Mervin Field

American opinion pollster.
Died on Monday June 8th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Mervin Field:

@nelsjohnsonnews: Supervisor Sears salutes the late pollster Mervin Field of Belvedere

@California_agen: Mervin Field, influential public opinion pollster in California, dies at 94

@RBDRfromRFL: Beautifully written and reported @AdamNagourney @NewYorkTimes obituary of Mervin Field noted on 6.15.15

@PMRVRfromRFL: Beautifully written and reported @AdamNagourney @NewYorkTimes obituary of Mervin Field noted on 6.15.15


@rflonlinecom: Beautifully written and reported @AdamNagourney @NewYorkTimes obituary of Mervin Field noted on 6.15.15

@kdungul: RT @RBDRfromRFL: Larry Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. More on Mervin Field. @RexBriggs discusses #digital #marketing #ROI. 6.15.15 http:/…

@RBDRfromRFL: Larry Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. More on Mervin Field. @RexBriggs discusses #digital #marketing #ROI. 6.15.15

@rflonlinecom: Larry Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. More on Mervin Field. @RexBriggs discusses #digital #marketing #ROI. 6.15.15

@PMRVRfromRFL: Larry Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. More on Mervin Field. @RexBriggs discusses #digital #marketing #ROI. 6.15.15

@CaliforniaGuide: Mervin Field, influential public opinion pollster in Calif., dies at 94

@RBDRfromRFL: Beautifully written and reported @AdamNagourney @NewYorkTimes obituary of Mervin Field noted on 6.15.15

@rflonlinecom: Beautifully written and reported @AdamNagourney @NewYorkTimes obituary of Mervin Field noted on 6.15.15

@PMRVRfromRFL: Beautifully written and reported @AdamNagourney @NewYorkTimes obituary of Mervin Field noted on 6.15.15

@lewebbordelais: RBDRfromRFL: Larry Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. More on Mervin Field. RexBriggs discusses #digital #marketing …

@lewebbordelais: PMRVRfromRFL: Larry Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. More on Mervin Field. RexBriggs discusses #digital #marketing…

@lewebbordelais: rflonlinecom: Larry Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. More on Mervin Field. RexBriggs discusses #digital #marketing…

@RBDRfromRFL: Larry Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. More on Mervin Field. @RexBriggs discusses #digital #marketing #ROI. 6.15.15

@PMRVRfromRFL: Larry Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. More on Mervin Field. @RexBriggs discusses #digital #marketing #ROI. 6.15.15

@rflonlinecom: Larry Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. More on Mervin Field. @RexBriggs discusses #digital #marketing #ROI. 6.15.15

@frenchcori: RT @CaliforniaGuide: Mervin Field, influential public opinion pollster in California, dies at 94

@quidkat: RT @CaliforniaGuide: Mervin Field, influential public opinion pollster in California, dies at 94

@CaliforniaGuide: Mervin Field, influential public opinion pollster in California, dies at 94

@MrJoseRios: The King of Data Long Before #Data Became King

@jubonizezyqy: RT @temohytotom: SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Mervin Field, who founded the authoritative Field Poll, a mainstay of California and national politic…

@MysteryPollster: RT @jmartNYT: Really neat obit by @adamnagourney on the namesake of California's famed Field Poll

@MRX_Robot: RT RBDRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR …

@MRX_Robot: RT rflonlinecom: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR …

@MRX_Robot: RT PMRVRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR …

@RBDRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. @PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. @PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. @PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@WethePInc: Mervin Field Dies at 94; Took Pulse of California as Pollster - New York Times

@xenocryptsite: (Yep, and rest in peace Mervin Field.)

@WethePInc: Mervin Field Dies at 94; Took Pulse of California as Pollster - New York Times

@California_Guid: Mervin Field Dies at 94; Took Pulse of California as Pollster New York Times And over the next…

@politics_and: RT @jmartNYT: Really neat obit by @adamnagourney on the namesake of California's famed Field Poll

@MarkMellman: RT @jmartNYT: Really neat obit by @adamnagourney on the namesake of California's famed Field Poll

@FloydCiruli: One of the greatest generations of pollsters, Mervin Field, has passed away. Read The Buzz:

@mwalkercom: RT @KQEDnews: Mervin Field, a Chronicler of Modern California, Dies at 94

@sandipr: Mervin Field of the Field Poll. As only Sandy Close can remember him

@RBDRfromRFL: Honesty about limitations of #polling was one key attribute of Mervin Field, who died Monday at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Honesty about limitations of #polling was one key attribute of Mervin Field, who died Monday at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Honesty about limitations of #polling was one key attribute of Mervin Field, who died Monday at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@RBDRfromRFL: Low points (Dewey-Truman, Tom Bradley) did no harm to reputation of Mervin Field, who died Monday. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Low points (Dewey-Truman, Tom Bradley) did no harm to reputation of Mervin Field, who died Monday. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Low points (Dewey-Truman, Tom Bradley) did no harm to reputation of Mervin Field, who died Monday. 6.10.15 RBDR

@RBDRfromRFL: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup. 6.10.15 RBDR

@MRX_Robot: RT RBDRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR …

@MRX_Robot: RT PMRVRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR …

@MRX_Robot: RT rflonlinecom: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR …

@RBDRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. @PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. @PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. @PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@RBDRfromRFL: Honesty about limitations of #polling was one key attribute of Mervin Field, who died Monday at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Honesty about limitations of #polling was one key attribute of Mervin Field, who died Monday at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Honesty about limitations of #polling was one key attribute of Mervin Field, who died Monday at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@RBDRfromRFL: Low points (Dewey-Truman, Tom Bradley) did no harm to reputation of Mervin Field, who died Monday. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Low points (Dewey-Truman, Tom Bradley) did no harm to reputation of Mervin Field, who died Monday. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Low points (Dewey-Truman, Tom Bradley) did no harm to reputation of Mervin Field, who died Monday. 6.10.15 RBDR

@kdungul: RT @RBDRfromRFL: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup. 6.10.15 RBDR

@RBDRfromRFL: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup. 6.10.15 RBDR

@MRX_Robot: RT RBDRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR …

@MRX_Robot: RT rflonlinecom: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR …

@RBDRfromRFL: PepsiCo trashcan PowerPoint. CA polling legend Mervin Field dies. (RBDR 6.10.2015)

@RBDRfromRFL: Honesty about limitations of #polling was one key attribute of Mervin Field, who died Monday at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Honesty about limitations of #polling was one key attribute of Mervin Field, who died Monday at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Honesty about limitations of #polling was one key attribute of Mervin Field, who died Monday at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@RBDRfromRFL: Low points (Dewey-Truman, Tom Bradley) did no harm to reputation of Mervin Field, who died Monday. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Low points (Dewey-Truman, Tom Bradley) did no harm to reputation of Mervin Field, who died Monday. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Low points (Dewey-Truman, Tom Bradley) did no harm to reputation of Mervin Field, who died Monday. 6.10.15 RBDR

@MRX_Robot: RT RBDRfromRFL: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup…

@MRX_Robot: RT rflonlinecom: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallu…

@MRX_Robot: RT PMRVRfromRFL: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallu…

@RBDRfromRFL: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup. 6.10.15 RBDR

@rflonlinecom: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Passing of #MRx legend: Field Poll founder Mervin Field, 94, who got his start under George Gallup. 6.10.15 RBDR

@RBDRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. @PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@PMRVRfromRFL: Bye bye, #Powerpoint. @PepsiCo's #Insights dept implements replacements. Mervin Field dies at 94. 6.10.15 RBDR

@DPP_CalWellness: RT @NewAmericaMedia: Mervin Field: The King of Data Long Before Data Became King | Daily Headlines from New America Media -

@caamman: Read Sandy Close's remembrance of Mervin Field: The King of Data Long Before Data Became King -

@PollNewsNetwork: Poll News: Tiburon's Mervin Field, creator of California opinion gauge called the Field ... - Marin Independent…

@DaleBoyd01: #AdemocraticVoice: Trailblazing California pollster Mervin Field dead at 94 | #Dems #DemsLead

@DaleBoyd01: #AdemocraticVoice: Trailblazing California pollster Mervin Field dead at 94 | #Dems #DemsLead

@NoemiGallardo: Mervin Field: The King of Data Long Before Data Became King:

@DaleBoyd01: RIP Mervin Field - the best of all pollsters in CA...

@NewsInSanFran: Trailblazing California pollster Mervin Field dead at 94 - SFGate

@USAUGUSTUS: RT @goinsidesanfra: Renowned California pollster Mervin D. Field dies of natural causes at 94.

@USAUGUSTUS: RT @ChuckDalldorf: Mervin Field, a Chronicler of Modern #California, Dies at 94

@USAUGUSTUS: RT @edwinbatson: Mervin Field, a gentleman & noteworthy CA pollster, has passed away.

@USAUGUSTUS: RT @cmarinucci: Sad news: Pollster Mervin Field, founder of the Field Poll & an analyst of CA politics for more than 6 decades, has died in…

@TiburonChamber: RT @marinij: Tiburon's Mervin Field, creator of California opinion gauge called the Field Poll, dies at 94

@MDrum08: When asked, 76.34% of Californians had no idea that Mervin Field has died.

@PaulEVasq: RT @hfuhrmann: Mervin Field was to California what George Gallup was to the nation. Fittingly, each made the @latimes front page.

@StevenBirenbaum: Lovely, funny remembrance about Mervin Field by Sandy Close @NewAmericaMedia.

@NewAmericaMedia: Mervin Field: The King of Data Long Before Data Became King | Daily Headlines from New America Media -

@edwinbatson: Mervin Field, a gentleman & noteworthy CA pollster, has passed away.

@LoveStats: Trailblazing California pollster Mervin Field dead at 94

@dirctorylisting: Mervin Field, Cal Polling and Marketing Pioneer, Passes away at 94: The American Marketin...


@studio6263: Mervin Field, Cal Polling and Marketing Pioneer, Passes away at 94


@dmermin: Catching this late, but RIP to a giant in our...Field. Mervin D. Field dies at 94

@NewAmericaMedia: Mervin Field: The King of Data Long Before Data Became King

@ocland: Mervin Field, Cal Polling and Marketing Pioneer, Passes away at 94

@PacificMorain: RT @JohnDiazChron: One of the treasures in helping shape and understand CA public policy. RIP, Mervin Field.

@TonyMackGD: Mervin Field, Cal Polling and Marketing Pioneer, Passes away at 94: He was one of the architects of...

@MRX_Robot: RT mrwebnews: Obituary: American Pollster Mervin Field

@mrwebnews: Obituary: American Pollster Mervin Field

@SenFeinstein: Merv Field was the dean of California pollsters. Even today, when a Field poll comes out, it’s news. He’ll be missed.

@msbellows: I see a Pelosi email header "Stmt on the Passing of Mervin Field" & think, "aw, the Democratic pollster"? I am a freaking geek.

@CoCoYoungDems: RT @Capitol_Weekly: Mervin Field, founder of California's top political poll and opinion sampler for nearly seven decades, is dead at 94. h…

@CoCoYoungDems: RT @Political_Data: Our condolences to friends and family at the Field Poll for loss of legendary great in the business, Mervin Field. htt…

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