Michael D. Coe

American archaeologist and anthropologist.
Died on Saturday September 28th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, shot, Linda Burnes Bolton

Tweets related to Michael D. Coe:

@waternelom: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@bhASAntika: RT @incunabula: You'd think they'd at least get the name of the book right... "Mike’s book The Maya Scribe and His Word (1973) was possibl… - 5 years ago

@MonikaZessnik: RT @Was_Ihr_Wollt: After Michael D Coe, we have lost another major authority in Mesoaamerican studies: Miguel León Portilla has died on oct… - 5 years ago

@Michael_D_Coe: Did You Know That ... #didyouknow #leadgen #leadgeneration - 5 years ago


@bellewitch66: RT @Infrogmation: Mayanist Michael D. Coe obituary. - 5 years ago

@WhatMollySaid: RT @Infrogmation: Mayanist Michael D. Coe obituary. - 5 years ago

@Was_Ihr_Wollt: After Michael D Coe, we have lost another major authority in Mesoaamerican studies: Miguel León Portilla has died o… - 5 years ago

@Infrogmation: Mayanist Michael D. Coe obituary. - 5 years ago

@waymarksblog: Michael D. Coe, Archaeologist & Mayan Scholar, 1929-2019 : obituary - 5 years ago

@Catzee11: RT @incunabula: You'd think they'd at least get the name of the book right... "Mike’s book The Maya Scribe and His Word (1973) was possibl… - 5 years ago

@hou2zi0: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@scheerenberger: RT @incunabula: You'd think they'd at least get the name of the book right... "Mike’s book The Maya Scribe and His Word (1973) was possibl… - 5 years ago

@incunabula: You'd think they'd at least get the name of the book right... "Mike’s book The Maya Scribe and His Word (1973) was… - 5 years ago

@d_alburez: RT @ajtzib: Michael Coe, influential archaeologist and Maya scholar, dies at 90 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@bluecitizens: @RobHarris Not having a go at Michael Johnson who was equally critical,not surprised,he'd rip Coe a new one..............preferred Ovett. - 5 years ago

@milesteg_11: RT @ahcacao: 😥 Adiós a Michael D. Coe gracias a él conocemos sobre los orígenes del cacao y su importancia para las culturas prehispánicas.… - 5 years ago

@Michael_D_Coe: I'm excited to use Schema from @MyThemeShopTeam on my #WordPress site - Check here - 5 years ago

@iuhkayotl: RT @GhostVirusX: En la misma semana, han muerto dos eruditos muy influyentes de Mexico Indigena (el otro es Michael D. Coe). Ambos eran de… - 5 years ago

@tziminae: Immanuel Wallerstein, Michael D. Coe, Miguel León-Portilla... - 5 years ago

@ArdillaRules: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@VHansenYear1000: A much more detailed obituary for Michael D. Coe appeared in the Washington Post: - 5 years ago

@GhostVirusX: En la misma semana, han muerto dos eruditos muy influyentes de Mexico Indigena (el otro es Michael D. Coe). Ambos e… - 5 years ago

@feinsod: Not only Miguel León-Portilla (age 93) but also Michael D Coe (age 90). RIP to both of these extraordinary students… - 5 years ago

@milesteg_11: RT @trowelist: Obit: Michael D. Coe, emeritus professor of anthropology at Yale, archaeologist and Maya scholar who helped decode Maya writ… - 5 years ago

@etnoboris: RT @tziminae: Immanuel Wallerstein, Michael D. Coe, Miguel León-Portilla... - 5 years ago

@MesoamericaNtv: RT @GhostVirusX: En la misma semana, han muerto dos eruditos muy influyentes de Mexico Indigena (el otro es Michael D. Coe). Ambos eran de… - 5 years ago

@WH_Dispatches: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@vivian_e: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@trowelist: Obit: Michael D. Coe, emeritus professor of anthropology at Yale, archaeologist and Maya scholar who helped decode… - 5 years ago

@ruthincondechi: A great loss.. - 5 years ago

@RIMooreHistory: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@MargyMayell: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@alain77510773: RT @LloydLlewJ: In Memoriam: Michael D Coe, renowned American archaeologist, anthropologist & epigrapher, died last week. Mike did trailbla… - 5 years ago

@SciMeetsFaith: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@siwaratrikalpa: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@milosflaca: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@peterfrankopan: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@SeadogDriftwood: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@kingston_v: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@ArmandDAngour: RT @carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of th… - 5 years ago

@carolinepennock: Saddened to hear of the death of Michael Coe, the great Maya archaeologist, who - with his wife Sophie - was one of… - 5 years ago

@Genevie40093345: RT @LloydLlewJ: In Memoriam: Michael D Coe, renowned American archaeologist, anthropologist & epigrapher, died last week. Mike did trailbla… - 5 years ago

@a_s_rich: RT @LloydLlewJ: In Memoriam: Michael D Coe, renowned American archaeologist, anthropologist & epigrapher, died last week. Mike did trailbla… - 5 years ago

@CUHistArchRel: RT @LloydLlewJ: In Memoriam: Michael D Coe, renowned American archaeologist, anthropologist & epigrapher, died last week. Mike did trailbla… - 5 years ago

@ShunraCat: RT @LloydLlewJ: In Memoriam: Michael D Coe, renowned American archaeologist, anthropologist & epigrapher, died last week. Mike did trailbla… - 5 years ago

@LloydLlewJ: In Memoriam: Michael D Coe, renowned American archaeologist, anthropologist & epigrapher, died last week. Mike did… - 5 years ago

@tetozlopez: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@naomiduguid: RT @GastroHistory: I was fortunate to have attended a lecture by Micheal Coe on the history of chocolate he wrote with his late wife. #Food… - 5 years ago

@GastroHistory: I was fortunate to have attended a lecture by Micheal Coe on the history of chocolate he wrote with his late wife.… - 5 years ago

@jacki_mai: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@LUFCPATRIOT69: @nattydread777 All very knowledgeable people. Especially Michael Johnson, who often tells me stuff I hadn’t thought… - 5 years ago

@mariatteMx: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@DiidxaStinu: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@mexiqueancien: Voici notre billet en hommage à Isabel Campos et Michael Coe, deux figures qui nous ont quitté la semaine dernière… - 5 years ago

@raycharly44: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@SergioGuerrer: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@chinchebrava: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@ruyborja: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@Sheeraz037: I saw this on the Sun app and thought you'd be interested Olympic legend Michael Johnson described athletics chief… - 5 years ago

@EMPMx: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@EspanaMerce: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@gokcarlos1: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@frattigiovanni: Adiós a Michael D. Coe | Luis Figueroa CARPE DIEM - 5 years ago

@frattigiovanni: RT @luisficarpediem: Michael D. Coe fue un arqueólogo, epigrafista y escritor especializado en la civilización maya, y su fallecimiento es… - 5 years ago

@mariroma: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@nautiloidehj: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@RaulTlatempa: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@normitapc: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@karlomoreno: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@NathanielMSmith: Michael Coe passed away last week. #anthrotwitter - 5 years ago

@tere_cabrera: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@Pedro_Ramos07: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@lopezlotina: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@PqLu7: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

@edularity: RT @inahcampeche: Ayer falleció el reconocido arqueólogo Michael D. Coe, especialista en las culturas maya y olmeca. Sus trabajos fueron fu… - 5 years ago

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