Michael Chamberlain

New Zealand-born Australian pastor
Died on Monday January 9th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Michael Chamberlain:

@EUDDivision: RT @adventistnews: Adventists throughout Australia are mourning the loss of Michael Chamberlain. Read more here: - 8 years ago

@andersons_sols: RT @bsadams25: NT Government considering Chamberlain's last wish for formal apology - 8 years ago

@Lady_Jane95: RT @RECORDadventist: Michael Chamberlain's memorial was a reminder of how he looked for good in an imperfect world. - 8 years ago

@Mix1049_Darwin: As heard on MIX 104.9 news with Andrew Page: The Northern Territory government will consider granting Michael... - 8 years ago


@whataboutmeryl: RT @Moloug1Jennifer: @ActorMStreep following Michael Chamberlain's death, I watched "A Cry in the Dark" again. What an incredible, moving p… - 8 years ago

@prodenhuis: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@PCKJ3627: RT @9NewsAUS: NT government has flagged granting an apology to Michael Chamberlainafter his last wishes were revealed. - 8 years ago

@IZDASBUNNY: RT @9NewsAUS: NT government has flagged granting an apology to Michael Chamberlainafter his last wishes were revealed. - 8 years ago

@DrAJR2: RT @spectrummag: Michael Chamberlain memorial: time to say sorry to a decent man. - 8 years ago

@R3x68: RT @9NewsAUS: NT government has flagged granting an apology to Michael Chamberlainafter his last wishes were revealed. - 8 years ago

@9NewsAUS: NT government has flagged granting an apology to Michael Chamberlainafter his last wishes were revealed. - 8 years ago

@JimmyTraffic: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@MichaelByrnes: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@SarahEHoll: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@RECORDadventist: Michael Chamberlain's memorial was a reminder of how he looked for good in an imperfect world.… - 8 years ago

@samuisam: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@Rhys_Needham: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@EternityNews: Veteran journalist Malcolm Brown spoke at the Memorial Service held for Michael Chamberlin. - 8 years ago

@BasketMsgs: Wilt Chamberlain averaged the same PPG (30.1) as MIchael Jordan, while pulling down 22.9 Rebounds per game (compared to Jordan's 6.2) - 8 years ago

@MichaelJordan1v: #NBA #Basketball 1993-94 Upper Deck #SP3 Michael Jordan / Wilt Chamberlain BGS 9 - 8 years ago

@chrisbrereton: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@zackster: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@justinbarbour: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@allmhurach11: RT @PatricksPeople: Michael Gove's creepy glee at being favoured by Trump reminded me of Neville Chamberlain's delighted waving of his wee… - 8 years ago

@MondeArtist: Rest well Michael Chamberlain, you fought hard for justice - 8 years ago

@howelly81: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@Antfan: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@s_palm: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@SaltireBlack: RT @PatricksPeople: Michael Gove's creepy glee at being favoured by Trump reminded me of Neville Chamberlain's delighted waving of his wee… - 8 years ago

@FakePyne: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@GordonDunsmuir: RT @PatricksPeople: Michael Gove's creepy glee at being favoured by Trump reminded me of Neville Chamberlain's delighted waving of his wee… - 8 years ago

@LiamGeslaf: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@snurb_dot_info: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@PatrickCondren: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@maztrev18: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@StewyHinrichs: Best player at each position Pg: Oscar Robertson Sg: Michael Jordan Sf: LeBron James Pf: Kevin Garnett C: Wilt Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@turnip_patch: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@s_deery: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@rachelannmorris: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@rharris334: RT @James_Jeffrey: Um, that'd be Sam Neill playing Michael Chamberlain - 8 years ago

@eldieberto: RT @MaitlandMercury: RIP Michael Chamberlain.... - 8 years ago

@MaitlandMercury: RIP Michael Chamberlain.... - 8 years ago

@skinnergj: Michael Chamberlain lauded as steadfast man who never gave up his integrity - 8 years ago

@stamja: Michael Chamberlain remembered as a passionate man - 8 years ago

@skinnergj: Michael Chamberlain remembered as a passionate man - 8 years ago

@AlanJMitchell_: RT @GregPiperMP: Vale Michael Chamberlain; thanks for your efforts for your community & for not allowing gross injustice to break you. #Cha… - 8 years ago

@AlanJMitchell_: RT @GiselleWak: What a tribute to Michael Chamberlain. Well done @CoxDan - 8 years ago

@GiselleWak: What a tribute to Michael Chamberlain. Well done @CoxDan - 8 years ago

@michaeljacks_ag: Michael Chamberlain spent 36 years an ordinary man, then 36 in shadow of Uluru #he - 8 years ago

@kerrinjthomas: RT @CoxDan: Michael Chamberlain remembered as a passionate and steadfast man, who was committed to clearing his family name. - 8 years ago

@australiaanglr: Michael #Chamberlain spent 36 years an #ordinary man, then 36 in shadow of #Uluru - 8 years ago

@ScotMacDonald1: RT @CoxDan: Chamberlain family lawyer Stuart Tipple speaks to media before Michael Chamberlain's memorial service. He is giving today's "li… - 8 years ago

@HerbArt8: RT @7NewsMelbourne: Michael Chamberlain, the father of baby Azaria who was killed by a dingo at Uluru, has been farewelled at a memorial se… - 8 years ago

@7NewsQueensland: Michael Chamberlain has been farewelled at a moving memorial service on the NSW Central Coast. @alexhart7 #7News - 8 years ago

@7NewsMelbourne: Michael Chamberlain, the father of baby Azaria who was killed by a dingo at Uluru, has been farewelled at a memoria… - 8 years ago

@Kaykayz8328: RT @1NewsNZ: Michael Chamberlain, NZ-born father of baby Azaria, may get a formal apology posthumously - 8 years ago

@australia_tips: Michael Chamberlain spent 36 years an ordinary man, then 36 in shadow of Uluru - 8 years ago

@Australia_forum: Michael Chamberlain spent 36 years an ordinary man, then 36 in shadow of Uluru - 8 years ago

@1NewsNZ: Michael Chamberlain, NZ-born father of baby Azaria, may get a formal apology posthumously - 8 years ago

@WON_National: Michael Chamberlain, father of baby Azaria who was killed by a dingo at Uluru, has been farewelled at a memoria… - 8 years ago

@7NewsAdelaide: Michael Chamberlain, the father of baby Azaria who was killed by a dingo at Uluru, has been farewelled at a memoria… - 8 years ago

@lydiadaye: @ShoutingAt @rhysam Wasn't Michael Chamberlain denied entry to the US despite being an academic, innocent, wrongfully jailed and acquitted? - 8 years ago

@breakingnewsnig: Lindy Chamberlain pays her respects to ex-husband Michael at memorial service - 8 years ago

@IamredBOT: Lindy Chamberlain pays her respects to ex-husband Michael at memorial service - 8 years ago

@marketspostcom: Lindy Chamberlain pays her respects to ex-husband Michael at memorial service - 8 years ago

@aap_multimedia: Pix: Michael Chamberlain Funeral - 8 years ago

@RobbieVelders: Michael Chamberlain, father of baby killed by dingo, dies - 8 years ago

@WMUR9: ICYMI: Michael Chamberlain, father of baby killed by dingo, dies - 8 years ago

@dryccapaixao: RT @paulojosepromo: "Michael Chamberlain, Father of Baby Killed by a Dingo in Australia, Dies at 72" by NIRAJ CHOKSHI via NYT The New … htt… - 8 years ago

@arleneholly: RT @shawnbrace: Michael Chamberlain, Adventist who claimed dingo killed his baby in Australia, dies at 72 - The Washington Post - 8 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: RT @QuentinDempster: Why Australia owes Michael Chamberlain an apology | The New Daily - 8 years ago

@arcybog: R.I.P MICHAEL CHAMBERLAIN💐 - 8 years ago

@cammyservantofc: RT @lozzacash: Poor bloke. A dingo took his baby, the law destroyed his marriage. - 8 years ago

@Reli_free: RT @paulohalloranIR: RIP Michael Chamberlain: "I don't think a lot of people realise how important innocence is to innocent people" #EvilAn… - 8 years ago

@Reli_free: RT @nytimes: In 1980, his baby was killed by a dingo — a mystery that captivated Australia. Michael Chamberlain died on Monday. - 8 years ago

@hiroposo787: - 8 years ago

@smurray38: A measure of Michael Chamberlain, and the demands of trust and journalism, in a compelling piece by Malcolm Brown - 8 years ago

@DouginCanberra: RT @ethoscentre: Michael Chamberlain's ex-wife, Lindy, has spoken out after the 72-year-old's sudden death on Monday night. - 8 years ago

@background_101: RT @DanBox10: A wonderful account of his relationship with Michael Chamberlain, by the wonderful Malcolm Brown - 8 years ago

@atrueblueaussie: RT @Sandra_Sully: Why Australia owes Michael Chamberlain an apology - 8 years ago

@Sandra_Sully: Why Australia owes Michael Chamberlain an apology - 8 years ago

@ethoscentre: Michael Chamberlain's ex-wife, Lindy, has spoken out after the 72-year-old's sudden death on Monday night. - 8 years ago

@Aussie1788: RT @DanBox10: A wonderful account of his relationship with Michael Chamberlain, by the wonderful Malcolm Brown - 8 years ago

@bnwalmsley: RT @ethoscentre: Michael Chamberlain was sorely treated by government & public alike, and deserves our apology', writes John Bryson. https:… - 8 years ago

@MidMulPenn: RT @DanBox10: A wonderful account of his relationship with Michael Chamberlain, by the wonderful Malcolm Brown - 8 years ago

@jennytriglone: Michael Chamberlain and me - 8 years ago

@DanBox10: A wonderful account of his relationship with Michael Chamberlain, by the wonderful Malcolm Brown - 8 years ago

@khymlam: RT @QuentinDempster: Why Australia owes Michael Chamberlain an apology | The New Daily - 8 years ago

@BrissieLiveNews: Michael Chamberlain and me - 8 years ago

@Akash_SFDC: RT @pruthviraj78: @techforce_au Thanks to Michael Rucker( - 8 years ago

@Charles_1944: Michael Chamberlain, father of baby killed by dingo, dies - The Boston Globe - 8 years ago

@pruthviraj78: @techforce_au Thanks to Michael Rucker( - 8 years ago

@NorthTerritoRRy: Michael Chamberlain’s life to be honoured - 8 years ago

@Gemmiepiekay: RT @lozzacash: Poor bloke. A dingo took his baby, the law destroyed his marriage. - 8 years ago

@OneNewsPage_AUS: Michael Chamberlain and me: Michael Chamberlain, who became a Seventh-day Adventist as a Christchurch university.. - 8 years ago

@1001ptsAU: Michael Chamberlain and me ( - 8 years ago

@SydneyBrk: Michael Chamberlain and me - 8 years ago

@DarNT: Michael Chamberlain’s life to be honoured - 8 years ago

@KhalisAfkari: Michael Chamberlain’s life to be honoured - 8 years ago

@NTAdvocate: Michael Chamberlain’s life to be honoured - 8 years ago

@marvellous997: Michael Chamberlain’s life to be honoured: THE family of Michael Chamberlain will farewell… - 8 years ago

@alampii: Michael Chamberlain’s life to be honoured - 8 years ago

@townsvillebuzz: Michael Chamberlain’s life to be honoured: THE family of Michael Chamberlain will farewell him on Monday at a…… - 8 years ago

@geelongjournal: Michael Chamberlain’s life to be honoured: THE family of Michael Chamberlain will farewell him on Monday at a… - 8 years ago

@_puckitt: RT @SteMotson: Michael Chamberlain, Father of Baby Killed by Dingo, Dies - 8 years ago

@krish_vamsi: RT @techforce_au: Thanks to Michael Rucker( - 8 years ago

@apd_ch: #Australien: Michael #Chamberlain (72), Opfer eines spektakulären Justizirrtums, gestorben -… - 8 years ago

@Toxic_Web: Michael Chamberlain, the husband of "a dingo ate my baby" has died, which lead to one the very best Far Side cartoo… - 8 years ago

@st_r_zelimir: RIP Michael while waiting for perfect Judge. - 8 years ago

@vickidturner1: RT @katrinablowers: We look back on the extraordinary life of Michael Chamberlain and his fight for justice. @7NewsQueensland 6pm - 8 years ago

@AsCorrespondent: A life interrupted: Michael Chamberlain dies after decades fighting #injustice - 8 years ago

@ms_shudi: RT @nytimes: In 1980, his baby was killed by a dingo — a mystery that captivated Australia. Michael Chamberlain died on Monday. - 8 years ago

@Adventisten_FiD: Michael Chamberlain, unschuldig Angeklagter in einem der spektakulärsten Kriminalfälle Australiens, stirbt mit 72:… - 8 years ago

@BrownSquirrel: RT @AustChannel: Michael Chamberlain's funeral on Monday - 8 years ago

@ptext: PM: Michael Chamberlain, unschuldig Angeklagter in einem der spektakul ... - 8 years ago

@AustChannel: Michael Chamberlain's funeral on Monday - 8 years ago

@apd_info: Michael Chamberlain, unschuldig Angeklagter in einem der spektakulärsten Kriminalfälle Australiens, stirbt mit 72 - 8 years ago

@DingoSimon: Who knows the heart ache of losing a child? In memory of Michael Chamberlain, here is Michael as you have not... - 8 years ago

@julioribeiro7: "Morreu na última segunda-feira, aos 72 anos, Michael Chamberlain, um dos personagens de uma terrível história... - 8 years ago

@Trans_European: Those of us old enough will not forget this injustice. A very decent write-up in the Australian press. - 8 years ago

@Asean_Economist: RT @AsCorrespondent: A life interrupted: Michael Chamberlain dies after decades fighting #injustice - 8 years ago

@telegraphprem: Michael Chamberlain, father in the Dingo Baby case – obituary - 8 years ago

@AsCorrespondent: A life interrupted: Michael Chamberlain dies after decades fighting #injustice - 8 years ago

@Vanessa22Ashley: RT @JustinoBrooks: Michael Chamberlain, a victim of one of the most notorious wrongful convictions of all time died today. RIP #XONR8 https… - 8 years ago

@ARMcChesney: RT @djbtrim: Chamberlains were treated shamefully, as this powerful @smh editorial acknowledges; & it could happen again - 8 years ago

@Kmullsy: A thoughtful retrospective on #MichaelChamberlain from Malcolm Brown - 8 years ago

@quimilb: RT @australian: Chamberlain funeral next week - 8 years ago

@JJohnson2u: RT @JustinoBrooks: Michael Chamberlain, a victim of one of the most notorious wrongful convictions of all time died today. RIP #XONR8 https… - 8 years ago

@australian: Chamberlain funeral next week - 8 years ago

@DingoSimon: Zahra Chamberlain's father Michael's funeral will be held next Monday at the Avondale College Church in... - 8 years ago

@obituarywriters: Michael Chamberlain, whose daughter’s death in 1980 inspired the movie “A Cry in the Dark,” died at 72 - 8 years ago

@blogofdeath: Michael Chamberlain, whose daughter’s death in 1980 inspired the movie “A Cry in the Dark,” died at 72 - 8 years ago

@aehorton: Michael Barkann is on the post game show comparing Embiid to Wilt Chamberlain 😂😂😂 - 8 years ago

@WJCork: RT @djbtrim: Chamberlains were treated shamefully, as this powerful @smh editorial acknowledges; & it could happen again - 8 years ago

@OneNewsPage_AUS: Michael Chamberlain's funeral next week: A funeral for Michael Chamberlain, who rose to unwanted fame in 1980.. - 8 years ago

@iSydneyNews: Chamberlain funeral next week - 8 years ago

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