Melvin Laird

American politician and writer
Died on Wednesday November 16th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Melvin Laird:

@maxhillier: Melvin Laird, Defense Secretary under Nixon, dead at age 94 - 8 years ago

@JohnStauber: RT @JohnStauber: #Vietnam #WarCriminal #MelvinLaird dies, and #MSM & bipartisan hacks of course praise him. #VietnamWar - 8 years ago

@JohnStauber: #Vietnam #WarCriminal #MelvinLaird dies, and #MSM & bipartisan hacks of course praise him. #VietnamWar - 8 years ago

@deepika0810: RT @JohnStauber: #VietnamWar #WarCriminal #MelvinLaird dies. Family friend, #Nixon, #Kissinger mad bomber of #Vietnam. - 8 years ago


@JohnStauber: #VietnamWar #WarCriminal #MelvinLaird dies. Family friend, #Nixon, #Kissinger mad bomber of #Vietnam. - 8 years ago

@carlptweet: Exemplary Republican Former defense secretary Melvin Laird dies - 8 years ago

@History_Stuff: Nov. 23, 1970 - Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird revealed that a U.S. raid on the North Vietnamese prison camp... - 8 years ago

@TheRealNebris: Melvin Robert “Bom” Laird (September 1, 1922 – November 16, 2016 The son of a bitch lived to fucking 94. - 8 years ago

@EKreitzer: Tell me you didn't think he died 20 years ago: Melvin Laird, Defense Sec Who Challenged Vietnam Policy, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@iamcbs: On This Date: November 23, 1970; Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird discloses the details of the Son Tay raid,... - 8 years ago

@polithist: Melvin Laird, defense secretary under Nixon, has died at 94 - 8 years ago

@Suma4720: RT @eosnos: Mel Laird, Nixon Def Sec, famed as 1 of the few people ever to stall a POTUS order on nuclear weapons, has died. - 8 years ago

@EJKorvette: When this cheer episode first aired, Melvin Laird was still alive. #bobsburgers - 8 years ago

@ndn: Fort Myers resident Melvin Laird, who died last week, helped end Vietnam war and pick vice presidents. - 8 years ago

@TheNewsPress: Former Defense Secretary Melvin Laird influenced the 20th century - 8 years ago

@ALewerMEP: RT @CNNPolitics: Melvin Laird, the former secretary of defense who ended the unpopular military draft, dies at age 94 - 8 years ago

@haveagoodone100: RT @AmbJohnBolton: Melvin Laird was a patriot & great public servant as a congressman & later as Secy of Defense. Condolences to his family… - 8 years ago

@PhilPrange: RT @BobKulp: RIP Melvin R.Laird, a son of Marshfield. I never met Melvin, but certainly have a great deal of respect for... - 8 years ago

@CNNsWorld: Draft-ending former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird dies - 8 years ago

@CNNsWorld: Draft-ending former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird dies - 8 years ago

@CNNsWorld: Draft-ending former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird dies - 8 years ago

@VietProbs: RT @SenJohnMcCain: Those of us who fought & those of us held prisoner in #Vietnam will always have a special place in our hearts for Sec Me… - 8 years ago

@cjdrgg: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@brownieelfdr: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@d_may57: Melvin Laird, the former secretary of defense who ended the unpopular military draft and initiated withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam. - 8 years ago

@joeroyo: Strategy redux...revisiting Melvin Laird. - 8 years ago

@ArtKellermannMD: Former Sec Defense Melvin Laird died on Nov 16. One of his proudest legacies was that he played a key role in founding and building USU. - 8 years ago

@Gramiq: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@AkiPeritz: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@weicheltb: RT @jonathanderson: Marshfield Clinic has a mock office depicting one Melvin Laird had in Washington. Take a video tour here: - 8 years ago

@CNNsWorld: Draft-ending former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird dies - 8 years ago

@farfel54: RT @NYTObits: As defense sec. Melvin Laird ended the draft and reduced American involvement in Vietnam - 8 years ago

@phr5ed: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@TWrightvet2469: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@longislandtonv: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@dancingbeanbob: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@MHHmeyer: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@CeleryCaraway: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@FNLM: Remembering Melvin R. Laird, 1922-2016-- - 8 years ago

@sforslev: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@jtmcinerney: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@KenDixonCT: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@Lynn_Henning: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@nycquinn: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@_Orwell: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@charlescollier: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@DavidCayJ: RT @submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy http… - 8 years ago

@submergingmkt: "Wars are very easy to get into bt they're awfully hard to get out of."--Mel Laird,a guy who drove HKissinger crazy - 8 years ago

@duck464: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@PoliticsArchive: Melvin Laird, who died last week, as Secretary of Defense first to publicize plight of POWs in Vietnam - 8 years ago

@Themith7global: "Melvin Laird—and the slyest bureaucratic move of the Cold War." - 8 years ago

@LookTrueNorth: New Post: Melvin Laird, RIP - 8 years ago

@melvin_gall: @SenJohnMcCain melvin laird came from Marshfield wi not to far,from me and enabled me to transfer to uw when I was,in army.he,was,a,good man - 8 years ago

@CementerioTW: Melvin Robert Laird (1922-2016) Político estadounidense. - 8 years ago

@Pghsheep: RT @AmbJohnBolton: Melvin Laird was a patriot & great public servant as a congressman & later as Secy of Defense. Condolences to his family… - 8 years ago

@burklowj: RT @NIHDirector: Melvin Laird was a staunch supporter of biomedical research funded by #NIH. He will be much missed. - 8 years ago

@WrightLSmith: Defense Secretary Melvin Laird, the father of the All Volunteer Force, passed away this past week at 94 - 8 years ago

@SpudLovr: Recalling Henry Kissinger Quote About Melvin Laird Following Wisconsinite's Death - 8 years ago

@CYNTH9090: Melvin Laird—and the slyest bureaucratic move of the Cold War. - 8 years ago

@CNNsWorld: Draft-ending former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird dies - 8 years ago

@identification3: "This past week, the world lost Melvin Laird, the 94-year-old former Secretary of Defense. You can read about his li… - 8 years ago

@p_phronesis: RT @NIHDirector: Melvin Laird was a staunch supporter of biomedical research funded by #NIH. He will be much missed. - 8 years ago

@katierosenberg: I can't help but think about the relationship Kissinger had with Melvin Laird while watching this interview on Fareed Zakaria's show. - 8 years ago

@PacoGoldman: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@SheilaSmithCFR: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@J_Piekarski: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@transerficon191: RT @AmbJohnBolton: Melvin Laird was a patriot & great public servant as a congressman & later as Secy of Defense. Condolences to his family… - 8 years ago

@4Prina: Former Secretary of Defense "Melvin Laird" dies at 94. - 8 years ago

@FishManwaters: RT @AmbJohnBolton: Melvin Laird was a patriot & great public servant as a congressman & later as Secy of Defense. Condolences to his family… - 8 years ago

@treela_k: RT @AmbJohnBolton: Melvin Laird was a patriot & great public servant as a congressman & later as Secy of Defense. Condolences to his family… - 8 years ago

@RAM_0629: RT @NYTObits: Melvin Laird, Defense Secretary Who Challenged Vietnam Policy, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@markhall: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@themichaelkozak: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@ohthatwright: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@auburnveterans: ICYMI: Former Nixon defense secretary Melvin Laird passed away this week, known for his "vietnamization" policy - 8 years ago

@katz: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@ohlistic: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@richardmskinner: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@garyrobertscott: RT @nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@nxthompson: RIP Melvin Laird, the man who made what I consider the funniest Cold War bureaucratic move. - 8 years ago

@e_j_hayes: RT @NIHDirector: Melvin Laird was a staunch supporter of biomedical research funded by #NIH. He will be much missed. - 8 years ago

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