Michael Banton

British social scientist.
Died on Wednesday May 23rd 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Michael Banton:

@SimonHoldaway1: This, I think, was Michael Banton's last published journal article. - 7 years ago

@AzriniWahidin: RT @AcademicDiary: Received this sad news from @Drkennymonrose ‘The funeral of Professor Michael Banton will take place on Tuesday 5th of J… - 7 years ago

@MarkJSmithonMSN: RT @AcademicDiary: Received this sad news from @Drkennymonrose ‘The funeral of Professor Michael Banton will take place on Tuesday 5th of J… - 7 years ago

@AcademicDiary: Received this sad news from @Drkennymonrose ‘The funeral of Professor Michael Banton will take place on Tuesday 5th… - 7 years ago


@ShuffledOff: Michael Banton (92) British social scientist - 7 years ago

@SashaRoseneil: RT @britsoci: It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Professor Michael Banton last night. A short tribute to our longest-serv… - 7 years ago

@sjsprof: RT @britsoci: It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Professor Michael Banton last night. A short tribute to our longest-serv… - 7 years ago

@Black_Kassandra: RT @natcphd: What is the legacy of Professor Michael Banton? How has his work helped or hindered academic & public understanding of racis… - 7 years ago

@natcphd: What is the legacy of Professor Michael Banton? How has his work helped or hindered academic & public understandi… - 7 years ago

@Bobbi_1987: RT @britsoci: It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Professor Michael Banton last night. A short tribute to our longest-serv… - 7 years ago

@bsa_alcohol: RT @britsoci: It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Professor Michael Banton last night. A short tribute to our longest-serv… - 7 years ago

@EmeraldSoc: RT @britsoci: It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Professor Michael Banton last night. A short tribute to our longest-serv… - 7 years ago

@HenryAlistair: RT @britsoci: It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Professor Michael Banton last night. A short tribute to our longest-serv… - 7 years ago

@JK_Remnant: RT @sociologyjnl: We are saddened to hear that Sociology's very first editor, Professor Michael Banton, passed away yesterday. We will reme… - 7 years ago

@SocCommsBrunel: RT @sociologyjnl: We are saddened to hear that Sociology's very first editor, Professor Michael Banton, passed away yesterday. We will reme… - 7 years ago

@SarahSoppitt: RT @LoaderIan: I’m sad to hear of the passing of Michael Banton, a pioneer of the sociology of policing. I remain struck by the fact that M… - 7 years ago

@DrTinaPatel: RT @SimonHoldaway1: Many of you will have heard of Prof Michael Banton, who did so much to launch research about the police in the UK. Mic… - 7 years ago

@rickmuir1: RT @LoaderIan: I’m sad to hear of the passing of Michael Banton, a pioneer of the sociology of policing. I remain struck by the fact that M… - 7 years ago

@G_Papanicolaou: RT @SimonHoldaway1: Many of you will have heard of Prof Michael Banton, who did so much to launch research about the police in the UK. Mic… - 7 years ago

@katyusha13: What a loss. We have too few academics like Michael Banton. Influential both within & outside the academy he took a… - 7 years ago

@LoaderIan: I’m sad to hear of the passing of Michael Banton, a pioneer of the sociology of policing. I remain struck by the fa… - 7 years ago

@candtdct: RT @DrAlisonsTweets: Prof Michael Banton published the first British sociological study of policing, The Policeman in the Community, in the… - 7 years ago

@alinaewa: RT @sociologyjnl: We are saddened to hear that Sociology's very first editor, Professor Michael Banton, passed away yesterday. We will reme… - 7 years ago

@nawalabu_72: RT @britsoci: The BSA is very sad to hear that Michael Banton, a pioneer in ethnic studies and our longest-serving member, has died. We wil… - 7 years ago

@EHU_PRU: RT @SimonHoldaway1: Many of you will have heard of Prof Michael Banton, who did so much to launch research about the police in the UK. Mic… - 7 years ago

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