Michael E. Haynes

American minister and politician
Died on Saturday September 14th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Michael E. Haynes:

@smoothsailing19: RT @Kim_Janey: Today we laid to rest our beloved Son of Roxbury. The Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes of the Historic Twelfth Baptist Church. Chi… - 5 years ago

@GEEMANN50: RT @GodNation2015: The Honorable Minister @LouisFarrakhan attending the Home Going services of and paying his respects to the Life of Rev.… - 5 years ago

@StuffedFantod: RT @revrenddoctor: Celebrating the life and living and work and impact of Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes today — my pastor, a mentor and exampl… - 5 years ago

@kingAle30068828: RT @GodNation2015: The Honorable Minister @LouisFarrakhan attending the Home Going services of and paying his respects to the Life of Rev.… - 5 years ago


@BlakUnited: RT @GodNation2015: The Honorable Minister @LouisFarrakhan attending the Home Going services of and paying his respects to the Life of Rev.… - 5 years ago

@miss_baller25: RT @Kim_Janey: Today we laid to rest our beloved Son of Roxbury. The Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes of the Historic Twelfth Baptist Church. Chi… - 5 years ago

@CalvinMuhammad1: RT @GodNation2015: The Honorable Minister @LouisFarrakhan attending the Home Going services of and paying his respects to the Life of Rev.… - 5 years ago

@Donelle_Sr: RT @Kim_Janey: Today we laid to rest our beloved Son of Roxbury. The Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes of the Historic Twelfth Baptist Church. Chi… - 5 years ago

@wutrain: RT @Kim_Janey: Today we laid to rest our beloved Son of Roxbury. The Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes of the Historic Twelfth Baptist Church. Chi… - 5 years ago

@ALLAHS2NDSELF: RT @GodNation2015: The Honorable Minister @LouisFarrakhan attending the Home Going services of and paying his respects to the Life of Rev.… - 5 years ago

@saara_hypnosis: RT @GodNation2015: The Honorable Minister @LouisFarrakhan attending the Home Going services of and paying his respects to the Life of Rev.… - 5 years ago

@MsMariannShaw: RT @revrenddoctor: Celebrating the life and living and work and impact of Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes today — my pastor, a mentor and exampl… - 5 years ago

@LG_6ick: RT @GodNation2015: The Honorable Minister @LouisFarrakhan attending the Home Going services of and paying his respects to the Life of Rev.… - 5 years ago

@cmjones99: RT @Kim_Janey: Today we laid to rest our beloved Son of Roxbury. The Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes of the Historic Twelfth Baptist Church. Chi… - 5 years ago

@Kim_Janey: Today we laid to rest our beloved Son of Roxbury. The Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes of the Historic Twelfth Baptist Ch… - 5 years ago

@revbutera: RT @MassChurches: Oh Church, today we celebrate the life of a great champion of justice and pastor of the people, Rev. Dr. Michael E. Hayn… - 5 years ago

@deloreshandy: RT @revrenddoctor: Celebrating the life and living and work and impact of Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes today — my pastor, a mentor and exampl… - 5 years ago

@tekinxyz: RT @revrenddoctor: Celebrating the life and living and work and impact of Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes today — my pastor, a mentor and exampl… - 5 years ago

@Dart_Adams: RT @revrenddoctor: Celebrating the life and living and work and impact of Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes today — my pastor, a mentor and exampl… - 5 years ago

@revrenddoctor: Now, he belongs to the ages. Goodnight, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. Say hello to my grandfather for me. - 5 years ago

@ShanayeMuhammad: RT @Donelle_Sr: #Minister #Farrakhan attended his close friend Michael E. Haynes Sr. Going home Celebration. #Roxbury #Boston #Brookline #M… - 5 years ago

@GodNation2015: RT @Donelle_Sr: #Minister #Farrakhan attended his close friend Michael E. Haynes Sr. Going home Celebration. #Roxbury #Boston #Brookline #M… - 5 years ago

@Donelle_Sr: RT @Donelle_Sr: @mon_singe Michael E. Haynes touched more people than some realize. - 5 years ago

@Donelle_Sr: @mon_singe Michael E. Haynes touched more people than some realize. - 5 years ago

@TerryLMuhammad1: RT @GodNation2015: The Honorable Minister @LouisFarrakhan attending the Home Going services of and paying his respects to the Life of Rev.… - 5 years ago

@Donelle_Sr: RT @Donelle_Sr: #Roxbury #Massachusetts Michael E. Haynes going home Celebration. #TBC - 5 years ago

@Donelle_Sr: RT @Donelle_Sr: #Senator #Ed #Markey attended Michael E Haynes going home Celebration. #Roxbury #Massachusetts #Brookline - 5 years ago

@Donelle_Sr: RT @Donelle_Sr: #Mayor #Flynn and #Mayor #MartyWalsh Attended Michael E Haynes going home Celebration. #Roxbury #Boston #Brookline #Massach… - 5 years ago

@Donelle_Sr: RT @Donelle_Sr: #Minister #Farrakhan attended his close friend Michael E. Haynes Sr. Going home Celebration. #Roxbury #Boston #Brookline #M… - 5 years ago

@Donelle_Sr: RT @Donelle_Sr: 👑#CongressWoman #Ayanna #Pressley Attended Going Home Celebration for Michael E. Haynes Sr. - 5 years ago

@Donelle_Sr: RT @Donelle_Sr: #Michael #Dukakis attended Michael E. Haynes Sr. Going home Celebration. #Brookline #Roxbury #Massachusetts - 5 years ago

@pastorbrucewall: I am listening to Rev Dr. Michael E. Haynes right now on Tunein Internet Radio from 7 am to 9 am. Wow - 5 years ago

@TeresaReagan3: @BillyGraham Rev. Graham died at the age of 99. Dr. Michael E. Haynes, who has worked with your association for de… - 5 years ago

@PR_techie: The Rev. Michael Haynes made a difference in people's lives... One of Boston's great writers on one of its true me… - 5 years ago

@AaronCK: RT @favepoem: The Rev. Michael E. Haynes died Thursday at the age of 92. Early friend and supporter of Martin Luther King Jr., parental fig… - 5 years ago

@GlobeOpinion: Letter about the late Rev. Michael E. Haynes: “Listening to him was like listening to the wisest griot.” - 5 years ago

@charles4boston: INFORMATION ABOUT THE WAKE AND SERVICE FOR THE REV. DR. MICHAEL E. HAYNES *****************************************… - 5 years ago

@vilnashul: Our thoughts and prayers go out to our friends and the community of the 12th Baptist Church for their loss of Rever… - 5 years ago

@HOHatVilnaShul: Our thoughts and prayers go out to our friends and the community of the 12th Baptist Church for their loss of Rever… - 5 years ago

@pastorbrucewall: Rev Michael E Haynes at Tremont Temple Baptist Church - 5 years ago

@pastorbrucewall: Rev Michael E Haynes on Boston Praise Radio & TV - 5 years ago

@craig_mcmullen: The Rev. Michael Haynes was the spiritual leader of Roxbury - 5 years ago

@soareaglemcg: The Rev. Michael Haynes was the spiritual leader of Roxbury - 5 years ago

@wgbhnews: RT @ForumNetwork: Reverend Michael E. Haynes, pastor of Twelfth Baptist Church for over 40 years, passed away last week at 92. In his honor… - 5 years ago

@jcspencer320: RT @ForumNetwork: Reverend Michael E. Haynes, pastor of Twelfth Baptist Church for over 40 years, passed away last week at 92. In his honor… - 5 years ago

@ForumNetwork: Reverend Michael E. Haynes, pastor of Twelfth Baptist Church for over 40 years, passed away last week at 92. In his… - 5 years ago

@favepoem: The Rev. Michael E. Haynes died Thursday at the age of 92. Early friend and supporter of Martin Luther King Jr., pa… - 5 years ago

@newdemocracyco1: Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes Was A National Treasure, A Civil Rights Balm For Boston - - 5 years ago

@newdemocracyco1: Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes Was A National Treasure, A Civil Rights Balm For Boston - - 5 years ago

@newdemocracyco1: Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes Was A National Treasure, A Civil Rights Balm For Boston - - 5 years ago

@newdemocracyco1: Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes Was A National Treasure, A Civil Rights Balm For Boston - - 5 years ago

@newdemocracyco1: - 5 years ago

@pastorbrucewall: Tune in to Boston Praise Radio on TV on this Tuesday at 7 PM as a group of men and women, who served under the Rev.… - 5 years ago

@MISTA_617: In Memoriam: Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes - 5 years ago

@kimot2ltd: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@tmiller1582: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@differentone: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@bannet_steele: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Michael E. Haynes (92) - 5 years ago

@NotJGrossie: RT @revrenddoctor: Goodnight, Rev. Michael E. Haynes, and flights of angels take thee to thy eternal rest. - 5 years ago

@RLBillionaire: RT @revrenddoctor: Goodnight, Rev. Michael E. Haynes, and flights of angels take thee to thy eternal rest. - 5 years ago

@kendra_ford: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@pastorbrucewall: UMass honors civil rights leader Rev. Michael E. Haynes - 5 years ago

@susantran: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@danobrien155: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@MizbevyWilliams: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@EdforBoston: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Michael E. Haynes - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Michael E. Haynes - #MichaelEHaynes #Michael #E.Haynes #rip - 5 years ago

@wheresmyporsche: RT @mlevenson: The Rev. Michael E. Haynes, who rose from Depression-era Roxbury to become a towering figure in Boston’s black community and… - 5 years ago

@mlevenson: The Rev. Michael E. Haynes, who rose from Depression-era Roxbury to become a towering figure in Boston’s black comm… - 5 years ago

@TomMullen8: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@HitTheTheraflu: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@GarciaTonite: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@2much_klass: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@pastorbrucewall: INFORMATION ABOUT THE WAKE AND SERVICE FOR THE REV. DR. MICHAEL E. HAYNES *****************************************… - 5 years ago

@RepLizMiranda: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@huntley37: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@revrenddoctor: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@revrenddoctor: RT @NU_Archives: In Ruth Batson's "The Black Educational Movement in Boston" she cites Reverend Michael E. Haynes's role as representative… - 5 years ago

@PrincipalGrassa: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@cgafutbol: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@Kim_Janey: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@fredthys: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@deloreshandy: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@nickcollinsma: RT @Kim_Janey: We lost a giant today. Rest in power, Rev. Michael E. Haynes. So grateful for your service to #Roxbury, our City, and Common… - 5 years ago

@RobConsalvo: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@mtloconto: RT @BostonSchools: We’re sad to learn of the passing of Rev. Michael E. Haynes. A @bostonschools alum, former teacher, State Representativ… - 5 years ago

@arrust: RT @NU_Archives: Today we honor Reverend Michael E. Haynes, who passed away yesterday, & the immense impact he made in Boston & Roxbury. We… - 5 years ago

@MassHumanities: RT @NU_Archives: Today we honor Reverend Michael E. Haynes, who passed away yesterday, & the immense impact he made in Boston & Roxbury. We… - 5 years ago

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