Michael Seidenberg

Died on Tuesday July 9th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Michael Seidenberg:

@isarosepress: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 — NYT > Books - 6 years ago

@JamesJosephIgoe: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@BostonHBD: RT @BostonHBD: This is a story about a man who lived in New York City in a rent-controlled apartment that he turned into a bookstore & move… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: "It's bigger than a bookstore -- it's a community of writers" - 6 years ago


@reboot: “To me, it’s a compliment above and beyond what I do with the books that I’ve created a zone where people can be th… - 6 years ago

@TOGARF: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@bzref: RT @BostonHBD: This is a story about a man who lived in New York City in a rent-controlled apartment that he turned into a bookstore & move… - 6 years ago

@BostonHBD: This is a story about a man who lived in New York City in a rent-controlled apartment that he turned into a booksto… - 6 years ago

@TomMcGr: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@isabelcodigo21: RT @nytimesbooks: Michael Seidenberg, whose clandestine bookshop and literary salon on the Upper East Side was much loved by bibliophiles,… - 6 years ago

@jmichael424: RT @ManuscriptSoc: Bibliophiles mark the loss of Michael Seidenberg, who ran Brazenhead Books, a ‘speakeasy bookstore’ in New York: https:/… - 6 years ago

@finebooks: RT @ManuscriptSoc: Bibliophiles mark the loss of Michael Seidenberg, who ran Brazenhead Books, a ‘speakeasy bookstore’ in New York: https:/… - 6 years ago

@ManuscriptSoc: Bibliophiles mark the loss of Michael Seidenberg, who ran Brazenhead Books, a ‘speakeasy bookstore’ in New York: - 6 years ago

@lenoreriegel: The New Yorker did this wonderful video story about the late, loved Michael Seidenberg - seeing it will enrich you: - 6 years ago

@cabara: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@AshleyRindsberg: Sad about the passing of Michael Seidenberg of Brazenhead Books. He welcomed people like me into his treasure fille… - 6 years ago

@NYTMetro: Michael Seidenberg, whose clandestine bookshop and literary salon on the Upper East Side was much loved by biblioph… - 6 years ago

@jperiodmorrison: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@Rad_Librarians: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@ecoderre: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@hopemanderson: - 6 years ago

@CelebrityPool: RT @NYTObits: “My brain is still shaped like the long list of books Michael told me to read" - 6 years ago

@saranorvell: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@LouLavandou: Great read. - 6 years ago

@genznyt: RT @NYTObits: “My brain is still shaped like the long list of books Michael told me to read" - 6 years ago

@dalexa1973: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@pcooney55: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@genznyt: RT @bencasselman: I didn't know Michael Seidenberg, and yet after reading this lovely obituary by @genznyt, I somehow miss him all the same… - 6 years ago

@thomaspluck: Book Life. RIP, Michael Seidenberg. - 6 years ago

@adeelnyt: When he lost his lease — the landlord wanted a laundry — he moved his vast inventory of used books, some of them fi… - 6 years ago

@SlamNahmias: One of the last remaining good things about NYC is gone. RIP my friend. - 6 years ago

@AlexClermont: "Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64" by NEIL GENZLINGER via NYT Books - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: “My brain is still shaped like the long list of books Michael told me to read" - 6 years ago

@WuWeiToday: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@sotrueradio: - 6 years ago

@crewislife: Via @nytimes: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@zyiteblog: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@Sulli864: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@RedmondMichael: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@Drew_Wertheimer: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran New York’s Most Remarkable Secret Bookstor - 6 years ago

@HSPLSMauiHIgov: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@DBGerrard: RT @bencasselman: I didn't know Michael Seidenberg, and yet after reading this lovely obituary by @genznyt, I somehow miss him all the same… - 6 years ago

@jwordfish: RT @bencasselman: I didn't know Michael Seidenberg, and yet after reading this lovely obituary by @genznyt, I somehow miss him all the same… - 6 years ago

@bencasselman: I didn't know Michael Seidenberg, and yet after reading this lovely obituary by @genznyt, I somehow miss him all th… - 6 years ago

@marcs797: RT @nytimesbooks: It was a secret store, but it wasn't hard to find. He was in the phonebook, he said. - 6 years ago

@Mtrible: RT @nytimesbooks: It was a secret store, but it wasn't hard to find. He was in the phonebook, he said. - 6 years ago

@ampronq: RT @ihanq: "Sometimes a visitor might buy a book, but the place was more like a salon, where literary figures and book lovers mingled." htt… - 6 years ago

@Sulli864: RT @jeromecharyn: Michael Seidenberg was a one-man revolution, a bibliophile who ran his own secret, not-so-secret emporium, defied landlor… - 6 years ago

@lenoreriegel: @starlite0816 This was so unexpected - Michael Seidenberg was only 64 and so full of life. You can read his NYTime… - 6 years ago

@lenoreriegel: @SydneyJean92 Thank you. It was a shock. There's a wonderful NYTimes obit. He was our friend, owner of a book "s… - 6 years ago

@lenoreriegel: @rwb2k19 I posted something about Michael Seidenberg and there's a great NYTImes obit. - 6 years ago

@ExcitedUttRead: - 6 years ago

@OwenFamilyTree: RT @andevers: Now going to cry at realization I am "The Guardian" in Michael's obit. It is unsettling. I have been terribly sad all week be… - 6 years ago

@stephaneleduc: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 (via @Pocket) - 6 years ago

@gilda_f: RT @jeromecharyn: Michael Seidenberg was a one-man revolution, a bibliophile who ran his own secret, not-so-secret emporium, defied landlor… - 6 years ago

@parabasis: RT @andevers: Now going to cry at realization I am "The Guardian" in Michael's obit. It is unsettling. I have been terribly sad all week be… - 6 years ago

@andevers: Now going to cry at realization I am "The Guardian" in Michael's obit. It is unsettling. I have been terribly sad a… - 6 years ago

@lenoreriegel: I promised to tell my followers more about our dear friend Michael Seidenberg, but @JeromeCharyn says it better tha… - 6 years ago

@jeromecharyn: Michael Seidenberg was a one-man revolution, a bibliophile who ran his own secret, not-so-secret emporium, defied l… - 6 years ago

@LaurieStories: (An obit for a friend) Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a Not-So-Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@LogosSobrino: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@munime1_: RT @ihanq: "Sometimes a visitor might buy a book, but the place was more like a salon, where literary figures and book lovers mingled." htt… - 6 years ago

@DanielPaisner: "It was an amount of books you wouldn’t necessarily want to live with."#MichaelSeidenberg, on the volume of books h… - 6 years ago

@MrNYCBlog: RT @NYTMetro: Michael Seidenberg, whose clandestine bookshop and literary salon on the Upper East Side was much loved by bibliophiles, lite… - 6 years ago

@NickFoxNYT: RT @coreykilgannon: RIP Michael Seidenberg, NYC's secret bookseller. - 6 years ago

@coreykilgannon: RIP Michael Seidenberg, NYC's secret bookseller. - 6 years ago

@MyDoctorSteve: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@schwartzray: - 6 years ago

@Jack11061957: RT @RichardScheinin: Said Seidenberg about his clandestine bookshop/apartment on E. 84th St.: “Dylan Thomas is not drinking in the West Vil… - 6 years ago

@bobonbooks: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Michael Seidenberg, whose clandestine bookshop and literary salon on the Upper East Side was much loved by bibliophiles, lite… - 6 years ago

@paulandbrownie: RT @nytimesbooks: Michael Seidenberg, whose clandestine bookshop and literary salon on the Upper East Side was much loved by bibliophiles,… - 6 years ago

@talan: - 6 years ago

@WalkingImpress: RT @BooksPromotion: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@BooksPromotion: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@kat_rin_sche: RT @nytimesbooks: Michael Seidenberg, whose clandestine bookshop and literary salon on the Upper East Side was much loved by bibliophiles,… - 6 years ago

@mattogborn: Sad to read we've lost a true character in the New York City book scene - 6 years ago

@raman_anuradha: RT @mini_kapoor: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@BoldBones: RT @nytimesbooks: Michael Seidenberg, whose clandestine bookshop and literary salon on the Upper East Side was much loved by bibliophiles,… - 6 years ago

@SnoringSenorita: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@NYTodayNews: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@3novices: #3Novices : Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 Those who knew where to look on Ea… - 6 years ago

@mini_kapoor: Michael Seidenberg, Who Ran a (Sort of) Secret Bookstore, Dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@hcmbackman: RT @nytimesbooks: It was a secret store, but it wasn't hard to find. He was in the phonebook, he said. - 6 years ago

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