Michael Pitfield

Canadian politician
Died on Friday October 20th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Michael Pitfield:

@tvanouvelles: Justin Trudeau assistera aux funérailles de Michael Pitfield - 7 years ago

@slopatch: Vendredi à Montréal: Justin Trudeau assistera aux funérailles de Michael Pitfield - 7 years ago

@pomtl: Vendredi à Montréal: Justin Trudeau assistera aux funérailles de Michael Pitfield - 7 years ago

@smell3roses: RT @67Capt_Canuck: Michael Pitfield played a leading role in guiding Trudeau in the Patriation of BNA Act, 1867 with a Charter of Rights htt… - 7 years ago


@67Capt_Canuck: Michael Pitfield played a leading role in guiding Trudeau in the Patriation of BNA Act, 1867 with a Charter of Rights - 7 years ago

@67Capt_Canuck: A brilliantly crafted & judicious account of one of Cda’s leading Mandarins. Mr. Pitfield served Cdns extremely well! - 7 years ago

@nspector4: The only decent Michael Pitfield obituary I've read... - 7 years ago

@perreaux: @nspector4 - 7 years ago

@nspector4: @perreaux Did you Google Gordon Robertson/Michael Pitfield ? - 7 years ago

@LAWMcGill: Michael Pitfield, BCL'58, the "lean, tall Anglo" who helped patriate Constitution - 7 years ago

@DeanLeckey: Michael Pitfield, @LAWMcGill BCL'58 @McGillAlumni, played big role in patriating Constitution - 7 years ago

@JustJTweet: If you're in HR and have GDPR queries, this is a good article to start with. - 7 years ago

@mig30m6: RT @LawScribes: Michael Pitfield, 80, played big role in patriating #Constitution (1982 #Charter Rights) - 7 years ago

@ShirazAlikhan12: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael Pitfield a servi le Canada avec compétence et dévouement comme fonctionnaire et sénateur. Il était notre ami et… - 7 years ago

@ShirazAlikhan12: RT @JustinTrudeau: Les contributions que Michael a apportées au Canada sont vastes et durables : - 7 years ago

@ShirazAlikhan12: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael Pitfield served Canada with skill & dedication in the public service and Senate. He was our friend, and he will… - 7 years ago

@ShirazAlikhan12: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael's contributions to Canada are far reaching and enduring. Read more: - 7 years ago

@CopperBronzed: 🇨🇦#CDNpoli ⇨ICYMI⇨Fmr CDN Senator Michael Pitfield (80) passed; Peace Tower flag = ½mast funeral day, this Friday. - 7 years ago

@LawScribes: Michael Pitfield, 80, played big role in patriating #Constitution (1982 #Charter Rights) - 7 years ago

@IanBurns34: RT @lawyersdailyca: Michael Pitfield, 80, played big role in patriating Constitution - 7 years ago

@LeeMarie222: RT @lawyersdailyca: Michael Pitfield, 80, played big role in patriating Constitution - 7 years ago

@lawyersdailyca: Michael Pitfield, 80, played big role in patriating Constitution - 7 years ago

@globemail_diff: Pierre Trudeau ally Michael Pitfield was Canada’s top bureaucrat - The Globe and Mail… - 7 years ago

@MichaelSuddard: RT @halfmastcanada: Flags will be at half mast for: Death of the Honourable P. Michael Pitfield, P.C., O.C., C.V.O.... - 7 years ago

@halfmastcanada: Flags will be at half mast for: Death of the Honourable P. Michael Pitfield, P.C., O.C., C.V.O.... - 7 years ago

@VancouverStan: Former senator and Pierre Trudeau confidant Michael Pitfield dead at 80 - 7 years ago

@globemail_diff: Pierre Trudeau ally Michael Pitfield was Canada’s top bureaucrat - The Globe and Mail… - 7 years ago

@swannsky: RT @cbcasithappens: ARCHIVE | Former senator and Pierre Trudeau confidant Michael Pitfield dead at 80. Audio@6:15pm - 7 years ago

@dandundas: Retired Senator Michael Pitfield, influential Trudeau confidant, dead at 80 - 7 years ago

@Anne_Creighton: Just me or does this pic from Michael Pitfield’s obit look photoshopped? - 7 years ago

@TrueSwiftLtd: HR and GDPR A great article by Michael Pitfield, if you are in HR you should read this! - 7 years ago

@WSJsimon: P. PITFIELD Condolences | The Gazette - 7 years ago

@patrickarrelle: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael's contributions to Canada are far reaching and enduring. Read more: - 7 years ago

@martelmj: RT @JustinTrudeau: Les contributions que Michael a apportées au Canada sont vastes et durables : - 7 years ago

@joebraimusic: Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the death of Michael Pitfield - 7 years ago

@naftee: Former senator and Pierre Trudeau confidant Michael Pitfield dead at 80 He turned to the safe door and spun th liverpool #bowersyellow-cover - 7 years ago

@InspiringYVR: Former senator and Pierre Trudeau confidant Michael Pitfield dead at 80 - 7 years ago

@Cookiegum1030: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael Pitfield served Canada with skill & dedication in the public service and Senate. He was our friend, and he will… - 7 years ago

@fillonafrique: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael Pitfield served Canada with skill & dedication in the public service and Senate. He was our friend, and he will… - 7 years ago

@fillonafrique: RT @JustinTrudeau: Les contributions que Michael a apportées au Canada sont vastes et durables : - 7 years ago

@S_Msuuri: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael Pitfield served Canada with skill & dedication in the public service and Senate. He was our friend, and he will… - 7 years ago

@S_Msuuri: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael Pitfield a servi le Canada avec compétence et dévouement comme fonctionnaire et sénateur. Il était notre ami et… - 7 years ago

@Snorker_News: Former senator and Pierre Trudeau confidant Michael Pitfield dead at 80 - - 7 years ago

@Snorker_News: Former senator and Pierre Trudeau confidant Michael Pitfield dead at 80 - - 7 years ago

@wildmarshphoto: RT @Thomas_dAquino: The role of the Clerk of the Privy Council is seminal to governance in Canada. Michael Pitfield’s intellect and dedicat… - 7 years ago

@G20G7B20: Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the death of Michael Pitfield - 7 years ago

@RobinMacNab: RT @SusanDelacourt: Sen. Michael Pitfield was very kind to me when I was new to Ottawa, sharing insights, books, articles. An utterly decen… - 7 years ago

@G20G7B20: Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the death of Michael Pitfield - 7 years ago

@peter_cleary: RT @gmbutts: Canada lost one of its finest public servants yesterday. Three good friends lost their dad. #RIPMichaelPitfield - 7 years ago

@Tim_Chan_: RT @CanadianPM: PM Trudeau's statement on the death of former Senator and Clerk of the Privy Council Michael Pitfield: - 7 years ago

@Tim_Chan_: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael Pitfield served Canada with skill & dedication in the public service and Senate. He was our friend, and he will… - 7 years ago

@Shirley_templar: RT @TorontoStar: Retired Senator Michael Pitfield, influential Trudeau confidant, dead at 80 - 7 years ago

@1TN2018: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael Pitfield served Canada with skill & dedication in the public service and Senate. He was our friend, and he will… - 7 years ago

@1TN2018: RT @JustinTrudeau: Michael's contributions to Canada are far reaching and enduring. Read more: - 7 years ago

@Bergg69: RT @SusanDelacourt: Sen. Michael Pitfield was very kind to me when I was new to Ottawa, sharing insights, books, articles. An utterly decen… - 7 years ago

@Bergg69: RT @gmbutts: Canada lost one of its finest public servants yesterday. Three good friends lost their dad. #RIPMichaelPitfield - 7 years ago

@edforbes: A noted Laurentian, @stlawrenceu: Senator Michael Pitfield, Trudeau confidant, dead at 80 - 7 years ago

@BalochSami: Former senator and Pierre Trudeau confidant Michael Pitfield dead at 80 via @CBCNews #cdnpoli - 7 years ago

@Trans4mLeaders: RT @Thomas_dAquino: The role of the Clerk of the Privy Council is seminal to governance in Canada. Michael Pitfield’s intellect and dedicat… - 7 years ago

@Thomas_dAquino: The role of the Clerk of the Privy Council is seminal to governance in Canada. Michael Pitfield’s intellect and ded… - 7 years ago

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