Michael McKinnell

American architect
Died on Thursday April 2nd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Michael McKinnell:

@_KennyUong_: Just heard about the passing of renowned architect and co-designer of Boston’s City Hall, Michael McKinnell. 😔… - 5 years ago

@GoneDeadRIP: RT @NYTObits: Michael McKinnell, 84, Dies; Architect of a Monumental City Hall - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Michael McKinnell, 84, Dies; Architect of a Monumental City Hall - 5 years ago

@BSAAIA: RT @thecrimson: N. Michael McKinnell, an influential architect who co-designed Boston City Hall and taught at Harvard’s Graduate School of… - 5 years ago


@VLaganier: RT @AMC_archi: [CORONAVIRUS] L'architecte Michael McKinnell, co-auteur du Boston city hall, monument brutaliste, est décédé aux Etats-Unis… - 5 years ago

@SpecifierMagCSI: Michael McKinnell, renowned #architect and Harvard design school professor, dies at 84. More @thecrimson.… - 5 years ago

@victoirew: RT @AMC_archi: [CORONAVIRUS] L'architecte Michael McKinnell, co-auteur du Boston city hall, monument brutaliste, est décédé aux Etats-Unis… - 5 years ago

@K_Rouissi: RT @AMC_archi: [CORONAVIRUS] L'architecte Michael McKinnell, co-auteur du Boston city hall, monument brutaliste, est décédé aux Etats-Unis… - 5 years ago

@Violalto_: RT @AMC_archi: [CORONAVIRUS] L'architecte Michael McKinnell, co-auteur du Boston city hall, monument brutaliste, est décédé aux Etats-Unis… - 5 years ago

@team_archi: RT @AMC_archi: [CORONAVIRUS] L'architecte Michael McKinnell, co-auteur du Boston city hall, monument brutaliste, est décédé aux Etats-Unis… - 5 years ago

@LabrunyeEU: RT @AMC_archi: [CORONAVIRUS] L'architecte Michael McKinnell, co-auteur du Boston city hall, monument brutaliste, est décédé aux Etats-Unis… - 5 years ago

@AMC_archi: [CORONAVIRUS] L'architecte Michael McKinnell, co-auteur du Boston city hall, monument brutaliste, est décédé aux Et… - 5 years ago

@RevitPlanet: Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

@shyduroff: RT @thecrimson: N. Michael McKinnell, an influential architect who co-designed Boston City Hall and taught at Harvard’s Graduate School of… - 5 years ago

@JakeAnbinder: RT @thecrimson: N. Michael McKinnell, an influential architect who co-designed Boston City Hall and taught at Harvard’s Graduate School of… - 5 years ago

@thecrimson: N. Michael McKinnell, an influential architect who co-designed Boston City Hall and taught at Harvard’s Graduate Sc… - 5 years ago

@naftee: Michael McKinnell, 84, Dies; Architect of a Monumental City Hall, MIT event offers look at how U.S.-Mexico relation… - 5 years ago

@scrapsparcs: Architect of a design that confronted “degenerate frippery and surface concerns” falls victim to Covid-19 @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@NicolasMarier: RT @archinect: Michael McKinnell, a co-designer of Boston's love-it-or-hate-it Brutalist City Hall, passed away last week from pneumonia fo… - 5 years ago

@emmafparkes: Michael McKinnell, Renowned Architect and Harvard Design School Professor, Dies at 84 | News - Harvard Crimson - 5 years ago

@Batinews: Coronavirus: Michael McKinnell, architecte du Boston city hall, s'est éteint - - 5 years ago

@GoneDeadRIP: RT @NYTObits: Except for fellow architects, few Americans had seen anything quite like the design for Boston's City Hall that he and Gerhar… - 5 years ago

@newsnet14895: Alfred University: Michael McKinnell, architect who designed Miller buildings, Ceramic Art Museum, passes away. Mc… - 5 years ago

@MaryC1958: RT @NYTObits: Except for fellow architects, few Americans had seen anything quite like the design for Boston's City Hall that he and Gerhar… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Except for fellow architects, few Americans had seen anything quite like the design for Boston's City Hall that he… - 5 years ago

@LyraMW: RT @NYTObits: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's revi… - 5 years ago

@BCISLEMAN: Michael McKinnell, 84, Dies; Architect of a Monumental City Hall - 5 years ago

@urbanitasxxi: RT @RevistaObras: El arquitecto falleció por complicaciones derivadas de #Covid19. - 5 years ago

@dominguez_vi: RT @ZehnderIberica: #MichaelMcKinnell, icono de la #arquitecturabrutalista. El Ayuntamiento de #Boston fue su primer y mejor proyecto, ampl… - 5 years ago

@StefMylesTennis: RT @NYTObits: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's revi… - 5 years ago

@oanazem: RT @NYTObits: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's revi… - 5 years ago

@denisev8: RT @NYTObits: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's revi… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the citysc… - 5 years ago

@grohanssen: RT @archinect: Michael McKinnell, a co-designer of Boston's love-it-or-hate-it Brutalist City Hall, passed away last week from pneumonia fo… - 5 years ago

@coavngipuzkoa: RT @TCAvendano: Ha muerto Michael McKinnell, el arquitecto que diseñó, junto a su socio Gerhard Kallmann, el legendario ayuntamiento de Bos… - 5 years ago

@BSAAIA: RT @archinect: Michael McKinnell, a co-designer of Boston's love-it-or-hate-it Brutalist City Hall, passed away last week from pneumonia fo… - 5 years ago

@MITarchitecture: RT @overcommaunder: Remembering Michael McKinnell by Mark Pasnik (@overcommaunder), Chris Grimley (@heroicproject) and Michael Kubo (@micro… - 5 years ago

@brutalismbot: Michael McKinnell (1935–2020) - 5 years ago

@ManayerAmmar: RT @archinect: Michael McKinnell, a co-designer of Boston's love-it-or-hate-it Brutalist City Hall, passed away last week from pneumonia fo… - 5 years ago

@TheBrandSurgery: Michael McKinnell (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@DisegnoDaily: "What the hell is that!?" Remembering Michael McKinnell, and his radically public-minded Boston City Hall. He die… - 5 years ago

@ArtPlanetApp: #ArtDesigns Michael McKinnell (1935–2020) - 5 years ago

@AArqs: RT @archinect: Michael McKinnell, a co-designer of Boston's love-it-or-hate-it Brutalist City Hall, passed away last week from pneumonia fo… - 5 years ago

@arqdave: RT @archinect: Michael McKinnell, a co-designer of Boston's love-it-or-hate-it Brutalist City Hall, passed away last week from pneumonia fo… - 5 years ago

@Kim_Silmang: RT @archinect: Michael McKinnell, a co-designer of Boston's love-it-or-hate-it Brutalist City Hall, passed away last week from pneumonia fo… - 5 years ago

@IN_OPPOSITIONS: RT @archinect: Michael McKinnell, a co-designer of Boston's love-it-or-hate-it Brutalist City Hall, passed away last week from pneumonia fo… - 5 years ago

@_dikidikkk: RT @archinect: Michael McKinnell, a co-designer of Boston's love-it-or-hate-it Brutalist City Hall, passed away last week from pneumonia fo… - 5 years ago

@mariacookottawa: RT @archinect: Michael McKinnell, a co-designer of Boston's love-it-or-hate-it Brutalist City Hall, passed away last week from pneumonia fo… - 5 years ago

@balanced_design: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 5 years ago

@ManuelRevilla57: RT @ProTecDi: “...capta atención de visitantes por sus figuras de hormigón...” ¿Estructura poco amigable? ▶️#BrutalMonday: Obra del arquit… - 5 years ago

@Rm_ArqT: RT @ProTecDi: “...capta atención de visitantes por sus figuras de hormigón...” ¿Estructura poco amigable? ▶️#BrutalMonday: Obra del arquit… - 5 years ago

@fjaranguren: RT @ProTecDi: “...capta atención de visitantes por sus figuras de hormigón...” ¿Estructura poco amigable? ▶️#BrutalMonday: Obra del arquit… - 5 years ago

@MyWallCladding: RT @architectmag: This week we lost architect Michael McKinnell of Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles and designer of Boston City Hall to complic… - 5 years ago

@Umran_najran: RT @architectmag: This week we lost architect Michael McKinnell of Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles and designer of Boston City Hall to complic… - 5 years ago

@carmelula: RT @ProTecDi: “...capta atención de visitantes por sus figuras de hormigón...” ¿Estructura poco amigable? ▶️#BrutalMonday: Obra del arquit… - 5 years ago

@Umran_Alahssa: RT @architectmag: This week we lost architect Michael McKinnell of Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles and designer of Boston City Hall to complic… - 5 years ago

@namhenderson: "It was a benevolent structure that took the side of the people, guaranteeing citizens free access through porous p… - 5 years ago

@j2lovesfriday: RT @architectmag: This week we lost architect Michael McKinnell of Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles and designer of Boston City Hall to complic… - 5 years ago

@cecizntno: Michael McKinnell, 84, the architect of Boston's City Hall died of #covid19 - 5 years ago

@kmalone369: RT @PamArthurFL: RIP. I remember learning about him in Architecture school. He got his inspiration for the design of Boston's City Hall by… - 5 years ago

@PamArthurFL: RIP. I remember learning about him in Architecture school. He got his inspiration for the design of Boston's City H… - 5 years ago

@DavidDlaGarza: RT @architectmag: This week we lost architect Michael McKinnell of Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles and designer of Boston City Hall to complic… - 5 years ago

@cjlouwho: RT @architectmag: This week we lost architect Michael McKinnell of Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles and designer of Boston City Hall to complic… - 5 years ago

@DCarsonCPA_MA: RT @architectmag: This week we lost architect Michael McKinnell of Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles and designer of Boston City Hall to complic… - 5 years ago

@fenixfoundation: RT @architectmag: This week we lost architect Michael McKinnell of Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles and designer of Boston City Hall to complic… - 5 years ago

@architectmag: This week we lost architect Michael McKinnell of Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles and designer of Boston City Hall to c… - 5 years ago

@Planelady1: RT @ninagarcia: Michael McKinnell, 84, Dies; Architect of a Monumental City Hall His and Gerhard Kallmann’s sculptural and public-minded de… - 5 years ago

@stillmisskafi: RT @ninagarcia: Michael McKinnell, 84, Dies; Architect of a Monumental City Hall His and Gerhard Kallmann’s sculptural and public-minded de… - 5 years ago

@alejandroruizcr: - 5 years ago

@florentinobm: "Michael McKinnell, 84, Dies; Architect of a Monumental City Hall" by Joseph Giovannini via NYT - 5 years ago

@akvinchrist: "Michael McKinnell, 84, Dies; Architect of a Monumental City Hall" by BY JOSEPH GIOVANNINI via NYT… - 5 years ago

@DasDas0015: "Michael McKinnell, 84, Dies; Architect of a Monumental City Hall" by BY JOSEPH GIOVANNINI via NYT - 5 years ago

@sassysdreams: RT @nytimesarts: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's r… - 5 years ago

@BetriebssystemK: RT @nytimesarts: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's r… - 5 years ago

@Yauster17: Top story: Michael McKinnell, 84, Dies; Architect of a Monumental City Hall - 5 years ago

@InfoAeroQuebec: RT @NYTNational: Except for fellow architects, few Americans had seen anything quite like the design for Boston's City Hall that he and Ger… - 5 years ago

@AlmendraGomezB: RT @nytimesarts: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's r… - 5 years ago

@mhiler: RT @nytimesarts: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's r… - 5 years ago

@GregoryDowneyCA: RT @CarolynEast2: Michael McKinnell, 81, Massachusetts Boston city hall architect #Lost2CoronavirusUSA - 5 years ago

@moonbreeze2: RT @CarolynEast2: Michael McKinnell, 81, Massachusetts Boston city hall architect #Lost2CoronavirusUSA - 5 years ago

@HillBeverlyhill: RT @CarolynEast2: Michael McKinnell, 81, Massachusetts Boston city hall architect #Lost2CoronavirusUSA - 5 years ago

@CalBrownBear: RT @CarolynEast2: Michael McKinnell, 81, Massachusetts Boston city hall architect #Lost2CoronavirusUSA - 5 years ago

@janesnage: RT @CarolynEast2: Michael McKinnell, 81, Massachusetts Boston city hall architect #Lost2CoronavirusUSA - 5 years ago

@newpractice: RT @nytimesarts: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's r… - 5 years ago

@iamCharlesDavid: RT @nytimesarts: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's r… - 5 years ago

@anthrodigimom01: RT @nytimesarts: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's r… - 5 years ago

@MFB44: RT @nytimesarts: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's r… - 5 years ago

@mandel_macaque: RT @nytimesarts: The architect Michael McKinnell's sculptural and public-minded design for Boston's City Hall helped spur the cityscape's r… - 5 years ago

@innovacionspain: RT @ZehnderIberica: #MichaelMcKinnell, icono de la #arquitecturabrutalista. El Ayuntamiento de #Boston fue su primer y mejor proyecto, ampl… - 5 years ago

@innovacionspain: RT @procomsaoficial: #MichaelMcKinnell, icono de la #arquitecturabrutalista. El Ayuntamiento de #Boston fue su primer y mejor proyecto, amp… - 5 years ago

@procomsaoficial: RT @procomsaoficial: #MichaelMcKinnell, icono de la #arquitecturabrutalista. El Ayuntamiento de #Boston fue su primer y mejor proyecto, amp… - 5 years ago

@ZehnderIberica: RT @ZehnderIberica: #MichaelMcKinnell, icono de la #arquitecturabrutalista. El Ayuntamiento de #Boston fue su primer y mejor proyecto, ampl… - 5 years ago

@ZehnderIberica: #MichaelMcKinnell, icono de la #arquitecturabrutalista. El Ayuntamiento de #Boston fue su primer y mejor proyecto,… - 5 years ago

@procomsaoficial: #MichaelMcKinnell, icono de la #arquitecturabrutalista. El Ayuntamiento de #Boston fue su primer y mejor proyecto,… - 5 years ago

@construmatica: RT @plazatio: Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

@AlvarezA9: RT @retokommerling: #LecturaRecomendada _ Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

@plazatio: Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

@ssarahh9494: RT @arch_kidyang: โคโรนาไวรัส พรากสถาปนิกไปจากพวกเราแล้วอีกหนึ่งคน Michael McKinnell (1935-2020) ผลงานเลื่องชื่อและถือเป็นแลนด์มาร์กสำคัญคื… - 5 years ago

@bookzaka46: RT @arch_kidyang: โคโรนาไวรัส พรากสถาปนิกไปจากพวกเราแล้วอีกหนึ่งคน Michael McKinnell (1935-2020) ผลงานเลื่องชื่อและถือเป็นแลนด์มาร์กสำคัญคื… - 5 years ago

@Juanm_medinas2: RT @acmedef: Wishing godspeed to Michael McKinnell, co-author (with Gerhard Kallmann and Edward Knowles) of the sublime Boston City Hall, 1… - 5 years ago

@Juanm_medinas2: RT @Boston2024: Yesterday, the architecture community lost Michael McKinnell to #COVID19. He was only 27 years old when he & Columbia profe… - 5 years ago

@kkminami06: RT @HarrietHarriss: The Architecture community has lost a much ♥️'d Brutalism champion to #COVID19: Michael McKinnell. Boston City Hall is… - 5 years ago

@kkminami06: RT @arch_kidyang: โคโรนาไวรัส พรากสถาปนิกไปจากพวกเราแล้วอีกหนึ่งคน Michael McKinnell (1935-2020) ผลงานเลื่องชื่อและถือเป็นแลนด์มาร์กสำคัญคื… - 5 years ago

@qerese: RT @NormalizePeace: COVID-19 fells Rockport architect, artist and architect of Boston City Hall, Michael McKinnell - 5 years ago

@DonovanCyn: RT @ashmont: I've really grown to love the building, despite all of its challenges, and we are delighted we got to celebrate the 50th anniv… - 5 years ago

@PamEddinger: RT @ashmont: I've really grown to love the building, despite all of its challenges, and we are delighted we got to celebrate the 50th anniv… - 5 years ago

@david_elges: RT @ashmont: I've really grown to love the building, despite all of its challenges, and we are delighted we got to celebrate the 50th anniv… - 5 years ago

@SmithDryGoods: RT @ashmont: I've really grown to love the building, despite all of its challenges, and we are delighted we got to celebrate the 50th anniv… - 5 years ago

@ashmont: I've really grown to love the building, despite all of its challenges, and we are delighted we got to celebrate the… - 5 years ago

@MaishaBarnett: RT @HarvardGSD: Michael McKinnell, a fixture at the GSD and in the architectural canon, died last week at the age of 84 from COVID-19-induc… - 5 years ago

@LornaKovins: RT @retokommerling: #LecturaRecomendada _ Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

@passed_present: “He was an old school Brit who believed that you had to give yourself to the public good and he never let go of tha… - 5 years ago

@RbnGP10: RT @retokommerling: #LecturaRecomendada _ Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

@AArqs: RT @retokommerling: #LecturaRecomendada _ Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

@josepmuntpros: RT @retokommerling: #LecturaRecomendada _ Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

@dan_rgomez: RT @retokommerling: #LecturaRecomendada _ Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

@retokommerling: #LecturaRecomendada _ Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

@DeeperGreece: Michael McKinnell was a wonderful artist. If in @RockportMA this summer, stop by the Mercury Gallery. Most know McK… - 5 years ago

@joanapardal: Morreu o arquitecto Michael McKinnell, conhecido pelo projeto brutalista da city hall de Boston - o "edifício mais… - 5 years ago

@NormalizePeace: COVID-19 fells Rockport architect, artist and architect of Boston City Hall, Michael McKinnell - 5 years ago

@HarvardGSDExEd: Michael McKinnell's legacy: @WBURartery - 5 years ago

@hellolillianlee: The Legacy Of Boston City Hall Architect Michael McKinnell - 5 years ago

@emptybamboogirl: The Legacy Of Boston City Hall Architect Michael McKinnell - 5 years ago

@PCE_Hybrid: The Legacy Of Boston City Hall Architect Michael McKinnell. - 5 years ago

@rdgusa: We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Michael McKinnell, FAIA. Several RDGers had the opportunity to wo… - 5 years ago

@pepafbusto: RT @elpais_cultura: El arquitecto Michael McKinnell nació en Mánchester en 1935 y el viernes añadió su nombre a la lista de fallecidos por… - 5 years ago

@PalArchitect: A 1970 rendering from my own personal archive.. Boston City Hall - R.I.P. Michael McKinnell - 5 years ago

@LOREMUCA75: RT @elpais_cultura: El arquitecto Michael McKinnell nació en Mánchester en 1935 y el viernes añadió su nombre a la lista de fallecidos por… - 5 years ago

@SHI_ARCHIT: RT @yk716: Boston Five Cents Savings Bank(1972)。現在はスーパーマーケット。宿泊したホテルが近く、偶々通りかかってやたらかっこいいなと思って写真を撮りまくり、後からこの建築もMichael McKinnell設計と知った。ダブル柱で… - 5 years ago

@SHI_ARCHIT: RT @yk716: R.I.P. Michael McKinnell. - 5 years ago

@Marcelogleon: RT @elpais_cultura: El arquitecto Michael McKinnell nació en Mánchester en 1935 y el viernes añadió su nombre a la lista de fallecidos por… - 5 years ago

@Anapatriciao: RT @elpais_cultura: El arquitecto Michael McKinnell nació en Mánchester en 1935 y el viernes añadió su nombre a la lista de fallecidos por… - 5 years ago

@yk716: Boston Five Cents Savings Bank(1972)。現在はスーパーマーケット。宿泊したホテルが近く、偶々通りかかってやたらかっこいいなと思って写真を撮りまくり、後からこの建築もMichael McKinnel… - 5 years ago

@yk716: R.I.P. Michael McKinnell. - 5 years ago

@armorado: RT @elpais_cultura: El arquitecto Michael McKinnell nació en Mánchester en 1935 y el viernes añadió su nombre a la lista de fallecidos por… - 5 years ago

@Aimucha: RT @elpais_cultura: El arquitecto Michael McKinnell nació en Mánchester en 1935 y el viernes añadió su nombre a la lista de fallecidos por… - 5 years ago

@DamiA: RT @elpais_cultura: El arquitecto Michael McKinnell nació en Mánchester en 1935 y el viernes añadió su nombre a la lista de fallecidos por… - 5 years ago

@elpais_cultura: El arquitecto Michael McKinnell nació en Mánchester en 1935 y el viernes añadió su nombre a la lista de fallecidos… - 5 years ago

@concretelibrary: RT @BDonline: Boston City Hall architect dies of covid complications | British-born Michael McKinnell spent his final hours designing his l… - 5 years ago

@anatxuz: Michael McKinnell, icono de la arquitectura brutalista - 5 years ago

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