Midge Decter

American non-fiction writer.
Died on Monday May 9th 2022

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Midge Decter:

@micah_morrison: RT @amconmag: Whatever the larger legacy of neoconservatism, it’s worth recalling just how socially conservative neocons could be. None mor… - 3 years ago

@amconmag: Whatever the larger legacy of neoconservatism, it’s worth recalling just how socially conservative neocons could be… - 3 years ago

@jerry_orchard: @NJExecutive @BillKristol If you consider gay-bashing and warmongering a great legacy, sure. - 3 years ago

@mario_zuvic: RT @BillKristol: Midge Decter, 1927-2022. Midge Decter, a remarkable woman, has died. So many intellectual and personal connections across… - 3 years ago


@JerriBarney: RT @Commentary: A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) ▸ #Eulogy #MidgeDecter - 3 years ago

@Commentary: A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) ▸ #Eulogy #MidgeDecter - 3 years ago

@ElliotKaufman6: RT @matthewschmitz: I wrote on Midge Decter for @amconmag - 3 years ago

@CityJournal: .@TeviTroy remembers Midge Decter—a skilled writer, editor, political activist, and a key figure in the movement of… - 3 years ago

@RedTruthEriksen: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@elk_l: Farewell to Midge Decter, the Bigot on the Beach The obituaries for the founding mother of neoconservatism fail to… - 3 years ago

@NRO: On Mitch Daniels, Midge Decter, Roe v. Wade, the shooting in Buffalo, Madison Cawthorn, Magnus Carlsen, and more |… - 3 years ago

@hounddogxx101: Farewell to Midge Decter, the Bigot on the Beach - 3 years ago

@DvmMorrison: - 3 years ago

@KyleWal16172901: - 3 years ago

@eeyrehead: RT @Timodc: Strong @JVLast on both the dire interest rate situation and the life of Midge Decter. - 3 years ago

@clublecturaCCSS: In memoriam Midge Decter, escritor estadounidense 25 jul. 1927 - 9 may. 2022 Linda Lê, escritora francesa 3 ju… - 3 years ago

@1059KNRS: At 6:38 pm today on the @RodArquette Show on @1059KNRS - @AEI Resident Fellow @NaomiSRiley joins the show to discus… - 3 years ago

@CityJournal: “Nerve,” Midge Decter once said, is “the one thing all writers need.” Vision helps, too. She had both in abundance.… - 3 years ago

@inathanael: A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) - 3 years ago

@Spatula8: RT @schwarz: RIP Midge Decter, a prominent OG neoconservative. In 2004 she acknowledged that all the neoconservative rhetoric about the Ira… - 3 years ago

@dobermanboston: Midge Decter's "The Boys on The Beach" was the only think piece my rock-ribbed Republican grandfather ever opposed… - 3 years ago

@TheSpectator: Rest in peace, Midge Decter - 3 years ago

@dobermanboston: I have been so in the weeds with work that I was unaware that Midge Decter passed away last week. My most sincere… - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 26 679) #American #non - #fiction #writer #Midge #Decter, #social #critic #and #leader #of… - 3 years ago

@SLCLunk: Holy shit, Midge Decter died? I was wondering why the world felt a little better this week - 3 years ago

@jamesstrock: A beautiful appreciation of an extraordinary life of service. 'Where, oh, where, oh where did she come from?' A Son… - 3 years ago

@GigiRNC: RT @CityJournal: Midge Decter could have remained in her liberal intellectual community and spared herself untold heartaches and enmities.… - 3 years ago

@CityJournal: Midge Decter could have remained in her liberal intellectual community and spared herself untold heartaches and enm… - 3 years ago

@AmandaCarey1: Pretty bummed it took her passing for me to finally learn about Midge Decter. - 3 years ago

@matthewschmitz: I wrote on Midge Decter for @amconmag - 3 years ago

@mt_nicholson: This is actually what killed Midge Decter - 3 years ago

@JayCaruso: RT @TeviTroy: “#MidgeDecter was not just a trenchant critic of modern liberalism… She was also, and at heart, a shrewd observer of the huma… - 3 years ago

@Bobfielding4: RT @Heritage: Midge Decter, All-American @JJCarafano - 3 years ago

@Barbara63283460: RT @Heritage: Midge Decter, All-American @JJCarafano - 3 years ago

@E4Bob: RT @firstthingsmag: R. R. Reno remembers his time working with Midge Decter. - 3 years ago

@firstthingsmag: R. R. Reno remembers his time working with Midge Decter. - 3 years ago

@FeldmanWorldGrp: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 | FrontpageMag - 3 years ago

@matthewsimon: RT @schwarz: Top neoconservative Midge Decter died this week. Here's what she said in 2004 about the Iraq war. It turns out it wasn't about… - 3 years ago

@hnbc1: RT @bdomenech: "My parents were almost comically unmaterialistic. Their dining room table was a door from the Door Store." - 3 years ago

@levanrami: A Son's Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) - John Podhoretz, Commentary Magazine - 3 years ago

@ikepaterfosta: RT @schwarz: RIP Midge Decter, a prominent OG neoconservative. In 2004 she acknowledged that all the neoconservative rhetoric about the Ira… - 3 years ago

@BuyDVDsandGive: RT @thenation: The most infamous example of Midge Decter’s reactionary politics was her homophobic essay “The Boys On the Beach." She contr… - 3 years ago

@extnsv_opinion: Farewell to Midge Decter, the Bigot on the Beach. - 3 years ago

@safesocializinn: RT @HeerJeet: ICYMI: neo-conservatism is usually thought of as motivated by hawkishness and opposition to expanding welfare state. But ther… - 3 years ago

@HoldenDCat: - 3 years ago

@ScottMcConnell9: - 3 years ago

@RyanDMiller: RT @HeerJeet: There have been many heartfelt personal tributes to Midge Decter, a tribute to her character, but few attempts to reckon her… - 3 years ago

@CityJournal: Midge Decter could have remained in her liberal intellectual community and spared herself untold heartaches and enm… - 3 years ago

@shift_in2_turbo: good bye and good riddance - 3 years ago

@lezleecog: RT @Heritage: Midge Decter, All-American @JJCarafano - 3 years ago

@Heritage: Midge Decter, All-American @JJCarafano - 3 years ago

@emmilla3: RT @PachoSantosC: Una mujer de pantalones. Que buen artículo. A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) - 3 years ago

@davidberens: RT @BillKristol: “John Podhoretz has written about his mother, Midge Decter, and it is one of the best pieces you’ll ever read. I’m going t… - 3 years ago

@davidberens: RT @BillKristol: A moving and perceptive tribute to Midge Decter from Mary Eberstadt. Midge: "Actually what happened all those years back,… - 3 years ago

@BillTaggert1: RT @ScottMcConnell9: - 3 years ago

@Deseret: "Whether it was drugs or socialism or libertinism, it was clear to her that parents had given up on the 'lifelong b… - 3 years ago

@kast_meka: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 The passing of one of America's most courageous defenders. Fri May 13, 2022. David Horowi… - 3 years ago

@Dianestraley: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 | FrontpageMag - 3 years ago

@CityJournal: “Nerve,” Midge Decter once said, is “the one thing all writers need.” Vision helps, too. She had both in abundance.… - 3 years ago

@Semperfi2010: RT @jasonrileywsj: Perspective: Thank you, Midge Decter, for exposing the faults of progressives - 3 years ago

@infoblind: RT @HeerJeet: ICYMI: neo-conservatism is usually thought of as motivated by hawkishness and opposition to expanding welfare state. But ther… - 3 years ago

@ConStelz: “a trailblazing female intellectual in a frankly misogynistic world of New York highbrow jerks whose views of women… - 3 years ago

@vbsciacca: RT @benshapiro: This is beautiful - 3 years ago

@FightFuzzyMath: RT @jasonrileywsj: Perspective: Thank you, Midge Decter, for exposing the faults of progressives - 3 years ago

@jasonrileywsj: Perspective: Thank you, Midge Decter, for exposing the faults of progressives - 3 years ago

@Rye_Angler: RT @HeerJeet: There have been many heartfelt personal tributes to Midge Decter, a tribute to her character, but few attempts to reckon her… - 3 years ago

@PrestoVivace: RT @HeerJeet: There have been many heartfelt personal tributes to Midge Decter, a tribute to her character, but few attempts to reckon her… - 3 years ago

@RobinGanev: RT @HeerJeet: There have been many heartfelt personal tributes to Midge Decter, a tribute to her character, but few attempts to reckon her… - 3 years ago

@WrapItUpHarder: RT @HeerJeet: There have been many heartfelt personal tributes to Midge Decter, a tribute to her character, but few attempts to reckon her… - 3 years ago

@NathanaelBooth: RT @HeerJeet: There have been many heartfelt personal tributes to Midge Decter, a tribute to her character, but few attempts to reckon her… - 3 years ago

@HeerJeet: There have been many heartfelt personal tributes to Midge Decter, a tribute to her character, but few attempts to r… - 3 years ago

@overlayered: RT @HeerJeet: The existing Midge Decter obituaries were euphemistic about her politics, which is a shame because she was very blunt about t… - 3 years ago

@EugeneIpavec: RT @HeerJeet: The existing Midge Decter obituaries were euphemistic about her politics, which is a shame because she was very blunt about t… - 3 years ago

@BatesLine: Midge Decter "described in detail not only the damage that liberal ideology... was doing to the fabric of American… - 3 years ago

@JimHenleyMusic: RT @HeerJeet: The existing Midge Decter obituaries were euphemistic about her politics, which is a shame because she was very blunt about t… - 3 years ago

@PhilipTerzian: RT @PhilipTerzian: My obituary essay on #MidgeDecter in the new edition of @dcexaminer - 3 years ago

@BrilliantBenN: Farewell to Midge Decter, the Bigot on the Beach - 3 years ago

@Knapsack: This eulogy may not politically be your cup of tea, but it’s a bracing long drink of a refreshingly original human… - 3 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @M_Lipshutz: @SaysCL @Commentary - 3 years ago

@papaverqueen: Farewell to Midge Decter, the Bigot on the Beach #SmartNews I was a fan of these two. I’m totally ashamed now th… - 3 years ago

@Joseph2709: RT @IWF: "There comes a time to join the side you're on." Remembering Midge Decter, Independent Women's Forum Director Emerita. - 3 years ago

@concienciaxcol: RT @PachoSantosC: Una mujer de pantalones. Que buen artículo. A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) - 3 years ago

@2savage2manage: - 3 years ago

@LuPrice48656576: RT @NileGardiner: Midge Decter, All-American via @Heritage @JJCarafano - 3 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: @SaysCL @Commentary - 3 years ago

@rae_job: RT @BillKristol: “John Podhoretz has written about his mother, Midge Decter, and it is one of the best pieces you’ll ever read. I’m going t… - 3 years ago

@Soberanes1971: RT @BillKristol: “John Podhoretz has written about his mother, Midge Decter, and it is one of the best pieces you’ll ever read. I’m going t… - 3 years ago

@BillKristol: “John Podhoretz has written about his mother, Midge Decter, and it is one of the best pieces you’ll ever read. I’m… - 3 years ago

@thejohnrobson: RT @mrozekandrea: "Actually what happened all those years back, when we talked and talked, is that we were all trying to figure out how to… - 3 years ago

@mrozekandrea: "Actually what happened all those years back, when we talked and talked, is that we were all trying to figure out h… - 3 years ago

@rclu: This tribute from @jpodhoretz was pretty inspirational, speaking as a mother of (still growing) sons. Midge Decter - 3 years ago

@shell_loyd: RT @RacerxJax: "The Bitch on the Beach" is dead. One less entitled homophobe. I'm sure if I had written an 'opinion' piece & used every st… - 3 years ago

@bmcarthur17: RT @RacerxJax: "The Bitch on the Beach" is dead. One less entitled homophobe. I'm sure if I had written an 'opinion' piece & used every st… - 3 years ago

@SpiderQueer: RT @RacerxJax: "The Bitch on the Beach" is dead. One less entitled homophobe. I'm sure if I had written an 'opinion' piece & used every st… - 3 years ago

@scope2u2: RT @SethAMandel: "Decter was a prophet as much as polemicist, a brave, generous, plain-spoken, and humorous prophet." Philip Terzian on th… - 3 years ago

@jasondogwood: RT @RacerxJax: "The Bitch on the Beach" is dead. One less entitled homophobe. I'm sure if I had written an 'opinion' piece & used every st… - 3 years ago

@BrianGryffindor: RT @RacerxJax: "The Bitch on the Beach" is dead. One less entitled homophobe. I'm sure if I had written an 'opinion' piece & used every st… - 3 years ago

@Foxmental_X: RT @RacerxJax: "The Bitch on the Beach" is dead. One less entitled homophobe. I'm sure if I had written an 'opinion' piece & used every st… - 3 years ago

@parky_b: RT @RacerxJax: "The Bitch on the Beach" is dead. One less entitled homophobe. I'm sure if I had written an 'opinion' piece & used every st… - 3 years ago

@RacerxJax: "The Bitch on the Beach" is dead. One less entitled homophobe. I'm sure if I had written an 'opinion' piece & used… - 3 years ago

@jestedm1: RT @PhilipTerzian: My obituary essay on #MidgeDecter in the new edition of @dcexaminer - 3 years ago

@PhilipTerzian: RT @PhilipTerzian: My obituary essay on #MidgeDecter in the new edition of @dcexaminer - 3 years ago

@1776DEFEATS1984: REST IN PEACE—F4T. Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@mkassen: RT @matthewschmitz: “Honor thy father and thy mother.” Hard to imagine a eulogy that more perfectly fulfills that commandment. - 3 years ago

@Sam_Schulman: RT @matthewschmitz: “Honor thy father and thy mother.” Hard to imagine a eulogy that more perfectly fulfills that commandment. - 3 years ago

@bobhutt: - 3 years ago

@Jahaza: A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) - 3 years ago

@burtonlee: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@PatrickPolitano: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@brasil2014pool: RT @JJCarafano: Midge Decter not only helped set the stage for the Reagan Revolution, she remains an icon for contemporary conservatives. v… - 3 years ago

@ABSaks: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@PhilipTerzian: My obituary essay on #MidgeDecter in the new edition of @dcexaminer - 3 years ago

@IVMiles: RT @ElliotKaufman6: I hope Commentary publishes this in full in the next print issue. Can't imagine the subscriber who wouldn't want to rea… - 3 years ago

@tgiovanetti: Truly beautiful and worth subscribing in order to read @Commentary A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022)… - 3 years ago

@qrodgers1588: RT @CityJournal: Midge Decter could have remained in her liberal intellectual community and spared herself untold heartaches and enmities.… - 3 years ago

@AnnMarieAmerica: RT @bdomenech: "My parents were almost comically unmaterialistic. Their dining room table was a door from the Door Store." - 3 years ago

@SergioP66991040: RT @benshapiro: This is beautiful - 3 years ago

@FreakonaleashC: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@Mathenaut: RT @HeerJeet: The "sixty percent homosexual" and "homosexual women" comments are from Midge Decter, "The Boys on the Beach," 1981. The 25-2… - 3 years ago

@EyeVey: RT @wjmcgurn: A Son's Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) - John Podhoretz, Commentary Magazine - 3 years ago

@TheNickaChew: RT @NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of the n… - 3 years ago

@stevenjmoneill3: RT @HeerJeet: The "sixty percent homosexual" and "homosexual women" comments are from Midge Decter, "The Boys on the Beach," 1981. The 25-2… - 3 years ago

@Radlein: RT @HeerJeet: The "sixty percent homosexual" and "homosexual women" comments are from Midge Decter, "The Boys on the Beach," 1981. The 25-2… - 3 years ago

@HeerJeet: The "sixty percent homosexual" and "homosexual women" comments are from Midge Decter, "The Boys on the Beach," 1981… - 3 years ago

@sinannjewel: RT @HeerJeet: @MatthewSitman Like Midge Decter, WFB had the secret super power of being able to calculate the sexual orientation ratio of a… - 3 years ago

@IanAbstract: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@CityJournal: Midge Decter could have remained in her liberal intellectual community and spared herself untold heartaches and enm… - 3 years ago

@Ravenking1771: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@kleegrubaugh: RT @JonahDispatch: My friend @jpodhoretz, remembering his mother Midge Decter. - 3 years ago

@LRedSchoolHouse: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@Kanta_Mizuno: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@3x10to8mps: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@Dotrat22: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@contranymic1: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@Anthropic: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@APxBrown: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@electriceden92: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@npilon: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@Herndonia25: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@Obscurica: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@malawiflames: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@MixingChris: RT @HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so they can p… - 3 years ago

@HeerJeet: Important to understand that conservative Democrats serve as an informal moles & saboteurs. They're left behind so… - 3 years ago

@Micheal83207491: RT @bariweiss: Midge Decter has meant so much to so many I love: - 3 years ago

@Micheal83207491: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@tudorbeste: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@CMcLeod0528: RT @MSarelson: A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) - 3 years ago

@shortman5427: RT @53percenter2012: Midge Decter, All-American - 3 years ago

@53percenter2012: Midge Decter, All-American - 3 years ago

@BruceWolfChi: .@jpodhoretz Perfectly clear. - 3 years ago

@JJCarafano: RT @KenMac55: .@JJCarafano remembers: Midge Decter not only helped set the stage for the Reagan Revolution, she remains an icon for contemp… - 3 years ago

@KenMac55: .@JJCarafano remembers: Midge Decter not only helped set the stage for the Reagan Revolution, she remains an icon f… - 3 years ago

@MSarelson: A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) - 3 years ago

@jpickh: RT @BillKristol: Here's John Podhoretz's wonderful eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter (1927-2022). I offer the highest praise for it I can… - 3 years ago

@walterolson: John Podhoretz remembers his mother, Midge Decter - 3 years ago

@OfficerDunphy: - 3 years ago

@mosaicmag: The late Midge Decter was a "powerful and penetrating writer" who vigorously argued for the recovery of personal re… - 3 years ago

@ikepaterfosta: RT @MatthewSitman: A lot to unpack in Midge Decter's (in)famous essay about Fire Island, "The Boys on the Beach." But for some reason this… - 3 years ago

@RaquelHirsch: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@rstears1: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@ldelvalle: This was moving. - 3 years ago

@NARNShow: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@OneMoreDrank: @HeerJeet @Ben_Alpers One of the really great things about Twitter, if you follow the right people, is learning abo… - 3 years ago

@mlspeight1: RT @BillKristol: Here's John Podhoretz's wonderful eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter (1927-2022). I offer the highest praise for it I can… - 3 years ago

@trena_nauta: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@sarahcfloosie: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@JacobHeilbrunn: RT @TheSpectator: Midge Decter, a writer and neoconservative thinker, passed away on Monday at the age of 94 @JacobHeilbrunn writes on her… - 3 years ago

@gruntdoc: RT @NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of the n… - 3 years ago

@jsearswriter: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@floersch_s: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@TheSpectator: Midge Decter, a writer and neoconservative thinker, passed away on Monday at the age of 94 @JacobHeilbrunn writes… - 3 years ago

@WeideKarsten: RT @SethAMandel: John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, Midge Decter, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read, and I think ev… - 3 years ago

@JonahDispatch: My friend @jpodhoretz, remembering his mother Midge Decter. - 3 years ago

@JacobHeilbrunn: My look at how Decter helped lay the foundation for the culture wars - 3 years ago

@WVPundette: RT @NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of the n… - 3 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022): Midge Decter, 1927-2022View Post - 3 years ago

@Ron_Christie: RT @TeviTroy: #MidgeDecter gave John Podhoretz “the greatest editorial advice I ever received, and it is advice I’ve passed along to others… - 3 years ago

@BrianSWise: RT @NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of the n… - 3 years ago

@jadler1969: RT @TeviTroy: #MidgeDecter gave John Podhoretz “the greatest editorial advice I ever received, and it is advice I’ve passed along to others… - 3 years ago

@jeffparkeractor: A Son’s Eulogy for Midge Decter (1927-2022) - 3 years ago

@husseymichael: RT @NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of the n… - 3 years ago

@TeviTroy: #MidgeDecter gave John Podhoretz “the greatest editorial advice I ever received, and it is advice I’ve passed along… - 3 years ago

@drosshoya: RT @NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of the n… - 3 years ago

@elliecohanim: RT @IWF: "There comes a time to join the side you're on." Remembering Midge Decter, Independent Women's Forum Director Emerita. - 3 years ago

@EvanSparks: RT @NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of the n… - 3 years ago

@commonsense258: RT @NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of the n… - 3 years ago

@AbeGreenwald: RT @firstthingsmag: Midge Decter remembers Richard John Neuhaus. From the archives: - 3 years ago

@neontaster: RT @NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of the n… - 3 years ago

@willcollier: RT @NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of the n… - 3 years ago

@NoahCRothman: Had the privilege to be present for John Podhoretz's eulogy for his mother, the late author, editor, and pioneer of… - 3 years ago

@joshuadecter: @HeerJeet As Douglas Martin alluded to in his NY Times obit, Midge omitted the fact that she appropriated my late f… - 3 years ago

@riotta: RT @NYTObits: Midge Decter, a writer and editor who helped lay the intellectual foundation for the neoconservative movement, has died. http… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Midge Decter, a writer and editor who helped lay the intellectual foundation for the neoconservative movement, has… - 3 years ago

@kleegrubaugh: RT @continetti: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@vonniedecember: RT @Timodc: Strong @JVLast on both the dire interest rate situation and the life of Midge Decter. - 3 years ago

@rvtausz: "At manuscript meetings the staff sometimes speculated about whether or not a misshapen piece could be reworked. Mi… - 3 years ago

@firstthingsmag: Midge Decter remembers Richard John Neuhaus. From the archives: - 3 years ago

@cherrybaysb: RT @continetti: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@rockfordpi911: RT @TapiocaJoeBiden: RIP Midge Decter cc: @GayPatriotPlus - 3 years ago

@tenenbaum76: @TapiocaJoeBiden @GayPatriotPlus This is funny. But I don’t think anyone else knows who Midge Decter. Nice reference though - 3 years ago

@Mark_E_Noonan: RT @TapiocaJoeBiden: RIP Midge Decter cc: @GayPatriotPlus - 3 years ago

@Anytime_U_Like: RT @TapiocaJoeBiden: RIP Midge Decter cc: @GayPatriotPlus - 3 years ago

@GayPatriotPlus: RT @TapiocaJoeBiden: RIP Midge Decter cc: @GayPatriotPlus - 3 years ago

@TapiocaJoeBiden: RIP Midge Decter cc: @GayPatriotPlus - 3 years ago

@lnrobbins9: RT @continetti: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@robin17748254: RT @continetti: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@mgcat: RT @continetti: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@rawoods24: RT @continetti: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@brithume: RT @continetti: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Midge Decter, a writer and editor who helped lay the intellectual foundation for the neoconservative movement, has… - 3 years ago

@jerryschranz: RT @NYTObits: As a writer and intellectual, she abandoned liberal politics, challenged the women’s movement and championed the Reagan Repub… - 3 years ago

@jerryschranz: RT @BillKristol: Midge Decter, 1927-2022. Midge Decter, a remarkable woman, has died. So many intellectual and personal connections across… - 3 years ago

@N60597: RT @john_walters_: We have lost an American patriot and a woman of intellectual and moral greatness--Midge Decter. Her work and her memory… - 3 years ago

@patriotmom2911: RT @AndrewCMcCarthy: Midge Decter, R.I.P. - our @NRO editorial about a great lady who was also a wonderful person ... - 3 years ago

@medicinehelp: RIP, Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@alignln: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@alignln: RT @p_m_robinson: Andy Ferguson in 2001: "Midge Decter...is after all a singular figure: the social critic who despises theory, the egghead… - 3 years ago

@medicinehelp: RIP, Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@cbinflux: RIP: Nerve and Vision — Remembering Midge Decter. A skilled writer, editor, and political activi… - 3 years ago

@SCOURING15: - 3 years ago

@burning_ketones: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@TSBull213: RIP, Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@50minds: RIP, Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@NYPostOpinion: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@adabagcompany: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@Chris_1791: RIP Midge Decter, conservative den mother and witty force of nature - 3 years ago

@SohlerSarah: RT @RyanProng: For those who haven't, find and devour this collection of excellent, important, and prescient essays by the now-late Midge D… - 3 years ago

@DonnerHeidi: RT @CityJournal: Midge Decter could have remained in her liberal intellectual community and spared herself untold heartaches and enmities.… - 3 years ago

@CityJournal: Midge Decter could have remained in her liberal intellectual community and spared herself untold heartaches and enm… - 3 years ago

@marvajudd: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@kleegrubaugh: RT @NRO: Midge Decter was a champion of freedom, democracy, and human rights – and she was a force. R.I.P. | The Editors - 3 years ago

@kleegrubaugh: RT @JonahDispatch: Lovely appreciation of the great Midge Decter by @TeviTroy - 3 years ago

@jr_bohl: RT @JonahDispatch: Lovely appreciation of the great Midge Decter by @TeviTroy - 3 years ago

@joyfulmoocher: Midge Decter, Dead for 58 Years, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@HeartlandInst: RT @FreedomPub: Midge Rosenthal Decter, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@BeladonnaRogers: RT @roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of gratitude.… - 3 years ago

@FreedomPub: Midge Rosenthal Decter, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: As a writer and intellectual, she abandoned liberal politics, challenged the women’s movement and championed the Re… - 3 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@KatsuhikoTsuda: RT @HudsonInstitute: Hudson Institute mourns the loss of Midge Decter, an intellectual giant and a Hudson alumnus. Our thoughts are with he… - 3 years ago

@HeartlandInst: The Freedom Pub - Midge Rosenthal Decter, R.I.P. - - 3 years ago

@CNN54393476: RT @roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of gratitude.… - 3 years ago

@husainhaqqani: RT @HudsonInstitute: Hudson Institute mourns the loss of Midge Decter, an intellectual giant and a Hudson alumnus. Our thoughts are with he… - 3 years ago

@PCh1904: She was part of the mighty four, composed of two couples: Norman Podhoretz and Midge Decter, and Irving Kristol and… - 3 years ago

@chris_norcal: RT @HudsonInstitute: Hudson Institute mourns the loss of Midge Decter, an intellectual giant and a Hudson alumnus. Our thoughts are with he… - 3 years ago

@HudsonInstitute: Hudson Institute mourns the loss of Midge Decter, an intellectual giant and a Hudson alumnus. Our thoughts are with… - 3 years ago

@OfficerDunphy: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@realBillWhite: RT @tikvahfund: We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of the Midge Decter--a dear friend and mentor to many of us at Tikvah, and a… - 3 years ago

@johnfund: A great lady and scholar. Midge Decter, RIP; Video of Her At MRC’s DisHonors Awards in 2005 - 3 years ago

@tikvahfund: We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of the Midge Decter--a dear friend and mentor to many of us at Tikva… - 3 years ago

@GrantSwanson88: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@CNN54393476: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Washington Post Obituaries - Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94… - 3 years ago

@mosaicmag: The late Midge Decter was a critic of the sexual revolution, an opponent of Communism, and a defender of Israel. He… - 3 years ago

@patriottroll1: RT @roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of gratitude.… - 3 years ago

@BeladonnaRogers: RT @RichLowry: Midge Decter was unsparing in her writing, and the sweetest presence in person—she made an enormous contribution to this co… - 3 years ago

@BeladonnaRogers: RT @jackfowler: Beautiful remembrance of Midge Decter by @NRO - 3 years ago

@BookWorld: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@sophienouveau_: Author and leading neoconservative intellectual Midge Decter passed away on Monday, May 9, at age 94. At the Media… - 3 years ago

@CloneDwarf: RT @davereaboi: The things Midge Decter says about feminism in 1979 were on point. - 3 years ago

@HeerJeet: When the real history of neoconservatism is written, people will notice that Gertrude Himmelfarb was more a more th… - 3 years ago

@BruceWolfChi: RT @AndrewCMcCarthy: Midge Decter, R.I.P. - our @NRO editorial about a great lady who was also a wonderful person ... - 3 years ago

@Timodc: Strong @JVLast on both the dire interest rate situation and the life of Midge Decter. - 3 years ago

@karkhanechi: RT @Atimad101: Midge Decter 94, dies, an intellectual leader of the neoconservative movement whose acerbic, stylishly written essays & book… - 3 years ago

@southjb: RT @JamesWolcott: Gore Vidal's crownng of Norman Podhoretz and Midge Decter as America's favorite fun couple is one of those gifts from the… - 3 years ago

@davesmith3: RT @roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of gratitude.… - 3 years ago

@PeterBa82304711: RT @TimesofIsrael: Jewish neoconservative writer and anti-feminist activist Midge Decter dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@blagojevism: RT @AryehCW: It would be a nice gesture if Schnipper's offered to cater Midge Decter's shiva pro bono - 3 years ago

@RealMarkShaw: RT @JamesWolcott: Gore Vidal's crownng of Norman Podhoretz and Midge Decter as America's favorite fun couple is one of those gifts from the… - 3 years ago

@barrydweiss: RT @davereaboi: RIP Midge Decter. May her memory be a blessing. - 3 years ago

@ObamaSucksBall2: The Neocon Queen is dead…😊 Midge Decter was raised in a Jewish family... - 3 years ago

@aldhirabi: RT @Daroff: Important Remembrance from @TeviTroy: Remembering Midge Decter - 3 years ago

@adamjwhitedc: RT @EliLake: Read ⁦@TeviTroy⁩’s beautiful tribute to - 3 years ago

@AryehCW: @blagojevism May her memory be a blessing - 3 years ago

@davereaboi: RIP Midge Decter. May her memory be a blessing. - 3 years ago

@davereaboi: RT @EliLake: Read ⁦@TeviTroy⁩’s beautiful tribute to - 3 years ago

@mattklewis: RT @EliLake: Read ⁦@TeviTroy⁩’s beautiful tribute to - 3 years ago

@NoahPollak: RT @JonahDispatch: Lovely appreciation of the great Midge Decter by @TeviTroy - 3 years ago

@ptuns: Take some time with the Commentary essays of Midge Decter, matriarch of the Podhoretz family, who passed away yeste… - 3 years ago

@CityJournal: “Nerve,” Midge Decter once said, is “the one thing all writers need.” Vision helps, too. She had both in abundance.… - 3 years ago

@minvskv: Midge Decter, one of the founders of the neoconservative movement, has turned into fertilizer at the age of 94 yest… - 3 years ago

@TimesofIsrael: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Midge Decter, a leading neoconservative writer, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@nytpolitics: Midge Decter, a writer and editor who abandoned liberalism to help lay the intellectual foundation for the neoconse… - 3 years ago

@TOIAlerts: Live update: Midge Decter, a leading neoconservative writer, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@HowardMortman: RT @CongressRabbi: Mourning the loss of writer Midge Decter On January 18, 1995 - affiliated with @thejpc and @RJC - she testified to Hou… - 3 years ago

@bruce20037: Midge Decter, Force for Good - 3 years ago

@CongressRabbi: Mourning the loss of writer Midge Decter On January 18, 1995 - affiliated with @thejpc and @RJC - she testified t… - 3 years ago

@bruce20037: Midge Decter, R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@HowardMortman: Mourning the loss of Midge Decter ... Her Oct. 7, 2001, appearance on C-SPAN "Booknotes" marked the first time in… - 3 years ago

@adamshatz: Gore Vidal nicely summed up the neocon warrior, anti-feminist and professional homophobe Midge Dector, who just die… - 3 years ago

@jnjcasper: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of #neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@HowardMortman: Mourning the loss of Midge Decter... You saw her many times on C-SPAN and @BookTV and @cspanwj… - 3 years ago

@PuckBuddys: @jackshafer Hot Gore Vidal on Midge Decter action - 3 years ago

@jackfowler: Beautiful remembrance of Midge Decter by @NRO - 3 years ago

@john_slotkin: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@frankieboy619: RT @AndrewCMcCarthy: Midge Decter, R.I.P. - our @NRO editorial about a great lady who was also a wonderful person ... - 3 years ago

@LewisRemembered: ZL Midge Decter - One of the last-surviving of the original First Generation of Neo-Conservatives ("NeoCons") (Mar… - 3 years ago

@MeanCharlotte: RT @SohrabAhmari: I'm terribly saddened to hear of Midge Decter's death. She was a towering figure on the landscape of 20th-century America… - 3 years ago

@TenuredRadical: Wow. - 3 years ago

@neilbcooper: RT @AndrewCMcCarthy: Midge Decter, R.I.P. - our @NRO editorial about a great lady who was also a wonderful person ... - 3 years ago

@wnct9: Decter, the wife of retired Commentary editor and fellow neoconservative Norman Podhoretz, died Monday at her home… - 3 years ago

@NicoleM6781: RT @roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of gratitude.… - 3 years ago

@michaelleung: being an awful neocon whose life is nothing but a worthless waste of 94 years aside, midge decter is a very funny n… - 3 years ago

@lgbtpr0: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@lgbtpr0: Midge Decter, leading neo-conservative, dead at 94 - ABC News - 3 years ago

@blogtech12: Midge Decter, Leading Neo-Conservative, Dead at 94 | Entertainment News - 3 years ago

@ScoopRocket: Midge Decter, Force for Good - 3 years ago

@KRBCnews: Midge Decter, leading neo-conservative, dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@HERUKAf76323613: RT @BillKristol: "Mr. Podhoretz once said that she first caught his attention several years earlier when he was trying to impress another y… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @InsidEkoMedia: Midge Decter, the beloved secretary of the managing editor of COMMENTARY, has sadly passed away at the age of 94. The ne… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @twitbituaries: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @twitbituaries: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - - 3 years ago

@Sam_Schulman: A peak moment of life was when Midge Decter pinned me with her eyes at a Commentary event, when I had just started… - 3 years ago

@AmeriKhan2Redux: RT @MichiganWave: Midge Decter just died. There will be some on the Right who will feel the urge to be genteel and gracious. Don't. Afte… - 3 years ago

@Jacob__Viviano: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@IanplatMink: RT @roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of gratitude.… - 3 years ago

@tonycanales: Midge Decter, leading neo-conservative, dead at 94 - ABC News - 3 years ago

@miketangoromeo: RT @roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of gratitude.… - 3 years ago

@sailinggirl73: RT @MichiganWave: Midge Decter just died. There will be some on the Right who will feel the urge to be genteel and gracious. Don't. Afte… - 3 years ago

@mog1717: RT @Commentary: Decter began her career as a writer with “On the Horizon: Belittling Sholom Aleichem’s Jews,” which was published in April… - 3 years ago

@ljj58: RT @neontaster: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@RickyPh20394409: RT @McCormickProf: I was saddened today to learn of the death of Midge Decter. In the mid-1990s, Midge assumed the role of den mother for m… - 3 years ago

@OsPando: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@BrownJessemb27: RT @roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of gratitude.… - 3 years ago

@julianne_wiley: RT @McCormickProf: I was saddened today to learn of the death of Midge Decter. In the mid-1990s, Midge assumed the role of den mother for m… - 3 years ago

@BeladonnaRogers: Beautiful tribute to the great Midge Decter by @scottwjohnson - 3 years ago

@sndrlaact1: RT @BillKristol: "She once quipped to People magazine that the marriage was harmonious despite the fact that they made arguments for a livi… - 3 years ago

@vtolhussar: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@prashant_goyal2: RT @ErikLoomis: "To Ms. Decter, women had a biological destiny to be wives and mothers, and those who tried to escape it evinced self-hatre… - 3 years ago

@aw_journal2021: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@dcjay_z: Midge Decter’s Husband: Who is Norman Podhoretz? - 3 years ago

@NsemWoKrom: Midge Decter’s Husband: Who is Norman Podhoretz? - 3 years ago

@CliffordAsness: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@PHYS878: RT @McCormickProf: I was saddened today to learn of the death of Midge Decter. In the mid-1990s, Midge assumed the role of den mother for m… - 3 years ago

@josephpapptheat: RT @Commentary: Decter began her career as a writer with “On the Horizon: Belittling Sholom Aleichem’s Jews,” which was published in April… - 3 years ago

@LStewartSC: RT @BillKristol: Midge Decter, 1927-2022. Midge Decter, a remarkable woman, has died. So many intellectual and personal connections across… - 3 years ago

@Buffyinnyc: RT @McCormickProf: I was saddened today to learn of the death of Midge Decter. In the mid-1990s, Midge assumed the role of den mother for m… - 3 years ago

@McCormickProf: I was saddened today to learn of the death of Midge Decter. In the mid-1990s, Midge assumed the role of den mother… - 3 years ago

@jonmunce: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@aw_journal2021: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@LHBrok: WaPo: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@MGreenwell3: RT @NRO: Midge Decter, R.I.P. | Opinion by @michaelbd - 3 years ago

@EINPepsiNews: Midge Decter, leading neo-conservative, dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@TylerBoliver: RT @roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of gratitude.… - 3 years ago

@WFXRnews: Midge Decter, leading neo-conservative, dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@mattklewis: RT @roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of gratitude.… - 3 years ago

@WRAL: Midge Decter, a leading neoconservative writer and commentator who in blunt and tenacious style helped lead the rig… - 3 years ago

@DoublePortcull: RT @continetti: 'She rebutted bad ideas not by citing some competing schematic but by drawing attention to the way life is actually lived,… - 3 years ago

@roddreher: What a life Midge Decter had! All those who suffered under communism owe this brave woman who fought it a debt of g… - 3 years ago

@rjbischof: May her memory be a blessing. - 3 years ago

@Atimad101: Midge Decter 94, dies, an intellectual leader of the neoconservative movement whose acerbic, stylishly written essa… - 3 years ago

@PolicyWorkshop3: RT @Commentary: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@APreate: RT @Commentary: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@CinchReview: Rest in peace, Midge Decter - a great lady indeed. - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Midge Decter Grandchildren: Sarah Abrams, Jacob Abrams, Joseph Abrams - 3 years ago

@TylerBoliver: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@NRO: Midge Decter, R.I.P. | Opinion by @michaelbd - 3 years ago

@EWErickson: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@GazzolaDiana: RT @BillKristol: Midge Decter, 1927-2022. Midge Decter, a remarkable woman, has died. So many intellectual and personal connections across… - 3 years ago

@timothycootes: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@timothycootes: RT @BillKristol: Midge Decter, 1927-2022. Midge Decter, a remarkable woman, has died. So many intellectual and personal connections across… - 3 years ago

@patriotpatrick1: RT @PhilipTerzian: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@jwigderson: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@BeladonnaRogers: RT @PhilipTerzian: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Who is Midge Decter’s son John Podhoretz? - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Who Is Midge Decter’s Daughter Naomi Decter? - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Who is Midge Decter’s husband Norman Podhoretz? - 3 years ago

@marksjo1: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@AntonioKure: RT @mmshowalter1: The great Midge Decter. RIP - 3 years ago

@ntxntx3: RT @BobbyBigWheel: Midge Decter’s greatest legacy will be her son’s inability to get the burger he ordered at Schnipper’s - 3 years ago

@mmshowalter1: The great Midge Decter. RIP - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Who Is Midge Decter’s Daughter Rachel Abrams? - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Midge Decter cause of death - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Is Midge Decter still alive? - 3 years ago

@ToryAnarchist: NYT obituary for Midge Decter a good capsule history of neoconservatism—though “championing traditional social valu… - 3 years ago

@RefManTim: RT @ErikLoomis: "To Ms. Decter, women had a biological destiny to be wives and mothers, and those who tried to escape it evinced self-hatre… - 3 years ago

@Wynn_Wheldon: RT @BillKristol: "Mr. Podhoretz once said that she first caught his attention several years earlier when he was trying to impress another y… - 3 years ago

@TigayBarry: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@stephenfhayes: RT @BillKristol: A while ago @continetti recalled a fantastic 2001 Andy Ferguson appreciation of Midge Decter. Here's an easier-to-read ver… - 3 years ago

@yudel: @nagaijin @HeerJeet “"[S]he is indeed a virtuoso of hate, and thus do pogroms begin." -Gore Vidal in that essay. - 3 years ago

@FantinaVienna: RT @josh_hammer: May the memory of Midge Decter be a blessing. - 3 years ago

@HartmanAndrew: RT @MatthewSitman: Wow, Midge Decter, a giant of neoconservatism, is dead at 94. - 3 years ago

@cantdon: Rest in peace, Midge Decter, a great writer and incisive thinker. - 3 years ago

@BillKristol: A while ago @continetti recalled a fantastic 2001 Andy Ferguson appreciation of Midge Decter. Here's an easier-to-r… - 3 years ago

@SimoneLedeen: Why am I linking to a NYT obituary containing so many untruths about this amazing woman? For this: “Ms. Decter’s id… - 3 years ago

@JimHarr09011504: RT @BillKristol: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 "Midge Decter began her career as a writer at COMMENTARY in 1954...Her final article appeared in… - 3 years ago

@neontaster: RT @Commentary: Decter began her career as a writer with “On the Horizon: Belittling Sholom Aleichem’s Jews,” which was published in April… - 3 years ago

@garami53: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - The Washington Post - 3 years ago

@JimHarr09011504: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@PhilipTerzian: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@wfbor: RIP - 3 years ago

@TGBED8v8: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@lpovert: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@davidberens: RT @BillKristol: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 "Midge Decter began her career as a writer at COMMENTARY in 1954...Her final article appeared in… - 3 years ago

@armycop1973: R.I.P. Midge Decter ! - 3 years ago

@Gunnarpat: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@BornaPrincess2: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@AnjosLevi1: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@SamAdlerBell: RT @MatthewSitman: Wow, Midge Decter, a giant of neoconservatism, is dead at 94. - 3 years ago

@MaxAMaxim: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@JeanJeanMarry1: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@jonathanotcher1: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@Speedy_Tomato: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@FearfulNitro: RT @ByYourLogic: I’m taking two handfuls of pills to follow Midge Decter to heaven 💔 - 3 years ago

@Matthaber: Midge Decter on Donald Rumsfeld: "A wrestler is a lone figure. He battles one on one, and he either wins or loses..… - 3 years ago

@JimRosicaFL: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@MikeWalters519: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@dcbigoso: RT @washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@ByYourLogic: I’m taking two handfuls of pills to follow Midge Decter to heaven 💔 - 3 years ago

@washingtonpost: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@sophienouveau_: Pray for consolation for her husband, Norman Podhoretz, and the entire extended Podhoretz and Blum families. - 3 years ago

@MatthewSitman: Wow, Midge Decter, a giant of neoconservatism, is dead at 94. - 3 years ago

@MyronMagnet: RT @KJTorrance: RIP, Midge Decter. - 3 years ago

@archristiansen_: RT @continetti: 'She rebutted bad ideas not by citing some competing schematic but by drawing attention to the way life is actually lived,… - 3 years ago

@p_m_robinson: Midge Decter in action. Filmed ten years ago, a performance--with Mona Charen and yours truly--that shows why we al… - 3 years ago

@GrizzlyJoeShow: RT @KJTorrance: RIP, Midge Decter. - 3 years ago

@ChicagoCarol: RT @neontaster: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@ErAndr: - 3 years ago

@akilligundem: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 Denis Darnel - #AkilliGundem - 3 years ago

@twitbituaries: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - - 3 years ago

@FlaggTaylor4: RT @p_m_robinson: Andy Ferguson in 2001: "Midge Decter...is after all a singular figure: the social critic who despises theory, the egghead… - 3 years ago

@BigCat1232234: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@BigCat1232234: RT @neontaster: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@BigCat1232234: Author of Rumsfeld biography Midge Decter has died @Liz_Cheney - 3 years ago

@JamesPanero: RT @AdamKeiper: Midge Decter, R.I.P. The (neo)conservative intellectual and writer and editor, wife of Norman Podhoretz and mother of John… - 3 years ago

@adamjwhitedc: RT @AmityShlaes: "There comes a time to join the side you're on." -- Midge Decter, to me, and others. RIP dear intelligence. - 3 years ago

@TimJGraham: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@postobits: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@AngrySince87: Midge Decter, social critic and leader of neoconservative movement, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@seanhackbarth: RT @AdamKeiper: Midge Decter, R.I.P. The (neo)conservative intellectual and writer and editor, wife of Norman Podhoretz and mother of John… - 3 years ago

@bethanyshondark: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@Commentary: Decter began her career as a writer with “On the Horizon: Belittling Sholom Aleichem’s Jews,” which was published i… - 3 years ago

@AdamKeiper: Midge Decter, R.I.P. The (neo)conservative intellectual and writer and editor, wife of Norman Podhoretz and mother… - 3 years ago

@senderowiczj: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@twitbituaries: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - - 3 years ago

@jkheilman: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@mkhammer: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@TPCarney: RT @michaelbd: The great Midge Decter has died. - 3 years ago

@michaelbd: The great Midge Decter has died. - 3 years ago

@bold_counsel: RT @Commentary: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@FlaggTaylor4: RT @BillKristol: Midge Decter, 1927-2022. Midge Decter, a remarkable woman, has died. So many intellectual and personal connections across… - 3 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@KennethBaer: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@wfpetrie2: @jaynordlinger This is truly sad to hear. RIP, Midge Decter. And peace and blessings on Norman Podhoretz & family. - 3 years ago

@barrydweiss: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@TabbyKeats: RT @ErikLoomis: "To Ms. Decter, women had a biological destiny to be wives and mothers, and those who tried to escape it evinced self-hatre… - 3 years ago

@NMoonitz: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@iam_mahanthesh: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@benshapiro: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@josh_hammer: May the memory of Midge Decter be a blessing. - 3 years ago

@sameepshastri: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@NoahPollak: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@ustreama: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@Nobody_you_kn0w: RT @Commentary: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Midge Decter, 1927-2022: Midge Decter, 1927-2022.View Post - 3 years ago

@Sltynorman: RT @ErikLoomis: "To Ms. Decter, women had a biological destiny to be wives and mothers, and those who tried to escape it evinced self-hatre… - 3 years ago

@DaliborRohac: Sad news. - 3 years ago

@SFlipp: RT @neontaster: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@APNewsOrg1: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@walterolson: RT @Commentary: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@Commentary: Midge Decter, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@continetti: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@NetionalD: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Midge Decter - #MidgeDecter #Midge #Decter #rip - 3 years ago

@DemocracyInn: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@mog1717: RT @neontaster: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@AndrewBeckUSA: RT @neontaster: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@lewisap86773455: RT @neontaster: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@JasonBedrick: RT @NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discussion… - 3 years ago

@Anthropic: RT @ErikLoomis: "To Ms. Decter, women had a biological destiny to be wives and mothers, and those who tried to escape it evinced self-hatre… - 3 years ago

@NoahCRothman: We're deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Midge Decter. Her amazing life and work will be a subject of much discu… - 3 years ago

@GCDickens: RT @BrentBozell: Midge Decter has passed. One of the wittiest and most delightful women I've ever met. RIP. - 3 years ago

@matthewschmitz: RT @SohrabAhmari: I'm terribly saddened to hear of Midge Decter's death. She was a towering figure on the landscape of 20th-century America… - 3 years ago

@ErikLoomis: "To Ms. Decter, women had a biological destiny to be wives and mothers, and those who tried to escape it evinced se… - 3 years ago

@stat_butler: NY Times: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@neontaster: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@BrentBozell: Midge Decter has passed. One of the wittiest and most delightful women I've ever met. RIP. - 3 years ago

@FriedOkraTime: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@leafypage1: Midge Decter, an Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@Gabriela0209200: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@Richard77570139: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@nealgetz: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@BiffLaTourette: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

@yalielkin: RT @JonahDispatch: Midge Decter, wife of Norman Podhoretz and father of my dear friend John, has passed away. She was an incredible woman a… - 3 years ago

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