Mikis Theodorakis

Greek composer ("Mauthausen Trilogy"
Died on Thursday September 2nd 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Mikis Theodorakis:

@SerafimBatz: RIP Mikis Theodorakis. One of the great composers of the 20th century. Zorba the Greek. At 96, a life well lived. - 3 years ago

@altazor506: El Canto General, Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@IngenieroJohn: RT @jaime_lertora: El 2 de septiembre muere Mikis Theodorakis, inmenso compositor griego autor de la música del film "Zorba el griego", m… - 3 years ago

@SandinoPedroza: RT @salvadorVang: Mikis Theodorakis mítico compositor de "Zorba el griego" se ha marchado de Atenas... y de este plano de vida, inolvidable… - 3 years ago


@christanley29: RT @teleamazonasec: Miles se reúnen en Grecia para funeral del músico Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@GMitakides: RT @Axios_Esti: #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης #ΜικηςΘεοδωρακης - 3 years ago

@GMitakides: RT @Lennoir: The Globally Unique Mikis Theodorakis!Omorfi Poli, this amazing song as I visioned it! His music kept me going for two tough y… - 3 years ago

@GMitakides: RT @artpointviewgr: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης, η Ρωμιοσύνη και το δημογραφικό ζήτημα - 3 years ago

@PhilippeAlcoy: 🇬🇷| Je viens d'apprendre la mort, il y a une semaine, du grand chanteur et compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis! Poli… - 3 years ago

@GMitakides: RT @USEmbassyAthens: We mark the passing of the renowned Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, who introduced to the world the unforgettable sc… - 3 years ago

@Roland59201632: RT @greekcitytimes: Mikis Theodorakis: Farewell ceremony at Athens Metropolitan Cathedral concludes #greece #greek… - 3 years ago

@Roland59201632: RT @greekcitytimes: Greece bids farewell to Mikis Theodorakis (LIVE Video) #greece #greek #greekcitytimes - 3 years ago

@Roland59201632: RT @greekcitytimes: Mikis Theodorakis: Body of late composer arrives on Crete for funeral and burial #greece #greek… - 3 years ago

@KGongaki: Η σκιά μιας μεγάλης απουσίας – Ο Μίκης της καρδιάς μας - 3 years ago

@lamiscarreb: Plein les yeux plein les oreilles et plein le coeur. Mikis Theodorakis, Anthony Quinn Munich 1995. - 3 years ago

@AdaBFirst: RT @jungewelt: »Du bist gegangen, es weinen der Wind und die Wellen, es weinen die Sterne in der Nacht.« Zehntausende gaben Mikis #Theodor… - 3 years ago

@AVHernandezDiaz: RT @jaime_lertora: El 2 de septiembre muere Mikis Theodorakis, inmenso compositor griego autor de la música del film "Zorba el griego", m… - 3 years ago

@chome: RT @jaime_lertora: El 2 de septiembre muere Mikis Theodorakis, inmenso compositor griego autor de la música del film "Zorba el griego", m… - 3 years ago

@royriojas: RT @jaime_lertora: El 2 de septiembre muere Mikis Theodorakis, inmenso compositor griego autor de la música del film "Zorba el griego", m… - 3 years ago

@Chappanchi: RT @jaime_lertora: El 2 de septiembre muere Mikis Theodorakis, inmenso compositor griego autor de la música del film "Zorba el griego", m… - 3 years ago

@VICENTEMORRO: RT @Axios_Esti: One of the most moving moments outside the chapel where #Mikis_Theodorakis was "resting" before the boat trip to Chania. #M… - 3 years ago

@kursadturksen: Thousands gather in Greece for composer Mikis Theodorakis' funeral - 3 years ago

@lianalk3: RT @katiousa_gr: Ο Βουλευτής της ΕΔΑ – Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – στη Χίο - 3 years ago

@Iosifp: RT @Axios_Esti: One of the most moving moments outside the chapel where #Mikis_Theodorakis was "resting" before the boat trip to Chania. #M… - 3 years ago

@owenil: Mikis Theodorakis var ju utan tvekan stor, men Eleni Karaindrou har alltid legat närmare mitt sinne. - 3 years ago

@celine_vives: RT @GreceHebdo: #Hommage | Les Nombreuses Vies de Mikis Theodorakis (1925-2021) | Musique, Poésie, Combats, entre la Grèce et la France Li… - 3 years ago

@baphometx: RT @baphometx: A farewell to Mikis Theodorakis (1925-2021) – For our generation, the Greek composer was our living connection with the Left… - 3 years ago

@KaterinakiK1: RT @reiet77: «No es casualidad que haya elegido la poesía griega, desde Esquilo hasta Elytis, como eje central de mi trabajo creativo para… - 3 years ago

@jctafur: RT @SudacaPeru: [OPINIÓN] “La trayectoria personal, artística y política de Mikis Theodorakis (Chíos, 1925) plantea un grave problema a esa… - 3 years ago

@qS5EU1IDmUt2bPb: RT @Axios_Esti: One of the most moving moments outside the chapel where #Mikis_Theodorakis was "resting" before the boat trip to Chania. #M… - 3 years ago

@Axios_Esti: RT @FvdMosselaar: @jungewelt @Axios_Esti Wat fantastisch dat jongeren ook stil staan bij het overlijden van van de grote en meest geliefde… - 3 years ago

@EmCorfu: RT @BNikolopoulos: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Έζησα γαλήνιος και ευλογημένος, σας αποχαιρετώ με τον ίδιο τρόπο....! Καλό ταξίδι Μίκη! #BIN #Mikis_Th… - 3 years ago

@VICENTEMORRO: RT @GreeceinLebanon: The world is paying its respect for the death of Mikis Theodorakis, one of the most influential musicians of the 20th… - 3 years ago

@FvdMosselaar: @jungewelt @Axios_Esti Wat fantastisch dat jongeren ook stil staan bij het overlijden van van de grote en meest gel… - 3 years ago

@timnati: RT @jungewelt: »Du bist gegangen, es weinen der Wind und die Wellen, es weinen die Sterne in der Nacht.« Zehntausende gaben Mikis #Theodor… - 3 years ago

@carlospiqueta: RT @Laclase_info: La muerte de Mikis Theodorakis y un recuerdo de su paso por la Argentina de los 70 #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@Axios_Esti: RT @jungewelt: »Du bist gegangen, es weinen der Wind und die Wellen, es weinen die Sterne in der Nacht.« Zehntausende gaben Mikis #Theodor… - 3 years ago

@Axios_Esti: RT @katiousa_gr: Ο Βουλευτής της ΕΔΑ – Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – στη Χίο - 3 years ago

@Axios_Esti: RT @AnderssonUlla: Vi spelar Mikis Theodorakis och minns alla de som kämpat mot fascismen för mänskliga rättigheter, demokrati och solidari… - 3 years ago

@nikodim59308521: RT @Axios_Esti: One of the most moving moments outside the chapel where #Mikis_Theodorakis was "resting" before the boat trip to Chania. #M… - 3 years ago

@TheNewEuropean: Mikis Theodorakis: Zorba the Greek’s rebel composer - 3 years ago

@ct620_: RT @savvaskarma: Thousands pay last respects to composer Mikis Theodorakis. #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης #Greece - 3 years ago

@Rodia300: 95 Years Mikis Theodorakis (Compilation//Official Audio) - 3 years ago

@JUANMAN79302740: Muere el compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis a los 96 años - 3 years ago

@dimkyrk1: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@velespito: - 3 years ago

@JUANMAN79302740: RT @Hibai_: Ha muerto Mikis Theodorakis,la figura más importante de la cultura griega moderna. Lo fue todo: músico, luchador antifascista,… - 3 years ago

@MICHAELBERTAKIS: RT @amna_news: Δήμαρχος Χανίων στο @amna_news : Θα αξιοποιήσουμε στο έπακρο την πολιτιστική κληρονομιά που μας άφησε ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης ht… - 3 years ago

@L3naRain: RT @BNikolopoulos: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Έζησα γαλήνιος και ευλογημένος, σας αποχαιρετώ με τον ίδιο τρόπο....! Καλό ταξίδι Μίκη! #BIN #Mikis_Th… - 3 years ago

@nvavizos: RT @EU_Commission: "I am not a hero. Heroes die young. I am just a citizen who does his duty" Today we join Greece in paying tribute and h… - 3 years ago

@BVelaoras: RT @syrosagenda: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης και Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης - 3 years ago

@GiotisXaralabos: @ChrisLio1 - 3 years ago

@katsandres: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@VradiniGr: Σημαντικές εστίες πολιτισμού, τέχνης και γνώσης θα είναι το σπίτι του σπουδαίου μουσικοσυνθέτη, όπως και σημαντικά… - 3 years ago

@syrosagenda: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης και Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης - 3 years ago

@ClarkGaybeul: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@FotiniRantsiou: RT @IrishTimesLife: Mikis Theodorakis obituary: Classical composer and political symbol - 3 years ago

@Anichneftis: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@vnvnationathens: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@Kirki53794870: RT @yorgisAnyfantis: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης ήθελε να ενωθούν οι Έλληνες κάτω από τις παρωχημένες κυρίαρχες ιδέες του εθνικισμού και όχι της αρ… - 3 years ago

@peksimet: RT @vivetchka: Yorgo Seferis'in şiiri ve Mikis Theodorkais'in unutulmaz bestesi: İnkâr (ek not: hem Özdemir İnce, Herkül Millas'ın çeviris… - 3 years ago

@marxdeuva: RT @marxistcom: Mikis Theodorakis (1925–2021): the life and work of a great international composer and militant democrat - 3 years ago

@diez_jacinto: RT @mundoobrero: Enrique Santiago (@EnriqueSantiago @elpce) trasmite el recuerdo y agradecimiento de los comunistas españoles a la familia… - 3 years ago

@borgencurie1: RT @borgencurie1: The very best of Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@borgencurie1: The very best of Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@messmerizedcat: RT @ekathimerini: Mikis Theodorakis’ victory - 3 years ago

@sar_iannis: @tou_diaolou @ChristosXanthak Υπαρχει το αρθρο ... - 3 years ago

@Actualy_es: Mikis Theodorakis, genio y figura de la cultura y la política La e… - 3 years ago

@Luisa_Vidal57: RT @samakris: @BFMTV Les funérailles nationales, l'émotion populaire, la musique (ainsi que des popes et un aréopage de communistes), c'éta… - 3 years ago

@meshugeyner: RT @antisemitism: In a fawning obituary, The @guardian has omitted the #antisemitism of self-avowed #antisemite, Mikis Theodorakis The new… - 3 years ago

@ayseldemirtaya3: RT @ayseldemirtaya3: Mikis Theodorakis & Anthony Quinn - Munich, 1995 - 3 years ago

@Ariasvilla: RT @samakris: @BFMTV Les funérailles nationales, l'émotion populaire, la musique (ainsi que des popes et un aréopage de communistes), c'éta… - 3 years ago

@KostasMantzaris: RT @Independent: Mikis Theodorakis: Greek composer who used music to rebel - 3 years ago

@KarlReitter: RT @Independent: Mikis Theodorakis: Greek composer who used music to rebel - 3 years ago

@Laclase_info: La muerte de Mikis Theodorakis y un recuerdo de su paso por la Argentina de los 70 #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@KolbaPeter: RT @Independent: Mikis Theodorakis: Greek composer who used music to rebel - 3 years ago

@DrakulicIlija: RT @Independent: Mikis Theodorakis: Greek composer who used music to rebel - 3 years ago

@IoannaDementi: RT @24heuropegr: Mikis Theodorakis: Greek composer who used music to rebel - 3 years ago

@MonaSmitte: RT @Independent: Mikis Theodorakis: Greek composer who used music to rebel - 3 years ago

@AnastasiosManol: Mikis Theodorakis ft: Manolis Mitsias, Maria Farantouri | Concert in Chi... - 3 years ago

@Koutourini: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@Karamarkos: #MikisTheodorakis: landmark-work in the #history of Greek popular struggles - 3 years ago

@GreeceOutsideIn: RT @amna_newseng: #Athens Half Marathon on Sunday; race to be dedicated to #Mikis_Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@amna_newseng: #Athens Half Marathon on Sunday; race to be dedicated to #Mikis_Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@AlanForbesAF: RT @samakris: @BFMTV Les funérailles nationales, l'émotion populaire, la musique (ainsi que des popes et un aréopage de communistes), c'éta… - 3 years ago

@AFiliopoulou: Βίντεο ντοκουμέντο: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης σε στιγμές δημιουργίας λίγο πριν το τέλος - 3 years ago

@GricelTango: RT @samakris: @BFMTV Les funérailles nationales, l'émotion populaire, la musique (ainsi que des popes et un aréopage de communistes), c'éta… - 3 years ago

@nikomaria: RT @Axios_Esti: 🇬🇷 #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης #ΜικηςΘεοδωρακης (29/07/1925 - 02/09/2021) #MikisTheodorakis #Mikis_Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@NHKMistanbul: RT @solhaberportali: Mikis Theodorakis'in ardından: Toplumsal kurtuluşun çanları susmayacak - 3 years ago

@GoharShagoyan: RT @baphometx: Al Pacino's Farewell To Mikis Theodorakis: We Will Remember Him Forever — The film “Serpico”, which narrates the life of an… - 3 years ago

@BrusselsMorning: The last farewell to Mikis Theodorakis @AlexisMep #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@VazquezGonzo: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@palsape: RT @ManuelSantP: @perezreverte Diferentes pueblos diferentes ceremonias. En Creta despidieron a Mikis Theodorakis la misma gente del pueblo… - 3 years ago

@VazquezGonzo: RT @lajornadaonline: Miles de personas se dieron cita para despedir y rendir homenaje al "gran embajador" de #Grecia, según palabras del pr… - 3 years ago

@diyarkes: RT @diyarkes: Mikis Theodorakis , yaşamında müzik ve politik mücadele önemli bir yer tutar .. Yunanistan' da, ülkesinde cuntaya ve faşizme… - 3 years ago

@diyarkes: RT @diyarkes: Mikis Theodorakis , en sevdiğim filmlerden biri olan "ZORBA" Filminin muhteşem film müziğini yapmış .. Işıklar içinde uyusun… - 3 years ago

@vvalessia: RT @iefimerida: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Viral το αποχαιρετιστήριο βίντεο διάσημου Ολλανδού βιολιστή με τον «Ζορμπά» - 3 years ago

@PezAntonio: El 9 de septiembre de 2021 Mikis Theodorakis fue enterrado en Gálatas, un pequeño pueblo de Creta, hogar de sus pad… - 3 years ago

@vimaorthodoxias: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης και η Μακεδονία - 3 years ago

@GPerdikaris: RT @Axios_Esti: 🇬🇷 #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης #ΜικηςΘεοδωρακης (29/07/1925 - 02/09/2021) #MikisTheodorakis #Mikis_Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@NATASA09115934: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@agulsencan: RT @siyake: Mikis Theodorakis vasiyeti üzerine bugün memleketi Girit'te toprağa verildi. - 3 years ago

@FvdMosselaar: RT @baphometx: Al Pacino's Farewell To Mikis Theodorakis: We Will Remember Him Forever — The film “Serpico”, which narrates the life of an… - 3 years ago

@jillangie: RT @mina_zachariou: @YaseenRing @iamsrk @vfx_redchillies @KarunaBadwal @pooja_dadlani @BilalS158 @khyatimadaan @TheFarahKhan @MandviSharma… - 3 years ago

@Axios_Esti: RT @baphometx: Al Pacino's Farewell To Mikis Theodorakis: We Will Remember Him Forever — The film “Serpico”, which narrates the life of an… - 3 years ago

@GermanyinGreece: Bundespräsident Frank-Walter #Steinmeier kondoliert der @PresidencyGR Katerina #Sakellaropoulou: „Ganz Griechenland… - 3 years ago

@Axios_Esti: RT @IsilAcehan: Mikis Theodorakis Girit’deki Galatas köyünün mezarlığına defnedilirken… Bana Rembetiko’daki Marika’nın cenazesi sahnesini h… - 3 years ago


@mina_zachariou: @YaseenRing @iamsrk @vfx_redchillies @KarunaBadwal @pooja_dadlani @BilalS158 @khyatimadaan @TheFarahKhan… - 3 years ago

@Ilketanalan: RT @hsoneryalcin: “Saraylar saltanatlar çöker kan susar bir gün zulüm biter. Menekşeler de açılır üstümüzde leylaklar da güler. Bugünlerden… - 3 years ago

@zoemertika: RT @News247gr: Ένα από τα τελευταία βίντεο του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη, ο οποίος συνέχιζε να συνθέτει με το ίδιο πάθος στο σπίτι του, μέχρι και λίγε… - 3 years ago

@birersifa: “Saraylar saltanatlar çöker kan susar bir gün zulüm biter. Menekşeler de açılır üstümüzde leylaklar da güler. Bug… - 3 years ago

@ekklisiaonline: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης και η Μακεδονία - 3 years ago

@kemalbilgin31: “Saraylar saltanatlar çöker kan susar bir gün zulüm biter. Menekşeler de açılır üstümüzde leylaklar da güler. Bug… - 3 years ago

@Frau_Nikon: RT @VardasGeorge: Farewell Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@Hasanen44909075: RT @kilicdarogluk: Ege'nin diğer yakasından dostluğun ezgisini duyurdu bize, dünyaya sevginin diliyle seslendi, demokrasinin tarafında dimd… - 3 years ago

@VioManifesto: RT @solhaberportali: Mikis Theodorakis'in ardından: Toplumsal kurtuluşun çanları susmayacak - 3 years ago

@AsTYGPB: RT @CCavafy: “We asked Mikis as to whom he believed was the greatest poet from Seferis, Ritsos and Elytis. He said, ‘I believe Seferis’. We… - 3 years ago

@Savvas832: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@hdskk7aSlPajPbq: RT @PeriklisPer: The original sirtaki Zorbas - Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@JohnMilonas25: RT @gioxar1: Theme from Serpico-Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@gioxar1: Theme from Serpico-Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@HellasJournal: Στην κρητική γη επέστρεψε ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Θα είναι για πάντα ζωντανός μέσα στις καρδιές όλων των ανθρώπων… - 3 years ago

@tesa55cs: RT @Axios_Esti: Immortal #Μίκης_Θεοδωράκης #Μικης #Μικη_Θεοδωράκη #ΜικηςΘεοδωρακης #MikisTheodorakis #Mikis_Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@Mykland_g13: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@Trasfondo_Oax: Líderes políticos, familiares y miles de admiradores dan el último adiós al músico griego #MikisTheodorakis, enterr… - 3 years ago

@jijicas: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@batzanaki: RT @comunistamexico: - 3 years ago

@RilkeRainer: RT @GreekAnalyst: “Theodorakis was much more than a political symbol and a writer of film scores. He was a composer of great melodic gifts:… - 3 years ago

@fotini2912: Με τις κιθαρες κ την παρεα της η μητερα μου.αγαπουσε αυτο..Τωρα ο Μικις το τραγουδαει..ισως μαζι της Giannis Parios… - 3 years ago

@_eminekacan: RT @LivaneliZulfu: Mikis Theodorakis’in cenaze töreni Mitropolis Kilisesi’nde gerçekleşiyor. Çok az insan alındı içeriye. Dışarıda yağmur a… - 3 years ago

@PortalCubaSi: #Cultura🎶🌼 | Líderes políticos, familiares y miles de admiradores rindieron sus últimos respetos al músico griego M… - 3 years ago

@Menelao16766603: Mikis Theodorakis en exil #Mikis_Theodorakis #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης - 3 years ago

@Lying_cat_: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@murtezahackali: RT @KronosHaber: Yunan mitleri, efsaneleri ve Mikis 2 Eylül'de hayatını kaybeden, cenaze töreni #Girit'te yapılan Mikis #Theodorakis’i Yun… - 3 years ago

@NeosKosmos: A moving farewell and fitting tribute for the great Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@JazzZezZen: Mikis Theodorakis funeral live from crete - 3 years ago

@markellashar: RT @iefimerida: Βίντεο-ντοκουμέντο: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης δημιουργεί με πάθος, λίγες μέρες πριν περάσει στην αιωνιότητα #iefimerida - 3 years ago

@Laclase_info: La muerte de Mikis Theodorakis y un recuerdo de su paso por la Argentina de los 70 #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@Rabasa16: RT @xavidomenech99: "La meva mare em va dir "Et poden detenir si cantes una de les seves cançons". Llavors vaig comprendre lo poderosa que… - 3 years ago

@rosamirob: RT @xavidomenech99: "La meva mare em va dir "Et poden detenir si cantes una de les seves cançons". Llavors vaig comprendre lo poderosa que… - 3 years ago

@Kyrosnl: RT @xstefanou: To @TheTOC_gr αποκαλεί τον συνάδελφο @NikoAgo_ τρολ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. To @protagongr σβήνει το όνομά του από τα κείμενά του. Όλα… - 3 years ago

@NChatzinikolaou: RT @enikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Η ανάρτηση Καρανίκα για τις αποδοκιμασίες την Τετάρτη στη Μητρόπολη - 3 years ago

@catillach: RT @xavidomenech99: "La meva mare em va dir "Et poden detenir si cantes una de les seves cançons". Llavors vaig comprendre lo poderosa que… - 3 years ago

@NChatzinikolaou: RT @enikos_gr: Ο “αθάνατος” Μίκης Θεοδωράκης στην αγκαλιά της κρητικής γης – ΦΩΤΟ – ΒΙΝΤΕΟ - 3 years ago

@NChatzinikolaou: RT @enikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Τα δάκρυα της Κατερίνας Σακελλαροπούλου – ΒΙΝΤΕΟ - 3 years ago

@NChatzinikolaou: RT @enikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Η Μαργαρίτα πάνω από τον τάφο του πατέρα της – ΦΩΤΟ - 3 years ago

@tyira41: RT @Axios_Esti: 🇬🇷 #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης #ΜικηςΘεοδωρακης (29/07/1925 - 02/09/2021) #MikisTheodorakis #Mikis_Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@enikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Μητσοτάκης και Τσίπρας στην εξόδιο ακολουθία - 3 years ago

@GreekLeft: RT @velocity2121: This is how the people and associations of culture said goodbye to Mikis Theodorakis in Athens. *Ετσι αποχαιρέτησαν στην… - 3 years ago

@ReaderGr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Χιλιάδες κόσμου στα Χανιά - Εφτασε η σορός του στον Γαλατά (live streaming) - 3 years ago

@tilegrafima: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Κρητικοί συνόδευσαν την σορό του τραγουδώντας «Ένα το χελιδόνι» (ΒΙΝΤΕΟ) - 3 years ago

@velocity2121: RT @velocity2121: This is how the people and associations of culture said goodbye to Mikis Theodorakis in Athens. *Ετσι αποχαιρέτησαν στην… - 3 years ago

@APpaioannou: Mίκης Θεοδωράκης || Mikis Theodorakis - Συναυλίες Σπάνιες Ηχογραφήσεις (... - 3 years ago

@TheTOC_gr: Η σορός του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη μεταφέρθηκε με αυτοκινητοπομπή στον Ι.Ν. Αγίου Νικολάου στον Γαλατά, όπου τελείται η εξό… - 3 years ago

@yarekdof: RT @20_20_mag: #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης: "Ράγισαν" και οι πέτρες με τον επικήδειο του Δημήτρη Κουτσούμπα (video) - 3 years ago

@Access71All: RT @velocity2121: This is how the people and associations of culture said goodbye to Mikis Theodorakis in Athens. *Ετσι αποχαιρέτησαν στην… - 3 years ago

@oldschoolitems1: RT @newsbombgr: Δείτε LIVE το τελευταίο αντίο στον κορυφαίο Έλληνα δημιουργό #Μικη_Θεοδωρακη #Αντιο #Rip #MikisTheodorakis #News #Newsbombg… - 3 years ago

@All24gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Το τελευταίο «αντίο» στον σπουδαίο Έλληνα - 3 years ago

@newsmagreece: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Το τελευταίο «αντίο» στον σπουδαίο Έλληνα - 3 years ago

@XMWzYeaHJ5l3rZq: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Συγκινεί το μήνυμα του μικρού κοριτσιού στο βιβλίο συλλυπητηρίων [εικόνες] - 3 years ago

@waywardlad1: A National Treasure 💪 Mikis Theodorakis - Strose to stroma sou & Zorba (live,2005) - 3 years ago

@newsbombgr: Δείτε LIVE το τελευταίο αντίο στον κορυφαίο Έλληνα δημιουργό #Μικη_Θεοδωρακη #Αντιο #Rip #MikisTheodorakis #News… - 3 years ago

@Cretapost: - 3 years ago

@libre_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Υποβασταζόμενη η κόρη του Μαργαρίτα στην κηδεία, - 3 years ago

@manolhs: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Πολάκης: «Ένας από τους τελευταίους μεγάλους του 20ου αιώνα» - 3 years ago

@Achilleas411: RT @velocity2121: This is how the people and associations of culture said goodbye to Mikis Theodorakis in Athens. *Ετσι αποχαιρέτησαν στην… - 3 years ago

@Ftinogravatas: RT @baphometx: Al Pacino recalls first time he hear Mikis Theodorakis’ score for ‘Serpico’ - 3 years ago

@kostisbitsios: @Apotis4stis5 #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης #Mikis_Theodorakis #MikisTheodorakis #Μικη_Θεοδωρακη #ΜικηςΘεοδωρακης #Μικης #Μικη… - 3 years ago

@G_Voskopoulos: 2013 Ο ΘΕΟΔΩΡΑΚΗΣ «ΓΥΡΙΣΕ» ΣΤΟ ΣΤΡΑΤΟΠΕΔΟ ΤΟΥ 1948 ΜΕ ΜΙΑ ΠΑΡΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΖΩΗ ΤΟΥ Η νίκη του Μίκη στη Μακρόνησο… - 3 years ago

@GiannopoulosG: RT @serkot65: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Στο Γαλατά Χανίων Μητσοτάκης και Τσίπρας για την ταφή - 3 years ago

@VradiniGr: Χιλιάδες κόσμου αποτίει φόρο τιμής στον παγκόσμιο Έλληνα - Κλίμα συγκίνησης στα Χανιά #Μικη_Θεοδωρακη… - 3 years ago

@vimapress: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Στιγμές συγκίνησης στην Κρήτη – 96 βρακοφόροι και πλήθος κόσμου για το «τελευταίο αντίο» - -… - 3 years ago

@Rantanp49061536: RT @XenakisSotiris: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Σήμερα το τελευταίο «αντίο» - Έφτασε στα Χανιά η σορός του (Βίντεο) - 3 years ago

@alekam20142014: RT @Axios_Esti: Port of #Piraeus. The boat trip to #Chania, #Crete started a few hours ago. #Mikis_Theodorakis says goodbye forever to #Ath… - 3 years ago

@tromaktiko_blog: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: O Γερμανός και πρώην συνεργάτης του τραγουδά έξω τη Μητρόπολη Χανίων - 3 years ago

@drangiehobbs: RT @philipvmurphy: Honoured to have been present in Chania, Crete, today as people paid their respects to the great Mikis Theodorakis, rest… - 3 years ago

@enikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Το κοριτσάκι και το συγκινητικό μήνυμα που έγραψε - 3 years ago

@officialcaglar: RT @LivaneliZulfu: Mikis Theodorakis’in cenaze töreni Mitropolis Kilisesi’nde gerçekleşiyor. Çok az insan alındı içeriye. Dışarıda yağmur a… - 3 years ago

@SPuschner: RT @yanisvaroufakis: My farewell to Mikis Theodorakis, in Der Freitag - 3 years ago

@manos_1959: RT @manos_1959: Σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα η σορός του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη, στα Χανιά -Συγκινητικές στιγμές, live - 3 years ago

@FtagJim: ένα πάρα πολύ ωραίο και πλήρες αφιέρωμα στον Μίκη Θεοδωράκη από την Καθημερινή 👏👏👏 @Kathimerini_gr… - 3 years ago

@ezarkadoula: Γαλατάς Χανίων: Γιατί ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης ήθελε να ταφεί εκεί όπου εμπνεύστηκε τον Επιτάφιο, λίγο μετά τη Μακρόνησο… - 3 years ago

@manos_1959: Σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα η σορός του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη, στα Χανιά -Συγκινητικές στιγμές, live - 3 years ago

@noii: RT @Erica_Scourti: Al Pacino has just sent a message for the passing of Mikis Theodorakis- his casket has just been loaded onto to a ferry… - 3 years ago

@EconomicEthics: RT @MGSchmelzer: "Als Kind prägte mich der Komponist Mikis Theodorakis und ich lernte schnell, warum ihn die Faschisten damals so fürchtete… - 3 years ago

@_PabloMS: RT @QuinoCollantes: Se fue nuestro querido Mikis Theodorakis... pero nos queda su inmortal sirtaki bailado por Zorba. - 3 years ago

@derfreitag: RT @MGSchmelzer: "Als Kind prägte mich der Komponist Mikis Theodorakis und ich lernte schnell, warum ihn die Faschisten damals so fürchtete… - 3 years ago

@txellblanxer: RT @Hibai_: Enorme cola para entrar al velatorio de Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@neakritigr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Αυτοκινητοπομπή για τη μεταφορά της σορού, μέχρι την Μητρόπολη που θα τεθεί σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα - 3 years ago

@parapolitika: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Με ομιλίες Σακελλαροπούλου και Κουτσούμπα η τελετή αποχαιρετισμού - Την Πέμπτη στον Γαλατά Χανίων… - 3 years ago

@samiunall: RT @KronosHaber: Besteci ve müzisyen Yannis Saoulis, 2 Eylül'de hayatını kaybeden ünlü besteci, yazar, aktivist Mikis #Theodorakis'i Kronos… - 3 years ago

@MehniG: RT @Hibai_: Capilla ardiente de Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@MehniG: RT @Hibai_: Enorme cola para entrar al velatorio de Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@perezarda: RT @Hibai_: Capilla ardiente de Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@perezarda: RT @Hibai_: Enorme cola para entrar al velatorio de Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@LilaR: RT @Efune: In its obituary of composer Mikis Theodorakis, the @nytimes excuses a self-described, admitted antisemite as merely a critic of… - 3 years ago

@ynkutner: RT @Efune: In its obituary of composer Mikis Theodorakis, the @nytimes excuses a self-described, admitted antisemite as merely a critic of… - 3 years ago

@adieksodosnews: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης - Η Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας θα μιλήσει στην τελετή αποχαιρετισμού την Τετάρτη -… - 3 years ago

@oscar_mora_: RT @Hibai_: Enorme cola para entrar al velatorio de Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@gokcenizamoglu: RT @KronosHaber: Besteci ve müzisyen Yannis Saoulis, 2 Eylül'de hayatını kaybeden ünlü besteci, yazar, aktivist Mikis #Theodorakis'i Kronos… - 3 years ago

@ivanpaya: RT @Hibai_: Enorme cola para entrar al velatorio de Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@LSoid2PZiviVRAD: RT @grigovits: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Στην κηδεία του θα παρευρεθεί η Φώφη Γεννηματά - 3 years ago

@fimotro: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Ένταση στο λαϊκό προσκύνημα έξω από τη Μητρόπολη Αθηνών - 3 years ago

@AlperEnderFirat: RT @KronosHaber: Besteci ve müzisyen Yannis Saoulis, 2 Eylül'de hayatını kaybeden ünlü besteci, yazar, aktivist Mikis #Theodorakis'i Kronos… - 3 years ago

@bogoroditzaDina: RT @Hibai_: Enorme cola para entrar al velatorio de Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@RoulaKara: RT @_marilenaki: Τελευταίο αντίο στον Μίκη μας σήμερα. Último adiós a nuestro grande Mikis Theodorakis hoy. - 3 years ago

@TMocilnikar: RT @ESzeftel: Pour @libe, le sociologue et urbaniste Alain Bourdin revient sur Mikis Theodorákis, qui incarnait "un imaginaire urbain" rass… - 3 years ago

@uktu_: RT @solhaberportali: Mikis Theodorakis'in naaşı Atina'da halkın ziyaretine açıldı: "Ölümsüz", "Onurlu KKE" sloganlarıyla karşılandı https:… - 3 years ago

@IlMortoDelMese: Mikīs Theodōrakīs (1925-2021) - 3 years ago

@Ferdi43342660: RT @ekrem_imamoglu: Türk Yunan dostluğuna ciddi katkıları olmuş, dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti. Dostluğa,… - 3 years ago

@BluePurpleMusic: Hundreds Wait to Pay Respects to Greek Composer Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@ShadowLinesDoc: Hundreds Wait to Pay Respects to Greek Composer Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@politikakritis: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Τι ανέφερε το συμβολαιογραφικό έγγραφο της τελευταίας του επιθυμίας - 3 years ago

@solhaberportali: Mikis Theodorakis'in naaşı Atina'da halkın ziyaretine açıldı: "Ölümsüz", "Onurlu KKE" sloganlarıyla karşılandı… - 3 years ago

@sabengel4: RT @id_communism: Communists of the world bid farewell to Mikis Theodorakis: #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@spe1977: Greeks pay their respect as body of Mikis Theodorakis lie in state - 3 years ago

@hellenic_wings: Είναι μακρύς ο δρόμος σου (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης & Πάνος Κοκκινόπουλος) - 3 years ago

@dodgecy1: RT @GreeceInGermany: Die 🇬🇷 Flagge an der Botschaft von #Griechenland in #Berlin ist nach dem Tod von Mikis #Theodorakis auf halbmast geset… - 3 years ago

@hellenic_wings: Βραδιάζει (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης & Δημήτρης Χριστοδούλου) - 3 years ago

@AchillesofHomer: 'Our Mikis has gone': 'Zorba the Greek' composer Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@hellenic_wings: Γωνιά γωνιά (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης & Δημήτρης Χριστοδούλου) - 3 years ago

@sabengel4: RT @GreeceInGermany: Die 🇬🇷 Flagge an der Botschaft von #Griechenland in #Berlin ist nach dem Tod von Mikis #Theodorakis auf halbmast geset… - 3 years ago

@neakritigr: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης για την αγνότητα του Κρητικού πολιτισμού - 3 years ago

@hellenic_wings: Η μπαλάντα του Αντρίκου (Κώστας Βάρναλης & Μίκης Θεοδωράκης) - 3 years ago

@TOPONTIKI: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Γιατί καθυστέρησε να φτάσει η σορός του στο Α’ Νεκροταφείο – Η εμπλοκή - 3 years ago

@AlonsoRaya_: RT @AFPespanol: 🇬🇷 Muere el compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis, célebre por “Zorba el griego” #AFP ➡ - 3 years ago

@friendsofmisery: RT @tkpinter: We heard with great sorrow of the passing away of a great composer, musician, former KKE MP and a holder of the Lenin Peace P… - 3 years ago

@NessStyles_: RT @libe: ⚫️  Mort du compositeur Mikis Theodorakis Le musicien grec, figure de la gauche, infatigable défenseur de la démocratie et inven… - 3 years ago

@nebuleuse2007: RT @Thomas_Lemahieu: Devant la petite chapelle de la cathédrale métropolitaine d’Athènes, où le cercueil de Mikis Theodorakis vient d’être… - 3 years ago

@stinkardiamou: 📷 A pilgrimage of people paying their last respect to Mikis Theodorakis, lying on state in the Athens Cathedral. Ph… - 3 years ago

@tovimagr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Αυτό είναι το μνήμα που είχε εγκρίνει από το 2009 - 3 years ago

@gkekas3: RT @foyli: La Grecia è appoggiata a questa bara e l'universo è in ginocchio davanti al grande compositore Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@magnesianews: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Η συμβολαιογραφική πράξη για τον τόπο ενταφιασμού του - 3 years ago

@fpttweet: RT @Axios_Esti: 1. "Sta pervólia" (In the orchards) ✒️🎼 #Mikis_Theodorakis, 🎤 @Dimitrismpasis #MikisTheodorakis #Θεοδωράκης #Μίκης_Θεοδω… - 3 years ago

@Teokanistras: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Παράταση μίας ώρας στο λαϊκό προσκύνημα - 3 years ago

@AZadounaisky: RT @Thomas_Lemahieu: Devant la petite chapelle de la cathédrale métropolitaine d’Athènes, où le cercueil de Mikis Theodorakis vient d’être… - 3 years ago

@foyli: La Grecia è appoggiata a questa bara e l'universo è in ginocchio davanti al grande compositore Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@savvanti: RT @Heese_Gymnasium: Schülerinnen und Schüler des SESB Zweigs erinnern an Mikis Theodorakis #Μικης #Ελλαδα #Hella… - 3 years ago

@Maximil38267819: @Fabien_Roussel, Camarade, aies je loupé ton Tweet concernant la Mort du Camarade Mikis Théodorakis, il y a un deui… - 3 years ago

@vimaorthodoxias: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Τι αναφέρει ο ιδιοκτήτης του γραφείου τελετών για την “εμπλοκή” που υπήρξε - 3 years ago

@Human4Justice: RT @zarafshan: The Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis who passed away yesterday was a staunch defender of the #Palestinian cause. He composed… - 3 years ago

@pawn_gagya: RT @sound_trax: RIP Mikis Theodorakis. 그리스의 전설적인 영화음악가이자 독재시절 저항한 민주투사이고 정치가였던 그가 96세로 세상을 떠났다. [희랍인 조르바]와 [페드라], [제트], [계엄령], [형사 서피코] 등 잊… - 3 years ago

@ioannaprs: RT @tovimagr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Το λαϊκό προσκύνημα θα παραταθεί για μια ώρα σήμερα – Θα τελειώσει στις 20:00 το βράδυ - 3 years ago

@rizwanalam14: RT @zarafshan: The Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis who passed away yesterday was a staunch defender of the #Palestinian cause. He composed… - 3 years ago

@Montse2004: RT @JavierGimenoP: El pasado jueves falleció uno de los compositores contemporáneos mas admirado. Mikis Theodorakis , autor de Zorba el gri… - 3 years ago

@blackstorm1976: RT @id_communism: Communists of the world bid farewell to Mikis Theodorakis: #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@GiorgosSahinis: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Η Κρήτη έπεσε «θύμα» της ομορφιάς της - 3 years ago

@fimesgr: Έξαλλοι Κούγιας-Μαργαρίτα για ταφή Θεοδωράκη: «Ντρέπομαι, αν γνώριζα…». Βόμβες για αδερφό, πώς τους ξάφνιασε ο Μίκη… - 3 years ago

@TerraNewsGreece: Το λαϊκό προσκύνημα για τον Μίκη Θεοδωράκη, το οποίο ξεκίνησε σήμερα στη Μητρόπολη Αθηνών θα παραταθεί για μία ώρα,… - 3 years ago

@XcelciorK: RT @id_communism: Communists of the world bid farewell to Mikis Theodorakis: #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@linotaemin: @Sirap014 Tellement... Puis avec Mikis Theodorakis c'est... 💔 - 3 years ago

@vusumuzigcuma: RT @id_communism: Communists of the world bid farewell to Mikis Theodorakis: #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@orthodoxiaonlin: ΦΩΤΟ & ΒΙΝΤΕΟ - Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Τριήμερο Λαϊκό προσκύνημα του μεγάλου Έλληνα στη Μητρόπολη Αθηνών - 3 years ago

@aoratospolemos: ΦΩΤΟ & ΒΙΝΤΕΟ - Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Τριήμερο Λαϊκό προσκύνημα του μεγάλου Έλληνα στη Μητρόπολη Αθηνών - 3 years ago

@ha48255733: RT @BirGun_Gazetesi: Mikis Theodorakis'in naaşı halkın ziyaretine açıldı - 3 years ago

@BAKIRKOY_CHP: RT @kilicdarogluk: Ege'nin diğer yakasından dostluğun ezgisini duyurdu bize, dünyaya sevginin diliyle seslendi, demokrasinin tarafında dimd… - 3 years ago

@BirGun_Gazetesi: Mikis Theodorakis'in naaşı halkın ziyaretine açıldı - 3 years ago

@rebeka4711: RT @FrancoScarsell2: Se n'è andato l'uomo del Sirtaki.Mikis Theodorakis,il famoso compositore greco,è morto ad Atene all’eta’di 96 anni.Cel… - 3 years ago

@brulersamaison: RT @TataCoquillette: Est-ce que rendre hommage à Mikis Theodorakis, c’est ignorer son antisémitisme ? Celui qui a déclaré, entre autre, qu… - 3 years ago

@Ave_Fenix007: RT @lopezdoriga: Centenares de griegos desfilaron por la capilla ardiente instalada en la Catedral de Atenas para despedir a Mikis Theodora… - 3 years ago

@DetlefGuertler: @damomac @Piraeus_Bank I hope they play hold music by Mikis Theodorakis... - 3 years ago

@eviathemagr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Παρατείνεται το λαϊκό προσκύνημα – Λουλούδια, τραγούδια και «Ζορμπάς» - 3 years ago

@bjwtn0rg3E9LbOO: RT @id_communism: Communists of the world bid farewell to Mikis Theodorakis: #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@SolomouKaterin1: Mikis Theodorakis & Melina Mercouri O Dikastis Ο Δικαστής - 3 years ago

@wwwtypologoscom: Ο δικός μου Μίκης Θεοδωράκης - 3 years ago

@klatsch_tratsch: Griechen nehmen Abschied von Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@HellasStalinist: RT @id_communism: Communists of the world bid farewell to Mikis Theodorakis: #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@enikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Η συμβολαιογραφική πράξη που αποκαλύπτει την επιθυμία του για τον τόπο ταφής του - 3 years ago

@jmb_1985: RT @AP_Europe: Greece's Communist Party says composer and politician Mikis Theodorakis will be buried according to his wishes in Crete next… - 3 years ago

@bertled: RT @lopezdoriga: Centenares de griegos desfilaron por la capilla ardiente instalada en la Catedral de Atenas para despedir a Mikis Theodora… - 3 years ago

@politicalHEDGE: Mourners pay final respects to Greek music icon Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@Timelinegr_: #Μίκης_Θεοδωράκης: Με συμβολαιογραφική πράξη είχε ορίσει τόπο ταφής και γραφείο τελετών - 3 years ago

@alert142: RT @pavlospapadim: #ΜικηςΘεοδωρακης #Μικης #Θεοδωρακης #Mikis_Theodorakis #MikisTheodorakis #Μικης_Θεοδωράκης Εγώ είμαι δεξιός.Αυτή η πολιτ… - 3 years ago

@eretikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Έγγραφο αποκαλύπτει την επιθυμία για ταφή στην Κρήτη #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης - 3 years ago

@StefTatsios: RT @eurohoopsGR: Από σήμερα (6/9) οι πολίτες μπορούν να πουν το τελευταίο αντίο στον σπουδαίο μουσικοσυνθέτη 🎥 - 3 years ago

@parapolitika: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης είχε αφήσει οδηγίες για την ταφή του - Τι ανέφερε σε συμβολαιογραφικό έγγραφο του 2020 - 3 years ago

@skaigr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Τι ανέφερε σε συμβολαιογραφικό έγγραφο για τον ενταφιασμό του #Ελλάδα #Μίκης_Θεοδωράκης… - 3 years ago

@UsunF: RT @tr_hbr: 🔥 Ünlü besteci Mikis Theodorakis'in cenazesi kendi isteğine uygun olarak Girit Adası'na defnedilecek Theodorakis, 2013 yılında… - 3 years ago

@in_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης - Αυτό είναι το μνήμα που είχε εγκρίνει από το 2009 - Ποιος το σχεδίασε - 3 years ago

@Kathimerini_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Τι ανέφερε σε συμβολαιογραφικό έγγραφο για τον ενταφιασμό του - 3 years ago

@skaigr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Τι ανέφερε σε συμβολαιογραφικό έγγραφο για τον ενταφιασμό του #Ελλάδα - 3 years ago

@IbrahimSediyani: RT @IbrahimSediyani: HABERLER | Sediyani Haber (1) Gine’de Askerî Darbe İtalya’da 400.000 Yıl Öncesine Ait İnsan… - 3 years ago

@mavigez: RIP Jean Paul Belmondo. Last week the culture scenes lost 2 other great people: Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis a… - 3 years ago

@GKasapov: RT @USEmbassyAthens: We mark the passing of the renowned Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, who introduced to the world the unforgettable sc… - 3 years ago

@lianalk3: RT @qsz4fwx3dh8k9ll: KKE über Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@NikosPachilas: RT @tovimagr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Η Ελλάδα υποκλίνεται στον παγκόσμιο Έλληνα – Δείτε live το λαϊκό προσκύνημα στη σορό του - 3 years ago

@libre_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Πλήθος κόσμου στη Μητρόπολη Αθηνών για το λαϊκό προσκύνημα στη σορό του, - 3 years ago

@id_communism: #Athens - The coffin of Mikis Theodorakis arrives in the Athens cathedral where it will lie in state for a three-da… - 3 years ago

@BabeufGr: RT @rosa_progress: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Αίσιο τέλος με τη σορό του – Ξεκίνησε το λαϊκό προσκύνημα - 3 years ago

@sar_iannis: RT @rosa_progress: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Αίσιο τέλος με τη σορό του – Ξεκίνησε το λαϊκό προσκύνημα - 3 years ago

@AXristodoulidou: RT @eretikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Αδιανόητα πράγματα! Δεν παραδίδει τη σορό του το γραφείο τελετών.. Ντροπη! #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης - 3 years ago

@foyli: Ε ora inizia l'addio...come è povero il nostro paese ora senza di te, Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@cota3143: RT @cota3143: Us oferim alguns dels millors vídeos de concerts del gran compositor i polític grec, mort als 96 anys. Un nou lliurament de l… - 3 years ago

@tovimagr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Η Ελλάδα υποκλίνεται στον παγκόσμιο Έλληνα – Δείτε live το λαϊκό προσκύνημα στη σορό του - 3 years ago

@XCV20202: RT @News247gr: ΒΙΝΤΕΟ: «Αθάνατος!» Εν μέσω χειροκροτημάτων έφτασε πριν από λίγο στη Μητρόπολη Αθηνών η σορός του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη για το λαϊκ… - 3 years ago

@EKaniadakis: RT @Magraki: Flowers and notes celebrating Mikis Theodorakis’ life and memory on the porch of the Theodorakis house in Galatas, the Cretan… - 3 years ago

@themakriti: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα η σορός του στη Μητρόπολη Αθηνών (εικόνες) - 3 years ago

@callmefree1: The very best of Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@safkan_a: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@laurenicotra: Bellísima conversación con mi querido @leoaranguibel por @LaOnda887 en Laure y su onda. Si pueden verla allí cuent… - 3 years ago

@pflegeundkunst: Aus dem Bücherkasten (Mikis Theodorakis) - 3 years ago

@MichaelIreton: RT @NYTObits: He composed the music for "Zorba the Greek," but was equally famous for his Marxist views and opposition to the military junt… - 3 years ago

@spiros_kyr: RT @knowthys_lf: Εις μνήμην Μίκη Θεοδωράκη - 3 years ago

@otgr_official: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Πλήθος κόσμου έξω από τη Μητρόπολη για το λαϊκό προσκύνημα - 3 years ago

@eretikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Το «Της Δικαιοσύνης Ήλιε Νοητέ» ηχεί στη Μητρόπολη από τον κόσμο (vid) #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης - 3 years ago

@nandeilath: RT @tribunemagazine: Legendary Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis died last week aged 96. He spent a lifetime struggling against fascism and… - 3 years ago

@nastaziabioiris: RT @KalenteridisSav: Infognomon Politics Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης χαιρετίζει την απόσυρση του κατάπτυστου βιβλίου ιστορίας της Στ´ δημοτικού της… - 3 years ago

@inewsgr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Μετονομασία οδού και προτομή στην Αθήνα - 3 years ago

@IamKostasT: RT @princessekateri: This is the image that I will miss the most when I am gone. I have been gazing at it for years and I simply cannot get… - 3 years ago

@XenakisSotiris: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Από σήμερα σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα - 3 years ago

@gilbertenaud: "les héros comparés aux criminels" : Mikis Theodorakis dénonçait la fascisation de l'Europe - 3 years ago

@inkefaloniagr: Όταν ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης έπαιζε ποδόσφαιρο στον Ολυμπιακό Αργοστολίου! - 3 years ago

@NChatzinikolaou: RT @enikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα από σήμερα η σορός του σπουδαίου μουσικοσυνθέτη - 3 years ago

@princessekateri: RT @princessekateri: This is the image that I will miss the most when I am gone. I have been gazing at it for years and I simply cannot get… - 3 years ago

@NChatzinikolaou: RT @enikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Άγνωστα περιστατικά από την πολυκύμαντη ζωή του - 3 years ago

@SKGallios: Πρόταση Ζέρβα για μετονομασία της οδού Λαγκαδά σε «Μίκης Θεοδωράκης» - 3 years ago

@parallaximag: Πρόταση Ζέρβα για μετονομασία της οδού Λαγκαδά σε «Μίκης Θεοδωράκης» - 3 years ago

@NurYalman: RT @acikradyo: 📻 Gülçin Orgun'la #KoyuMavi (@acikkoyumavi) az sonra (20.00 – 21.00) Açık Radyo’da 🎵Mikis Theodorakis & Maria Farantouri Th… - 3 years ago

@NurYalman: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@orthodoxiaonlin: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης : Σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα η σορός του στη Μητρόπολη Αθηνών - 3 years ago

@aoratospolemos: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης : Σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα η σορός του στη Μητρόπολη Αθηνών - 3 years ago

@FINALED: RT @princessekateri: This is the image that I will miss the most when I am gone. I have been gazing at it for years and I simply cannot get… - 3 years ago

@SUTONGIROTCIP: RT @tribunemagazine: Legendary Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis died last week aged 96. He spent a lifetime struggling against fascism and… - 3 years ago

@animatechile: RT @bicubico: A propósito del fallecimiento de Mikis Theodorakis, del que leerán seguido que hizo la música de "Zorba, el griego", o "Serpi… - 3 years ago

@VradiniGr: Για 31η χρονιά έκανε πρεμιέρα ο δημοσιογράφος με μια ειδική αναφορά στον μεγάλο μουσικοσυνθέτη #MikisTheodorakis… - 3 years ago

@TsakiriMartha: RT @bellekizmir: Mikis Theodorakis'in vedasıdır. Annesi Çeşmeli, babası Sakızlı olduğundan mastika kokar şarkıları. Karşı kıyıyı buraya ge… - 3 years ago

@maledictus: RT @leonardbenardo1: RIP to the towering Mikis Theodorakis, one of Greece's greatest engagés. In his honor, here are the Beatles covering h… - 3 years ago

@iefimerida: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα από σήμερα η σορός του -Στα Χανιά η ταφή πώς επήλθε ο συμβιβασμός - 3 years ago

@PrasenjeetBagc4: RT @mkvenu1: Classical composer,Mikis Theodorakis, famed for his film scores to Zorba the Greek and Serpico, and for his firebrand politics… - 3 years ago

@acrawfordsaid: Zorba the Greek - Mikis Theodorakis (Official Video Clip) - 3 years ago

@jcinthelibrary: RT @MischaMischief: @nytimes this loving obituary for the vicious antisemite Mikis Theodorakis is a great example of why I cancelled my sub… - 3 years ago

@TsakiriMartha: RT @FredericMamais: A 96 ans, Mikis #Theodorakis était le dernier acteur d’un siècle de bouleversements. Sa musique n’a pas seulement influ… - 3 years ago

@LimnosReport: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Από σήμερα μέχρι την Τετάρτη παραδίδεται στην αγκαλιά των Ελλήνων - 3 years ago

@josephjohn000: Three musical legends in different parts of the world have died within a week - Mikis Theodorakis (Greece), Alemaye… - 3 years ago

@newmoneygr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Από σήμερα σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα - Την Πέμπτη η κηδεία - newmoney - 3 years ago

@ESTRELA_ROJA: RT @JosepGuia: Gran entre els grans, Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@ESTRELA_ROJA: RT @JosepGuia: S’ha mort Mikis Theodorakis, el llegendari compositor grec - 3 years ago

@mkvenu1: Classical composer,Mikis Theodorakis, famed for his film scores to Zorba the Greek and Serpico, and for his firebra… - 3 years ago

@karatsikakis: RT @CNNgreece: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα από σήμερα η σορός του - Στα Χανιά η ταφή - 3 years ago


@stassa_m: RT @GreekAnalyst: “Theodorakis was much more than a political symbol and a writer of film scores. He was a composer of great melodic gifts:… - 3 years ago

@sportimegreece: #Θεοδωρακης - 3 years ago

@CNNgreece: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Σε λαϊκό προσκύνημα από σήμερα η σορός του - Στα Χανιά η ταφή - 3 years ago

@zenginarmagan: RT @kilicdarogluk: Ege'nin diğer yakasından dostluğun ezgisini duyurdu bize, dünyaya sevginin diliyle seslendi, demokrasinin tarafında dimd… - 3 years ago

@thecaller8: Το αγαπημένο πατρικό σπίτι του #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης - 3 years ago

@FroKsil: Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Χιλής: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης στάθηκε αταλάντευτα στο πλευρό του λαού της Χιλής - 3 years ago

@FroKsil: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης Σκίτσο του Βασίλη Παπαγεωργίου για τον Μίκη Θεοδωράκη - 3 years ago

@_Penguinflight: RT @tribunemagazine: Legendary Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis died last week aged 96. He spent a lifetime struggling against fascism and… - 3 years ago

@ElenaDeGreg: - 3 years ago

@elperiodico: 'Sirtaki', una melodía para un país - 3 years ago

@NayaraTravel1: RT @WiphalaR: #Mikis_Theodorakis, compositor de obras inmortales como el Canto General y Zorba, el griego ha pasado a la eternidad. Miles l… - 3 years ago

@Sem_Timoshenko: RT @FroKsil: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Στο Ιστορικό Αρχείο του ΚΚΕ πλήθος φωτογραφιών και άλλων ντοκουμέντων από τη ζωή του (εικόνες) - 3 years ago

@Fred_Shuster: RT @princessekateri: This is the image that I will miss the most when I am gone. I have been gazing at it for years and I simply cannot get… - 3 years ago

@giyjUn1: RT @TommyBayiokos: RIP world’s greatest composer Mikis Theodorakis. ~ My cousin Cynthia Bayiokos, percussionist right pic, was in his band… - 3 years ago

@PandermosN2019: Mikis Theodorakis died last week aged 96. He spent a lifetime struggling against fascism and dictatorship and for a… - 3 years ago

@ZitateRT: RT @Progressive_Con: Greece bids farewell to Mikis Theodorakis at 96. Folk hero who began on the Left then abandoned rigid ideologies as th… - 3 years ago

@FroKsil: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Στο Ιστορικό Αρχείο του ΚΚΕ πλήθος φωτογραφιών και άλλων ντοκουμέντων από τη ζωή του (εικόνες) - 3 years ago

@EmbajadaVzlaPer: RT @PlasenciaFelix: Conmovido con la partida física del compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis. El mundo de la cultura pierde un referente de… - 3 years ago

@Latino_Power: "El 2 de septiembre murió en Atenas el gran músico griego Mikis Theodorakis, inmortalizado por la partitura musical… - 3 years ago

@LAMusicFestival: - 3 years ago

@baronsamdi_: RT @tribunemagazine: Legendary Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis died last week aged 96. He spent a lifetime struggling against fascism and… - 3 years ago

@jorgehgentile: Muere el compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis a los 96 años | Cultura | EL PAÍS Autor de ZORBA el griego - 3 years ago

@ptheodoni: #MikisTheodorakis ‘Zorba’ Composer and Marxist Rebel Dies at 96 Just one swallow & the spri… - 3 years ago

@Kutulas: RT @IsraelinGreece: 3/3 Despite some differences and arguments, we remember him and cherish his contribution to the world of music and huma… - 3 years ago

@Kutulas: RT @IsraelinGreece: 1/3 Together with the #Greek People, admirers of music all over the world and in #Israel, we mourn the passing of #Miki… - 3 years ago

@GrArthro: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Η λίστα με τα αγαπημένα τραγούδια του Αλέξη Τσίπρα - 3 years ago

@greekphase: RT @eevriviades: The power of music. In this case of Mikis #Theodorakis’. Transcends boundaries ideologies cultures religions. Unites peopl… - 3 years ago

@NChatzinikolaou: RT @enikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Προτομή και οδός με το όνομά του στην Αθήνα - 3 years ago

@adieksodosnews: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης - Αποχώρησε ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ από το δημοτικό συμβούλιο Αθήνας και δεν ψήφισε την απόδοση τιμών -… - 3 years ago

@MakisHellas1: RT @eevriviades: The power of music. In this case of Mikis #Theodorakis’. Transcends boundaries ideologies cultures religions. Unites peopl… - 3 years ago

@VICENTEMORRO: RT @Gh0xuLZHXdi3LEf: Mikis Theodorakis with his son Giorgos rehearsing at CBC (RIK) - Cyprus,... - 3 years ago

@mi7: RT @folhailustrada: Mikis Theodorakis, de 'Zorba, O Grego', fez música banida e libertária - 3 years ago

@Dikastiko_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Κανονικά η συζήτηση για την ταφή στο Πρωτοδικείο παρά τη συμφωνία της οικογένειας – ΒΙΝΤΕΟ - 3 years ago

@enikos_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Προτομή και οδός με το όνομά του στην Αθήνα - 3 years ago

@uhu6: RT @Rantanp49061536: Άψογος, υπέροχο, συγκινητικό το γραπτό του πιο κάτω// Γιος Θεοδωράκη: «Δεν αψήφησα τον πατέρα μου εν ζωή, δεν θα το κ… - 3 years ago

@reading_ronin: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: He composed the music for "Zorba the Greek," but was equally famous for his Marxist views and opposition to the mil… - 3 years ago

@parapolitika: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Στον Γαλατά Χανίων η ταφή του - Ολες οι λεπτομέρειες για την κηδεία και το λαϊκό προσκύνημα - 3 years ago

@MarthaP81231570: RT @AntennaNews: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Δρόμος της Αθήνας παίρνει το όνομά του - 3 years ago

@GileadIni: @jobellerina @nytimes Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@GeorgeHarald: RT @Metalbird1950: RIP Mikis #Theodorakis musical genius. Αναπαύσου εν ειρήνη Μίκης #Θεοδωράκης, μουσική ιδιοφυία - 3 years ago

@GeorgeHarald: RT @ekrem_imamoglu: Türk Yunan dostluğuna ciddi katkıları olmuş, dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti. Dostluğa,… - 3 years ago

@GeorgeHarald: RT @dw_turkce: Dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis, 96 yaşında hayatını kaybetti Yunanistan'da cunta yönetimine direnişiyle bir h… - 3 years ago

@AntennaNews: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Δρόμος της Αθήνας παίρνει το όνομά του - 3 years ago

@Paratiritis_Thr: «Στον χαιρετισμό μου ανέφερα έμμεσα την προηγούμενη επίσκεψη του Μίκη. Ήταν μετά τη λεγόμενη Μεταπολίτευση, στα 197… - 3 years ago

@hellenic_wings: Αγάπη (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης & Κώστας Τριπολίτης) - 3 years ago

@RRONDERO59: RT @tvandshow: Al compás de “Zorba el Griego”, el adiós al creativo Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@hellenic_wings: Η πόρτα μου είναι ανοιχτή (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης & Μάνος Ελευθερίου) - 3 years ago

@avraam2000: RT @Variety: Mikis Theodorakis, the celebrated composer of "Zorba the Greek" and among the most politically active of all 20th-century comp… - 3 years ago

@avraam2000: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@avraam2000: RT @nytimes: Mikis Theodorakis, the renowned Greek composer and Marxist firebrand, has died at 96. He waged a war of words and music agains… - 3 years ago

@cansincayli1: RT @am28mi11: Ph. Antigone Kourakou - 3 years ago

@skmerrill3: - 3 years ago

@monicaattag: RT @anastasiat: Remembering a hugely complicated artist who brought a lot of joy and a blazing defiance. - 3 years ago

@JeanneValle6: RT @CollectorVhs___: Disparition de l'immense compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis (Z, Serpico). Il avait 96 ans. Il a notamment composé l'in… - 3 years ago

@kevthecheff: RT @tribunemagazine: Legendary Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis died last week aged 96. He spent a lifetime struggling against fascism and… - 3 years ago

@skmerrill3: Mikis Theodorakis, Greek composer and revolutionary: You are eternal! Love for the voyage ahead. You know that revo… - 3 years ago

@OzgurDenizlicom: Mikis Theodorakis: Sola ve müziğe adanan bir ömür – Nikolaos Stelya - 3 years ago

@hellenic_wings: Νύχτα δίχως άκρη (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης & Νίκος Γκάτσος) - 3 years ago

@FinancialMirror: #Greece’s greatest composer of all times died on September 2, aged 96, an ordinary man with extraordinary talent… - 3 years ago

@ICIDesautels: Disparition de Mikis Theodorakis, un Grec plus grand que nature. Le grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis, oppos… - 3 years ago

@iefimerida: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Πώς φτάσαμε στον συμβιβασμό της οικογένειας -Ολες οι λεπτομέρειες για την κηδεία και το λαϊκό προ… - 3 years ago

@3NtG68mXvClwvGo: RT @deli_despina: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: «Η στράτευση και οι αγώνες μας κάτω από την Κόκκινη Σημαία» Επιστολή που είχε στείλει ο μεγάλος μουσικ… - 3 years ago

@etinHelvetiaEgo: RT @naftemporikigr: Μαργαρίτα Θεοδωράκη: «... αυτός που φεύγει δεν μπορεί να έχει καμιά επιθυμία πλέον» - 3 years ago

@VICENTEMORRO: #Mikis_Theodorakis conducted concerts only twice in Valencia. I had the pleasure, honour and privilege of being in… - 3 years ago

@mustafa45072: RT @mywayTurkey: Şarkı sözleri ve çok sayıda bestelediği bale, opera, oratoryo ve sinema filmi müzikleriyle tanınan Yunan sanatçı Mikis The… - 3 years ago

@mustafa45072: RT @mywayTurkey: + Mikis Theodorakis diyor ki: "Yaratıcı, bu doğayı yani Ege’yi, Yunanlılar ve Türkler arasında yaptıysa onları birleştirm… - 3 years ago

@lealtadvale: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@FEntrevias: RT @PabloIglesias: Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@Sirma_Bilge: @LalehKhalili Same here. Besides Mikis Theodorakis was hugely loved among Turkish leftists. My mom still whatsapps me his songs. - 3 years ago

@Chargeria: RT @folhailustrada: Morre Mikis Theodorakis, compositor famoso por 'Zorba, O Grego', aos 96 anos - 3 years ago

@Aye40992575: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@StathHawk: RT @VardasGeorge: Mikis Theodorakis lived in 1 Epifanous Street Athens with great views of the Acropolis. In 2017 he admitted "when I fin… - 3 years ago

@obsen8: RT @ChallengeYCL: Mikis Theodorakis (1925-2021) 🚩🎼 (Video: Excerpt from 'Canto General' performance in Chile, 1993) 1/12 - 3 years ago

@IsaLom6: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@gamzeekicii10: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@IronicAlgorithm: RT @LalehKhalili: I loved Kazantzakis's Zorba like so many red diaper kids did (I reread Zorba in Crete 2y ago & loved it still). And Mikis… - 3 years ago

@VaiouLampros: Μνημόσυνο στο δικό μας Μίκη/Διόνυσο: Ηρώδειο #Ελυτης /Μίκης/Κότσιρας Άξιον Εστί- "Ανοίγω το Στόμα μου"… - 3 years ago

@AngelaKorras: RT @VardasGeorge: Mikis Theodorakis lived in 1 Epifanous Street Athens with great views of the Acropolis. In 2017 he admitted "when I fin… - 3 years ago

@Mary_Papas_2: RT @koukidaki: «Ο Αθάνατος»: Στη μνήμη του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη. #koukidaki #poetry #poem #theodorakis #MikisTheodorakis #mikis #Mikis_Theodoraki… - 3 years ago

@LalehKhalili: I loved Kazantzakis's Zorba like so many red diaper kids did (I reread Zorba in Crete 2y ago & loved it still). And… - 3 years ago

@elenispiridi: Joan Baez/The Ballad of Mauthausen/Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@Hellin28484396: RT @vassiouti: Αγαπούσε πολύ την Ελλάδα και ήταν παθιασμένος πατριώτης, αλλά αγαπούσε και όλους τους λαούς και τους πολιτισμούς του κόσμου.… - 3 years ago

@emmalouisejay: RT @CCavafy: “I bonded with Cavafy, who seems so high that my inspiration does not reach him. Except for the heartbreaking ‘The City’ on wh… - 3 years ago

@Buradayz2: RT @FENERSOL_1: "yıldızım, ayım, bahar dalım, yanına geleceğim tekrar, yanına geleceğim bir şafak vakti, senden bir öpücük almak için ve… - 3 years ago

@Pierro56: RT @PabloIglesias: Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@Stryker33055811: RT @p_zalewski: Mikis Theodorakis, who taught us to dance - 3 years ago

@MarinaKanavaki: RT @SocPapahatzis: MIKIS THEODORAKIS : THE DAY THE FISH CAME OUT [1967] - 3 years ago

@Sepideh66: RT @afchine_alavi: En Hommage au grand compositeur Mikis Theodorakis, #MikisTheodorakis, mon ami @RouzbehEmad3 résistant et compositeur ir… - 3 years ago

@Alicia91935433: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@jora1967: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@IngridL69212501: RT @WiphalaR: #Mikis_Theodorakis, compositor de obras inmortales como el Canto General y Zorba, el griego ha pasado a la eternidad. Miles l… - 3 years ago

@sirri_kucuk: RT @kilicdarogluk: Ege'nin diğer yakasından dostluğun ezgisini duyurdu bize, dünyaya sevginin diliyle seslendi, demokrasinin tarafında dimd… - 3 years ago

@etoilerouge6: AXION ESTI oratorio populaire M THEODORAKIS poèmes d'ODYSSEAS ELYTIS. Ecoutez en l'honneur du camarade Mikis THEODO… - 3 years ago

@neslihankaya355: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@tmenlioglu: RT @CCavafy: “I bonded with Cavafy, who seems so high that my inspiration does not reach him. Except for the heartbreaking ‘The City’ on wh… - 3 years ago

@SXakousti: RT @Marka2_: Η τελευταία φωτογραφία του #Μικη_Θεοδωρακη με τη γυναίκα του ένα μηνα πριν φυγει… «Όταν ήμασταν νέοι,η αγάπη μας έδειχνε πάντα… - 3 years ago

@Nogay_EU: RT @kilicdarogluk: Ege'nin diğer yakasından dostluğun ezgisini duyurdu bize, dünyaya sevginin diliyle seslendi, demokrasinin tarafında dimd… - 3 years ago

@HepimiznKardesi: RT @kilicdarogluk: Ege'nin diğer yakasından dostluğun ezgisini duyurdu bize, dünyaya sevginin diliyle seslendi, demokrasinin tarafında dimd… - 3 years ago

@SXakousti: RT @Marka2_: Από την παράσταση "Canto General" στη Χιλή, 1993 #ΜικηςΘεοδωρακης #Μικη_Θεοδωρακη #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης #MikisTheodorakis #Mikis_T… - 3 years ago

@WistonChvez: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@bjwtn0rg3E9LbOO: RT @kJteN37QuaLPHVp: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης στάθηκε αταλάντευτα στο πλευρό του λαού της Χιλής - 3 years ago

@Lef_mts7: - 3 years ago

@beast_athena: RT @Marka2_: Η τελευταία φωτογραφία του #Μικη_Θεοδωρακη με τη γυναίκα του ένα μηνα πριν φυγει… «Όταν ήμασταν νέοι,η αγάπη μας έδειχνε πάντα… - 3 years ago

@Silvana_1971: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@tanosjar08: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@303time: RT @mathaiaus: Someone asked me the other day about my Mikis Theodorakis Top 5 and it got me thinking. So since I'm bored and in lockdown,… - 3 years ago

@POrtakoglu: RT @Serhan_Asker: Bir Görkemli Hatıralar videosu.. @LivaneliZulfu gözlerini dolu.. Dostu Mikis Theodorakis için barış güvercinleri uçurdu… - 3 years ago

@olmanrvr: RT @NYTObits: He composed the music for "Zorba the Greek," but was equally famous for his Marxist views and opposition to the military junt… - 3 years ago

@FaithReaper12: RT @Marka2_: Η τελευταία φωτογραφία του #Μικη_Θεοδωρακη με τη γυναίκα του ένα μηνα πριν φυγει… «Όταν ήμασταν νέοι,η αγάπη μας έδειχνε πάντα… - 3 years ago

@Rev_de_Presse: RT @francemusique: Figure de la lutte contre les dictatures en Grèce, compositeur foisonnant trop souvent réduit à sa musique du film "Zorb… - 3 years ago

@AlbertRicchi: Réformer Aujourd'hui: Hommage à Míkis Theodorákis - 3 years ago

@Ronin_del_ayer: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@Simonefilo: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@mervenet: RT @LivaneliZulfu: 8-insan ruhunun, acılardan, savaşlardan, sürgünlerden, aşktan ve ihanetten süzülmüş en has halini temsil eden, hayatta v… - 3 years ago

@DonKounelas: RT @Marka2_: Η τελευταία φωτογραφία του #Μικη_Θεοδωρακη με τη γυναίκα του ένα μηνα πριν φυγει… «Όταν ήμασταν νέοι,η αγάπη μας έδειχνε πάντα… - 3 years ago

@russkayalena1: Mikis Theodorakis obituary - 3 years ago

@Marka2_: Η τελευταία φωτογραφία του #Μικη_Θεοδωρακη με τη γυναίκα του ένα μηνα πριν φυγει… «Όταν ήμασταν νέοι,η αγάπη μας έδ… - 3 years ago

@francescade54: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@AvTacettinColak: Halktv'de bugün, Zülfü Livaneli Mikis Theodorakis'i anlatıyordu. "Arkadaşlığımızda bir konuda anlaşamadık. O da Kıb… - 3 years ago

@MaryAlxe: RT @vassiouti: Αγαπούσε πολύ την Ελλάδα και ήταν παθιασμένος πατριώτης, αλλά αγαπούσε και όλους τους λαούς και τους πολιτισμούς του κόσμου.… - 3 years ago

@ManuelCortazar7: RT @HoyPalestina: Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor del himno nacional de Palestina. ¡Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis! htt… - 3 years ago

@gulbenergen: RT @dw_turkce: Dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci #MikisTheodorakis, 96 yaşında hayatını kaybetti Türkiye ile Yunanistan arasındaki yakınlaşmanın… - 3 years ago

@Reac_tivity: RT @rainermat: Murió Mikis Theodorakis (1925-2021). Muramos todos. Requiescat. - 3 years ago

@ath_petr: RT @Axios_Esti: Alexis Zorbas ballet suite - scene 7 (In the orchards) 🎼 #Mikis_Theodorakis 29/07/1925 - 02/09/2021 immortal ! #MikisTheod… - 3 years ago

@gney_1: RT @GMunzam: Atina'da devrimci öğrenciler Mikis Theodorakis'i anıyor ✊ - 3 years ago

@vehbikurt1: RT @kilicdarogluk: Ege'nin diğer yakasından dostluğun ezgisini duyurdu bize, dünyaya sevginin diliyle seslendi, demokrasinin tarafında dimd… - 3 years ago

@nateNgod: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@Rodrigomex: RT @yuljabour: A sus 96 años un gigante, poeta, compositor y músico Comunista Mikis Theodorakis nos deja un gran legado cultural ¡Hasta Si… - 3 years ago

@by_yorgo: RT @p_zalewski: Mikis Theodorakis, who taught us to dance - 3 years ago

@byzantium39: RT @GreekReporter: #MikisTheodorakis conducts a #public #orchestra in #Athens at the #Panathinaicstadium in front of 50,000 #spectators at… - 3 years ago

@gorilaesquizo: El Banco Central estimaron una joven afgana que investiguen su muerte de Mikis Theodorakis, célebre por qué amenaza… - 3 years ago

@farewellwaltz_: RT @SusanNou: R.I.P. 🖤🕯 Mikis Theodorakis 😔thank you for the music - 3 years ago

@Chandrajibanch3: RT @RiseEast1: #Global: Legendary Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis passes away at 96 - 3 years ago

@ponchopuma95: RT @bbcmundo: Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo - 3 years ago

@pes_epistimona: RT @nkonstan: A brilliant obituary of Mikis Theodorakis by Gail Holst-Warhaft, who knew the man, his world and his music so well. - 3 years ago

@BMurfer: Mikis Theodorakis: What a great man, great body of work, complex compositions collaborating with Nobel peace Laurea… - 3 years ago

@Word28328422: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@oguzhancliskan: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@buyukakin: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@gocbeyli34: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@daviddpearce: RT @nkonstan: A brilliant obituary of Mikis Theodorakis by Gail Holst-Warhaft, who knew the man, his world and his music so well. - 3 years ago

@Toroflavus: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@SaraAslihan: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@PressGreekEmbas: RT @EU_Commission: "I am not a hero. Heroes die young. I am just a citizen who does his duty" Today we join Greece in paying tribute and h… - 3 years ago

@aaguillon: RT @PlasenciaFelix: Conmovido con la partida física del compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis. El mundo de la cultura pierde un referente de… - 3 years ago

@LauraMComunica: RT @AnalisisUNAL: #AlAire el profesor de la @Facultad_Artes Federico Demmer hablando sobre el fallecimiento de Mikis Theodorakis, composito… - 3 years ago

@defnealtun4: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@aurelioaquino: RT @patmalanca: Falleció Mikis Theodorakis. Pensar que aquí lo conocemos solamente por la música de Zorba el griego. Poco se sabe que ha si… - 3 years ago

@dimmavr2: RT @LivreVenir: Με Νικόλα Σεβαστάκη δεν χρειάζεται να συμφωνείς η να διαφωνείς,σε βγάζει απο τέτοια διλήμματα,πρόκειται για μια απο τις πι… - 3 years ago

@RhAkurenicus: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@MetinUlasTR: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@Maurici99584642: RT @elmostrador: CULTURA| Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo - 3 years ago

@USpartakusbund: RT @T_unca: Ferhan Şensoy ölür yok o kemalistti, Mikis Theodorakis ölür yok o milliyetçiydi. Siz kimsiniz yahu? - 3 years ago

@Mkdforone: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@ycelyksel2: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@EuropaLinea: RT @EU_Commission: "I am not a hero. Heroes die young. I am just a citizen who does his duty" Today we join Greece in paying tribute and h… - 3 years ago

@Frankli59847494: RT @AnahiDurandG: Ayer partio #Mikis_Theodorakis compositor y artista popular fundamental en la cultura griega y militante anti fascista. M… - 3 years ago

@SKLeviathan: RT @TataCoquillette: Est-ce que rendre hommage à Mikis Theodorakis, c’est ignorer son antisémitisme ? Celui qui a déclaré, entre autre, qu… - 3 years ago

@Moudhawy: توفى المؤلف الموسيقي ميكيس ثيودوراكيس،عن عمر 96 عاما. وأسهمت موسيقى ميكيس الخالدة في فيلم "زوربا اليوناني" عام 1964… - 3 years ago

@ReaderGr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Εκδηλώσεις στη μνήμη του στα 100 χρόνια Μιχάλης Κακογιάννης στον Δήμο Σαρωνικού - 3 years ago

@BerdanYetkin: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@evican58: RT @patmalanca: Falleció Mikis Theodorakis. Pensar que aquí lo conocemos solamente por la música de Zorba el griego. Poco se sabe que ha si… - 3 years ago

@VekaMere: RT @marincine: El compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis, quien falleció hoy a los 96 años, siempre será recordado por la inolvidable música d… - 3 years ago

@natasirop: RT @knowthys_lf: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης Φαίδρα Mikis Theodorakis Phaedra Henry Mancini - 3 years ago

@seblaozveren: Barışın simgesiydi.Mikis Theodorakis🙏 - 3 years ago

@attrk1919: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@tlifegr: Φίλοι και συγγενείς επισκέπτονται το σπίτι του σπουδαίου μουσικοσυνθέτη, αφήνοντας μηνύματα και λουλούδια.… - 3 years ago

@Giu__Chan: RT @Anpinazionale: La Resistenza e la Musica in lutto per la scomparsa del grande #mikistheodorakis 🖤 - 3 years ago

@1960Anamari: RT @militaresantifa: La Dictadura de los Coroneles le encarceló, le desterró, y prohibió que se escuchara su música. Acabó en 1974 pero en… - 3 years ago

@FikretTetik12: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@lovelife1378: RT @SZ: Mikis Theodorakis ist tot, er wurde 96 Jahre alt; ein Nachruf auf den griechischen Komponisten von "Alexis Sorbas", dem "Canto Gene… - 3 years ago

@Antidiota1: RT @CarlosTxProject: Mikis Theodorakis y la muerte de un genio - 3 years ago

@vforvaroufakis: RT @yanisvaroufakis: Remembering Mikis Theodorakis on BBC Radio 4, The World Tonight. The two reasons he mattered so much to many of us: He… - 3 years ago

@Zeynep_via25: RT @NsSchussler: „Die größte Enttäuschung meines Lebens besteht darin, dass ich aus ihm scheiden werde, ohne Griechenland so zu erleben, wi… - 3 years ago

@Thanos_Gi: Goodbye to the composer, the political activist, the musical genius, the man who singlehandedly brought together mo… - 3 years ago

@hfb2222: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@SMAL01894503: RT @akandatastekin: Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetmiş, çok üzgünüm, böyle hatırlayacağım.🌷 Maria Farantouri, Mikis Theodorakis - O Anton… - 3 years ago

@birikincisi: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@Kmb58Balci: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@Free0om: RT @Kathimerini_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Ο δήμος Ωρωπού άνοιξε το κελί του για το κοινό #kathimerini #καθημερινη - 3 years ago

@antonioflore196: RT @AmparoRubiales: Mikis Theodorakis, un titán griego - - 3 years ago

@centosun: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@CarlosTxProject: Mikis Theodorakis y la muerte de un genio - 3 years ago

@blent27034685: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@csomel: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@tsolchabarbara: Mikis Theodorakis & Anthony Quinn (Munich, 1995) - 3 years ago

@Ali87580027: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@AlexiouJunior: RT @p_zalewski: Mikis Theodorakis, who taught us to dance - 3 years ago

@MirceElif: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@aydinksk35: RT @ismailsaymaz: Yunanistan, en muhalif sanatçısı Mikis Theodorakis için üç gün yas ilan ederken… Bizde Ferhan Şensoy için, geçiyorum yası… - 3 years ago

@Aardavann: RT @IMC_Network: ⚫️ Today we want to pay tribute to #MikisTheodorakis, who passed away yesterday. The Greek composer was awarded of the IM… - 3 years ago

@MovFRATRES: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Muere el compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis, a los 96 años de edad. - 3 years ago

@IHPBirligi: RT @SonnPerde: Ünlü besteci Mikis Theodorakis’in anısına tag başlattı @IHPBirligi 👇 #TurkishGreekFriendshipTheodorakis Türk Yunan dostluğu… - 3 years ago

@IHPBirligi: RT @ProfAtak: Ünlü besteci Mikis Theodorakis’in anısına tag başlattı @IHPBirligi 👇 #TurkishGreekFriendshipTheodorakis Türk Yunan dostluğu i… - 3 years ago

@ainariss: RT @berria: Irailaren 3ko #lehena Arrotxapeko gaztetxea itxi dute, kolpe artean | Mikis Theodorakis. Isildu dira Greziaren doinuak | Fabori… - 3 years ago

@GTeissierK: RT @jpmignard: Mikis Theodorakis, le compositeur et symbole à la résistance de la dictature des colonels en Grèce, est mort — via @lemondef… - 3 years ago

@IHPBirligi: RT @IHPBirligi: Ünlü besteci, RIP Mikis Theodorakis’in anısına tag yapıyoruz 👇 #TurkishGreekFriendshipTheodorakis Annesi İzmirli, babası Gi… - 3 years ago

@ane21000: RT @p_zalewski: Mikis Theodorakis, who taught us to dance - 3 years ago

@SonnPerde: RT @ProfAtak: Ünlü besteci Mikis Theodorakis’in anısına tag başlattı @IHPBirligi 👇 #TurkishGreekFriendshipTheodorakis Türk Yunan dostluğu i… - 3 years ago

@SonnPerde: Ünlü besteci Mikis Theodorakis’in anısına tag başlattı @IHPBirligi 👇 #TurkishGreekFriendshipTheodorakis Türk Yunan… - 3 years ago

@berria: RT @berria: Irailaren 3ko #lehena Arrotxapeko gaztetxea itxi dute, kolpe artean | Mikis Theodorakis. Isildu dira Greziaren doinuak | Fabori… - 3 years ago

@Mary21380714: RT @ProfAtak: Ünlü besteci Mikis Theodorakis’in anısına tag başlattı @IHPBirligi 👇 #TurkishGreekFriendshipTheodorakis Türk Yunan dostluğu i… - 3 years ago

@Mar_y_Sea: RT @p_zalewski: Mikis Theodorakis, who taught us to dance - 3 years ago

@YsterografoNews: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Εθνικό πένθος για τον παγκόσμιο Έλληνα - 3 years ago

@guille062: RT @PitPer: Se nos adelantó un de los nuestros, talentoso, bueno, comprometido con la justicia y la lucha social. Como él mismo dijera: "un… - 3 years ago

@Mary21380714: RT @IHPBirligi: Ünlü besteci, RIP Mikis Theodorakis’in anısına tag yapıyoruz 👇 #TurkishGreekFriendshipTheodorakis Annesi İzmirli, babası Gi… - 3 years ago

@BessieAidaPino: Mikis Theodorakis, beloved Greek composer of 'Zorba the Greek,' dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@camilo_hdezd: Ese talento que separa el arte del pasquín, la emoción del adoctrinamiento. Y a Mikis Theodorakis de Calle 13. - 3 years ago

@camilo_hdezd: Y ahora se va Mikis Theodorakis. En los años 80 lo vi dirigir el "Canto General" de Neruda, con Petro Pandis y la l… - 3 years ago

@Katya_BGD: Composer Mikis Theodorakis has died on Sep 2, 2021. 😥 - 3 years ago

@dchalkiada: RT @imamoglu_int: Very sad to hear about the passing of legendary composer Mikis Theodorakis. Theodorakis was renowned not only for his mus… - 3 years ago

@Luis25876808: RT @PlasenciaFelix: Conmovido con la partida física del compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis. El mundo de la cultura pierde un referente de… - 3 years ago

@juancnegri51: RT @patmalanca: Falleció Mikis Theodorakis. Pensar que aquí lo conocemos solamente por la música de Zorba el griego. Poco se sabe que ha si… - 3 years ago

@LARRYTEATRO1: A LA MEMORIA DE Mikis Theodorakis & Pablo Neruda - 1980 - Canto General - 3 years ago

@FTE_Sindical: RT @comunistamexico: El Partido Comunista de Grecia -KKE @gt_kke informó del fallecimiento de Mikis Theodorakis, gran artista popular, Prem… - 3 years ago

@NbcApocalyptic: RT @kirockyou: 『将軍月光に消ゆ』『その男ゾルバ』『魚が出てきた日』『Z』『トロイアの女』『戒厳令』『セルピコ』『イフゲニア』『霧』等の作品で音楽を担当したミキス・テオドラキスが96歳で死去。RIP... - 3 years ago

@cburgazzi: RT @goyosalazar: El fallecimiento de ese ídolo musical inmenso que fue Mikis Theodorakis (96) echa a volar un sinfín de recuerdos. Un grieg… - 3 years ago

@Hitecsoftouch: RT @SCMPNews: ‘Our Mikis has gone’: Zorba the Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@NbcApocalyptic: RT @DEBOSS7788: R.I.P. Mikis Theodorakis 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷 - 3 years ago

@Panos58310199: RT @p_zalewski: Mikis Theodorakis, who taught us to dance - 3 years ago

@SorRoxinmaculad: RT @santiago_savi: Buen viaje Mikis Theodorakis!!! Hoy estuve escuchando su música y también vi este video del baile de Zorba, música de… - 3 years ago

@byzantium39: RT @VisitGreecegr: #Greece mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis, a part of our soul! - 3 years ago

@Frenpega: RT @pascual_serrano: Pues, hoy, día de la muerte de Mikis Theodorakis, yo os recomiendo escuchar su Canto General, de Pablo Neruda. https… - 3 years ago

@MARIE81623026: divinidad. Mijalis "Mikis" Theodorakis, fallecido este 2 de septiembre en Atenas a los 96 años, fue una de las fig… - 3 years ago

@MARIE81623026: Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo Puede que par… - 3 years ago

@ActivateLearn: Mikis Theodorakis Wrote the Most Beautiful Music on the Holocaust. - 3 years ago

@mobioffero: @ThatEricAlper 🔥🔥#EPJuliette #Drake #Minnesota #ADDISON #おかえりモネ #Mobile #mobyoffer #CoinBeastSweepstakes🌶️🌶️ 🍄Abba… - 3 years ago

@NbcApocalyptic: RT @picassoc: לזכרו של המלחין היווני מיקיס תאודוראקיס עם אנטוני קווין, זורבה היווני RIP #MikisTheodorakis #Theodorakis Mikis Theodoraki… - 3 years ago

@PtolemyKingswi1: RT @FTavaresMarie: Hommage à Mikis Theodorakis au journal de @TF1 avec @MSLacarrau @nikosaliagas - 3 years ago

@Dan_Haddonfield: RT @ClydeHaberman: I see very belatedly that autocorrect got me and I didn’t notice. The composer’s name is Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@NbcApocalyptic: RT @jonburlingame: An especially sad one to write. I've been listening to his music all week; "Z" is a particular favorite. - 3 years ago

@NazmSngn1: RT @muratkgirgin: Faşist Yunan Kralı, İngilizler'in gazına gelip Anadolu topraklarını işgal etmeseydi, Mikis Theodorakis gibi binlerce insa… - 3 years ago

@FSK: Gestern ist Mikis Theodorakis gestorben. Als Linker auch nichohne noch mal in dem letzten Lebensdrittel antisemitis… - 3 years ago

@LKPerivolaris: Mikis Theodorakis, ‘Zorba’ Composer and Marxist Rebel, Dies at 96. A legend. A remarkable man who lived an amazin… - 3 years ago

@BogdanZlatibor: RIP. Décès du compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis, symbole de résistance - 3 years ago

@MartineMc181: RT @ParisAMDParis: Édith Piaf et Mikis Theodorakis 1963 #Paris RIP #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@Mimas2021: RT @muratkgirgin: Faşist Yunan Kralı, İngilizler'in gazına gelip Anadolu topraklarını işgal etmeseydi, Mikis Theodorakis gibi binlerce insa… - 3 years ago

@SpiralOpen999: RT @petrogustavo: Mikis Theodorakis ha muerto. El gran compositor griego. El del Canto General de Pablo Neruda. El de la Ifigenia que me en… - 3 years ago

@CortizoPiza: Ha fallecido Mikis Theodorakis, una de las figuras más emblemáticas de la Grecia contempor… - 3 years ago

@Juanrogi45: RT @nnguerrero: Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo - BBC News Mundo https… - 3 years ago

@AsTYGPB: RT @CCavafy: “You will find no new lands, you will find no other seas. The city will follow you.” – The great composer Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@isadoramadoff: RIP Mikis Theodorakis, a fucking Real One™️ - 3 years ago

@luchoceliscnai: El Sr. Mikis Theodorakis, dirigiendo Zorba... Y disfrutando del cariño de sus compatriotas Griegos. - 3 years ago

@kitchen5203: This! Believe it or not Mikis Theodorakis is one of my greatest influences as a composer. Rest in Peace, Maestro🎶♾… - 3 years ago

@iefimerida: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης, ο τελευταίος αποχαιρετισμός στον μεγάλο Έλληνα -Την άλλη Πέμπτη η κηδεία #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης - 3 years ago

@hobbitconbotas: Hoy falleció a los 96 años el compositor griego Mijalis "Mikis" Theodorakis conocido mundialmente por 'Zorba'. Para… - 3 years ago

@PedroC92841123: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al gran Mikis Theodorakis, compositor y músico griego, autor de bandas sonoras tan míticas como las de ZORBA EL GR… - 3 years ago

@fzaida: RT @IzquierdaUnida: Hoy nos ha dejado a los 96 años Mikis Theodorakis, el mítico músico griego que pidió "dejar este mundo como un comunist… - 3 years ago

@juanfcam: RT @ComisionOctubre: Ha fallecido Mikis Theodorakis, el gran compositor griego del siglo XX. Militante comunista. Partisano antifascista du… - 3 years ago

@Mayaguez1975: RT @NotationIsGreat: Composer Mikis Theodorakis died today - one of his best-known compositions was the soundtrack for "Zorba the Greek" ht… - 3 years ago

@alvarocord: RT @mk_vs04: Remembering Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, who died today at the age of 96 in Athens. The Honeymoon Song 🎶 • The Beat… - 3 years ago

@nesleyy: RT @muradcobanoglu: Mikis Theodorakis’in annesi Aspa İzmir, Çeşmeli, babası George ise Giritli’dir. 29 Temmuz 1925 tarihinde gözlerini Sakı… - 3 years ago

@arnaudaniel63: RT @MehmetEfe_Caman: Legendary Greek musician and composer Mikis Theodorakis passed away. RIP. - 3 years ago

@MaraChuello1: RT @yvangil: Ha partido Mikis Theodorakis, músico, genio, antifascista, antimperialista, soldado yrevolucionario. Nunca paró de crear .....… - 3 years ago

@RratasMata: Muere el gran compositor Mikis Theodorakis, célebre por 'Zorba el griego' - 3 years ago

@maciej_se: RT @miroslawmilosz: Czy jest tu ktoś, kto nie tańczył συρτάκι z „Greka Zorby"? Mikis Theodorakis, grecki kompozytor, autor muzyki do słynn… - 3 years ago

@MaraChuello1: RT @ComisionOctubre: Ha fallecido Mikis Theodorakis, el gran compositor griego del siglo XX. Militante comunista. Partisano antifascista du… - 3 years ago

@nese_gokalp: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@edbrannigan: Our home is loud tonight with the music of Mikis Theodorakis, remembering a Greek genius. - 3 years ago

@PJ8UTkNv1cxMUnC: RT @iefimerida: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Πώς έγινα Ολυμπιακός - 3 years ago

@NolbertoGuajar3: RT @bicubico: A propósito del fallecimiento de Mikis Theodorakis, del que leerán seguido que hizo la música de "Zorba, el griego", o "Serpi… - 3 years ago

@dim781976: RT @holdengraber: MIKIS THEODORAKIS, R. I. P. “There is only one thing I fear in life, my friend: one day, the black will swallow the red… - 3 years ago

@KLymbe13: RT @LivaneliZulfu: Mikis Theodorakis’in hatırasına arşivden birkaç fotoğraf daha. İlk Fotoğraf: Mikis Theodorakis ile Anıtkabir’de. İkinci… - 3 years ago

@kaplanikids: RT @amna_news: .@IsraelinGreece : Θρηνούμε τον θάνατο του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη, ενός παγκοσμίου φήμης συνθέτη Το έργο του ηχεί στη μουσική και… - 3 years ago

@nry_nryk: RT @ajandakolik: Yunanistan'ın dünyaca ünlü bestecisi Mikis Theodorakis'in ölümüyle ülkede üç günlük yas ilan edildi. İşte saygı, sevgi, de… - 3 years ago

@Omer_Bsr_32: RT @LivaneliZulfu: Mikis Theodorakis’in hatırasına arşivden birkaç fotoğraf daha. İlk Fotoğraf: Mikis Theodorakis ile Anıtkabir’de. İkinci… - 3 years ago

@k_efeoruc: Zorbayı okuduğumda #MikisTheodorakis’in bestesi kulağımda çınlamıştı… #İzmir aşığı Mikis Theodorakis’i saygıyla anı… - 3 years ago

@carme_mnavar96: RT @vpartal: Us oferim alguns dels millors vídeos de concerts del gran compositor i polític grec, mort als 96 anys. Un nou lliurament de le… - 3 years ago

@Elenburbu: RT @Reuters: "Our Mikis has gone": 'Zorba the Greek' composer Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@arnaudaniel63: RT @niks_karma: Famous Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis passed away this morning. His most famous work, Zorbas dance. RIP 💔 - 3 years ago

@Isabelferrandi7: RT @CulturaCcoo: 🎶⚫ Ha fallecido el gran Mikis Theodorakis ✒️Figura clave de la cultura obrera griega y europea. ✒️Comprometido con los… - 3 years ago

@jongwon1917: RT @baltong3: 기차는 8시에 떠나네 비밀을 품은 당신은 영원히 오지 못하리 R.I.P Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@world_news_eng: RT @AJEnglish: Tributes pour in for music giant, politician and activist Mikis Theodorakis, after his death in Athens at the age of 96 http… - 3 years ago

@YKalatzis: RT @kkoufaki: Σήμερα κλαίω τα νεανικά όνειρα,τις φρούδες ελπίδες.Έφυγε ο τελευταίος μεγάλος.Μίκη καθώς φεύγεις κλείσε κ την πόρτα.Άσε μας π… - 3 years ago

@EsatDogruer: RT @bbcturkce: Dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis'in ölümü sonrası Yunanistan'da 3 gün yas ilan edildi - 3 years ago

@CassandraJdean: RT @GreekReporter: #MikisTheodorakis: Greek Patriot, Renowned Composer Dead at 96 - 3 years ago

@berfinbilen21: RT @ekrem_imamoglu: Türk Yunan dostluğuna ciddi katkıları olmuş, dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti. Dostluğa,… - 3 years ago

@j2abula: Buen viaje Mikis Theodorakis. DEP - 3 years ago

@Frances52779614: RT @tbarnaud: Dans ses mémoires, Costa Gavras explique que Mikís Theodorákis était exilé par les colonels ds un village du Péloponnèse Mich… - 3 years ago

@Andresuco68: RT @ComisionOctubre: Ha fallecido Mikis Theodorakis, el gran compositor griego del siglo XX. Militante comunista. Partisano antifascista du… - 3 years ago

@RavineThomas: Mikis Theodorakis & Milva ✨ - 3 years ago

@c_karayiannides: - 3 years ago

@Petrovci2: #Mikis_Theodorakis 💔 - 3 years ago

@sevgieylemdir: RT @bbcturkce: Dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis'in ölümü sonrası Yunanistan'da 3 gün yas ilan edildi - 3 years ago

@CassandraJdean: RT @greekcitytimes: Zorba the Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis dies age 96 #greece #greek #greekcitytimes - 3 years ago

@jcgo810326: RT @AJEnglish: Tributes pour in for music giant, politician and activist Mikis Theodorakis, after his death in Athens at the age of 96 http… - 3 years ago

@Fawasf: RT @PabloIglesias: Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@kathleenmwade: RT @nytimes: Mikis Theodorakis, the renowned Greek composer and Marxist firebrand, has died at 96. He waged a war of words and music agains… - 3 years ago

@silvijacomy: RT @Julioac13: Fallecio Mijalis "Mikis" Theodorakis, autor de la música de la célebre Zorba El Griego. QEPD - 3 years ago

@CassandraJdean: RT @GreekReporter: ‘Greece Lost Part of its Soul’: Nation in Mourning for #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@MagazineRino: Mikis Theodorakis, creador de la famosa pieza "Zorba el Griego" falleció a los 96 años de edad. En el cine, compu… - 3 years ago

@sscheuch_bine: RT @ZDFheute: Komponist und Widerstandskämpfer: Griechen trauern um Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@xincognitoxxx: RT @SusanNou: R.I.P. 🖤🕯 Mikis Theodorakis 😔thank you for the music - 3 years ago

@MICHAELBERTAKIS: RT @EESC_PRESS: Legendary composer & a resistance's icon to the former military junta Mikis Theodorakis🇬🇷 died today. His music legacy wil… - 3 years ago

@SilviaGeorge20: RT @SusanNou: R.I.P. 🖤🕯 Mikis Theodorakis 😔thank you for the music - 3 years ago

@TarridaJoan: RT @Jose_MartiGomez: Para los que supimos en 1967 de la dictadura griega Mikis Theodorakis, muerto hoy, fue algo mas que el compositor de Z… - 3 years ago

@Malagacc: RT @sombradoble: #DEP #MikisTheodorakis El gran compositor griego. El del Canto General de Pablo Neruda, murió en Atenas a los 96 años Auto… - 3 years ago

@UtkuYagmur_28: RT @suyorumcusu: Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@annamar1a: RT @daphnetoli: Greece’s foremost composer and conductor Mikis Theodorakis has died, aged 96. An icon of resistance against WWII Nazi Germa… - 3 years ago

@ErhardStackl: Mikis Theodorakis ''Mauthausen-Kantate'' - 3 years ago

@frubiover: RT @xavidomenech99: Ha mort als 96 anys Mikis Theodorakis, compositor i antifeixista. Va formar part de la resistència grega a l'ocupació n… - 3 years ago

@ProfeSpitaletta: Muere el célebre compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@manissalem: Farewell. Mikis Theodorakis, composer of Zorba the #Greek, dies aged 96 - 3 years ago

@adrianmurdoch: RT @JTasioulas: “At times he appeared more the hero of a 19th-century novel than a figure of the modern age… He knew war, exile, imprisonme… - 3 years ago

@TheotheaParis: RT @LaCroix: ⚫ On le connaissait dans le monde entier pour la danse de "Zorba le Grec". Mikis Theodorakis, homme engagé, a également été ré… - 3 years ago

@harman_erdal: RT @LivaneliZulfu: Mikis Theodorakis’in hatırasına arşivden birkaç fotoğraf daha. İlk Fotoğraf: Mikis Theodorakis ile Anıtkabir’de. İkinci… - 3 years ago

@annamar1a: RT @GreekReporter: #MikisTheodorakis, the #greatest #Greekcomposer in #history, whose #music has touched #generations, died on Thursday at… - 3 years ago

@pilar_diz: RT @epmusica: Muere el compositor Mikis Theodorakis, autor de 'Zorba, el Griego' - 3 years ago

@mentordiyorki: RT @fazilsaymusic: Değerli Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis’in vefatını büyük üzüntüyle öğrendim. Çok önemli bir müzisyendi. Sayısız başyapı… - 3 years ago

@meloneoluyor: Twitter'da, Mikis Theodorakis hakkında tek bi kötü yorum görmedim. Yine de, "Benim sevdiklerime bi şey diyemezsin"… - 3 years ago

@tribunegr: Ρώσος Πρέσβης: Σύμβολο της Εθνικής Αντίστασης ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης και φίλος της Ρωσίας - 3 years ago

@meiklwagner: RT @zeitonline: Seine Musik zu "Alexis Sorbas" ist legendär: Der griechische Komponist Mikis #Theodorakis ist tot. - 3 years ago

@GAidarinis: RT @Reuters: "Our Mikis has gone": 'Zorba the Greek' composer Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@deavila2010: Muy mal empieza septiembre. Ha muerto el grandísimo #MikisTheodorakis Réquiem - 3 years ago

@Davideblu: RT @Reuters: "Our Mikis has gone": 'Zorba the Greek' composer Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@fennim: RT @cobanozan: Mikis Theodorakis de göçmüş. Şarkıları büyük miras bize. Saygıyla.. - 3 years ago

@lapeorcita123: RT @GenPenaloza: Mikis Theodorakis el compositor de “Zorba, el griego” falleció ayer a los 96 años. QEPD - 3 years ago

@Muzaffer_Dogan7: Mikis Theodorakis Ölümsüzdür! #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@honzamura: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@mabe_yanes: RT @20m: Muere a los 96 años Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de 'Zorba, el griego', 'Luna de miel' y 'Serpico' - 3 years ago

@pagina12: Tenía 96 años. - 3 years ago

@cinestudiodor: RT @epmusica: Muere el compositor Mikis Theodorakis, autor de 'Zorba, el Griego' - 3 years ago

@riverman_21: RT @afpfr: Mort du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis à l'âge de 96 ans, selon une source hospitalière #AFP (📷 janvier 1985 à Paris… - 3 years ago

@Avci_Meral: RT @avniodabasi: "Ben bir kahraman değilim! Kahramanlar genç ölür. Ben sadece görevini yapan bir vatandaşım." #MikisTheodorakis Faşizme ka… - 3 years ago

@luchitovina1950: RT @sebasugarte: Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo - 3 years ago

@murat_gm38: RT @bbcturkce: Zorba'nın bestecisi dünyaca ünlü Yunan müzisyen Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@dulgerbob20999: RT @ekrem_imamoglu: Türk Yunan dostluğuna ciddi katkıları olmuş, dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti. Dostluğa,… - 3 years ago

@velocity2121: RT @operamagazine: Sad news of the death of the Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, aged 96. Most famous for his Zorba the Greek film score a… - 3 years ago

@vmrwanda: RT @Reuters: "Our Mikis has gone": 'Zorba the Greek' composer Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@Kavallopoulos: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@borenozaungast: EINE NACHRICHT FÜR DIE DEUTSCHEN . MIKIS THEODORAKIS IST MIT 96 gestorben. - 3 years ago

@Mixyezpitlek: RT @tzoumio: Mikis Theodorakis with the Acropolis in the background. - 3 years ago

@Italia_Notizie: È morto Mikis Theodorakis, compose il sirtaki di «Zorba il greco» - 3 years ago

@fuertealocha: RT @GenPenaloza: Mikis Theodorakis el compositor de “Zorba, el griego” falleció ayer a los 96 años. QEPD - 3 years ago

@UmlautDj: ,😥 RIP Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@patyale: RT @bianet_eng: “I have lost a great friend”: Musician Zülfü Livaneli, who founded the Turkish-Greek Friendship Association with Mikis Theo… - 3 years ago

@fifi_apostolou: RT @StavrosSofronas: 😪😪😪 #Μικης Θεοδωρακης - 3 years ago

@zapruder_teogok: RT @BirGun_Gazetesi: Dünyaca ünlü müzisyen Theodorakis'in ölümünün ardından Yunanistan'da 3 günlük ulusal yas ilan edildi - 3 years ago

@AndreGhysens: @StPapagianneas August 1974, first time in Greece, end of the military dictatorship, but the invasion of Cyprus. In… - 3 years ago

@Recep22563477: RT @ekrem_imamoglu: Türk Yunan dostluğuna ciddi katkıları olmuş, dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti. Dostluğa,… - 3 years ago

@X4004R: RT @tellthee: Rest in peace 😢 - 3 years ago

@mcmarlyncris: RT @GenPenaloza: Mikis Theodorakis el compositor de “Zorba, el griego” falleció ayer a los 96 años. QEPD - 3 years ago

@Marsl87271832: RT @akandatastekin: Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetmiş, çok üzgünüm, böyle hatırlayacağım.🌷 Maria Farantouri, Mikis Theodorakis - O Anton… - 3 years ago

@NunziaCentanni: RT @AlekosPrete: Mikis Theodorakis con Fidel Castro. E quella Rosa Rossa dedicata ad Alekos Panagulis, simbolo della resistenza dei greci c… - 3 years ago

@eve_kngl: RT @BirGun_Gazetesi: Dünyaca ünlü Yunan bestekâr Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@luis58272884: RT @planwac: Ha muerto Mikis Theodorakis... un músico, un genio. Aquí, con Pablo Neruda, en la maravillosa versión musical que hiciera el g… - 3 years ago

@bxristof: RT @OkuyanKemal: 20. Yüzyıla damga vuran en önemli isimlerden biriydi. Ne mutlu ona ezgileri Yunanistan emekçilerinin mücadelesinde her dai… - 3 years ago

@Leisy85645727: RT @PabloIglesias: Hasta siempre Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@BilgiKaliteli: RT @dw_turkce: Dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis, 96 yaşında hayatını kaybetti Yunanistan'da cunta yönetimine direnişiyle bir h… - 3 years ago

@bxristof: RT @d_imerodromos: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: «Θέλω να αφήσω τον κόσμο αυτόν σαν κομμουνιστής» Επιστολή του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη στον ΓΓ της ΚΕ του ΚΚΕ,… - 3 years ago

@Taquicardico1: RT @ajandakolik: Yunanistan'ın dünyaca ünlü bestecisi Mikis Theodorakis'in ölümüyle ülkede üç günlük yas ilan edildi. İşte saygı, sevgi, de… - 3 years ago

@tolgaboraa: RT @ekrem_imamoglu: Türk Yunan dostluğuna ciddi katkıları olmuş, dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti. Dostluğa,… - 3 years ago

@Anthonybechara: RT @CCavafy: “You will find no new lands, you will find no other seas. The city will follow you.” – The great composer Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@AnnaBatlle3: RT @GreekAnalyst: Legendary Greek composer and pro-democracy icon Mikis Theodorakis died earlier today. He will be dearly missed, but his… - 3 years ago

@bgigi972: RT @afpfr: Mort du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis à l'âge de 96 ans, selon une source hospitalière #AFP (📷 janvier 1985 à Paris… - 3 years ago

@VKavraki: RT @Reuters: "Our Mikis has gone": 'Zorba the Greek' composer Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@Ama1955: RT @bbcmundo: Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo - 3 years ago

@tageblatt_lu: In Griechenland galt er als Volksheld, auch international berührte und inspirierte Mikis Theodorakis Millionen – lä… - 3 years ago

@Jona_Rules: RT @eldiarioes: Muere a los 96 años Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de 'Zorba, el griego' - 3 years ago

@CTsiklea: RT @BBCWorld: Mikis Theodorakis composer of Zorba the Greek dies aged 96 - 3 years ago

@Jourdain007: RT @afpfr: [À LA UNE À MIDI] Le grand compositeur grec, Mikis Theodorakis, est mort à l'âge de 96 ans à Athènes. Ancien résistant et opposa… - 3 years ago

@aliihsandural: RT @hilalnesin: Kaç kez izlediğimi anımsamıyorum en sevdiğim oyunculardan Anthony Quinn ve Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@MehmetAltanFan: Mikis Theodorakis de 96 yıldır bulunduğu bu dünyayı terk etti... Besteler biraz daha suskun... - 3 years ago

@LostInHole: Perigiali - Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@giobalour: RT @id_communism: Mikis Theodorakis meeting his friend Comandante Fidel Castro in Havana in 1970s. #Mikis was always a friend of the heroic… - 3 years ago

@AurioneStandish: RT @washingtonpost: “Zorba” composer Mikis Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@RaffaeleRaimon2: Nel giorno della scomparsa 2 settembre 2021 di Mikis Theodorakis che seppe lottare sognare - 3 years ago

@55sevgibaloglu: RT @BirGun_Gazetesi: Zülfü Livaneli'nden dostu Mikis Theodorakis'e veda: Acısı çok derin - 3 years ago

@pialoux3: RT @afpfr: [À LA UNE À MIDI] Le grand compositeur grec, Mikis Theodorakis, est mort à l'âge de 96 ans à Athènes. Ancien résistant et opposa… - 3 years ago

@young_werther: RT @Reuters: "Our Mikis has gone": 'Zorba the Greek' composer Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@_athanasios: RT @id_communism: In a letter addressed to the General Secretary of the Communist Party of #Greece (#KKE) Dimitris Koutsoumbas on October 2… - 3 years ago

@mina54833784: RT @Jimbo0o0: "Mikis Theodorakis, Greek Composer and Marxist Rebel, Dies at 96" #NYT #sweden - 3 years ago

@umitgunayim: RT @ekrem_imamoglu: Türk Yunan dostluğuna ciddi katkıları olmuş, dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti. Dostluğa,… - 3 years ago

@aragornbroklyn: RT @LivaneliZulfu: 8-insan ruhunun, acılardan, savaşlardan, sürgünlerden, aşktan ve ihanetten süzülmüş en has halini temsil eden, hayatta v… - 3 years ago

@miqueliceta: Descanse en paz. Su música y su compromiso político le mantendrán vivo en nuestra memoria para siempre ||| Muere el… - 3 years ago

@Bardnet: RT @FWWinterberg: Mikis Theodorakis ist tot R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@SandrusOtto: RT @GreeceinSpain: Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo. - 3 years ago

@Fournelo: RT @nikosaliagas: Mikis Theodorakis s'est éteint... Un immense compositeur qui aura marqué la création musicale grecque du XXe siècle, il a… - 3 years ago

@Maral52102605: RT @LivaneliZulfu: 8-insan ruhunun, acılardan, savaşlardan, sürgünlerden, aşktan ve ihanetten süzülmüş en has halini temsil eden, hayatta v… - 3 years ago

@DiploDigital: RT @eevriviades: End of an era! Legends NEVER die! They just enter the pantheon 🏛 of immortality! Part of myself has died today w the d… - 3 years ago

@Cerratop: RT @tzoumio: Mikis Theodorakis with the Acropolis in the background. - 3 years ago

@mayyah20889514: RT @muratkgirgin: Bugün "bölgemizin" en büyük devrimcilerinden, notalarıyla halkının faşizme, cuntalara direnişinde omuz veren büyük ozan M… - 3 years ago

@NikeMorgan: RT @ekathimerini: Fofi Gennimata, leader of centre-left Movement for Change (KINAL) said of Mikis #Theodorakis that “in difficult times for… - 3 years ago

@ALEKO5400: RT @akandatastekin: Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetmiş, çok üzgünüm, böyle hatırlayacağım.🌷 Maria Farantouri, Mikis Theodorakis - O Anton… - 3 years ago

@eprats: El que més m’agrada de Theodorakis és la cantata que va fer a partir dels poemes del Canto General de Pablo Neruda:… - 3 years ago

@Maria15377781: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@NicolasRadi: RT @Reuters: "Our Mikis has gone": 'Zorba the Greek' composer Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@theiosthanassis: Από το αρχείο της ΕΡΤ #1. Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης στην "Ιστορία των χρόνων μου" μιλά για το 1964 τη χρονιά που παρουσίασ… - 3 years ago

@mompintik: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@avokado200: RT @ekrem_imamoglu: Türk Yunan dostluğuna ciddi katkıları olmuş, dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti. Dostluğa,… - 3 years ago

@qS5EU1IDmUt2bPb: RT @MariArchim: Mikis Theodorakis - Ligo akoma (live) Λίγο ακόμα να σηκωθούμε λίγο ψηλότερα! - 3 years ago

@saltibangouras: RT @id_communism: Mikis Theodorakis meeting his friend Comandante Fidel Castro in Havana in 1970s. #Mikis was always a friend of the heroic… - 3 years ago

@BENJIZEE: RT @washingtonpost: “Zorba” composer Mikis Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@24heuropegr: "Our Mikis has gone": 'Zorba the Greek' composer Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@GreeceInEU: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@JRC59722150: RT @VilaWeb: S’ha mort Mikis #Theodorakis, el llegendari compositor de ‘Zorba, el grec’ - 3 years ago

@Krikalitika: RT @washingtonpost: “Zorba” composer Mikis Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@josepmgarciam: 😢 Mikis Theodorakis, compositor i activista compromès contra el nazisme - 3 years ago

@khibele: RT @ekrem_imamoglu: Türk Yunan dostluğuna ciddi katkıları olmuş, dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti. Dostluğa,… - 3 years ago

@Provok_Wilhelm2: a los 96 años partió Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@Papillo76566423: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@stephanuscoombs: RT @DorsetWriter: Perigiali - Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@karadinati: RT @EFSYNTAKTON: Μαύρη ημέρα για τον ελληνικό πολιτισμό, την ελληνική μουσική, την ελληνική πολιτική. Παγκόσμια συγκίνηση για τον Μεγάλο Μ… - 3 years ago

@BoerLeen: Mikis #Theodorakis vertolkte wat het was om Grieks te zijn: Hij verwierf wereldfaam als componist van de soundtrack… - 3 years ago

@carlosfara: RT @stiletano: A los 96 años murió Mikis Theodorakis, el legendario compositor griego que recorrió el mundo con la música de Zorba. Su vida… - 3 years ago

@javifagreda: RT @durolandia: Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo. DEP Theodorakis fue m… - 3 years ago

@LimaNewsWeek: RT @feedperuano: Muere el célebre compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@PeruNewsTV: RT @feedperuano: Muere el célebre compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@peruenlanoticia: RT @feedperuano: Muere el célebre compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@LimaNoticia: RT @feedperuano: Muere el célebre compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@duygusuzcuk: RT @SusanNou: R.I.P. 🖤🕯 Mikis Theodorakis 😔thank you for the music - 3 years ago

@niktop: RT @nytimesworld: Mikis Theodorakis, the renowned Greek composer and Marxist firebrand, has died at 96. He waged a war of words and music a… - 3 years ago

@NikeMorgan: RT @BBCWorld: Mikis Theodorakis composer of Zorba the Greek dies aged 96 - 3 years ago

@Libiapmcurcio: RT @dw_espanol: Theodorakis saltó a la fama en 1964 cuando compuso la música de la película "Zorba el Griego". El artista es autor de una… - 3 years ago

@SabliereDe: RT @sirius1936: ADIEU ZORBA! Mort du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@teddyballgame83: RIP to the G.O.A.T. Mikis Theodorakis. May his memory be eternal. He wrote anthems of wartime resistance and social… - 3 years ago

@D__Mitch: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@esthersanmar75: RT @bbcmundo: Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo - 3 years ago

@niljan: RT @VilaWeb: S’ha mort Mikis #Theodorakis, el llegendari compositor de ‘Zorba, el grec’ - 3 years ago

@dimitris_ge25: RT @nytimes: Mikis Theodorakis, the renowned Greek composer and Marxist firebrand, has died at 96. He waged a war of words and music agains… - 3 years ago

@kanugaboy: RT @washingtonpost: “Zorba” composer Mikis Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@javierzedon: RT @reiet77: «No es casualidad que haya elegido la poesía griega, desde Esquilo hasta Elytis, como eje central de mi trabajo creativo para… - 3 years ago

@rikeri4: RT @GreeceInGermany: #Griechenland 🇬🇷 trauert um Mikis Theodorakis. Die griechische Regierung hat eine dreitägige Staatstrauer ausgerufen.… - 3 years ago

@MoJamesApted: RT @washingtonpost: “Zorba” composer Mikis Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@Catinformacio: 🔊 Música i activisme polític. Repassem amb @oscarcallaum la vida del compositor grec Mikis Theodorakis, mort avui a… - 3 years ago

@EuclidesR: RT @RCR750: #Duelo a los 96 años falleció hoy el gran compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis, uno de los músicos más relevantes de la música e… - 3 years ago

@Kitrinos211: RT @WSAwards: The two notes of “Zorba’s Dance” from the Oscar-winning film “Zorba the Greek” are 2 of the most recognizable in the world, g… - 3 years ago

@Kondikraft: RT @TilhemWell: Auch wenn er die 100 nicht erreicht hat, so machte seine Musik ihn bereits zu Lebzeiten unsterblich. - 3 years ago

@devdhar10: RT @washingtonpost: “Zorba” composer Mikis Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@feedperuano: Muere el célebre compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@Julie5559: RT @bbcmundo: Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo - 3 years ago

@_66deniz06: RT @suyorumcusu: Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@luxpud: RT @fraurolo121: #RIP #MikīsTheodōrakīs Mikīs Theodōrakīs Compositore - 3 years ago

@partooza: Mikis Theodorakis, Greek Composer and Marxist Rebel, Dies at 96 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@Levongiritliyan: Mikis Theodorakis - Μιχαήλ Θεοδωράκης 1925 – 2021 🕯Cennette Nice Sirtaki’lere. - 3 years ago

@dnfTH50TB8s3Vgr: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@tiledikastis: RT @nytimes: Mikis Theodorakis, the renowned Greek composer and Marxist firebrand, has died at 96. He waged a war of words and music agains… - 3 years ago

@nikosaliagas: RT @sacem: C’est avec une profonde émotion que la Sacem rend hommage à Míkis Theodorákis. Compositeur aux mille talents, homme engagé et mi… - 3 years ago

@BeatricThiriet: RT @le_Parisien: ⚫ Mort à 96 ans du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis. Ancien résistant, il avait notamment signé la musique du film… - 3 years ago

@NKassianides: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@John04331366: RT @nytimes: Mikis Theodorakis, the renowned Greek composer and Marxist firebrand, has died at 96. He waged a war of words and music agains… - 3 years ago

@birolben49: RT @Dunya_Yalannnnn: Yine büyük bir kayıp... Efsane müzik insanı Mikis Theodorakis yaşamını yitirmiş! Yaprak dökümü gibi bir dönem..😕 Üzgün… - 3 years ago

@gmckscorp: RT @PrimeministerGR: Greece today mourns the loss of Mikis Theodorakis. An iconic composer. A fighter for democracy and social justice. We… - 3 years ago

@cataldi_marco: RT @GmaHappymilan: R. I. P. 🙏🙏🙏 - 3 years ago

@CinedeHollywood: IN MEMORIAM: Mikis Theodorakis (1925-2021). A l'Olimp de les grans seqüències de la història del cinema mai hi pot… - 3 years ago

@madamfloridis_: "Our Mikis has gone": 'Zorba the Greek' composer Theodorakis dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@Doultsinaia: RT @katiousa_gr: - 3 years ago

@ekathimerini: Fofi Gennimata, leader of centre-left Movement for Change (KINAL) said of Mikis #Theodorakis that “in difficult tim… - 3 years ago

@MercedelaVega: RT @Avia_Clementina: El compositor Mikis Theodorakis ha mort als 96 anys. Autor de més de 1000 composicions i activista polític. #musica #… - 3 years ago

@smykos: Rebel he was, RIP - 3 years ago

@alevgungorr: RT @MvSuatOzcan: Güzel Ege'mizin diğer yakasından ürettiği tüm ezgilerle ve dünya görüşüyle bir Mikis Theodorakis geçti... #MikisTheodorak… - 3 years ago

@GiannisEutux: Mikis Theodorakis, Greek Composer and Marxist Rebel, Dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@MatthewjoeMj: RT @GreekAnalyst: Legendary Greek composer and pro-democracy icon Mikis Theodorakis died earlier today. He will be dearly missed, but his… - 3 years ago

@SorkunTahsin: RT @solhaberportali: Mikis Theodorakis yaşamını yitirdi Hayatında en güzel ve güçlü yıllarını Yunanistan Komünist Partisi saflarında yaşadı… - 3 years ago

@ANHA_TR_yedek_1: Yunan besteci, müzisyen, yazar ve siyasetçi Mikis Theodorakis Atina’da 96 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi. 🌎… - 3 years ago

@ArdaYuksel: RT @DrMustafaBAYIK: Rest In Peace Mikis Theodorakis 🙏 #RIP #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@tromaktiko_blog: Mίκης Θεοδωράκης: Η συγκινητική ανάρτηση της κόρης του λίγες ώρες πριν φύγει από τη ζωή - 3 years ago

@Vicentill0: RT @jess_pozo: Adiós a Mikis Theodorakis, compositor. 96 años - 3 years ago

@TPLM_Officiel: RT @lemondefr: Le compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis, auteur de la bande originale du film « Zorba le Grec », est mort - 3 years ago

@Andrea_Kwati: #MikisTheodorakis vertonte vier Gedichte des Lyrikers Iakovos Kambanellis zur "Mauthausen Cantata". Text, Musik und… - 3 years ago

@KokanglNedim: RT @GazeteMustehak: Dünyaca ünlü besteci Mikis Theodorakis, 96 yaşında hayata gözlerini yumdu. Bu dünyadan Mikis Theodorakis geçti. - 3 years ago

@alvaro_1917: RT @Hibai_: Ha muerto Mikis Theodorakis,la figura más importante de la cultura griega moderna. Lo fue todo: músico, luchador antifascista,… - 3 years ago

@yeri710: El #compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis, mejor conocido por la banda sonora de la triple película ganadora del Osca… - 3 years ago

@gazete_aktuel: Ünlü müzisyen Mikis Theodorakis yaşamını yitirdi @gazete_aktuel - 3 years ago

@BoAnnarita: Morto a 96 anni il compositore greco Mikis #Theodorakis, l'uomo del #sirtaki - 3 years ago

@LatitudeGezi: RT @daphnenews: You've all heard (seen) this one. Mikis #Theodorakis' classic syrtaki music from 'Zorba the Greek' has defined Greece abroa… - 3 years ago

@BoGaCHaN_YaLCiN: Mikis Theodorakis de gitmiş... tüm güzel sanatçılar gidiyor birer birer.... - 3 years ago

@Fakerragut: RT @afpfr: Mort du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis à l'âge de 96 ans, selon une source hospitalière #AFP (📷 janvier 1985 à Paris… - 3 years ago

@voiceofislandTR: Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis yaşamını yitirdi - 3 years ago

@c8037956: RT @nytimes: Mikis Theodorakis, the renowned Greek composer and Marxist firebrand, has died at 96. He waged a war of words and music agains… - 3 years ago

@Frankf1842: RT @Agenzia_Ansa: Se n'è andato l'uomo del Sirtaki. Mikis Theodorakis, il più famoso compositore greco della storia, è morto all'ospedale d… - 3 years ago

@Prima_lamusica: Fallece el compositor Mikis Theodorakis a los 96 años - 3 years ago

@NewsItFeed: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης, προαισθανόμενος το τέλος της ζωής του, είχε επικοινωνήσει τηλεφωνικά με τον Δημήτρη Κουτσούμπα.… - 3 years ago

@MagnumCallahan: RT @habladecine_com: Ha muerto Mikis Theodorakis. Creador musical del Sirtaki (el baile lo creó Giorgios provias, que, a diferencia de lo… - 3 years ago

@AtticanewsGr: RT @nytimes: Mikis Theodorakis, the renowned Greek composer and Marxist firebrand, has died at 96. He waged a war of words and music agains… - 3 years ago

@jemperador1: RT @bbcmundo: Muere Mikis Theodorakis, el compositor de "Zorba el griego" a quien Grecia tenía en su propio Olimpo - 3 years ago

@MamenPg_: El maravilloso Mikis Theodorakis hoy se ha marchado, pero nos queda su legado. A mi madre le fascinaba también Mel… - 3 years ago

@ArkadIvanovich: RT @flixgr: Το σινεμά του Μίκη: Μια ιστορία σε 12 πλάνα. «Παίχτε! Παίχτε!» Ακολουθούμε την προσταγή του Αλέκου Αλεξανδράκη και ταξιδεύουμε… - 3 years ago

@initlabor: RT @mkagkelidou: Mikis #Theodorakis the composer that defined Greek music for generations, is dead. Best known to foreigners for #Zorba to… - 3 years ago

@rodasons: RT @elpais_cultura: Famoso por la música de la película ‘Zorba, el griego’, fue encarcelado en los sesenta por la junta militar de su país… - 3 years ago

@MobRainbow: RT @tbarnaud: « La musique de Z ne pouvait être que celle de Mikís Theodorákis. J’avais fait plusieurs essais en cours de montage, elle se… - 3 years ago

@Vsouladaki: RT @mapsara: The composer of the historic "Zorba" melody, Mikis Theodorakis, died today at the age of 96; he lived a full life and leaves b… - 3 years ago

@Rosamoussaoui: RT @GreceHebdo: #RIP | Mikis Theodorakis | Chios, 29 juillet 1925- Athènes, 2 septembre 2021. Le grand compositeur est mort à l’âge de 96 a… - 3 years ago

@tele1comtr: Dünyaca ünlü usta besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti #MikisTheodorakis - 3 years ago

@ediezulz: RT @GreekAnalyst: Legendary Greek composer and pro-democracy icon Mikis Theodorakis died earlier today. He will be dearly missed, but his… - 3 years ago

@Dorimene2: RT @afpfr: Mort du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis à l'âge de 96 ans, selon une source hospitalière #AFP (📷 janvier 1985 à Paris… - 3 years ago

@theonlyfleur: Mikis theodorakis kim? Neden hepiniz tanıyorsunuz? - 3 years ago

@n5TLTlwlD38wrfr: RT @n5TLTlwlD38wrfr: Παγκόσμια είδηση ο θάνατος του. Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης θα είναι πάντα εδώ. Τώρα αξίζει όσο ποτέ να καταλάβουμε το έργο του… - 3 years ago

@AnneMbH: Musique : décès du grand #compositeur grec Mikis #Theodorakis, créateur du "#Sirtaki" - 3 years ago

@Cemal_Dindar: hayatın müziğiyle yaşayanlara ölmek yok! onlar türlü biçimde yaşamaya devam eder.... #MikisTheodorakis Mikis Theo… - 3 years ago

@npkrish: Greek music great #MikisTheodorakis, composer of #ZorbatheGreek, dies at 96 - 3 years ago

@DimitrisGroz: Αντίο στο μεγαλύτερο Έλληνα συνθέτη Μίκη Θεοδωράκη που έφυγε σήμερα.. τεράστιο κεφάλαιο στην νεότερη ελληνική ιστορ… - 3 years ago

@peteausv: RT @drguidoknapp: 1964: Bei den Dreharbeiten zu "Alexis Sorbas" wird der Sirtaki erfunden. Angeblich weil Anthony Quinn die ursprünglich ge… - 3 years ago

@s1709u: RT @dw_turkce: Dünyaca ünlü Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis, 96 yaşında hayatını kaybetti Yunanistan'da cunta yönetimine direnişiyle bir h… - 3 years ago

@slomax: RT @CCavafy: “You will find no new lands, you will find no other seas. The city will follow you.” – The great composer Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@PGPavlos: RT @norwayingreece: Truly sad news. Mikis Theodorakis won the hearts of us all through his music. For many Norwegians 🇳🇴 his music embodies… - 3 years ago

@TrendolizerVL: Bekende Griekse componist Mikis Theodorakis (96) overleden - 3 years ago

@msdibh: RT @ragipsoylu: Rest in peace Mikis Theodorakis. One of my favourites: Bithikotsis, Theodorakis - Ena to helidoni (1977) - 3 years ago

@BSengayrac: RT @MouvCommuniste1: Musique. La mort de Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@mehtap_sensus: RT @evrenbarisyavuz: Mikis Theodorakis gözlerini yummuş, büyük insanlığın hafızasında çok güçlü izler bırakarak. Theodorakis'in epik best… - 3 years ago

@sabengel4: RT @FilmfestGent: Tijdens het concert #GreatGreekComposers brengt @BrusselsPhil olv #DirkBrossé de rijkdom en het genie van Griekse filmcom… - 3 years ago

@cemyilmaz26: RT @cakir_rusen: Radikal, entelektüel ve "halkın sesi"ydi: Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti - Medyascope - 3 years ago

@BartBeirlant: RT @kpappas1955: Καλό ταξίδι Μίκη. Rest in peace Mikis Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@aydin_ozcan_: Dünyaca ünlü Yunan sanatçı, müzisyen ve besteci Mikis Theodorakis 96 yaşında hayatını kaybetti! Yunan sanatçı Miki… - 3 years ago

@aektzougiapanta: RT @xenialeoni: Mikis Theodorakis - Serpico - 3 years ago

@Flashgr_: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Όταν οι Beatles τραγούδησαν το «Αν θυμηθείς τ’ όνειρό μου» [vid] - - 3 years ago

@fpolat69: Theodorakis yaşamını yitirdi Lenin Barış Ödülü'nün sahibi Theodorakis, Zorba,  Z ve Serpico filmleri için besteled… - 3 years ago

@politikakritis: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Η ιστορική συναυλία στο Καραϊσκάκη - 3 years ago

@oguz_bakir: Mikis Theodorakis'in 1980'li yıllarda, Ankara'nın Sakarya Caddesi'nde çekilen fotoğrafı 👇🏼 - 3 years ago

@waits_for_tom: RT @uarpak: Herkes paylaşır bugün bunu ama acaip güzel ulan... Mikis Theodorakis & Anthony Quinn - Munich, 1995 - 3 years ago

@NadalencaE: RT @RHausberg: RIP Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@Harold97732847: RT @afpfr: Mort du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis à l'âge de 96 ans, selon une source hospitalière #AFP (📷 janvier 1985 à Paris… - 3 years ago

@Maithalobjois: RT @nikosaliagas: Mikis Theodorakis s'est éteint... Un immense compositeur qui aura marqué la création musicale grecque du XXe siècle, il a… - 3 years ago

@nikosaliagas: RT @le_Parisien: ⚫ Mort à 96 ans du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis. Ancien résistant, il avait notamment signé la musique du film… - 3 years ago

@SP_Hengelo: Mikis Theodorakis is niet meer. Inspirator voor een rechtvaardige en sociale wered. RIP - 3 years ago

@YahooPopFR: Il est décédé à l'âge de 96 ans, à Athènes - 3 years ago

@NoisetteMN: RT @afpfr: Mort du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis à l'âge de 96 ans, selon une source hospitalière #AFP (📷 janvier 1985 à Paris… - 3 years ago

@senemgorur: RT @Medyascopetv: Radikal, entelektüel ve "halkın sesi"ydi: Yunan besteci Mikis Theodorakis hayatını kaybetti - 3 years ago

@UrsTanner3: Griechischer Komponist Mikis Theodorakis gestorben @RADIO_TOP_CH - 3 years ago

@DGMARYOGA: Zorba the Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis dies age 96 - 3 years ago

@napiorumben: RT @GunlukArsiv: 13 Eylül 1986: Zülfü Livaneli ve Mikis Theodorakis “Altın Plak”ödüllerini Yaşar Kemal’in elinden törenle aldılar. Bir kon… - 3 years ago

@Aufildubosphore: RT @g_christides: Legendary Greek composer and lyricist Mikis Theodorakis, of Zorba fame, died today at age 96. A huge loss - 3 years ago

@Glufo1: RT @CCavafy: “You will find no new lands, you will find no other seas. The city will follow you.” – The great composer Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@MarinaRafen: Mort du compositeur Mikis Theodorakis, symbole de la résistance à travers les époques - L'Orient-Le Jour - 3 years ago

@luisbremer: RT @AFPespanol: #ULTIMAHORA Muere el gran compositor griego Mikis Theodorakis a los 96 años (hospital) #AFP - 3 years ago

@eyejim: Tadzoing…. 😥 - 3 years ago

@Inalbis63: RT @el_pais: 🔴 ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere el compositor Mikis Theodorakis, el autor de ‘Zorba, el griego’, a los 96 años - 3 years ago

@tovimagr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης – Ενός λεπτού σιγή στη Βουλή – «Θα τιμηθεί όπως πρέπει» - 3 years ago

@GinesAlek: RT @paristzina: " Έφυγε" ο Μίκης καλό ταξίδι αγαπημένε. RIP στην γειτονιά των αγγέλων. - 3 years ago

@anastasia3535: RT @baskomsernevzat: Dünya müziğinin devlerinden, gençlik ideallerimizin müzisyeni Mikis Theodorakis yıldızlara karışmış. Teşekkürler yeryü… - 3 years ago

@fyork9: RT @cobanozan: Mikis Theodorakis de göçmüş. Şarkıları büyük miras bize. Saygıyla.. - 3 years ago

@EFEnoticias: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Muere Mikis Theodorakis, gran compositor griego del siglo XX. - 3 years ago

@vinylvanity1: RIP Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@LARELIA2407: RT @lalibrebe: Le grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis est décédé - 3 years ago

@LSpyropoulou: RT @ReichelErnst: Saddened that Mikis Theodorakis has left us. He has a huge followership in Germany🇬🇷🇩🇪🇪🇺 - 3 years ago

@saltron: RT @JFGuyot: #Décès du compositeur grec Mikis #Theodorakis à l’âge de 96 ans #AFP - 3 years ago

@MagdaAbuFadil: RIP: Mort du #compositeur 🎼🪕🎧#MikisTheodorakis, symbole de la #résistance à travers les époques - 3 years ago

@sn_aktuell: Griechischer Komponist Mikis Theodorakis gestorben - 3 years ago

@radiolondres6: RT @humanite_fr: - 3 years ago

@ekklisiaonline: Πέθανε ο #Μίκης_Θεοδωράκης - 3 years ago

@AvsarEno: Mikis Theodorakis - To Gelasto Pedi - 3 years ago

@SylvieDLcroiSTJ: RT @lalibrebe: Le grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis est décédé - 3 years ago

@Emma10801: RT @Hibai_: Ha muerto Mikis Theodorakis,la figura más importante de la cultura griega moderna. Lo fue todo: músico, luchador antifascista,… - 3 years ago

@thecaller8: Ιστορικό ντοκουμέντο: Μικης θεωδορακης και Άντονι Κουίν χορεύουν μαζί συρτάκι το 1995 στο Μόναχο (ΒΙΝΤΕΟ) - TheCall… - 3 years ago

@humanite_fr: - 3 years ago

@34eftelya: RT @evrendede: Mikis Theodorakis hayata veda etti - 3 years ago

@OliverScheiber1: Komponist Mikis Theodorakis ist tot Nach der Nachricht des Todes von Theodorakis unterbrachen Radio- und Fernsehse… - 3 years ago

@Katerina_Griega: RT @cmitilinios: Καλό ταξίδι σε έναν εκ των μεγαλυτέρων του Έθνους! #Θεοδωράκης - 3 years ago

@matia_gr: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: συνέντευξη στη Σεμίνα Διγενή το 1998 - 3 years ago

@cennet9: RT @cobanozan: Mikis Theodorakis de göçmüş. Şarkıları büyük miras bize. Saygıyla.. - 3 years ago

@ClCharpentier: RT @afpfr: Mort du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis à l'âge de 96 ans, selon une source hospitalière #AFP (📷 janvier 1985 à Paris… - 3 years ago

@Rigby28538864: #Mikis_Theodorakis 1925 - 2021 - 3 years ago

@bogoroditzaDina: RT @imlavin: - 3 years ago

@jackdanielsjrs: RT @evrendede: Mikis Theodorakis hayata veda etti - 3 years ago

@Sekurehepguler: RT @gazetesozcu: Ünlü müzisyen Mikis Theodorakis yaşamını yitirdi - 3 years ago

@SyrizaI: RT @ekathimerini: Renowned composer Mikis Theodorakis dies - 3 years ago

@pilaraymara: RT @Hibai_: Ha muerto Mikis Theodorakis,la figura más importante de la cultura griega moderna. Lo fue todo: músico, luchador antifascista,… - 3 years ago

@Andro_gr: Ο Μίκης ήταν η καρδιά της χώρας. - 3 years ago

@hammett_92: RT @le_Parisien: ⚫ Mort à 96 ans du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis. Ancien résistant, il avait notamment signé la musique du film… - 3 years ago

@SvetaPinto: RT @GreekAnalyst: Legendary Greek composer and pro-democracy icon Mikis Theodorakis died earlier today. He will be dearly missed, but his… - 3 years ago

@muratozy610: RT @muratozy610: @voiceofhellas Matthaios & Konstantinos Tsahouridis sayesinde Mikis Theodorakis'i keşfetmiştim. Gerçekten de büyük sanatçı… - 3 years ago

@AndreasIliopou4: ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ!!! Μίκη Θεοδωράκη ήταν τιμή της χώρας μας να αποτελείς γέννημα θρέμμα αυτής !! #mikis_theodorakis… - 3 years ago

@andrewpippos: RT @ekathimerini: Renowned composer Mikis Theodorakis dies - 3 years ago

@GeorgeHarald: RT @afpfr: Né le 29 juillet 1925 à Chios, en Egée, dans une famille d'origine crétoise, Mikis Theodorakis est l'auteur d'une oeuvre gigante… - 3 years ago

@Cirmeau: Mikis Theodorakis est mort. Le compositeur grec avait 96 ans - 3 years ago

@thecaller8: Τα συγκλονιστικά του λόγια - 3 years ago

@fraacc: È morto Mikis #Theodorakis. - 3 years ago

@martacagnola: RT @RSInews: Addio a Mikis Theodorakis - Il grande compositore ellenico è scomparso all'età di 96 anni - 3 years ago

@maryfotopoulou: RT @lalibrebe: Le grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis est décédé - 3 years ago

@damomac: RT @mkagkelidou: Mikis #Theodorakis the composer that defined Greek music for generations, is dead. Best known to foreigners for #Zorba to… - 3 years ago

@CedricLalaury: RT @afpfr: Mort du grand compositeur grec Mikis Theodorakis à l'âge de 96 ans, selon une source hospitalière #AFP (📷 janvier 1985 à Paris… - 3 years ago

@LoGc63IqnqSaoxm: RT @GMunzam: Mikis Theodorakis hayata gözlerini yummuş. Bütün siyasi savrulmalarına rağmen, çok ama çok büyük büyük bir sanatçıydı. Pek çok… - 3 years ago

@EmmanuelVyronas: Mikis Theodorakis ist tot - 3 years ago

@Stefanos73NY: RT @Kathimerini_gr: Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης «έφυγε» σε ηλικία 96 ετών για τη συνοικία των αγγέλων αφήνοντας πίσω του ανεκτίμητη παρακαταθήκη htt… - 3 years ago

@Alpaslanerbek: RT @gazetesozcu: Ünlü müzisyen Mikis Theodorakis yaşamını yitirdi - 3 years ago

@CaterinaDoglio: I am sharing The original sirtaki Zorbas - Mikis Theodorakis - 3 years ago

@PatColon: El gran músico griego Mikis Theodorakis ha fallecido. (Zorba el griego) - 3 years ago

@ario_jasper: RT @SZ: Komponist: Mikis Theodorakis ist tot - 3 years ago

@lazaros_ant: RT @tetragwno: Ο πολιτικός Μίκης Θεοδωράκης - 3 years ago

@mahyagmur: RT @cobanozan: Mikis Theodorakis de göçmüş. Şarkıları büyük miras bize. Saygıyla.. - 3 years ago

@kadras1975: RT @pkgrabowski: Zapewne wszyscy znamy taniec filmowego Greka Zorby, wielu pewnie próbowało w różnych okolicznościach go tańczyć. Twórca te… - 3 years ago

@Beratungszimmer: Griechischer Komponist Mikis Theodorakis gestorben🕯️ - 3 years ago

@donckso: RIP Mikis Theodorakis. Maar altijd leuk om de luisteraar met een oorwurm te kunnen opzadelen. Laat die mezze maar a… - 3 years ago

@tromaktiko_blog: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης: Η εμπλοκή του με την πολιτική και τα χρόνια της δικτατορίας - 3 years ago

@kordomenidis75: RT @azinlikca: Mikis Theodorakis hayata veda etti - 3 years ago

@serrainderim: RT @GreekAnalyst: Legendary Greek composer and pro-democracy icon Mikis Theodorakis died earlier today. He will be dearly missed, but his… - 3 years ago

@miguelroan1: RT @Hibai_: Ha muerto Mikis Theodorakis,la figura más importante de la cultura griega moderna. Lo fue todo: músico, luchador antifascista,… - 3 years ago

@catherinejonk1: RT @YanniKouts: Legendary Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis has died at 96. RIP. - 3 years ago

@militaire_gr: - 3 years ago

@marios7828: Ο Μεγαλύτερος Έλληνας όλων των εποχών. Ανθρώπους με Άλφα κεφάλαιο υποκλίνομαστε στο Μεγαλείο σου που ανέβασες τόσο… - 3 years ago

@2013Georgiadis: Αντίο Μίκη.. 😢 Μίκης (Μιχαήλ) Θεοδωράκης (29 Ιουλίου 1925 - 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021) #Μικης_Θεοδωρακης… - 3 years ago

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