Michael Bond

British author (Paddington Bear).
Died on Wednesday June 28th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Michael Bond:

@people_united: Michael Bond and #Paddington offered lessons in #kindness for today - 8 years ago

@connect2mr1: RT @WalkTheLinesLDN: Great detail in the Times's obituary of Michael Bond. - 8 years ago

@cathyannep: Tributes to Michael Bond at Paddington Station this morning - 8 years ago

@Goshdesigns: RT @paddingtonbear: Today is a very sad day. Michael Bond CBE will be missed by many. - 8 years ago


@JohnDean_: RT @FOXNRL: The unknown off-field bond behind @QLDmaroons six-day left-edge gamble via @JohnDean_ - 8 years ago

@ianbrice: RT @jennylinford: 'Thank you for teaching us difference is no barrier to love' reads note left in tribute to Michael Bond, Paddington https… - 8 years ago

@amitmehra: RT @InterestingLit: Paddington Bear was a refugee with a label. 'Please look after this bear. Thank you' and he had a little suitcase - Mic… - 8 years ago

@jwalkerloughton: Paddington Bear and gifts/cards at Paddington Station in testimony of his creator Michael Bond. - 8 years ago

@jennylinford: 'Thank you for teaching us difference is no barrier to love' reads note left in tribute to Michael Bond, Paddington - 8 years ago

@tiko03: RT @paddingtonbear: Today is a very sad day. Michael Bond CBE will be missed by many. - 8 years ago

@LloydBooks: Paddington Bear Author Michael Bond Dies Aged … : - 8 years ago

@streamlives: RT @hopenothate: RIP Michael Bond, creator of #PaddingtonBear, who died yesterday - 8 years ago

@echo_alexandra: RT @paddingtonbear: Sketched by illustrator Bob Alley on June 27th, a drawing of Paddington Bear in loving memory of Michael Bond CBE. http… - 8 years ago

@moonin_love: RT @EbialaA: Mom's boyfriend convicted in death of girl found in trash bag - 8 years ago

@_Inma_: RT @BBCArchive: Michael Bond in 2006 discussing the enduring appeal of his creation, Paddington Bear. He has died, aged 91 - 8 years ago

@RaySheilagh: RT @Candy_Jar: And minds that create such cherished characters are rarer still. RIP Michael Bond #PaddingtonBear - 8 years ago

@63_susan: RT @Candy_Jar: And minds that create such cherished characters are rarer still. RIP Michael Bond #PaddingtonBear - 8 years ago

@AStarzTaxi: RT @Candy_Jar: And minds that create such cherished characters are rarer still. RIP Michael Bond #PaddingtonBear - 8 years ago

@BeeQueensBuzz: RT @hopenothate: RIP Michael Bond, creator of #PaddingtonBear, who died yesterday - 8 years ago

@julianiem: RT @mallgalleries: A recent portrait by @HeroJohnsonArt of Michael Bond, creator of Paddington Bear, who has sadly passed away - 8 years ago

@furrymoocat: RT @TechnicallyRon: Paddington Bear is a brilliant story about an immigrant trying to find a new home in a strange country. RIP Michael Bon… - 8 years ago

@mathy_1630: RT @BookTV: "Paddington Bear author Michael Bond dies aged 91" via @GuardianBooks - 8 years ago

@tidybooks: RT @paddingtonbear: We have been overwhelmed by all your messages. Michael Bond’s daughter sends thanks…. - 8 years ago

@QkTipcom: Michael Bond, creator of marmalade-loving children’s favorite Paddington bear, has died aged 91. - 8 years ago

@QkTipcom: Creator of Marmalade-Loving Paddington Bear Dies at 91 - 8 years ago

@thepropertychap: RT @paddingtonbear: We have been overwhelmed by all your comments and messages. Michael Bond’s daughter has sent you all a few words of tha… - 8 years ago

@raindrop_k: RT @paddingtonbear: We have been overwhelmed by all your comments and messages. Michael Bond’s daughter has sent you all a few words of tha… - 8 years ago

@clmwrites: RT @paddingtonbear: We have been overwhelmed by all your comments and messages. Michael Bond’s daughter has sent you all a few words of tha… - 8 years ago

@suzeallerton: RT @paddingtonbear: Sketched by illustrator Bob Alley on June 27th, a drawing of Paddington Bear in loving memory of Michael Bond CBE. http… - 8 years ago

@elf01234567890: RT @vmdb_nl: Beertje Paddington hielp zijn geestelijk vader Michael Bond uit zijn depressie - 8 years ago

@EJ_Clarke: RT @WalkTheLinesLDN: Great detail in the Times's obituary of Michael Bond. - 8 years ago

@HeidiWa40157652: RT @80s_Kidz: Who remembers watching Paddington Bear at teatime? In memory of Michael Bond, Paddingtons creator who passed away today 😔 ht… - 8 years ago

@GregHH1984: RT @paddingtonbear: We have been overwhelmed by all your comments and messages. Michael Bond’s daughter has sent you all a few words of tha… - 8 years ago

@reyna742010: RT @aesquinca: Muere Michael Bond, creador del oso #Paddington. ¡Fue un honor haberle dado voz en español! #LiteraturaInfantilBritánica htt… - 8 years ago

@pocketfulofkind: There are many lessons in #kindness to be learnt from Paddington Bear! - 8 years ago

@MtHimri: Paddington Bear author Michael Bond dies aged 91 - 8 years ago

@BBookfest: RT @paddingtonbear: We have been overwhelmed by all your comments and messages. Michael Bond’s daughter has sent you all a few words of tha… - 8 years ago

@pandrdesign: RT @paddingtonbear: Today is a very sad day. Michael Bond CBE will be missed by many. - 8 years ago

@kevintmcevoy: RT @BookTV: "Paddington Bear author Michael Bond dies aged 91" via @GuardianBooks - 8 years ago

@katakize: RT @BookTV: "Paddington Bear author Michael Bond dies aged 91" via @GuardianBooks - 8 years ago

@mentxudripos: Michael Bond, el escritor más entrañable de la literatura infantil - 8 years ago

@HechosdeHoy: Michael Bond, el escritor más entrañable de la literatura infantil - 8 years ago

@Romola10: @Emergency_Teds Should be renamed Michael Bond Street tube station if you ask me. - 8 years ago

@mrcarlwoodward: RT @TIME: Read 'Paddington' star Hugh Bonneville's moving tribute to Michael Bond - 8 years ago

@SuperThunderFan: RT @BondEnArgentina: Michael G Wilson, actual productor de 007, explica la importancia que tuvo "La Espía que me Amó" para él y para la fra… - 8 years ago

@SMEEKLAR: Brian Cant.. Michael Bond.. Barry Norman.. rip to them and big pasrts of my childhood and adolesence - 8 years ago

@Marcy_be_Suns: RT @cotakay: そういえば、ナショナル・レールのパディントン駅のパディントン像にお花などが手向けられていて、ん?と思ったのですが、原作者の方が最近亡くなられたのですね。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 - 8 years ago

@CraftyCandy: Obituary: Michael Bond - BBC News - 8 years ago

@Oliver__Bond: RT @JackSear: Michael Beale tells @MyFootballCoach that he would consider a return to Liverpool and explains Sao Paulo departure. - 8 years ago

@rosca_diana: Read 'Paddington' star Hugh Bonneville's moving tribute to Michael Bond - 8 years ago

@NSuszczyk: RT @BondEnArgentina: Michael G Wilson, actual productor de 007, explica la importancia que tuvo "La Espía que me Amó" para él y para la fra… - 8 years ago

@PaulaRawsthorne: RT @WalkTheLinesLDN: Great detail in the Times's obituary of Michael Bond. - 8 years ago

@michaelfridjhon: On point! - 8 years ago

@LettresR: RT @LesOsez: Paddington est orphelin, son créateur le britannique Michael Bond est décédé ... #MichaelBond #littérature... - 8 years ago

@edenland: RT @schmutzie: Read 5 Star Blog Roundup's latest greats — @rgay, @ElissaAltman, @edenland, @Bronwyn_MayB, and @wilw — here: - 8 years ago

@Karen_Turner7: RT @BraxM: Say goodbye, Parsley. I hope all the tributes to #Paddington creator Michael Bond will big up his equally brilliant kids classic… - 8 years ago

@ncox78: RT @Booktrust: We're so, so sorry to hear that Michael Bond has died. What a legacy he has left behind. Thank you for everything, Michael.… - 8 years ago

@MrsVickiDay: RT @WalkTheLinesLDN: Great detail in the Times's obituary of Michael Bond. - 8 years ago

@ShefEnglish: Last week we said goodbye to Michael Bond. Here's Veronica Barnsley on Paddington, "the child played by the animal"… - 8 years ago

@asylumbristol: RT @safepassageuk: Why Paddington Bear, like his author, reminds our unkind world that we should look after refugees - 8 years ago

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