Meron Benvenisti

Israeli political scientist
Died on Sunday September 20th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Meron Benvenisti:

@gila43: RT @972mag: 'The acceptance of the one-state reality, and of the fact that the future will be determined by its dynamics, not by negotiatio… - 4 years ago

@strigiler: RT @courageousgirl2: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@hillerruth: RT @972mag: 'The acceptance of the one-state reality, and of the fact that the future will be determined by its dynamics, not by negotiatio… - 4 years ago

@revistaladi: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago


@timnati: RT @972mag: 'The acceptance of the one-state reality, and of the fact that the future will be determined by its dynamics, not by negotiatio… - 4 years ago

@972mag: 'The acceptance of the one-state reality, and of the fact that the future will be determined by its dynamics, not b… - 4 years ago

@Lauterpacht_Ctr: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@squire_law: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@MarcoLongobardo: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@AvnerGidron: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@jdakwar: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@quintana_fj: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@courageousgirl2: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@IntLawReporter: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@labourblackrose: RT @972mag: 'Meron’s life, as he described it, was a long process of disillusionment with the conventional Zionism that he absorbed as a yo… - 4 years ago

@robert0461: RT @972mag: 'Meron’s life, as he described it, was a long process of disillusionment with the conventional Zionism that he absorbed as a yo… - 4 years ago

@HarshaRajwanshi: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@hillerruth: RT @972mag: 'Meron’s life, as he described it, was a long process of disillusionment with the conventional Zionism that he absorbed as a yo… - 4 years ago

@Steph80335: RT @972mag: 'Meron’s life, as he described it, was a long process of disillusionment with the conventional Zionism that he absorbed as a yo… - 4 years ago

@FedupMad: RT @972mag: 'Meron’s life, as he described it, was a long process of disillusionment with the conventional Zionism that he absorbed as a yo… - 4 years ago

@uzan_elad: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@TheMendozaWoman: RT @972mag: 'Meron’s life, as he described it, was a long process of disillusionment with the conventional Zionism that he absorbed as a yo… - 4 years ago

@972mag: 'Meron’s life, as he described it, was a long process of disillusionment with the conventional Zionism that he abso… - 4 years ago

@Dan_Haddonfield: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@DoreenLustig: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@Lorand_Bartels: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@eliavl: RT @EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@dbtoub: RIP. I followed his writings for years and he was extremely prescient. Wish folks had listened to him. - 4 years ago

@EBenvenisti: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli social scientist who championed a binational state, dies at 86 By Glenn Frankel - 4 years ago

@ResisterDot: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli commentator who championed a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@EINHumanRights: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli commentator who championed a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@hillerruth: RT @972mag: 'Prophets only need to be right about some things to be remembered for their prophecy. Meron was right about one big thing: t… - 4 years ago

@twitbituaries: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli commentator who championed a binational state, dies at 86 - - 4 years ago

@ATLCol: RT @972mag: 'Prophets only need to be right about some things to be remembered for their prophecy. Meron was right about one big thing: t… - 4 years ago

@Steph80335: RT @972mag: 'Prophets only need to be right about some things to be remembered for their prophecy. Meron was right about one big thing: t… - 4 years ago

@ReconRabbis: RT @Mivasair: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@972mag: 'Prophets only need to be right about some things to be remembered for their prophecy. Meron was right about one… - 4 years ago

@SyksyRasanen: RT @SyksyRasanen: Nice obituary of the Jewish-Israeli thinker Meron Benvenisti. He once commented on the Oslo process by noting that the s… - 4 years ago

@GeorgeConk: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@972mag: Though we were intellectual rivals, Meron Benvenisti, writer and former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, was right about… - 4 years ago

@GhostsSeeHumans: Now consider Meron Benvenisti’s assessment of Oslo: “while Israel is free to act independently in its own soverei… - 4 years ago

@GhostsSeeHumans: reviewing Oslo II, I think Norman Finkelstein was quite persuasive in his conclusion that “the new reality will mor… - 4 years ago

@DeIsraellobby: RT @BriHerremans: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@AWalczy: RT @v_lemire: Rest In Peace Meron Benvenisti, one of those who gave me the will to work on Jerusalem History, beyond the hate and beyond th… - 4 years ago

@BriHerremans: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@Steph80335: RT @MairavZ: “He believed that the peoples living in the land, trapped in an intercommunal conflict, would simply have to find a way to liv… - 4 years ago

@Steph80335: RT @Ian_Lustick: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@ICAHDFinland: RT @SyksyRasanen: Nice obituary of the Jewish-Israeli thinker Meron Benvenisti. He once commented on the Oslo process by noting that the s… - 4 years ago

@SyksyRasanen: Nice obituary of the Jewish-Israeli thinker Meron Benvenisti. He once commented on the Oslo process by noting that… - 4 years ago

@micksuntan: RT @Ruthanasia: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet "he came to see the Zionist project not as buildi… - 4 years ago

@wardiamonds: RT @Ruthanasia: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet "he came to see the Zionist project not as buildi… - 4 years ago

@Ruthanasia: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet "he came to see the Zionist project not a… - 4 years ago

@MichaelMarten: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - Ian Lustick on the death of Meron Benvenisti - 4 years ago

@Sysoon: Meron Benvenisti (1934 - 2020), died at age 86 years - 4 years ago

@arash_tehran: RT @stevenacook: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@Mivasair: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@ProJoSTL: RT @972mag: ‘Prophets only need to be right about some things to be remembered for their prophecy. Meron Benvenisti was right about one big… - 4 years ago

@YaelShomroni: RT @972mag: ‘Prophets only need to be right about some things to be remembered for their prophecy. Meron Benvenisti was right about one big… - 4 years ago

@jonnyblumberg: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@jabrilyousef: RT @972mag: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@Steph80335: RT @972mag: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@ChipJake: Regardless of your politics or your views on 1 state vs. 2 states, this is tribute to Meron Benvenisti well worth r… - 4 years ago

@972mag: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@MxRevenge1: RT @soitiz: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - - 4 years ago

@matthewBadass2: RT @LaraFriedmanDC: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - Ian Lustick remembers Meron Benvenisti - 4 years ago

@Simcha_: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@hlvdberg: RT @sedgate: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@PeterBeirut: #MeronBenvenisti died last week. I enjoyed his book Sacred Landscape. His life, as he described it, was a long proc… - 4 years ago

@richards1052: Saying goodbye to Meron Benvenisti, the Israeli one-state prophet. - 4 years ago

@SHeydemann: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@LaraFriedmanDC: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - Ian Lustick remembers Meron Benvenisti - 4 years ago

@hanrahanarchist: RT @972mag: Prophets only need to be right about some things to be remembered for their prophecy. Meron Benvenisti was right about one bi… - 4 years ago

@ofer_n: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@sedgate: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@JDSnel: RT @972mag: ‘Prophets only need to be right about some things to be remembered for their prophecy. Meron Benvenisti was right about one big… - 4 years ago

@CanbolatSercan: Prof. @Ian_Lustick: “Though we were intellectual rivals, Meron Benvenisti was right about one big thing: the future… - 4 years ago

@Timeline_l: RT @stevenacook: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@YaelBerda: RT @Ian_Lustick: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@972mag: RT @Ian_Lustick: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@heissenstat: RT @stevenacook: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@Ian_Lustick: RT @Ian_Lustick: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@stevenacook: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@Ian_Lustick: Saying goodbye to the Israeli one-state prophet - 4 years ago

@dog_maverick: RT @972mag: ‘Prophets only need to be right about some things to be remembered for their prophecy. Meron Benvenisti was right about one big… - 4 years ago

@972mag: ‘Prophets only need to be right about some things to be remembered for their prophecy. Meron Benvenisti was right a… - 4 years ago

@newisraelfunduk: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@falstempler: RT @haaretzcom: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@KNSK1119: 個人的にはテディ・コレック時代のエルサレム市政における東エルサレム・アドバイザーとしてのイメージが強いメロン・ベンベニスティ。良くも悪くもリベラル派の代表格という感じ。かつては彼の著作しかエルサレム問題の専門書はなかったので色々読… - 4 years ago

@joschein: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@SBethlenfalvay: RT @MairavZ: Also a reminder that well before Beinart, not only were Palestinians saying this, but Jewish Israelis who faced the reality h… - 4 years ago

@SBethlenfalvay: RT @MairavZ: A great loss. - 4 years ago

@marlinbennett: Meron Benvenisti, former vice mayor of Jerusalem, critic of the two-state solution and supporter of B’Tzelem died a… - 4 years ago

@AbuKedem: RT @MairavZ: Also a reminder that well before Beinart, not only were Palestinians saying this, but Jewish Israelis who faced the reality h… - 4 years ago

@kencf0618: RT @MairavZ: A great loss. - 4 years ago

@strata189: RT @MairavZ: Also a reminder that well before Beinart, not only were Palestinians saying this, but Jewish Israelis who faced the reality h… - 4 years ago

@YaelBerda: RT @MairavZ: A great loss. - 4 years ago

@bleichadelic: RT @MairavZ: A great loss. - 4 years ago

@MairavZ: Also a reminder that well before Beinart, not only were Palestinians saying this, but Jewish Israelis who faced th… - 4 years ago

@Jominee: RT @MairavZ: A great loss. - 4 years ago

@wgonzalezgarcia: RT @MairavZ: A great loss. - 4 years ago

@MairavZ: A great loss. - 4 years ago

@ATLCol: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@NewIsraelFund: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@xian_pili: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@chalemedia: RT @ycmizrahi: Saying goodbye to Meron Benvenisti, Israel's most notable dissident of the two-state solution. His was view that the land b/… - 4 years ago

@danielmarans: RT @ycmizrahi: Saying goodbye to Meron Benvenisti, Israel's most notable dissident of the two-state solution. His was view that the land b/… - 4 years ago

@ycmizrahi: Saying goodbye to Meron Benvenisti, Israel's most notable dissident of the two-state solution. His was view that th… - 4 years ago

@ChristianSzwed: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@clublecturaCCSS: In memoriam Meron Benvenisti, periodista, historiador, escritor, medievalista, científico político, politólogo y p… - 4 years ago

@realpunkspirit: RT @MKACITV5M: Mort de l'historien israélien Meron Benvenisti, fervent défenseur des Palestiniens. Critique de la politique d'Israël, il d… - 4 years ago

@Ki11er_Se7en: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@BHPanimalwatch: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@Ani_Seed27: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@MKACITV5M: RT @MKACITV5M: Mort de l'historien israélien Meron Benvenisti, fervent défenseur des Palestiniens. Critique de la politique d'Israël, il d… - 4 years ago

@SaadKharradji: RT @MKACITV5M: Mort de l'historien israélien Meron Benvenisti, fervent défenseur des Palestiniens. Critique de la politique d'Israël, il d… - 4 years ago

@cipherEquality: RT @MKACITV5M: Mort de l'historien israélien Meron Benvenisti, fervent défenseur des Palestiniens. Critique de la politique d'Israël, il d… - 4 years ago

@AhlemFZ: RT @MKACITV5M: Mort de l'historien israélien Meron Benvenisti, fervent défenseur des Palestiniens. Critique de la politique d'Israël, il d… - 4 years ago

@KhorotoLoko: RT @MKACITV5M: Mort de l'historien israélien Meron Benvenisti, fervent défenseur des Palestiniens. Critique de la politique d'Israël, il d… - 4 years ago

@AboubacarRamad5: RT @MKACITV5M: Mort de l'historien israélien Meron Benvenisti, fervent défenseur des Palestiniens. Critique de la politique d'Israël, il d… - 4 years ago

@MKACITV5M: Mort de l'historien israélien Meron Benvenisti, fervent défenseur des Palestiniens. Critique de la politique d'Isr… - 4 years ago

@lalitapetila: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@BHPanimalwatch: RT @Marianhouk: "...In this situation, partition is not an option. There was a time when it was possible, but no longer. This country is… - 4 years ago

@OmarMKhaled: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@YORAMEIT: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@Vidamo4: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@Marianhouk: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@Marianhouk: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@DebraNC: Another great gone. Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@fwrabaud: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@AFilan: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli researcher, columnist, ex-Jerusalem deputy mayor and vocal supporter of binational stateh… - 4 years ago

@Marianhouk: "...In this situation, partition is not an option. There was a time when it was possible, but no longer. This cou… - 4 years ago

@Marianhouk: “...into a process of dialogue for life together.” - 4 years ago

@MKACITV5M: RT @MKACITV5M: Mort de l'historien israélien Meron Benvenisti, fervent défenseur des Palestiniens. Critique de la politique d'Israël, il d… - 4 years ago

@Marianhouk: Meron Benvenisti: “The only way to live here will be to create an equality of respect between us + the Palestinian… - 4 years ago

@CERAP_Paris: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@medmouad: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@timnati: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@timnati: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@PointsNorthe: RT @haaretzcom: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@karimhamdy4444: Jerusalem-born Thinker Meron Benvenisti Has a Message for Israelis: Stop Whining The notion of a Jewish-democratic… - 4 years ago

@karimhamdy4444: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@Resjudicatamyft: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@SBethlenfalvay: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@Fake_Sheikh: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@JennyDaphna: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@LosCharruas: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@ito_denden: RT @Suz_hir: 「イスラエル市助役など務めたメロン・ベンヴェニスティ氏が死去、86歳」(意訳・・・NHKの「ドキュメント エルサレム」で初めてお名前を知りました。ご冥福をお祈りします) Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal… - 4 years ago

@HagaiElAd: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@JacZan: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@AletteLagemaat: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@khalilr: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@Suz_hir: 「イスラエル市助役など務めたメロン・ベンヴェニスティ氏が死去、86歳」(意訳・・・NHKの「ドキュメント エルサレム」で初めてお名前を知りました。ご冥福をお祈りします) Israeli columnist Meron Benven… - 4 years ago

@Ibrahim_APatel: RT @btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tselem’s board… - 4 years ago

@btselem: B’Tselem mourns the loss of Dr. Meron Benvenisti and sends its condolences to his family. Previously chair of B’Tse… - 4 years ago

@OrenKessler: Columnist Meron Benvenisti dies at 86. He was Jerusalem's former deputy mayor, in charge of East Jerusalem, and vo… - 4 years ago

@Fabrieva: RT @Ron_Skolnik: 40 years ago, much earlier than most of his peers in the establishment, Benvenisti understood that the settlement enterpri… - 4 years ago

@aktwit4: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@hsuher: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@JAGERFILE: For those who remember the West Bank Data Project - 4 years ago

@Eric_Alterman: - 4 years ago

@SamuelChalleat: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@BooGreen80: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@n_ropert: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@EidFabien: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - Israel News -… - 4 years ago

@Soumardambey: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@ClaudeGuibal: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@lizvonm: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@NYCJulieNYC: RT @grantygordon: @DanielSeidemann “It goes without saying that ‘cooperation’ based on the current power relationship is no more than perma… - 4 years ago

@BriHerremans: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@abuPessoptimist: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@Sha8216: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@grantygordon: @YousefMunayyer “It goes without saying that ‘cooperation’ based on the current power relationship is no more than… - 4 years ago

@grantygordon: @DanielSeidemann “It goes without saying that ‘cooperation’ based on the current power relationship is no more than… - 4 years ago

@grantygordon: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@anydel: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@BobinDavid: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@eliesaikali7: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@jobahout: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@hardbop34: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@DanaNaomyMills: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@robertdanin: Deeply saddened at Melron Benvenisti’s passing. A brilliant and brutally honest thinker—incredibly stimulating and… - 4 years ago

@jhamra: RT @OriNir_APN: One of my favorite Meron Benvenisti quotes: "Jerusalem is like a big barbecue. Jews and Arabs are skewered on it and extrem… - 4 years ago

@josephpapptheat: - 4 years ago

@harryreis: RT @Ron_Skolnik: 40 years ago, much earlier than most of his peers in the establishment, Benvenisti understood that the settlement enterpri… - 4 years ago

@virginiaconstab: RT @AsafRonel: Meron Benvenisti died today. For many years, his writing helped me understand the 2-state-illusion. One day he will be reme… - 4 years ago

@PowerofAcademe: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@sparkyards: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@NeilRogachevsky: It’s sad that Fouad Ajami is not around to give Meron Benvenisti the eulogy he deserves. I fear others would reduce… - 4 years ago

@NeilRogachevsky: A great old Jerusalem character, who made a good faith attempt to understand all residents of the land. He could ha… - 4 years ago

@Amusedrice: RT @AsafRonel: Meron Benvenisti died today. For many years, his writing helped me understand the 2-state-illusion. One day he will be reme… - 4 years ago

@ariel_lior: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@ariel_lior: RT @ferezmanuel: Ha muerto Meron Benvenisti. Figures política importante en el Israel post guerra de 1967, experto en temas relacionados a… - 4 years ago

@medmouad: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@dubib: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@emarpet: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@icheratz49: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@GhadaChadarevia: RT @richards1052: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@thomasadoyi: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Former deputy mayor of #Jerusalem, author and historian Dr. Meron Benvenisti has died. - 4 years ago

@januarycat: RT @MichaelDPress: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli historian, former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, & supporter of a bi-national state, died Septembe… - 4 years ago

@OpenlyClassist: RT @GhostsSeeHumans: Fuck, Meron Benvenisti died. He was such an insightful author. Understood the exact direction the conflict was going… - 4 years ago

@Alain_Frachon: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@tonywalker1: Vale Meron great help understanding psychology and terrain occupation...Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, voca… - 4 years ago

@Zoe_Bey: RT @AsafRonel: Meron Benvenisti died today. For many years, his writing helped me understand the 2-state-illusion. One day he will be reme… - 4 years ago

@mahmoudhefny1: RT @MichaelDPress: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli historian, former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, & supporter of a bi-national state, died Septembe… - 4 years ago

@ian_black: RT @AsafRonel: Meron Benvenisti died today. For many years, his writing helped me understand the 2-state-illusion. One day he will be reme… - 4 years ago

@MJPlitnick: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@ian_black: RT @Ron_Skolnik: 40 years ago, much earlier than most of his peers in the establishment, Benvenisti understood that the settlement enterpri… - 4 years ago

@ian_black: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@MichaelDPress: Meron Benvenisti, Israeli historian, former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, & supporter of a bi-national state, died Sep… - 4 years ago

@EmmaCaril: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@GillStella: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@BobBowker: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@LCedelle: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@JasmineGetz1: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@goldsteinricky: RT @OriNir_APN: One of my favorite Meron Benvenisti quotes: "Jerusalem is like a big barbecue. Jews and Arabs are skewered on it and extrem… - 4 years ago

@goldsteinricky: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@SushilAaron: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@BrotherJDJ3: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@noemie_issan: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@v_lemire: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@paulstpancras: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@threepeaksexp: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@sheikh_haidar: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@Hedonist1982: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@MaysamBehravesh: RT @OriNir_APN: One of my favorite Meron Benvenisti quotes: "Jerusalem is like a big barbecue. Jews and Arabs are skewered on it and extrem… - 4 years ago

@KDugovich: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@mehdirhasan: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@Aymen_Hannibal: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@Allison_Good1: RT @OriNir_APN: One of my favorite Meron Benvenisti quotes: "Jerusalem is like a big barbecue. Jews and Arabs are skewered on it and extrem… - 4 years ago

@barbaraslavin1: RT @OriNir_APN: One of my favorite Meron Benvenisti quotes: "Jerusalem is like a big barbecue. Jews and Arabs are skewered on it and extrem… - 4 years ago

@MarisaElana: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@alaingresh: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@richards1052: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@baudouinloos: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@maxidenaro: RT @ka_levin: Falleció Merón Benvenisti, ex viceintendente de Jerusalén y uno de los referentes ineludibles de la historia y política de es… - 4 years ago

@NoahArbit: RT @OriNir_APN: One of my favorite Meron Benvenisti quotes: "Jerusalem is like a big barbecue. Jews and Arabs are skewered on it and extrem… - 4 years ago

@YousfiHela: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@LaurenKerner: Meron Benvenisti’s book, “Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land since 1948,” was the first text to… - 4 years ago

@FishereEzzedine: RT @haaretzcom: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@Alberto03021962: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@BHPanimalwatch: RT @AsafRonel: Meron Benvenisti died today. For many years, his writing helped me understand the 2-state-illusion. One day he will be reme… - 4 years ago

@DBourdel: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@ferezmanuel: Ha muerto Meron Benvenisti. Figures política importante en el Israel post guerra de 1967, experto en temas relacion… - 4 years ago

@GioBernard: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@abspraragen: RT @OriNir_APN: One of my favorite Meron Benvenisti quotes: "Jerusalem is like a big barbecue. Jews and Arabs are skewered on it and extrem… - 4 years ago

@natansachs: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@RKBtoo: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@mamadsultan: RT @haaretzcom: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@JohnStrawson: Israeli Columnist Meron Benvenisti, Vocal Supporter of Binational State, Dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@DanielSeidemann: RT @haaretzcom: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@haaretzcom: Israeli columnist Meron Benvenisti, vocal supporter of a binational state, dies at 86 - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Meron Benvenisti dies - #MeronBenvenisti #Meron #Benvenisti #rip - 4 years ago

@danielburs: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@AaronMann__: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@janinezacharia: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@kampeas: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@louis_imbert: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@PinkTaxiRunner: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@karlrosko: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@LetsRoc137: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@JO4767: RT @benjbarthe: L'historien et politologue israélien Meron Benvenisti vient de décéder à l'âge de 86 ans. Cet ancien maire adjoint de Jérus… - 4 years ago

@Bene_Pierf: RT @AsafRonel: Meron Benvenisti died today. For many years, his writing helped me understand the 2-state-illusion. One day he will be reme… - 4 years ago

@j_feierstein: RT @DanielSeidemann: How terribly sad. Meron Benvenisti, one of the greatest sons/daughters of Jerusalem, has passed, age 86. A geographer… - 4 years ago

@Aldurzi: RT @OriNir_APN: One of my favorite Meron Benvenisti quotes: "Jerusalem is like a big barbecue. Jews and Arabs are skewered on it and extrem… - 4 years ago

@GershomG: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@ibnkafka: RT @AsafRonel: Meron Benvenisti died today. For many years, his writing helped me understand the 2-state-illusion. One day he will be reme… - 4 years ago

@ibnkafka: RT @GhostsSeeHumans: “It goes without saying that 'cooperation' based on the current power relationship is no more than permanent Israeli d… - 4 years ago

@ibnkafka: RT @OriNir_APN: Mourning the passing of Meron Benvenisti, a larger-than-life figure, an expert on the occupation, a man who taught me a lot… - 4 years ago

@ibnkafka: RT @GhostsSeeHumans: “The day will come when believers in this illusion will realise that "separation" is a means to oppress and dominate,… - 4 years ago

@ibnkafka: RT @OriNir_APN: One of my favorite Meron Benvenisti quotes: "Jerusalem is like a big barbecue. Jews and Arabs are skewered on it and extrem… - 4 years ago

@ibnkafka: RT @Ron_Skolnik: 40 years ago, much earlier than most of his peers in the establishment, Benvenisti understood that the settlement enterpri… - 4 years ago

@LosCharruas: RT @AsafRonel: Meron Benvenisti died today. For many years, his writing helped me understand the 2-state-illusion. One day he will be reme… - 4 years ago

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