí tenéis el equipo que usé en los Invitacionales de @VictoryRoadES y "Elite Eight" en Milán. Darle crédito a @SoyPalo_ q… - 2 years ago

@Catalin41352692: RT @roccocarboneOK: 🪡: mafia y pádel 1. La ‘Ndrangheta ha descubierto el deporte del momento: el pádel. La Dirección de investigación anti… - 2 years ago

@Andre_man04: Du 16 au 19 mars se tiendra à Milan une série de rencontres et de manifestations à l'occasion des 20 ans de la mort… - 2 years ago

@StefanPriesley: @AnfieldWatch I bet all u clown will love him when he scores next game. I bet u all loved him when he scored a brac… - 2 years ago

@AndrePe12224635: #trocadepasses Tem que mudar a estratégia, produção. Tem focar no Real Madrid, Barcelona, Milan Arsenal e etc. - 2 years ago

@paulocesars_21: RT @CuriosidadesEU: Este é Francesco Camarda. Ele tem 14 anos e marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos na base do Milan. Ele foi promovido ao Milan s… - 2 years ago

@Gon16539494Caio: RT @mundodabola: Francesco Camarda, a jóia do Milan de apenas 14 anos, já marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos disputados. Ele foi promovido ao tim… - 2 years ago

@foxtrop2712: @Albertinift @MilanTMN @InfoMilan07 @AssistByLeao @ninomangravita Pero ahora según la noticia si andan preguntándol… - 2 years ago

@Omilanaindamata: @BundesInsider O Milan teve essas duas lendas do futebol, o único clube á conseguir tal feito, gigante 🔥 - 2 years ago

@thalarengasamy: RT @editorvijay: Lyrics of the song “Gangstaa” read it. Memorise it.. And enhance your hearing on 25th. #Ak #AjithKumar #HVinoth @Ghib… - 2 years ago

@IVANAGU90585190: RT @culturaltutor: But nor are these the only two such ossuaries. There's the San Bernardino alle Ossa in Milan, built in 1712, on an even… - 2 years ago

@FlaMarcos81: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@dedeffc_1902: RT @CuriosidadesEU: Este é Francesco Camarda. Ele tem 14 anos e marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos na base do Milan. Ele foi promovido ao Milan s… - 2 years ago

@Milan_es4: @chomino5 Sería hermoso, porque lo subí mientras jugaba river jajajaja - 2 years ago

@Matheus1NS: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@Manolo19973: RT @Inter_Xtra: 📊 The most valuable players from each nation in Europe. • 🇮🇹 Nicolò Barella • 🇹🇷 Hakan Calhanoglu • 🇸🇰 Milan Skriniar [@… - 2 years ago

@chomino5: @Milan_es4 te amo lo mejor va a ser cuando te tilden de gallina - 2 years ago

@MaitenHerbsomm4: podrán decirme lo que quieran pero yo viviría comiendo salame milan, que fruta noble - 2 years ago

@demon_prodigy19: ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ❝ 𝑵𝑬𝑾 𝑷𝑶𝑺𝑻 ❞ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ📍Milán, Italia. ㅤ @/𝐎𝘬𝘬𝘰𝘵𝘴𝘶_𝘑𝘰𝘺; Casi decorada dos días antes con ayuda de los simios. 😼 - 2 years ago

@ColettaFrank: @sportbible Lentini should have become a Milan legend. In fact, if he doesn’t crash his car and end up in a coma in… - 2 years ago

@BlueSN25: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@Pingares: RT @geglobo: Clubes com mais jogadores campeões da Copa do Mundo: 1º - Juventus: 27 2º - Bayern: 24 3º - Inter de Milão: 21 4º - Roma: 16… - 2 years ago

@JenVernonBM: Trussardi – Women’s Fall/Winter 2014/15 Collection in Milan (with itw) #BusinessAdvice #Marketing #Success [Video] - 2 years ago

@Genk_Milan: RT @ArdhaniFariz: J:ini apa Bro? S:ini yg ditanam para Petani,mereka Menyebutnya PADI Bos J: Klo udah Dipetik namanya apa Bro? S: klo setel… - 2 years ago

@StMart88: [READY STOCK] KAOS AC MILAN GOLD | SIZE M-XL | HARGA 80K | HUB 085726803784 - 2 years ago

@Rosimarsz7: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@LuisFelipe87: @LvivTyler 1) Andreita Schevchenko (great soccer striker with AC Milan) 2) Mila Kunis 👩🏻 born in Ukraine but raise… - 2 years ago

@BabyCoconuts: RT @VibesFoot: 🔴 Numéro 2 à Chelsea depuis l'arrivée de Potter, Édouard Mendy pourrait quitter les Blues. Le Sénégalais pourrait revenir e… - 2 years ago

@RyoMashibaa: RT @vagabondII: Mon rêve c'est pas d'être ingénieur maman je veux être ce milieu offensif de génie manches longues gants noirs DU MILAN AC… - 2 years ago

@caytiktrinnne: @gie_milan @SUNDA_FESS Buset emosinya dapet bgt - 2 years ago

@metalmaniac789: @SempreMilanCom Only thing Milan need from Redbird to realise potential is money. - 2 years ago

@Manuael13: RT @e360hub2: Meet Francesco Camarda. He's 14-year old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promoted to th… - 2 years ago

@Milan_Rion: もなか苦手だ😅 私には甘ったるすぎ&皮がポロポロ落ちる&皮が歯や口の中にくっつくのが嫌いだ…😩 チョコモナカジャンボなら良いんだけどね🤭 - 2 years ago

@M4rkPhilips: Dest & Tomori Meme Qualche clip tagliata appositamente dal video natalizio di TikTok dell’AC Milan, con le loro mi… - 2 years ago

@Madam3_Kelei: @milan_kuch @raphousetv2 Now what is this? Lmaooooo - 2 years ago

@KaiqueR26668658: RT @RobsonNunesMB: Francesco Camarda, joia do Milan de apenas 14 anos, já marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos na base. Ou seja, uma média de 5,4 go… - 2 years ago

@Erol14Tafed: RT @burak_turna: Roma 300'lü yıllarda ehl-i kitaba yasağı kaldırdı. (Milan Sözleşmesi - Edict of Milan) Kuran'daki Rum suresi ehli kitabın… - 2 years ago

@lukakusessuale: RT @Inter_Xtra: #Inter remain optimistic for the renewal of Milan Skriniar. [via @Gazzetta_it 🌗] - 2 years ago

@DarlanVieira7: RT @CuriosidadesEU: Este é Francesco Camarda. Ele tem 14 anos e marcou 485 gols em 89 jogos na base do Milan. Ele foi promovido ao Milan s… - 2 years ago

@mtzmfernandes2: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@Shota_Milan: 大体トップチームの上の世界で生き残っていくには欧州の世界で通用すると思うようなプレースタイルがないと消えていくよな - 2 years ago

@ariobn: @LloydCanfield @FabrizioRomano Only to bench, or loan them to ac milan - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Milan has passed away - #Milan # #Milan #rip - 2 years ago

@arnel_milan: RT @theidlelad: Ano ba naman ito, diba. Tunngeenuuuuhhhh 😂 #AngHulingElBimbo2022 #Eraserheads2022 - 2 years ago

@WiratamaJody: RT @MilanPosts: 📰 @DiMarzio: A meeting is planned between #Milan and #Leao's lawyer in January. - 2 years ago

@JeanLuc55363185: RT @_dmoser: 🌳🌳 Milan 🇮🇹 transforming 30 piazzas from places for cars to places for people 👇👇 HT @GeertKloppenbu1 - 2 years ago

@Nino213_: @ondroskotch @Dzzzzzzz_213 @BooolaDzair Yacine adli joueur du milan , amine c un marocain - 2 years ago

@Teixeirasb: RT @TNTSportsBR: ISSO AQUI É MUITO ABSURDO! 🤯 O italiano Francesco Camarda tem só 14 anos e um faro de gols impressionante. Ele estreou pel… - 2 years ago

@_uto_chan_: RT @zieksmmorl: my full piece for @DGSTravelZine it was such a fun piece to do and thank u everyone for making it happen :) theyre all abt… - 2 years ago

@ningiesbf: Vatra Gaming en NA & LATAM N SK Gaming en EMEA AC Milan Clash en LATAM S - 2 years ago

@Adam_Aja28: RT @LucaManinetti: 👀 Parte 1 - Il #Milan è l'unica squadra in 🇪🇺 ad aver nel proprio store la Supercoppa europea autentica (2007), inoltre… - 2 years ago

@milan_janosov: @boisgera @matplotlib @marceloprates52 Nice one too, congrats!! - 2 years ago

@omarrudberguk: 📸 Omar at Milan Fashion Week in September via a fans twitter post (EdMarBestBoys) - 2 years ago

@Gofroo0: RT @PubitySportIG: This is Francesco Camarda. He's 14-years old and has scored 485 goals in 89 games in the AC Milan academy. He was promo… - 2 years ago

@musyaffa2013: @kskgroup2017 Forza milan - 2 years ago

@Genk_Milan: RT @Apudin_tea: 😂😂😂 - 2 years ago

@milan_janosov: @Th_Th_ @matplotlib @marceloprates52 good point, thanks for the link! - 2 years ago

@brayaninho7: RT @lnstantFoot: Auteur de 485 buts en 89 matchs chez les juniors (🤯🤯), Francesco Camarda (14 ans) a été promu avec la Primavera de Milan (… - 2 years ago

@taeveers: ELIJAN montiel, papu, acuña, el tucu: sevilla. messi: psg. cuti: tottenham. julian: man city. licha: man u. mac all… - 2 years ago

@Sivaji76719357: RT @BoneyKapoor: @shabirmusic #Milan @supremesundar @editorvijay #Kalyan #AnuVardhan @premkumaractor #MSenthil @suthanvfx #CSethu #SameerPa… - 2 years ago

@skitheeast_: RT @nevasport: Las mejores ciudades del mundo para vivir...y esquiar! 1- Milán (Italia) 2- Lyon (Francia) 3- Salt Lake City (USA) 4- Turin… - 2 years ago

@ACMilanNYC: RT @meduzamusic: Forza Milan ❤️🖤 @acmilan - 2 years ago

@rayoscometas: Milán, Italia 🇮🇹 - 2 years ago

@Aaronelliott__: RT @es_grimes: VfB Stuttgart Silas Wamangituka Bids from Fulham & Everton last week AC Milan contacted VfB stuttgart the last 24h Price t… - 2 years ago

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