Michael Gerson

American journalist and speechwriter
Died on Thursday November 17th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Michael Gerson:

@Gerson__Souza: RT @MichaelWarbur17: Remember MICHAEL WINSLOW from the Police Academy movies? Well check him & his extraordinary talents out here as he ki… - 2 years ago

@ferg75005009: RIP Michael Gerson. "... But what other object can you bring into your home that makes you smile every time you se… - 2 years ago

@emimartingamez: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@gerson_g77: RT @altieribruno: Michael Jordan es, a mi entender, el mejor jugador de la era moderna del básquetbol. No existió nadie que se acerque al t… - 2 years ago


@urukbel: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@climarepentino: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@TeeNineCheeBit: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@thundersden: RT @KayHymowitz: Michael Gerson soars in this beautiful send-off to his college-going son. Thanks to MG for pearls of wisdom like this and… - 2 years ago

@Raymond06876510: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@eastmond_andrew: @Clarkmeister1 Here's an alternative view of how one's Christian (or any other faith) can play a positive role in p… - 2 years ago

@LB_Flechette: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@barriojordan: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@PericlesVieira3: @zeusstorm_25 @centraldanacao Se ele conseguir trabalhar o ego das nossas estrelas, não vai ter pra ninguém ano que… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Michael Gerson, who worked for George W. Bush, was widely considered the best and most powerful speechwriter and ad… - 2 years ago

@pijusdissidens: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@PEDROSOPROST: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@Respira_YA: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@virario3: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@scheerenberger: RT @FabioDL: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A life of humility, service, and humanism. Michael Gerson, longtime NewsHour commentator, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@bmarkarr: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@climarepentino: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@redeemingbabel: RT @shadihamid: Beautiful tribute to Mike Gerson: “Civility, as Mike also noted, does not preclude tough-mindedness. Nor should it be mis… - 2 years ago

@curtischangRB: RT @shadihamid: Beautiful tribute to Mike Gerson: “Civility, as Mike also noted, does not preclude tough-mindedness. Nor should it be mis… - 2 years ago

@EarlBRussell: Michael Gerson: Saying goodbye to my child, the youngster - 2 years ago

@chadmeslinger: @saletan, your tribute in the Bulwark Podcast to Michael Gerson was beautiful. I loved that whole Thanksgiving podc… - 2 years ago

@platogue: RT @julianbarnes: I sat next to @MJGerson at @usnews during the @JamesFallows years, before he became the great speechwriter of the post 9/… - 2 years ago

@DanielPaisner: RT @astoldtopodcast: "The very best thing about your life is a short stage in someone else’s story. And it is enough.”#MichaelJGerson #RIP… - 2 years ago

@astoldtopodcast: "The very best thing about your life is a short stage in someone else’s story. And it is enough.”#MichaelJGerson… - 2 years ago

@Mar812001: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@palmeiromarluc1: @ps1_cj @PaparazzoRN Gastar dinheiro com esse jogar não vale a pena bom seria trazer o Michael. Se ele o Gerson fos… - 2 years ago

@palmeiromarluc1: @PaparazzoRN Que fique por lá não desejo o Gerson no flamengo, sou mas trazer o Michael bem melhor que o Gerson - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Michael Gerson, who worked for George W. Bush, was widely considered the best and most powerful speechwriter and ad… - 2 years ago

@LuisSnc76284819: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@facil20901: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@kaybrooks41: Wasn’t a fan of Michael Gerson, the Bush speechwriter who coined the phrase “axis of evil”, but I was sorry to hear… - 2 years ago

@EllaAnd15902376: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@SusanaBlanca6: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@CateM5551: RT @Eugene_Scott: “It has been said that when you choose your community, you choose your character. Strangely, evangelicals have broadly ch… - 2 years ago

@Teram323Tere: RT @PostOpinions: The MAGA faithful’s resentments, malevolence and violence are a form of moral ruin, @MJGerson writes. So why have so man… - 2 years ago

@Teram323Tere: RT @Eugene_Scott: “It has been said that when you choose your community, you choose your character. Strangely, evangelicals have broadly ch… - 2 years ago

@Noriaki2013: By Michael Gerson - 2 years ago

@Noriaki2013: Read Michael Gerson’s sermon sharing his struggle with depression | PBS NewsHour - 2 years ago

@Noriaki2013: By Michael Gerson, a speech writer for President George W Bush, Washington Post columnist and PBS news analyst, wh… - 2 years ago

@kathrynleephd: @bobsmietana @MJGerson I will miss Michael Gerson's voice. - 2 years ago

@arvinvreyes: RT @bobsmietana: God’s call to us is …. the invitation to a life marked by meaning. And even when, as mortality dictates, we walk the path… - 2 years ago

@mdaltoneka: RT @bobsmietana: God’s call to us is …. the invitation to a life marked by meaning. And even when, as mortality dictates, we walk the path… - 2 years ago

@w_sanpomichi: RT @yakukinpapa1: @jhmdrei 死因はガンの合併症というものだそうです…Treg細胞活性優位だとガン細胞も増えまくる…っていう説はやはり正しいのかな? - 2 years ago

@bobsmietana: God’s call to us is …. the invitation to a life marked by meaning. And even when, as mortality dictates, we walk th… - 2 years ago

@climarepentino: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@mansonloiro: Michael B Jordan e Gerson - 2 years ago

@v_lanches: @Kevynluz07 @alanzeroamil @RenataPrado2910 @Flamengo Então vc concorda que perdemos por conta do Marcos Brás. Gers… - 2 years ago

@Geovani8119: RT @flanacaovvp: Retuitem e Compartilhem por favor! TUDO SOBRE A "DESISTÊNCIA" DO FLAMENGO POR GERSON | 100 MILHÕES EM JOGADORES | VOLTA D… - 2 years ago

@Marciovinagre10: O Brás e o Spindel são tão previsíveis que fizeram o mesmo "desistindo" com o BH, Pedro, do próprio Gerson na Roma… - 2 years ago

@Marciovinagre10: @Maurormf O Brás e o spindel são tão previsíveis que fizeram o mesmo "desistindo" do BH, Pedro, do próprio Gerson n… - 2 years ago

@AlexKeyman_D: Michael J. Gerson, who gave us words for 911, passed today - 2 years ago

@MzeeDaveJenkins: My Friend, Mike Gerson - The Atlantic - 2 years ago

@Truth4Patients: RT @Thomsod: Anyone, ANYONE who thinks that #MAiD for the mentally ill really should listen to this - 2 years ago

@conversesacat: Mor Michael Gerson, redactor de discursos per a George W. Bush - 2 years ago

@conversesacat: Muere Michael Gerson, redactor de discursos para George W. Bush - 2 years ago

@E_V_Assistance: - 2 years ago

@conversesacat: Muere Michael Gerson, redactor de discursos para George W. Bush - 2 years ago

@marciliopba: RT @flanacaovvp: Retuitem e Compartilhem por favor! TUDO SOBRE A "DESISTÊNCIA" DO FLAMENGO POR GERSON | 100 MILHÕES EM JOGADORES | VOLTA D… - 2 years ago

@Jevandro: RT @flanacaovvp: Retuitem e Compartilhem por favor! TUDO SOBRE A "DESISTÊNCIA" DO FLAMENGO POR GERSON | 100 MILHÕES EM JOGADORES | VOLTA D… - 2 years ago

@flanacaovvp: Retuitem e Compartilhem por favor! TUDO SOBRE A "DESISTÊNCIA" DO FLAMENGO POR GERSON | 100 MILHÕES EM JOGADORES |… - 2 years ago

@researchmetax: - 2 years ago

@armocelu: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@MunsingLaw: RT @jimwallis: An appreciation and remembrance of Michael Gerson, a man of his words. He offered the nation a truly prophetic voice that we… - 2 years ago

@SoheilGtex: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@mundoazullibre: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@virario3: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@rosalin39979489: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@KaioHViegas: RT @PaparazzoRN: Em reunião com Olympique, Braz vê as chances da volta de Gerson diminuírem. Diante dos valores, o Flamengo considera a n… - 2 years ago

@LucasMason141: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@NetinMc: RT @PaparazzoRN: Em reunião com Olympique, Braz vê as chances da volta de Gerson diminuírem. Diante dos valores, o Flamengo considera a n… - 2 years ago

@ColuciBruno: RT @climarepentino: 🚨🚨 TROMBOLOTO justiciera‼️ 💔 Muere de #repentinitis Michael Gerson, periodista amiguito de Bill Gates 💉 Criminalizaba… - 2 years ago

@J_Henry_Kenny: via @NYTimes - 2 years ago

@nycreligioninfo: #Thanksgiving for Michael J. Gerson, who gave us words for 911, passed today - 2 years ago

@LucasAlencarA11: RT @PaparazzoRN: Em reunião com Olympique, Braz vê as chances da volta de Gerson diminuírem. Diante dos valores, o Flamengo considera a n… - 2 years ago

@TonyFratto: RT @TheAtlantic: "Mike was one of the most gifted writers of his generation," @Peter_Wehner writes. "He wrote like an angel. It was a way t… - 2 years ago

@cloeax: “The very best thing about your life is a short stage in someone else’s story. And it is enough.” — Michael Gerson - 2 years ago

@oldlife: The young Gerson got interested in politics a few years later, during Jimmy Carter’s insurgent presidential campaig… - 2 years ago

@cherrybaysb: RT @brithume: Lovely tribute to a gentleman and a gentle man of exceptional talent. RIP MIke Gerson. - 2 years ago

@ZachJamesMiller: RT @samstein: Re-reading this Michael Gerson rumination on being a father and dropping your child off at college is about as heartbreaking… - 2 years ago

@kmccoynyc: - 2 years ago

@HiltyBob: Lovely piece by the late writer Michael Gerson. - 2 years ago

@fjohnsonphoto: Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - 2 years ago

@Jonesls: RT @peterbakernyt: RIP Michael Gerson, who believed in the compassionate part of compassionate conservatism as Bush's speechwriter and seni… - 2 years ago

@np_grwl: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@JimAcos55699120: RT @jamiegangel: May his memory be a blessing— very sad news and too young. Michael Gerson, Post columnist who crafted 9/11 speeches for… - 2 years ago

@Nguyentruong71: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@IrisCruzP1: RT @JudyWoodruff: I am deeply sad we’ve lost this wonderful man who with his brilliant mind and fierce sense of right and wrong, shone a li… - 2 years ago

@sealto04: RT @thehill: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@Ezekiel90978219: RT @devex: In today's #Newswire: - @the_IDB will vote for a new president Sunday. -The UK will pump more cash into aid. -A profile on @Ener… - 2 years ago

@Kathy36067746: RT @benedictrogers: This is terribly sad. I had the privilege of meeting him once, and his book "Heroic Conservatism" is one of my favouri… - 2 years ago

@shaikhzia99: RT @thehill: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@PetloverHermine: MICHAEL GERSON 1964-2022 • American Journalist • White House Director of Speech Writing under George W. Bush. - 2 years ago

@grosssandrea: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@lihipun: RT @benedictrogers: This is terribly sad. I had the privilege of meeting him once, and his book "Heroic Conservatism" is one of my favouri… - 2 years ago

@DarrylSKFlynn: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@flatt99: RT @Thomsod: Anyone, ANYONE who thinks that #MAiD for the mentally ill really should listen to this - 2 years ago

@thack86: RT @thehill: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@sewhitesmith206: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@BenFeshbach: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@kjgheroman: RT @thingsthatrnot: Sad to hear of Gerson's passing. But I'm encouraged by this reflection on his cancer journey. "In a column in 2021, Mr… - 2 years ago

@Jeff_Jacoby: RT @roddreher: Some thoughts on the untimely passing of the leading Evangelical columnist. I had no idea that Gerson suffered so much. http… - 2 years ago

@DCgal62: Michael J. Gerson, Presidential Speechwriter and Columnist, Dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@Beth_Lizet: RT @PowerUSAID: Shattering news. Michael Gerson helped bring us @PEPFAR. He also reminded us — in so many different ways, using such moving… - 2 years ago

@watchman0317: RT @flemingrut: Mike Gerson died of cancer. Lord, why? Why such a powerful witness to so many when so many are alive doing harm? An Advent… - 2 years ago

@Macgyyver: RT @Thomsod: Anyone, ANYONE who thinks that #MAiD for the mentally ill really should listen to this - 2 years ago

@dntwit: Em memória de Michael Gerson - 2 years ago

@MaxSchnieder: My Friend, Mike Gerson - 2 years ago

@AnnaCCallahan: RT @drmoore: Read this beautiful essay by @Peter_Wehner about the life and death of our friend @MJGerson: - 2 years ago

@cegarza: RT @holysmoke: This one paragraph demonstrates the extraordinary qualities of Mike Gerson, who died last week. It's from a 2013 piece about… - 2 years ago

@FamMedDoc1984: Are people that get covid toxin mRNA injections more likely to die from immune problems or are people on the verge… - 2 years ago

@dbs1128: RT @TheAtlantic: "Mike was one of the most gifted writers of his generation," @Peter_Wehner writes. "He wrote like an angel. It was a way t… - 2 years ago

@StephenShafer1: Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - 2 years ago

@HauntedReading: RT @thehill: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@TheRhinosHorn: RT @thehill: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@rickahardy: Sit with this for a while. Parenthood,” Gerson wrote, “offers many lessons in patience and sacrifice. But ultimat… - 2 years ago

@RafiqeulI: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@sage23505032: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@fraknits: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@RcollinsJudon: Opinion | Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@DrTimBoone: An appreciation and remembrance of Michael Gerson, a man of his words - 2 years ago

@davehoweth: RT @drmoore: Grieving the death of my friend @MJGerson. When I hear the words “integrity”and “conscience” and “compassion,” I think of him.… - 2 years ago

@mequantum: "Parenthood offers many lessons in patience and sacrifice, but ultimately, it is a lesson in humility. The very bes… - 2 years ago

@richtafel: A great piece about a great person written by a great writer. It's good to focus on the people who do good things i… - 2 years ago

@djwjones43: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@FlamengueiroPB: RT @WPRPBP: Michael Gerson wrote on 9/11, "This world He created is of moral design. Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for a time. Good… - 2 years ago

@WPRPBP: Michael Gerson wrote on 9/11, "This world He created is of moral design. Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for… - 2 years ago

@JStrozyk69: Speechwriter prezydenta G.W> Busha. Autor słynnego "axis of evil", Dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@ElaineS33455990: RT @AllmanDurbin: The Truth and Beauty of Michael Gerson’s Words - 2 years ago

@WhySuzanne: RT @NickKristof: A lovely tribute to Michael Gerson by @ktumulty. I disagreed with Michael about a lot, but I so admired him, not just for… - 2 years ago

@Charles47563475: ⁦@weekley⁩ ⁦@HoppyKercheval⁩ ⁦@NickOchsnerWBTV⁩ ⁦@jonathanserrie⁩ ⁦@MarkCurtisWOWK⁩ ⁦@TheDavenReport⁩ - 2 years ago

@richtafel: Died: Michael Gerson, Speechwriter Who Crafted Faith-Inspi...... | News & Reporting | Christianity Today - 2 years ago

@sidgracious: Michael Gerson is one o' those classic conservative dudes - they all look 60 from the time they're 30. I truly won… - 2 years ago

@mauiswan: "Ultimately, parenting is a lesson in humility. The very best thing about your life is a short stage in someone els… - 2 years ago

@Lgpguin: RIP Michael Gerson - 2 years ago

@DemocraticShift: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@UdnSpeak4me: My Friend, Mike Gerson - The Atlantic - 2 years ago

@alphalphasprout: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@CaryLafaye: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@katiedyd2: Michael Gerson, longtime NewsHour commentator, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@S_A_Cooper: More tributes to the good Michael Gerson: “This world He created is of moral design. Grief and tragedy and hatred a… - 2 years ago

@AndreasBoos: RT @ratemyskyperoom: Room Rater In Memoriam. Michael Gerson has died. He was 58 years old. - 2 years ago

@PedroCu96555555: RT @TheAtlantic: "Mike was one of the most gifted writers of his generation," @Peter_Wehner writes. "He wrote like an angel. It was a way t… - 2 years ago

@gwen_stay: RT @TheAtlantic: "Mike was one of the most gifted writers of his generation," @Peter_Wehner writes. "He wrote like an angel. It was a way t… - 2 years ago

@carminaovargas: RT @nancymbirdsall: Michael Gerson's death yesterday is a loss for the global development community. He championed Pres GWBush's @Pepfar pr… - 2 years ago

@curtischangRB: RT @Peter_Wehner: My Friend, Mike Gerson - 2 years ago

@Chingon6Charles: RT @MSuzman: I'm saddened to hear the news about Michael Gerson's passing. He was a longtime champion of global health & an instrumental pa… - 2 years ago

@PollifaxMrs: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@ChyatesgYates: RT @brithume: Lovely tribute to a gentleman and a gentle man of exceptional talent. RIP MIke Gerson. - 2 years ago

@OrinKerr: Very saddened to hear of the death of Michael Gerson, a writer whose work I have long admired. Only 58. - 2 years ago

@MaxBoot: RT @TheAtlantic: "Mike was one of the most gifted writers of his generation," @Peter_Wehner writes. "He wrote like an angel. It was a way t… - 2 years ago

@LP6801: RT @TheAtlantic: "Mike was one of the most gifted writers of his generation," @Peter_Wehner writes. "He wrote like an angel. It was a way t… - 2 years ago

@sionrhysevans: @GeorgeReeves94 It’s a fine NY Times obit, especially as it gleams with his own phrases - 2 years ago

@ann_greenawalt: RT @TheAtlantic: "Mike was one of the most gifted writers of his generation," @Peter_Wehner writes. "He wrote like an angel. It was a way t… - 2 years ago

@Peter_Wehner: RT @TheAtlantic: "Mike was one of the most gifted writers of his generation," @Peter_Wehner writes. "He wrote like an angel. It was a way t… - 2 years ago

@mememoreme: RT @chq: We are deeply saddened by the loss of @MJGerson. Today we are reflecting on the presidential speechwriter and columnist’s last vis… - 2 years ago

@SchwRoark: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@sh12298: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@DeborahYearyDDD: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Washington Post Obituaries - Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58… - 2 years ago

@McInnisKathleen: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@FredCHarris: RT @mmckinnon: February 17, 2019: Sunday Sermon by Michael Gerson - 2 years ago

@gtconway3d: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@DrBLK00: RT @NewsHour: We remember longtime Washington Post columnist and NewsHour commentator Michael Gerson, who died Thursday morning at 58. http… - 2 years ago

@WriterCraigWolf: I am absolutely gutted to hear that Michael Gerson has passed away. It’s very rare in our political/celebrity cultu… - 2 years ago

@bikesalsa: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@dprnesq: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@espressodoppio6: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@Veronicaa624: - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 417) #American #journalist #Michael J. #Gerson, #Presidential #Speechwriter #and #Columnist, #Dies… - 2 years ago

@lrozen: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@barib: @GOPLeader @SteveScalise @HouseGOP @RepStefanik @RepTomEmmer @RepBice @RepMikeJohnson @USRepGaryPalmer “Whatever hi… - 2 years ago

@benk1976: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@sissifus: RT @cecmunoz: A beautiful tribute to Michael Gerson, who left us today. I treasure having gotten to know him, and treasure even more the co… - 2 years ago

@bertha1957: RT @thehill: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@ericsosag: RT @peterbakernyt: "Mike Gerson was a beautiful writer with an even more beautiful soul," @Peter_Wehner writes in a lovely tribute to his f… - 2 years ago

@robprather: RT @OrrChris: Also, read this, by another kind and wise @washingtonpost writer, @ktumulty, who was very different from Mike Gerson but deep… - 2 years ago

@markdwedc: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@DanMunro: RT @mmckinnon: February 17, 2019: Sunday Sermon by Michael Gerson - 2 years ago

@mmckinnon: February 17, 2019: Sunday Sermon by Michael Gerson - 2 years ago

@ktumulty: RT @OrrChris: Also, read this, by another kind and wise @washingtonpost writer, @ktumulty, who was very different from Mike Gerson but deep… - 2 years ago

@AEHarrod: @megbasham Just like the late Michael Gerson. - 2 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @PostOpinions: We are heartbroken to say Michael Gerson, 58, died on Thursday after a long battle with cancer. For the past 15 years, M… - 2 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @sarahmccammon: Off this week and just heard about Michael Gerson’s death. We had similar backgrounds and I observed his life/career clo… - 2 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@7Streett11: RT @drmoore: Read this beautiful essay by @Peter_Wehner about the life and death of our friend @MJGerson: - 2 years ago

@ViralTrunk: Michael Gerson, Post Columnist And Bush Speechwriter On 9/11, Dies At 58 - 2 years ago

@sanndaimetwitt1: My Friend, Mike Gerson - The Atlantic - 2 years ago

@bennybuns1: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@YAppelbaum: RT @Peter_Wehner: My Friend, Mike Gerson - 2 years ago

@kylevanhoutan: RT @drmoore: Read this beautiful essay by @Peter_Wehner about the life and death of our friend @MJGerson: - 2 years ago

@DSMWcom: Michael J. Gerson, Presidential Speechwriter and Columnist, Dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@dogwhis65745703: “Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for a time. Goodness, remembrance and love have no end, and the Lord of life… - 2 years ago

@Corporate_King: @morethanmySLE Have a few more boosters like Michael Gerson and let us know how it goes... 🤡💉 - 2 years ago

@jp11235813: RT @Peter_Wehner: My Friend, Mike Gerson - 2 years ago

@chmella_claudia: - 2 years ago

@carydier: RT @jamiegangel: May his memory be a blessing— very sad news and too young. Michael Gerson, Post columnist who crafted 9/11 speeches for… - 2 years ago

@BenK42681862: 3/4 בסופו של דבר, אולי קרה לו אותו הדבר שקרה להרבה משרתי-רשע אחרים: באיזשהו שלב התחיל להזדהות עם התפקיד והפך למכשיר… - 2 years ago

@BenK42681862: 1/4 העיתונאי, מייקל גרסון, הלך לעולמו בגיל 58 מ"הסתבכות של מחלת הסרטן". לגרסון היה עבר רפואי עשיר שכלל סרטן הכליה ב… - 2 years ago

@isidoroclara6: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@PaulFer43756199: RT @JohnFea1: The Truth and Beauty of Michael Gerson’s Words - 2 years ago

@Silk_Billig: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@ElizabethOstli1: RT @mboorstein: Our colleague @MJGerson has died. His words, on parenting, faith, politics, depression, mutual responsibility moved me so m… - 2 years ago

@Bonnieb81083359: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@JohnFea1: The Truth and Beauty of Michael Gerson’s Words - 2 years ago

@IntlProfs: My Washington Post subscription allows me to share access to great journalism. Check out this gift article, at no c… - 2 years ago

@paulknott11: A sad farewell to @MJGerson. A conservative with whom I disagreed about many things politically. But he seemed to b… - 2 years ago

@drpatfarrell: Opinion | Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@JimThorne39: RT @JoeNBC: This is beautiful. - 2 years ago

@Eliassmith1986: Michael Gerson – A Conservative Political Commentator Death #MichaelGerson - 2 years ago

@GingerBMamma: RT @EJDionne: Mike Gerson RIP Without grasping the full import of my words, I once told Mike how unusual he was as a Christian who behaved… - 2 years ago

@Msfletcherush: RT @thehill: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@aikaloca: RT @JeffreyGoldberg: One of Michael Gerson's most outstanding articles: - 2 years ago

@KayDeeNOLA: RT @NPRJoeShapiro: Michael Gerson, a gifted wordsmith (and a former colleague), advocated for a kinder, gentler conservatism. - 2 years ago

@DCBunkerJr: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@TONICOIA: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@MarkusVerner: RT @husainhaqqani: Saddened by the passing of Michael Gerson, whose words, insight, and decency will be remembered long after he is gone.… - 2 years ago

@janetuc26980006: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@Gabriela_Ionas: RT @PostOpinions: We are heartbroken to say Michael Gerson, 58, died on Thursday after a long battle with cancer. For the past 15 years, M… - 2 years ago

@Gabriela_Ionas: RT @JNkengasong: So sad to learn of Michael’s passing to eternity. He will be sorely missed and history will remember him very favorably in… - 2 years ago

@bostronix: Rarely agreed, but always read his columns. RIP Michael Gerson. Much respect. Michael Gerson: Saying goodbye to my… - 2 years ago

@NorSoulx: RT @judiadg: Worth a read. RIP Michael Gerson☮️ - 2 years ago

@LePp97Sthlm: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@Aiphos2: RT @risenc: My latest for @nytobits: Michael Gerson, Bush speechwriter and columnist, dies at 58. - 2 years ago

@MayaRockeymoore: ⁦@MJGerson⁩ #RIP He was the only conservative writer I enjoyed reading. He was insightful, mindful and values-based… - 2 years ago

@mrgdrijkoningen: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@Anmer277: RT @jmonkatthestate: - 2 years ago

@sandycompany: "Faith, thankfully, does not preclude doubt. It consists of staking your life on the rumor of grace." Michael Gerson - 2 years ago

@zulmiraTania: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@KadeMurdaugh: RT @jmonkatthestate: - 2 years ago

@bmarks_dhgrafx: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@jmonkatthestate: - 2 years ago

@EllenEvansLessa: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@sophie_jennny: Holy moly that @pbsnewshour segment on Michael Gerson was so moving... well done - 2 years ago

@PecezElDorado: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@flaxemsystem: RT @CNN: Michael Gerson, a top speechwriter for President George W. Bush and longtime Washington Post columnist, has died. He was 58. https… - 2 years ago

@ktumulty: RT @danbalz: Michael Gerson’s passing is a huge loss to the public square and ⁦@ktumulty⁩ fully captures why. - 2 years ago

@DaltonSddalton4: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@MuseumPlanning: Michael Gerson, longtime NewsHour commentator, dies at 58 @MJGerson @JudyWoodruff @IAmAmnaNawaz - 2 years ago

@AllegraJordan1: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@AllegraJordan1: RT @Laurie_Garrett: Remember "compassionate conservatism"? That was #MichaelGerson's idea, and it guided #Republican ventures like creation… - 2 years ago

@StarkRedman: RT @JoeNBC: This is beautiful. - 2 years ago

@ourqueenrachel: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@Srdowntown: RT @MeetThePress: Remembering Michael Gerson, speechwriter to former President George W. Bush and a columnist at the Washington Post. He di… - 2 years ago

@AllegraJordan1: RT @mboorstein: Our colleague @MJGerson has died. His words, on parenting, faith, politics, depression, mutual responsibility moved me so m… - 2 years ago

@MMccaley: “His life is starting for real. I have begun the long letting go. Put another way: He has a wonderful future in whi… - 2 years ago

@deduped_nytimes: RT @risenc: My latest for @nytobits: Michael Gerson, Bush speechwriter and columnist, dies at 58. - 2 years ago

@musicforlifelv: RT @MichaelRWear: This is just a fantastic obituary of Mike by @danielsilliman - 2 years ago

@CherryScot4: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@nytimes: RT @risenc: My latest for @nytobits: Michael Gerson, Bush speechwriter and columnist, dies at 58. - 2 years ago

@AlisonPower9: RT @JoshMankiewicz: Michael Gerson died today from cancer. He was 58. This article is free to you: - 2 years ago

@XavierPrida: @bnallamo About the architect of "eighteen years is not enough". Read about "the ends" and then his public portraya… - 2 years ago

@SuperMiniMouse: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@SahrishZahid3: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@fayecooknbct: RT @NewsHour: Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, a Washington Post columnist and a NewsHour political anal… - 2 years ago

@santo_aol: Trump should fill Christians with rage. How come he doesn’t? - 2 years ago

@401Freedom: #PBSNEWSHOUR WOW sorry to hear of Michael Gerson's death..Great journalist, Enjoyed hearing his analysis on the News Hou.. God speed.. - 2 years ago

@JGWestDI: More kind words from Michael Gerson for the unvaxed: "If you are healthy and refuse to take the vaccine... this is… - 2 years ago

@sandykolakowski: Michael Gerson, longtime NewsHour commentator, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@RobertJRalston: Michael Gerson: Saying goodbye to my child, the youngster - 2 years ago

@lilianacalo: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@CCGevirtz: My Washington Post subscription allows me to share access to great journalism. Check out this gift article, at no c… - 2 years ago

@santo_aol: Michael Gerson: Saying goodbye to my child, the youngster - 2 years ago

@seanmohen: RT @GibsonWrites: A heartbreaking loss. A prophetic Christian voice standing against the Trump idolaters and ideologues: Michael Gerson f… - 2 years ago

@GrannyKnowsBes2: michael gerson cause of death - Google Search - 2 years ago

@AlexAng13602748: RT @jamiegangel: May his memory be a blessing— very sad news and too young. Michael Gerson, Post columnist who crafted 9/11 speeches for… - 2 years ago

@thenumbersguy26: RT @owillis: its weird watching journalist types mourn former bush official michael gerson, knowing he played a key role in crafting langua… - 2 years ago

@mattcone2: I'm sorry to hear about the death of @MJGerson. He was extremely gracious when he met with our group of @CHSJaguars… - 2 years ago

@LeanderPomfritt: Saddened to discover that Michael Gerson passed away. His commitment to his conviction that the public square would… - 2 years ago

@renell2day: RT @NewsHour: Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, a Washington Post columnist and a NewsHour political anal… - 2 years ago

@rg337734: RT @FaceTheNation: "This is a time when we need heroes and this is a hero passing from the scene," said Michael Gerson when the late Senato… - 2 years ago

@SCCurlyGirly: RT @ChipFelkel: RIP Michael Gerson. We have lost a thoughtful, reasonable, impactful voice. - 2 years ago

@PhilipG50184762: RT @NewsHour: Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, a Washington Post columnist and a NewsHour political anal… - 2 years ago

@stephanhokanson: So sorry to learn of Michael Gerson’s passing. His contributions to the WaPo bolstered my faith in humanity. - 2 years ago

@mattfranck: The writings of Michael Gerson, who died this week, helped sustain me through the grotesqueness of Trump. Here, he… - 2 years ago

@thegabhour: RT @NewsHour: Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, a Washington Post columnist and a NewsHour political anal… - 2 years ago

@HopeCoxSafa: RT @NewsHour: Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, a Washington Post columnist and a NewsHour political anal… - 2 years ago

@BitchR: "Michael J. Gerson, Presidential Speechwriter and Columnist, Dies at 58" by BY CLAY RISEN via NYT New York Times - 2 years ago

@FroggyHiggins: @RuthMarcus It was so good to hear memories of Michael Gerson from you and David Brooks with Amna Navaz. Michael Ge… - 2 years ago

@dbeyer1969: RT @NewsHour: Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, a Washington Post columnist and a NewsHour political anal… - 2 years ago

@Satori_Rotasik: Who was Michael Gerson and what was his cause of death? - 2 years ago

@OperatiRotasi: Who was Michael Gerson and what was his cause of death? - 2 years ago

@rachelwellford: RT @NewsHour: Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, a Washington Post columnist and a NewsHour political anal… - 2 years ago

@guycecil: A beautifully written tribute by @ktumulty for Michael Gerson. - 2 years ago

@LiloFedora: Ohhh #MichaelGerson my heart is heavy hearing the news. Asking God to stay close to your loved ones as they grieve… - 2 years ago

@SicTransit34: @JRubinBlogger Here is @ktumulty's tribute to Michael Gerson. My respect for Michael rose even higher after reading… - 2 years ago

@Satori_Rotasik: Inside Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson’s relationship with George W Bush as famed speechwriter dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@OperatiRotasi: Inside Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson’s relationship with George W Bush as famed speechwriter dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@KMGPL: So very sorry to hear this. I’ve appreciated Michael Gerson’s wonderful writing, his thoughtful voice, for many yea… - 2 years ago

@TomKilgannon3: I did not know Mike Gerson except through his work. He was a gifted writer and class act. He had a tremendous talen… - 2 years ago

@FroggyHiggins: @PostOpinions I’m so sorry to hear that Michael Gerson has passed away. He was truly magnificent and courageous. Always compassionate. 🙏🏼💐 - 2 years ago

@nanster211: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@ACamael4310: Michael Gerson, former Bush speechwriter and Washington Post columnist, dies at 58 => - 2 years ago

@nwjerseyliz: RT @NewsHour: Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, a Washington Post columnist and a NewsHour political anal… - 2 years ago

@nwjerseyliz: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@YoMamaWally: Sad to lose one of the few conservative Christian voices with a national readership who was willing to call fellow… - 2 years ago

@christi85573643: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@zakouts84: RT @damianpaletta: RIP Michael Gerson "Parenthood offers many lessons in patience and sacrifice. But ultimately, it is a lesson in humilit… - 2 years ago

@EdayekhSalem: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@MichaelRWear: This is just a fantastic obituary of Mike by @danielsilliman - 2 years ago

@MarilynSkinne18: Michael Gerson, Post columnist who crafted 9/11 speeches for Bush, dies at 58 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@RACurtisSanche1: RT @PostOpinions: We are heartbroken to say Michael Gerson, 58, died on Thursday after a long battle with cancer. For the past 15 years, M… - 2 years ago

@patryan12: RT @PostOpinions: We are heartbroken to say Michael Gerson, 58, died on Thursday after a long battle with cancer. For the past 15 years, M… - 2 years ago

@DionisioDiaz2: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@Jonatha03238381: In August 2019, Michael Gerson wrote that it is a "scandal" that "white evangelical Protestants" are not in a state… - 2 years ago

@RodriJeremyP: RT @BillGates: I’m very sad to hear about Michael Gerson’s passing. We spoke many times over the years, especially about global health, and… - 2 years ago

@PChilimpis: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@rocknrollElder: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@triantafyllidi2: V Michael Gerson, former Bush speechwriter and Washington Post columnist, dies at 58 ====== - 2 years ago

@MadihaAfzal: What a lovely piece. - 2 years ago

@NPRJoeShapiro: Michael Gerson, a gifted wordsmith (and a former colleague), advocated for a kinder, gentler conservatism. - 2 years ago

@WorldWideWillJo: R.I.P. Michael Gerson. Beautifully written and tear-jerking. - 2 years ago

@koechlingphoto: I'll miss Gerson. Though I only knew him as a friend on FB (we are both alumni of the same college) his work in WaP… - 2 years ago

@joelrainey: This is a huge loss. @CTmagazine - 2 years ago

@CalThom43366771: - 2 years ago

@TheAtlantic: RT @JeffreyGoldberg: One of Michael Gerson's most outstanding articles: - 2 years ago

@denminn: How sad. God be with his family. - 2 years ago

@monacharen: A great man. A great loss for this country. Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@plainjan2: RT @PostOpinions: We will all miss Michael terribly. You can find all of his writings here: - 2 years ago

@TammyDews: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@fan_cornell: RT @washingtonpost: Opinion by Karen Tumulty: His grace was a blessing, and the saddest part of all is that we need it more than ever. http… - 2 years ago

@ShanChan_37: RT @texasinafrica: The Post obituary does a wonderful job of balancing Gerson's mixed legacy. He never really grappled with the horrors he… - 2 years ago

@JeffreyGoldberg: One of Michael Gerson's most outstanding articles: - 2 years ago

@ChucksTravelers: RT @JohnJHarwood: RIP Mike Gerson, with thanks for the good you brought this world - 2 years ago

@rtsadvocate: RT @KnoxThames: Tragic. A good man has passed. "Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58" - 2 years ago

@plainjan2: RT @PostOpinions: We are heartbroken to say Michael Gerson, 58, died on Thursday after a long battle with cancer. For the past 15 years, M… - 2 years ago

@wthrockmorton: RT @drmoore: Grieving the death of my friend @MJGerson. When I hear the words “integrity”and “conscience” and “compassion,” I think of him.… - 2 years ago

@2themoonalyce: RT @owillis: its weird watching journalist types mourn former bush official michael gerson, knowing he played a key role in crafting langua… - 2 years ago

@EFLandPLfan: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@Jsanche001: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@kakakaren24: RT @drmoore: Grieving the death of my friend @MJGerson. When I hear the words “integrity”and “conscience” and “compassion,” I think of him.… - 2 years ago

@CherieHarder: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@DoremusJ: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@nbelz: RT @MichaelReneau: Lots will be—and should be—said about Michael Gerson's legacy, esp. on politics and policy. But the final lines of his 2… - 2 years ago

@carolemc24: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@LeoLunaLove: RT @owillis: michael gerson, the bush speechwriter who just died and who all these media people are swooning about today - 2 years ago

@grcanty: RT @GlennKesslerWP: Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - 2 years ago

@MatthewSoerens: RT @WheatonCollege: Wheaton College alumnus Michael Gerson '86, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush and @washingtonpost column… - 2 years ago

@goqivana: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@Autumnsan1: RT @PostOpinions: "It is difficult for me to understand why so many believers have turned down a wedding feast to graze in political dumpst… - 2 years ago

@thenewseachday: RT @ktumulty: Opinion | Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - - 2 years ago

@TeenLif14910208: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@useyourvoice98: RT @washingtonpost: Opinion by Karen Tumulty: His grace was a blessing, and the saddest part of all is that we need it more than ever. http… - 2 years ago

@adabagcompany: Inside Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson’s relationship with George W Bush as famed speechwriter dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@tompayer1: RT @MaxBoot: Devastating news. ⁦@MJGerson⁩ was a voice of principle and integrity on so many issues. And such a gifted writer. And such a… - 2 years ago

@GlennKesslerWP: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@sallyagale: RT @ratemyskyperoom: Room Rater In Memoriam. Michael Gerson has died. He was 58 years old. - 2 years ago

@seawiz2: RT @yourauntemma: Michael Gerson, former G.W. Bush's speechwriter and WaPo columnist, passed away today. Politics aside, below is a beaut… - 2 years ago

@debrajsaunders: RT @johnfund: Michael Gerson, RIP - 2 years ago

@politicalwire: Michael Gerson Is Dead - 2 years ago

@karenEice: RT @ktumulty: Opinion | Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - - 2 years ago

@CarolYelverton: God bless his soul. - 2 years ago

@NaeP1954: RT @washingtonpost: Opinion by Michael Gerson: Why Anthony Fauci is the greatest public servant I have known - 2 years ago

@cwidman: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@TipPDX: RT @texasinafrica: The Post obituary does a wonderful job of balancing Gerson's mixed legacy. He never really grappled with the horrors he… - 2 years ago

@POSNERMA: RT @yourauntemma: Michael Gerson, former G.W. Bush's speechwriter and WaPo columnist, passed away today. Politics aside, below is a beaut… - 2 years ago

@KLBuckie: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@johnfund: Michael Gerson, RIP - 2 years ago

@RossWallenstein: Very sorry to hear of the passing of @MJGerson, a gifted writer who I didn’t always agree with but who I could resp… - 2 years ago

@moocowsue: RT @yourauntemma: Michael Gerson, former G.W. Bush's speechwriter and WaPo columnist, passed away today. Politics aside, below is a beaut… - 2 years ago

@LouHuesmann: RT @phuesmann: “It has been said that when you choose your community, you choose your character." --Michael Gerson, who died today in the… - 2 years ago

@fkgator: Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - 2 years ago

@Humannaki: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@mbartelme1: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@SMFulton3: RT @GlennKesslerWP: Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - 2 years ago

@SMFulton3: RT @JeremyKonyndyk: This is heartbreaking. Gerson’s legacy as an architect of PEPFAR has saved countless lives, and his post-govt writing h… - 2 years ago

@SMFulton3: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@realjudyt: Sad news. Michael Gerson. - 2 years ago

@bjatwood: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@Candice46722993: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson, DEAD AT 58... - The Hill - 2 years ago

@Boocoos: RT @washingtonpost: Opinion by Michael Gerson: Why Anthony Fauci is the greatest public servant I have known - 2 years ago

@mrnnd: RT @GeoffRBennett: An extraordinary loss. My deepest condolences to Michael Gerson's family and friends - 2 years ago

@WonderWhereIAm1: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@adabagcompany: Who was Michael Gerson and what was his cause of death? - 2 years ago

@Rich_Cain: RT @EJDionne: Mike Gerson RIP Without grasping the full import of my words, I once told Mike how unusual he was as a Christian who behaved… - 2 years ago

@JimM21364489: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@BELLOJU07176958: @aysacni I will promote your book,product,brand to my over 60k pinterest viewers Cick here now!!👇🥰… - 2 years ago

@plexoworldddd: RT @laurenpeikoff: Michael Gerson, ⁦@washingtonpost⁩ columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@sngitau: RT @JohnJHarwood: RIP Mike Gerson, with thanks for the good you brought this world - 2 years ago

@micheal_olainn: RT @JaneMayerNYer: We didn’t agree on many issues but his moral clarity and courage to break with his own side when necessary will be sorel… - 2 years ago

@mrsunclebeat: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@twinshowell: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@MickeyTep: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@IrishBarrister: RT @CitizenCohn: This column, which @PostOpinions reposted, has always stuck with me. It's a heartwarming, heartbreaking reflection after d… - 2 years ago

@social_seer: RT @PostOpinions: We are heartbroken to say Michael Gerson, 58, died on Thursday after a long battle with cancer. For the past 15 years, M… - 2 years ago

@Jose_deCordoba: RT @CitizenCohn: Beautiful tribute to Michael Gerson, who died today, from his colleague @ktumulty - 2 years ago

@cjl1954: RT @cmclymer: This is a rather beautiful remembrance from @ktumulty about former Bush speechwriter and Washington Post columnist Michael Ge… - 2 years ago

@PBuckley: We have lost a good man and a clear voice. RIP ⁦@MJGerson⁩. Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on… - 2 years ago

@Margie16542859: RT @JaneMayerNYer: We didn’t agree on many issues but his moral clarity and courage to break with his own side when necessary will be sorel… - 2 years ago

@democrats: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@md68425: RT @peterbakernyt: RIP Michael Gerson, who believed in the compassionate part of compassionate conservatism as Bush's speechwriter and seni… - 2 years ago

@MVHarper: Sorry to read of the passing of columnist Michael Gerson at age 58. He began his years of public service as a speec… - 2 years ago

@V4Carver: This is touching for any parent, it is telling for the young as it provides a glimpse into the circle of life that… - 2 years ago

@razingarizona: RT @postpolitics: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@anypigslft2: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@Fronterakid: RT @jamiegangel: May his memory be a blessing— very sad news and too young. Michael Gerson, Post columnist who crafted 9/11 speeches for… - 2 years ago

@joshgraves: One of my favorite writers. This is one of the best things you'll ever read about the love a father has for one of… - 2 years ago

@BELLOJU07176958: @apoislove33 @milephakphum I will promote your book,product,brand to my over 60k pinterest viewers Cick here now!!👇… - 2 years ago

@TimWCarr845: RT @jamiegangel: May his memory be a blessing— very sad news and too young. Michael Gerson, Post columnist who crafted 9/11 speeches for… - 2 years ago

@SteveCapus: A principled man of faith and gifted writer. “Hope Wins” #RIPMichaelGerson Michael Gerson, Post columnist and B… - 2 years ago

@ChrisRukan: RT @PostOpinions: We are heartbroken to say Michael Gerson, 58, died on Thursday after a long battle with cancer. For the past 15 years, M… - 2 years ago

@LifeInOhio: RT @Liz_Cheney: This is heartbreaking news. Mike was brilliant. He was a rare talent, and a deeply honorable, good, and kind man. We are pr… - 2 years ago

@ssiciliano: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@JoanPennnative: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@BELLOJU07176958: @POTUS I will promote your book,product,brand to my over 60k pinterest viewers Cick here now!!👇🥰… - 2 years ago

@TheRReport: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@ccaryl: RT @MaxBoot: Devastating news. ⁦@MJGerson⁩ was a voice of principle and integrity on so many issues. And such a gifted writer. And such a… - 2 years ago

@Soriano310ms: RT @thehill: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@krishworlds: RT @thehill: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@WesHartline: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@BELLOJU07176958: @PeterObi @GovWike I will promote your book,product,brand to my over 60k pinterest viewers Cick here now!!👇🥰… - 2 years ago

@suzynuze: RT @EJDionne: Mike Gerson RIP Without grasping the full import of my words, I once told Mike how unusual he was as a Christian who behaved… - 2 years ago

@VladDavidiuk: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@some_delaney: RT @EJDionne: Mike Gerson RIP Without grasping the full import of my words, I once told Mike how unusual he was as a Christian who behaved… - 2 years ago

@RealBarabbas: RT @owillis: its weird watching journalist types mourn former bush official michael gerson, knowing he played a key role in crafting langua… - 2 years ago

@JonesChrisA: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@danielsilvabook: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@The_Law_Suit: RT @samstein: Re-reading this Michael Gerson rumination on being a father and dropping your child off at college is about as heartbreaking… - 2 years ago

@voxrob: RT @seungminkim: “I have no doubt that I will eventually repeat the cycle of depression,” he wrote in February 2019. “But now I have some s… - 2 years ago

@HopewellKat: 💔💔💔 My Washington Post subscription allows me to share access to great journalism. Check out this gift article, at… - 2 years ago

@revadamtaylor: My prayers are lifted for the family of Michael Gerson, who lost his battle with cancer today. Mike was a model of… - 2 years ago

@JoanneDinero: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@JoanneDinero: RT @jamiegangel: May his memory be a blessing— very sad news and too young. Michael Gerson, Post columnist who crafted 9/11 speeches for… - 2 years ago

@FrRHendrickson: Thank God for the life of Michael Gerson who died today — he knew that our faith should hold us to higher standards… - 2 years ago

@buffalobridges: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@EliStokols: RT @jaketapper: President George W Bush remembers Michael Gerson: - 2 years ago

@haroldpollack: Grieving Michael Gerson today--a person I never met, but deeply admired. taken far too soon. - 2 years ago

@Vi44: RT @samstein: Re-reading this Michael Gerson rumination on being a father and dropping your child off at college is about as heartbreaking… - 2 years ago

@corywleonard: RT @AdamKeiper: Gerson thought deeply and wisely about faith and American life. He was a man of wit and intellect, a man who could be sharp… - 2 years ago

@MacLikin: RT @Autumnsan1: In 2013 he reflected on taking his son to college: “Parenthood offers many lessons in patience and sacrifice. But ultimatel… - 2 years ago

@Ben_McRea: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@robprather: RT @AdamKeiper: Michael Gerson will be remembered as the writer who crafted President George W. Bush's most memorable speeches. He also pl… - 2 years ago

@PattyHa07264356: RT @peterbakernyt: RIP Michael Gerson, who believed in the compassionate part of compassionate conservatism as Bush's speechwriter and seni… - 2 years ago

@Cornelius_007: RT @drmoore: Grieving the death of my friend @MJGerson. When I hear the words “integrity”and “conscience” and “compassion,” I think of him.… - 2 years ago

@incrementalprof: Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - 2 years ago

@Walshmobile: RT @owillis: its weird watching journalist types mourn former bush official michael gerson, knowing he played a key role in crafting langua… - 2 years ago

@PegMargoAnn: RT @crampell: My colleague Michael Gerson passed away today. Please read this lovely piece he wrote in 2013. - 2 years ago

@dmengerman: RT @SykesCharlie: Michael was a mensch. We'll miss him greatly. Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58… - 2 years ago

@diazbriseno: RT @DanLamothe: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@JLownLaw: RT @jamiegangel: May his memory be a blessing— very sad news and too young. Michael Gerson, Post columnist who crafted 9/11 speeches for… - 2 years ago

@dmengerman: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@RaulTor32964183: RT @JoshKraushaar: Sad news: “Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58” - 2 years ago

@VladDavidiuk: Sad news. Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@studywriters_: Dolph #thursdaymorning #thursdayvibes #redcuprebellion #RedCupDay Michael Gerson #ThursdayThoughts Founders Day NOU… - 2 years ago

@CenterLeft2020: RT @John_Scotus: Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - 2 years ago

@DanLamothe: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@chairleg2: RT @owillis: its weird watching journalist types mourn former bush official michael gerson, knowing he played a key role in crafting langua… - 2 years ago

@tannngl: RT @thejimjams: Michael Gerson, Post columnist who crafted 9/11 speeches for Bush, dies at 58 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@MichaelReneau: RT @drmoore: Grieving the death of my friend @MJGerson. When I hear the words “integrity”and “conscience” and “compassion,” I think of him.… - 2 years ago

@tleogallagher: Michael Gerson, WaPo columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58. He was a must read for his thoughtful com… - 2 years ago

@DigiDaunted: RT @crampell: My colleague Michael Gerson passed away today. Please read this lovely piece he wrote in 2013. - 2 years ago

@cat532653: RT @JohnJHarwood: RIP Mike Gerson, with thanks for the good you brought this world - 2 years ago

@Moderateleft: Michael Gerson: Saying goodbye to my child, the youngster - 2 years ago

@julianbarnes: I sat next to @MJGerson at @usnews during the @JamesFallows years, before he became the great speechwriter of the p… - 2 years ago

@sdonnan: RT @ChrisCillizza: This Gerson column about fatherhood is just so moving - 2 years ago

@Autumnsan1: Mike’s civility did not preclude tough mindedness, @ktumulty writes of @MJGerson: - 2 years ago

@salvybatts: WaPo columnist and former Bush speechwriter, Michael Gerson has died. I had the pleasure of working with him at a b… - 2 years ago

@KatCapps: RT @PostOpinions: The MAGA faithful’s resentments, malevolence and violence are a form of moral ruin, @MJGerson writes. So why have so man… - 2 years ago

@CNKDSSRS4: - 2 years ago

@godgrrl: I knew Michael a bit when our paths crossed around the HIV/AIDS and PEPFAR in the 2000s and as he graciously agreed… - 2 years ago

@stephgracela: RT @AdamKeiper: Gerson thought deeply and wisely about faith and American life. He was a man of wit and intellect, a man who could be sharp… - 2 years ago

@EliyahuOren: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@CathiKingWarren: RT @ktumulty: Opinion | Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - - 2 years ago

@RichardMize: Opinion | Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@John_Scotus: Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - 2 years ago

@NicPiz: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@cagney1991: RT @MaxBoot: Devastating news. ⁦@MJGerson⁩ was a voice of principle and integrity on so many issues. And such a gifted writer. And such a… - 2 years ago

@MsMountebank: Michael Gerson: Saying goodbye to my child, the youngster - 2 years ago

@MarcGoldwein: RT @bdomenech: Michael Gerson, RIP. - 2 years ago

@pastordan: I guess for me, Michael Gerson was a decent human being who was wrong a lot of the time, and occasionally lacked th… - 2 years ago

@jackmjenkins: RT @washingtonpost: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@KatCapps: RT @cmclymer: This is a rather beautiful remembrance from @ktumulty about former Bush speechwriter and Washington Post columnist Michael Ge… - 2 years ago

@KatCapps: RT @washingtonpost: Opinion by Michael Gerson: Why Anthony Fauci is the greatest public servant I have known - 2 years ago

@MorrisPelzel: RT @ChrisCillizza: RIP, Michael Gerson. Gone way too soon. - 2 years ago

@jonward11: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@MsMountebank: RT @WestWingReport: Saddened to learn of the passing Thursday of columnist Michael Gerson. Thoughtful, honest, with a razor-sharp intellect… - 2 years ago

@MsMountebank: Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - 2 years ago

@gebemartinez: RT @JoshKraushaar: Sad news: “Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58” - 2 years ago

@GGail2011: RT @AdamKeiper: Michael Gerson will be remembered as the writer who crafted President George W. Bush's most memorable speeches. He also pl… - 2 years ago

@4rgrls: RT @AdamKeiper: Michael Gerson will be remembered as the writer who crafted President George W. Bush's most memorable speeches. He also pl… - 2 years ago

@CarlMacGowan: RT @washingtonpost: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@giacomonyt: So sorry to hear this. I’ll miss his columns for their compelling writing and insightful moral and ethical analysis… - 2 years ago

@DoubleChinner: RT @DemFromCT: I will remember Michael Gerson most for his support for PEPFAR when it was most needed - 2 years ago

@Loh: RT @AdamKeiper: Michael Gerson will be remembered as the writer who crafted President George W. Bush's most memorable speeches. He also pl… - 2 years ago

@sandie87714696: RT @JoshKraushaar: Sad news: “Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58” - 2 years ago

@EditorBobDavis: RT @ktumulty: Opinion | Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - - 2 years ago

@MichaelReneau: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@tullman: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@ChrisCillizza: RIP, Michael Gerson. Gone way too soon. - 2 years ago

@jonward11: RT @Eugene_Scott: Can’t really describe how good of a person Michael Gerson was and how encouraging he was to me personally. He will be dea… - 2 years ago

@John_Bailey: RT @MargaretHoover: A blow to the soul. Mike Gerson’s pen and principles are now for the ages. RIP. - 2 years ago

@TottenBill: RT @ratemyskyperoom: Room Rater In Memoriam. Michael Gerson has died. He was 58 years old. - 2 years ago

@simisolabawala: I will a successful #crowdfunding #campaign on #gofundme, #kickstater #fundly and #indiegogo You can contact me via… - 2 years ago

@joshdhenry: RT @JayCaruso: Awful news. Gerson was a thoughtful and engaging writer. RIP. Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/… - 2 years ago

@Backstorymom1: Michael Gerson, Post columnist who crafted 9/11 speeches for Bush, dies at 58 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@PrivacyLawChi1: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@autumnvandehei: RT @ktumulty: Opinion | Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - - 2 years ago

@KathleenStruck: Last time I saw him on PBS Newshour, I was distracted from the topic by how genuine and authentic he was. Couldn’t… - 2 years ago

@ChrisRukan: I didn't know Michael Gerson well, certainly not as well as many of my colleagues. But I loved reading his work, wh… - 2 years ago

@realcavewoman: RT @david_darmofal: Two vastly different models of Christian conservatism in the past day in Mike Pence & Michael Gerson. Michael Gerson wa… - 2 years ago

@MediumBuying: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@SusanInDelaware: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@naparker: An eloquent tribute by Karen Tumulty. I had no idea ... - 2 years ago

@ArnabDatta321: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@breed88: I found Gerson a complex and worth conservative to read - RIP Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter… - 2 years ago

@lrozen: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@Ms_Historian: RT @washingtonpost: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@MPunke: Saddened to hear about the death of Michael Gerson. I didn’t always agree with him, but I always admired his princ… - 2 years ago

@plexoworldddd: RT @laurenpeikoff: Michael Gerson, ⁦@washingtonpost⁩ columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@SusanInDelaware: #RIP Michael Gerson 🙏🏻 He shared his wisdom on ⁦@NewsHour⁩ and in his columns in the ⁦@washingtonpost⁩. I don’t kn… - 2 years ago

@JenDinnj: RT @JayCaruso: Awful news. Gerson was a thoughtful and engaging writer. RIP. Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/… - 2 years ago

@ssnarath: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@david_darmofal: Two vastly different models of Christian conservatism in the past day in Mike Pence & Michael Gerson. Michael Gerso… - 2 years ago

@JohnD27D: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@AugustEve2012: - 2 years ago

@kflan9: RT @BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to consid… - 2 years ago

@BaseballAslan: RT @JayCaruso: Awful news. Gerson was a thoughtful and engaging writer. RIP. Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/… - 2 years ago

@kdlawton: RT @JoshKraushaar: Sad news: “Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58” - 2 years ago

@noahtoly: RT @KendallHarmon6: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@BillKristol: Michael Gerson, 1964-2022. So saddened by the death of this fine man and public servant. But Mike would want us to… - 2 years ago

@slross: RIP Michael Gerson. Your voice will be missed and you gave me hope that politics will not have the last say in this… - 2 years ago

@MecCoffee: RT @AaronBlake: RIP Michael Gerson, who was taken from us too soon. - 2 years ago

@royalmusing: RT @washingtonpost: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@margreis9: Michael Gerson: Saying goodbye to my child, the youngster - 2 years ago

@DCBunkerJr: RT @ktumulty: Opinion | Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - - 2 years ago

@sfranklin1926: RT @Morning_Joe: Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@DCBunkerJr: RT @david_darmofal: We desperately need conservative columnists like Michael Gerson, whom we just lost. I honestly don't know who is going… - 2 years ago

@Sean_Speer: “Parenthood offers many lessons in patience and sacrifice. But ultimately, it is a lesson in humility. The very bes… - 2 years ago

@jsdeckard: RT @jameshohmann: Very sad news to report: Michael Gerson, Post columnist, has died at 58. We raise in prayer Dawn, Michael and Nicholas.… - 2 years ago

@Michael_Shank: Appreciating @ktumulty’s eulogy for Michael Gerson here: - 2 years ago

@DCAbloob: RT @JoshKraushaar: Sad news: “Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58” - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Michael Gerson - #MichaelGerson #Michael #Gerson #rip - 2 years ago

@lucykaplansky: This is achingly beautiful. RIP Michael Gerson. - 2 years ago

@bdomenech: Michael Gerson, RIP. - 2 years ago

@DarrenHumanity: RT @Eugene_Scott: Can’t really describe how good of a person Michael Gerson was and how encouraging he was to me personally. He will be dea… - 2 years ago

@YsanneBueno: RT @JoshKraushaar: Sad news: “Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58” - 2 years ago

@99Antman99: RT @JoshKraushaar: Sad news: “Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58” - 2 years ago

@Eugene_Scott: Can’t really describe how good of a person Michael Gerson was and how encouraging he was to me personally. He will… - 2 years ago

@HollySci101: RT @AaronBlake: RIP Michael Gerson, who was taken from us too soon. - 2 years ago

@MorrisonCSIS: Such an honorable man and noble heart. May he Rest In Peace. - 2 years ago

@WelbornBeege: RT @EdMorrissey: RIP. Mr. Gerson, and thank you. Praying for his family, friends, and colleagues. //Michael Gerson, Post columnist and Bush… - 2 years ago

@mtina0101: RT @laurenpeikoff: Michael Gerson, ⁦@washingtonpost⁩ columnist and Bush speechwriter on 9/11, dies at 58 - 2 years ago

@TheAlanNoble: RT @AaronBlake: RIP Michael Gerson, who was taken from us too soon. - 2 years ago

@AcereEleanor: RT @ktumulty: Opinion | Michael Gerson followed his faith — and America was better for it - - 2 years ago

@JoshuaLivestro: RT @AaronBlake: RIP Michael Gerson, who was taken from us too soon. - 2 years ago

@stevestampley: Michael Gerson refused to abandon his decency in service of politics. He also refused to abandon his humanity in th… - 2 years ago

@clover0310: RT @LeonardPittsJr1: Garson was a conservative writer in an era when “conservative” was not necessarily a synonym for hateful and idiotic.… - 2 years ago

@Edwonkmom: Mourning the loss of Michael Gerson today. Among many years of accomplishments, he gave voice to the commonly held… - 2 years ago

@WBloomfieldWill: RT @MaxBoot: Devastating news. ⁦@MJGerson⁩ was a voice of principle and integrity on so many issues. And such a gifted writer. And such a… - 2 years ago

@david_darmofal: RT @dandarling: Sad to learn that Michael Gerson passed away. His work City of Man was influential early in my life. His speechwriting was… - 2 years ago

@debr3322: RT @david_darmofal: Be a Michael Gerson, not a George Will or Peggy Noonan. - 2 years ago

@david_darmofal: We desperately need conservative columnists like Michael Gerson, whom we just lost. I honestly don't know who is go… - 2 years ago

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