Michael Bore

English cricketer (Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire).
Died on Wednesday May 3rd 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Michael Bore:

@Pressdeej: I didn't think it could be possible for anyone to bore me more than Michael Owen on tv but fuck me Chris Sutton is agonising. - 8 years ago

@rj_bore: @andrewcbarton @BBCr4today I liked Michael Foot, he was an intelligent man. A collossus compared to Corbyn. - 8 years ago

@NMaschio: @MMFlint Michael bore stop consuming all the resources of earth. You are contributing to global warming and global dummies. Loser. - 8 years ago

@imherefor: Well i guess I do bore a resemblance to Michael Jackson. May he Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago


@Atilla_Bore: @RT_Erdogan Michael Rubin : Erdogan bu defaki ABD ziyaretinden riza zarab gibi geri donemeyebilir.(ABD den hersey beklenir)olacagina bak sen - 8 years ago

@ChrisPe70723439: Michael is a idiotic moron bore - 8 years ago

@bizzyboneee: In official stills from the upcoming Lifetime show, the Trinidad native bore a striking… - 8 years ago

@thus_spake: In official stills from the upcoming Lifetime show, the Trinidad native bore a striking resemblance to Michael -... - 8 years ago

@sitonik_mogor: @Kass_FM @boremista chamgei bore ikotwon michael,kimolel,jony,chebolet fundi,ak murenik ap mogor center ak kapkolwo… - 8 years ago

@driveldotcom: Michael Parkinson: You are a bore, and overatted - 8 years ago

@Michael_Vasanth: Kodaikanal reeling under acute water crisis Rapid depletion of storage in reservoirs, low yield in bore wells ci… - 8 years ago

@LaceyDermot: @shane_malley @micknugent @atheistie No Michael does bore me. He has for years - 8 years ago

@LaceyDermot: @micknugent @atheistie Quite frankly you bore me Michael. - 8 years ago

@PowerWayne: I don't care who plays James Bond. Sharon from Eastenders can play him for all I care. And Michael Barrymore can play Doctor Who. Bore off - 8 years ago

@thinkinone: @#Potus Michael Flynn is your & Putin's child both of you bore him & held him up now you both R going down with him! - 8 years ago

@class_bore: Angela Rayner very effective when debating with the obnoxious Michael Gove on #C4News earlier. #ge2017 #ToriesOut - 8 years ago

@bathguy: @DerekPutinov @backer_jason @Michael_Heaver Your anonymous troll ignorance knows no bounds - you can't do basic arithmetic. Bore off Adolf. - 8 years ago

@BoreAron: @kbcenglish Play for me missing you now by Michael Bolton,,I Aron Kibet Bore Bomet county - 8 years ago

@HRS0912: RT @01MBthebest: Im sick of michael with his upbringing he is really a bore #gh - 8 years ago

@01MBthebest: Im sick of michael with his upbringing he is really a bore #gh - 8 years ago

@class_bore: Warmongering Michael Fallon says there doesn't need to be parliamentary vote for Trump-led attack on Syria. Who are 'Dash' anyway? #r4today - 8 years ago

@class_bore: Tory hard Brexiteer Michael Portaloo particularly obnoxious tonight with childish 'Daily Remainer' jibe at Lionel Barber's @FT. #bbctw - 8 years ago

@michael_fifield: @Conservatives Biggest single threat to taxation, debt and economy is hard Brexit - but you lunatics are going full… - 8 years ago

@michael_ibieza: This class is a total bore! - 8 years ago

@SRozens: @mikandynothem @TheJudg35219859 @MMFlint @POTUS @bfraser747 @drscott_atlanta @VoteTrumpPics @surfermom77… - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Michael Bore, English cricketer, Died at 69 - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Michael Bore - #MichaelBore #Michael #Bore #rip - 8 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Michael Bore, 69, English cricketer (Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire). - 8 years ago

@Michael_Duffey_: No No No Teams will just defend for the 10 mins and be a bore to watch... - 8 years ago

@Rpinkley: @ericbolling are you star struck? Who next Michael Moore or Al the Bore Gore? Same as Cuban maybe you should leave… - 8 years ago

@PJLytle1: @VickyDantas @ABC @LiveKelly @KellyRipa @RyanSeacrest Loved Michael, still do. Ryan is a bore! - 8 years ago

@MarcsandSparks: RT @RealDavidCarter: @ChaabanRabih @MarcsandSparks as an aside, Foster's crawled out from under a rock again - 8 years ago

@RealDavidCarter: @ChaabanRabih @MarcsandSparks as an aside, Foster's crawled out from under a rock again - 8 years ago

@bradleyts5: @themichaelowen Bore off michael - 8 years ago

@akonoba99: @Michael_Guizzy Dem figga Europa bi koko eeeh I bore foking - 8 years ago

@Michael_Campion: Dreadful from United. Bore draw again. - 8 years ago

@quelizinha: @grebprog @MelodyDickens @DraughtJane @tranimegirl @JessicaStrat @vestigia33 @TerrorizerMir @ProtectFemales… - 8 years ago

@CardsFan8206: Terribly unfair to Cliff, who was a bore but knew stuff. More like Michael Scott with none of the charm or occasion… - 8 years ago

@truenene: @Michael_Guizzy his fights bore me - 8 years ago

@yernaninakettle: @themichaelowen Lucky?! Bore off Michael - 8 years ago

@AlexiLolas: @themichaelowen Lucky? Bore off Michael. Great heart, great courage! Great fight, both warriors. - 8 years ago

@Michael_Nyt: RT @1dnagh: Jesus Christ has loved you since your parents met and had sex. Why You no bore since ? - 8 years ago

@jallnet12: RT @Istanbultelaviv: This Russian Ambassador in DC--Sergey Kislyak--must be a real bore. Both Michael Flynn and Jeff Sessions somehow forgo… - 8 years ago

@katsndogs: RT @Istanbultelaviv: This Russian Ambassador in DC--Sergey Kislyak--must be a real bore. Both Michael Flynn and Jeff Sessions somehow forgo… - 8 years ago

@elaine_gooch: RT @Fenian1989: Clive Lewis a former soldier spot on to call tory lard ass bar room bore Michael Fallon a warmonger. #questiontime - 8 years ago

@Fenian1989: Clive Lewis a former soldier spot on to call tory lard ass bar room bore Michael Fallon a warmonger. #questiontime - 8 years ago

@michael_oberg: RT @AoDespair: With a full-bore kleptocracy now operational. For too many journalists, the low-hanging fruit tastes better. - 8 years ago

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