Michel Kilo

Syrian writer and human rights activist
Died on Monday April 19th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Michel Kilo:

@CERAP_Paris: RT @The_NewArab: Kilo's unwavering commitment to a united and democratic polity made him an existential threat to a dynasty that has, since… - 4 years ago

@lysdeschamps: RT @The_NewArab: Kilo's unwavering commitment to a united and democratic polity made him an existential threat to a dynasty that has, since… - 4 years ago

@Beats360: Now Playing: Running (Kilo Shuhaibar Remix) by StoneBridge & STHLM Esq ft. Michel Young - 4 years ago

@Loay_Mudhoon: Kilo's unwavering commitment to a united and democratic polity made him an existential threat to a dynasty that has… - 4 years ago


@The_NewArab: Michel Kilo's prominence in organisations that enjoyed high cross-confessional membership, combined with his willin… - 4 years ago

@IDEFFIE_NGO: RT @muzahara2: "L'engagement inébranlable de #Michel_Kilo envers une politique unie et démocratique a fait de lui une menace existentielle… - 4 years ago

@BertoJongman100: #niet_in_journaal #nieuwsuur #1V #Op1 #bbvpro #NPOradio1 #Teletekst #Syria #opposition #Michel_Kilo - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: As a secular Christian, a leftist-nationalist-democrat, and an outspoken critic of foreign intervention, Kilo disru… - 4 years ago

@Bivi_17: RT @The_NewArab: Kilo's unwavering commitment to a united and democratic polity made him an existential threat to a dynasty that has, since… - 4 years ago

@muzahara2: "L'engagement inébranlable de #Michel_Kilo envers une politique unie et démocratique a fait de lui une menace exist… - 4 years ago

@NizarMohamad1: Breaking my social media detox to share this and pay tribute to iconic Syrian dissident Michel Kilo 👆 Kilo was a r… - 4 years ago

@burberrypirate: RT @HariPrasad91: "Kilo was an enduring symbol of hope in opposition to the takfiri straw men-come-to-life of ISIS and HTS, whose politics… - 4 years ago

@NizarMohamad1: RT @HariPrasad91: "Kilo was an enduring symbol of hope in opposition to the takfiri straw men-come-to-life of ISIS and HTS, whose politics… - 4 years ago

@HariPrasad91: "Kilo was an enduring symbol of hope in opposition to the takfiri straw men-come-to-life of ISIS and HTS, whose pol… - 4 years ago

@fmohamad2: RT @The_NewArab: In-depth: Michel Kilo's passing marks the loss of another important voice that relentlessly advocated for a free, united,… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Kilo's unwavering commitment to a united and democratic polity made him an existential threat to a dynasty that has… - 4 years ago

@john_medalen: RT @LindaHemby: Michel Kilo's passing marks the loss of another important voice that relentlessly advocated for a free, united, and democra… - 4 years ago

@LindaHemby: Michel Kilo's passing marks the loss of another important voice that relentlessly advocated for a free, united, and… - 4 years ago

@ErazerHead1: RT @The_NewArab: In-depth: Michel Kilo's passing marks the loss of another important voice that relentlessly advocated for a free, united,… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: In-depth: Michel Kilo's passing marks the loss of another important voice that relentlessly advocated for a free, u… - 4 years ago

@observesyria: In a final message to his compatriots, Michael Kilo called for #Syrians to “ignore antagonistic and vindictive ment… - 4 years ago

@Brookethenews: RT @The_NewArab: Michel Kilo was buried in the Bagneux Parisian Cemetery after a funeral that was attended by Syrian opposition activists a… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Michel Kilo was buried in the Bagneux Parisian Cemetery after a funeral that was attended by Syrian opposition acti… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Michel Kilo was buried in the Bagneux Parisian Cemetery after a funeral attended by Syrian opposition activists and… - 4 years ago

@Vinz1King: @moi2626 6€ le kilo chez #Leclerc,terribles! Michel-Edouard,si vous me lisez le troisième gratuit?😆 - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Michel Kilo was buried on Monday in the Bagneux Parisian Cemetery after a funeral attended by Syrian opposition fig… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Opinion: "It is a cruel twist of historical fate when a patriotic voice for the opposition is extinguished in exile… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Michel Kilo was buried on Monday in the Bagneux Parisian Cemetery after a funeral which was attended by Syrian oppo… - 4 years ago

@adifesp1: @leila_na Hola, Leila. No has hecho referencia a la muerte de Michel Kilo, ¿alguna razón? - 4 years ago

@Marita30706158: RT @The_NewArab: Michel Kilo was buried on Monday in the Bagneux Parisian Cemetery after a funeral which was attended by Syrian opposition… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Michel Kilo was buried on Monday in the Bagneux Parisian Cemetery after a funeral which was attended by Syrian oppo… - 4 years ago

@PrincessBibiRF_: RT @The_NewArab: Michel Kilo was buried on Monday in the Bagneux Parisian Cemetery after a funeral attended by Syrian opposition activists… - 4 years ago

@John17062322: RT @LizSly: News breaking from Paris of the death due to Covid of Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opposition fig… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Michel Kilo was buried on Monday in the Bagneux Parisian Cemetery after a funeral attended by Syrian opposition act… - 4 years ago

@Ashraf77781: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@Kareemios: Goodbye, Michel Kilo [@The_NewArab] - 4 years ago

@ccaeserdj: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@jamshidmeshgini: RT @JulieKebbi: Celui qui a toute sa vie durant combattu le régime syrien est décédé hier, à Paris, des suites du coronavirus. @SouMardamBe… - 4 years ago

@osama2552am: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@NagiNajjar: Michel Kilo, Rest In Peace - 4 years ago

@Beats360: Now Playing: Running (Kilo Shuhaibar Remix) by StoneBridge & STHLM Esq ft. Michel Young - 4 years ago

@Mr_96p: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@hizbalwatan2011: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@anacha47: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@newkarnak: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@thehashimm: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@Saud_mutlaq01: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@lujainixv: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@TheNewRedOne: RT @Mjaradie: I have been asked to tell ur son a Story: "There was this bird" and the boy asked me.what's a bird? How I could explain to hi… - 4 years ago

@TheNewRedOne: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@ashba00: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@maitelsadany: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@Zeinobia: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@ArabyOrg: Goodbye, Michel Kilo - 4 years ago

@Anas_Rakouki_: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@politicalHEDGE: Goodbye, Michel Kilo - 4 years ago

@ka2en9: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@Zawba3a007: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@CharbelHage12: RIP. Michel Kilo. - 4 years ago

@catsheaven12: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@Bovvered2: RT @EagleSyrian1: In Michel Kilo's farewell, life without freedom makes no sense. #RIP #MichelKilo #Syria #Freedom #Justice #Democracy #… - 4 years ago

@EagleSyrian1: In Michel Kilo's farewell, life without freedom makes no sense. #RIP #MichelKilo #Syria #Freedom #Justice… - 4 years ago

@nasserrabbat: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@MichaelEdlingto: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@daranaswad: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@hder_b: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@burberrypirate: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@syriano100: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@awaadalkh1: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@7390Moh: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@Youmnabkaira: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@alaa944: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@the_ghost_3: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@yaralk__: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@vRrmk1NodTTMaJu: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@Hindsight2010s: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@IyadAboYazan1: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@nikolaosvandam: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@omaralabdullah2: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@101Murid: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@mauadmanii: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@FadouaMassat: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@KohNagao: Michel Kilo's funeral and burial ceremony will be held today in Paris - 4 years ago

@suse_______: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@yakoubal: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@SaidFik: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@al_isabell: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@sara8897799519: Michel kilo RIP 🙏🙏 - 4 years ago

@speaks_2038: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@SyrianView: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@aabnour: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@msma6233: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@7t2ptWFlcMQkrDb: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@Haitham04256372: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@nadahnadoosh: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@eyad1949: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@EagleSyrian1: Syrians today in the homeland & abroad, say farewell to dear brother Michel Kilo who will be buried in Paris today,… - 4 years ago

@mzahili: RT @aabnour: الأستاذ ميشيل كيلو إلى مثواه الأخير في باريس Michel Kilo RIP - 4 years ago

@syriano100: RT @suse_______: Our people have proven that a metal like diamond does not lose its luster no matter how dirt & filth is above it, it wipes… - 4 years ago

@suse_______: Our people have proven that a metal like diamond does not lose its luster no matter how dirt & filth is above it, i… - 4 years ago

@HLunsan: RT @ChristerSfeir: Den syriske människorättsaktivisten och författaren Michel Kilo från Ramelkvarteret i #Latakia #Syrien har avlidit. Han… - 4 years ago

@HCN4Q: RT @FranceRsistanc1: ⏰Syrie : l’opposant Michel Kilo est mort à Paris du Covid-19 / Syria: opponent Michel Kilo died in Paris from Covid-19… - 4 years ago

@SAMRIReports: RT @syriano100: The covid triumphed where the Assad regime, with its prisons, failed for the past 58 years. The Syrian people lost one of i… - 4 years ago

@eguzaira: Syrian opposition's Michel Kilo dies in exile - Arab News - 4 years ago

@mina47299746: RT @Hoorye: @Maryam_Rajavi_A Rest in power and peace, Michel Kilo. #ميشيل_كيلو - 4 years ago

@Alyadepostis: RT @MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising eastern ch… - 4 years ago

@MizoMazouneh: RT @lysdeschamps: #Syrie Michel Kilo, opposant aux Assad père & et fils, mort à Paris le 19 avril, à 81 ans des suites du Covid, avait la p… - 4 years ago

@Yaaaahu: RT @Hoorye: @Maryam_Rajavi_A Rest in power and peace, Michel Kilo. #ميشيل_كيلو - 4 years ago

@sbm4649: Syrian Opposition's Michel Kilo Dies in Exile - Naharnet - 4 years ago

@Mokiller98: RT @MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising eastern ch… - 4 years ago

@halabshow: RT @MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising eastern ch… - 4 years ago

@courrierarabe: Michel Kilo, pilier de l’opposition syrienne, est mort à #Paris #Syrie - 4 years ago

@AZZAL2: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@ImaneYamani4: RT @fkontar78: Plus fort que lui même dans les pires moment il revient à la charge et fait parler ses fantasmes "très réaliste et très luci… - 4 years ago

@rashadzali1: RT @MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising eastern ch… - 4 years ago

@pritchard_ellie: RT @MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising eastern ch… - 4 years ago

@Syria_Irl: RT @MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising eastern ch… - 4 years ago

@ingrx: RT @MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising eastern ch… - 4 years ago

@Smemu4: RT @MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising eastern ch… - 4 years ago

@ValPotter87_28: RT @benjbarthe: Michel Kilo, intellectuel et opposant syrien, est mort - 4 years ago

@AasaRaiko: RT @MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising eastern ch… - 4 years ago

@Loay_Mudhoon: RT @JoCroitoru: Michel Kilo, wichtige Symbolfigur der syrischen Opposition, ist vorgestern gestorben. Ein Nachruf von Karin Leukefeld, die… - 4 years ago

@htcbzkrt_blkbs: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Syrians4J: RT @MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising eastern ch… - 4 years ago

@MaherBarotchi: كان ميشيل كيلو رجلاً وطنياً ومفكراً وقامة كبيرة من قامات الوطنيين السوريين. The late Michel Kilo criticising easte… - 4 years ago

@eguzaira: Syrian opposition's Michel Kilo dies in exile - Rudaw Media Network - 4 years ago

@Loay_Mudhoon: RT @JoCroitoru: Letzte Botschaft des 19.4. verstorbenen syrischen Oppositionellen Michel Kilo an die #Syrer, gedruckt 9.4. in der Zeitung A… - 4 years ago

@CarepParis: RT @MizoMazouneh: Adieu Michel Kilo, Par Racha Abazied #Syrie @CarepParis - 4 years ago

@GuillaumeAuda: RT @benjbarthe: Michel Kilo, intellectuel et opposant syrien, est mort - 4 years ago

@MohsenFerdowsi1: RT @Hoorye: @Maryam_Rajavi_A Rest in power and peace, Michel Kilo. #ميشيل_كيلو - 4 years ago

@SohShir: RT @Hoorye: @Maryam_Rajavi_A Rest in power and peace, Michel Kilo. #ميشيل_كيلو - 4 years ago

@exilehiro01: Syrian Opposition's Michel Kilo Dies in Exile - Naharnet - 4 years ago

@mer18998311: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Şam Deklerasyonunun öncü isimlerinden ve 3 yıl rejim zindanlarında kalan Suriyeli Hristiyan entelektüel Michel Kilo'yu… - 4 years ago

@gltendz: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@ahsan_jehangir: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@KateSeelye: I interviewed #Syrian opposition voice Michel Kilo more than a dozen times for @NPR during & after the #Damascus Sp… - 4 years ago

@Scholars4Syria: Michel Kilo's commandments to the Syrian people - 4 years ago

@syrianetf: Syrian Opposition Activist, Michel Kilo, Dies of Covid-19 #syria - - 4 years ago

@human4_a: RT @MazMHussain: “Kilo, a Christian in his early eighties from the coastal city of Latakia, was involved in the opposition early on in the… - 4 years ago

@lysdeschamps: #Syrie Michel Kilo, opposant aux Assad père & et fils, mort à Paris le 19 avril, à 81 ans des suites du Covid, avai… - 4 years ago

@human4_a: RT @HassounMazen: Syrian Writer and Opposition member Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 in Paris. Kilo was a well-known writer and member of Syr… - 4 years ago

@begumaydin___: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Bivi_17: RT @MizoMazouneh: Adieu Michel Kilo, Par Racha Abazied #Syrie @CarepParis - 4 years ago

@Beats360: Now Playing: Running (Kilo Shuhaibar Remix) by StoneBridge & STHLM Esq ft. Michel Young - 4 years ago

@NnEuI: RT @Thierry_PELTIER: Michel Kilo, intellectuel et opposant syrien, est mort - 4 years ago

@NedjarHadjira: RT @francediplo_AR: #سورية | فارق الصحفي والكاتب والمفكر السوري البارز #ميشيل_كيلو الحياة يوم الاثنين في 🇫🇷 التي التجأ إليها بعد نصف قرن من… - 4 years ago

@ElianeFines: RT @Thierry_PELTIER: Michel Kilo, intellectuel et opposant syrien, est mort - 4 years ago

@Rob__EDELJI: RT @Thierry_PELTIER: Michel Kilo, intellectuel et opposant syrien, est mort - 4 years ago

@MaudMarras: RT @lemondefr: Michel Kilo avait joué, durant les premières années du soulèvement syrien, un rôle important dans les efforts – finalement i… - 4 years ago

@Rogerkhouripari: RT @radioorient: 🚨 #Podcast Paris #QuaiDorsay rend hommage à Michel Kilo et salue « un homme qui a plaidé inlassablement en faveur d'une #S… - 4 years ago

@marsupilamima2: RT @lemondefr: Michel Kilo avait joué, durant les premières années du soulèvement syrien, un rôle important dans les efforts – finalement i… - 4 years ago

@IsmoMignon: RT @lemondefr: Michel Kilo avait joué, durant les premières années du soulèvement syrien, un rôle important dans les efforts – finalement i… - 4 years ago

@lemondefr: Michel Kilo avait joué, durant les premières années du soulèvement syrien, un rôle important dans les efforts – fin… - 4 years ago

@CarepParis: 🌟🇸🇾 Conscience #démocratique, l'intellectuel Michel Kilo est décédé le 19 avril 2021. Le CAREP Paris rend #hommage… - 4 years ago

@MizoMazouneh: Adieu Michel Kilo, Par Racha Abazied #Syrie @CarepParis - 4 years ago

@JoCroitoru: Letzte Botschaft des 19.4. verstorbenen syrischen Oppositionellen Michel Kilo an die #Syrer, gedruckt 9.4. in der Z… - 4 years ago

@DkpLubeck: RT @jungewelt: Syrischer Oppositioneller Michel Kilo verteidigte die Revolution gegen die islamistische Reaktion. #Nachruf - 4 years ago

@thedeadoness: وفاة المعارض السوري المخضرم ميشال كيلو في منفاه بفرنسا إثر إصابته بكوفيد-19 - 4 years ago

@AlmManar: Hommage à Michel Kilo - L’enfant qui ne savait pas ce qu’était un oiseau. - 4 years ago

@Daryoush_So: RT @Hamidk80508512: میشل کیلو؛ نماد نیم قرن مبارزه با خاندان اسد - 4 years ago

@SupiotMaxime: RT @FranceRsistanc1: ⏰Syrie : l’opposant Michel Kilo est mort à Paris du Covid-19 / Syria: opponent Michel Kilo died in Paris from Covid-19… - 4 years ago

@IOcells: RT @FranceRsistanc1: ⏰Syrie : l’opposant Michel Kilo est mort à Paris du Covid-19 / Syria: opponent Michel Kilo died in Paris from Covid-19… - 4 years ago

@FranceRsistanc1: ⏰Syrie : l’opposant Michel Kilo est mort à Paris du Covid-19 / Syria: opponent Michel Kilo died in Paris from Covid… - 4 years ago

@TheMarkazReview: Michel Kilo's "The World of Ghosts" speaks of Syrians in a system in which thousands of political prisoners are loc… - 4 years ago

@TheMarkazReview: RT @aljadidmag: Pandemic Robs Syrian Opposition of Inspirational Leader, Michel Kilo - 4 years ago

@bmourahib: Michel Kilo, figure de l’opposition syrienne, est mort à Paris - 4 years ago

@zynpbglm: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@huysuzkender: RT @msgench: Birkaç sene evvel Michel Kilo ile Gaziantep’te tanışmıştım. Dün Paris’te vefat ettiğini öğrendim. Üzüldüm. Mühim bir düşünürdü… - 4 years ago

@nicobaudon: RT @NathalieLoiseau: Grande tristesse d’apprendre la mort de Michel Kilo, voix de raison dans la tragédie syrienne. Notre responsabilité es… - 4 years ago

@diplocharlie: RT @francediplo_AR: #سورية | فارق الصحفي والكاتب والمفكر السوري البارز #ميشيل_كيلو الحياة يوم الاثنين في 🇫🇷 التي التجأ إليها بعد نصف قرن من… - 4 years ago

@johnnallan: Veteran Syria opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 - ABC News - - 4 years ago

@ibrahimiz_: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@timnati: RT @JoCroitoru: Michel Kilo, wichtige Symbolfigur der syrischen Opposition, ist vorgestern gestorben. Ein Nachruf von Karin Leukefeld, die… - 4 years ago

@sedanur_kapucu: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@aljadidmag: Pandemic Robs Syrian Opposition of Inspirational Leader, Michel Kilo - 4 years ago

@muciesta: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@MassoudHaidari1: RT @afchine_alavi: La Résistance iranienne par la voix de sa présidente élue @Maryam_Rajavi_F rend hommage à #Michel_Kilo qui fut une figur… - 4 years ago

@MamboDd: RT @jungewelt: Syrischer Oppositioneller Michel Kilo verteidigte die Revolution gegen die islamistische Reaktion. #Nachruf - 4 years ago

@vszyb: RT @maitelsadany: Heartbroken to learn about the death of Syrian intellectual and prominent dissident Michel Kilo, who passed away in Paris… - 4 years ago

@hmaadi: RT @RenaNetjes: A must watch. Michel Kilo about his time in prison, when he meets a child there. With English subtitles: - 4 years ago

@Shahaby11: RT @Hamidk80508512: میشل کیلو؛ نماد نیم قرن مبارزه با خاندان اسد - 4 years ago

@Ammar86109060: Michel Kilo, Barmherzigkeit, für deine Selle, ruhe in Frieden,. Wir Syrer werden deinen Marsch in Richtung Freiheit… - 4 years ago

@HansjoachimHajo: RT @jungewelt: Syrischer Oppositioneller Michel Kilo verteidigte die Revolution gegen die islamistische Reaktion. #Nachruf - 4 years ago

@ketemperelenmis: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@NerdyGerdyMan: RT @NerdyGerdyMan: Syrischer Oppositioneller verteidigte Revolution gegen islamistische Reaktion. Nachruf auf Michel Kilo von Karin Leukefe… - 4 years ago

@antigone50: RT @MayaKhadra: Michel Kilo, Abou Ayham, façonnait des pièces d’échec dans les prisons glauques des Assad à partir de pain rassis mélangé à… - 4 years ago

@antigone50: RT @MayaKhadra: #Michel_Kilo: rencontre en 2017 au Zeyer, Alésia. Il racontait les campagnes hostiles qu’il subissait de la part d’une part… - 4 years ago

@berrnaademirr: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@sweetdr07768649: RT @KevorkAlmassian: It is worth noting that Michel Kilo (Christian opposition) was an apologist to the radical terrorist groups in Syria,… - 4 years ago

@romumartinik: @michel_Halpes @SkyPhilippe 4/ je ne vois nulle part la moindre estimation de ces cas de personnes tombées malades… - 4 years ago

@ESSA_A1I: RT @KevorkAlmassian: It is worth noting that Michel Kilo (Christian opposition) was an apologist to the radical terrorist groups in Syria,… - 4 years ago

@SyriaProtect: RT @KevorkAlmassian: It is worth noting that Michel Kilo (Christian opposition) was an apologist to the radical terrorist groups in Syria,… - 4 years ago

@davidlsuber: ‘Freedom, the sole purpose of political struggle’. RIP Michel Kilo, Syrian intellectual - 4 years ago

@ClBear31: RT @libe: DISPARITION – ⚫️ Michel Kilo, figure de l’opposition syrienne, est mort à Paris Opposant depuis cinquante ans au clan Bachar et… - 4 years ago

@clublecturaCCSS: In memoriam Michel Kilo, escritor y activista de derechos humanos sirio ~ 1940 - 19 abr. 2021 G. Venkatasubbiah,… - 4 years ago

@OsamaHadba1: RT @Muhammad_Najjar: Michel Kilo, RIP It’s the destiny of freemen to die and be buried thousands of kilometers away from their homeland, t… - 4 years ago

@jungewelt: Syrischer Oppositioneller Michel Kilo verteidigte die Revolution gegen die islamistische Reaktion. #Nachruf - 4 years ago

@paydaran: میشل کیلو؛ نماد نیم قرن مبارزه با خاندان اسد - 4 years ago

@DirectPolitique: Quai d’Orsay : Syrie - Décès de Michel Kilo (19.04.21) - 4 years ago

@FranceBagdad: RT @francediplo_AR: #سورية | فارق الصحفي والكاتب والمفكر السوري البارز #ميشيل_كيلو الحياة يوم الاثنين في 🇫🇷 التي التجأ إليها بعد نصف قرن من… - 4 years ago

@LeBerrien13: Syrie. Décès de Michel Kilo, opposant historique des Assad - 4 years ago

@SCD98485084: RT @Charles_Lister: Farewell Michel Kilo -- a true #Syrian whose knowledge, experience & consistent dedication to freedom from #Assad’s rul… - 4 years ago

@sabengel4: RT @NerdyGerdyMan: Syrischer Oppositioneller verteidigte Revolution gegen islamistische Reaktion. Nachruf auf Michel Kilo von Karin Leukefe… - 4 years ago

@lio26769061: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@hamrahshowaziz: RT @MostafaMe4: For Michel Kilo 🌹🌹 Maryam Rajavi: It will not be long before his great dream of the liberation of the peoples of #Syria an… - 4 years ago

@Alain_Frachon: RT @MrjDuclos: In Memoriam #MichelKilo. - 4 years ago

@ctnekin: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Alain_Chemali: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@hooshang1381: RT @MostafaMe4: For Michel Kilo 🌹🌹 Maryam Rajavi: It will not be long before his great dream of the liberation of the peoples of #Syria an… - 4 years ago

@hooshang1381: RT @Hamidk80508512: میشل کیلو؛ نماد نیم قرن مبارزه با خاندان اسد - 4 years ago

@hwLy3: RT @LizSly: News breaking from Paris of the death due to Covid of Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opposition fig… - 4 years ago

@EsraAte21094282: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@nuricicen: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@almidani75: RT @Mjaradie: I have been asked to tell ur son a Story: "There was this bird" and the boy asked me.what's a bird? How I could explain to hi… - 4 years ago

@ayasin806: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@farqi3: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@turesinanik: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@annaborsh: RT @IsraHazel: Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian dissidents and thinkers died in France from Covid. It’s heartbreaking to think… - 4 years ago

@ebayram2018: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Zeyneb__zf: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@birdsgottafly: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@hoonhira7: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@kaplanfamily1: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@GroupZirigoza: 😷 Histórico opositor sirio Michel Kilo muere de covid-19 en Francia - Deutsche Welle 👉 - 4 years ago

@DrAnnaBoettcher: Der syrische Oppositionelle und Intellektuelle #Michel_Kilo ist mit 81 an Covid19 gestorben. Mit ihm verlieren wir… - 4 years ago

@aciltab: RT @ziadmajed: Michel Kilo, figure historique de l’opposition syrienne - 4 years ago

@ivolkman: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@paydaran: RT @MostafaMe4: For Michel Kilo 🌹🌹 Maryam Rajavi: It will not be long before his great dream of the liberation of the peoples of #Syria an… - 4 years ago

@MarieAtallah75: RT @jobahout: Belle déclaration du Quai d’Orsay (@francediplo) ce soir en hommage à #Michel_Kilo, #Syrien libre... - 4 years ago

@veziroglu_ali: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@CedricJanes: RT @libe: DISPARITION – ⚫️ Michel Kilo, figure de l’opposition syrienne, est mort à Paris Opposant depuis cinquante ans au clan Bachar et… - 4 years ago

@JEZMARINE: RT @libe: DISPARITION – ⚫️ Michel Kilo, figure de l’opposition syrienne, est mort à Paris Opposant depuis cinquante ans au clan Bachar et… - 4 years ago

@jobahout: Belle déclaration du Quai d’Orsay (@francediplo) ce soir en hommage à #Michel_Kilo, #Syrien libre... - 4 years ago

@october_crisis: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@AristideBanceVU: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@GolehIran: RT @MostafaMe4: For Michel Kilo 🌹🌹 Maryam Rajavi: It will not be long before his great dream of the liberation of the peoples of #Syria an… - 4 years ago

@WARDEELIAS: Une figure principale de l'opposition démocratique et laïque syrienne vient de disparaître: Michel KILO, des suites… - 4 years ago

@Antoni_Gelonch: RT @Antoni_Gelonch: Michel Kilo, un dels + històrics, tenaços i combatius opositors a la dinastia tirànica dels Bachar a Siria, ha mort a l… - 4 years ago

@abaytuba: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Sostroong: RT @MrjDuclos: In Memoriam #MichelKilo. - 4 years ago

@Bivi_17: RT @benjbarthe: Michel Kilo, intellectuel et opposant syrien, est mort - 4 years ago

@harun_alaswad: RT @benjbarthe: Michel Kilo, intellectuel et opposant syrien, est mort - 4 years ago

@MrjDuclos: In Memoriam #MichelKilo. - 4 years ago

@Andranikmoradi1: RT @Hamidk80508512: میشل کیلو؛ نماد نیم قرن مبارزه با خاندان اسد - 4 years ago

@leenkh_: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Miyhnea: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@RenaNetjes: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@KohNagao: RT @ruslantrad: It is said that the death of such an enlightened person like Michel Kilo has received so little attention in the internatio… - 4 years ago

@mustafatekeee: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@BaharShole: RT @RadioFarda_: میشل کیلو، نویسنده، مترجم، روزنامه‌نگار و یکی از چهره‌های مهم مخالف رژیم بعث و خاندان اسد در سوریه، پس از نیم قرن مبارزه م… - 4 years ago

@RadioFarda_: میشل کیلو، نویسنده، مترجم، روزنامه‌نگار و یکی از چهره‌های مهم مخالف رژیم بعث و خاندان اسد در سوریه، پس از نیم قرن م… - 4 years ago

@Akcigerkanser: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@colak_orhan: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@21_7_b: RT @THE_47th: Michel Kilo, one of #Syria’s most respectable opposition figures has passed away. RIP Michel. I am always reminded of the s… - 4 years ago

@Matthvendee: RT @indesist: One of Syria's leading thinkers and opponents of Assad’s regime. Spent most of his life fighting against injustice and oppres… - 4 years ago

@MrjDuclos: RT @BlanchardPAB: 📣 🇫🇷 « Le combat de Michel Kilo en faveur d’une #Syrie libre, démocratique, inclusive et riche de toutes ses composantes… - 4 years ago

@mkbahadir: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@AasaRaiko: RT @THE_47th: Michel Kilo, one of #Syria’s most respectable opposition figures has passed away. RIP Michel. I am always reminded of the s… - 4 years ago

@qbraaa3: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@PierreBuhler: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@a_alheritiere: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@LydieDupont10: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@DIGNEAU5: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@ali_haleb: RT @KevorkAlmassian: According to the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper, Michel Kilo died a few days after receiving the Covid vaccine. - 4 years ago

@radioorient: Paris #quaidorsay rend hommage à l’écrivain et opposant au régime syrien Michel Kilo mort hier du #COVID19 : Michel… - 4 years ago

@SerahOzt: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@fxdecalonne: Paris #quaidorsay rend hommage à l’écrivain et opposant au régime syrien Michel Kilo mort hier du #COVID19 : Michel… - 4 years ago

@Mavera59: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@frederiqueTa: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@OmerHsyn: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@DjilaliAbdelli: RT @francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouvé refug… - 4 years ago

@BlanchardPAB: 📣 🇫🇷 « Le combat de Michel Kilo en faveur d’une #Syrie libre, démocratique, inclusive et riche de toutes ses compos… - 4 years ago

@francediplo: #Syrie | Michel Kilo, journaliste, écrivain & grand intellectuel syrien, s’est éteint hier en 🇫🇷, où il avait trouv… - 4 years ago

@BayrakdarRahma: RT @karamfoundation: We extend our deepest condolences to the loss of Michel Kilo, a writer, thinker, and Syrian activist who has passed aw… - 4 years ago

@ottomanshield: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@DiploMix: #MAEmix Syrie - Décès de Michel Kilo (19.04.21) 🌐 - 4 years ago

@kishimoto96: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@DirectPolitique: Quai d’Orsay : Syrie - Décès de Michel Kilo (19.04.21) - 4 years ago

@Sergei_Ardzinba: Michel Kilo, intellectuel et opposant syrien, est mort - 4 years ago

@Maherk76: Michel Kilo, figure de l’opposition syrienne, est mort à Paris - 4 years ago

@gpirbal: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@dakarxibar: Michel Kilo, intellectuel et opposant syrien, est mort - 4 years ago

@AtaErkil7: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@IiReMMO: 🇸🇾 Michel Kilo, opposant depuis 50 ans au #clanAssad, est décédé à 81 ans. #Militant, écrivain et analyste, Kilo a… - 4 years ago

@tahaipekk: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@peterpobjecky: RT @KevorkAlmassian: According to the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper, Michel Kilo died a few days after receiving the Covid vaccine. - 4 years ago

@szur6: RT @UKforSyria: The death of Michel Kilo is a loss for the democratic and freedom movement in Syria. Mr Kilo was committed to reform and a… - 4 years ago

@eltantalos: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@jesuisnursu: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Musician Paul Oscher; filmmakers Eldar Quliyev, Sumitra Bhave; writer and activist Michel Kilo;… - 4 years ago

@dastmalchif: RT @afchine_alavi: La Résistance iranienne par la voix de sa présidente élue @Maryam_Rajavi_F rend hommage à #Michel_Kilo qui fut une figur… - 4 years ago

@sezaiaricioglu: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@antoinehasday: Michel Kilo, figure de l’opposition syrienne, est mort à Paris - 4 years ago

@QiyametFalastin: حذر من تدمير العرب عبر التطبيع.. ووصيته هي الكفاح من أجل فلسطين.. الموت يغيب المعارض والكاتب السوري ميشيل كيلو… - 4 years ago

@Bivi_17: RT @UKforSyria: The death of Michel Kilo is a loss for the democratic and freedom movement in Syria. Mr Kilo was committed to reform and a… - 4 years ago

@SelahaddinYavuz: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Dertli30316609: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@alsyaaq: وداعًا ميشيل_كيلو (@michel_kilo) قد تتفق مع آرائه واختياراته أو تختلف، لكنك تقف احتراماً لصلابته أمام مبدأ واحد،… - 4 years ago

@ajoury: RT @AnthonySamrani: Michel Kilo, figure historique de l’opposition syrienne - 4 years ago

@AriKemal: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Arkar20424961: RT @LizSly: News breaking from Paris of the death due to Covid of Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opposition fig… - 4 years ago

@ArabWeekly: Prominent exiled opposition figure Michel Kilo died of Covid-19 on Monday in Paris after a lifetime of peaceful str… - 4 years ago

@ahmettevfik: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@UKSyriaRep: RT @UKforSyria: The death of Michel Kilo is a loss for the democratic and freedom movement in Syria. Mr Kilo was committed to reform and a… - 4 years ago

@UKforSyria: The death of Michel Kilo is a loss for the democratic and freedom movement in Syria. Mr Kilo was committed to refor… - 4 years ago

@bilalaskin: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@JacquesLejeun17: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@okuyanikra: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@fdundar34: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@habibekaraca: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@SolokhUlku: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@VeyselPolat5: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@ahmtyrkn: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Jergall47: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@FerhatCAAAN: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@loicpolitique: RT @radioorient: 🚨 #Podcast Michel Kilo est un homme « qui a consacré sa vie pour une #Syrie meilleure ». Le pdt de l’Association de la pre… - 4 years ago

@msercanercan: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Levent_Ozden: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@EtkenMimarlik: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@yusufarpc: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@paria28669707: RT @afchine_alavi: La Résistance iranienne par la voix de sa présidente élue @Maryam_Rajavi_F rend hommage à #Michel_Kilo qui fut une figur… - 4 years ago

@Laurent_Weppe: RT @libe: DISPARITION – ⚫️ Michel Kilo, figure de l’opposition syrienne, est mort à Paris Opposant depuis cinquante ans au clan Bachar et… - 4 years ago

@SKanberli: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@KiziOtuken: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@hafizee00: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@PDagdevirenz: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@omrcelik1: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@suatgl_: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@ISCOSEU: RT @KevorkAlmassian: According to the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper, Michel Kilo died a few days after receiving the Covid vaccine. - 4 years ago

@coguz70: RT @zeyneprkaratas: Michel Kilo'nun ağzından etkileyici bir anektod: Suriye'de cezaevinde kaldığım süre içinde, iyi niyetli bir gardiyan i… - 4 years ago

@Kasman62: RT @KevorkAlmassian: According to the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper, Michel Kilo died a few days after receiving the Covid vaccine. - 4 years ago

@fxdecalonne: RT @radioorient: 🚨 #Podcast Michel Kilo est un homme « qui a consacré sa vie pour une #Syrie meilleure ». Le pdt de l’Association de la pre… - 4 years ago

@fxdecalonne: 🚨 #Podcast Michel Kilo est un homme « qui a consacré sa vie pour une #Syrie meilleure ». Le pdt de l’Association de… - 4 years ago

@akrambelkaid: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@RadLebanese: RT @romytweeting: Today the world lost Michel Kilo, a courageous opponent of the Assad regime After years of emprisonment then exile,he die… - 4 years ago

@azarnooshsa1: Rip 🌹🌹 Michel Kilo was a great commander of the Syrian revolution against #Assad and a great supporter of Irania… - 4 years ago

@catherinecornet: RT @ziadmajed: Michel Kilo, figure historique de l’opposition syrienne - 4 years ago

@FrancoiseMagnin: RT @NathalieLoiseau: Grande tristesse d’apprendre la mort de Michel Kilo, voix de raison dans la tragédie syrienne. Notre responsabilité es… - 4 years ago

@FrancoiseMagnin: RT @jobahout: Des années de geôles #Syriennes à l’exil parisien.. #Michel_Kilo -figure incontournable des décennies de lutte contre le regi… - 4 years ago

@MyKendsi: RT @ziadmajed: Michel Kilo, figure historique de l’opposition syrienne - 4 years ago

@petro_francesco: RT @Hungry_Italian_: Syrian opposition figurehead Michel Kilo dies in exile aged-81 after battle with coronavirus [@The_NewArab] - 4 years ago

@JulieKebbi: Celui qui a toute sa vie durant combattu le régime syrien est décédé hier, à Paris, des suites du coronavirus.… - 4 years ago

@a_bellanger: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@EagleSyrian1: RT @ziadmajed: Michel Kilo, figure historique de l’opposition syrienne - 4 years ago

@XxY21Tiuvdg4VMI: RT @euronewsar: وفاة المعارض السوري المخضرم ميشال كيلو في فرنسا إثر إصابته بكوفيد-19 - 4 years ago

@syrielibre3: RT @fkontar78: Plus fort que lui même dans les pires moment il revient à la charge et fait parler ses fantasmes "très réaliste et très luci… - 4 years ago

@ziadmajed: Michel Kilo, figure historique de l’opposition syrienne - 4 years ago

@colbosc: RT @NTenzer: Il y a presque un an, j'avais posté ce récit bouleversant. Michel #Kilo fut emprisonné par les #Assad, père & fils. Il est mor… - 4 years ago

@AnthonySamrani: Michel Kilo, figure historique de l’opposition syrienne - 4 years ago

@SyriaTIRevol: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@euronewsar: وفاة المعارض السوري المخضرم ميشال كيلو في فرنسا إثر إصابته بكوفيد-19 - 4 years ago

@FilippiMichel: RT @NTenzer: Il y a presque un an, j'avais posté ce récit bouleversant. Michel #Kilo fut emprisonné par les #Assad, père & fils. Il est mor… - 4 years ago

@jihadyazigi: RT @HalaKodmani: Opposant depuis cinquante ans au clan Bachar et réfugié en France depuis 2011, il est décédé à 81 ans des suites du Covid-… - 4 years ago

@LBesnon: RT @ziadmajed: Michel Kilo left us today, after struggling for more than 50 years against the criminal #Assad dynasty in #Syria... Rest in… - 4 years ago

@KoshiOnline: #MichelKilo #Paris #Covid19 #Syria - 4 years ago

@MrjDuclos: RT @ziadmajed: Michel Kilo left us today, after struggling for more than 50 years against the criminal #Assad dynasty in #Syria... Rest in… - 4 years ago

@FilippiMichel: RT @muzahara2: "L'histoire racontée par Michel #Kilo:"Le garçon qui ne sait pas ce que signifie un oiseau". Je suis tombé silencieux qd j'a… - 4 years ago

@FilippiMichel: RT @muzahara2: "Lorsque Zina Yazji a interviewé Michel #Kilo, il lui a raconté une histoire qui lui est arrivée lors de l'une des nombreuse… - 4 years ago

@FilippiMichel: RT @muzahara2: " le virus Corona l'a contraint à être hospitalisé, il y a environ un mois. De bonnes manières, de douces manières, honnête… - 4 years ago

@FilippiMichel: RT @muzahara2: "Au revoir, Michel Kilo (1940-2021) Nous sommes partis dans la capitale française il y a quelque temps #باريس L'adversaire h… - 4 years ago

@Beats360: Now Playing: Running (Kilo Shuhaibar Remix) by StoneBridge & STHLM Esq ft. Michel Young - 4 years ago

@Jibprt: RT @ArthurSarradin: 🇸🇾Michel Kilo, opposant au régime du gang Assad, s'en est allé. Inspirant par ses actes, par son esprit, par son indép… - 4 years ago

@KandalR: Ruhe in Frieden لروحك السلام Michel Kilo، war ein syrischer Oppositioneller - 4 years ago

@kisadalgamedya: Suriyeli muhalif Michel Kilo Fransa’da sürgünde öldü - 4 years ago

@licra_la: RT @MayaKhadra: Michel Kilo, Abou Ayham, façonnait des pièces d’échec dans les prisons glauques des Assad à partir de pain rassis mélangé à… - 4 years ago

@FNajmaie: RT @SaraHunaidi: Sad day for #Syria. We lost prominent Syrian dissident, Michel Kilo, to #COVID19. It breaks my heart that he died in exile… - 4 years ago

@CaronaUpdates: RT @LePoint: Syrie : l'opposant Michel Kilo est mort à Paris du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Jrs55963004: RT @NathalieLoiseau: Grande tristesse d’apprendre la mort de Michel Kilo, voix de raison dans la tragédie syrienne. Notre responsabilité es… - 4 years ago

@MaiDawsson: RT @majdkhalaf1993: لن يحرركم أي هدف آخر غير الحرية فتمسكوا بها. Rest in power and peace, Michel Kilo #ميشيل_كيلو RIP - 4 years ago

@fundacioflama: RT @yswehat: Ha muerto Michel Kilo, figura central en la intelectualidad opositora siria. Falleció por Covid en Paris a los 81 años. - 4 years ago

@RegisDelpeuch: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@Hasan69267865: RT @SyrCoalition: Press release Syrian Opposition Coalition Department of Media and Communications April 19, 2021 SOC Mourns Veteran Syria… - 4 years ago

@IAlvarezOssorio: RT @yswehat: Ha muerto Michel Kilo, figura central en la intelectualidad opositora siria. Falleció por Covid en Paris a los 81 años. - 4 years ago

@vincentgiret: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@observesyria: Missed what happened on Monday? Here’s a recap: - 2 apply to run for #Syrian #PresidentialElections - #SDF arrests… - 4 years ago

@MrjDuclos: RT @Charles_Lister: Farewell Michel Kilo -- a true #Syrian whose knowledge, experience & consistent dedication to freedom from #Assad’s rul… - 4 years ago

@laffont9: RT @NathalieLoiseau: Grande tristesse d’apprendre la mort de Michel Kilo, voix de raison dans la tragédie syrienne. Notre responsabilité es… - 4 years ago

@pasha_zeynab: RT @SaraHunaidi: Sad day for #Syria. We lost prominent Syrian dissident, Michel Kilo, to #COVID19. It breaks my heart that he died in exile… - 4 years ago

@nick_grins: RT @zkaram: Veteran Syria opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of Covid-19: “He is a big loss for #Syria. He was the tolerant moderate mind… - 4 years ago

@HassanPolit: RT @romytweeting: Today the world lost Michel Kilo, a courageous opponent of the Assad regime After years of emprisonment then exile,he die… - 4 years ago

@moniraism: RT @bmroue: Veteran #Syria opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-1. Formerly a member of the communist party, Kilo spent time in both… - 4 years ago

@moniraism: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@Ataturkturquie: RT @jobahout: Des années de geôles #Syriennes à l’exil parisien.. #Michel_Kilo -figure incontournable des décennies de lutte contre le regi… - 4 years ago

@SSiminoff: RT @hxhassan: Michel Kilo, one of the most iconic Syrian opposition figures, dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@VivaRevolt: RT @hxhassan: Michel Kilo, one of the most iconic Syrian opposition figures, dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Nuralars: RT @SecureSafeUSA: Michel Kilo, a Syrian patriot who since 1980 spent much of his life in Assad’s prisons, has passed away due to #COVID19.… - 4 years ago

@Freelassie: RT @SecureSafeUSA: In this 2012 interview, Michel Kilo narrated how during one of his terms of imprisonment he met a child who was born in… - 4 years ago

@Rojname_com: Michel Kilo, figure historique de l’opposition syrienne - L'Orient-Le Jour - 4 years ago

@VivaRevolt: RT @Charles_Lister: Farewell Michel Kilo -- a true #Syrian whose knowledge, experience & consistent dedication to freedom from #Assad’s rul… - 4 years ago

@cydelafield: “He is a big loss for #Syria. He was the tolerant moderate mind, forgiving, loving. He was respected even by his en… - 4 years ago

@AdelleNaz: RT @SecureSafeUSA: In this 2012 interview, Michel Kilo narrated how during one of his terms of imprisonment he met a child who was born in… - 4 years ago

@erschadi: RT @afchine_alavi: La Résistance iranienne par la voix de sa présidente élue @Maryam_Rajavi_F rend hommage à #Michel_Kilo qui fut une figur… - 4 years ago

@AltairAlMalik: RT @KevorkAlmassian: Syrian opposition figure, Michel Kilo died in France today, with the coronavirus. - 4 years ago

@EuphoricEuler: RT @jobahout: Rest in peace, #Michel_Kilo. Decades of struggle for #Syria’s freedom, years of emprisonment then exile, hundreds of initiat… - 4 years ago

@Alison4Congress: RT @SecureSafeUSA: Michel Kilo, a Syrian patriot who since 1980 spent much of his life in Assad’s prisons, has passed away due to #COVID19.… - 4 years ago

@FourageBernard: Syrie : l'opposant Michel Kilo est mort à Paris du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@massoud68809008: RT @Hoorye: @Maryam_Rajavi_A Rest in power and peace, Michel Kilo. #ميشيل_كيلو - 4 years ago

@BonnieKipperman: RT @MaherBarotchi: Michel Kilo dies in exile from Covid aged 81. Kilo was a prominent Syrian opposition figure, a writer & a thinker who sp… - 4 years ago

@DaliGeagea: RT @MayaKhadra: Michel Kilo, opposant notoire du régime d’Assad. Emprisonné et torturé maintes fois, vient de nous quitter. Il portait la v… - 4 years ago

@ObozoLies: RT @klonokid: SOC Mourns Veteran Syrian Dissident Michel Kilo – Syrian National Coalition Of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces https:… - 4 years ago

@PeterRNeumann: RT @jobahout: Rest in peace, #Michel_Kilo. Decades of struggle for #Syria’s freedom, years of emprisonment then exile, hundreds of initiat… - 4 years ago

@JhdJane: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@Habirshibir1: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@AltairAlMalik: RT @KevorkAlmassian: Syrian opposition figure, Michel Kilo died in France today, with the coronavirus. - 4 years ago

@Kurdistanimez: RT @ruslantrad: It is said that the death of such an enlightened person like Michel Kilo has received so little attention in the internatio… - 4 years ago

@MiddleEastTon: Syrian opposition’s Michel Kilo dies in exile - 4 years ago

@davidrieff: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@stephenalbert11: RT @jobahout: Rest in peace, #Michel_Kilo. Decades of struggle for #Syria’s freedom, years of emprisonment then exile, hundreds of initiat… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Michel Kilo, a popular figurehead of the Syrian opposition, lost his life on Monday after releasing a final message… - 4 years ago

@IngaSchei: RT @SecureSafeUSA: Michel Kilo, a Syrian patriot who since 1980 spent much of his life in Assad’s prisons, has passed away due to #COVID19.… - 4 years ago

@IngaSchei: RT @SecureSafeUSA: In this 2012 interview, Michel Kilo narrated how during one of his terms of imprisonment he met a child who was born in… - 4 years ago

@Xolo27i: RT @KevorkAlmassian: Syrian opposition figure, Michel Kilo died in France today, with the coronavirus. - 4 years ago

@ryan102857: RT @SecureSafeUSA: Michel Kilo, a Syrian patriot who since 1980 spent much of his life in Assad’s prisons, has passed away due to #COVID19.… - 4 years ago

@samychaiban: Décès à Paris de Michel Kilo, pilier de l'opposition syrienne - 4 years ago

@AdelleNaz: RT @SecureSafeUSA: Michel Kilo, a Syrian patriot who since 1980 spent much of his life in Assad’s prisons, has passed away due to #COVID19.… - 4 years ago

@hasniabidi: RT @jobahout: Des années de geôles #Syriennes à l’exil parisien.. #Michel_Kilo -figure incontournable des décennies de lutte contre le regi… - 4 years ago

@juliehaviland2: RT @fkontar78: Plus fort que lui même dans les pires moment il revient à la charge et fait parler ses fantasmes "très réaliste et très luci… - 4 years ago

@khassan56: RT @afchine_alavi: La Résistance iranienne par la voix de sa présidente élue @Maryam_Rajavi_F rend hommage à #Michel_Kilo qui fut une figur… - 4 years ago

@Nasser22820844: RT @LamisK: Heartbroken that Michel Kilo has left us. He succumbed to COVID-19 at the age of 81 in France. I have often had the urge to com… - 4 years ago

@Nasser22820844: RT @hoosamo: He stood for Justice, peace, equality, and everything in between, spent years in Assad's prisons, a great thinker and writer.… - 4 years ago

@Nasser22820844: RT @jobahout: Rest in peace, #Michel_Kilo. Decades of struggle for #Syria’s freedom, years of emprisonment then exile, hundreds of initiat… - 4 years ago

@Nasser22820844: RIP #Michel_Kilo - 4 years ago

@CERAP_Paris: RT @HalaKodmani: Opposant depuis cinquante ans au clan Bachar et réfugié en France depuis 2011, il est décédé à 81 ans des suites du Covid-… - 4 years ago

@afchine_alavi: La Résistance iranienne par la voix de sa présidente élue @Maryam_Rajavi_F rend hommage à #Michel_Kilo qui fut une… - 4 years ago

@CERAP_Paris: RT @baudouinloos: Comme le rappelle Cédric Labrousse sur FB, "la dernière phrase de Michel Kilo, se sachant mourant, fut publiée il y a que… - 4 years ago

@bruxelles2: RT @lysdeschamps: Michel Kilo, figure de l’opposition #syrie nne, est mort à Paris. @HalaKodmani rappelle à grands traits son parcours et i… - 4 years ago

@AmmarKharrat: RT @NTenzer: Il y a presque un an, j'avais posté ce récit bouleversant. Michel #Kilo fut emprisonné par les #Assad, père & fils. Il est mor… - 4 years ago

@CERAP_Paris: RT @ziadmajed: Michel Kilo left us today, after struggling for more than 50 years against the criminal #Assad dynasty in #Syria... Rest in… - 4 years ago

@CERAP_Paris: RT @jpperrin21: Triste nouvelle. Michel Kilo était l'un des rares opposants qui osait recevoir des journalistes de passage à Damas - quand… - 4 years ago

@weseire: RT @MazMHussain: “Kilo, a Christian in his early eighties from the coastal city of Latakia, was involved in the opposition early on in the… - 4 years ago

@CERAP_Paris: RT @NTenzer: Il y a presque un an, j'avais posté ce récit bouleversant. Michel #Kilo fut emprisonné par les #Assad, père & fils. Il est mor… - 4 years ago

@maisolos: RT @jobahout: Des années de geôles #Syriennes à l’exil parisien.. #Michel_Kilo -figure incontournable des décennies de lutte contre le regi… - 4 years ago

@Hawi1010: @rahhalahmad06 Avec la disparition de Michel Kilo, les syriens ont perdu un grand figure culturel et politique, un… - 4 years ago

@vermiciouskid: RT @aronlund: Michel Kilo has passed away in Paris. A leftist intellectual and ex-prisoner, he was one of the most prominent dissident lead… - 4 years ago

@Scholars4Syria: RT @sa_council: The Syrian American Council extends our deepest condolences and sympathy on the passing of Michel Kilo. Today, free Syrians… - 4 years ago

@Pucemargine: Syrian opposition's Michel Kilo dies in exile via @RudawEnglish - 4 years ago

@arabi_z: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@ProgressiveIcon: He stood for Justice, peace, equality, and everything in between, spent years in Assad's prisons, a great thinker a… - 4 years ago

@nikolaosvandam: RT @jobahout: Des années de geôles #Syriennes à l’exil parisien.. #Michel_Kilo -figure incontournable des décennies de lutte contre le regi… - 4 years ago

@pritchard_ellie: RT @MaherBarotchi: Michel Kilo dies in exile from Covid aged 81. Kilo was a prominent Syrian opposition figure, a writer & a thinker who sp… - 4 years ago

@LebPhoenix: RT @MayaKhadra: Michel Kilo, opposant notoire du régime d’Assad. Emprisonné et torturé maintes fois, vient de nous quitter. Il portait la v… - 4 years ago

@SteveG78393764: RT @Reuters: Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@NorthernStork: Rest in peace Michel Kilo رحيل #ميشيل_كيلو - 4 years ago

@LimonesSal: RT @IsraHazel: Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian dissidents and thinkers died in France from Covid. It’s heartbreaking to think… - 4 years ago

@HananeHountla: RT @jobahout: Des années de geôles #Syriennes à l’exil parisien.. #Michel_Kilo -figure incontournable des décennies de lutte contre le regi… - 4 years ago

@jihadyazigi: RT @jobahout: Des années de geôles #Syriennes à l’exil parisien.. #Michel_Kilo -figure incontournable des décennies de lutte contre le regi… - 4 years ago

@KroszKrisz: RT @IsraHazel: Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian dissidents and thinkers died in France from Covid. It’s heartbreaking to think… - 4 years ago

@WyvernReports: RT @IsraHazel: Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian dissidents and thinkers died in France from Covid. It’s heartbreaking to think… - 4 years ago

@omarsyrianok6: RT @Kamal00096: Saddened by the departure of Michel Kilo. He was one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opponents of Assad’s regime.… - 4 years ago

@GRED_33: RT @Arab_Intel: 🔴 #URGENT | Décès de Michel Kilo Opposant Syrien réfugié en France, il avait mobilisé une centaine d'intellectuels afin de… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Michel Kilo Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: Maryam Rajavi offers cond... - 4 years ago

@omarsyrianok6: RT @IsraHazel: Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian dissidents and thinkers died in France from Covid. It’s heartbreaking to think… - 4 years ago

@sawsanoor: RT @KreaseChan: Sad news about Michel Kilo - lots of Syrian dissidents are reporting that he has passed away. RIP - 4 years ago

@kabirvr: RT @bmroue: Veteran #Syria opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-1. Formerly a member of the communist party, Kilo spent time in both… - 4 years ago

@ABNRGR82d: RT @nadia_bilbassy: وداعا @michel_kilo ميشيل كيلو ، لروحك السلام و لكل من ناضل ضد الطغيان و الاستبداد #سوريا - 4 years ago

@luciemr7: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@CharbelHage12: Michel Kilo died a free man. Unlike the living dead, the butcher of Damascus and his dhimmi in Baabda. - 4 years ago

@polexnow: Síria: Opositor de Bashar al-Assad, Michel Kilo, exilado em Paris, morreu por complicações de Covid-19 hoje. - 4 years ago

@turkcedishaber: Suriyeli muhalif Michel Kilo sürgünde olduğu Paris’te koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti… - 4 years ago

@MallowNoun: RT @RFI: Michel Kilo, pilier de l'opposition syrienne, est mort à Paris - 4 years ago

@MizoMazouneh: RT @harun_alaswad: Prominent Syrian writer and dissident Michel Kilo has died after he contracted #COVID19. To learn more about Kilo, read… - 4 years ago

@Geographedumond: RT @RFI: Michel Kilo, pilier de l'opposition syrienne, est mort à Paris - 4 years ago

@MTVEnglishNews: Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Um_Samira: 😔😔 Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Alyadepostis: RT @jobahout: Des années de geôles #Syriennes à l’exil parisien.. #Michel_Kilo -figure incontournable des décennies de lutte contre le regi… - 4 years ago

@ericairlines1: RT @Arab_Intel: 🔴 #URGENT | Décès de Michel Kilo Opposant Syrien réfugié en France, il avait mobilisé une centaine d'intellectuels afin de… - 4 years ago

@NuNurlanax: @M_Alneser RIP Michel Kilo 💔 - 4 years ago

@RevueLeBanquet: RT @syriano100: The covid triumphed where the Assad regime, with its prisons, failed for the past 58 years. The Syrian people lost one of i… - 4 years ago

@loicpolitique: RT @fxdecalonne: 🚨 #Podcast Il était une figure de l’opposition au régime syrien. Le journaliste et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort. Journal… - 4 years ago

@RevueLeBanquet: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@tzraik: Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 | Reuters - 4 years ago

@loicpolitique: RT @radioorient: 🚨 #Podcast Il était une figure de l’opposition au régime syrien. Le journaliste et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort. Journal… - 4 years ago

@PatrickHilsman: RT @THE_47th: Michel Kilo, one of #Syria’s most respectable opposition figures has passed away. RIP Michel. I am always reminded of the s… - 4 years ago

@mariajo121: RT @HassounMazen: Syrian Writer and Opposition member Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 in Paris. Kilo was a well-known writer and member of Syr… - 4 years ago

@TabberAnn: RT @Reuters: Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@shathil_: RT @Malbrunot: J'apprends avec tristesse la mort à Paris de Michel Kilo, opposant historique syrien, du Covid. Ironie de l'histoire: en déc… - 4 years ago

@hxhassan: Michel Kilo, one of the most iconic Syrian opposition figures, dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@JacquesFrre2: RT @Arab_Intel: 🔴 #URGENT | Décès de Michel Kilo Opposant Syrien réfugié en France, il avait mobilisé une centaine d'intellectuels afin de… - 4 years ago

@fxdecalonne: 🚨 #Podcast Il était une figure de l’opposition au régime syrien. Le journaliste et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort. J… - 4 years ago

@malik00100: RT @Maysaloon: RIP Michel Kilo... - 4 years ago

@Liliaiolite: RT @baudouinloos: Comme le rappelle Cédric Labrousse sur FB, "la dernière phrase de Michel Kilo, se sachant mourant, fut publiée il y a que… - 4 years ago

@radioorient: 🚨 #Podcast Il était une figure de l’opposition au régime syrien. Le journaliste et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort. J… - 4 years ago

@boerneaj_: RT @bmroue: Veteran #Syria opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-1. Formerly a member of the communist party, Kilo spent time in both… - 4 years ago

@Eloy_Sauvan: RT @RFI: Michel Kilo, pilier de l'opposition syrienne, est mort à Paris - 4 years ago

@klonokid: Syrian opposition's Michel Kilo dies in exile | - 4 years ago

@Arab_Intel: 🔴 #URGENT | Décès de Michel Kilo Opposant Syrien réfugié en France, il avait mobilisé une centaine d'intellectuels… - 4 years ago

@UnknownUngnomes: RT @IsraHazel: Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian dissidents and thinkers died in France from Covid. It’s heartbreaking to think… - 4 years ago

@DianaVGalbraith: RT @LizSly: News breaking from Paris of the death due to Covid of Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opposition fig… - 4 years ago

@Thomas_Abgrall: RT @jobahout: Des années de geôles #Syriennes à l’exil parisien.. #Michel_Kilo -figure incontournable des décennies de lutte contre le regi… - 4 years ago

@ali_haleb: RT @KevorkAlmassian: Syrian opposition figure, Michel Kilo died in France today, with the coronavirus. - 4 years ago

@dolagarde: RT @jobahout: Des années de geôles #Syriennes à l’exil parisien.. #Michel_Kilo -figure incontournable des décennies de lutte contre le regi… - 4 years ago

@MoulaZeggane: RT @MiddleEastEyeFr: L'opposant syrien Michel Kilo est décédé lundi à Paris des suites du COVID-19, après un demi-siècle de lutte pacifique… - 4 years ago

@Liliaiolite: RT @muzahara2: @pierrehaski Le décès de Michel #Kilo est une très grande peine et une très grande perte pour la #Syrie qui attend depuis de… - 4 years ago

@Liliaiolite: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@ChristianB040: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@Rogerkhouripari: RT @radioorient: Il était une figure de l’opposition au régime syrien. Le journaliste et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort. Journal de 18h00 @r… - 4 years ago

@DanielWickham93: RT @aronlund: Michel Kilo has passed away in Paris. A leftist intellectual and ex-prisoner, he was one of the most prominent dissident lead… - 4 years ago

@4_hastings: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@PattiLaura: RT @HassounMazen: Syrian Writer and Opposition member Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 in Paris. Kilo was a well-known writer and member of Syr… - 4 years ago

@SyriaPod: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@TheHamians: RT @The_NewArab: Michel Kilo, a figurehead of the Syrian opposition, lost his life on Monday after releasing a final message to his people.… - 4 years ago

@Aldurzi: RT @joshua_landis: Very sorry to hear of the death of Michel Kilo, a much admired and outspoken opponent of the Syrian regime, whose courag… - 4 years ago

@InfoSinBandera: Muere de covid-19 el histórico opositor sirio Michel Kilo... - 4 years ago

@ChristerSfeir: Den syriske människorättsaktivisten och författaren Michel Kilo från Ramelkvarteret i #Latakia #Syrien har avlidit.… - 4 years ago

@Hindsight2010s: RT @BenteScheller: Another loss of a bright mind and beautiful soul. RIP Michel Kilo. - 4 years ago

@rifnote: Syrian Opposition’s Michel Kilo Dies In Exile - 4 years ago

@ArabyOrg: Syrian opposition figurehead Michel Kilo dies in exile aged-81 after battle with coronavirus… - 4 years ago

@PendaarP: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@AffairsEast: Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@MemetYatmaz: Suriyeli muhalif Michel Kilo sürgünde olduğu Paris’te koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti - 4 years ago

@Unknown7771: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@The_NewArab: Michel Kilo, a figurehead of the Syrian opposition, lost his life on Monday after releasing a final message to his… - 4 years ago

@Barazi_7urr: RT @joel_rayburn: Michel Kilo, 1940-2021. The loss is incalculable. - 4 years ago

@Majid_Albunni: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@Christian_Syria: Michel Kilo, a Syrian Christian writer and journalist from Lattaqia became one of the faces of the 2011 protests wh… - 4 years ago

@tempehlover: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@Jmlshlk: RT @radioorient: Il était une figure de l’opposition au régime syrien. Le journaliste et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort. Journal de 18h00 @r… - 4 years ago

@Jmlshlk: RT @MayaKhadra: Michel Kilo, opposant notoire du régime d’Assad. Emprisonné et torturé maintes fois, vient de nous quitter. Il portait la v… - 4 years ago

@fxdecalonne: RT @radioorient: Il était une figure de l’opposition au régime syrien. Le journaliste et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort. Journal de 18h00 @r… - 4 years ago

@radioorient: Il était une figure de l’opposition au régime syrien. Le journaliste et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort. Journal de 18h00 @radioorient - 4 years ago

@HalidBozan: RT @huseyinbozan: Suriyeli muhalif siyasetçi Michel Kilo, Fransa’da koronavirüs’ten hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@Necmett22820737: RT @AhmetHamou: Suriyeli muhalif Michel Kilo koronadan dolayı Fransa'da hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@sarahorchani: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @harun_alaswad: Prominent Syrian writer and dissident Michel Kilo has died after he contracted #COVID19. To learn more about Kilo, read… - 4 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @HassounMazen: Syrian Writer and Opposition member Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 in Paris. Kilo was a well-known writer and member of Syr… - 4 years ago

@EagleSyrian1: RT @syriano100: The covid triumphed where the Assad regime, with its prisons, failed for the past 58 years. The Syrian people lost one of i… - 4 years ago

@JournalSyria: Syrian opposition’s Michel Kilo dies in exile - 4 years ago

@EagleSyrian1: RT @BenteScheller: Another loss of a bright mind and beautiful soul. RIP Michel Kilo. - 4 years ago

@loulou498: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@ala_hacioglu: RT @turankislakci: Suriyeli ünlü muhalif entelektüel Michel Kilo hayatını kaybetti... - 4 years ago

@suzannemeriden: RT @joel_rayburn: Michel Kilo, 1940-2021. The loss is incalculable. - 4 years ago

@aawsat_turkce: Suriyeli muhalif Michel Kilo sürgünde olduğu Paris’te koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti - 4 years ago

@SE25A: RT @HassounMazen: Syrian Writer and Opposition member Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 in Paris. Kilo was a well-known writer and member of Syr… - 4 years ago

@EnAlwsl: Syrian opposition's Michel Kilo dies in exile - 4 years ago

@deborahamos: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@Julia_Blaise: Syrian Opposition’s Michel Kilo Dies In Exile - 4 years ago

@turankislakci: Suriyeli ünlü muhalif entelektüel Michel Kilo hayatını kaybetti... - 4 years ago

@camerononeil13: RT @Malbrunot: J'apprends avec tristesse la mort à Paris de Michel Kilo, opposant historique syrien, du Covid. Ironie de l'histoire: en déc… - 4 years ago

@EnAlwsl: Michel Kilo's last message to the Syrian people - 4 years ago

@Marie_Machinka: RT @Malbrunot: J'apprends avec tristesse la mort à Paris de Michel Kilo, opposant historique syrien, du Covid. Ironie de l'histoire: en déc… - 4 years ago

@StephenWonka: RT @LizSly: News breaking from Paris of the death due to Covid of Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opposition fig… - 4 years ago

@247NNU: Syrian Opposition's Michel Kilo Dies In Exile.... click on the link below for full details 👇… - 4 years ago

@alexhabay: RT @RFI: Décès à Paris de Michel Kilo, pilier de l'opposition syrienne - 4 years ago

@ogbowu_sunny: RT @channelstv: Syrian Opposition’s Michel Kilo Dies In Exile - 4 years ago

@Boytimawi: RT @THE_47th: Michel Kilo, one of #Syria’s most respectable opposition figures has passed away. RIP Michel. I am always reminded of the s… - 4 years ago

@cherub508: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@monamood: RT @BenteScheller: Another loss of a bright mind and beautiful soul. RIP Michel Kilo. - 4 years ago

@AkZaoui: RT @muzahara2: «Ma volonté pour les #Syriens est que vous ne restiez pas perdus dans la mer des ténèbres». Michel Kilo #Syrie Reposez en p… - 4 years ago

@muzahara2: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@BenteScheller: Another loss of a bright mind and beautiful soul. RIP Michel Kilo. - 4 years ago

@At_Dely: RT @muzahara2: «Ma volonté pour les #Syriens est que vous ne restiez pas perdus dans la mer des ténèbres». Michel Kilo #Syrie Reposez en p… - 4 years ago

@BenteScheller: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@TomFlowers: Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@Dr_mz13: RT @THE_47th: Michel Kilo, one of #Syria’s most respectable opposition figures has passed away. RIP Michel. I am always reminded of the s… - 4 years ago

@AzizHonorable: #URGENT Décès à Paris de Michel Kilo, pilier de l'opposition syrienne. @Aziz Maïga ne ment pas - 4 years ago

@MiddleEastEyeFr: L'opposant syrien Michel Kilo est décédé lundi à Paris des suites du COVID-19, après un demi-siècle de lutte pacifi… - 4 years ago

@madwar_siba: خسارة شخصية لكل سوري وخسارة بحجم وطن كانت كلماته الاخيرة .. وصية لن تقهروا الاستبداد منفردين أو متفرقين .. لن تقهر… - 4 years ago

@Dr_mz13: RT @LizSly: News breaking from Paris of the death due to Covid of Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opposition fig… - 4 years ago

@gistshub: Syrian Opposition’s Michel Kilo Dies In Exile - 4 years ago

@mwhanna1: RT @aronlund: Michel Kilo has passed away in Paris. A leftist intellectual and ex-prisoner, he was one of the most prominent dissident lead… - 4 years ago

@fxdecalonne: RT @MayaKhadra: Michel Kilo, opposant notoire du régime d’Assad. Emprisonné et torturé maintes fois, vient de nous quitter. Il portait la v… - 4 years ago

@muzahara2: RT @syriano100: The covid triumphed where the Assad regime, with its prisons, failed for the past 58 years. The Syrian people lost one of i… - 4 years ago

@Culldogfarms: RT @sakil963: Syrian opposition heavyweight, Michel Kilo, has passed away at the age of 81 following a long battle with COVID-19. Kilo is… - 4 years ago

@CazierJP: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@emmanuel_haddad: RT @maitelsadany: Heartbroken to learn about the death of Syrian intellectual and prominent dissident Michel Kilo, who passed away in Paris… - 4 years ago

@LeftyLefter: RT @syriano100: The covid triumphed where the Assad regime, with its prisons, failed for the past 58 years. The Syrian people lost one of i… - 4 years ago

@Bivi_17: RT @KhattabAsser: Devastating news! Michel Kilo's lifetime of struggle against the Assad regime shall never be forgotten. - 4 years ago

@Kamal00096: Saddened by the departure of Michel Kilo. He was one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opponents of Assad’s… - 4 years ago

@syriano100: The covid triumphed where the Assad regime, with its prisons, failed for the past 58 years. The Syrian people lost… - 4 years ago

@peterpobjecky: RT @KevorkAlmassian: Syrian opposition figure, Michel Kilo died in France today, with the coronavirus. - 4 years ago

@Pastoreo_: RT @KevorkAlmassian: Syrian opposition figure, Michel Kilo died in France today, with the coronavirus. - 4 years ago

@Aufildubosphore: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@Bivi_17: RT @HassounMazen: Dying in exile is the worst. Leaving this world in a strange place far away from home and our loved ones. It is the worst… - 4 years ago

@M2bliquis: RT @RFI: Décès à Paris de Michel Kilo, pilier de l'opposition syrienne - 4 years ago

@Bivi_17: RT @THE_47th: Michel Kilo, one of #Syria’s most respectable opposition figures has passed away. RIP Michel. I am always reminded of the s… - 4 years ago

@AliAlmir5774987: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@joshua_landis: Very sorry to hear of the death of Michel Kilo, a much admired and outspoken opponent of the Syrian regime, whose c… - 4 years ago

@Rebel44CZ: RT @THE_47th: Michel Kilo, one of #Syria’s most respectable opposition figures has passed away. RIP Michel. I am always reminded of the s… - 4 years ago

@Shanfaraa: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@carnmcgrath: RT @HassounMazen: Syrian Writer and Opposition member Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 in Paris. Kilo was a well-known writer and member of Syr… - 4 years ago

@FaazNoushad: RT @HassounMazen: Syrian Writer and Opposition member Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 in Paris. Kilo was a well-known writer and member of Syr… - 4 years ago

@BoranKaplan6: RT @huseyinbozan: Suriyeli muhalif siyasetçi Michel Kilo, Fransa’da koronavirüs’ten hayatını kaybetti. - 4 years ago

@Rebel44CZ: RT @LizSly: News breaking from Paris of the death due to Covid of Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opposition fig… - 4 years ago

@ThomasVLinge: RT @HassounMazen: Syrian Writer and Opposition member Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 in Paris. Kilo was a well-known writer and member of Syr… - 4 years ago

@Majd_Khalifeh: RT @HassounMazen: Syrian Writer and Opposition member Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 in Paris. Kilo was a well-known writer and member of Syr… - 4 years ago

@suddafchaudry: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@HashemOsseiran: RT @mojobeirut: Prominent Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo died of Covid-19 Monday in France after a lifetime of struggle against Baath… - 4 years ago

@lysdeschamps: RT @rallaf: The saddest news we could hear today, Syrians are in mourning again. Rest in peace Michel Kilo, you will never be forgotten. #S… - 4 years ago

@Youmnabkaira: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@ManuelFranois1: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@arash_tehran: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@forestmat: RT @LizSly: News breaking from Paris of the death due to Covid of Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opposition fig… - 4 years ago

@3arabawy: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@POMPONNE1: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@homsian: RT @LizSly: News breaking from Paris of the death due to Covid of Michel Kilo, one of the most prominent Syrian thinkers and opposition fig… - 4 years ago

@SylvieBozziHobd: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@AkZaoui: RT @WafaMustafa9: We just lost Michel Kilo, one of Syria's leading thinkers & opponents of Assad’s regime. Kilo died in his exile after yea… - 4 years ago

@GladiateurEric: Dans l'image ci-dessus, #Michel_Kilo: << J'ai dit à Riyad (Arabie Saoudite) que, chaque #syrien tombe aujourd'hui,… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Michel Kilo dies - #MichelKilo #Michel #Kilo #rip - 4 years ago

@DrLunar: RT @THE_47th: Michel Kilo, one of #Syria’s most respectable opposition figures has passed away. RIP Michel. I am always reminded of the s… - 4 years ago

@bouboubibi: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@sammymagdy: RT @dalalmawad: Prominent Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo died in #Paris today of Covid -19 , news confirmed by his close friend and o… - 4 years ago

@Lemail16: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@JhdJane: RT @harun_alaswad: Prominent Syrian writer and dissident Michel Kilo has died after he contracted #COVID19. To learn more about Kilo, read… - 4 years ago

@MayaKhadra: Michel Kilo, opposant notoire du régime d’Assad. Emprisonné et torturé maintes fois, vient de nous quitter. Il port… - 4 years ago

@dalalmawad: Prominent Syrian opposition figure Michel Kilo died in #Paris today of Covid -19 , news confirmed by his close frie… - 4 years ago

@NassBen_: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@SherifaZuhur: Syrian opposition's Michel Kilo dies in exile - 4 years ago

@rami_kiwan: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@Guilhem_Klein: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@LemieuxEmmanuel: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@lisettechatain: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@omas7: La #syrie libre a perdu #Michel_Kilo, l'un des principaux penseurs et opposants syriens au régime d'Assad. Monsieu… - 4 years ago

@surannicolas: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@Lise_Magnollay: RT @HassounMazen: Syrian Writer and Opposition member Michel Kilo dies of COVID-19 in Paris. Kilo was a well-known writer and member of Syr… - 4 years ago

@GladiateurEric: Mort de #Michel_Kilo de l' "oppositions" syriennes de #COVID19 Cet "opposant" #syrien vivant en #France et "subven… - 4 years ago

@lysdeschamps: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@Yvette830955: RT @pierrehaski: L'opposant syrien historique et écrivain Michel Kilo est mort ce lundi à Paris du Covid, à 81 ans. Il fut plusieurs fois e… - 4 years ago

@rallaf: The saddest news we could hear today, Syrians are in mourning again. Rest in peace Michel Kilo, you will never be f… - 4 years ago

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