Michiro Endo

Japanese musician (The Stalin)
Died on Wednesday May 1st 2019

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Michiro Endo:

@superhi69: ENDO MICHIRO 遠藤ミチロウ お母さんいい加減 スターリン - 6 years ago

@ma_shanti_mika: RT @scalpelfun: In honor of his passing, please enjoy some of Michiro Endo's finest "versus the audience" moments from these live clips of… - 6 years ago

@Der_Liebestraum: RT @otaquest: Michiro Endo, founder of the punk band The Stalin and a prolific solo artist also known for social activism, died late last w… - 6 years ago

@johnnylandmine: RT @otaquest: Michiro Endo, founder of the punk band The Stalin and a prolific solo artist also known for social activism, died late last w… - 6 years ago


@_astriferous: RT @otaquest: Michiro Endo, founder of the punk band The Stalin and a prolific solo artist also known for social activism, died late last w… - 6 years ago

@otaquest: Michiro Endo, founder of the punk band The Stalin and a prolific solo artist also known for social activism, died l… - 6 years ago

@felipesyderas: RT @luigizeraa: michiro endo da banda the stalin este é o tweet - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Dancer and actress Barbara Perry; radio host Russ Gibb, who spread the 'Paul is dead' rumor; ar… - 6 years ago

@dis17jun: ENDO MICHIRO 遠藤ミチロウ お母さんいい加減 スターリン ベトナム伝説でこの曲を初めて聴き。あ、ミチロウ なまっているんだと思い、それがまたこの曲… - 6 years ago

@maleencherie: RT @merry_en_ST: (3) how once he got the chance to work with Michiro Endo he didn't remember ever meeting Gara despite all the sign events… - 6 years ago

@maleencherie: RT @merry_en_ST: (1) add on by admin Madeleine: During the Sendai live yesterday they played The Stalin during the waiting time before the… - 6 years ago

@utakania_xxxx: RT @merry_en_ST: (3) how once he got the chance to work with Michiro Endo he didn't remember ever meeting Gara despite all the sign events… - 6 years ago

@merry_en_ST: (3) how once he got the chance to work with Michiro Endo he didn't remember ever meeting Gara despite all the sign events he went to. 😂💦 - 6 years ago

@merry_en_ST: (1) add on by admin Madeleine: During the Sendai live yesterday they played The Stalin during the waiting time bef… - 6 years ago

@merry_en_ST: # I will never forget that I was able to participate in your tribute album and stand on stage together with you" l… - 6 years ago

@merry_en_ST: There's so much I want to say that I can't sum it up well. So I'll just say this: "It's so romantic I wanna throw… - 6 years ago

@luigizeraa: michiro endo da banda the stalin este é o tweet - 6 years ago

@akhee_ahn_: 아직도 이 분이 돌아가셨다는게 믿기지 않는다. Rest In Power, Mr. Endo Michiro - 6 years ago

@mandygoround: Levei tanto tempo pra descobrir que o Michiro Endo morreu que o cara já deve até ter reencarnado - 6 years ago

@gomiyashi_: RT @Lucy1205: #twhz Mr. Michiro Endo was the most humble and most polite person among all the musicians I know. He was one of the few punk… - 6 years ago

@camilarcandido: RT @IncentiveMusic: RIP Michiro Endo. Can't even process this. - 6 years ago

@camilarcandido: RT @Thoton: Michiro Endo, vocalist for Japanese punk band The Stalin, dies of pancreatic cancer at age 68 - 6 years ago

@camilarcandido: Porra não acredito que Michiro Endo morreu...... - 6 years ago

@SugarCubist: RT @RenzoAdler: The Stalin frontman Michiro Endo passed away. - 6 years ago

@meekstape: RT @MeishiSmile: RIP MICHIRO ENDO 💔 ONE OF THE GREATEST PUNKS TO LIVE - 6 years ago

@saicoink: RT @MeishiSmile: RIP MICHIRO ENDO 💔 ONE OF THE GREATEST PUNKS TO LIVE - 6 years ago

@annarose_draws: RT @MeishiSmile: RIP MICHIRO ENDO 💔 ONE OF THE GREATEST PUNKS TO LIVE - 6 years ago

@alx_null: RT @MeishiSmile: RIP MICHIRO ENDO 💔 ONE OF THE GREATEST PUNKS TO LIVE - 6 years ago

@mocksmile: RT @MeishiSmile: RIP MICHIRO ENDO 💔 ONE OF THE GREATEST PUNKS TO LIVE - 6 years ago


@27watari: 遠藤ミチロウさんは時代に爪痕を残したアーティストだと思います。 では、時代に爪痕を残すための条件とは・・・。 「事件性」 「人柄」 「継続性」 この3つが揃って成立するのかもしれません。 多くの人に愛… - 6 years ago

@gaganjp: RT @tacoashi: 4月29日、神戸でのライブより「天国の扉(Original Ver.)」をアップ🎦 バッキー雪井のブラボーなBluesharpをお楽しみください👍 Dedicated to Michiro Endo & Takeshi Mitsu 🙏 天国の扉/… - 6 years ago

@efemusicales: Muere Michiro Endo de los Stalin - 6 years ago

@27watari: 好きキライは別にして、遠藤ミチロウさんは間違いなく時代に爪痕を残したアーティストです。私もほんの少しですが、影響を受けています。 若い頃を振り返り、当時の空気感を書き残しておきます。ミチロウさんを知らない若い人たちに何かを渡すこ… - 6 years ago


@JMusicCentral: RT @RenzoAdler: The Stalin frontman Michiro Endo passed away. - 6 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Muere Michiro Endo de los Stalin - 6 years ago

@oliver_sheppard: RIP Michiro Endo of The Stalin <3 - 6 years ago

@ohakanet: 遠藤 ミチロウさんの残した言葉 「何でもいいのさ 壊してしまえば おまえはいつでも アナーキスト」 1950年11月15日~2019年4月25日(68歳) #お墓 #追悼 #遠藤ミチロウ 遠藤ミチロウのお墓 追悼サイト - 6 years ago

@Ikari_DC: RT @RenzoAdler: The Stalin frontman Michiro Endo passed away. - 6 years ago

@pegawa: Michiro Endo Kanon - 6 years ago

@MOLICE_VOICE: RT @Yuzuru_Molice: R.I.P Michiro Endo, Japanese hardcore punk rocker. ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 6 years ago

@chicofabulic: RT @kumekawa: 遠藤ミチロウさんのカノン🎵 平沢進師匠がキーボードとギターを弾いてる🎹🎸 Michiro Endo Kanon - 6 years ago

@SweatySwampGoon: RT @Lucy1205: #twhz Mr. Michiro Endo was the most humble and most polite person among all the musicians I know. He was one of the few punk… - 6 years ago

@turawo: RT @kumekawa: 遠藤ミチロウさんのカノン🎵 平沢進師匠がキーボードとギターを弾いてる🎹🎸 Michiro Endo Kanon - 6 years ago

@FullMetalYoshi: RT @Lucy1205: #twhz Mr. Michiro Endo was the most humble and most polite person among all the musicians I know. He was one of the few punk… - 6 years ago

@kumekawa: 遠藤ミチロウさんのカノン🎵 平沢進師匠がキーボードとギターを弾いてる🎹🎸 Michiro Endo Kanon - 6 years ago

@NCRHeCvnAct46nI: RT @zantou_guitar: これからオゾマシーズのリハです。 MICHIRO ENDO FOREVER !!! - 6 years ago

@GSLNband: R.I.P Michiro Endo - 6 years ago

@yurusanai123456: ENDO MICHIRO 遠藤ミチロウ お母さんいい加減 スターリン - 6 years ago

@Sayge0049: Michiro Endo Kanon - 6 years ago

@andhi_xx: RT @aparatmati: RIP Michiro Endo of The Stalin. - 6 years ago

@knock_out_: ENDO MICHIRO 遠藤ミチロウ お母さんいい加減 スターリン - 6 years ago

@hahaww2222: RT @gagganna: 餓鬼餓鬼帰郷/ 遠藤ミチロウ+平沢進+北田コレチカ+イヌイ・ジュン Gaki Gaki Kikyou[Preta Preta Coming Home] / Michiro Endo, Susumu Hirasawa, Korechika Kitada… - 6 years ago

@turbine0402: RT @gagganna: 餓鬼餓鬼帰郷/ 遠藤ミチロウ+平沢進+北田コレチカ+イヌイ・ジュン Gaki Gaki Kikyou[Preta Preta Coming Home] / Michiro Endo, Susumu Hirasawa, Korechika Kitada… - 6 years ago

@allmyandroids: RT @Lucy1205: #twhz Mr. Michiro Endo was the most humble and most polite person among all the musicians I know. He was one of the few punk… - 6 years ago

@kocosan: RT @gagganna: 餓鬼餓鬼帰郷/ 遠藤ミチロウ+平沢進+北田コレチカ+イヌイ・ジュン Gaki Gaki Kikyou[Preta Preta Coming Home] / Michiro Endo, Susumu Hirasawa, Korechika Kitada… - 6 years ago

@Lucy1205: #twhz Mr. Michiro Endo was the most humble and most polite person among all the musicians I know. He was one of th… - 6 years ago

@TheSlain1: RIP Michiro Endo - 6 years ago

@penpen_s: RT @Lucy1205: #twhz [遠藤ミチロウ/Michiro Endo: Michiro Endo and Susumu Hirasawa worked together with several songs and… - 6 years ago

@penpen_s: RT @gagganna: 餓鬼餓鬼帰郷/ 遠藤ミチロウ+平沢進+北田コレチカ+イヌイ・ジュン Gaki Gaki Kikyou[Preta Preta Coming Home] / Michiro Endo, Susumu Hirasawa, Korechika Kitada… - 6 years ago

@Lucy1205: #twhz [遠藤ミチロウ/Michiro Endo: Michiro Endo and Susumu Hirasawa worked together with several songs and albums. - 6 years ago

@Lucy1205: #twhz I pray sincerely for the repose of Mr. Michiro Endo's soul. - 6 years ago

@kranke_san: RT @zantou_guitar: これからオゾマシーズのリハです。 MICHIRO ENDO FOREVER !!! - 6 years ago

@zantou_guitar: これからオゾマシーズのリハです。 MICHIRO ENDO FOREVER !!! - 6 years ago

@dada3070: R.I.P. Endo Michiro - 6 years ago

@NAPALM_ROCK2011: RT @BARGEARMASTER: おはようございます 曲もですが メランコリックな歌詞が とても美しいですね 僕は今日 蓋の付いた 瓶の中で 泳ぐ金魚 Michiro Endo Kanon - 6 years ago

@LaNegraShop: RT @uniteasia: Vocalist of The Stalins – Michiro Endo – Passes Away. Rest in Power. [Japan] - 6 years ago

@Codeofgrey: Kyo: « Encore une fois, repose en paix. » Michiro Endo, le leader de The Stalin est décédé… - 6 years ago

@timfool612: The Stalin frontman Michiro Endo passed away. THE STALIN - Stop Jap (1982) Full Album - 6 years ago

@timfool612: RT @Landolt_C: Michiro Endo, a musician known as the frontman of the Japanese influential punk rock band The Stalin, died on 25 April 2019… - 6 years ago

@zattsyoku128: RT @BARGEARMASTER: おはようございます 曲もですが メランコリックな歌詞が とても美しいですね 僕は今日 蓋の付いた 瓶の中で 泳ぐ金魚 Michiro Endo Kanon - 6 years ago

@AstarothMeinhof: "Ha muerto Michiro Endo, uno de mis cantantes favoritos. Lideró The Stalin, una de las mejores bandas punk de Japón… - 6 years ago

@IncentiveMusic: RIP Michiro Endo. Can't even process this. - 6 years ago

@whiteroom0701: RT @rocksoff5151: Endo Michiro has the same illness as my mother and died in April. After all, in pancreatic cancer, it is a disease for w… - 6 years ago

@YasuVocal: RT @tacoashi: 4月29日、神戸でのライブより「天国の扉(Original Ver.)」をアップ🎦 バッキー雪井のブラボーなBluesharpをお楽しみください👍 Dedicated to Michiro Endo & Takeshi Mitsu 🙏 天国の扉/… - 6 years ago

@tacoashi: 4月29日、神戸でのライブより「天国の扉(Original Ver.)」をアップ🎦 バッキー雪井のブラボーなBluesharpをお楽しみください👍 Dedicated to Michiro Endo & Takeshi Mits… - 6 years ago

@BARGEARMASTER: おはようございます 曲もですが メランコリックな歌詞が とても美しいですね 僕は今日 蓋の付いた 瓶の中で 泳ぐ金魚 Michiro Endo Kanon - 6 years ago

@dirtywork0311: RT @rocksoff5151: Endo Michiro has the same illness as my mother and died in April. After all, in pancreatic cancer, it is a disease for w… - 6 years ago

@skykidspace: RT @rocksoff5151: Endo Michiro has the same illness as my mother and died in April. After all, in pancreatic cancer, it is a disease for w… - 6 years ago

@pitysexhaver: RT @RenzoAdler: The Stalin frontman Michiro Endo passed away. - 6 years ago

@rocinante_e: No me gusta llorar a los famosos cuando mueren, pero f Michiro Endo. No te merecíamos - 6 years ago

@vcinemashow: Rest in Peace to Michiro Endo of the seminal Japanese punk band THE STALIN. Pic of their only known U.S. show at G… - 6 years ago

@mutt2666: RT @RenzoAdler: The Stalin frontman Michiro Endo passed away. - 6 years ago

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