Michael Freedland

British journalist and biographer.
Died on Wednesday October 3rd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Michael Freedland:

@Macke9Christina: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@jgunson1989: Obituary: Michael Freedland - 6 years ago

@sandyc1772: RT @mediaguardian: Michael Freedland obituary - 6 years ago

@GA_Johns: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago


@Noble70Andrew: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@douglas80_phil: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@johnharris1969: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@ProudGranny24: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@jackamayorcas: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@oliviaarmon: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@j_rykhus: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@MiriERubin: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@davemorrissey64: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@NRoffe: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@marklobel: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@SgcPablo: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@gsdlTimBeta: Michael Freedland obituary - 6 years ago

@r0g3rd4y: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@Planet_Pedro: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@simon_schama: RT @Freedland: “For a generation of British Jews, his was the voice of Sunday morning.” The obituary I’ve written for @JewishChron of my fa… - 6 years ago

@RichardBurdenMP: “He never stopped looking forward and upward, gazing at the stars.” Just caught up with this beautifully written tr… - 6 years ago

@TheChangeCo: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@BasuAshis: My father, the writer Michael Freedland, taught me tenacity and resilience. Now, after his death, I am grateful for… - 6 years ago

@raju: My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man | Jonathan @Freedland - 6 years ago

@ShernaKhambatta: My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man | Jonathan Freedland - 6 years ago

@mnshpjrase: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@jillethelmurray: RT @zoesqwilliams: Beautiful piece. ‘My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man’ | Jonathan Freedland - 6 years ago

@drjordansavage: RT @zoesqwilliams: Beautiful piece. ‘My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man’ | Jonathan Freedland - 6 years ago

@judecook_: RT @zoesqwilliams: Beautiful piece. ‘My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man’ | Jonathan Freedland - 6 years ago

@sjreaders: “I’ve been thinking of all my father taught me”: beautiful tribute to Michael Freedland by his son Jonathan… - 6 years ago

@sjreaders: RT @zoesqwilliams: Beautiful piece. ‘My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man’ | Jonathan Freedland - 6 years ago

@zoesqwilliams: Beautiful piece. ‘My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man’ | Jonathan Freedland - 6 years ago

@fleming77: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@glenchisholm: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@grayhamp: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@ameliagentleman: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@serengetisun: RT @jewssf: @squirrel_doom @bruculino I untagged Michael Rosen. I just tagged him to give him a good look at Wagner to whom MR seems to be… - 6 years ago

@panupong_satpan: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@aril_evolution: RT @IanDunt: This is very beautiful - 6 years ago

@TheFabledAesop: RT @jewssf: @squirrel_doom @bruculino I untagged Michael Rosen. I just tagged him to give him a good look at Wagner to whom MR seems to be… - 6 years ago

@jewssf: RT @jewssf: @squirrel_doom @bruculino I untagged Michael Rosen. I just tagged him to give him a good look at Wagner to whom MR seems to be… - 6 years ago

@jewssf: @squirrel_doom @bruculino I untagged Michael Rosen. I just tagged him to give him a good look at Wagner to whom MR… - 6 years ago

@EleanorMKnight: @Freedland your father was wrong about one thing: I just read last week's news today. Thank you for sharing such a… - 6 years ago

@navda18: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@sledgeamar1: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@Parsley18092812: My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man - 6 years ago

@RachmaBush: My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man | Jonathan Freedland - 6 years ago

@MPComplained: RT @nomiackerman: This brought tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful tribute. I never met him, but now feel like I did. - 6 years ago

@nomiackerman: This brought tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful tribute. I never met him, but now feel like I did. - 6 years ago

@martijn_grooten: I recently got myself a Guardian subscription, partly because I like the columns of Jonathan @Freedland. This is a… - 6 years ago

@JulietMosesNZ: RT @DCohenNZ: Tremendous piece by Jonathan @Freedland on the death of his father, Michael Freedland, who clearly was an outsize in nature's… - 6 years ago

@DCohenNZ: Tremendous piece by Jonathan @Freedland on the death of his father, Michael Freedland, who clearly was an outsize i… - 6 years ago

@JNada77: @AdamWagner1 @joemuggs @DamianPhipps Jonanthan ‘closer to the people who created the Holocaust than your family who… - 6 years ago

@janecat60: My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man | Jonathan Freedland - 6 years ago

@annagrowsew: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@HarvelaHarvey: Very special tribute to Michael Freedland from his son My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man | J… - 6 years ago

@kargor: RT @Freedland: My father, Michael Freedland, died this week. I’ve written about what he taught me - 6 years ago

@IUnsleber: My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man | Jonathan Freedland - 6 years ago

@JNada77: @AdamWagner1 whats missing is liberal Zionists are failing to call out anti-Semitism of their own so Michael Rosen… - 6 years ago

@wyropiquet: RT @MichaelRosenYes: No. Please, let's not go there. Much respect to Michael Freedland. In death, best wishes to the family. Long life. It'… - 6 years ago

@LenaDaughter: My dad showed me how to be a journalist, a Jew and a man | Jonathan Freedland - 6 years ago

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