Michael Basman

English chess master.
Died on Friday October 28th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Michael Basman:

@bloggerg: ★ - 2 years ago

@KingpinEd: What do you consider to be your greatest weakness as a chess player? Cowardice. What is your greatest strengt… - 2 years ago

@ChessEducation: #Chess #LetsTalkGambits Palatnik is (I assume) a Ukrainian-American GM born in 1950. Michael Basman needs no introd… - 2 years ago

@Sysoon: Michael Basman (1946 - 2022), died at age 76 years: was an English chess player, chess author and International Mas… - 2 years ago


@Sysoon: Michael Basman: Page about Michael Basman - 2 years ago

@FastChess: Michael Basman (1946 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@KingpinEd: A short tribute to Michael Basman. - 2 years ago

@dimenticator: @chessmensch @natesolon 1.h3 in remembrance of Michael Basman, the St. George if you're black. - 2 years ago

@chessnotes: - 2 years ago

@ClubEpsom: RT @KingstonChess: An appreciation of the creativity of Michael Basman with his game against another creative genius Albin Planinc from Has… - 2 years ago

@MrDVader: RT @KingstonChess: An appreciation of the creativity of Michael Basman with his game against another creative genius Albin Planinc from Has… - 2 years ago

@ChessScholar: RT @KingstonChess: An appreciation of the creativity of Michael Basman with his game against another creative genius Albin Planinc from Has… - 2 years ago

@KingstonChess: An appreciation of the creativity of Michael Basman with his game against another creative genius Albin Planinc fro… - 2 years ago

@NobutakaHayash9: RT @IkedaJunta: 26日に亡くなったIM Michael Basman。端ポーン突きのオープニングなどで有名でした。 次の日、ライブボードではありませんでしたが、Nigel Shortが彼を偲んで黒番で1.e4 a6 2.d4 b5(手順不明)を指したのを目撃しま… - 2 years ago

@Chess_MastersUK: @Delancey_UKCC Michael Basman was an absolute LEGEND! May he RIP - 2 years ago

@chesstutor: RT @KingstonChess: David Rowson, Kingston's first-team captain, pays tribute to the late Michael Basman, and annotates Basman's win with Bl… - 2 years ago

@KingstonChess: David Rowson, Kingston's first-team captain, pays tribute to the late Michael Basman, and annotates Basman's win wi… - 2 years ago

@yjliang_my: RIP Mr Basman. - 2 years ago

@LeonWatson: An ode to Basman from my former employers. I first met Mile while working for the Telegraph when I did a story on h… - 2 years ago

@alexandarsa: RT @olimpiuurcan: "Firstly, he beat me easily, but I also disapproved of his smoking and dropping the cigarette ash into a skull-shaped ash… - 2 years ago

@brave0nft: Michael Basman (1946 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@DutchRenitent: @olimpiuurcan Second half obituary Michael Basman: - 2 years ago

@DutchRenitent: @olimpiuurcan Obituary of Michael Basman: - 2 years ago

@IkedaJunta: 26日に亡くなったIM Michael Basman。端ポーン突きのオープニングなどで有名でした。 次の日、ライブボードではありませんでしたが、Nigel Shortが彼を偲んで黒番で1.e4 a6 2.d4 b5(手順不明)を指… - 2 years ago

@KingsHeadchess: RT @olimpiuurcan: "Firstly, he beat me easily, but I also disapproved of his smoking and dropping the cigarette ash into a skull-shaped ash… - 2 years ago

@GMjtis: RT @olimpiuurcan: "Firstly, he beat me easily, but I also disapproved of his smoking and dropping the cigarette ash into a skull-shaped ash… - 2 years ago

@olimpiuurcan: "Firstly, he beat me easily, but I also disapproved of his smoking and dropping the cigarette ash into a skull-shap… - 2 years ago

@EfrenMe04063039: RT @ChesscomLive: IM Michael Basman, a strong British player in the 1960s and 70s, founder of the UK Chess Challenge, prolific author, and… - 2 years ago

@KtoZmarl: Michael Basman (76 l) - angielski szachista pochodzenia ormiańskiego, mistrz międzynarodowy od 1980 r. W szachowym… - 2 years ago

@TGJ_Lemon_Guy: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@bensul: Michael John Basman was born on March 16, 1946, in London. His father, an Armenian immigrant named Basmadjian, chan… - 2 years ago

@kazuho14: 1.g4とかよく真似していました。RIP。Michael Basman, 1946-2022 - - 2 years ago

@Mrjimjones71: RT @Pluckeen: @fpawn @Mrjimjones71 Just read about this game yesterday on here when someone tweeted about Michael Basman’s death. Beautiful… - 2 years ago

@Pluckeen: @fpawn @Mrjimjones71 Just read about this game yesterday on here when someone tweeted about Michael Basman’s death.… - 2 years ago

@Paragon1009: RT @EmilSutovsky: Michael Basman dies at the age of 76. Famous for his opening ideas - half-sound at best, he made chess livelier. In our e… - 2 years ago

@JonesMurphy: Most famous for his wild opening moves, he lived just long enough to see GM Magnus Carlsen adopting 1.g4 and 1...g5… - 2 years ago

@PaulBarasi: RT @KingstonChess: The Kingston club would like to add its voice to the many tributes paid to Michael Basman, who died this week. He was a… - 2 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @olimpiuurcan: Michael Basman (1946-2022). - 2 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@KingstonChess: The final game played by Mike Basman at Kingston, annotated by Mike Basman with customary clarity.… - 2 years ago

@podcastlebr: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@LeonWatson: RT @KingstonChess: The Kingston club would like to add its voice to the many tributes paid to Michael Basman, who died this week. He was a… - 2 years ago

@KidambiGm: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@LeonWatson: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@KingstonChess: The Kingston club would like to add its voice to the many tributes paid to Michael Basman, who died this week. He w… - 2 years ago

@NatashaRegan123: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@ECFonlinechess: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@richtwickchess: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@chesstutor: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@KingsHeadchess: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@DanielKingChess: RT @ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources including @ginger… - 2 years ago

@MasterChessDojo: RT @olimpiuurcan: Michael Basman (1946-2022). - 2 years ago

@ecfchess: Extensive obituary of Michael Basman by @peterdoggers with several contributions from major English sources includi… - 2 years ago

@pageman: RIP Michael Basman - 2 years ago

@JustChessMini: Joel Benjamin plays Michael Basman in round 2 of the 1978 Lloyds Bank Open. Chess #Chess #Ajedrez #xadrez #schach… - 2 years ago

@DarioSe585: RT @olimpiuurcan: Michael Basman (1946-2022). - 2 years ago

@davidllada: RT @olimpiuurcan: Michael Basman (1946-2022). - 2 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: Was Basman right? Iconoclasm, ridicule and chess - 2 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: RT @Baskerville448: @Zoe_chess @GM_RayKeene Sad news indeed. - 2 years ago

@Baskerville448: @Zoe_chess @GM_RayKeene Sad news indeed. - 2 years ago

@EarthCrawler100: RT @EmilSutovsky: Michael Basman dies at the age of 76. Famous for his opening ideas - half-sound at best, he made chess livelier. In our e… - 2 years ago

@Federic30736062: Michael Basman!. - 2 years ago

@Official_MRLP: Michael Basman, 1946-2022 - 2 years ago

@dv_martinez: RT @davidllada: I’m very sad to learn about the passing of Michael Basman. The chess world has lost a great personality. My condolences to… - 2 years ago

@NimzoIndisch: RT @Chesspuzzle_net: Rest in Peace, Michael Basman. Basman got the IM title with this beautiful win. - 2 years ago

@DarioSe585: RT @EmilSutovsky: Michael Basman dies at the age of 76. Famous for his opening ideas - half-sound at best, he made chess livelier. In our e… - 2 years ago

@ChessIndiaNet: #Chess Top story: Michael Basman 1946-2022 - - 2 years ago

@rprose: RT @ChessMike: Great tribute by @peterdoggers and I'm thinking there's at least some chance @MagnusCarlsen knew IM Basman had little time l… - 2 years ago

@peterdoggers: RT @ChessMike: Great tribute by @peterdoggers and I'm thinking there's at least some chance @MagnusCarlsen knew IM Basman had little time l… - 2 years ago

@ChessMike: Great tribute by @peterdoggers and I'm thinking there's at least some chance @MagnusCarlsen knew IM Basman had litt… - 2 years ago

@J_ap_M: RT @ecfchess: International Master Michael Basman RIP - - 2 years ago

@ECUonline: RT @ecfchess: International Master Michael Basman RIP - - 2 years ago

@Shridhara_KT: RT @Chesspuzzle_net: Rest in Peace, Michael Basman. Basman got the IM title with this beautiful win. - 2 years ago

@VijaySrao: RT @Delancey_UKCC: It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master Michael Basman - the founder of t… - 2 years ago

@GMjtis: RT @Chesspuzzle_net: Rest in Peace, Michael Basman. Basman got the IM title with this beautiful win. - 2 years ago

@SK_Randbauer: RT @Seitenschach: RIP Michael Basman. - 2 years ago

@chesscom_no: RT @Chesspuzzle_net: Rest in Peace, Michael Basman. Basman got the IM title with this beautiful win. - 2 years ago

@bennedik: RT @Chesspuzzle_net: Rest in Peace, Michael Basman. Basman got the IM title with this beautiful win. - 2 years ago

@Chesspuzzle_net: Rest in Peace, Michael Basman. Basman got the IM title with this beautiful win. - 2 years ago

@ClarkStevenso14: RT @davidllada: I’m very sad to learn about the passing of Michael Basman. The chess world has lost a great personality. My condolences to… - 2 years ago

@drank1000000: RT @EmilSutovsky: Michael Basman dies at the age of 76. Famous for his opening ideas - half-sound at best, he made chess livelier. In our e… - 2 years ago

@ironmanth58: @thelittlehat I have a really hard time reading this, Jovanka. In fifty years of play, I was a fan of Michael's bec… - 2 years ago

@ironmanth58: @davidllada No!!! Oh David, I have respected Michael's contributions to chess for decades now; he always "did it hi… - 2 years ago

@SolMasterChess1: RT @EmilSutovsky: Michael Basman dies at the age of 76. Famous for his opening ideas - half-sound at best, he made chess livelier. In our e… - 2 years ago

@CarlGorka: RT @davidllada: I’m very sad to learn about the passing of Michael Basman. The chess world has lost a great personality. My condolences to… - 2 years ago

@MarkTWIC: RT @davidllada: I’m very sad to learn about the passing of Michael Basman. The chess world has lost a great personality. My condolences to… - 2 years ago

@leontxogarcia: RT @davidllada: I’m very sad to learn about the passing of Michael Basman. The chess world has lost a great personality. My condolences to… - 2 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: Michael Basman vs Vladimir Savon (1967) - 2 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: William Hartston vs Michael Basman (1967) - 2 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: Michael Basman vs Rolf Martens (1967) - 2 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: Ulf Andersson vs Michael Basman (1975) Basmanian Devil - 2 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: Michael Basman vs John Nunn (1978) Basman and Grobbin' - 2 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: Henrique Mecking vs Michael Basman (1967) - 2 years ago

@GM_RayKeene: The chess games of Michael Basman Farewell to a chess genius 🥲🥲🥲 - 2 years ago

@MarkTWIC: RT @ChesscomLive: IM Michael Basman, a strong British player in the 1960s and 70s, founder of the UK Chess Challenge, prolific author, and… - 2 years ago

@anizan1957: RT @MarkTWIC: Mike Basman (16 March 1946 - 26 October 2022) - IM and legendary chess maverick and writer. Purveyor… - 2 years ago

@anizan1957: RT @AAMortazavi: Two games against Michael Basman which I have no memory of at all! This one from 1995. Love 2…h5! Classic Basman and look… - 2 years ago

@anizan1957: RT @Delancey_UKCC: It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master Michael Basman - the founder of t… - 2 years ago

@MarkTWIC: Mike Basman (16 March 1946 - 26 October 2022) - IM and legendary chess maverick and writer… - 2 years ago

@anizan1957: RT @BatterseaChess: In 2018, we held a Basman Night at the club where everyone had to play coffee house chess. @ginger_gm, a great friend o… - 2 years ago

@AAMortazavi: Two games against Michael Basman which I have no memory of at all! This one from 1995. Love 2…h5! Classic Basman an… - 2 years ago

@crypto_male: RT @ChesscomLive: IM Michael Basman, a strong British player in the 1960s and 70s, founder of the UK Chess Challenge, prolific author, and… - 2 years ago

@Mayor_Cobblepot: RT @ChesscomLive: IM Michael Basman, a strong British player in the 1960s and 70s, founder of the UK Chess Challenge, prolific author, and… - 2 years ago

@chesscom: RT @ChesscomLive: IM Michael Basman, a strong British player in the 1960s and 70s, founder of the UK Chess Challenge, prolific author, and… - 2 years ago

@ChesscomLive: IM Michael Basman, a strong British player in the 1960s and 70s, founder of the UK Chess Challenge, prolific author… - 2 years ago

@CorneliuPanaite: @Chess_Strategy Henrique Mecking/Michael Basman,1966-1967,England,Benoni Defense,0/1(31 moves). - 2 years ago

@SPLdiablos: RT @olimpiuurcan: Michael Basman (1946-2022). - 2 years ago

@heidiEC5: RT @roketronnie: very sad news, Mike Basman an engaging inspirational innovator in schools’ chess who created a truly national competition;… - 2 years ago

@roketronnie: very sad news, Mike Basman an engaging inspirational innovator in schools’ chess who created a truly national compe… - 2 years ago

@Lasker_Koeln: RT @Seitenschach: RIP Michael Basman. - 2 years ago

@Silveri98152417: RT @AlvarAlonso: Aprovecho esta triste fecha para recordar una de mis partidas preferidas de todo el ajedrez: Mic… - 2 years ago

@PaulBarasi: RT @ecfchess: International Master Michael Basman RIP - - 2 years ago

@imnotmaay_: RT @NMFortitudine: Faleceu no dia 26.10.22 aos 76 anos, o Mestre Internacional inglês, Michael Basman. Conhecido por seu jogo bizarro (1.a… - 2 years ago

@chesscom_pt: RT @NMFortitudine: Faleceu no dia 26.10.22 aos 76 anos, o Mestre Internacional inglês, Michael Basman. Conhecido por seu jogo bizarro (1.a… - 2 years ago

@NMFortitudine: Faleceu no dia 26.10.22 aos 76 anos, o Mestre Internacional inglês, Michael Basman. Conhecido por seu jogo bizarro… - 2 years ago

@jantamaja: RT @Delancey_UKCC: It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master Michael Basman - the founder of t… - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 212) #English #International #chess #Master #Michael #Basman 76 #RIP #dies #October 26, 2022 –… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Michael Basman is no longer with us - #MichaelBasman #Michael #Basman #rip - 2 years ago

@molokai818: Top story: @Delancey_UKCC: 'It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master… - 2 years ago

@leblitzer: RT @Delancey_UKCC: It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master Michael Basman - the founder of t… - 2 years ago

@saintchrisobee: RT @Delancey_UKCC: It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master Michael Basman - the founder of t… - 2 years ago

@Chesstez: RT @Delancey_UKCC: It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master Michael Basman - the founder of t… - 2 years ago

@terribleteacher: RT @EmilSutovsky: Michael Basman dies at the age of 76. Famous for his opening ideas - half-sound at best, he made chess livelier. In our e… - 2 years ago

@terribleteacher: RT @fischer_random: Apart from his original opening ideas, Michael Basman was also very fond of #FischerRandom. He will be missed! - 2 years ago

@BAnibar: RT @Delancey_UKCC: It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master Michael Basman - the founder of t… - 2 years ago

@MVMCCU: RT @EmilSutovsky: Michael Basman dies at the age of 76. Famous for his opening ideas - half-sound at best, he made chess livelier. In our e… - 2 years ago

@AlvarAlonso: Aprovecho esta triste fecha para recordar una de mis partidas preferidas de todo el ajedrez:… - 2 years ago

@FcoAleMath: RT @Delancey_UKCC: It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master Michael Basman - the founder of t… - 2 years ago

@MerryPoppies: Playing in Malta,received dreadful news - my Godfather Michael John Basmadjian, AKA Mike Basman,(The Mad Hatter for… - 2 years ago

@ChessClubLive: RT @Delancey_UKCC: It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master Michael Basman - the founder of t… - 2 years ago

@SurbitonChess: RT @ecfchess: International Master Michael Basman RIP - - 2 years ago

@TremeChessClub: RT @EmilSutovsky: Michael Basman dies at the age of 76. Famous for his opening ideas - half-sound at best, he made chess livelier. In our e… - 2 years ago

@FIDE_chess: RT @EmilSutovsky: Michael Basman dies at the age of 76. Famous for his opening ideas - half-sound at best, he made chess livelier. In our e… - 2 years ago

@mattyelliott19: RT @Delancey_UKCC: It is with the utmost sadness that we have to report the death of International Master Michael Basman - the founder of t… - 2 years ago

@davidllada: World Champions have plenty of fans. But Michael Basman had a true legion of "basmaniacs". - 2 years ago

@rbrecto: RT @NetflixTheQG: Some sad news from English chess. IM Michael Basman has passed away. He was a pioneer of offbeat chess openings,an extre… - 2 years ago

@NetflixTheQG: Some sad news from English chess. IM Michael Basman has passed away. He was a pioneer of offbeat chess openings,an… - 2 years ago

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