Mike Labinjo

Canadian football player (Calgary Stampeders
Died on Saturday September 22nd 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Mike Labinjo:

@deezwoz: RT @CFL_Headlines: Friends: Daughter of former MSU player Mike Labinjo, who died last month, needs help - 6 years ago

@HaileyHuffines: RT @karaberg95: Friends: Daughter of former MSU player Mike Labinjo, who died last month, needs help - 6 years ago

@karaberg95: Friends: Daughter of former MSU player Mike Labinjo, who died last month, needs help - 6 years ago

@Eddie_Steele97: RT @CFL_Headlines: Friends: Daughter of former MSU player Mike Labinjo, who died last month, needs help - 6 years ago


@NicDea48: RT @JohnDHodge: A trust fund has been created for 10-year-old Hailey, the daughter of the late Mike Labinjo. If you have the means, please… - 6 years ago

@JohnDHodge: A trust fund has been created for 10-year-old Hailey, the daughter of the late Mike Labinjo. If you have the means,… - 6 years ago

@CFL_Headlines: Friends: Daughter of former MSU player Mike Labinjo, who died last month, needs help - 6 years ago

@RawMikeRichards: RMR Episode281 - Mike Labinjo and the Stamps Talk Hockey!: - 6 years ago

@LSJGreenWhite: RT @LSJsports: Friends: Daughter of former MSU player Mike Labinjo, who died last month, needs help - 6 years ago

@JansenWS: RT @SMCS1852: SMCS students stand in memory of fellow alumnus Mike Labinjo '99 - 6 years ago

@PsiTechnic: STAMPeders star Mike Labinjo dead at 38 Marvelettes red Marslette… - 6 years ago

@PsiTechnic: STAMPeders star Mike Labinjo dead at 38 Marvelettes red Marslet… - 6 years ago

@PsiTechnic: STAMPeders star Mike Labinjo dead at 38 Marvelettes red Marsle… - 6 years ago

@PsiTechnic: RT @PsiTechnic: STAMPeders star Mike Labinjo dead at 38 Marvelettes red Marsletters Mr Po… - 6 years ago

@JoshColle: RT @SMCS1852: SMCS students stand in memory of fellow alumnus Mike Labinjo '99 - 6 years ago

@coach32_frank: RT @SMCS1852: SMCS students stand in memory of fellow alumnus Mike Labinjo '99 - 6 years ago

@CollingwoodCav: RT @SMCS1852: SMCS students stand in memory of fellow alumnus Mike Labinjo '99 - 6 years ago

@smcslacrosse: RT @SMCS1852: SMCS students stand in memory of fellow alumnus Mike Labinjo '99 - 6 years ago

@depierochris: RT @SMCS1852: SMCS students stand in memory of fellow alumnus Mike Labinjo '99 - 6 years ago

@SMCS1852: SMCS students stand in memory of fellow alumnus Mike Labinjo '99 - 6 years ago

@big_country88: RT @J4zani: Terrell Owens told me to my face that Mike Labinjo was “the most impressive athlete” he’d seen play Football. Sad day. RIP Binj. - 6 years ago

@big_country88: RT @CTVC_DIG: Mike Labinjo, few people own this distinction, but the sun truly paled in comparison next to you and the way you brightened u… - 6 years ago

@big_country88: RT @Markonfootball: TRIBUTE: @TorontoArgos Marc Trestman opened his media comments..." giving all of our condolences to the @calstampeders… - 6 years ago

@AngieBeka1: Stampeders Memorial video if Mike Labinjo last half of video. You are sadly missed. - 6 years ago

@CDub661: RT @Markonfootball: TRIBUTE: @TorontoArgos Marc Trestman opened his media comments..." giving all of our condolences to the @calstampeders… - 6 years ago

@SandyRStuckless: RT @Markonfootball: TRIBUTE: @TorontoArgos Marc Trestman opened his media comments..." giving all of our condolences to the @calstampeders… - 6 years ago

@MikeHoganArgos: RT @Markonfootball: TRIBUTE: @TorontoArgos Marc Trestman opened his media comments..." giving all of our condolences to the @calstampeders… - 6 years ago

@EricLacy: RT @SpartanEarned1: May God hold Mike in the palm of His hand and give comfort and peace to his family. A truly genuine young man. RIP Mike… - 6 years ago

@EricLacy: RT @CFLfanUK: How the late Mike Labinjo catapulted the '08 Stampeders to a Grey Cup - - 6 years ago

@EricLacy: RT @C_DIG: Not a dry eye in the room... and not a person who didn't let out a big laugh... Your friends and family left us with bigger than… - 6 years ago

@AngVarv: RT @Markonfootball: TRIBUTE: @TorontoArgos Marc Trestman opened his media comments..." giving all of our condolences to the @calstampeders… - 6 years ago

@MRose_SpartyOn: RIP Mike Labinjo - One if my fav all time Spartans #GoGreen 🇨🇦 - 6 years ago

@JeremiahGordon: RT @SpartanEarned1: May God hold Mike in the palm of His hand and give comfort and peace to his family. A truly genuine young man. RIP Mike… - 6 years ago

@rickcarter23: RT @SpartanEarned1: May God hold Mike in the palm of His hand and give comfort and peace to his family. A truly genuine young man. RIP Mike… - 6 years ago

@ravira: RT @Markonfootball: TRIBUTE: @TorontoArgos Marc Trestman opened his media comments..." giving all of our condolences to the @calstampeders… - 6 years ago

@GoGreen007: RT @SpartanEarned1: May God hold Mike in the palm of His hand and give comfort and peace to his family. A truly genuine young man. RIP Mike… - 6 years ago

@JimMernagh: RT @SpartanEarned1: May God hold Mike in the palm of His hand and give comfort and peace to his family. A truly genuine young man. RIP Mike… - 6 years ago

@ToddFeeney: RT @SpartanEarned1: May God hold Mike in the palm of His hand and give comfort and peace to his family. A truly genuine young man. RIP Mike… - 6 years ago

@ecflores22: RT @SpartanEarned1: May God hold Mike in the palm of His hand and give comfort and peace to his family. A truly genuine young man. RIP Mike… - 6 years ago

@MSUFBRecruiting: RT @SpartanEarned1: May God hold Mike in the palm of His hand and give comfort and peace to his family. A truly genuine young man. RIP Mike… - 6 years ago

@SportsOn770: TRIBUTE: @TorontoArgos Marc Trestman opened his media comments..." giving all of our condolences to the… - 6 years ago

@Markonfootball: TRIBUTE: @TorontoArgos Marc Trestman opened his media comments..." giving all of our condolences to the… - 6 years ago

@SpartanEarned1: May God hold Mike in the palm of His hand and give comfort and peace to his family. A truly genuine young man. RIP… - 6 years ago

@KerryCarter: RT @jamelrichardson: Sending my Love and Prayer to Mike Labinjo Family! Good dude, gone to soon! S.i.p 🙏🏾 #CFLFamily - 6 years ago

@jenchayk_jenna: - 6 years ago

@MsuOvertime: RT @THEGHOST3323: Sad day one of the best Man,Friend, Teammates, Fathers and Spartan Mike Labinjo rest easy love you bro #bigOnion #Spartan… - 6 years ago

@PsiTechnic: STAMPeders star Mike Labinjo dead at 38 Marvelettes red Marslette… - 6 years ago

@PsiTechnic: STAMPeders star Mike Labinjo dead at 38 - 6 years ago

@jamelrichardson: Sending my Love and Prayer to Mike Labinjo Family! Good dude, gone to soon! S.i.p 🙏🏾 #CFLFamily - 6 years ago

@C_DIG: Not a dry eye in the room... and not a person who didn't let out a big laugh... Your friends and family left us wit… - 6 years ago

@kerripierce: RT @EdlundEric: This is a really nice piece on the late Mike Labinjo. - 6 years ago

@TopcornerKyle: RT @CFL: Remembering Mike Labinjo, who helped the 2008 @calstampeders become champions. #CFL 📝 @olearychris | - 6 years ago

@calstampeders: “He was just one of those guys, you could not block him when he really wanted to play and really wanted to be domin… - 6 years ago

@PeppinoGourmet: RT @C_DIG: Mike Labinjo, few people own this distinction, but the sun truly paled in comparison next to you and the way you brightened up a… - 6 years ago

@Ghostbot13: RT @CFL: Remembering Mike Labinjo, who helped the 2008 @calstampeders become champions. #CFL 📝 @olearychris | - 6 years ago

@CFLfanUK: How the late Mike Labinjo catapulted the '08 Stampeders to a Grey Cup - - 6 years ago

@CFL_PR: RT @CFL: Remembering Mike Labinjo, who helped the 2008 @calstampeders become champions. #CFL 📝 @olearychris | - 6 years ago

@LucasBarrett9: RT @CFL: Remembering Mike Labinjo, who helped the 2008 @calstampeders become champions. #CFL 📝 @olearychris | - 6 years ago

@Argofans: RT @CFL: Remembering Mike Labinjo, who helped the 2008 @calstampeders become champions. #CFL 📝 @olearychris | - 6 years ago

@brettmacneil1: RT @CFL: Remembering Mike Labinjo, who helped the 2008 @calstampeders become champions. #CFL 📝 @olearychris | - 6 years ago

@CFLFancom: Former Stampeders star Mike Labinjo dead at 38 - 6 years ago

@wzzm13: Former Michigan State, NFL, CFL player Mike Labinjo was ‘always positive’ - 6 years ago

@CFLFancom: Former Michigan State, NFL and CFL player Mike Labinjo is dead at 38 - 6 years ago

@EvanRadford: RT @3DownNation: Former Stamp Mike Labinjo remembered as a fun-loving guy with a supercharged arm via @EvanRadford - 6 years ago

@EdlundEric: This is a really nice piece on the late Mike Labinjo. - 6 years ago

@Reddit_Eagles: Mike Labinjo, linebacker on 2004-05 Eagles, passes away at 38 - 6 years ago

@RobMeekel: RT @3DownNation: Former Stamp Mike Labinjo remembered as a fun-loving guy with a supercharged arm via @EvanRadford - 6 years ago

@3DownNation: Former Stamp Mike Labinjo remembered as a fun-loving guy with a supercharged arm via @EvanRadford… - 6 years ago

@AnthGorys: RT @SUNSports: Former #Stampeders star Mike #Labinjo has passed away at age 38. He was a Stamps DL from 2007-11. "Terrell Owens told me to… - 6 years ago

@srlklr: RT @CFL: Remembering Mike Labinjo, who helped the 2008 @calstampeders become champions. #CFL 📝 @olearychris | - 6 years ago

@PDfor3: I imagine Heaven to be a very bright place, but I expect the angels to be in for a surprise when this smile walks t… - 6 years ago

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