Michael Rossmann

German-American physicist and microbiologist.
Died on Wednesday May 15th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Michael Rossmann:

@didem63731815: RT @GriffintheLouis: Letztens im Rossmann Packe Kondome aufs Band Verkäuferin: "na viel spass heut abend ;) wer is denn die glückliche"… - 6 years ago

@MGordonJoyce: RT @S_Saif_Hasan: - 6 years ago

@sshasan: RT @S_Saif_Hasan: - 6 years ago

@S_Saif_Hasan: - 6 years ago


@Cortcort_93: Purdue University: College of Science: Remembering Michael Rossmann - 6 years ago

@Claudia38545878: RT @PurdueScience: "Still vital, still curious, still in his lab at age 88, his was a life as rich in personal example as it was in scienti… - 6 years ago

@telegraphobits: Michael Rossmann, scientist whose work uncovered the structure of viruses – obituary - 6 years ago

@EOSaphire: Stephen Burley at Industrial Biostructures: “I came out of retirement because I like structural biology better than… - 6 years ago

@CarlosMontanari: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@pwk2013: RT @PDBeurope: We hear with great sadness that Michael Rossmann has died. A pioneer in the field of structural biology, particularly of vir… - 6 years ago

@YStewart16: Dr. Michael Rossmann was a luminary and pioneer in cryo-EM. - 6 years ago

@yam_cpp: RT @MRC_LMB: Michael Rossmann 1930 – 2019 - 6 years ago

@DrDaveWilson: RT @TuliLab: MGR you will be missed dearly. Your mentoring was invaluable. You taught me science, the value of collaborations, and work-lif… - 6 years ago

@PeterACarr: RT @PDBeurope: We hear with great sadness that Michael Rossmann has died. A pioneer in the field of structural biology, particularly of vir… - 6 years ago

@MirkoZaffagnini: RT @PDBeurope: We hear with great sadness that Michael Rossmann has died. A pioneer in the field of structural biology, particularly of vir… - 6 years ago

@DNesbethUCL: RT @PDBeurope: We hear with great sadness that Michael Rossmann has died. A pioneer in the field of structural biology, particularly of vir… - 6 years ago

@Adriana03492167: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@Ag_smith: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@aharris3d1: RT @joachimfrank: Very sad to hear about Michael Rossmann's passing away. His intellect and sheer energy were inspiring. - 6 years ago

@BWFPATH: RT @johnslparker: Just heard that Michael Rossmann passed away yesterday. He was a great scientist and had a huge influence on virology. Co… - 6 years ago

@prpnews: - 6 years ago

@purduepi4d: RT @PurdueLifeSci: Michael G. Rossmann died Tuesday (May 14) in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was a renowned scientist with many achievements… - 6 years ago

@PicornavirusB: RT @profvrr: Michael Rossmann, 88 - 6 years ago

@WilsonLab2: RT @DirectorPI4D: Michael Rossmann, my dear friend and colleague, you will be deeply missed in the halls of Hockmeyer @LifeAtPurdue and wor… - 6 years ago

@SergioE69986583: Michael Rossmann 1930 – 2019 - 6 years ago

@cemstevenson: RT @rcastellsg: RIP Michael Rossmann, a very inspiring scientist. Here a picture from last year, holding a 3D printed model of Zika virus (… - 6 years ago

@MolinaroTony: RT @CRovira_Bcelona: Remembering Michael Rossmann - 6 years ago

@CTSimpson1: RT @PurdueLifeSci: Michael G. Rossmann died Tuesday (May 14) in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was a renowned scientist with many achievements… - 6 years ago

@CTSimpson1: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@DmKorkin: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@ActaCrystC: RT @HelliwellJohn: @AliceVrielink This is very sad news indeed. Michael Rossmann was hugely accomplished in Crystallography and a great men… - 6 years ago

@S_Saif_Hasan: RT @PUCancerCenter: With great sadness we acknowledge the passing of @PUCancerCenter researcher Dr. Michael Rossmann. He was a brilliant r… - 6 years ago

@BangeBalcony: RT @ActaCrystD: Michael G. Rossmann (1930-2019) - 6 years ago

@LokShee: RT @npariente: Michael Rossmann 1930 – 2019 - MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology - 6 years ago

@SLemaire75: RT @PDBeurope: We hear with great sadness that Michael Rossmann has died. A pioneer in the field of structural biology, particularly of vir… - 6 years ago

@CRovira_Bcelona: Remembering Michael Rossmann - 6 years ago

@johnsonmak: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies - 6 years ago

@jakstatman: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies - 6 years ago

@jakstatman: RT @johnslparker: Just heard that Michael Rossmann passed away yesterday. He was a great scientist and had a huge influence on virology. Co… - 6 years ago

@biochem_fan: Post-refinement for X-ray diffraction was proposed by late Michael Rossmann in 1979 - 6 years ago

@ashleyyork__: RT @npariente: Michael Rossmann 1930 – 2019 - MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology - 6 years ago

@npariente: Michael Rossmann 1930 – 2019 - MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology - 6 years ago

@aradia1952: RT @tomyamaguchi: Michael G. Rossmann, renowned Purdue University scientist who gained worldwide attention in 1985 for discovering the stru… - 6 years ago

@bryantlab1: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@tomyamaguchi: Michael G. Rossmann, renowned Purdue University scientist who gained worldwide attention in 1985 for discovering th… - 6 years ago

@DNesbethUCL: RT @KevinGoeij: Just found out that the discoverer of Rossman protein motif, Michael Rossmann, passed away yesterday at the age of 88. RI… - 6 years ago

@Hashemyaser4: RT @DirectorPI4D: Michael Rossmann, my dear friend and colleague, you will be deeply missed in the halls of Hockmeyer @LifeAtPurdue and wor… - 6 years ago

@KanelisVoula: RT @alba_guarne: Sad day for the structural biology community. Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies - 6 years ago

@SingalBharti: RT @CWolberger: RIP Michael Rossmann, a giant in structural biology whose remarkable contributions spanned more than a half century. End of… - 6 years ago

@PUCancerCenter: RT @jconline: Michael G. Rossmann, a renowned scientist who gained worldwide attention in 1985 for discovering the structure of the common… - 6 years ago

@KarissaScience: RT @joachimfrank: Very sad to hear about Michael Rossmann's passing away. His intellect and sheer energy were inspiring. - 6 years ago

@DmitriErmolenko: RT @DirectorPI4D: Michael Rossmann, my dear friend and colleague, you will be deeply missed in the halls of Hockmeyer @LifeAtPurdue and wor… - 6 years ago

@INsdc: RT @PurdueLifeSci: Michael G. Rossmann died Tuesday (May 14) in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was a renowned scientist with many achievements… - 6 years ago

@Research_Purdue: RT @PurdueLifeSci: Michael G. Rossmann died Tuesday (May 14) in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was a renowned scientist with many achievements… - 6 years ago

@PurdueScience: RT @PurdueLifeSci: Michael G. Rossmann died Tuesday (May 14) in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was a renowned scientist with many achievements… - 6 years ago

@PUOnline: RT @PurdueLifeSci: Michael G. Rossmann died Tuesday (May 14) in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was a renowned scientist with many achievements… - 6 years ago

@ProfPaulYoung: RT @profvrr: Michael Rossmann, 88 - 6 years ago

@NPeppas: Great scientist. RIP. - 6 years ago

@NavinPokala: RT @PDBeurope: We hear with great sadness that Michael Rossmann has died. A pioneer in the field of structural biology, particularly of vir… - 6 years ago

@DavidBarondeau: RT @olegtsodikov: This is a very sad day for science, but we need to celebrate Michael Rossmann tremendous achievements, including brillian… - 6 years ago

@GTsodikova: RT @olegtsodikov: This is a very sad day for science, but we need to celebrate Michael Rossmann tremendous achievements, including brillian… - 6 years ago

@areli_moran: RT @buildmodels: Many of our Zika materials were inspired by Michael Rossmann's structure PDB 5ire Devika Sirohi, Z… - 6 years ago

@balavenkat: RT @profvrr: Michael Rossmann, 88 - 6 years ago

@MazenSalama: Michael Rossmann, 88 - - 6 years ago

@profvrr: Michael Rossmann, 88 - 6 years ago

@erhminlai: RT @alba_guarne: Sad day for the structural biology community. Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies - 6 years ago

@TheWanKasia: RT @phagedirectory: Very sad to hear of Dr. Michael Rossmann's passing today. He made major impacts on the phage field, particularly in str… - 6 years ago

@Boilermakers4er: RT @LifeAtPurdue: Our hearts go out to Professor Rossmann's family, friends and students! Thank you for your contribution to science and ou… - 6 years ago

@msevvana: RT @ActaCrystD: Michael G. Rossmann (1930-2019) - 6 years ago

@theleapingskink: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@DrTonnsen: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@MegFrazer: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies - 6 years ago

@joachimfrank: Very sad to hear about Michael Rossmann's passing away. His intellect and sheer energy were inspiring. - 6 years ago

@AndreasBoland: RT @MRC_LMB: Michael Rossmann 1930 – 2019 - 6 years ago

@bealelab: RT @MRC_LMB: Michael Rossmann 1930 – 2019 - 6 years ago

@Schult17: Saddened to hear about the passing of legendary Purdue professor and one of the greatest minds of the past century.… - 6 years ago

@xtalnzatter: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies - 6 years ago

@PernillaWittung: RT @PDBeurope: We hear with great sadness that Michael Rossmann has died. A pioneer in the field of structural biology, particularly of vir… - 6 years ago

@plantxray: RT @rcastellsg: RIP Michael Rossmann, a very inspiring scientist. Here a picture from last year, holding a 3D printed model of Zika virus (… - 6 years ago

@wayneriekhof: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@delaconcepcionj: RT @rcastellsg: RIP Michael Rossmann, a very inspiring scientist. Here a picture from last year, holding a 3D printed model of Zika virus (… - 6 years ago

@Mostlymicrobia: RT @ActaCrystD: Michael G. Rossmann (1930-2019) - 6 years ago

@rcastellsg: RIP Michael Rossmann, a very inspiring scientist. Here a picture from last year, holding a 3D printed model of Zika… - 6 years ago

@NicolasNassar3: Michael Rossmann was a giant in the field of structural biology. A great loss and the end of an era. - 6 years ago

@KansasSci: RT @mcianfro: 😢 I remember going on a hike with Michael Rossmann at a 3DEM GRC in New Hampshire when I was a PhD student, he was leading th… - 6 years ago

@lifescientistin: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@LifeAtPurdue: RT @PurdueLifeSci: Michael G. Rossmann died Tuesday (May 14) in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was a renowned scientist with many achievements… - 6 years ago

@BYOController: RT @PurdueLifeSci: Michael G. Rossmann died Tuesday (May 14) in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was a renowned scientist with many achievements… - 6 years ago

@cutruzzola: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@PurdueUnivNews: RT @PurdueLifeSci: Michael G. Rossmann died Tuesday (May 14) in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was a renowned scientist with many achievements… - 6 years ago

@PurdueLifeSci: Michael G. Rossmann died Tuesday (May 14) in West Lafayette, Indiana. He was a renowned scientist with many achieve… - 6 years ago

@grahamserwin: RT @CWolberger: RIP Michael Rossmann, a giant in structural biology whose remarkable contributions spanned more than a half century. End of… - 6 years ago

@phageassembly: The entire PVA community is saddened to hear of Dr. Michael Rossmann's passing. We extend our deepest condolences t… - 6 years ago

@purduepi4d: RT @DirectorPI4D: Michael Rossmann, my dear friend and colleague, you will be deeply missed in the halls of Hockmeyer @LifeAtPurdue and wor… - 6 years ago

@isuxray: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@PaolaLaurino: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@MaxDegano: Sad to hear of the passing of a giant in the field. My first crystal structure had the trademark #Rossmann fold (wi… - 6 years ago

@ascel_samba: RT @PDBeurope: We hear with great sadness that Michael Rossmann has died. A pioneer in the field of structural biology, particularly of vir… - 6 years ago

@shozeb_haider: Michael Rossmann 1930 – 2019. A giant in crystallography passes away. - 6 years ago

@Mochimasa: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

@Shelton_flu_lab: RT @Davidbhella: Sad news indeed. Michael Rossmann was an outstanding scientist, with an astonishing list of achievements in his long and i… - 6 years ago

@DeepakNModi: RT @PurdueUnivNews: Renowned Purdue University scientist Michael Rossmann dies. - 6 years ago

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