Michael Wearing

British television producer (Edge of Darkness).
Died on Tuesday May 9th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Michael Wearing:

@michael_rustyy: RT @ChaseRiceMusic: First dude I see wearing a "guy romper" I'm pouring a beer all over his head and flicking him in the eye. - 8 years ago

@Michael_B_07: RT @BleacherReport: LeBron James is wearing a Goodyear Kyrie jersey 🔥 (via @mcten) - 8 years ago

@bmichaelAmerica: Ms Tyson wearing B Michael #Couture we decided our charge is to make sure our shoulders are broad enough for the ne… - 8 years ago

@HelpMichaelLive: It's game day and Michael is wearing his Unites States Army T-shirt. He will be Army Strong for today's Track... - 8 years ago


@mother_maya: @RicoyArt This happened to me in Michael's once when I was wearing a red coat and helped a mom find something - 8 years ago

@imoeser: I'm wearing a George Michael shirt and my dad called him a fag and also my dad didn't even realize he died and asked if he died of AIDS BYE - 8 years ago

@Michael_Turman_: RT @BleacherReport: LeBron James is wearing a Goodyear Kyrie jersey 🔥 (via @mcten) - 8 years ago

@angryalgonquin: @BillCorbett @michaeljnelson @kwmurphy A lot of people would pay MOLTO BENJAMINS to see this, especially Nelson if… - 8 years ago

@cdothall: Can Michael Jordan yellow eyed jumbo jinco jean wearing ass get down like this? I DIDNT THINK SO! - 8 years ago

@Gabbsta15: the president of the company walked in today wearing a Michael Kors backpack and drives a BMW meanwhile I only make 7.25 an hour 😂😂 kms - 8 years ago

@Ktopper12: Wearing my eagles Michael Vick jersey tomorrow to the pirates game watch out Pittsburgh - 8 years ago

@nofundeepweb: RT @KavehAkbar: "Righteous anger is just rage / wearing a velvet tracksuit." - Michael Bazzett (@MikhailBazharov): - 8 years ago

@Michael_TSB: RT @HackedOffHugh: Theresa May's head now so far up Paul Dacre's arse I can only assume she'll be wearing him as a hat to Ascot. - 8 years ago

@dynamoe: @nickmougis I need to think of an improbable theme for the embroidery. Maybe Michael Keaton wearing a sukajan in the movie "Night Shift" - 8 years ago

@fmbennatti: RT @_the_blessedone: And here we have Michael wearing the perfect wedding dress - 8 years ago

@catrocketship: 📷 Me and Dani on Michael Watson’s piano. I am the dork wearing one of Michael Watson’s shirts. She is... - 8 years ago

@what_is_missing: RT @KavehAkbar: "Righteous anger is just rage / wearing a velvet tracksuit." - Michael Bazzett (@MikhailBazharov): - 8 years ago

@MikhailBazharov: RT @KavehAkbar: "Righteous anger is just rage / wearing a velvet tracksuit." - Michael Bazzett (@MikhailBazharov): - 8 years ago

@cityscapeinview: RT @KavehAkbar: "Righteous anger is just rage / wearing a velvet tracksuit." - Michael Bazzett (@MikhailBazharov): - 8 years ago

@BroKoLinkPapa: RT @LanceMcAlister: Like Michael Jackson, #Reds wearing gloves for no apparent reason lately. - 8 years ago

@styIesoutsold: Harry was wearing a suit, a tie, a hat and GLOVES. Michael Jackson and Harry Styles RISE! - 8 years ago

@leahy_michael: Seeing adults wearing Aeropostale makes me feel sick - 8 years ago

@boythatsjay__: RT @mialiljeff: Y'all late as hell Michael Myers been wearing long sleeve rompers since the 80's - 8 years ago

@atikattack: I just hope he has a new wig, cause I will fall out if he has on the Michael Jackson looking one he is wearing now - 8 years ago

@mialiljeff: Y'all late as hell Michael Myers been wearing long sleeve rompers since the 80's - 8 years ago

@Michael_Moreno1: RT @DAYLYT2k: So wait niggas out here wearing one peace boys shorts ? I'm done with this world for ever - 8 years ago

@DEFIANT2013: @NativeBiscuit @sabine_m_b Michael Moore = Buttplug of Socialism, sometimes wearing a wig pretending to be Rosie O'Donnell! - 8 years ago

@karlkat93: RT @cracked: Michael Bluth (tired): "What are you wearing, Buster?" Buster: "It's called a RompHIM, it's for *men* Michael. Adult men." ht… - 8 years ago

@Michael_shaw15: RT @_irvtheperv: When you and yo girl show up wearing the same romper - 8 years ago

@michael_walshe1: RT @MrBlh56: When ya homie wearing that new romper and he bend over and he lowkey thick - 8 years ago

@Michael_Flora: RT @yvngmachete: welcome to the usa where you can murder anybody you fucking want to as long as you're wearing a badge and a uniform - 8 years ago

@Michael_5630: RT @HoeRules: When u catch your homie wearing a romper - 8 years ago

@991wqik: I do NOT see myself EVER wearing this. LEt's hear from other guys. Ladies what do you think? Even the name alone... - 8 years ago

@NotoriousMIGS: Bitches be wearing Michael Kors shoes to the prom and the club and think their shit poppin’! YOOOO! 😭😭😭😭😭 - 8 years ago

@AnnePeppy: RT @ZacharyAM: On the @aftncanada show on @CiTRradio. Michael repping @TonyTchani23's #Cameroon & I'm wearing an old school @kwaston88 hat!… - 8 years ago

@Michael_Myers14: RT @AntiAtiba: When someone accidentally opens your stall and you were wearing a romper - 8 years ago

@HC2310: You're telling me Michael Jordan would stop that dude wearing the 23 jersey for the Cavs? Bruh where's my time machine - 8 years ago

@phoebej_oy: RT @cracked: Michael Bluth (tired): "What are you wearing, Buster?" Buster: "It's called a RompHIM, it's for *men* Michael. Adult men." ht… - 8 years ago

@Michael_Myers14: RT @WorldStarFunny: "Bro, you ain't seriously wearing that blue romper to the club tonight??" Me: - 8 years ago

@TaylorLeMoal: RT @cracked: Michael Bluth (tired): "What are you wearing, Buster?" Buster: "It's called a RompHIM, it's for *men* Michael. Adult men." ht… - 8 years ago

@OliviaLemmonTV: Dr Michael Hirsh speaking with @AAAnews about the importance of wearing a seat belt @WorcNewsTonight - 8 years ago

@greaney_michael: RT @peachesbeach: Wearing my #GreenRibbonIRL 💚🎗 #MentalHealthAwareness - 8 years ago

@Michael_Kelly67: RT @SeanConnolly67: @johnfinucane @bbcnewsline In no decent society would charging those who killed innocent people while wearing uniform b… - 8 years ago

@QuanZamier: RT @JustinJahmar: Michael myers been wearing #romphim - 8 years ago

@michael_negron: RT @MrBlh56: When ya homie wearing that new romper and he bend over and he lowkey thick - 8 years ago

@natty_almzn: RT @cracked: Michael Bluth (tired): "What are you wearing, Buster?" Buster: "It's called a RompHIM, it's for *men* Michael. Adult men." ht… - 8 years ago

@Michael_Caruba: RT @MrBlh56: When ya homie wearing that new romper and he bend over and he lowkey thick - 8 years ago

@JustinJahmar: Michael myers been wearing #romphim - 8 years ago

@IBTimes: Michael Cohen was blasted for tweeting an inappropriate picture of his daughter wearing lingerie and leggings… - 8 years ago

@michael_reges: RT @MyDickLittle: When u see your homie wearing a romper - 8 years ago

@Michael_G2020: RT @WORIDSTARHIPH0P: When u catch your homie wearing a romper - 8 years ago

@GRALambo: RT @James_Elder1: Feeling the loss of this enormous sprit right now: - 8 years ago

@James_Elder1: Feeling the loss of this enormous sprit right now: - 8 years ago

@CheriStories: Mandy Moore attends the NBCUniversal Upfront & EW x People NY Upfronts Party wearing DVF & Michael Kors Collection - 8 years ago

@thelifeofanyea: "bitches love wearing michael kors bags with that ugly ass MK logo them bitches cheap af that's why they wear em they ain't namebrand foh😂" - 8 years ago

@trystin_michael: RT @MyDickLittle: When u see your homie wearing a romper - 8 years ago

@michael_zebarth: RT @WorIdStarComedy: ”Bro, you ain’t seriously wearing that blue romper to the club tonight??” Me: - 8 years ago

@lekanibidun: RT @RCNEastern: Michael Oyeleye and Jacky Price taking part in RCN Congress debate on making wearing of cycle helmets compulsory - 8 years ago

@pizzaaaSOS: RT @MikeyCaptions: Michael it's the beach, why are you wearing a jacket? - 8 years ago

@RCNEastern: Michael Oyeleye and Jacky Price taking part in RCN Congress debate on making wearing of cycle helmets compulsory - 8 years ago

@michael_odlid: RT @WSHHFANS: When u catch your homie wearing a romper - 8 years ago

@cashtonjauregui: RT @90sNiallftafi: is Ashton gonna come at Michael for wearing blue jeans - 8 years ago

@90sNiallftafi: is Ashton gonna come at Michael for wearing blue jeans - 8 years ago

@sadlysoft: michael wearing blue jeans wow - 8 years ago

@bNmf4TqoncJauNC: RT @espn: Just two GOATs named Michael wearing No. 23. - 8 years ago

@8N7pBPKkm1E3KJM: RT @espn: Just two GOATs named Michael wearing No. 23. - 8 years ago

@Claire__Hill: RT @TrojansCC: Trojans 3rd team keeper Michael Hill proudly wearing his @HampshireCB Disability cricket shirt. Thanks to sponsors @irwinmit… - 8 years ago

@sybtle: @5SOSFamUpdater michael what are you wearing - 8 years ago

@5sossinmyheart: Okay this is adorable and I ship them more than anything bUT WHAT THE HELL IS MICHAEL WEARING - 8 years ago

@CTHOODINGS: why is mitch wearing michael's hoodie tho - 8 years ago

@jobbiesaurusrex: @CthulhuTheDead Is that what Michael Jackson had? Maybe you're being possessed! Have you noticed yourself walking b… - 8 years ago

@susumoussawel: RT @hadeelhusain: @susumoussawel @NawalElZoghbi Wow!! Wearing Makeup Michael Cinco - 8 years ago

@nomomsallowed: RT @KenJennings: Boy John McCain is going to tsk-tsk about this before he eagerly votes to confirm new FBI director Michael Flynn Wearing a… - 8 years ago


@mgc_enya: All I'm wondering is wth is Michael Clifford wearing a hot damn jacket, jeans AND a beanie on a beach. It's not fck… - 8 years ago

@sircomespect: @Michael_Heaver @SadiqKhan Wearing a stab proof vest? - 8 years ago

@goinpIaces: wearing my michael shirt to school btw cant wait - 8 years ago

@Caps_Scarf: RT @ZacharyAM: On the @aftncanada show on @CiTRradio. Michael repping @TonyTchani23's #Cameroon & I'm wearing an old school @kwaston88 hat!… - 8 years ago

@aftncanada: RT @ZacharyAM: On the @aftncanada show on @CiTRradio. Michael repping @TonyTchani23's #Cameroon & I'm wearing an old school @kwaston88 hat!… - 8 years ago

@ZacharyAM: On the @aftncanada show on @CiTRradio. Michael repping @TonyTchani23's #Cameroon & I'm wearing an old school… - 8 years ago

@shiitclifford: hmm when i met michael and the rest of the boys i can even remember what i was wearing - 8 years ago

@melisclifford: @5SOS_Daily @_lukeyscookie_ @casey_despain Is Mitchy wearing Michael's sweater? - 8 years ago

@michael_wojcik: RT @ancomakuma: what happened to all these supposed sash wearing skeleton communists i see so much of? please bring them back - 8 years ago

@Bronx_Bound: RT @yankee_MSU: Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen tweets pic of his own daughter wearing lingerie, w/ the words: "so proud." - 8 years ago

@AltTrump2017: RT @yankee_MSU: Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen tweets pic of his own daughter wearing lingerie, w/ the words: "so proud." - 8 years ago

@BrandonFord5: RT @KenJennings: Boy John McCain is going to tsk-tsk about this before he eagerly votes to confirm new FBI director Michael Flynn Wearing a… - 8 years ago

@yankee_MSU: Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen tweets pic of his own daughter wearing lingerie, w/ the words: "so proud." - 8 years ago

@SusanFThibeault: RT @DukeChronicle: Junior Michael Doherty is described as a 5 foot 10 inch male last seen wearing a blue t-shirt: - 8 years ago

@GuardMyHeart1: RT @sdevilfan: @GuardMyHeart1 That is a great pic, never seen that one. I especially like the rings Michael Anthony is wearing!😂 - 8 years ago

@sdevilfan: @GuardMyHeart1 That is a great pic, never seen that one. I especially like the rings Michael Anthony is wearing!😂 - 8 years ago

@PastorMark: @michaelgabizon Hi Michael! Yes, Pastor Mark was wearing a kippah. -MDM Team - 8 years ago

@wendy_bien: RT @KenJennings: Boy John McCain is going to tsk-tsk about this before he eagerly votes to confirm new FBI director Michael Flynn Wearing a… - 8 years ago

@The_Michael_Fox: RT @SportsCenter: "I felt like crying between games." Derek Jeter remembers his first games wearing pinstripes. - 8 years ago

@Michael_Naples3: RT @SportsCenter: "I felt like crying between games." Derek Jeter remembers his first games wearing pinstripes. - 8 years ago

@Uniquelas: Michael WEARING J's!!! For those of you who know michael, this is a very special moment 😂🙏🏽😭👀 - 8 years ago

@NJD_MattConlon: @BeingBla I must've been in Dublin in spirit 😂😂. I sometimes wear Lucky Brand but mostly Michael Jordan Legend. What was he wearing? - 8 years ago

@shelaysdown_: RT @yeababepjk: Here's Paul getting hype about wearing his Michael Jackson shirt - 8 years ago

@newyorksouIptii: RT @yeababepjk: Here's Paul getting hype about wearing his Michael Jackson shirt - 8 years ago

@yeababepjk: Here's Paul getting hype about wearing his Michael Jackson shirt - 8 years ago

@hoodandbiebs: What are you talking about ??? that IS Michael lol he's just wearing a cowboy hat - 8 years ago

@mmcornelius: Sweeeeet! That moment when you're wearing @UNC_Basketball shirt and fellow #TarHeel Michael Russell of… - 8 years ago

@hookssharon68: @MichaelKopech5 @adidasBaseball Michael..I want to thank you for wearing the glove always. I lost my mother to brea… - 8 years ago

@lewdlmao: @TheGreedySin "I'll hook you up with a tailor, so you don't like you're wearing a Michael Jackson costume for children." - 8 years ago

@DTLB58: @Michael_Fabiano I'm just wondering why so many people are wearing pants? Isn't it hot?! - 8 years ago

@petstarr: When you're wearing a @MichaelKors jacket & carrying a Michael Kors handbag & then you buy a new dress & realise it's... Michael Kors. 🤐 - 8 years ago

@PheezWright: RT @Broadcastnow: Most read stories on @Broadcastnow last week: 2) Obituary: Michael Wearing - 8 years ago

@Broadcastnow: Most read stories on @Broadcastnow last week: 2) Obituary: Michael Wearing - 8 years ago

@Kiariallblue: These hoes still wearing Michael Kors... 😯 - 8 years ago

@ona3pica: @PrisonPlanet "When fascism comes to America, it won't be wearing an arm band playing in an OOMPAH-PAH band; it'll… - 8 years ago

@crazycgohard: What is Sarah Lancashire wearing? Why does Michael McIntyre win #baftatv - 8 years ago

@belousovvissar4: RT @espn: Just two GOATs named Michael wearing No. 23. - 8 years ago

@Michael_ismars: And I'm wearing one rn😂😂 - 8 years ago

@SW_FLA_REALTOR: Michael May - 8 years ago


@sweetsunhes: RT @dearestmichaeI: michael wearing holographic jackets way before holo is even popular, the king was always ahead of time ✨ - 8 years ago

@streetmusichart: Michael Jordan Got Revenge On Bow Wow For Wearing Iversons - - - 8 years ago

@Cody_VOTS: @Michael_VOTS I've started wearing women's leggings. Skinny jeans just haven't been cutting it for me lately. - 8 years ago

@Kiara_monet97: RT @dearestmichaeI: michael wearing holographic jackets way before holo is even popular, the king was always ahead of time ✨ - 8 years ago

@TJMair: @MicheleLianna @snakelimbs What about in olympic competition? Should Michael Phelps be wearing a shirt in this phot… - 8 years ago

@nawtydad: Now I know why I stopped wearing heels! - 8 years ago

@rkcx2JrS7LDRiGZ: RT @KenJennings: Boy John McCain is going to tsk-tsk about this before he eagerly votes to confirm new FBI director Michael Flynn Wearing a… - 8 years ago

@reiwamargi1974: RT @harriettpatel21: If 5sos tricked us and they're not filming good girls in a school and Michael isn't wearing a school uniform, I'm goin… - 8 years ago

@Traxxdadon: I just think dudes wearing Michael Kors watches are corny just my opinion 🤷🏾‍♂️😌 - 8 years ago

@ukfilm: Michael Wearing shared That's Bellion Film Production Limited's post to the group: UK Film Network. via UKFILM… - 8 years ago

@Confidenz: ... - 8 years ago

@whatpopmusic: Michael Jordan Got Revenge On Bow Wow For Wearing Iversons - - - 8 years ago

@Michael_Redmonn: RT @FIGHTlNG: He gettin whooped by a nigga wearing ugg boots 😂😂😂 - 8 years ago

@milshire72: RT @KathyBurke: 💖RIP Michael Wearing. Great fun and one of British TV's greatest producers. Edge of Darkness, Boys from the Blackstuff, Pla… - 8 years ago

@jimmystrength47: RT @realbritainros: In which Michael Fallon ends up wearing a dead cat on his head... - 8 years ago

@HeavyRiddy: @antibloom "You think that's Michael Kors you're wearing?" - 8 years ago

@mark_op: Do you mean the one with Michael Douglas wearing broken glasses, @AdiWriter? This, without googling. Re: Falling Down - 8 years ago

@burnetbasher: RT @realbritainros: In which Michael Fallon ends up wearing a dead cat on his head... - 8 years ago

@SchroedingerFC: - 8 years ago

@axRIZMDEx2mao7a: RT @KenJennings: Boy John McCain is going to tsk-tsk about this before he eagerly votes to confirm new FBI director Michael Flynn Wearing a… - 8 years ago

@suepariseau: Walking around @guillermopottery with a @klineola cup in hand, I bumped into said Michael Kline also wearing a... - 8 years ago

@khryste8: Yet another way you can tell Nakamura loves Michael Jackson: he's wearing penny loafers. #Classic #StrongStyle - 8 years ago

@TrojansFC1874: RT @TrojansCC: Trojans 3rd team keeper Michael Hill proudly wearing his @HampshireCB Disability cricket shirt. Thanks to sponsors @irwinmit… - 8 years ago

@JetPilotUSA: Look @michael_ratti and the gang, wearing the JetPilot Matrix3 You can too at - 8 years ago

@PaddiPepperPot: RT @michaelpittfans: Awesome new photos of Michael C. Pitt for @FOXES_Magazine photographed by Zackery Michael in Echo Park, LA. He's also… - 8 years ago

@TrojansCC: Trojans 3rd team keeper Michael Hill proudly wearing his @HampshireCB Disability cricket shirt. Thanks to sponsors… - 8 years ago

@Middle_St_Media: @TheRyanAdams You have to be wearing those special Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal shoes to pull this off. Otherwise it's not possible. - 8 years ago

@michael_cometa: RT @PeteAbe: #RedSox ushers, security people and others wearing these buttons at Fenway. Started this homestand. - 8 years ago

@RATED_Michael: RT @BleacherReport: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about it's a funeral." - 8 years ago

@plthomasEdD: RT @MikhailBazharov: New poem up at Boston Review, & it's wearing a velvet tracksuit. Many thanks to the eds. They Held It in Their Hands h… - 8 years ago

@OkAporia: RT @MikhailBazharov: New poem up at Boston Review, & it's wearing a velvet tracksuit. Many thanks to the eds. They Held It in Their Hands h… - 8 years ago

@TaraSkurtu: RT @MikhailBazharov: New poem up at Boston Review, & it's wearing a velvet tracksuit. Many thanks to the eds. They Held It in Their Hands h… - 8 years ago

@3_michael_: RT @AisAisbby: When I see a white person wearing a red hat - 8 years ago

@1stWriteChoice: RT @KenJennings: Boy John McCain is going to tsk-tsk about this before he eagerly votes to confirm new FBI director Michael Flynn Wearing a… - 8 years ago

@michael_din0: RT @maggsrhee: CUTE HOW harry styles gets applauded for wearing a pink jacket but icons like ezra miller and jaden smith get swept under th… - 8 years ago

@Michael_DiTullo: RT @ValaAfshar: Tilly's first couple of minutes wearing a bionic hand. The best use of tech is to improve quality of life. - 8 years ago

@Michael_V2: RT @BleacherReport: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about it's a funeral." - 8 years ago

@michael_2x: RT @World_Wide_Wob: "Dont come to my city wearing all-black talking about it's a funeral" -John Wall - 8 years ago

@michael_Scar85: RT @BleacherReport: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about it's a funeral." - 8 years ago

@Michael_Branche: RT @World_Wide_Wob: "Dont come to my city wearing all-black talking about it's a funeral" -John Wall - 8 years ago

@chevrolly: Michael too smart for wearing these glasses. - 8 years ago

@Michael_BLAB: RT @BleacherReport: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about it's a funeral." - 8 years ago

@Dope__Michael: RT @BleacherReport: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about it's a funeral." - 8 years ago

@momois: RT @KenJennings: Boy John McCain is going to tsk-tsk about this before he eagerly votes to confirm new FBI director Michael Flynn Wearing a… - 8 years ago

@bifurbofurbombr: RT @KenJennings: Boy John McCain is going to tsk-tsk about this before he eagerly votes to confirm new FBI director Michael Flynn Wearing a… - 8 years ago

@tdovuu: somewhere between wanting to start my own ngo and wearing nothing but Michael Kors 🙃 - 8 years ago

@euchreman1022: RT @KenJennings: Boy John McCain is going to tsk-tsk about this before he eagerly votes to confirm new FBI director Michael Flynn Wearing a… - 8 years ago

@Michael_Oimoen: RT @BleacherReport: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about it's a funeral." - 8 years ago

@3_michael_: RT @DCzWall: Good job #Celtics wearing all black to your own funeral. 💀😂 #Wizards - 8 years ago

@so_bandwagon: @Michael_Cerami @tscroggs88 100% don't mean to be weird, but can you ask your gf/wife (?) what lipstick she's wearing in this picture? - 8 years ago

@jcbarnes67: RT @joandarcdoll: Emily VanCamp photographed by Robert Erdmann wearing Michael Kors for MARIE CLAIRE magazine Australia edition 2013. htt… - 8 years ago

@michael_frantz_: RT @Spark_Sports_: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about it's a funeral." "We work too hard for this." John Wall.Mad r… - 8 years ago

@Michael_loy25: RT @BleacherReport: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about it's a funeral." - 8 years ago

@Slevin_Michael: RT @BleacherReport: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about it's a funeral." - 8 years ago

@Michael__McQ: RT @LedellsPlace: Markieff on BOS wearing all black: They just want to be us. There's only one Death Row DC. #WizCeltics - 8 years ago

@Michael__McQ: RT @BleacherReport: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about it's a funeral." - 8 years ago

@Michael__McQ: RT @TimBontemps: John Wall: "Don't come to my city, wearing all black, talking about a funeral." - 8 years ago

@HassanMerkava: RT @joandarcdoll: Emily VanCamp photographed by Robert Erdmann wearing Michael Kors for MARIE CLAIRE magazine Australia edition 2013. htt… - 8 years ago

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